The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 19, 1897, Image 8

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    Uoaal Daws.
————— ■ in .■ -nrjmmc tr———
.fame* Oouley was down from Ouster
county Saturdny.
0. VV. Sutton doing business in
the city yesterday.
Note Uastcyer's display of fancy
dress patterns to-day.
For washing machines and clothes
wringer* see T. M. Heed.
John Wall of Arcadia was a t>u»sen
ger down tho B. * M. line this morning.
For wagons, buggies, harness, suikey.
plows, hardware, tinware, etc., cull on
T M. Heed.
A. E. t/hase Is tho proud father <>f a
bouncing baby boy which waa born
last Saturday.
Rev. Van Fleet preached a very In
teresting sermon at the M. F church
Monday evening.
FOB Hai.b A thoroughbred Jersey
bull ealf.O mnoths old: also four good
calves same agt*. Al.FHKO AMiKlisoN.
W. T. (ilbson has the contruct to re
pair the Middle Loup river bridge at
this place and will commence the Job
There will be a Thanksgiving ball at
tbc opera house November SB, I'd!*
flood music will lie furnished. All are
welcome to come.
A trial subscription to the Semi-Week
ly State Journal from now until Jaiiu
111 y i • i11" vnij w * ■ »j -
You can send stamps,
After a six months -lay herewith
friend* and relative* Wm. Waite
started for Denver, yesterday where
he will spend the winter.
Dr. Main, we understand, lias conclud
ed to locate nr. Loup City and will open
an office In the Imildlng west of the
First Bank, on main street
An exchange says: “Wo decline to
notice a newspaper who steels our par
agraphs." The Monitor should observe
this quotation and note Its meaning.
Republican sheriffs were elected In
Buffalo, Hall, Howard and Valley
enmities. Each of these counties also
elected n greater portion of the repub
lican ticket.
Those who have promised to bring u*
In sboat* to pay subscription account
with are requested to do ao at once.
Weight from 78 to 125 pounds each
There It tie need of little children be
ing tortured by scald head, eczema
and scalp eruption* DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve gives Instant relief and .
cures perrnantly.
M. K. Getter of Ord, who organized
tho Home Forum lodge In this CUy a few
months ago. is now here In tho interest
of a new heniflelsry organization
known as the Tribe of Ben Her.
The Loup City Photograph Gallery
is making Portraits second to none
In etylo oiid finish, until Xmas he
will give reduced prices. Don’t miss
this ehauea and secure 12 bountiful
Xmas presents.
E. G. Robinson and wife, of Arcadia
arc in the city. Mr. Robinson has pur
chased the little square bouse across
the track and will move it ,o Arcadia
and add it to Ills residence for a kitchen j
and dining room.
A Boone, the optician will be in Loup
City Nov 22 and 2J, at Claae’s drng
store and will have with him one of
Dr. Culbertson's prisotometer, the se
cond instrument of this kind in tho
state. Call and see him. No charge
for examination.
There aro a good many of our sub
surlbers yet delinquent and w e respect
fully ask them to sail and settle \V«
must have money and so must push
our collection*. Please don’t make it
necessary for as to go to the expense
of sending out a collector hut drop n
when In town and settle or moil us Him
amount due.
It waa a little early for Thanksgiving
dinner but the editor, hi* brother O.
spread til the u-uul Thanksgiving -up
pile* at tlm No*TIIW»>'r*KN household
Piet tYednesday, mid wlille our father
mid brullwr ol Call* <'Ity were with u»
They returned home lid* utotalug.
.la* Conger and wife received an ii
vltatlon lo attend the wedding of Ji lin
K C, Gallaway, now wf Hurt ale, X Y,
who Will on il»e M day of Niivtmlier lw
united In mnrrage to Nisa Mtty He lm n
The bride I* a altmiger to u». hul JtdlU
I* 4 lornie* resident o| >berinmi eonnty.
I* a kruiher ot M. K Gallaway now re.
tiding in l.ogeit to»ii*hlp and t* g< net
ally known uy all nor |ieopk' a* an
h«neat upright and tmtu*lrl«u« young
man He wt*h theu • work) «>l j ».«*
peril) and happine*
U« preventative J M Hutd*r met wi>h
a nerere accident la-l Watuydat while
nut at the Him lie **• repairing the
corn t til* and atvld*n>!) at> po«d II
the avagold. la the (ell h* brt e to.
