The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 21, 1898, Image 1
VOL. XIV. LOTH* CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1808 NUMBER 44 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. «iKO. K. BPNrtCHOTKM. ; Editor. aart fi ICO. If OIBM)N, | 1'ublUher* man HArn nil 0 i'aid i> ai*v \■ Entered at the Loup City Poetofflce for trans mlteion through the mAlUi a* necond rlatK matter. Official Taper Sherman County How about tbal dfteen hundred dollar house rent of Gov. Holcombs. Better give him a couple tbouaand for office rent. Don’t be stingy boy*. Some of the disgruntnled demo * orate and free silver republicans of the Ohio legislature are talking of contesting .Senator Hanna's election. The Shelton Clipper bad over a column telling how the street faker, Camanchc McCarthy done the peo ple of that town for a large amount and the Ord Quiz saya that be took about 1100.00 ont of that town. We note with pleasure that II. C. Perkins of the St. Pant Repub lican has received the appointment as postmaster at that place. Broth er Perkins has rendered his party valuable service and the appoint mant is a fitting acknowledgement of sueh services. it IJUW Jt'UH* m 19 IIIUU^IA opillll B U <J Cuba were going to settle their dif ference without any further blood shed. A private telegram to Wash ington confirms the report that Senor Covin, the minister of the interior, has been well received, on his ar rival Lit Havana, it further elates that Spain was sincere in her effort to give autonomy to the island and ■he could not go backword on the step she has taken. W. J. Johnson is making it in teresting for Govenor lioicom b. His arguments, which by the way, are founded upon facts and figures, are met by the populist papers simply jy calling him a liar, rot writer, and y all sseh unbecoming names. But notwithstanding these pretests, these abuses and slanderous ephithets, Mr. Johnson goes right on setting forth tbs fasts as they exist, and the public is getting the full bene fit of his observations. The United State is having made at Betblebam I’a the largest gun that was ever forged, when it is complete it will be six ieet aad two inches in diameior, at the breach and forty nine feet and two inches long. The projec tile which it throws will weigh 2.300 lbs and will travel at the euormous rate of 2,000 feet per second, The range of this death dealer will be ten miles, and the full distance that a ball will go from the gun to the place li siriucs me ground is said to he fifteen miles. From the time the pro jeetile leaves the guu until it I would strike ten miles away, would he less thsu one half minute. There is uw vessel atloat that could with stand the shock of a projectile of this enormous weight and velosity. This gen is larger than the famous Krup guu shipped from Dcmany to the Worlds fair at Chicago. It will weigh when complete liiti tons aud will he placed in New York harhor for the defence of that |>ort, Couutv (tapenutuudcul George l,etiiiuger made this otilua a friendly call last Monday aud suhaeriked lot this ollieiat organ. t> he «cut i . im father of Washington township. Mr. l.vtninger also hruught a •irealar let ter o| • hie it lie has ls<«n ludnsUtous It circulating among the h acto n and sshool h sids of the eoauiy. anil issued by vt H Ja>kso«i, sup't e<la » »tiu*i t< sin lot h r N> hra>* * I . • usslii sets forth the plau for « |u , rsliusal etkihite at Uw Tran* M!»* issippi aud International ssp -sin .