For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OKO. K. l«KFI»t'*lorKH, Editor and Publisher. TERMS- II 50 par Tear, II Paid in Advaace ■stared at tb* Loop City PostoBle# for traaa —tSreach tha mailt aa ia«*d. altaa mattar. Uoaal Dtwi. Nice lamp* for Xmaa present* at tyatkinaona A L, Zimmerman wa* a pleasant taller here to day. Skates! The Klipper Kluh arc the bast. At Watklnson's. For corn shellcra or feed grinders call on T. M. Reed. Flue lines razors for Xmas prisents at Watkiusons. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Dr. Sum ner Davit, Grand island K. J. Nightingale made a business trip down the U. I*, line yesterday. Mrs. M. J.eicMinsky aim tiuiiimi are visiting her mother at Rockville. One Minute Cough Cure cures ijuiek ly. That’s what you want. Odondahl Bros. 1 lb. McLaughlin XXXX coffee Pets. at Pilfer’*. Buy your wifo or daughter a good organ for au X inns present at Watulli sons. Mr*. Geo. K. Bensohotcr returned Thursday from a ten days visit at Shelton. Silver tublo ware and Clock* for Xmas presents, at Wat kins on's Alfred Anderson lost a fine milch cow and two twin calves last week. Tbos. Jarnrog of Ashton was doing business at the county seat last Tues day. Conductor Taylor has moved his family to Loup City and now occupy the Florence Smith residence. “Kitchen Queen” Is the leading flour to make cakes, pies nud bread for Christmas dinner. Try a sack, I)r. Sumner Davis, Grand Island Speci alist in diseases, of Kye, Ear, Xose and Throat. Examination for glasses. Remember you must pay up all your hack supscription and one year in ad vance to get tbe one dollar rate If you want washing machines, elothes wringers or anything in tbe hardware line call on T. M Heed. Mart in Coiner has moved his family I to Loup City again having secured his old Job as tlreinaii on this branch of tbe U. P. James Dapew made a trip out to M. IL Smith's last Sunday und took •long a hand to help his father-in-law husk corn. Good music, Lota of fun, at the opera house on Christmas Eve. All undergo years of age free. Adults ft cents. Everybody come. Adam Schaupp, J. Phil Jaeger, Gao. K. llotahkin and I. 8 Sheppard eaali have uew display ads. in this issue. Read them, they will interest you. Have you seen the new bread made from the Loup City Roller Milts new brand of flour, “Kitchen QueenV” It Is Simply out of sight, or will be soon as It gats on tbe table. Mr. A II. Shattuck will preach at tbe Baptist church next Sunday, morn ing and evening. The subject for . evening will ‘be ‘Thu Great Birth.’ a vui ittinna oriujuu. Subject for morning nervier at the M. K. church, Dee. Ill, 10:30. “The Protestant Episcopal Church." Sub ject for evening. “The petition from Coup City." Come ami welcome. Pilger will have sale days commencing Monday, Dec. I'd and last for one week. All goods soltl for cash only and at Chicago prices. A. I.. Baillia, of Waatangtuu town •'.tip war doing bu*tni-«a ill the coautv »*al Tuesday. Thi* remind* u» that during a former visit lia railed at thi. oilier and doae the right thing by the printer for which we failed to aiknowl edge tbrougli three column* dadgr Hunter i.cnved a telegr ,iu fioiti Mia. Hunter who ha. Iwt-ti vi«lt lug hn step daughter, Mia. li a I'sale, ataliug that a Idlte young I'trir had - juat arrived, that It waa a b»y and a!tl eowcrrned wno duiyg well, or w»td* | lii that i it ret Me ala Informed (bat M lu o no»*y I out local pho|ogr»ph«i will »tart out nest spring with a por bode ph graph gallvi. and wil. u,u the natgh boring i»w n* during .pong and hummer | •ad return In tamp I Ily in fall bi« galier » lu ia«« Will l»* duriWa the lima he t» atiaai I atll apt tag h gaOri. atll no open at ary day Th* ladt. of lh-tl » .’A 1*1 imw4>- i. la*4 lured*« «r M.ipbet « a* Nik *♦****«• tvbdit)fli . . tfeo pita* lu hit Woomi .