The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 17, 1897, Image 3

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    flded to It the protection of their in
terests and honor, and to humanity.
Sure of the right, keeping free from
all offense ourselves, actuated only bj
upright and patriotic considerations
moved neither by passion or selfish
ness, the government will continue lti
watchful care over the rights and
I'roperty of American citizens and wil
nbato none of Its efforts to brins
About by peaceful ngeneleg a peace
which shall bo honorable and endur
ing. If It shall hereafter be a dut>
Imposed by our obligations to our
„ selves, to civilization and humnnlty
to Intervene with force. It shall be
without fault on our part and only be
cause tho necessity for such octlor
will bo so clear as to command the
support und approval of the civilized
By a special message dated the 16th
of Juno last I laid before the senate
a treaty signed that day by the plen
ipotentiaries of tho United States and
of the Republic of Hawaii having for
Its purpose the incorporation of the
Hawaiian Islands ah an integral pari
of the United States, and under It*
sovereignty. The senate having re
moved the Injunction of secrecy, al
though tho treaty Is still pending be
tor that body, the subject may be prop
erly referred to In this message be
eause tho necessary setion of congress
Is required to determine by legislation
many details of the eventual union
should the fact of annexation be ac
complished. a* I believe It should be.
^ '' VVIille consistently disavowing from
^ a very early period any aggressive
policy of absorption In regard to the
Hawaiian group, as one series of dec
larations through three-quarters of a
century has proclaimed the vital In
terest of the United mates In the In
dependent life of the Islands and their
intimate commercial dependency upon
mm country. At me same time it mm
been repeatedly asserted that In ne
event rouuld the entity of Hawaiian
statehood cense hy the passage of the
Islands under the domination or In
fluence of another power than the
^ United States. Under these circum
stances the logic of events required
that annexation, before offered but
declined, should In the ripeness of
flute come about as the natural re
sult of strengthening the ties that
Mod us to those Islands and be realiz
ed hy the free will of the Huwallan
«f ate.
That treaty was unanimously rati
fied without amendment hy the sen
ate and president of the Republic ol
Hawaii on the 10th of September last,
and awaits the favorable action
Ik,. of the American senate to effect the
> complete abeorption of the Islands In
to the domains of the United States.
What the renditions of such a union
shall he, the political relation thereo*
to the United States, the character of
the local administration, the quality
and degree of elective franchise of the
Inhabitants, the extension of the fed
eral luws i* the territory or the en
nrtment of special laws lo fit the
peculiar condition thereof, the regula
tion of needs of labor therein, are all
matters which the treaty has wisely
relegated to the congress.
If the treaty Is confirmed, as every
consideration of dignity and honor re
riuirey, the wisdom of congre-s will see
to It that, avoiding abrupt assimila
tion of elements perhaps hardly yet
fitted to share In the highest fran
chise of eitizensblp and having due
regard of the geographical conditions,
the most Just provisions for self-rule In
local matters with the largest political
liberties as an integral part of our
ration will he accorded tc
the Hnwaiians. No less Is due tc
a people who, after nearly five years
of demonstrated capacity to fulfill the
obligations of self-governing state
hood, come of their free will to merge
their destines in our body politic.
't he imeHtlons which have arisen be
tween Japan and Hawaii hy reason ot
the treatment of Japanese laborers
emigrating to the Islands under the
llawaiian-Japanese convention of 1888
are iri a satisfactory stage of settle
•v>nnt 1 iv normtluilnn Tlilu cr/Wftrn.
ment ban not been invited to mediate,
■ nd on the other hand has sought na
Intervention in that matter, further
than to evince its kindliest disposition
toward such a speedy and direct ad
justment by the two sovereign states
In interest as shall comport with
equality and honor. It is gratifying
to learn that the apprehensions at
first displayed on thp part of Japan
lest the cesation of Hawaii’s national
life through annexation might impair
privileges to which Japan honorably
laid claim, have given place to ex
pressions of confidence of its purpose
to deal with all possible ulterior ques
tions in the broadest spirit of friend
As to the representation of thU
t government to Nicaragua. Salvador
t and Costa ltlca 1 have concluded that
Mr. Willium L. Merry, continued as
minister of the Fulled States to the
states of Nicarnguu. Salvador and
w Costa Rica, shall proceed to San Jose
' Costa ltlca, and there temporarily es
tablish headquarters of the United
Slates to those three states. 1 took
this atcion for what 1 regarded us the
paramount interests of this country.
