The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 07, 1898, Image 1

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The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TERMS- $1.60 per Tear, II Paid in Advance
■aUrsd at tha I.onp City I’ovtufllra for lraa»
■laalnn throafh tha inalU at taooad*
alaaa matur.
The New Firm.
This week we present the Lou I*
City Northwestern to onr readers
under a new firm name, that of
Buasobeter & Gibson, the present
editor Geo. J£. Bensehotcr and Geo
II. Gibson having associated them
selves togatner as editors and pub
lishers. With the beginning of the
New year we propose to materially
improve iho plant, devoting more
■pace to our home news, and estab
lishing a bureau of news correspon
dence iu different parts of the county
Of coruse it will take a few weeks
and additional expense to get this
system inaugurated, but we will
bring it about as soon as possible.
Mr. Gibson like ourself lias had large
experience in the business, is a hust
ler, and his services will mater
* tally improve the paper in every
mu win aiso give npcciui aiioiiuu
our job department, baring just put
in a fine line of stationery, and are
in every respect prepared to do work
in the job line witb neatness and dis
patch, and at lowest possible figures.
We wish to say to our friends and
patrons at this lime that we are in
deed thankful for their liberal sup
port in years gone by, and especially
through the long years of drouth and
general depreesion. Many times the
paper was like other lines of business
not what it ought to have been, but
the difficulties have been abridged
through the most ridged strokes of
However in this new year of 181»8,
with the assurance of better times
.ml witb the able assistance of Mr.
Gibson, we hope to merit a full share
of the public patronage, and shall
put forth our best endeavors to pub
lish a paper, that will wel 1 represent
Sherman county, and her citizens and
merit the endowment ot all. With
News Years Greetings I am
Very Truly Yours,
Geo. E. Benbchoter.
In speaking of my qualifications
the above seems to us to be a little
thick, but tbeu western editors are
allowd considerable latitude.
G. H. Gibson
--a. -
Our attention has been called to
an error made in our issue of two
weeks ago, when we stated that the
Ludies Aid society was to b? credited
with having seen to it that there
were several poor but deserving fami
lies iu town who had good Christmas
dinners. We have since learned that
it was the work of the members of
the Kpworth League, and uot the Aid
society who are to be credited with
Hus charitable work. This paper
stands ever ready to make cor rent ions
aud extend thanks to all who prompt
ly iufoitn us of any errors that may I
appear. The Kpworth League in this,
city is gradually growing in inteiesl
ami membership aud iis influence,
for good is already assuming large
We are tu tec* pi ul a letter asking
us to write "our congressman' iu
regard to a matter of local interest
Knowing ihe miter to be sincere ami
to bead utf Other deluded people Wf
take this method of announcing that
the big stilt sixth is "tlo on cong
tessuteu We base m< i Mgrssamtn
amt never had one h>m drew the
■ dial l for a couple ot tut *us, but a is
too i»«omt«eieul to do am thing if he
I mid Hill gleeu swept this iltstrn t
lilte the h*>g cholera last rhilinv, liui
when i lUigr* ** >»■<’* ha na>biahte*llt
hae a hols is Ihe ground that h* g > • i
Into ami pulls the In I* in after him
a* he ta aetet In »nl In n tgns until
pops start nut ><u their annuel trip !*• i
•rsdeem Vt*r»*ss It rite ti*r«|i«
N«ffml fiOup City IkhIkci Tr**at Their
Fttmlllen and > rI«• ti«i« to Hunqiiet.
Loup City Camp No tiliti M. \V.
A. held a public installation of otli
cers Tuesday evening, January 4th
in their hall. The affair was of a
very enjoyable social character. The
large hall, was filled toils utmost ca
pacity, even to crowding, by the fam
ilies and friends of the Woodmen.
The following officers were duly in
stalled with impressive ceremonies,
by G. H. Gibson Past Von. Con.:
Venerable Consul, J. L. Hopper;
Worthy Advisor, I. M. Polski;
Exeellant Hanker, J. I. Depew;
Clerk, J, McCoy; Escort, 'V’. J.
Fisher; Watchman, W. II. Conger;
Sentry, John Lofholru; Manager,
Adam Scbaupp. After the ceremo
nies of instillation an address of
welcome was delivered by G. H. Gib
son, largely of a historical character
relating to beneficiary organizations.
There followed a vary interesting
address by Mrs. If. M. Chidester.