, halt arm above the erwi and threw th
arid act al Jurat- II* an I Mi* '>*ol*i
• ero atone at the lime hot *l*e >»•«
m>*ned help aa tywlek a* per.1 *nd in
Injured limb a a* p« topi*** »•
I hay could Ft** old g«nt)« ,
atco badly «ha*ea np try the I
wm *« stunned th* t he e*mbl e- »>
Aral apes* M* ww* hymcght t» «• *
yesterday and t* rhdug a* »’
,-aid he eapeeted
I K. Campbell, of Collins, Story conn-1
tv, I own has | urchased tin* north east
quarter of Section :!, Ifi, 14. In the east
part of the oourty and intend* to locate
here at once. Il« seems well p eased
with tho country and say* that, there
will no doubt tie a iarge immigration
from the east another year.
The Blind Boone Concert Company
* hilled to give an entertainment at
the Opera House, Loop City Thursday
light. December 21, 1897. This will be
the second time that this company
lias visited this city. Boone Is a tnusl
■al genius anil the people here gave him
i good audience on his former visit
uid seemed well pleased with the en
crtjinrnviit. Adml-slon and H5 ctrf.
William Benschoter and son John of
Kails City arrived lust Saturday and
sill visit a week with friends and rein
lyes. Mr. Benschoter Is father of
he editor and of ft. Benschoter, lie
Irst located in Sherman county, In 1N73
mil before Its organization. He laid
>ut the town of Loup City and so Is
untainted w 1th all the old settlers here,
rhcy returned home this morning.
The National Druggist, a paper pit •
ished at St. Louis says: Wednesday
norning Kunchman .Sam Dodge, woo
I veil In the Osage country, Went to
Vlnlta on business, and shortly after he
uni gone, Bessie, his 5-year-old daugh
ter. wand red away from home In an
it.t err pt to follow him. Mrs. Dodge
II w>v« i ed her absence about two hours
tiler flam's departure, fltie made a
thorough search of thu premises, and
falling to find the child, notified the
neighbor* of her dlsapperume. They
turned out in force and scoured the
prairies all I hat day, senrehlng for Hie
little wanderer. Lute Thursday even
ing un Indian came upon her lying fast
asleep, Just south of Post Oak Creek,
In an old mud known a the "Wills; y
Trail.” Acrt ** her body Mood a New
foundland Jog, which hud always been
her companion about, the ranch. The
dog was torn and bleeding, and near
his feet lay Ike dead bodies of two
wolves. Alttioo; h her cheeks were
stained with tears nnd covered with
dust, Bessie was unharmed. She and
I.... , I ,, It mi l.ool f/l liOl
home, a distance of twelve in lies from
whero they were found, where the dog
died of his wounds that night, lie wa
given a decent burial, and yesterday
Ham Dodge ordered a marble monu
ment, which Will Le placed at the head
of the faithful minlmal'a grave
Wong t hing Foo.tho Chinese com
missioner, propose* to supply the ex
position and Omaha with Hie greatest
fete of mechanical skill on record. Hu
want* to secure the catting on the ex
poiition grounds of a bell no less
than a quarter of a mile in circumfer
ance at Its mouth and whose peal wonid
bo beard all over the state. The work
would be dona by 330 Chinamen of
skill in bell casting. The bell would be
a duplicate of the fumious bell at Man
kiii. China, which was hung 2,700 year*
ago. The casting days would be fifteen
comecntlve Saturday', on which it
would be expected that the grounds
would bo crowded. The boll would bo
completed two weeks before the end of
the exposition and would toll the clos
ing hoars of the great »how. It would
t e presented to the state of Nebraska
by the emperor of China through Wong
t hing Foo. Alter tolling the close of
the exposition it would not sound a
guin mii 11 the j ext Fourth of July
when twelve strokes would be beard;
mi Vmi Vuiit's iluo anil on \l us)iii irtnii'a
birthday twelve strokes, on Grant's and
Lincoln a birthday ten strokes, for the
preservation of the union In lHllo twelve
stroke? and twelve strokes on the oc
casion of the death of any man or wo
man "who had brought up a meritorious
family, one of which at least hud been a
benefactor to tbe public ami a patriot
to country and not one of the mem
dor* of which had ever committed a
wrong act to his neighbors." Mr. Kuo
sty s that this would be ' the greatest
living hell on earth'* lie wants-as-ist
ance to the extent of e-'-n Otsi m casting
[ it, tliu material to be paid for by th«
| sl ate and e'ju.'kst worth of machinery
i to tie furnished by the -tat** State
, .loon al
!>n« ttollur to lann.