« by sou site*, appointing Urn count! (taper latcadeela as ursnageta ul enboota in aach csrnntv, and urgiui ^ teaebera an-f school drains! b »rd» to co upstair tn making the wusly *» hi hit a seewssa It further stale* Iba the Nebraska Statu Commission, at an expense of several thousand dol lars, has liberally provided 10,200 square feet of floor space, toguther with sonliguous wall space, which will he absolutely FitKK to all sch ools of our state supported by tax ation making application before Feb ruary I, 1898. On this date the space will be apportioned among those whose applications arc on file, and each applicant notified of the amount of spate to whitfh bis school is enti tled. Sherman county should be well represented, and Mr. I,elninger figur es that there is no time to lose. Hu per vlion I'rofiiidlnutt Loup City, Jan., 5tli, 1808 Be it remembered that the board of supervisors of Hlierrnan county held persuant to law for the purpose of set tling with the county treasurer. Pres ent: John P. Lenlnger, M. Rewolinski, Lewis Bucbthold, S. N. ftweetland, Hen ry Hunker, Peter MeKeon, Supervisors, and Louis Rein, county clerk. Absent, I, \V. Barnes. The following business wan had and done. The treasurer presented voueheis to the amount «f $39,918.70, which were examined and cancelled by county board; after which county board ad journed this session to J o’clock p. in. January fltb, 1898. Louis.Kicin, County Clerk. Loup City; Jan., 6th, 1808. County board in session, all members present but I. VV. Barnes, County Clerk Louis Rein. ;The official bond of John Min*hcll as County Clerk was examined and on mo Liuii i r»nu i;iuci'i uiMj nii'i i". order in the office of the County Judge, Th» following request of John Min shull was tiled and read, viz. Loup City, Nebraska, Jan., 8th, 1898. To the Honorable, the Board of Super visors of Hli<>rinau county, Nebr. Gentlemen.- 1 hereby request to be al lowed the appointing and the services of a deputy in the county clerk* office for the year 1898, and ask that the sta tutory salary of $700 90 per ami m for such deputy be allowed out of the fee* collected in said clerks office. I also re quest that 1 be allowed the service* of one or more assistants if required, in sald'Office for the year 1808, and that a salary of $47.00 per mouth out of the fees of said clerks office he allowed such assistant, and request that 1 he allowed $200,00 per annum payable quarterly, for services rendered by me as clerk for the comity board of supervisors for the year, 1898. John Minshull, County Clerk. Which request was ou motion granted by the board The official bond of Louis Rein, Deputy countv clerk was examined and apdroved, cndorced thereon by the chairman of the board. The follow ing olllcal bonds were ap proved and endorsed by the chairman of the board to-wit: J. W. Jones,coroner; G. S. Leinln ger, .Superintendent; K. B. Corning, sur veyor; Countv Judge, David Kay appeared before this board and made satisfactory verbal accounting of all public funds and property in his control, his official bond as county judge was examined and on motion approved. The following official bonds of town ship officers were examined and oh mo tion approved: Oak Creek Township, Wenzel Kewotenski Clerk; Ferdinand Scbroll, Assessor; Anton Waslikuwlak Justice; Niels N. Jensen, over eer dlst rlct No 1; .Siwmski, oyerseer dist. No2 Logan township •James W. Johnson, clerk; John Jenz, Assessor; Jacob A!* be’s, overseer drstrict, No ft; John A. Thompson, Justice; County board ad journed to 1.30 p. m. this day. Attest. Louts Rein, County Clerk. THE IT BAN DEBATE. The debate arranged for and giv en ut.der till! Auspices of the Kp worth League of this eity, and which earne off in the opera house last Sat urday evening urns attended by a largo audience and was very inter esting. The question as stated was, "Re solved Uisi '.he United States ought to take action to secure the inde pendence of the Island of Cuba." Judge Wall, born at Furnace, Old England and II. M. Mathew, born at London, England, took the alllrtuative side of the question, and Walter E. Mathews, hern at Walsall, ShaffordsUIre, England, and II. J. Nightingale, born at Briningbam, Warwichshire, England, the nega tive. Mr. Wall opened up the debate with a fifteen minutes speech, in which he pointed out the relation of the United states to Cuba ami at the very outset won the audience In his side of the question, lie was ably follwed by Rev. Matthews, who ueepn miwreaieu ail v. ji n mn sun uug nod convincing argument. H. M. Mathews tiien presented an able argument and statiatie* representing tbe population of Cuba