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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1897)
For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb The Northwestern ’UBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY at the county seat. (ISO k. BEHBCIIoTion. Editor and Publtuher. TERMS- tt 50 per Tear, it Paid in Advanea ■stored at the Long City Foetoflice for treae —i»«c— through the tnalla >■ aecoad •lua natter. Lioaal Daws. Butterick patterns at I’iigcr’s E. A. Draper relumed from Kavenna Wednesday. Skates! The Klipper Klub are the beat. At Watklnson'*. For corn ahellers or feed grindersj call on T. M. Keed. Fine linea razors for prisenta at1 Watkinsons. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Dr. Sum ner Davis, Grand Islund. Joe Prleas sprained his wrist hand ling a cake of Ice yesterday. S. Sweetland was in town last week looking for Snrua Claus’ headquarters. One Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That’s what you want. —Odendahl Bros. J. B. Mowcry, of Washington town ship was doing business at tbe county eeut Wednesday, G . 11. Gibson, returned last Saturday evening from a business trip in the east part of the state. Waiter Horrenson, the popular ton sorial of Arcadia made this olllce a friendly call Wednesday. “Kitchen Queen” is the leading (lour to make cakes, pies and bread for Christmas dinner. Try a sack. I)r. Humner Davis, Grand Island Speci alist in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Examination for glasses. Remember you must pay up all your back supacrlption and one year in ad vance to get the one dollar rate. We are pleased to see Jas. Harnett on our streets again. He lias just re covered from a long spell of sickness. If you want washing machines, clothes wringers or anything in the hardware line call on T. M. Reed Rev. Matthews, delivered a very in teresting sermen last Sunday evening on the subject of A lesson from the year 1807.” The Christmas tree and entertain ment at the Baptist church is spoken of as a very pleasant and successful undertaking. The Ladies Aid Society are to be credited with the good woik of seeing to it, that some poor, yet very deserv ing families were provided with a good Christmas dinner. Have you seen the new bread made from the Loup Citv Roller Mills new brand of flour, “Kitchen Queen?” It is simply out of sight, or will be soon as It geta on the table. E. A. Brown of the Tiracs-lndepend ent has concluded to let the primary school children ring the bells, es pecially since Miss Hutton convinced him that he did’nt know what he was writing about. The editor has resolved to quit smok ing with the beginning of the new year and the first one that catches us smok ing during that period will be entitled to one years subscription to tbis paper by reporting the fact to our contem porary . Wui. Criss done his last job of thresh ing for the season tbis week. It was his own wheat. Mr. Criss has done re markably well with ilia new thresher this year, having been able to keep up all expenses of operating it and to make first payment of 9000.00. The ladies of tha <■. A. K will bold nu instillation meeting of circle officers at their hall on Saturday even ing, Juuuary 8th. Members ot I'o-t and of Circle w itli their famlli a are cor rlially invited. Supper will b“ served after the instalation exercises and those who eau are requested to bring basket. The opera bouse wa- well Mil last Friday evening and the Christmas tree was well leaded and afforded i great deal of pleasure for both young and old. It w:t» M r largest < iirlstmas gath ering had lu re for sottm years 'i or entertainment by tlo- tittle > «■ <> tin M i., tviinday School » as g aid and manner in which it w a* cal m d < ,,( it fieetetl credit on the ehddren and management The twenty -liltl» wedding ai.nivrt str\ ot Mr. and Mr - lewis H-. I,;, w Very pWn*»M ceivtifatrd last < hri»t , mas evening 4 large e «ath*f * f titends were present Mr an«l Mrs ilsthlhold were tree recipients ».| many ns*-,'ai ansi until presents I' last .\u«i ins i s i shc w shes them many letatM s) t krlttsia* greet i n. • Aw A*two*as editwr. In reading that • inn tag lady in View \u«* «ua«ts brrpl wtib per glwss OH indulged fir «be Mlowing n»dl>s, |l la *s d tbat a Hew \ nr4 got kneads knot mita bet gkoaea wo. t,»n* that is »» new* tw ns We nsesi krtv I witty sat b.. M UM we neesl bt. I Wtib *nt pawls wo, and If Ibowe rskrtfliistt Sts n> .4 rn Sites. S dam's pay wp p#»M» **»•<» IS nlt| need anything at Iv Loup City. Neb., Poe., “9th 1*97. | To the Editor Northwestern. Pear sir.