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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1897)
HjH The Arcadia Champion in its issii ■ o| HjjHtWO weeks ago said : "O. K. llolclikii H^BBa^Closed till) Loup City null for the B El!^*®r»" °“ly, however, to take i< gp ■lnek In lila lnue of last week But ii B HWd( so says, that ‘as a baisc* cl B BtOainldon's local was found In hotli Kg ^HdLoup ‘uy papers we hope they will Br Bkeailed on to cive mi ,i- much spacr B^jBpamrrection as we have been ‘ Now HmM U* see what the Noimiw Esl bus MBbid abeut this, and whether or nol ^KiBubamplon is not guilty of garbling otn H “statement. The following is our Ian j^P' guuga verbatim: p We are Infiirmeil tty the proprietor Mr p Botchkln that the lamp City Holler Mill it ■iul iIowd for the winter on aeroiml of the lei In ths race which makes It flu possible to oh i tale steady power to produce llrsl class hour type says that he has made arrangements t< jEgfc-.vehlp lii Hour In car haul lots and wll| hav« ItlHHti plenty of flour on hand to HU jiftly the trade ■ Bo has at prasenl lean sin ks of Ills own muln . ■fluid *111 take special pains to secure the I” si the market We are also authorized t< that he will grind feed dally during tin ■Ki'^B'lUIrr muni hs and as soon as spring uperc W:::‘lnlt mute iii"i> needed Jmpnnemeril* aboil Jg t^^praee. power, etc which will enable him i!!»4n^H*S»prrub- Hie plant even more sal islarlury ^B*l,,i to himself and patrons. fS; Now we suld thut thu mill was “shul ■••own,” meaning of course, ns our art* jUfcT clc further explained, only as to the Hcf grinding of Moor, Champion says dial Kk> thu mill was ‘‘closed." There Is a vasi He difference hot ween shutting down and Hr closing, and when Champion dcliber atoly said it was “closed," it no doubl ® meant to convey to Its readars the Ide# R ‘bat Mr. Ilotchklu had practically gout SjB out of business for the winter. If Mr i Ilotchklu had closed the mill what ft ! the name of common sense would he ;'H make arrangements to have tiour ship • peiTJli by the car load, and why should Bfe he authorize us to say to the public ffi F that heWould grind feed daily ? Now ^B we shoulHhale to call < liaiiiluoii a pop but gurblllu statements in tins mannei H^B lias HijjjiiiBislakHlil • ting of popish PPHAmit It. Champion also intimate; ^^^Blut. Mr. Ilotchkin takes this method tn jflHobtain free advertising. The fact it IlIpBkhu! Mr. Hotclikiii is a liberal ad vert ism HEi^Bnd pay* pi Inter.* rate.- 1..1- advert i-ing Hh ■ There in, apparently, one of tw« RplfBbings the matter with ' liiimplon, cub He Hp-it meant to mislead its reader* by B H^tating that the Loup City tn.ll ww ■ Kcloscd, or it lias Hgslu taken a doubh if W dose of Bob Johnson's compound foi rHL constipation, tbs effect of which bai §*-' f so shysiclally and mentally wrecked Hit F being of Its pencil pusher that be reck B^Li h-ssIv made die statement without eyer Rgg' stopping to consider its effect. HOW TO FIND OITT. r.'^R Fill a bottle or common gluss will urine and let it stand twenty-four hours a sediment or settling indicates an uu Hip healthy condition of the kidneys. When ■T urine stains linen it is evidence of kill H ney trouble Two frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and HL bladder are out of order. d WHAT TO HO Mg There is comfort in the knowledge sc BR often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's jM Swamp-Boot, the great kidney remedy H fulfills every wish in relieving pain in 9h the back, kidneys, liver, bladder ami ^R every part of the urinary passage. It K corrects inability to urinate and leald IJj ing pain iu passing it, or bad effects IuwuwiiiK uhv ui iiquur, wme ur uoci. ihhJ overcomes that unpleasant necess ity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to uriuate. The mild and the extraordinary effect