For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watki.nso *, Loup City,Neb ^ j * . lioaal Dews. Jus. Be: nett is quite sirk with lung fever. John Horn Is assisting in Reynold's tneat market. We will take a load of liav and a load of straw on subscription. For washing machines and clothes wringers see T. M. Heed. Mrs. W. J. Fisher is on the sick list and lias been for the past week. See the large display ad. of E. H Watklnson on another page. Mrs. O'Brian and mother of I B. O'Brlan Is reported very sick. A. E. Chase returned from a business trip to Omaha last Saturday A baby boy arrived at the home of l.M. Polskl's on Tuesday last. J. T. Hale la now running the livery ham recently run by Greening. Presiding Elder Smith occupied the pulpit at the M. K. church Sunday. J. A. Converse has about completed the new addition to his city residence. A. M. Bennett has just completed a new brick foundation under Ills barber shop. The hoard of Supervisor* was in sess ion Wednesday and Thursday of this week. W. If. Conger is now at woik putting a new brick foundation under his res idence. Joseph Simmons from the west side wss doing business at the county seat yesterday. Forwngons, buggies, harness, sul key, plows,, hardware, tinware, etc., call on T. M. Heed. C. E. Koaseter was taken sick with cholera morbus last Tuesday evening and is unable to work. Charles Gasteyer reports having shipped 8,250 bushels of potatoes from this point this fall. Win. Neville has recently built a new barn and otherwise improved bis residence property. Foil Sal» —A thoroughbred Jersey bull calf,9 mnothi old; also four good calves same age. A unite i> a mock-on. This section whs again drenched with rain last Saturday night. Thunder and lightening accompanied the storm. The fourth stone crossing In Loup City has just been put down. More will be put dowu aa soon as there are funds. A. I*. Culley raised a large crop ol sweel potataea thta year and is now in dustriously at work getting thdm on the market. Jas. Itcpew has built an addition to bis barn and hes bought a big turkey whloli be has shut therein. Thanks giving Is rather early for Jim this year C. Gnsteyer reports last Saturday to be the best business day of the year. His cash sales for that day were #147.Of to say nothing of butter and eggs, col lections, etc. Those who have promised to bring ut In shoats to pay subscription account with are requested to do so at once Weight from 75 to 125 pounds each preferred. Nelly Gray hat got several absent marks on the Nohthwkstkkn records She has'nt written any school Items lot some weeks. Wlists the matter Nelly : A trial subscription to the Semi-Week ly State Journal from now until Janu ary 1, 1898 only costs twenty-five centi You can send stamps. Kmell A. Swanson of Hazard town ship made this office a pleasant cal last Saturday while in the city on bus Incss He renewed his subscription t< this paper. There Is ||« need of little children he 1ntr t nrl n ri'tl hff ut'Hitl t‘i>7l>lili ami scalp eruptions. HeWitt's Witel Hazel Salve gives Instant relief ami cures pennantly. MU* Hattie Tarocktiiorton. who i attemllng our city school was callei home last Sunday on account of tin serious Illness of her grandmother win died about three hoars before her ar rival. Mrs. K K. Tracy returned last Tim* day evening from Benedict, NehruU where she ha* been for the past »1: weeks for medleal treatment. A lev day* ago the wa» reported worse am Mr. Tract want at once A* soon a • he was able to be moved be hrougti her borne. The laisp I'il) I'holograph 'toilet la making I'ortraita second to non tn aty le oud dumb, uutil \ma» h will give icduev J price*. |i ne**eo*ty l«»»l* g»» U t** *ape«* at sending nut « *» |t»e«#r hut de*-t> when to lues «nd ttltb w m*«l ** it* omenwi tin*. Geo. Gibson i< bnildlt g an addition I on the north of hi* C. P. lla>cs rode the A O. I'. W | goat last Thursday night. F ff. Fuller dropped In to see the editor anil order Ills paper change to Loup City. Mr. Fuller and family are now located in their new qmir ters. He has been quite ill the past week with a severe cold. We learn of the death of Mrs. l’etlne. mother of Mrs. A. W. TJi rock m orton of Divide. Her death occurred last .Sun-lay afternoon. The