« Ml InM Ilia uia.m* we* o* 'a1* * '*iulaiu;ir, 11,.; 0rah tin Wh it gritz, Fine meal and feed, which we always keep on hand. f BEST FULL PATENT.” OUR BRANDS: ’ KITCHEN QUEEN” (CROWN KA.Y< V FAMILY.” Wu Dave lately made change a in our mill which has gn-utly im proved our flour, and are now turning out flout equal to any on the market. Try our NKVV BltAND, “KITCI1KN Qt. !!KN.’ It’•> a leader. After using it you will have no other. We do not have to warrant it. It speaks for itself. But if you should happen to get a poor sack , we will esteem it a favor if you return it and get another, for you know that uuy mill is liable to get a poor sack mi xed in with a better grade in making the different grades. He loyal. Patronize home industry. GEO. E. HOTCHKIN. ' -will luiy yout GRAIN at Ashton, Schaupp or McAlpitio, -or your- ! HOGS at Loup City or Schaupp, -and sell you the best COAL at Loup City or Ashton. Al! in Sherman County. Sell your grain and lings to him and buy your coal of him. YULIS Tl If i:. • Written fur Publication* Again the marry time draws near. The brightest happiest of the year1. When bull shall ring with laugh ami shorn And joy shall abase life * sorrows out. The old grow young with simple grace. While young grow old and rule tin* place. Kor who should cure to check the glee That How e around the her th so five Then choose a log of brilliant Hutu* To add a glow to ink and > ume, That bright in memory when u* past. The sweet home picture still may last The loved one* m uiu i far and a Who meet womoeut Yui- Tide Will cull llt« *«* \ ' »ti* hark to uon t And in thi m *Wt < u *1 -aduev J a Then joyous make the da v i pray Tor sorrow* come* em a nlwai * Auk may * **. h h • • • >*•;*. That higher «huli the spit !t lift The l.iU tiflaM Htate Hank l* r»»4- up a neat il^it lu the rlV* i f lhat llt»y arc protected h) a pollt r lit the Han w* t Mutual «’.amiiiy t uittpai!) |'hi« ft feta lu an insurance puifgy i*'U» i -y Diet t oiitp .11 v to lift1 Itftfit , liui toiidt t«| it ffolli i«« * tU ti. y (jiiiMHl •> a burglart or h*Uhm\ if tl >♦ bank, and h«ui«> IM b4iii| w* it* |> .Hvm It. hi lb* iUl'j(* l ul in** Multi (bit -ihii *. I b* iumi|i*>i> U*utli4 lh< » | »M lb* tl|M t**| III.Mb! I. ttt 1 it III 1MII tb tb*1 ui*.*i* 1 ^rwtMiiuii. tb* *i‘*>i |mit*t 1 *• *1* vtivkut livibi|*• nil i*’*1 * bit It *1 *t i**#t |hiI mi tb* it mb ot ItrliHtMl • h« im»it»i*i «ttb *»| m « Si *1*1.4 * t r k» |» iti-> t mi 11** * *i .. 4 1 • intglti «» mtit«t b bit ik-l it la* i> g«t*it* »• • • t*>* l1**** .. ■■ t - f*H..»l*U** Ut l* **l» 1*. I. *•»!•> , 1(1 tMMWMt all* Uia .i ib* «. * ti» tb* *it 41«. * m mil »tv ti. >.t|i 1 w( tb* tNM»a #<**» •« tb* (t**»i [m*«M •<* ••** b | mb i K** I I tjimtlef. At the late elcc.tii n ol the A O. l:. \V. lodge of this city, the f dlo.ving oiH 0 >rn wore ejected; John \V. Long, M W, W in. Hoi', Kortuaii; I). O. Hansen, Overseer; W. It. Mellor, Guide, A. Walkin-on Recorder: Geo, W. Hun ter. Kliinncter; J, I’till Jaeger, Receiver; VV. II, Morris, Ttustee; W in. Xuville, Inside W' John Shrove, Ontslde W' Hook on nisi i-i. m n>' -its. Ho.,u OK til-eases of lior-e-, rattle, sheep, hogs and poultry, untiled Ireu liy ad dre.