Her remarks were made in the inter
est, and on behalf of the Itoyal Neigh
bors. she dwelt largely upon the
necessities of the protection of the
home, uDd argued that the burden
lay equally upon the husband and
the wife. Her efforts for the even
nig ir«um;n in u a*u iijt;icul ij .1 ui ijuj ui
names to institute a camp,of lloyal
Neighbors in Loup City’. Mrs. Chi'des
ter is u very interesting Lady, and
was listened to with careful attention.
The work of the evening closed and
now comes the rattle of dishes, the
rapid rush of Woodmen’ wives, about
tbe tables, spreading tbe elotb, and
laying t he plate, and in shorter space
of time liinu it can be written the
tables were fairly groaning with the
good things that so strongly appeal to
the stomach of a healthy Woodman.
One hundred plates were laid and the
tables were three times filled. Rut
all good things come to an end at
last, and we reluctantly vacated our
plates at the tables. While we were
to full for utterance yet we still look
ed with longing eyes at the great
piles of good things still left which
we were unable to absorb After sup
per the young folks danced for
several hours and all went borne
feeling that it was good to have
been there M oral. If you are not a
■‘Woodman go straightway and be
adpted at once, See!
The Odd Fellows Lodge of this
City installed their newly elected
otfieers last Wednesday evening
whieL occasiou was attended by a
jolly set of the members of the order
with their families and a few iuvitad
guests. The writer being among
t ii/tuo nrli/\ aiitnnnan/] tint BN M/./ti^n/l t n iva
-- --—.r
can testify to the fact that all went
through without a jar, even the oyster
supper which followed the instilation
exercise. There were eight members
i»f the Arcadia lodge present,namely :
K. S. Fuller, P. P Duryea, A D.
Duryea, .Jens Matson, I). () Fran/.en,
Philip King, W. Framer, and A.
Duryea, The installing otHcer* were
F. Fuller, as (J. M. and I* P Dur
yea, U. Mar. The new officers which
were Installed were: \V. T. Paper,
N. U, (\ l. Prak., V. C; II till,
sun, sec (J. \V. Hunter, Treasurer,
slid 1,. A. Williams, W
I'he supper was prepared to a>|Ueen»
taste and there were lots of oysters
left even after we had got all we
Friendship l.odge No in, P of H
installed officers for the ensuing
l.oin last night, w* follow. Mr* It
Multek, l‘ V or II Mrs K Hale,
r of II Ml. M p.dler, ' ..I II
Mrs V tMendaii), I*. of t* Mrs I.
lli4.s>tuK see Mis M t Hunter,
lie*' li VI Hunter, Fin Mrs A
Heehtknhl, I John M.ioye, I \\
W II M ins, tl \V
For the iiin* tn ike history of
III# hihttfi ih t I Ilk# (u
uf A ritW
I* ut (Nh *1
U» «** Iff H Filttl l«f 4*1
stamps, comemoratire of the holding
of tin; Trans-Mississippi anil Interna
tional Kxpositional at Omaha in isys.
Tlie stamps will be issued in ilenomi
nations of I-cent. 2-cent, j cent, 10
cent, and Jfl. making it possable for
the public to use these stninps on all
outgoing foreign as well as domestic
mail matter anil packets ot mereliar*
disc. In the United Slates there me
70,(100 post offlees, so that the wide
spread circulation of these special
stamps suggestive of the Trans Miss
issippi and International Kxposilion,
will be readily attained. The issue
lends the Kxposilion the picstigu of
government recognition and support.
.Miss Allle Hughs, Norfolk, Va,, was
fnlfqtfully burned ori the face and neek,
I'aiii was Instantly relieved by HoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the
Injury without leaving a scar. It Is the
factious pile remedy Odendabl Bios.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O , says,
after two doctors gave up my boy to
die. I saved him fiotn croup by using
One Minute i-'oitgh Cure." It is tbs
quickset and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles, Odendabl Bros.
Prosperity comes quickest to the
man whose liver Is in good condition,
lie Witt's Little Karly Kiser* are famiou* ,
little pills for constipation, billions I
ness, indigestion and all stomach and
liver troubles. Odendabl Bros.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as |
easy to get rid of It if you commence (
early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It
cures coughs, colds, pronchitis pneumon
ia and all throat and lung troubles. It
Is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure
to cure. Odendahl Bros,
A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O, was
for thirty yea s needlessly tortured hy
physcians for tins cure of ezetna lie
was quickly cured hy using lteWItt's
Witch Hazel halve flic fatnious healing
salve for piles and skiu diseases. Oden
da hi Bros.