funeral services were held Monday sod her repmUns taken to Ashland Neb. for in terment. It dos'nt look much like irrigation would he needed next season. This is the wettest fall we have had for many years. If the rain fall continues as It has in the last two months wo pre dict that It won't lie long tin 111 the springs will be bubbling out of the creek lianks again as iu days of yore. The Blind Boone Concert Company Is billed to give an entertainment, at the Opera House, Loup City Thu -day night. December 21, IH1I7. This will he the second time that this company has visited this city. Boone is a musi cal genius and the people here gave him a good audience on hi* former visit him] seemed well pleased with the en tertainment. Admission 25 and H5 ets, Last Saturday Jens Jensen, a lad lb y ears of age and residing with Ills parents In Hnsurd towfisldp was brought to town by Ids father liana Jensen and some of their neighbors In a d« mentuted condition, lie was taken before the county board- of insanity and adjudged Insane. He is pronounced by those who know Idm to bo a good steady boy. The first noticed of his situ condition was aooul Illicen days ago when ho took sick anil at times would ho raging with fever. Polities seem to lio form os t In his mind and he dwells almost continually on the two subjects McKinley and Bryan, display ing great friendship for tho latter and showing Ills contempt for tho former. Me will b) taken to the asylum for treatment. An old Swede lady by the name of Mrs. t'arlson of Washington township and who has been provided for by the township Is now at North Loup. We learn that her neighbor!, one and all have also helped to support hi r and make her comfortable and yet she will not stay at home, but when she can get away runs around from plaeo to place and In some instances puts the town ship to unnecessary expense. The trouhlo with the Washington town ship people Is to know what to do with her. 8h* will not be contented to re main at home but seems to want to go to the poor bouse. Unfortunately, in this case at least, Sherman county has no poor house. Wo suggest that the olllcials of Washington township try to And a place for her in some pool house of some other county where she could tie kept with reasonable charges. Under such circumstances the town ship could better afford to care for her, ami If she should he contented they would he relieved of both unnecessary expense and bother. Clear Creek New*. Joe Wiseman is loosing hogs. Some corn is already In the crib. The weather is mild for this season j v» i me jcni . A. J. Wilson Is home from Lincoln where he went for apples. Il« reports apples scarce and of a very poor final ity. tioaeh [toothers have lost seventy-live or eighty head ot hog*. Kkcokiik H. rui; I N ION PACIFIC Passes through the best cities and tow i s . of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyomirg ai d ! Utah, and is the best route to Denver, , i Cheyenne, Salt Lake City. San Fran ■ cisco. Portland and all Puget Sound I 1 points. 'Vim advantages gained by trav eling via the I nma Pacific are iliiiek i Tltn«,t.Tie>|Ualed ser\ ice. , MapNHTCKKT KtjUIl'MENT, II Dot lure Duawino It you. Pi'l l.HAN PAt,Al l Sl.ltM KItS, ,| Pi 1 MIAN DIMM. OAKS, Fnt». Ks.i i.ims'. Chair < Tic, Pei.w is Torm*t si.Kki'Kits, For Time Table, pamphlet* dr-crlp, Ive of tlie country Iraversed. talcs of , fare, sleeping car accommodation*, or any oilier Inlmtnaliun. apply to W, |», ('Llims, Agent. r . r.. iis« Dellar tu latre. > Fair One dollar bill The Pemi M • vkly I I Stale Journal will lie sent from now on : III January I, Ian# A good long tune g»'« l *u big •*%«*» v wwk vi ith ( *)| tin* tir ul ItH* VIliol# H «»i I I s Mi » i «t«t«* m«**a aim! In {tet iiMirt* mc«* ti**t f guitt'tfl rfiilltig iikaI(«'r Miam V*»** u*" |«« Any utbcf «tilv lh«* JourMal I* * Ithu ui‘*i»rv aimI in «rr*• •* I ! III! tbt iHletnU «*f \#Uf k*ta4 AM»| iff* l*»£ uyr »4*i*» 4th kUMgvi Ill# i **| Mw* v% butt1 t'itWUlff, N» ‘MMA A » |tMkk »! ptHty *iH btkitg mI lAfiii I j iniftri# IM im»! *1*1* Y«H ft4tl | IM •iMitfM'kl dlib H It M*t AM IImiaHa j < t»r a I | tjitr. •***» a a!Ai** J |l}4t| l)i it a (fit *1 *t»iti'' W till *Hl I tur ibv l*«t i ttftvttiuf * »•* w M the it*! -'**4*>t Uf »lic 11.