For one dollar bill Tin* v**nii-IVII I,,V
S’ lie dour tl vv rnt Ii - a in-w
jtil .laiiMui v I, i st'h A got-I lung Huh
; |4> gfl two tug I'aiwr* iMr'ffV Willi
*M III# }*•’* * of ttM* W h«»|o wort t; nil lli
[ »t*tt* ill'll mot In fm*t itpto »*»>*!
jgvio r*»l liiktii i tlim* ion gi« lit
i«ny otjir itHti* |it|>rr. Ilo- Journal t
*l»rnihitjg tooiiov uif«*i fffiift in writ tag
$ »t|» lli»* it«trt**t# of N^hsiin i amt »**tHng
I <awf *utp • attvantAgv* Mi*' |* u|*i*
of IH** w hot# mount if »ii*ii i afro*
jHiiij will »Mnf llniuiimi* n* f * * *
\ nujrvii tii aaiv *t *1* V *»m r<* **
! I ll*' Jonrnal n|»l«*ti ii tout an iMo tl*
! }*a|*#r of a t iio’otit i.*«i a #1**1
, i «|#r In li# iiu*»t hpum I*it ah
- # t«*f Mr# i#-*t 1*1* »v »t' h| S Ati’Aikoi* ?
i i# tli* Mint *4o#aIum» t*ir lb*4 It»«
-louinni ih»u t*ite*| to
f,o»r N 'it ' ii- t tl f Ni* l*#*! t
i gf«|i IN# Jttolo* I l^tui Mo
; I • * r-i# inU tt*«t li##t ti«»m* bjr ##*<*1101
iH H*|« tMttn I* AT ill {I II tor M*>
j 4|« » In I* ** iff#* hm
f i%■*--! I| mil*) tl In font In *S*i
|#i>kAf a«4 NM ito#m *v*> «|»>*I |icAi ttHnjt
n* Joinn m I rt>« *#v % n*l m
1 fiM§9 ttoolbtf ft** fell# m Ai* 44*u|m) t ««
’ *'**in- \# - IV **<*411 %i»u **«4 tin
j 414* f* *0*4 |U) 4*'t N |l>Ht *» on
WaRNINO:—Persons who suffer from
roughs null cold* should heed the warn
ings of danger and save th tnselves suf
fering and fata' results by using One
Minnie Cough Cure. It Is an infalli
hie remedy for coughs, colds, croup and
all throat and lung troubles. Odemlahl
B ros.
The Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake t'ltv,
Minn., want a responsible man in Oils
vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees
and nursery stock. Good pay. Steady
work. Write them today.
A pain in the chest Is naturel warn
ing (hat pneumonia is threatened
Dampen a piece of tlanuel w ith Cham
berlin's I’ain Halm and bind oyer the
sent of pain, and another on the hack
between die -holders, and prompt re
lief will follow. Sold bv Odemlahl
Dr. Iliimplicrys* Veterinary Manual
oil the treatment of hor-es, cattle, sheep,
hogs, dog- and poultry, mailed free
upon request Address thellumpherys’
Company, New York
Kill a bottle or common gluss with
urine and let. it stand twenty-four hour .
a sediment or settling indicates an tin
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
iirlm- -tains linen ii i evidence of kid
ney trouble Two frequent desire t„
urinate or pain in the back, is iilao coy.
vimdng proof that the kidneys ail'd
Ii .older are out of order.
Ti ere i- comfort in the know)■•due -o
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'
Swuinp-Koot, the great kidney remedy
fiillills every wl-n in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part ol Hie urinary passage. It
eorreei s inability to urinate and (raid
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects
follow ing u-u of liquor, w ine or beer,
and overcomes (hat unpleasant neer-s
ity of being compelled to got, up many
times during Hie night to urinate. The
mild and the extraordinary elf'er! of
Swamp Knot Is soon realized Jt stands
ft.l» i .rluik I I ....... I,., f. I ........
fhe most distressing cases. it you need
it u edielne you should have tins best j
Sold by druggists, price lift}’ cent- and l
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle, and j/bam hint both sent free
by mail Mention tile Noktiiwkstkkn
and send your address to Dr. Kilmer
A Co.. Binghamton, .S'. Y, The jiro
prie.or of till’ paper guarantee the gen
uineness of this offer.