--lng llumpliery'.- Veterinary Sped 11 » I or V'- .Ilium Ji.tii, St!New V nrk Tin .It I'M X r»e»y t II. ill | Ike t ’ll\ Minn wmi r top n». ■ e man In this vicinity o *dl Mlnin-nta grown trees ami inn -wry si.h-i, t jOOii p t\ , Steady uot Will them today, s \in- Villas ||„g|,s, N.ol It. \ ... tii Sip In tty h.irtn d no Ih> I . •« nt.«l neck, fait, ... instantly ioini. lt . In-Witt yy H. h It •*“ ->»!v - which In a ..I Ho ti Jury without h vitiga -etr. It It t •• f. pile l- io dy t litv .Jahl Rio* Ml ->l ,t . C ... .... I, t„ fl . ,y . 1 t .. d... tv i- gave up my U- v to •He, » . »• t hot. in cm..... h, type M > o, I t Ills ’ It Ii the » tlf | fell N». »»*M* %*ul *:i (broil Hitt) 4 , » : %* * l»» |ll* ■Ii »• hl‘f fa It* £***‘4 t «; ktUitl lh?\\ i|: I. Is ifa 14 <«'**» UmUn<4 11 1)*' »l MtltM *l» * n- » HMlI «iU *U to**./It ||ff I 4 ( kW*4*y|i*$|| M i Th«» ii oniiltHt tirnHit ()ii«i fur • idles. «.H»**•*•, tin'll itiiil l»>r llu ir vv.«r UlU <|M*llUh an.I y nltu « i tor «*!»*»»» r*ti„***r« Go to Gasteyer’s for Shoes, Hats and Caps, A BIG SHOE SALE L .2 !|| Is the order of the day at W q 11 GfiAS. GASTeYGI^’S 1 1 rtf in order to lesson the labors of invoicing. ^ || FROM DEC’. 1st., 1897 TO JA.V. 1st., 1898 || ® _■ , wS m rZj we will sell a large portion of our immense ^ § || SHOE STOCK AT ABSOLUTE COST. || O* o Come early while there is choice. ^ >> m - H b P || OTHER RARGA1NS: H g » , '' 10 yards 5 cent calico for only • - - -40 ||| ^ tO || 10 yards 0 “ ' “ “ “ - - - .50 || #*™* & 10 yards *7 “ “ “ “ ... .(50 ® __ ?g.1 - ® ■: h‘< 10 yards 12.1 dress goods “ “ 1.10 P g c;.'| 10 yards 17 “ “ “ “ - - - ■ 1.60 || CO . '£ 10 yards 19 “ “ “ “ • 1.75 ||| p CD 1 10 yards 25 “ “ “ “ • • - 2.25 3 40 „ »» CL J} , ’i 10 yards 30 “ “ “ “ - - - * 2.50 O Our line of comforts and blankets is lessening per- ||| ^ 0 . ceptibly, but we still have a good assortment and can fit y^ ^ v you out at a lower price than any one else. jy* £3. O P -STAPLES.- || ® 17 lbs. Granulated sugar, - - 1.00 |f| t|| 1 “ McLaughlins X X X X coffee - - .10 M Go to Gasteyer’s for Groceries. r? . . • ' ' ’;*4 _ _ T. - T *??• XL- „■ LX ,-1 a o the right piece Ah it will make a big difference to jouinlhu cost of your HOLIDAY HOOPS if by chance you get into THE WRONG STORE -**• ** Our stock IS NOT located on the “Corner” but we do claim to have u corner on the HOLIDAY TRADK in this and adjoining counties, and we propose to main' tain this reputation by naming at all times THE LOWEST PRICES FOR THE BEST GOODS: Our store is located on South Side Public Square, where w<* invite you to call and see our new and complete line of I loll iay Hand painted China, C’ujD iid Saucers, Cuke Pintos, Salad Dishes, Etc. T .1 In I Mii. i wir# iii fill tfiwuU Mini n I In* tincst both ill m i 41 i t \ ADil I> mi\ ever brought to the Loup country. Ah ho ouunot afford to carry ile'iu over wo .i.• .filing on a very Hone margin. It will alwi pay yon to look over our l.n of O' i ten’s Wheelbarrows and Carts, S l) g for only 16 cents each. i ■ t.ritltt i ill Your alteutiou to uir maiuinolli atoek of TOVS l’ it ttie I i est Line of 6 and 10 cent T j in tho County. Ml fr n go a|a an t of t i*' lat.’.t deaigna t'tll early a> lie , ... t.< r ilt t* wl'li i ter I'llTI t'KNT p>* rhif al out alote mu gel a ti< kel «hwh i . I • Y u lo on., gfcattfw ih» • be • IA VIMOTH SHOW DOLL. ’ M.I IO Hill HOUllAY TK.M1K ODERD/VHL BROS