It was developed upon an Investlga
ttou by the mercury of statu that lh«
governor of Nlrlragiia, while nut un
willing to receive Mr. Merry In Ilia
diplomatic rapacity, was unable to du
so on aciount of the compact cunriud
Ied June *o. lht»S. whereby the republic
and those of Salvador and Honduras,
forming what Is known as the tireater
Republic uf Central America, had «ur
tendered to the representative I del
thereof their right to receive and send
diplomatic agents The !>!<•( was not
a willing to accept him because he wav
I not accredited to that body. I could
I not accredit him to that body brc.iuse
I the appropriation law of congre s did
I n»»-; permit. Mr Maker, the present
I minister to Managua, has been dt
W gecisvl to present his letters uf recall.
Mr W F tiodfrey Hunter has like
■ Wise been a< credited to the govern
W meats of tlnatrmaln and Honduras
lh» same an hla predecessor tiuate
jp mala ta not a memher of the tireater
hfepol do of t'entrni America hat Hun
I dura* M Hbouhl this latter purrs
meal 4a» Mae t • receive him. he has
been instructed to report this fact it
hla goveraaMat sad aaait Us farther
Instructions A subject of large 1st
I* portaace to oar eonairy and I serene
lag appose tat ton on the part uf ths
People is the eons pi et am of the great
highway of trade between the Atlantis
canal. Its utility and value to Ameri
can commerce is universally admitted.
The commission appointed under date
of July 24 last, "To continue the sur
veys and examinations authorized by
the act approved March 2, 1885,” in re
gard "to the proper route, feasibility
and cost of construction of tho Nic
aragua canal, with a view of making
complete plans of entire work of con
struction of such canai,” Is now em
ployed in the undertaking. In the
future I shall take occasion to trans
mit to congress the report of this com
mission, making at the same time
such further suggestions as may then
seen advisable.
Under the provisions of the act of
congress, approved March 3, 1897, for
the promotion of an international
agreement respecting bimetallism, I
appointed on the 14th day of April,
1897, Hon. Edward O. Wolcott, of
Colorado; Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson,
of Illllnols, and Hon. Charles J.
Paine, of Massachusetts, as special
envoys to represent tho United States.
They have been diligent in their efforts
to scure the concurrence and co-oper
ation of European countries in the in
ternational settlement of the question,
but up to this time have not been able
to secure an agreement contemplated
by their mission.
The gratifying action of our great
r.lster republic of Franco in Joining
this country in the attempt to bring
about un agreement between the prin
cipal commercial nations of Europe
whereby a fixed and relative value be
tween gold und silver shall be secured,
furnishes assurances that we are not
alone umong the larger nations of the
world In realizing the international
character of tho problem and the de
sire of reaching some wise and prac
tical solution of it. The British gov
ernment has published a resume of
the steps taken Jointly by the French
ambassador In Ismdon and the special
envoys of tho United Slates, with
whom our nmbnsHudor at Ixindon ac
tively co-operated In tho presentation
of tills subject to her majesty's gov
ernment. This will be laid before con
gress. Our special envoys have not
made their final report, as further ne
gotiations between the representatives
of this government and the govern
ments of other countries nre pending
fiit.l in cfinlcmnl.-itlon. Thev believe
that doubts, which have been raised
in certain Quarters respecting the pos
sibility of maintaining the stability
of the parity between the metals and
kindred questions may yet he solved
by further negotiations.
Meanwhile It gives me satisfaction
to stale that the special envoy a have
already demonstrated their ability and
ft.ness to deal with the subject, and It
Is to be, earnestly hoped that their la
bors may result in an international
rfreement which will bring about rec
ognition of both gold and silver as
money upon such terms and with such
safeguards which shall work no In
justice to any class of our citizens.
in order to execute as early as pos
sible the provisions of the third and
fourth sections of the revenue act, ap
proved July 24, 1897, I appointed Hon.