Non< i,.
I have about 160 fine imperial Pekin
ducks for sale at 50 cent each. These
are the best ducks for laying of any
kind as they lay both fall and spring.
You will do well to see me if you
want to buy. A. liAN KL.
You can't cure consumption tint you
can avoid It and cure every oilier form
of Ihroat or lung trouble by the use of
One Minute Cough Cure Odeudahl
Small pill*. »a{<> pill*, bi**t pill*. De
win'* Little Early Itinera cure billion*
lie**, constipation, *lck headache
Odendahl Broc.
Cabinet Photographs second
to none in style and finish at
reduced price until Christmas
’!*7 at the Loup City Art
I To ln»T *«’.**. K*». ; i "infeed “AW <.MOf» A»”
. i r • - n». !. •> ; they can t be
; made. I*«»*»‘i f»«*% i • • the to st. A
! cheap fcr.»l«- .0 Inve»tir»etil
i you can in* • fi • ■) » m>» that
sooner r 11 jm> «hIi
M {teNUl'X . »»• \ I U
! Which tti.1 I, 1 . 1 l.f.iM- *. I pr».vo the
' rhciiHr«l • • *»* • *. \ n#
\ * - ? - liWb»l
i rAir.“- t. co.,
IIOS . . N U
4» «t • < . *» 4 f * « .Ml
rii *j it
* * • h-X P H ElS S v N *’
I t pi; * <1* "I > t « I«; I: * (iDtHI* pruln, ll|
^ *. \ It. M I I \ • V ! K,
laA W V fcj| 4.
i l)HI | Qeeirt: U* III ClItKt&l Kliutit
A NhU*, « «.%<*• j**wf i»l*
| * I**' « t It* t In
H 11H itiKfil u# Ml.»l •*%***
uartiTi, • • iiHiDiv
AHm*iiKU-Mt*l. ntw.
\m* vornv pi hi.ic
S\ ill lH*i* n l in I orn Imuu i a*t*
p.u 1*1 yol\I.M|i uKlI
l > 1 ui m 1
M'« r *ttt, 1 nAttM
Wagons, Buggies, Disk Harrows, Sulkie or Gang Blow
or anything in this line. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of
Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
16 to 1 I
\\ o hav* lately received our wimer siocu oi
Ladies, Gants, ]hi!drans, Inf: nts Undarui/Ear
which is quite comple te, and having be< n purchased early is
lower than they could >e replaced at . \
Outing flannel .... (5, s, tt ami Wc.
Nice black novelty 27in. wide .... 121 c,
C. H. ( orset, best hi<_di bust made * - - $l.nn
Imported Saxony, per skein Sc.
Yephyr Yarns, per skein ..... 6c.
We have just received another large invoice of blankets which
we well sell at 45 ccntsa pair. Buying in large quantities enables
us to sell cheaper, hence this low price.
2 lbs. any package coffee .... 25c.
1 lb. best rice ------ He.
2 lbs. seedless raisins ..... 25c.
1 bu. apples ...... 75c.
every S25 Wort!) of goods <
you buy of Gasteyer w ill cost you 830 anywhere else.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
Sr. Joseph. Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Loitli, San Kranclpco,
mitt ail pointM ami all points
Last ami South. West
No w Pimeenger 7:30 a. m
Mo «;o Freight .goop. m
(i()IN(j WEST
No. M Pa-ncngor i.l.Ap in.
No. 60 Freight. lli.VOn. in
sleeping, dinner and reclining chair ear*
11neatn free) on through train* Ticket*
1 Hold and baggage checked to any point in
ilo* United State# or «‘anada.
For Information, map#, time table# and
ticket* <’Uil on nr write to A. i*. Wert»
Agent, mi J. Fit \N< I#, tieivl. |*a*#«jiiger
Agenl, <»mutiu, Nebraska.
v , m leave*, daily except attnduy <pa*»g
• ng» t . m » ni
Vo 4* Monday. w».lm,«luy ntid
i krtdav. {initial) 2 6A p in
s.* hi leave# Tne.dkv. TI*n»#dkV and
*,i irdav. mixed S sip m
s>. s arrive# dal'y except Sunday mixed
It ii N III
! So dmi ve- dally except Sunday pa*#«
w |i cm ton, Agent*
sT.NIKi (Siven Away
p,t I .pull,, wh<« M.-ls- • h*’ »,-*»•*., nil".'
