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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1897)
OodfT * IdfllKllW. The New Year number of Otxley's Magazine presents an unusually full table of contents, with many speoia. features. » By a change in Its make-up Godry’s now gives Its readers fourteen pages more reading matter than in the past. The leading fiction piece is a new serial by Stanley Kdwards Johnson. "The Wimpled Maid of Nantucket," which begins in this Issue, and Is a t tale of Intense interest, dealing with the loves, avarice and hidden treas ures of characters drawn from his tory. * There are seven other new Stories (n this number. __ _ □ Tliere la » Clnaa of People. Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently thrre has been placed In all the grocery stores n new preparation called GRAIN O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives It with out distress, and blit few can tell It • from cofTee. It docs not. cost over Vi j as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 rts. per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. I He—"I see that a late medical au thority says that kissing Is a cure for ' Indigestion.” Hhe I ate a good deal ' more mince pie for dinner than I 1 should.”—Detroit Free Press. ( --- Don’t believe that love ever laughs at the wedlock smith. | * Lauded Proprietor (who has just celebrated an anniversary, to one of his tenants): "Here's a dollar for von, Joe. because you couldr.'• come to the clehratlon.'" Joe: "Tha- k you. sir; hut I think if I'd been there I'd eaten ami drank more than that!"—Flie gende Blatter. Oiles: "I wonder what causes Fuller to drink bo much of late?” Miles: "He says he Is trying to drown his troubles." (Hies: “I believe not. It seems as though they tan all swim.”— Chicago Npws. ItcBOty fa Kloml llrrp. f'lenn blood means a dean skin. No beauty without it. I 'ascarets.t andy t dthar tie cleans vour blood and keeps it clean, by • lirriug up the lazy liver and drivings!) im purities from the body. Begin to day to tianish pimples, (mils, blotches,tilnckheeds, md that sickly biliouscotnplexlon by taking a-cnrets, beauty fur ten rents. All drug lists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, ffiic, fine. "My husband," said Mrs. (ladnhout, always calls me his 'duck.’ ” “Pcr iaps,” suggested Mrs. Seldom-Holme, he calls you that on account of your old feet." —Chicago Tribune. "I wish,'' muttered Rivera, shivering rt Ills narrow little flat, "the janitor msn't quite so abstemious, us It were, n the matter of heating this room!” Jiicago Tribune. Don’t get too self-important. You re not the only drop in the bucket. wav Mi 1 FOP CPOSip, I .asthma, bronchitis, or whooping cough, there is no remedy gS so sure and safe as Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the C3 first dose its healing influence is manifest. The sufferer who M has been kept awake by the cough falls into a restful 4, sleep, and awakes strong and refreshed. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry t~g Pectoral is acknowledged to 1m* a specific for all pulmonary U complaints. Physicians praise and prescribe it. It is now put up in half size bottles at half price, fiOc. "One of my children had.cronp. One night I war startled by the child’s U hard breathing, and on going to it found it strangling. It had nearly mji •leaned to breath. Having a part of a bottle of Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral in the house, l gave• the child three doses at short intervals, and anxiously U waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given the child's U breathing grew easier, and in a short time it was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child i* alive and well to-day. Ayer’s Cherry U Pectoral saved its life.”—C. J. WooJJsEluE, Worthen, Texas. M Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. | gh NEURALGIA Sick and Nervous Head* aches POSITITW Cured in 30 Minutes, by At ell druggists or tent post paid upon receipt ol $1. FREL.CH CHEMICAL CO. 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. III. v --- Machine* Buy direct. Oct the boat. At Kactopr Price*. Warranted 10 j 'in; all attachment* for fancy work. No Money in «ii VMiire. Free 30 day*’trial. The Klegaal Al*aba«f 10.1*0 to t¥4.ft0o iUrgular price WO to 9100. The llandaoiiie, durable Argyll*, 91(1.f»0 to regular pile© 9«'> to §M. The Klinger NwbU, 9*.S&. Send for large catalogue ho f ire yon buy, and nave money. FLY WPG. CO.. 307-309 Wabash Ave . Chicago. THE ALASKA OUTFITTER WHAT TO TAKE ANI» WHAT IT COSTH HOW TO REACH THE COLD riEMM wu«l.«h.d iv JONES* Oash Store 1C8 4 110 Front Street. PORTLAND, ORE. HE PAYS THE FREIGHT SSiK* HDADCV MEW DISCOVERY; 1^* fYi A " WuE ■ quick relief and curea worst ctuo«. He mi for book of Mmtlinoiilttl* and 1 OH ay a* tTWiacnic nt I Tee. Pr. U.lLUKAWbMJMi. Atlanta. Ua. "Why did you forsake theology for medicine?" asked Tenspot, meeting a former college classmate. “T found that preaching wasn't my forte, while practicing was.”