John A. Kasson, of Iowa, a special
commissioner and plenipotentiary to
undertake the requisite negotiations
with foreign countries desiring to
avail themselves of these provisions.
The negotiations are now proceeding,
with several governments, both
Kuropean and American. It Is be
lieved that by a careful exercise of
the powers conferred by that act
some grievances of our own and of
other countries In our mutual trade
relations may he either removed or
largely alleviated and that the vol
ume of our commercial exchanges
may be enlarged with advantages to
both contracting parties.
Most desirable from every stand
point of national interest anj patriot
ism is the effort to extend our for
eign commerce. To this end our mer
chant marine should be improved and
enlarged. We should do our full share
of the carrying trade of the world.
We do not do it now. We should be
the laggard no longer. The Inferiority
of our merchant marine is Justly hu
miliating to the national pride. The
government, by every proper consti
tutional means, should aid in making
our ships familiar visitors at every
commercial port of the world, thus
opening up new and valuable markets
to the surplus products of our farm
i and the factory.
The efforts which have been made
flnrini? the turn tirevimts veera hv mv
predecessor to secure better protection
to the fur needs of the north Pacific
oeean ami tiering sea were renewed at
an early date by this administration,
and have been pursued with earnest
ness. Upon ray Invitation the gov
ernments of Japan und Russia sent
delegates to Washington and un In
ternational conference was held dur
ing the months of October and No
vember last, wherein It was unani
mously agreed that uniter the existing
regulations this species of useful an
imals was threatened with extinction,
und that an International agreement
of all Interested powers was necessary
i for their adequate protection.
The government of Great tlrltain
> did not see proper to be represented
! at this conference, hut subsequently
sent to Washington us delegates the
expert rotuiulssiuners of Great llrlt
aln and t'anada, who had during the
past two years visited the Prytbyloff
islands, and who met In conference
similar commissioners ou the part of
the United Mtatea. The result of
this conference was an agreement on
Important facta connected with the
condition of the seal herd heretofore
' In disputa, w hich should place beyond
controversy the duly of the govern
ments concerned to adopt measures
without delay for the preservation and
j restoration of the herd. Negotiations
to this end sre now in progress, the
result of which I hope to be aids to
report to congress at an early day
international arbitration cannot be
omitted from tbe list of subjects
j clamoring for our eonslderaltog
Kt eats have only served to strengthen
tbe general Vlewe on Ibis question
| expressed In my Inaugural address
Tbe beet sentiment of tbe civilised
world la moving toward tbe aettla
meat of difference* between nations
without resort lag to tba bur rue* of
I war. TreatU# embodying thews hu
mane principles «a broad linen with
out In any way imperiling am Inter
set* or eur honor shall have my son
slant encouragement
Tbe accept sacs by ibis government
I of tbe let tuttua of tba repubtts of
France to participate in the Universal
exposition of 1900 at Paris was imme
diately followed by the appointment
of a special commissioner to repre
sent the United States In the proposed
exposition, with special reference to
the securing of an appropriation for
an adequate exhibition on behalf of
the United States. The special com
missioner delayed his departure for
Paris long enough to ascertain the
probable demand for space by Ameri
can exhibitors. His Inquiries developed
an almost unprecedented Interest in
the proposed exposition, and the ln
fomatlon thus acquired enabled him to
justify an application for a much
larger alotment of space for the
American section than had been re
served by the Exposition authorities.
The result was particularly gratify
ing in view of the fact that tho United
States was one of the last countries to
accept tlie invitation of Franco.
Tho reception accorded our special
commissioner was most cordial, and
ho was given every reasonable assur
ance that the United States would re
ceive n consideration commensurate
with the proportions of our exhibi
tion. The reports of the special com
missioner ns to the Importance and
magnitude of the coming exhibition
and the great demand for space for
American exhibits supplies new argu
ments for a liberal and judicious ap
propriation by congress, to the end
that an exhibit fairly reresentatlve of
tho industries) and resources of our
country way he made In tho exposi
tion which will illustrate the world's
progress during tho nineteenth cen
tury. That, exposition is Intended to
be I be most Important and comprehen
sive of the long series of interna
tional exhibitions, of which our own
at Chicago wuh a brilliant example,
and it Is desirable that the United
States should make a worthy exhibit
of American genius and skill and their
unrivaled achievements in every
branch of industry.