«.f ««nU nit* of *hr |.hn*.. i't'rtlf
W*.1." l-W
N <1 |!r -.«r.l-r
i U ..htatflAM. 1* •
I <«««-*, lull llliruni *<«<l ♦.« «<■•••<*
TV1 lni' Ux Ili Mui *n4 •««»»** »n*f
■ U Ml h> I fa*—' ilfciHWlblwIohlb nila.Vnt
• t «,,4|t.*4 I’hitmWri*|» * V»*• «t>4
I tlH • Hltluu Ml. With* **#y !**»*l
i IMt* b*H |» "txUI- Mil « «r»4 l>! Hi I*
* U * A'lwi N h« hiHrf |-ik#
! 4 t.«*> rit.- it i.—.it t*«* —■*»
| l I. *n t» i MH UUm. f»*l 1 I *«
»«. iluinli ***** e|'v« Slit*. | * i»
«4fa* »
l>« i.*4*'» 14—titMm IS>«kr>
! 'ti l » U .i 4 h<***» **•. 4» * It* ** fat
I • ..till m T***>»*•. l>**«4 |**MI* *t - 1
>..lf*>«<* Tfawjr fat* «M 1-4 1 '
} im' I** »**>* *4 ib* !*>•« |m «w I** |* *• ..
fa*.<4* l*t 1*1 ll**» i.l—HlV •* hi *1
f«* lit* |« r (•*—'fe*Mv
'WANTED Agent.
Both Men and Women If you are i
willing to work, we can give you j
employment with GOOD PAY. and
you can work all or part of the time, i
and at home or traveling. The work
is light and easy. Write at once for
, terms, etc., to
The Hawks Ni:ksekv Covihany
Milwaukee, Wis,
Loup City Market lteporl
Prices paid for:
Corn.$ .1.1
Wheat .. 7«»
Oats 12
(log!. 2.7.1
(lows and heifers ® 200
Feeder* 3.50
Batter, per pound . l'»
KfiKH. par do* 10
Dr. Sumner Davis Oculist
and Auriest, Grand Island.
!T1uW the dlncaaee of domes tic ani
mal*. IIOMtt. Cattijc, Km let. Door.
llooa, and Poultry, are cured by
Humphrey*' Vrlrrloary Hpect *
tii m, is ;»s true ua that propU* rl>lo on railroad*,
fc. nd in* by t*di*i:raj»h, CT Sew with aew iini
mnchUit*. It U as irrational to bottle, Imli uu *
bhcd nnhnuL In order to cure tlx-ni, us it U !•
take puMMurt* in u sloop New York to Altianv
1*4.1 lu liu? beat stable* and recommended r*
ti* I . H. Army ( avilry 4I01« < r*. ^
PAGE BOOK on trratmeut and caret.
Uomwlifl Amina la, and Habit chart
mounted on roller*, sent free,
(■ uit* , Peter*, 4 one ration*, Init «t«*Hiaih»»*
%.%. I Mpiaal Mt-ulutfitU, Milk I ever
II, It. Hiraia*. laiMraraa. HbraMaiUm
t . 4 • Ml»»rtaper, Vital l»l«> bargra,
l>. I*.- lio|* «r 4»tub«. UullMl,
to it. I aagka. Ilraira. I*»« u mania.
I. L. t alt* nr 4«ripe«, Hrliiatba*
44, 4.. Ml*, anlrtg**, llvwartliagra,
II.IL— I rlatnrr aa4 Kidney Ulwawt,
I. I. I ragiiiw Ol*i *m«, Uaggt,
«!• K. Iliwawa mi literati’ *.
winkle 4 •««*. wl«h Um.*«4.
V«U 4 11,0-1 %t .iint, gf .g
- '«•»»- I' ft* . .-f ,.|
W4 hi thaggHig re laai fvtnd puekgH
••4 lr wa» faeetdf •* Kempt at ftigg,
IT'Mi UNkiYa MCDtaitfB 00k,
(Kim** W.'. .ua .*j4 J-*haa Bh, lf*r
*•"«■» Ortiliti, VIM Wilkins.
•Vi r» «WM •*-*•> «MP * •» „ ..V,
I- t»« >vi ,» | •„«*. • «.» (..»*.# V, ,
* M-H.Hi. «« M*. «. mt
H'>Mru«fc,» MBBIOitiw on
a—« W M< MMi *«*. tt •