The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 31, 1897, Image 1
Loup CrrY Northwestern ypL. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHKRMAX COUNTY, yKHKASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1897.HUMBER 41 jyH jjL There are al way s some one who fl|L %•lands ever ready to critisi/e the ■Ik H Work oC others who do their best to H make a success of any public enter *!■§; Kltoitirnent or doings of any kind, and Hp3^’iy>ecially if they fail in any part of y ™be undertaking. But the fault finder is generally the one that does the least towards assisting in the work. Many people find fault be fore stopping to consider the task imposed upon the ones having charge of the affair. Of course, they make mistakes, but as a rule, are to be commended for their effort. Such mistakes are, of coarse, noticed by the outsider, and particularly the fault finder sootier than, they are by those who make them. These ob it ^ ' jectious are often well meant. But the fault finder never stops to con sider the situation. ]fe should pat himself in the same place and ask the question, “could I have done half as well as bo has done; or per haps it would lie more fitting to ask, “could I have done it at all." There is work connected with getting up and successfully carrying out an cn A tertainment that is very difficult and only those who huvu had experience can lead in the work with any assur ance of success. “Tell mother 1 will he there” was the telegram seut by President Mc Kinley when he received the news Mu*t “Mother McKinley was serioas Jy sick. Any dutiful son would have done the same so that ordinar ily little if any attention would have I been paid by the public to a telc p. gram of this nature. Hut when the | circumstances are taken into eon » sideration there is great importance JP associated with this particular flash r log news It signifies that this na tion owes a debt of gratitude (o its Christian mothers. It means that the lulabys of the cradle; '.he prayers at the mother's knee; the advise giv en in youth and prayers for guid ance and success In active public life have prepared this man to wield the scepter of the uation and that in his exhailted position these teach r ings from infancy to mature years are not forgotten. Great men show their greatness often through their home training. It is this which leaves its impress in the active walks of life. The man, young or old who forgets the lessons of loving borne instructions, who fails to show his appreciation of a mothers SAcra flee, of a mother's care in helpless infancy, of her hours of sleepless ness for his good, of her powers of endurance in times of his sickness, of her watchfulness over him when absent, should be numbered among the lowest of earths mortals. Men who have risen to positions of honor and trust whether iu public business or professional life have attained the eminence through the iutluauce of their loving mothers. President McKinley recognizes (his fact and when he wired “Tell mother I’ll lie there” his great big heart was in every word. When President Gar field took lb; oath of otliee and bad w kissed the bitite be immediately turned around aud kissed Ins aged mother. He recognized tbataueccss iu life bad coiue to him from these two sources and that the dear obi ruotbsr was uppermost iu luiud “Tell Mother 111 He There should l>e the watchword of every young man. lie should be by her side whenever possible to repay her for her hours of care in childhood to make her life pas* more pleasant ly, to scatter (he dowers of filial love along her path wav. to sheer her iu her decliuiug years, to keep her ebasks front prviaaturelv furrow lug through bla soul) devotion Tts young mail who fails to do this for tear of some giddy associate saying "be la Med to his mother* apron % string will penitently wish some dav that there was a mother * apron tiling Hi tie to. I Here Is no true.' suhilit) than that of a dutiful tilts vilewt, attentive earn, and he who wifi alwavs atm “tw he Unit wh*it mother deed# bias is »n# of earth's brightest yewsdt Kearney Ms STOP! Tf1I]MH! CHRISTMAS IS VERY NEAR HEAR, and the JEWELRY STORE i* loaded down with desireable presents and we must sell them next week. You must get a present for your wife, girl, mother, sister, or some friend and the jeweler must not be forgotten. A jewelry store is the only reliable place to get SILVERWARE AND CLOCKS. REMEMBER THAT a jewelers guarantee is always good. 1 n fact it is THE ONLY GUARANTEE ON—— ——CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE -Here are some of our prices A good watch, mens size, from - - #4.00 up A fine 8 day, half hour strike clock only - - • 2.75. Nickel eloeka from .00 cent* to ... 1.25 Solid gold riDga from ..... 1.50 up Set Roger Rros. tea spoons • • • 2.00 Elegant pickle castors from - • • 2.00 to 4.00 Cake stands from ..... 2.50 up Silver mugs, fine goods from - .50 to 1.50 We keep musical instruments; string violin fixtures and an elegant line of spectacles, with a pushing optician to correctly tit your eyes. Thanking your for*past favors and striving ever to merit the public patronage in the future, we remain, Yours for success, I. S. SHEPPARD. Loup City Jeweler and Optician. |\ s.