The present naval force, especially
In view of Its Increase h.v ships now
under construction, while not as large
ns that of a few other powers, Is a
formidable force; Its vessels arc the
very best type, and with the Increase
that should he made to It. from time
to time In the future, and careful at
tention to keeping It In a high state of
efficiency and repair, It Is well adapted
to the necessities of the country.
The great Increase of the navy
which has taken place In recent yiars
was Justified by the requirements for
national defense and has received pub
lic approbation. The time has now 1
n rrl Viu\ hnn/oi/or whnn thla* liwisonua
to which the country Is committed,
should for a time take the form of In
creased facilities commensurate with
the Increase of our naval vessels. It
Is an unfortunate fact that there is
only one dock on the Pacific coast ca
pable of docking our largest ships and
only one on the Atlantic roast, and
that the latter has for the last six or
seven months been under repair and
therefore Incapable of use. Immediate
steps should he taken to provide throe
or four docks of this capacity on the
Atlantic coast, at least one on the Pa
cific coast and a floating dock on the
gulf. This Is the recommendation of
a very competent board appointed to
Investigate the subject. There should
also he ample provision for powder
and projectiles and other munitions of
war and for an Increased number of
officers and enlisted men. Some ad
ditions are also necessary to our navy
yards for the repair and care of 'our
larger number of vessels.
As there are now on the stocks five
battleships of the largest class, which
cannot he completed for a year or two,
I concur with the recommendation of
the secretary of the navy for an ap
propriation authorizing the construc
tion of one battle ship for the Pacific
coast, where at present there Is only
one In commission and one under con
struction. while on the Atlantic coast
there are three In commission and four
under construction; and also that sev
eral torpedo boats he authorized In
connection with our general system of
coast defense.
The territory of Alaska requires the
prompt and early attention of con
gress. The conditions now existing
demand material changes in the laws
relating to that, territory. The great
influx of population during the past
summer and fall and the prospect of
a still larger Immigration In the
spring will not permit us to longer
neglect the extension of civil authority
within the territory or postpone the
establishment of a more thorough gov
A general system of public surveys
bus not yet been extended to Alaska
district are upon special surveys. The
act of congress extending to Alaska
mining lnws of the United States con
tained the reservation that It should
not be construed to put In force the
general land laws of the country. By
act approved March S, 1891. authority
was given for the entry of landa for
townxlto imrjxwes und also for the
purchase of not exceeding 1t;o acres
then or thereafter occupied for pur
IMises of trade und manufacture The
purpose of congress aa thus far ex
pressed has been that only such rights
should apply to the territory as shall
be specifically named.
It will be seen how much remains to
be done for that vaat and remote and
yet promising portion of our country.
Special authority was given to the
president by the net of roo"r*-*a »p
I roved Julv 24. 1997, to divide I ha'
territory Into two land district and
to designate the boundaries thereof,
and to appoint register* nurt receiver*
of said land offices and the pr olden*
waa also authorised to appoint a sur
veyor general for the entire district
Uursuaat to Ihl* authority, a surveyor
general and receiver have beoa ap
pointed with olftrea at diiha If In the
rnsutns year the court! ton* iuatlfy li,
Ike additional land district au> barlaesl
by law will be established with an
'■Ace at same fednt In the Yukon vnl
No appropriation b>w«» waa
made fur Ibis purpose and that la
now necewsary la he don* for the Into
land districts lata Which the tarrttory
la t« kw divided
I concur with the aewreiary of war
In bla mmmiImm aa to the aeeemltf
for a military force In the territory
of Alaska fur the protection of p-rauM
aal property Already a email tnruo
consist tag of tweaty R«a mea with
! two wAcera. under command «# tdna
teaant t'vdooet Handel! a* the Highlit
lafaatry hss hern sent la A Weft
ael to establish a military post. At it
Is to the interest of the government
to encourage the development and
settlement of the country and its duty
to follow up its citizens there with
the benefits of legal machinery, I
earnestly urge upon congress the es
tablishment of a system of govern
ment of such flexibility as will enable
it to adjust itself to the future areas
of greatest population.