—Detroit Free Press. Don’t kiss your sister before an other girl. Always kiss the other girl first. No girl can sob her heart out and chew peanut brittle at the same time with any success. Mr*. Wfn«Sotv*i» Hoothlnn Syrup For+bi!<!»«• ii tfM-thinjf.mifU'M- theifninii.mSucN inflam* umU««ii(ail*jrM jxUu.cures wind colic. 2ft cwutfl a bottle. Don't Imagine you are a cerltable Samson and try to accomplish too much with a jaw bone. TO CUBIC A COLD IN ONK DAT. Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists ref unit tbs money if It fails to cure. 25o Don't think for a moment that the office ever has to seek the man on pay day. Cof’a Cough IIalanui I* the oldest ami beat It will break up a cold quicker lima anythliitf elie. It in alwuya reliable. Try it. Don’t forget that men who marry widows never make miss-takes. No-To-Ilac for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak ineu strong, blood pure. fiOc. ?I. All druggists. Don’t judge men by their looks. Fast looking men are often slow pay. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for Sets. Don't meet trouble half way. It is capuiil..' of making the entire journey. I CANDY CATHARTIC .d. r ALL J DRUGGISTS ^ 'I he Omaha Bee for 1898. zs&zs&ixSErsrt mtuirttal rtrpurtmeut- The priee reuuUn' the 99 Ctlltt P*f VOBr. iTTea*- per “«h U The He* print- I - |«»tf** «*rh imU. puhlUhiutf dUfc» . *f ,V* tot both feretjn aad ,In-, aeeurate mark-t report, from an the neater* of Inalr -peetal allentl.m U» the *<»»*'ro p ut I,trr a- «*ell a« wleeUd trti*W« eisri'tisl iuteitsl !• linlititlttil MiMMV •! *l",,r»7'p«t.H-ber» of The IV- hate Wfl- far.-al.te arr.o*ea..aU with a *«*har of the lea tin;' pohliraHoa* of the eooat-jr, oln.-H enah.e. them h» o(T.r ^T!7 Jr! of Ih— pChl,eat,o«. -th I he IU-e at a-wml l-> - The Weekly Bee Alone Is 85 Cents Per Year. t..r -labbtug parpo-a -14 th- MUrWlag aaoeaato for -a. h |.«btU*i,oa 4—fe*4 fur Woman** Mom* Companion .JOO For Farm ami Firaaida For Farm and Fir**,d*. with Almanau . 3^o k For Orantiw Judd F*rm*r. with Almanau .. 3f»o Fur N«w York Trtbun* .. Fur FralrHi .. .. *.DUO I h al th* aba.a pabH. u-aa. •- -a* of th« b. .. ,« A*"*i*2? The Weekly Bee. Omaha. FARMERS' GIRLS. The Important Part They Taka In tha Uaniirnrnt of a Place. There are many farmers throughout the country who are sufficiently liberal to the hoys, but who think that girls’ wants should be supplied as they sug gest themselves, and with no regard for individual preference, says the Philadelphia Times, After harvest,, the son, who has driven the reaper on helped at threshing, has his share of. the profits to control and do with as he pleases. Certain of the stock have been given him—a pig, a calf or a colt, which he will eventually sell and put the proceeds In his pocket. The farm offers all sorts of opportunities for earnings, great or small, to which his right is never questioned. By and by he drives hfs own horse, Joins a club, buys hooks and goes to college—a right which he has earned, and to which he Is fairly entitled. With the girl It Is usuully very different. It never occurs to any one that she, too, would enjoy n small Income which she could count upon as her very own, and Invest as she saw lit without restraint or objection. Tho butter and eggs are sometimes her special commodity, and from their Bales she has a limited supply of pocket money. But It Is extremely limited and frequently very uncertain. Yet her labor In the home "about the plaeo” has done as much toward establishing the family pros perlty as the labor of her brother. She Is up at daybreak to get breakfast ready. She prepares, frequently un assisted, three meals a day for 365 days In the year. She does the wash ing and Ironing, the sewing and mend ing. and is still at her work long after her brother Is In bed and asleep or away visiting the neighbors. She, too, has an additional tax during harvest and at those seasons when tho work upon the farm Is especially heavy, but she rarely receives any reward for tho extra service required of her. It is a manifest injustice. A good many over careful fathers excuse themselves up on the plea that girls have no Judg ment In money matters. Well, they certainly will never acquire wisdom without experience, and they cannot gain experience If the means for so do ing are withheld. The financial facul ty In most women lies dormant for lack of exercise, but It has been mar velously developed when put to the test. There are thousands of women in the country, widows, who have as sumed the management of afTalrs upon the death of the husband, who have succeeded brilliantly, when the better half failed; the mortgage is paid off, stock improved, modern farming im plements have been purchased, and the crops cultivated according