to be only | 1,500,000 as against Spain with a | population of over 17,000,000. ; Mr. Mathew talked until the gavel | rapped and dosed his argument with very impictsive icmaiks. It. J. Nightingale's speck was full of patriotism. He tiauntud the stars and stripes to the breeze and pre sented his side of the question in a very pleasing and instructive man ner. Mr. Wall closed the debate with a master effort of twenty min utes duration. A vote of the audience, taken im mediately after the debate resulted in an overwhelming majority tor the affirmative, 114 to 14. Poultry. The mao who runs the Monitor, Has much to learn, you bet. before I A poet he will make, galore. IBy gore, by gore, by gore, Whoop-ee. The editor of that little Hheet Had better quickly take his seat And wash his dirty, stinking feet. Or skeet, or skeet, or skeet, Whoop-ee. My money back. I want he said. This night before I go to bed. Or by the Gods I'll have his bind, lie's dead, he's dead, he's dead. W-h-oo-p-e-e. Written by the “devil" after much persuasion for a companion piece to the Lltvbtteld Monitor's poetry of last week. Miss Allie Hughs, Norfolk, Va., was fnJtqtfully burned on the face and ueek, Pniu whs instantly relieved by OeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve, which healed the Injury without leaving a scar. It Is the faifiious pile remedy — odeudahl Bros. Financial Statement of I. M. Polski, Treasurer of Sher man county, Nebraska, from July 1st, 1K‘.*7, to January "»th, lsns. __________ •i» 1'i‘lln Tuu* Tviu•» ■ | | noil or r»him», ! I»«n4 ituiiM, nil f«rr«Ml f*rr*«l l»l* bur*. Commit lui Julyl/Vi *4»uw»« f<» From •ioi«« J«n ft. -.ft Hl»Ui III *4 * r:\! 7.1 .1.1*1 41 Ooinlf 4Mb* 17 179ft fti \HK1o «• tU«N> <*> ift PI ,\| iplrt 41 I’ouutjr lnl.r»»l Hoinl tttfc* tfft MU* 41 «H««I ut* 4I99U «* M ftp 1S7M m t »*uulj K«»ftd .i 19ft* 19 ftl 7 'is? lift*M*» Vi 7 ft* |III7 11 (Nnitiljr ll.llrf* 1 9*t» •« SU9 «W 7S4 is 79 W Jffftll It O.uimy Fm»* MM *3 UK P.i 7) im lift j» I Itunijr JutlftWDUl ... 71 9.‘ V 7* ! a 4*7 . „*i» ft St (Wiljr Ml* ft » oIIimi! St M Vi *> |7» |l maaipw U»u»f '■‘ -4 * 1 I* 44971 il.hvK<i 4.14 ft> lutftU *» |«7|-!i ft ft tf«?« ft* lift! ft? 17 ft l JhO*u*.,,| . tuft* w* ft* I* IS 41 l9**» It '»l 1 ft.* ft fch wl M **'** 7i •« » <i» tftV »* Sflft m fft 4**ft «. 1 • <* b*hu. ftbu i • HM V 47ft i ft 47 fti 4 fti «*« «£ >* # SW74 ai »Ufttfki H *»4 . ,. *iw St ftl I *“4ht|. Ife«*»a Mil lift ft% » *f luMi ji r«*»4Mi9|* .i4.a4«tovi»i jp a. • .4 o’, i «* i iii t* u l iiji i* t» %. i : lift «««> m ft» fti I is»i H>.*.a <mm K4 9 i 4:11 *• • 1; sum 0 IftMMfttiMf JftwIgOUNat , *»* 94*4. ten* w» ft ufti *7 «ft Mft%*ft«t4 \ nu«« . * «* t i »* *1 « h VI m« It -M § ti 9*. fti 9 Iftwltlwt* fti 1 t lift ft* .(0 4* 4 ft. 44 ft HImImm I * ft** ft* f l»i ft.* ft (4-; ftl • ! FtHMM s*v I i-i »f Wl t If ft } 4 t ' ; i* 14 4 i i|m t«i mi i ft**ft*9 *4 1 * '4 t* fti 9 j ftMRMl (K4»lt **aft ✓ , i | till '* MHftft It #**4 ft 49 ft* ftp 1991-4 ;?*» |9> 94 ht| 9 lift Mir»oii I i»i* ft*. ***.*»• »l •; * <M4 ! ** M*»| * ** lf» llWmMUf 3^*'*H* \ 1 I <*»« -«-• ■ ** » ftl»* w i>4 % • ft ■%».'» wl M*tl«i**&*, I •*b» §»»*«.( t ««*»> »* I M IMil »»*«*■»»•• •I #**'0».|» »*>«%!>, 0» *•»«* MM H» l«f l l»4 U I.***. I * I *• I *•• *». | V |Vl»i 1111* *•>«*■« **!*.. |H*.J in anil- itkni (M tw M* w* «*M. fit .1*1 .a JwMMdji, I'm# M» V| t * »r i u * •«•*»» % Ml* It !•■•«*» I‘.t» |i ik in Win in ii Ciu= do ns the crowd does and visit the new store of J. PHIL JAEGER, Whore the finest line of general merchandise can be seen and Where anything you want can be HAD AT POCK BOTTOM PRICES. When to buy is controlled by inclanation; where to buy is a puzzling problem—the largest assortment and place for best bargains usually decides it. This store offers something more powerful than mere assortment. It has linked economy with its vast collection, and goods are being sold over our counters at the lowest cash price to the customer in the [iistory of |VIerebandisir)9 ir) [Nebraska. • Are you on to the fact that the common, every day