The startling though possibly ex
aggerated reports from the Yukon
river country of the probable shortage
of food for the largo number of peo
ple who are wintering there without
the means of leaving the country are
confirmed in such a measure as to
Justify bringing the matter to the at
tention of congress. Access to that
country this wltner can he had only
by the passes from I)yea and vicinity,
which Is a most dlflicult and perhaps
an impossible task. However, should
these reports of the suffering of our
fellow citizens be further verified,
every effort at any cost should be
made to carry them relief.
For a number of years past It lian
been apparent that the conditions un
der which the five civilized tribes
were established in the Indian terri
tory under treaty provision with the
United States, with the right of self
government and the exclusion of all
white persons from within their bor
ders, have undergone so complete a
< hutige as to render the continuance
of the system thus inaugurated prac
tically Impossible. The total number
of the five civilized tribes as shown by
tho last census, is 45,454, and this
number has not materially increased,
while the wlilto population Is esti
mated at from 200,000 to 250,000,
which, by permission of tho Indian
government, have HeUled in the terri
tory. Tho present area of the Indian
territory contains 25,69:1,564 acres,
much of which Is very fertile land.
The United States citizens residing in
the territory, most of whom have gone
there by invitation or with tho con
sent of tho tribal authorities, havo
made permanent homes for them
selves. Numerous towns have been
built In which from 500 to 6,000 white
people now reside.
Valuable residence and business
houses havo been erected In many of
them. Lurge business enterprises are
carried on In which vast sums of
money arc employed, and yet these
people, who huve invested their cap
tlve resources of tho country, are with
out title to the land which they oc
cupy and have no voice whatever in
the government, either of the nations
or the tribes. Thousands of their chil
dren who were born In the territory
are of school age, but tbo doors of
tho schools of the nations fc xhut
against them and what education they
get Is by private contribution. No
provision for tho protection of the life
or property of these while citizen*
Is made by tbo tribal governments
and courts.
The secretary of the Interior re
ports that leading Indians have ab
sorbed great tracts of land to the ex
clusion of the common peopie and
government by an Indian aristocracy
has been practically established, to
the detriment of the people. It has
been found Impossible for the United
States to keep Its citizens out of tho
territory, and the Executory condi
tions contained in the treaties with
these nations have for the most part
become impossible of execution. Nor
has it been possible for the tribal gov
ernments to secure to eadi Individual
Indian bis full 'enjoyment in common
with other Indians of the common
property of the nations. Friends of
the Indians have long believed that
the best interests of the Indians of the
five civilized tribes would be found In
American citizenship, with all the
rights and privileges which belong to
that condition.
Py section 16 of the act of March 3,
1891, the president was authorized to
appoint three commissioners to enter
Into negotiations with the Cherokee,
/•it,,.,.*,.... /n.1,.1,~ t
Creek), and Seminole nations, com
monly known as the five civilized
tribes of the Indian territory. Briefly,
tne purposes of the negotiations were
to be: The extinguishment of tiilia!
titles to any land now held by any
and all such nations or tribes, either
by cession of the same or some part
thereof to the United States or by al
lotment and division of the same In
severalty among the Indians of such
nations or tribes respectively ns may
be entitled to the same, or by such
other method as may be agreed upon
le'.vcen the several nations and ‘.riles
afiuihald or each of them with the
United States, wbh a view to «mh
adjustment upon the baslt of jusiiro
and equity as may, with the consent
of the said nations of Indians, so far
us nay be necessary, re.pilMie and
aultrlle to enable the ultimate crea
ttoi: oi a state or air.ys of the Union
which shall embrace the lands wltliin
said Indian territory.