to modern and Intelligent Ideas. The profit-shar ing system should Include girls as well as boys, nnd there is no question but that it will pay. DRINK WAS HIS REGIMEN. Old Yeoman Who Hadn't Boon to Bod Sober Onro In Fifty Year*. From the San Francisco Argonaut: The late Justice Denman once tried a case in an agricultural parish which mainly turned upon the recollections of the oldest inhabitants. One of these was a hale and vigorous yeoman of 85, wliose erect figure, keen Intelligence and dear testimony created so strong a sensation In the court that the judge questioned him concerning his mode of life. The witness explained that he was a vegetarian and a total abstain er. The Judge, in dismissing him, ex pressed a hope that all who were pres ent might profit by his example, and then the next witness was called. This waa nnnthpr vpnmftn. tho phipr brother of the preceding, anti fully a match lor hlin In strength,activity and Intel ligence. As he was about to retire the Judge stopped him with the observa tion: “I presume that you also, Mr. Greenfield, are Indebted for the preser vation of your strength and faculties to a careful observation of the same sobriety and of the aamo regimen which has been so well described to us by your brother?" "Haln’t been to bed sober for fifty years, my lord,” was 4he unblushing and unexpected reply. II* Hail 'Em. Walter—"Did Uncle Jack see San ta ClauB last night?” Carolyn—”1 guess so. They say he saw almost everything one could Imagine.”—The Yellow Kook. TABLE ETIQUETTE. Bame should never he taken in tht fingers unless, of course. It Is a card game. Biscuits should he opened with the fingers. In extreme cases an ax la admissible. Never leave the table until the oth ers are through. If lu a hurry take It with you. Never pick your teeth at the table. Yen will find a better assortment at the demist s Do not rest your arms on the table. Stack all your weapons In a corner before dinner. Don't rnttlo your knife and fork Tka napkin ring will bo found much nor* musical Always sol soup from tbo sldo ol your spoon Tbs Inside k considered tbo proper on*. Novae eat pie wltb n knife. It’s nil right in Ml cboM* with pie. but halves •booId bn Mien alone. ttpuMM smoking is permissible kt ike table If yuu are dining atnae and kavn • grad a* sgaiaat yourself Han't ask pour kesuaa If ska lets lha sugar bowl with tbo boiler bails She mm hi mistake you br a humorist ay g tonal is. The imm has MM bran«boa at trlhatariaa A BOON FOR SUFFERER*. A Krme<1 y Wblrh Hm Cured Mora Than 1.000,000 People. "5 Drops" Is the name of a po-rrerfii* remedy which ia guaranteed to cure rheumatism, neuraliga, catarrh, asth ma, la grippe and kindred ailments. The company is entirely safe in mak ing the guarantee, because every month they receive thousands of grateful let ters from those who were sufferers, but have never received one complaint. The effect of “5 Drops” is felt r.t once. James Williams of Regent, III., writes on November 12, 18D7: "My rife has been suffering two years with rheuma tism. She used about one bottle of ’5 Drops,’ and can now go without her crutches." To more extensively adver tise the merits of this remedy the pro ducers will for the next thirty days send out 100.000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bot tle by mall prepaid. lairgc bottle, 300 doses. $1 (for thirty days 3 bot tles $2.50). Those sulferiiuf should write to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure company, 107-1(>!) Dearborn street. Chi cago, III., and tnke advantage of ihls generous offer. This company Is relia ble and promptly fill every order. A statute to Captain Esek llopkins, the first commander-in-chief of the United States navy, has recently been placed in Providence. It. I„ without ceremony and with but little notice from the people even of that place. ‘‘IJiit. what do you mean by saying that the man was more or less intox icated?" asked the lawyer. ‘D*mmo see." said the witness, as he scratch ed his cnin. ”1 gness I mean If he had been more intoxicated he would have been drunk, and if ho had been less intoxicated he would have been sober. How’ll that do?" Indianapolis Journal. The new model Remington Type writer enjoys a larger sale than any oilier typewriter ever had, because it. Is the best. Send for catalogue. 