things that you can buy almost any where,is what foots up the biggest in your dry goods buying for a year? Are you buying them right. Are you buying them at this store? We pay as close attention to values in this kind of goods as to the best we have. Wont it pay you to do the same? Our motto in: *V'oht rootiey’n worth or your money returned,” and is fulIQIled in every sale. I Dry goods, groceries, (toots shoes, Hats, Gaps, <'hitinware, (Jitesnsware, Hoar, eta. elo. Id fast a full line of anything you want. We have plenty of careful, painstaking clerks to wait on you. We care even more than you do who shows you goods, and that you should have respectful and considerate attention. Our stock is thoroughly up-to-date in quality and style in every department. Come and make your comparison. With compliments of the season I am Yours Truly, d. PjilL cIAGGei^. SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Prosperity comes quickest to the i man whose liver is in good condition DeWitt's Little Early Kisers are famines little pills for constipation, billions negc, indigestion aud all stomach and liver troubles.- Odendabl Bros. It is easy to catch a cold aud just as easy to get. rid of it if 30U commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, proncbitis pneumon ia and all throat anti imig troubles, it is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure.—Odendabl Brcs. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O , was for thirty yea s needlessly tortured by physcian* for the cure of e/oina lie was quickly cured by using L>>Wftt*s Witch Hazel Salve the fami* ns healing salve for piles and skin diseases. Oden dahl Bros. Mrs. M. B. Ford, KaddellV, 111., suf fered for eight years from diapepsia aud chronic constipation aud was finally cured by using lie Witt's Little Early Kisers, the femious little pills tor all stomach and liver troubles.-Odendidil 13 NOTICE. To W HO It IT MAY COKCBKN: KllUW ) t, that wberee** mj non, < diaries 11 sawyer, now iu •toMiu.iU oownty. Nebraska, I* at this writing a minor, being 19 years old the ‘Jflth day Of IIIHI-Oh 1 -os. I hereby t enon nee mU claim that 1 liavB 01 hi* time, from this d etc until he r»u« tip, fate majority, or U ji year*of age That 1 kivc him lnun I right to transact uny kind of huaiiittui for hluoe f end la In* ova n name. may buy end »ell hue for weg« * end c«ll»« 1 She -an.*, bn a legal party In e» v *•»« tract he may make witii oihei*. Aiid 1 has tie |a no longer under any I obligati n* to me u* a minor, bat !>#•> mv | f ell rou-niti to trau-aei aay aud all beeiiinst a* though he *ui of rul legal age, and lit* our i» .*»*»». t*t« en under iny hand tht* tfii'l day of January ink*. W, * Nutter i>f Sale Vdinlaielialot*. Sale t Meal K 'Ilk*,* liy virtue of an ord* r of lit dt*ii t ,• art of ti tnit in • ••unlf , in ike *tat e of | *«*>«*•*. made at the April, A l» o/l l. rm II e#eof up »n the puttli* a of th* ae if <ier*t*nvd. edu* 1111*1 rai r *»i the e*te%* of J ta lfee J « <!•< ee*«*d ejrufaaS Ml*' II r> » oh* 1**1. widow • «l A'uloi* J M'luimJ laestot awl other*. I eii «**» ike ifed j tier f JlH ury, l« « % p tti .of , oil day, »*tl %t pahlb* \end ie, *t <e« l| fiidh tif lb# n»tVt Iim to. 1 * * he »' 1 <«*• of » top 1 Hi. m «* I » .only 1 * 1 1 • titwiii *>i »eal eelale iint ti* iw ^Hfntoi , oii<ti« enu efaieol S*>f**l* l« » * 4*i i ! tee iet«*«et «•# »a« \«b** d « ♦** •lAAl 4«> <Htr i * •* * 1*1 The Meet Sell J ..f ilk* u Ote * «e‘ uenrta* be * Hi* »• • < ,e«tl* MftfetlittHtl *Mi 4«4ft*i *«* ’** | u»n Yt **d <»> o - «Sh w**4 >(«%» nr rtf tft« 1 t •lfe*«*l »r»k*l4* *d I* j V^ra • <f **>* »♦»* laird 1 a « mb d IM I iitt*ha> . uuive !**»« o ei t<***s-*»* i **h ' ,||l« |*|.| *a « Mt i In*' t«M** an • I In bMfo #*4N ft *»u the of Ant* : -taut d-wiekte** fMMISN*sa*a draw twreet at *>-* * ym* t»;.»«vta?*u^ «*»* tke a**-' * aud no nu 1 >o|» - k* bn ‘d’W »f*» sate b * eafll 4* i a»d e»*«tewMI *1 ■ 4 - e yeasts < -elml *».