Mrs. M. It. Ford, Kuddtfil’s, 111., suf
fered for eight years tram dispepsia
uud chronic constipation and was Anally
cured hy icing DeWiti.'s Kittle Early
Kisers, the fatnious little .pills for all
stomach aud liver troubles. Odendahl B.
How to Vtevent F lie union I a.
At this time of the year a cold is very
easily contracted, and if left to run its
course without the aid of some reliable
cougli medicine is liable to result in
that dread tlisease pneumonia. Wo
know of no better remedy to cure, a
cougit or cold than Ohrmberlaln'i
Cough ltemedy. We have used it
extensively and it has always given en
tire satisfaction Olagab, Ind. Ter.
Chief. This is trie only remedy that is
known to he a certain preventative of
pneumonia. Among many thousands
w ho have used it for colds and la grippe
we have never yet learned of a single
rase having resulted in pneumonia.
Persons having weak lungs or have
reason to fear an attack of pneumonia,
should keep the remedy at hand. The
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale try Oden
dahl Bros.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble Two frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the hack, is also con
vincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder arc out of order.
WHAT to no.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that I>r. Kilmer's
Swamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
si... i... .1, i _
♦•very part of the urinary passage. It
corrects inability to urinate and Scald
ing pain in passing it. or bad effect*
following use «»f liquor, wine or beer*
and overcomes that tin pleasant necess
ity <»f being compelled to get up many
times during the night to urinate. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp Hoot is Soon realized. It stands
the highest for its wonderful cures <»f
the most distressing eases, if you need
a if edkdne you should have the best
Sold by druggists price flfty cents and
one dollar You may have a sample
bottle ami phatn liiet both -••ill free
b uiai! Men|ion the Noktiiw rstickn
and send your addre-* t<» lit. Klim*r
A i *o * It.ngl. Milton, Y Y The pro
prte or of this paper guarantee the gen
UillcoeK* of this offer.
Not ic«* ul am#.
Vdtntniatratofe, sat* > f Knl
liy virtue uf mt order of the (Si«tro*ft i
e*»urt **l Sherman toyuty, o» the »tnt*» *»f j
Neiira*-a made at the AtaV, A l» • *t
I* rut thetowf upon ll*e of tio> a*
deralgned sdn>. ii)»ir4t. »r *»t lit* »*t4l> of
t»*hr» J CmoUbl, tltH Usns! «^«lit*t Ms- }
ry I'tMMtnst. widow uf V»«ti«H* J ♦ ;
<1 tu’*as«*d is«t utlivo, I sill »u* the <0»d
♦lav <fJanuary. I # *t ^ o«b«eh j. mi uf !
•aid >i«>, «**ll •! league, at the’
south to»*r o| the ut«»* house. *»* the % It, j
1*4 «* wt I City* In an I * ouat \ > t ahet' |
ii.*4 * s >i.etag|
(Im’itiaM t*al. *tet**, sit hate >t< ahett4«*tM *
t >i>ihIi a tot elate * f X*- to 414 4. to a it |(( |
th« latere** **1 the **»d tadrew J ( > ♦
it ♦l*o ■ uM, t ♦ a«4 u» « the a rat half!
of m. t.i.ll* •*«! •|U4tt»r, 'he eouth a.**4 I
M*«d»r of the aslit r*U ♦inaftev of **# 1
t|o*» i and the snath west i iitrlo of itt«
O.uth east uuar»**r lu* . o. m |o«u
•hits Mi* iirtidM of tsn#e **d
ImMoS •ate »• *. |»»i«d m «.a-U of It#
pu»‘ h *»-■ U* * lM m .1 at U » lime of »0k4
i« tss y*a*«i i*an tb« date **i ««• h
•ate y-*$m«*H* * to d* • a t.a
t«»«*t at the tide ul nivvs t** eeat tier
amiww, end t«* *0 ai<vHfset tey astfe* Vtilth
Sewetgmiga ♦»« the surety taste e»»hl on *»*h* .