1710 1 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Don't Toliwro Spit and Smoke Your Mfe Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, tulio No-To Buc, tbs wonder worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address btorllng Remedy Co. Chicago or New York. General James F. Wade, who pre sided at the courtmartial held at. Fort (Sheridan, has been In the United States cavalry since he was eighteen years old. He Is a son of the famous Senator Ben Wade of Ohio. • Kill Howard, SI Oil. The readers of this paper will be 1 pleased to ii-arn that there Is at least one I dicuded disease that science lias been utdo to euro In ull Its singes and that Is <’u tarrb. Hull’s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being u constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease und giving Ihc patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In iis curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Hollars for any case that It falls to curs. Bend for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHUNKY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists 75c. Hall’s Family I’llls are the best. When a girl first tells a man she loves him, she generally suys his hand seemed to her like a touch of another world. It Makes Cold Feet Warm And Is the only cure for Chilblains, Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet, Corna and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken Into I bo shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25e. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y„ Don’t worry over trifles. The hole that lets the water In your shoo will let it out again. This is the incrlptlon on r marble slab over a grave at Green Hay, Wis.: Dins snr tout. Here lies the body of lyewls Galdy. Esq., who departed this life at Port Royal the 22d December. 1739. aged SO. He was born at Mont pelier in France hut left that country for his Religion anil came here to settle In this island where he was swallowed up in the Great Earthquake in the year l*>92 and by the Providence of Goil was by another shock thrown into the sea and miracuously raved by swimming until a Hoat took him up. He lived many years after in great Deputation Beloved by all who knew hint and much I .a mealed at hisdeath." Whaling Fleet In Itenger. H Is predicted that, the vessels of I he wlal Ing fleet, most ofwhme underwriters are In San Francisco, have been caught In the Ice anil seine nm.v not lari through the siege. Hanger also threatens those who neglect wluti are called "trifling" aliments, for they tnay not last through the crisis. Resort to Hostetler's Stomach Ritters nt once tor in cipient rtieurnatism. malaria, constipation, nervousness and kidney complaint. Doctor: "There is on thing in the script urea that puzzles me and that Is to lyhat the logevity of llie ancients can lie attributed. Have you any the ory to offer?" Minister: "It may have been owing to the fact that there were no physicians In those days,”—Chi cago News. Do You llism-e To-Night T Shake into your Shoes Alien’s Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes fed Easy. Cuics Corns, Bunions, Chilblains and Sweat ing Fed. At, all Druggists and SIkio Stores, 25r. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted. HoHoy, N. V. “No, sir," exlnlmcd the Irate father, "my daughter can never lie yours." "I don't want her to tie mv daughter" calmly replied the young man, "I | want her to lie my wife."—Chicago M. 1 lie lliirllriglon Houle— Calif,unlit Kl ruralona. Cheap. Quick. Coni fort able. Leave Dmuhu C:t> p. di.. Lincoln 6:10 p. rn. aud Hustings H:S0 [>. in. every Thursday In clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. N*» transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Hcenlo ltoide through Denver and Salt l.alte City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan; have spring seats and backs and are pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excur sion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of 1 nt,1 rest and In many other ways helping Hi make the ot erland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths For folder giving full Informat ion, call at nearest Burlington Houle ticket oltico, or write to J, Francis, General l’assengcr Agent, Omaha, Neb. The Drama in Seal lie—The Trage dian: “'Why is there no much sneezing in the audience?” The Super: ‘'It'n iliiBt, Hir. An UBher has Just turned down Iwo seals that were occupied last, night by those Klondike niincns." —Cleveland Plain Dealer. I'tso s Cure for Consumption is the om^ cough medicine used in my house.—1*. C. Albright, Mifltlnburg, !'»., Dec. II, D5. The more self-possessed and dig nified a woman acts, the carder a big eyed baby can make her go to plceg. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Casearet* Candy Cathartic 10c or -So. UC. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. The woman that hugged a burglar till the police came probably wonder ed why he objected to getting arrest ed. Without Distress Poor Health for Year*- Hood's Sar saparilla Cures Dyspepsia. “My husband was in poor health for years owing to dyspepsia and he could not get relief. Wo gave him Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, and after he had taken three bottles he could rat without distress and was able to work.” Barbara Rf.hbkro, 13*North Pearl Street, Green Bay, Wis. Hood’s Sarsaparilla In the b«i»t in fact the One True Hloo<] Purifier. Hood’s Pills cure constipation, is cents. --• W. F. Gurley of Now Whatcom, Wash., Ik fitting np a schooner for tho purpose of making it a floating busi ness block at Skaguay and Dawson City next season. It will bo steam houted throughout. In the upper apart arlments rooms have already 'been leased for a photograph gallery, a drug store, barber shop, hutches shop, liar room, cigar and tobacco stand, a physician's office and a bake ry. Should tho population leave Skakuay the queer hotel's proprietor will host sail and move to some Other good loeality. In the Klondike region next year the floating business block will follow the course of tho empire and the bulk of population. Don't bother yourself as to man's meaning who lie tells you he lias a boss wife. Fdneat* Your ltow.1. tVllh <’».caret*. ('unity ('mhurtle, cure constipation forever. 10c. -Ik- 1ft:. c.c. fall, druggists refund money. The thermometer of marriage is the doctor’s bill. Star Tobacco is the leading lira ml of the world, because it is the tiest. The only real fotrl on earth is the jealous fool. ■ - '— ■ - ■ m |Im Go to your grocer to-day IffL and get a 15c. package of I Grain-0 1r It takes the place of cof Mk' Ice at | the cost. Made from pure grains it sgx is nourishing and health hQ JAwf Inidufc that /onr grooargiven yon ORA W-O, Accept no fiaiutiun. fl VO T C D 0 {o I tHu Oiaalm, NeH W ■ W "" m W AMIlifl MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. IIKIUnl »l< *MI*: «*t KK. hook KICK!:. PM. 4. «. Wl ■will MUrrilR, KiMItBlii., CHim IIX. IQEUTC WAMTrn - 2 ywu **MlHhl»«h.Ml f* - RQCRI9 HRRIEVtory < raft'd flO<i.tHM>>. Frew ■Ample*. HoveraI earn tl.OoO y'rly. F. O. 1921, Nr* Y«At W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. I.-I808. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This I'd per. »♦»#»#»■»* t « m « i i i i i » ; UAIAf O By soothing and subduing the pain., nUff ■ That’s the way : ST. JACOBS OIL —• NEURALGIA. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND “PITCHER’S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE 'MAkK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ryannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” the same that has borne and does now y/. f, "* an every bear the facsimile signature of /‘CCCc&K wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought /' ““ un ^‘0 and has the signature ofwrap per Xo one has authority from me to use my mime except The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is President. n March 8, 1897. *—**.&. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap sulmtitnte which some druggist may offer you (localise he makes a few more jieunies on it), the ingredient* of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAO-8IMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never FailnH You? »M ••**•+* >—«>», m wfMi •••««« mam *••• m*._ _ SIOO To Any Man. WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE Of WetknflM In Men They Treat and Fall to Care. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Trkvi mrnt for the cure of Lost Vi tali ty,Nervous ami Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Force iu old and young men. No worn-out French remedy; cotitnins no Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is a Woni)itardl Trkatmknt—magical in iu effect*—positive in its cure. All readers, who are suffering from a weakness that plights their life, causing that mental and {diysiral suffering peculiar to Lost Man mod,should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, No. If Mb Range Block, Omaha, Neb . and they will send you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper oil these diseases, and positive proofs oi their truly Mauical Tmkaimkkt. Thousands of men, who have lout all hope of a cure, are keying restored by them to a perfect condition This Magical Thkatmkst utay betaken at home under their dn non*, or they will 1 pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who | prefer to go to there for treatment, if they fad to cure They an- perfectly reliable . have no Free Prescript ions. Free Cure, Free Sample, or (\ O. D. fake They have £.50 1*10 eapital. and guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund etery dot* i»*' f Uiell charges urns be -i a bank to t*e paid to them whea a cure ie •Iftctwl Write them today AAAI r A Alfll rl »*-W*ia * A SMriHc tksa 1 < a»»4 K-r *r».* % W k;t;ha iLALfi WOtta*. Hi PPAU). ft V FRfllHT HftEXrrMSSTOfi •win* Wha» # r Mwt»M *»•» r>rs«<» VImi'K| Maalll* I mm|nib|, « awnlea. N. J. mmmt' ' .. JBSJL VlN Imikmi Umiiwmmi IklliM (lit T*p*t l ************* W ************ S* GUARANTEED TO CORE li**» •»<! liklM| tMHMb H * Dr. Kay’s Renovator | m *»•<• W -11 «i YOUR SYMPTOMS pUml* * ■I »•»* pAfONsU •III fit* A MuM fct 2 m FRKK AOvICC, I DRUGGISTS £ J rREKtAMRLK. I PRICK 35 CTi A SI. S J! k »m U 1 J MV MIMA W . Wntm ten . I* 5 *1** #i'**!»*** «« «««««««« f«««