The commission met much oppo
sition from the Iwglnnlng. The In
dians were very slow to act, and those
In ccntrol manifested n decided dis
inclination to meet wbh favor the
proposition submitted to them. A
little more than three years after Its
organisation the commission effected
an agreement with the Chotsw nation
alone. The Chlckaaaws. however, re
fused to agree to Its terms, and os
they have a comiuou interests with
the (hoetawa In the lands of th“ suid
nations, tha agreement with the latter
(tush! have no effect without tb» eon
**nt of the former On April id. tsi?
the commission effected so agreement
with both tribe*- the i*hot*wa and
the CHrkaAUVe This agreement. It
t* understood has beep rs'tftegt by tbs
constituted authorities of the respew■
live tribe* or nations parties thereto,
sad only requires the ratifies!top of
etiRgress to malt* It binding
On the fjtb of rtept. tuber, is*?, an
agreement was effected with the Cpsk
nattua, but It Is understood that t'.e
nations) council of mM nation has
refused to ratify It* same
Negotiations are yet to be had with
(he t'hsfokees, lbs MMSM populous of
the *»e clilllpd tribes, and With the
Hem>m>i*s. tbs smsliest In pud of
numbers and territory
Tbs provision in the lading appro
pr tat Son set appro**** I was IS IM.
makes M tbs ditty of tbs com atlas tan
to In * »sll*sl» and determine tbs
rights of appltvaaia for ntlasnablp hi
lbs A«« Kin lilted tribe* Tbs rommts
•ton la at preswnt tagsged In Ibi*
work among ike tribes, and has made
appointments for taking the census
of these people up to and including
the 30th of the present month.
Should the agreement with the
Choctaws and Chickasaws bo ratified
by congress and should the other
tribes fail to make an agreement with
the commission, then it will be nec
essary that some legislation shall be
had by congress, which, while just and
honorable to the Indians, shall be
equitable to the white people who
have settled upon these lands by in
vitation of the tribal nations.
Hon. Harry L. Dawes, chairman of
the commission, in a letter to the
secretary of tho interior, under date
of October 11, 1897, says: "Individual
ownership !b, In their (commission
ers') opinion, absolutely essential to
any permanent improvement In pres
ent conditions, and lack of it Is the
root of nearly all of the evllB which
so grievously affect these people. Al
lotments by agreement is the only
possibio method, unless the United
States courts are clothed with the au
thority to apportion these lands
among tho citizen Indians for whose
use it was originally granted.”
I concur with the secretary of tho
Interior that there can be no cure
for the veils engendered by the (per
version of these great trusts excepting
by the resumption by tho government
which created them.
Tho recent prevalence of yellow ro
ver in a number of cities and towns
throughout the south has resulted in
much disturbance to commerce and
demonstrated the necessity of such
amendments to our quarantine lnws as
will make the regulations of the na
tional quarantine authorities para
The secretary of the treasury, In tho
portion of his report relating to the
operation of the marine hospital ser
vice, calls attention tho the defects in
the present quarantine laws, and
recommends amendments thereto
which will give the treasury depart
ment the requisite authority to pre
vent the invasion of epidemic diseases
from foreign countries, and in times
of emergency, like thut of the past
summer, will add to the efficiency of
tuo niiniuii ; nil ami i * n iui uir
tlon of the people and at the same
time prevent unnecessary restrictions
of commerce. 1 concur In bis recom
In further effort to prevent the In
vasion of the United States by yellow
fever the Importance of the dlscovory
of the exucl cause of the disease,
which up to the present time has
been undetermined, has been obvious,
and to this end a systematic bacter
iological Investigation should be
made. I therefore recommend that
congress authorize the appointment
of a commission by the president, to
consist of four expert bacteriologists,
one to bo selected from the medical of
ficers of the Marine hospital service,
one to be appointed from civil life,
and one to be detailed from the medi
cal officers of the army and one from
the medical officers of the navy.
The Union Pacific railway main line
was sold under the decree of the
United States court for the district of
Nebraska on the 1st and 2d of Novem
ber of this year. The amount due
the government consisted of the prin
cipal of the subsidy bonds, $27,236,512,
and the acciued Interest then on, $31.
211,711.75, making the total indebted
ness $58,448,223.75. The bid at the
sale covered the first mortgage lien
and the entire mortgage claim of the
government, principal nnd Interest.