ol Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It standc the highest for its wonderful cures ol the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and phamr'bfet both sent free by mail. Mention the North wkstkrn and send your address to Dr. Kilmei & Co., Binghamton, N. Y’.. The pro prietor of this paper guarantee the gen uineness of this offer. How to Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and It left to ruu IU course without tb» aid of some reliable cough medicine Is liable to result m that dread disease pneumonia. Ws know of no better remedy to cure u cough ur cold than ciirinlier-laln'j Cough Remedy, We have used il extensively ami it ka» always given en tire satisfaction Oiagah. lud. Ter. Chief, This i* tne only remedy that h known to l>« a certain preventative ol pneumonia Among muiiy thousand* whu have itaut) it for eolds and la grippe we have never yet learned of a singlt ease having resulted in pueuuionla I'ersous having weak lungs or haw reason to fear an attack of pneumunia > boo Id keep, the remedy Hi hand I lie •J.% and .'id cent slrea for sale by Oden dahl Bros. Mr C. M Dixon, a well knows merchant of pleasant Ridge, Kullon l * l‘a„ ha* a little girl who is frequently threatened with croup, but when ti»« Aral symptoms appear, k>< x ife give hvi t ham tier lain • lough IteiMedy, a lost always art or dr prompt rsitsf I he S' and Mi cent sue* lor rah* by D<tendab Brothel* Alter hearing some Irienda couttno ally praising t ksaiiwr ais i t ofte i hot era and Diarrhoea Remedy I writs K«< , uf C, whelm Cal p-m h»-» l a Itollie »| >tt ter to own use and is now a* eothn# e tenth oyer its wonderful w r» «• ant woe van >« I its > >«d o «#«t ,;. for ante t y ttdeodehl Brow M<« Mery Ami Harris >urg l*« kali • My eftiM ts «snt miIIIwh to me, y*i I uewM ha*e toe* Iter by a* —wp bad I l , net IstSrWtl tawMty Aye eeetr to a 1 -*l r It* of thse Mingle t oogb Cure ' l •Utw* cuogb* ewbte and all throat age i«»4 I wish to say to the pub lic that l have opened business with a full line of general mer chandise in the large Taylor store building on South Side Public Square, Loup City. My stock consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, -r i i 1 • sanies aim uenrs r uriiisiimg Goods, and in fact everything kept in a general store. In addition to the large stock brought from Arcadia I have just received a large invoice of goods fresh from the eastern wholesale markets, and am pre pared to sell the best goods at the lowest prices. Call at my store and be convinced of this fact. I make I a specialty of my shoe depart ment dividing it into two classes, one room containing a large stock for gentlemen and the othpr for the ladies. Yours for satisfatcion, low prices and square dealing, J. PHIL JAEGER. D. C. DOE, AJP. CULLEY, Vice-President. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted Capital Stock, $50 .000. Loana on Improved (arms at IT IRK pm cant. Boot Company and hart irtrtf to be had in the wort. OoaaartonMune;—Chemical National Bank. New York Qty, R. Y4 Omaha It l« easy to Caleb a cold and just as easy to get rid of it If y ou commence early to asa One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, eulds, pronchltis pneuuion ia and all throat aod lung trouble* It Is pleasant to take, safe lo use and dire to car* Odendah! lire*. J. A I'erktns of Ant|.|Ult\, O , wa» for thirty vr#a># nn*>d!r*»h tortured hy pbyactan* tor the cure of eseioa lie • »» <|ulckly cured hy using I mW Ill’s "Itch tlasel Halve lbe itml.u. healing salve fur pile* ami *»lu disease. Oden Ishl Brea Mr* VI It ford, Ifaddel'* III , »uf fared for eight rear* tram dupepeis and chrosilc caoMipeihs* aa<i a a* Realty sored n» nan g In. Win's | title farls Misex the faaitowa little ptlls tor all stomach sud liver troubles Irgea.l .bl B Itun’t he '>u*<te l tats* nut tug hat ments allheot repwlaltne or luertl Chamberlain • l‘*oi II dm *»►•» «*» u ago and lie merit* bate Men praters l>» a test of m*«V * ear*. ■»•>* b l*t»e*» ae the ful owing, from | ti llsglr • llee. > «** I'll . !