—Though I happened to be almost a stranger here, and can never hope to become a permanent resident, yet I would like to do all 1 can for the town, little though it may be. And so l have been ask ing myself, over and over again, till at last I decided to crave your in dulgence, and through your columns , ask the public iwy question; which t is: “Has Loup City enough public spirit to start a reading room.” A room where the young people might come and read current events, where innocent games might In* played at intervals, where debates might he held on matters of local, and of more than local interest. Where a House of Representatives might bold their sessions, patterning after that at 'Washington. We could eastly have athletics, In structions could be given by differ ent ones to our young people, on what to read as a beginning in cer tain courses of study. Lectures to young men only, and to young women only; these with ruauy other things we could arrange for. As to control, well of course 1 would like to see the Churches plural please manage this, if Hint were possible. Ah to ways uml means; why, cer tainly it will cost money, ami we! will have to find it. Ami it will l»e: haul work to get the mom y ii' we I area set of imau-spi'ited or ignor ant people. Jflit if we are not eat en up witii selfishness the needed funds ean be easily secured. I have much more that I might say, hut I wait to see if the public have any general interest in the future of the boys and girls. Thanking you in anticipation for your kindness in publishing this as well as for your untiring kindness in the past 1 remain Very greatfully Yours, Walter K. Matthews. DIED—Mrs. Ilatliu Shrove, of Web ster township, tlds county, died lust Wednesday morning ai. 2 o'clock, l>ec. 29, 1897, after a prolonged sickness of over a year. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church m this city yesterday Key. Matthews officiat ing. The burial was conducted under the auspices of the M. W. A. camp of which Mr Shrove is a hi mher. Mrs. Shrove leaves a husband and a child eighteen months old to mourn her loss. Clear Creek ftew*. Plenty of mud and poor roads. Will Thomas came home to spend the Holidays. Tommy Heslop is here for a few days. Two sons of Janies Slote arc in south west Colorado. Others of our citizens are on the eve of starting. Joe Nother pulled out for the west again last week He lost his mustnch and came near loosing his eye sight by using powder to clean a chimney. .lames Gray is selling horses, lie says theie is a good demand for good horses. Recorder. Church .Nutlet. There will be preaching at the Bap tist Church next Sunday both morning and evening. At 0:10 in the evening the young people will hold a roll-call j meeting for the new year. “Come thou with u* and we will do you good." A. H. Siiatti ck, 1’astor. WOOMKXS UKE.ET1NG On Tuesday, evening, January Itli, ltfttU the Loup City Camp No. 019, M \V. A„ will give a public iustalatiou of officers to the wives and families of its members. Mrs t b. b *ter. < f Aurora will be present and address the ladte ln view 01 o'gaiiUing a Camp of ftoj-i! Neighbor* at lhl» place. Tin ir will b - topper and dam • to i . vv Let »M t ome out and bate a good time M. I'. h Ki*rtlrr, **•**»«!• J411U »ry ^t. I :*UH v* at** By Ut l*i*> ■ 4,fV I*-, j* sittw ' IV ttiv M t -v* I fa !.*• y W ►. vivrtmt* k'\> * J m %• V # p*’ * <* *» li I. IV M-* :■« ! » • Michae' H’izork <«f Rocky W* town •hip w as a inu i y * at visitor yerter day. Mike repous having hail a pro* perm* year farming From tlie pro ceeds of his farm this fail lm has paid «>ft' a 91,000 00 mortgage besides other debts and has about <10 head of hogs, some cows and a dozen nice year ling calves It fr.. lie also a years feed, seed and provision* ou hand. By till* we are forcibly reminded «t the j free silver circulu s sent out by the pops and headed; * ‘Does Farming I’ay" I and then went on and quoted democrat- j ic pi ice- to prove that it does not. “It D’nt any uae of talking,’’ -ays Mike; Give me McKinley prices and good helth and half a chance, and 1 II show j ’em vbetuer 1 can make farming pay ■ or not.” By the wav, Mike paid about j 900.00 taxes litis year, he also made ns I a pleasant call, squared up for nearly * two years subscription and ha I quite ; a handful of change left, Mr U. M. Dixon, a well known ! merchant of pleasant Ridge, Fulton <’o. I Pa., has a little girl who is frequently l threatened v;ith croup, but, when tbel first symptoms appear, his wife give her | < hni.iberlaiii's < lough Remedy, which I always affords prompt r lief. The go and nO cent size* for sale by OdctuJ.ihl Brothers. After hearing some friends continu ally prai-lng t ha nin e aid's < ’olio <Ihol- j era and Diarrhoea Remedy,Gums J’-cU of Anaheim, Gal., pureha.-ed a bottle of ( It for his own use and is now asenthur- i iastlc over its wonderi'ul work a- any one can he. The ‘J'> and 50 cent sizes for sale v O.h oduhl Bros. Mr*. Maty Bird, I lari i-hurg. l’a., says j "My cliild i* a-utii million* to me; yi t I I would have hi*t; her by croup hail 1 no; luv> sled t sentydive cents in a bo- j i !<• i in ■ .miiiiid- ' ;m:;;n < an e. 11. cures foi!-/"-, coal- mid :.ll throat ami I mm 11. ■ ■ i - >; i (i ulaal Urns. 11 aw It* J'ivvi-ii i’nsilinuiila. At tin* time of tie vara until is very ! easily contracted, .d if left to run its : eo'ir.--- without S:ic Id < 1’ -nine rentable j cough medicine 1 lUbh- t<> resulr mi . that dread di.'