The sale of the subsidized portion
of the Kansas Pacific line, upon which
the government holds a second mort
gage Hen, has been postponed at the
instance of the government, to De
cember 16, 1897. The debt of this di
vision of the Union Pacific railroad to
the government, on November 1, 1897,
was the principal of the subsidy
bonds, $6,303,000, and the unpaid and
ucrnetl interest thereon, $'?.626.*-90.33,
making a total of $12,929,690.33.
The sale of this road was originally
advertised for November 4, but for the
purpose of securing the utmost public
notice of the event, It was postponed
until December 16, and a second ad
vertisement of the sale was made.
By the decree of the court the upset
price on the sale of the Kansas Pa
cific will yield to the government the
sum of $2,500,000 over all prior Hens,
costs and charges. If no other or bet
ter bid is made this sum Is all the
government will receive on Its claim
of nearly $13,000,000. The govern
ment has no information as to
whether there will be other bidders or
a better bid than the maximum
amount herein stated.
Thp question presented therefore is:
Whether the government shall, uuder
the authority given It by the act of
March 3, 1897, purchase or redeem
the road In the event that a bid is not
made by private parties covering the
entire government claim. To qualify
the government to bid at the sale will
require a deposit of (000,000, as fol
lows: In the government cause $300.
000, and in each of the first mortgage
causes (200,000, and in the latter the
deposit must be In cash. Payments
at the sale are as follows: I'pon the
acceptance of the bid, n sum which,
with the amount already deposited,
shall equal 13 per cent of the bid, the
balance In Installments of 2& per
rent, thirty, forty and fifty days after
the continuation of the sale. Tbs
liens on the Kansas Pacific prior to
that of the government on the (oth of
July. U»7, principal and interest,
amounted to (7,3*1.0411|. Tbs govern
tuent. then fur*. should It become the
highest bidder, will have to pay the
amount of the Hrst mortgage lien,
I believe that under the act of 1(17
it has the authority to do this, anl j
la ths absence of any action by con ;
M*»* I shall direct ths secretary of j
ths treasury to make th > vary i
deposit as required by the rootle' de
nse to qualify as a bidder «ml tn bid
at th- sale a sum which will at least
equal the principal of the debt doe to
the government. bat -rgj-n to urder
la reavuve nil cuntrwversy, li st nn
amendment of the law be Immediately ■
passed espltrltly giving rush powers !
sad appropriating In gen* rat terms 1
whatever earn M eaMcleat therefor
Is to important a matter m the |
government he*omlng the mmai
uwiwr of rniiroed pcotso' v nbhh T
perfume must conduct end upornt*. I
feel roast rat ami to lay before c agree*
these larte for Me sonants, at on and
eat ton before the isamnnttMt at
th* vale It te * tear to my mtad that
the government should no* permit the
property to be sold at a price which
will yield less than one-half of the
principal of its debt and less thaa
one-flfth of the entire debt, principal
and interest, rather than accept less
than its claim, should become a bid
der and thereby the owner of the
property. 1 submit It to congress for
The Important branch of our gov
ernment known ns the civil service,
the practical improvement of which
has long been a subject of earnest dis
cussion, has of late years received in
creased legislative and executive ap
proval. During the past few month*
the service has been placed on a still
firmer basis of business methods and
personal merit. While the rights of
our veteran soldiers to reinstatement
In deserving eases has been asserted,
dismissals for merely political rea
sons have been carefully guarded
against, the examinations for admit
tance to the service enlarged and at
the same time rendered less technical
and moro practical; and a distinct ad
vance has been made by giving n hear
ing before dismissal upon oil cases
whore Incompetency is charged or de
mand made for the removal of officials
in nny of the departments. This or
der has been made to give the ac
cuser! his right to he heard, but with
out In any way Impairing the power
of removal, which should always be
exercised In cases of Inefficiency and
lneompetency, and which Is one of tbs
vital safeguards of civil service re
forms, preventing stagnation and
dcadwood and keeping every employe
keenly alive to the fact that the se
curity of his tenure dpnds not om
favor but on his own tested and care
fully watched record of service.
