The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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——-—-:.. . —
Fill * bottle or common glass with
let it stand twenty-four hours;
lltnent or settling indicates an tin
“iy condition of the kidneys. \N hen
ie stains linen it Is evidence of kid
/ trouble Two frequent desire to
[nate or pain in the back, is also con*
Using proof that the kidneys and
Jadder arc out of order.
_ There is comfort in the knowledge so
Often expressed, that Dr. Kilmers
Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
Ibe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary passage. It
eorrects inability to urinate and ieald
ing pain in passing It, or bail effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necess
ity of being compelled to get up many
times during the night to urinate. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp Root is soon realized It stauds
lha highest for its wonderful cures ol
e tk* most distressing cases. If you need
i|||||MLa«dicitie you should have the best
KjiHBd by druggists, price fifty emits and
■H^Bedollar You may have a sample
^Hottiu ami pliant"lilet both sent free
BHEmail Mention the NoltTHWKiThUS
mBId send your address to Dr. Kilmer
Binghamton, N. Y The pro
p'i'^BMor.or of this paper guarantee the gen
■ Hbneiicss of tllis offer.
B, How to Prevent. Pneumonia
5 this time of the year a cold is very
p- Epbasily contracted, ami If left to run its
if.Bfjcourse without the aid of some reliable
■ V Hnuffti medicine is liaide to result in
B^Bbat dreud disease pneumonia. We
B. know of no better remedy to cure a
W jgSough or cold than Chrinberlaln's
■jWftouoli Remedy. We have used it
BHrSfensively and it Isas always given cm
Bflre satisfaction. Olagab, 1ml. 'lcr.
^BChief. This is the only remedy that i“
known to he a certain preventative m
pneumonia. Among many thousands
who have used it f-.r colds and la grippe
we have never yet learned of t single
case having r> suited in pneumonia.
Person* having weak lungs or have
reason to fear an attack of pneumonia,
should keep the remedy at hand. The
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Oden
dahl Bros.
I»url1ii«t«n Houle California Kxeumlons
Reave Oma' a 1;!55 p. in.. Lincoln 0:10
p. m. und Hastings 8:50 p. m , every
Thursday in clean, modern, not crowd
ed touriKt sleepers . No transfers; car*
mn through to Situ Francisco and Los
Angeles over the Scenic Koute—through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are
carpeted: u| bolstered in rattan:
have spring seats and backs a it'd an
provided with curtains, bedding, toecls
soap. etc. Uniformed porters and <x
penanced conductors accompany eueh
-excursion, relieving pa-senger.* «>f ad
I """bother of baggage, pointing out object*
© of interest and in many other wavs
helping to make the overland trip
a delightful experience. Second da*
tickets are honored. Berths 85.
For folder giving fuli information,
call at nearest Burlington Koute ticket
otllce, or write to -L Franc!*, General
l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb'
‘f Don't be pursuadeil into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit
I Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no ir ore
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as the
following, from L. G Bagley, lluenctne.
Cal., are constantly being received:
“The best remedy for pain 1 have ever
used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I
say so after buying used it in my family
for several years.’’ It cures rheumatism,
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by Odundabl Bros.
Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well known
merchant of pleasaut Ridge, Fulton Co.
Pa., has a little girl who is frequently
threatened with croup, but when the
drat symptoms appear, his wife give her
Chamberlain’s Cougti Remedy, which
always affords prompt relief. The 25
aud 50 cent sizes for sale by Odendahl
After bearing some friends continu
ally praising Chamberlain's Colic Chol
era aud Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Feck
of Anabeitn, Cal., purchased a bottle of
It for his own use and is now aseutbue
iastic over its woiiuuriui wm k «» any
one can be. The 25 ami 50 cent sizes
lor sale by Odendalil Bros.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, l’a., snys
“My child is worth millions to me; yet
I would have lost her by croup had I
not Invested twenty-tlve cunts in a bot
tle of One Minute Cough Cure." It
cures coughs, colds and all throat and
lung troubles. Odendalil Bros,
i It 1* easy to catch a cold and just as
V easy to get, rid «>f It if jou commence
early to use One Minute Cough (hire. It
cures coughs, voids, proucbltis pneumon
ia and all throat and lung troubles. It
la pleasant to take, safe to use and sure
to cure —Odendalil Bros.
J. A. Ferkins, of Antiquity, O , w as
for thirty yea s needlessly tortured by
pbyseians tor the cure of esaiua. He
K was quickly cured by using lleWItt's
Witch Hazel Salve (be fauihais healing
■ salve for piles and skin diseases. Oden
I datil Bros.
p Mrs. M B, Ford. KuddeTs, 111., suf
K fared tor eight years from dlspep-ia
i amt ebrouie constipation and was dually
I cured by usiug lKsWilt'a I.ntlu K.irly
B Hlsets, the fautlous httiv pills tor ait j
p stomach aad liver troubles ii.lva.Uhi It
1 tu Uoiiblb Uunl4«r. 6bu rt «i4t ui
B * Y»m» will t*fc# tFiUt'# that an Ilk* ilh
Hr <lay uf M»»v«t*i4*#r, taftv fell* »*«v4#*. * j
f J t*IUV Mf III# I'tly'M ill UrM>t**l . I
I * ' cmtBty, SabtiMfe* U*«k«4 m 1
- «»t *ii«4hta«*i 1**1 it*# ittu) ->r *,• in 4 ,1
EL> nffiitu (mbbihi tauk ^ ilcur,
ft*#*# W |*4* iW 4«*l (*it|4Httii I* molly
b k» v4»|B#44Ht li*«| M 4 avittii
H * i» i4 «t«g«i id«r*| ut4 , .