♦ Htt*tf*ld»n fcd .Inane* t MUM j %v t»S 11 rib^ - 1 . >«i«J (r««; at»d Trees and Plants. GENERAL ASSORTMENT. OF NURSERY STOCK of BEST varieties for Nebraska, Largest assortment of small Traits in the state. Millions of Stiawberrlesand Raspberries. Plants at wholesale and retell. Our plants have ueee irrigated when heading It. therefore very thrifty and deeprooted. Have double valae over those slanted and starved by drouth. Hay the beet near home, preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or ex press from eastern points. Write for price Hat to NORTH BRND lUltSlUl, North Bend, DudgeCo., Neb. - To give our subscribers an opportunity 1 to test tlieir famous seed*. Messrs. May 1 A Co, the well known seed growers of Sr. Paul. Minnesota, whose order of 01 e million Packets of Nteifs te«te«f over «• per cent pure (Government Report) will mall seventeen trial Paekels of choice varieties of Flower seeds to any of oar readers seudiug to them only ten cents in silver or stamps. This I* their Ulant Collection, and consists of one Packet each Asters. Mignonette, At tlrrhluum, Pinks. Poppies. Alyesutn. Zinnias. Nl gells 'indent. Pansy. Calendula. Petu nias, Sweet William- Porlulaca, Hweet peas < illlopsls, and Candytuft On each Packet will lie printed full eutiurel in -•ructions t hey w|l| also seud lo any Hardener or Farmer one Package ul li e»r Extra Early Tree Tomato on race Ip* of six cents ta si imps Their band •itiinU l|lu*tial*4 Catalogue will tit matted free «>n applied'I' n, in any mm wf,,, ndt inls to pur, base Weeds Plant* oi Holts* thl* -pimg H* *ure and tssail'M e i paper when writing Mat A Css t he piogr'raise is lo-* of t% eetgei4 in,I l. on d « t\ omen * R,li|0'o * of ths b v-tdi .l Vows, tieaslng date of Ap«t 4r l»Wi I ue pap*« I-Biied o Hb maltei »f interest to evens, sml we setiss tbs t-t »etwg from a r- ' tvsymedei't. sklsl i.i oiliuM | tinted in- ns* ibat li t«' *s* uyea a metisr of a Hat tiop sdivi »e the it -ex 1 be hast remedy for , "nop r«ist end hi on* hi 11* ibei I bass » o *hie Hod ta > basher t<,iw'» • nugl ti-tn- di lo taurlty w* itk*i s«r>isd I gt-dls lev-wtu*esl It, * HI end AH 'ess) isiiitn lot *ele by • • tsudsbi Hr- * WANTED Agent. Both Men and Women. If yon are willing to work, we ean give yoa employment with GOOD PAY. and you ean work all or part of tbo time, and at home or traveling. The work Is light and easy. Write at onoe for terms, etc., to The Hawks Huh*key Comhany. Milwaukee, Wia. Tetter, Salt-Kheum and Ecxema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases huve been |>ermanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitea and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta. per box. Ur. Cady’s Condition Powder*, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not food but medicine and the best in use topnt a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or eomuion glass wltk ui me sud let it stand twenty four hoars; a svdliiD lit nr settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it la evidence of kid ney trouble Two freqeent ieeire to urinate or pain tn the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are nut of order. WHAT TO DO. There i- coni tort In the knowledge *o often expressed, lit it I If KilntSf** hwatnp Knot, the great kidney remedy fulfill* every w l-li lit re’leviug pwm In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder end every par' at the urinary '«m«. It eorrecu inability to urinate and icAid ing pain tu cue-tug if, uf bad streets fotloaing im* liquor wine or beer, vi. I ..irH'uiw that etipieseaat nevesa ity of being compelled fe get ap maay I lilo** during the night In urtnste This I mild and ih* eitnoordisary efieet of | Sw amp U'l.u ta soon realised It stands itie highest for t* wonderful curse uf I ih« most it1s!r**siiig loan If fee need • n mliv lee you should base the best an id by* prtee fifty sent* end <|. i «i 1 .a mio hats s sample I km- and | bam btel bath sent flee hv mall y|*Mi,..u the v aiiaiutM aed nv<l y—ur adir-es to Ik hi invar \ (M,y It V rne pro |.iism of lit- paper gearsntee It* g**n ] uinewns* of this offer ” Whealel,”- Ih* N*w ilrvakraal I oud ikmiwcm all.