—OUR TRADE MARK, GOOD SCISSORS, 26 CTS| %©tip Ipify DAILY CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED BBLS. --MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADES OF Wheat Hour, Wheat graham, Rye Hour, Rye Graham, Wheat gritz, Fine meal and feed, which wo always keep on hand. f BEST FULL PATENT.” OUR BRANDS: { KITCHEN QUEEN” I CROWN FANCY FAMILY.” We have lately made changes in our mill which has greatly im proved our flour, and are now turning out Hour equal to any on the market. Try our NEW BRAND, “KITCHEN QUEEN.” It is a leader. After using it you will have no other. We do not have to warrant it. It speaks for itself. But if you should tiappen to get a poor sack we will esteem it a favor if you return it and get another, for you know that any mill is liable to get a poor sack mixed in with a better grade in making the different grades. Be loyal. Patronize home industry. GEO. E. HOTCHKIN D. C. DOE, A.lP. CULLEY, Vice-President. Cashier, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $50 ,000. Loans on Improved farms at NINE pur cant. Boat Company and bum Cum to be had la the west. OosaasrosnssTs —Cbsmica* National Bank. New York City, E. Yd Omaka Il U twiiy tn raii'h i I'uld am) Just a» niy to get rlil •>( it If you fommeme early to u-e On*' Minute rough t’ure. It cure* eougli*. eolih*, i>riHH*hlti* pneumon ia ami all throat ami lung tro«hh*» It l» plt'i**.iiu to take, **|e to u»*> uml turn to our# Otlemlahl lire*. J. A IVr .li*. of Antl*|Ultv. O , w .»» for thirty y*B‘» li«e*lle*»|y tortur#<l l*y phyM'tao* for the nir« of #a#ma lie *aa nutekly eureil to using |»#Wltt*» Witch ll**»l Halve thie f*ml n* lo-aling • alv# for pile, ami *ktw tllatwo** O.len <lahl Hr**** Mr*. M It liinl KmltieS's, III ., *«f frrril for eight year* from *IWt>ep* * ami t'hioole constipation m l Wa» finally rure.1 by u»ug l*eU In • l ull# Karly Kt*#i*. the fmiloo* l.ttle pitta t**r all •torna*h aoil liyertrooM* a iMemlehl II {tek't t># |>ut*tl*>i*i| Into buy lug ll**> nt«at* alihoui iryatytu* or morn t ham i#ri•>' * I** « It* '•* «•* » *"• o *•<•* anti it* me»u» hay# Urn i mm t* by a leal of many year*. ** > n krtye** aa the 1**1 lining from t I* tUgiey ||neuem> , t al , air , «m»ti*i*ti* btt«g r**,r I % ml tier w>*i r****et|y for pat** I hay# »*•* it*#*! *a t hambetta *>'* l*atn flat*** at**l I . in at* alter bay teg ***l it I* my ‘a***tty I for wtynral y*ar* ’ It imr* tnruui ytt*m j h'M# teach •plain* *mt tatiiinga for • • >t# hr tutea lehl M *•« NOT 1C 1C. I’u tlotllelb lianther* uou-re»ld«ul You will take notiro that on the **th •lev of Nov ant bar. lie*. ICdor Murder. * Jiollir of tbe r«*c« iu llrl»tol tuwrablp, ^hei inmii ('Iiunlv, NmIhuiii i l*.ue<t mi «*rder of at t mb mm t fur tin* »utt» of »Tr;.7Utii an 4ft ton |M-iitiiitjf before him, a herein Henry . is delfiiUnt. lhat pi«»i*ert\ «»f defend ant i’«»»»tetlnif ol out* tinr*l umlivIded in wrrat In thirty a»-«r* ot tom nmwu and ito« •t<v»lm« on Ho* «..uUt lieif of tha .oiiath P4*l w warier of imiloii A Town* *t»l|> t1 north of IUn*«' It. weal «lh p. m , ! in Gherman rounly. \ehr««ke. ho* taweia attache4! under *a*«t ofdei . »*n4 cwua* w*• oittituuwl until ttewwmh** • th, at *o’e>w*»k % It at «atue time plaint lit g 4 J,»f**h t» wat bar \ mi are featured to «ar«t pelt* lion on or Uerifw PwiwiImm limn Mini, finmtiff, tty M l.hiti »e,hi ittoraey WANTED Am-m. tl<» I. loll Mil t WllfMO tl ( *« «« w»i ing; to a* ib. tie i rti |tyr I oil *• n.pioy ttteul « lib t♦ t M111 |*.\V, ah«| too ran work til «f part of lire |icw* «nt| at feme of Iraveiinjf. | h*< work t« n^bl and »oj Will* at wiue foi I IfMMft rti , to t to llrMM Nt ftiim I ukititi Milwaukee. \S U. ii Citi= do as the crowd does and visit the new store of J. PHIL JAEGER, Where the finest line of general merchandise can be seen and Where anything you want can be HAD AT POCK BOTTOM PRICES. When to buy is controlled by inelanation; where to buy is a puzzling problom—the largest assortment and place for best bargains usually decides it. This store offers something more powerful than mere assortment. It has linked economy with its vast collection, and goods are being sold over our counters at the lowest cash price to the customer in the flistory of JVIerebaodisipy ir> [Nebraska. Are you on to the fact that the common, every day things that you can buy almost anywhere,is what foots up the biggest in your dry goods buying for a year? Are you buying them right. Are you buying them at this store? We pay as close attention to values in this kind of goods as to the best we have. Wont it pay you to do the same? Our motto ia: “Your money’* worth or your I money returned,” and ia fullfllled in every aale. ) Dry good*, groceries, hoots shoes, Hats, Caps, , China ware, Queensware, Hour, eto. eto. In faet a full line of any tblug you want. . | is i • i We have plenty ot caretui, pamsiasuig cicras iu wim on you. We care even more than you do who shows you goods, and that you should have respectful and considerate attention. Our stock is thoroughly up-to-date in quality and style in every department. Come and make your comparison. With compliments of the season I am Yours Truly, d. p]-iil ciAeeei^. SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Liars figure low and promise everything. You get not what they promise, but what you pay for; Nothipg piofe apd pothipg less. We give you what we promise, something more. Call and see our splendid line of Tufted lounges at price* that was never heard of before. They arc not stuffed with wind either nor yet stove pipe. s.m up. IKON WKDNTKADS AT OMAHA PKICKS. J I Wore buying IX wash boilers (so culled) look at our heavy relumed or copper wash b«»llera and gel something for your money. I N*lft granite ware, the beat made, t'all and see u» before buying and we will give you one hundred cents worth of goods for a dollar It you need any light ou the subject tmlla ad ias|iaet our nev line of lautpe, from |A cents up Don’t forget the Brick Hardware Store. E. H W/VTKJNSOM.