Much, of course, still remains to b#
accomplished before the system can
he made reasonably perfect foe our
needs. There are places now In our
classified lists which ought to be ex
empt and other not classified may
properly be Included. I shall not hes
itate to exempt cases which I think
linvo been Improperly Included in the
classified service or Include those
which In my judgment will best pro
mote the public service. The system
hns the upproval of the people and it
will bo my endeavor to uphold and
extend It.
The library building, provided for
by the act of congress, upproved Aprtl
15, 1886, hns been completed and
opened to the public. I should he a
matter of congratulation that through
4 Has frtrnulirH4 ntwl mli*ilB/ion/><i r\t AAn.
gress the nation possesses this noble
treasure house of knowledge. It li
earnestly to he hoped that, having
done so much toward the cause ot
education, congress will continue to
develop the library In every iphase of
research to the end that It may be
not only one of the most magnificent,
but among the richest and most beau
tiful libraries In the world.
1 am forced by the length of this
message to omit many Important ref
erences to affairs of the government,
with which congress will have to deal
at the present session. They are fnlly
discussed 1 nthe departmental reports,
to all of which 1 Invite your earnest
The estimates of the expenses of tho
government by the several depart
find It un easy task to reduce the ex
penses of the government, It should
meats, will, I am sure, have your care
ful scrunlty. While congress may not
not encotiruge their Increaso. These
expenses will, in my Judgment, admit
of a decrease in many branches of the
government without Injury to the pub
lic service. It Is a commanding duty
to keep the appropriations within the
receipts of the government and thua
avoid a deficit.
Kr«nflim*n Fight a lla«l
PARIS, Dec. 7.—A duel was fought
between M. Mtllerand, the well-known
socialist deputy and editor of the Pe
tite Republlque Francalse, and M. Jo
seph Reinach, conservative deputy for
the district of DIgne, a well-known
Journalist and author, editor of the
KepublUiue Francalse. The encounter
grew out of some hot words exchanged
in the chamber yesterday during the
Dreyfus debate. Both men fired twice.
Neither was hit, and their seconds de
clared that honor was satisfied.
A Fnriultlmbl* Fore*.
DEkUN, Dec. 7.—When the German
reinforcements, numbering twenty
three officers and 1,400 men, arrived at
Kiao Chau bay, for which point, aa al
ready cabled, they will soon set out,
they will bring the total German force
up to 4,506 men, the largest body Ger
many has ever sent beyond European
waters. The admiralty reports that the
various foreign warships have entered
thf» liftv tn wairh (iurmanv'i nroirra—
and It la expected that Admiral von
Pledrlch will protest vigorously
against such an attempt.
fcurgxou n.uerel'e Report.
WA8IIINOTON. Pec. 7— Surgeon
General Wyman of the marine hospital
service, has submitted his annual re
port to Secretary Gage, it shows that
during the fiscal year ended June 30,
1M97. the total number of patlentg
treated at the hospital and the dispen
saries connected with the service was
54,774—€71 In excess of those treated
during the previous fiscal year. Ex
penditures were 3534.(53, which Is It.
ooo less thau the previous year. Tha
number of Immigrants Inspected at
the various poets aggregated 333.147.
* a»*ee*y I <4 UUIIuu,
star Krye, who arrived la Waahiagtoa
today, sxprtmaed the opinion that oa
account of political complexion of the
senate It uuid be Impossible to e-vure
currency leglslaiioa suc h as would sat
isfy th« republican party al Ibe ay
proachtag scaatoa. ta which Senator
AUteoa coincided
1 abteet « ism I mm tees 1
ROUE, flee 4 la rwagegueRre at
ihe ecGoa of ihe rhamhera la xmeed
lag ihe bill deal tag with army prw
moiloae agaiaec ihe a<l• ,*e uf the mlR
ialer of war. General t*uth>ua. It n re
purled that the ml Pieter bee tendered
Ha reetgRallua The op I a Won precede
la sums >4aarte 1 e that should General
NMtl reelga bte portfolio Ihe em
it re rablaet ewW fall
Tha Steal lag treasury debt was la
inesaesd (eying Ihe meath uf Nuvegge
be* by t3.Md.Mg pea a lee