■ tM mmi 4.-th* ‘»| < As#a . I
Mr wmm «4*niirt* « Ms# . *.i# u ><i f *< *
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I |U|H i«Ht» m# fel.AU**- i|A «**i dsiift m
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B ” BBPMi*Ni«r 4*m <*#**«*, •*«* **.#
I mmMnmrn* «*ni t *«**««» <«» * i» .. ....- *
I tJt Hzsz ““*■ j *'**■' -• *
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Ml 44«H #* »l 4**4 *t* Mma-ait^Miga' f. 4 If*:*.
B* «•»»» boo m a n,
Hft in w r t>ss< .. »..- sii...... , l
B i
I wish to say to th<‘ pub
lic that I have opened business
with a full line of general mer
chandise in the large Taylor
store building on South Side
i'ublic Square, Loup City.
My stock consists of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries,
Hoots, Shoes, Flats, Caps,
Ladies and Gents Furnishing
Goods, and in fact everything
kept in a general store. In
addition to the large stock
brought from Arcadia l have
just received a large invoice
of goods fresh from the eastern
wholesale markets, and am [ire
pared to sell the best goods
at the lowest prices.
Call at my store and be
convinced of this fact. I make
a specialty of my shoe depart
ment dividing it into two
classes, one room containing
a large stock for gentlemen
and the other for the ladies.
Yours for satisfatcion, low
prices and square dealing,
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted
Capital Stock, $50 .000,
Loans on Improved farms at NINK par cent. Boat Company and baaO Mm
to be bad In the treat.
ln»i««>n»nyvn,:—Chemical National Bank. New York Qty, N. Y.| OnsM
J»*tla«al liana. Omaha. Nebraska.
T.exi-ku. All EC
All Kxpreee or frei*lit «nl*n proiupUy U, Vi Ljais *1*
m l, NtOHTtM , "
A • 11 ■ r
Dm i Btitrtl Ui til Cslltctiot Btsuus ; *-•*«>
a Moiety r«uuf, »i„,>«.*»*!,t**r e«>« 11 , %
Ty pi v tiivi lu , >Mm> | ... . .v ■ j
OMK t>JUK MOKiM U* riV»l ».U*.
l.OI’l* cm, • • RIBtUtft*.
^ * AttornByat-!.Hi«, 'V ANTED Ag.-nt
\N|i 111 it\ i i |[u (4 Hen and Wn*. an II >»n aj
... „ . , , . . . *H '»« «*• »• •*>. »* *'»* *«
Will 1 Til'll till 1 H *mit WdiK > , , p|o) meat WHk MMill l*\Y. M
, .... i siwti i>an *,,i, ,|l ,*» i «f tar tits,
,\*.mU I1** t ! ! ' ill l* ,i l at h <u« ■ t lt««t|l»|, Ik* *«»»
"» i A ! I. |tt i |* >i||kl iM>4 rfa)|% \\ t il«« *1 iM»tf« ft
iMM m if a* 1 ■ *** _
fill kit*** Mi fc-Ms* l uiiititi
Wirwii • * * *>«*»** »!m*4**»<k* Wlk
In accordance with our regular custom, we are going to
make some astonishing low prices on
What is more useful or lasting for your wife, mother,
sister or sweetheart than a nice dress, cape or jacket, faci
nator, muffler, muff mittens, shoes, etc? Or perhaps she is
a great hand for fancy work. If so, why not get some
of those stumpped linens or duck of ours.
If you want something for your husband, father or
brother, try a good suit, overcoat, shoes, or something that
can be used and appreciated1
By looking at the Times-Independent you will see that
we are making some very low prices in all our departments,
and while our space in this paper will not admit quoting
prices, you will find that in purchasing the goods you
want for Xmas we are decidedly below our competitors.
1 f you are not yet ready to make your purchase and
want to have the first chance to select the best we have we
will give you the privilege of making your selection, make a
small deposit on it and we will lay it away for you. This is
certainly fair as it gives you the chance to get your choice
early and you do not have to take it until Xmas unless you
want to.
Give us a chance to show you our line of useful presents
and we will please in every particular.
Yours for a Happy Christmas,
A. E. Chase.
I Cm Pips Du't li,-~
---ButJars nil ip.
Liars figure low and promise everything. You
• get not what they promise, but what you pay for;
Nothipg piope apd pothipg less.
We give you what wo promise, something
more. Call and see our splendid line of
Tufted lounge* at prices that was never heard
of before. They are not stuffed with wind either
nor yet stove pipe.
3.&0 tip.
|fore buying IX wash boiler* (*o called) look at our heavy returned or copper wash
boilers «t»d get someth log f«»r your money, I fold granite ware, the beat made.
fall and «ee us lie fore buying and we will give you one hundred cents worth of goods
■ for a dollar If you need any light tin the subject cull and inapaot our uee line of lamps,
* from l«\ cents up
Don't forget the Brick Hardware Store,