-i a.'; | m-iim ,nia. Wo know of no better h rneilv to cure at cough or coid than (.dsiiiibe-rlain'a thing U Remedy. VYo have used it extensively and it t.m always given en tire suti-i ictiuu. (J again Inti. Ter. Chief, 'fills is me only remedy that is known to in-a cerium preventative of pneumonia, Among many thousands Who have used it I--r colds and ia grippe we have never yet. lent tied of i: single case having resulted in pneumonia, i’ersuns having weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep tin- remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Oden dabi Hros. HOW TO FIND OFT Fill a bottle or common glu-s with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sei'.iiii'nt or settling indicate, an un healthy condition of the kilim-, When urine stains linen it f evidence of kid ney trouble Tv.o frequent, lesire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. what To DO. There is comfort in tin- know! »dge mi otten expressed, that. I»r. Kilmm' Swump-Koot, the great kidney remedy fultills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ol the urinary passage. It corrects inability to urinate and icald ing pain in-passing it, or hud effects follow ing use of* liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necess ity of being compelled to get u|i many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root, is soon realized It stand* the highest for its wonderful cures of! the most distressing cases. If you need a trediclne you should have the best Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pham diet both sent free by mail. Mention the North wkstkrn . anu senct yout aunress to nr, luiiinr & Oo., Binghamton, N. Y The pro prie or of this paper guarantee the gen uineness of this offer. Miss Allie Hugh.-, Norfolk, Yu., was fi irtqtfully burned on Hie face and nook. I’ain u ts instantly relieved by lo'Witt's Witch Haz'd Salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It Is the laiuiutis |dle remedy - Odendalil Bros. Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Hiilg.*, O . says, . Her two doctors gave up my hoy to die, I «aved him ftom croup by using One Minute t ough Cure." It is the i|Uiei.e-t :u I mo-l„ect t a I a n tlietlv for, cut.gli«. colds :.ud ail throat un i lung i troubles OUendahl lire. I'ro-i't i'itv comes nuicktmr to the I man w hose liver i- in good condition. In Wit!'* I.lttlc Karlv H ■<- are f tutiea,* little pill- for ('>'!->!, arion Milton* to - , i T e.t.’ot! ,:id ail -totinioti utul livof it O'H’jiilahl (iro^ i lip !l tii I 'ivwit shops for lmlios, misses. mon ami bov.« KiHitMiS f..r th» ir wear* in r -it! i1.!it * isnl I;* far ^;j|r at Pllirf'l V Attain --- W tit llU. GRAIN at A*ht.*tt, S« h,ui|*5* »*r <, - *i*f >**uf HOGS at t it\ or ««>l all >tn tb# W«i COAL at * stv »*» V»M a ‘ »** t • •••»■« b* i a ■■■-* bat t*>a» m*al *«< bim RED FIGURE SALE AT - -• • - — CHAS. GASTEYERS. E sl. tl FA 1st, li '. ^ Everything you see in our store IMAGED IP PED FI<5UPES • .... .i you can rest assured is indeed a bargain. many things will go at cost and others at less THAN COST Come early and secure what you wish before everything is gone. We are having this sale in order to Close out k Odds aid Eads of file Winters Dry Goods Stool 1 We realize that we woidd be money ahead if we carried over these goods, for we surely loose money on many articles. But we have not the room nor convenience for storing woolens and so have decided to give the public the benefit thereof . Here are a few prices. GOOD ALL WOOL DRESS FLANNEL, PER YD. - - - 22 CENTS ‘ ^ GENTS FLEECED UNDERWEAR FROM HO CENTS TO 1.05 PER SUIT. ALL RLANKETS AND COMFORTS AT COST. OVERCOATS, DICK COATS, AND WINTER SUITS WILL ALSO RE IN CLUDED IX THIS SALK. DON’T FORGET GASTGYGR’S RGQ FIGURE SALG. n BE SERE YDE COME To the right place As it will make a big difference to you in the cost of your HOLIDAY' GOODS if by chance you get into THE WRONG STORE ** ** * Our stook IS NOT located on the “Coroer” but we do claim to have a corner on the HOLIDAY' TRADE in this and adjoining counties, and we propose to main tain this reputation by naming at all times • THE LOWEST PRICES FOR THE BEST GOODS: Our 'tort1 is located on South Side Public Square, where we invite you to call and see our new and complete line of Holiday Hand painted China, Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Salad Dishes, Etc. This iiin' of China warn is all fresh new goods, and is the finest both in quality and I* uit\ -vet brought to tin* Loup country. As we cannot afford to carry them over we ire * lui r <>n i very close margin. It will also pay \01 to look over our lot of Children s Wheelbarrows and Carts, Selling for only 16 cents each. 1 ’ 1 It ‘*t '"«r attention to our inautiaoih atari! of TOYS It in th« Largest Line of 6 and 10 cent Toys in the County. ... I *f *■<•» late,t it,,(411, Call early ai.«l gel flr,t eltoiva Ha r »t .t wt'fc em YIVTV CHS I poretiinn at onr ton gat a Iteket wttufc % •<( |-' v hm ** »ti4 ihn "MAMMOTH SHOW DOLL. ’ * I '"i ii' run ru.tiii:, J 0DE|MD/\HL BROS *