!«♦ * i* ,» |U|, *t*»J#e**d a -d ^
t»o .
ki«4 mu * H .s SHI da of *»4*ae»y, >«sa
J V nk tUkky Umisui. *m
of the »a* *te of tadt*ra J t oa«ta4t .fa
•ease t rwiM if
_ iii Cii! — • •
do as the crowd does and visit the new store of
Where the finest line of general merchandise can he seen and
Where anything you want can be
When to buy is controlled by inclanation; where to buy is
a puzzling problem—the largest assortment and place for best
bargains usually decides it. This store offers something more
powerful than mere assortment. It has linked economy with
ils vast collection, and goods are being sold over our counters
< at the lowest cash price to the customer in the
flistory of |VIerebapdisipy ip INebras^a.
Are you on to the fact that the common, every day things
that you can buy almost any where,is what foots up the biggest
in your 11ry goods buying for a year? Are you buying them
right. Are you buying them at this store? Wo pay as elose
attention to values in this kind of goods as to the best we have.
Wont it pay you to do the same?
Our motto is: ■•Your money worth or your bry goods, groceries, hoots shoes, Hsts, Caps,
, ,, . , .. , , Chinawnrc, Queensware, flour, etc. etc. In fact a
1 ont;y returned, and is lullfille...very sale. fu„ ,j,„. ()f anytblug you want.
We have plenty of careful, painstaking clerks to wait
on you. We . are even more than you do who shows you
goods, and that you should have respectful and considerate
Our stock is thoroughly up-to-date in quality and style in
i very department. Come and make your comparison.
With compliments of the; season I am Yours Truly,
Trees anil Plants.
of liBST varieties tor Nebraska. Large*
assortment of small trait* in the stale
M ill ions of strawberries and Raspberries
Plants at wholesale and retail.
Our plants have been irrigated whei
needing it. therefore very ihrlfty am
deeprootcd Have double vs lee* ove
those stunted and starved by droulh
liny r he best near home, preventing Lh
by delay and saving extra fr« ght or ex
prats from eastern points.
\V nto for price list to
North Rend, Dodge Co., Nab.
WOMEN used
Y¥ to think "to
rn a lo diseases "
could o n 1 y be
treated eiter "lo
c a I esamlna
tlons" by physi
cians. Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modest women
silent about their
suffering. Theln
_ troductlon of
Wins of Cardul has now demon
strated that nine-tenths of ell the
cases ol menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention
at all. The simple, pure
taken In the privacy ef a woman's
o«n home Insures quick relist end
speedy cure. Women need net
lunsh now. Wine ef Cardul re
Sq - s no himl... rg esamlna
traits let |k •lepMon. Tt cure* any I
d.usate that names under the heed I
st ‘female trouble*"— dieerdarad
m*n*ea» tolling ef the worn*,
“wtuns." eaanfe of Ufa. tl makes
■ % turn heaunfot t t making litem
Well. It keeps It *m young by
kcsplng them bsshky Jl JO*l
the dr ug stars.
■ ^4# l>b tii>»n b 4#<| pdiblhf
I t*"* ** * - v* ■■**%
I tfc-4 p 4 *V*. ***** *f l "***»* m.
114 T '•« C*e * ,* W*- . 4#C*-. t ♦*»•♦
» L khsstok, ■ k.. Cary, Mias., tap*
‘t wee •>*«»♦ Car Out estseetsery te
*t s*•**.•»» 4 e*n»t meet so tainted
p* «r*»w—« M fee, tte treeSiies. '
I <<mj) (fjity L(olIyi? Milip.
Wheat tlour, Wheat grahun, Rye flour, Rye Graham, VVheat grit/,
Fine meal and feed, which wc always keep on hand.
We have lately made 'ihangeti in our mill which has greatly im
proved our flour, and are now turning out flour equal tw any on the
market. Try our NEW BRAND, “KITCHEN G1JKEN.” It is a leader.
After using it you wilt hare no other Wo do not hare to warrant
it. It speaks for itself But if you should happen to get a poor sack
we will esteem it a favor if you return it and get another, for you kuow
tiiat any mill is liable to get a poor sack mixed in with a better grade in
making tin! differoii' grades. Be loyal. Patronise home industry.
l». O l>OK A lp CULL1CY,
Vice President Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50 .001.
(<oene «mi luiyru.*l luai M MINI pet oeet Bat OoMpeaf sni bMtaaai
«• be ted In It* MM
t’«»e**eM>» <*«**■ > Lmuism. >*Wommj beat New Y»rt (Say. fd OmM
«<l S«s» IMteeMM NaeuMMbM
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