<• ron>4*-it!> being iccet se.1 the be*i rented* for i>sl* I hate #»e* used >• < hnai nertam * I1 aid Bnlm. end I ta* au after ha> teg || In ui fa i*tt» 1st several tear* ' It rgre* ikssw«il<e lame neeb. *p#atn» and «»• tJmg*, fur •ah* It Odead-ahl tun NOTICE. To floMletb tiuntlier. nott-r«vl4*ut: You will t**e nolle* that on the Nth day of November, lw: i:>» w anydar, a 1 Jit,the of the feme In llrlvlol township, ' uhainian Miuaty, Nebrneae i,,ued an order ; o| etlai htueiil for (he •uut of ffa.;utn an , aettan pending before bun * liaraln llenry Mt-eea plntuiiV end ••oiiheb tlubther !• defendant. I bet |trupe>lv of defend • nt lonvivling id on* ttint undivided in, teiwi tu lltiriy at-re* t>f aim grown and How •tei.dine uu the vomit ball of Iha «4,uth #o,l •,natter of vt.tion at. Town •hip I* norm of Mange U. weal Ilk p m , thvinin rummy. Nebre«ha. baa mi ■. .Merited under MMwufMar, *tid .»u*e waa .uaiMutnl until UetentUer lot. at vwwtneh k M . at mute Hat* platnii* gurititbead Jamb tvwnther Ywtt ale tediut*d to aevwer aaid pelt l ion on di in,I or* Immelet ft. pari' lit vat Hvvva Platan*. Hr a«ipt*,lii tiiM»i WANTED Xjn'M. ttu k Man amt Woman It »>•<* art j wli In* |u auth, at pan give you oeoploymrot aim UiHHt I'lV anvl 1 you tan auiH all w port af the tint* tml at b *•># ut traveling flu noth te ngbl anti veep. It tit# at nvta* tut i Mint #t v , to In* lltati \i»<tti luamii V| 11 * anbvw M|*. USEFUL •X |VI /k S k* PRESENTS? In accordance with our regular custom, we are going to make* some astonishing low prices on XMAS PRESENTS. What is more useful or lasting for your wife, mother, sister or sweetheart than a nice dress, cape or jacket, faci nator, muffler, muff mittens, shoes, etc? Or perhaps she is a great hand for fancy work. If so, why not get some of those stampped linens or duck of ours. If you want something for your husband, father or brother, try a good suit, overcoat, shoes, or something that can be used and appreciated’ By looking at the Times-Independent you will see that we arc making some very low prices in all our departments, and while our space in this paper will not admit quoting ' prices, you will find that in purchasing the goods you want for Xmas we are decidedly below our competitors. If you are not yet ready to make your purchase and want to have the first chance to select the best we have ws will give you the privilege of making your selection, make a small deposit on it and we will lay ij away for you. This is certainly fair as it gives you the chance to get your choice erH'SAnd you do not have to take it until Xmas unless you .ruraent J a perfect d*. nt of the creu „ ;l chance to show you our line of useful presents the geological aico . . . one atory written o*.se in every particular. •he other on the rocka, , rfi fora Har)py Christmas, and eternal accord. j^ai 1 4 J eated In the first Scriptu ■ vibrpwn Into been tbiu m 'W Mi iis vllaSCi I Liars figure low and promise everything. You get not what they promise, but what you pay for; Nothipg piope apd pothipg less. We give you what we promise, something more. Call and see our splendid line of Tufted lounges at prices that was never heard of before. They are not stuffed with wind either nor yet stove pipe. IKON UKDRTFAD8 AT OMAHA PRICKS I Wore buying IX wash boilers (so called) look at our heavy retinned or copper wash boiler* and got something for your money. I lelft granite ware, the beak mad**, tall ami see u» before buying and we will give you one hundred cents worth of goods for a *b*llar. tf you need auv light on the subject call and inspact our nev line of lamps, from 15 *enta up Don't forget the Brick Hardwar® Stof$ E. H- WATKINSOri.