* Juatt4«i •!**#* * ilhwi t»|*«**» tv* tll'V ul Klfff S i»f A vfck *» *lM* 4' I i * bt* • I h b*Np|» Tli* ilibt J*M*f**#l !**!«*»• »M }**i»fei# Uni Ilk*! t*»r*^** ■» - lu*4 [ft 4He# IMii* * U * »} 1“ * **»♦ f I# IMP*** Ii %U## >••»* * «»« * jms i Am * ' 1 4^* ■’ • Warning:—I’ersons who suffer fr< n coughs am] cold- should In cd the warn lugs of danger and save th iiiwIvm suf fering and fata' results by using Om Minuto Cough Cure. It is an infalli ble remedy for coughs, cold*, croup am all throat and lung troubles. Odendah Bros. The.leWHI Nursery Co of [.like Citv Minn., want a responsible man in Dili vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees and nursery stock, (rood pay. Steady work. Write them today. A pain in the chest Is naturel warn Ing that pneumonia is threatened Dampen a piece of flannel with fjhnni lierlm's I'ain Balm and bind oyer th« seat of pain, -find another on the back between the sliolders, and prompt re lief will follow Hold by OdOtliluhl Bros. Dr. lluniplierya' Veterinary Manual an the treatment of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, dogs and poultry, mailed free upon request. Address the lluniphcrys' Company, New York. IlOW TO FIND Ol T. Fill a bottle or common glass willi urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condlt Ion of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it I evidence of kid ney trouble Two frequent lesire to urinate or pain in the back, Is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. wit a r TO imi. There )* comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's r wiimp Boot, tho great kidney remedy fulfills every wl-li in relieving pain 1n the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary puss age. It. corrects Inability to urinate and leald ing pain in passing It, or had effects following use of liquor, wine or beer and overcomes thin unpleasant necess ity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tin mild and the extraordinary effect ol Swamp Boot. Is soon realized It stuud* the highest for its wonderful cures ol iii* 111* «!»i. *i in i i i lift; i .» - I". ii miu hi 'i, a ir edielue you should have the best Sold by •druggists, price tli ty cunt* am] one dollar You may have a gainpli bottle and pbam bid both sent fro by mall. Mention the Nokthwk*TKI<> and send your address to l»r. Klliii**! & Co., Binghamton, V. Y The pro prie .or of tld* paper guarantee ll#' gen nineties* of this offer. NOTICE. I have about 16b flue Imperial i’ckit duck* for sale at .10 cent,each. Tlic.-i are the best duck* for laying of an] kind ns they lay both fall and spring You will do well to see me If yot want to buy, A. M an ki.. You can't cute consumption loir y>i can avoid It and cure every oilier forn of throat or lung trouble,by 1he use o One Minute dough Cure, Odcndab Bros. Small pills, safe pills, best pills. Witt's Little Karly Risers cure billions ness, constipation, sick heudaclic. Oden'dabl Bros. Cabinet Photographs secont to none in style anti finish a reduced price until Christina; ’l>7 at the Loup City Ar Studio. DON'T KAIL TO GET YOLK I B ON GASTEYER'S BRICES. S ALES IT’S DANGEROUS To bu? m \ I.KM, f’utrantwl “A M 4-OOI* AM* FAIlIll A * H%' . i >r !•"*» money ; th»*f ctu’t t>< made. Hau l f>u*, ui ">• > < >1 v "t the bent* / ebeap Meal*' 1. it. i i *\pcrndvw lnvm>im<*n you can Ui - c. It !• iinrr: *t* • mut RU*iM ttm tooner or la; f > ■ • >. Hay ontj a Xt-niiiiM1, I < d ■< I ■ 'inn t*.l ii .VI UH which wi t ' \* i lii"i'mf. and prove lb' rkMiwat Inthf -0(1. s . i . lb* B iiupuli yuUr w *.. U I11ITATIOAM FAin&, & co. 1102 t rt.A ii t Omaha, Neb. Ill* Si ill** ttrs*lis*l.> »r ink". 1 • .H..f EXPRESS **»• general delivery line. All t ie >ui »'re>«tit timer* promt'11 *|* H. N Hill TIN • ALL I .A WYKU. Jk Vitttf (FtthtM’i %lw«»n|Mi|‘h»> K*l lil, \l Ml. m ■MSSfc'Nl • tt* fcHI »*•<•*••*» *»t«m im i- < in, « miii CAM,ON T. M. EEED fora Wagons, liiiggics, Disk Harrows, Sulkie or Gang Plow or anything in this lino. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of Harness anil harness fixtures, Washing; and Hewing Machines, Oils, etc and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. HAST SINK PUBLIC 8QUAIIK, - • LOUP CIT'Y, NKBRA8KA. IS STILL OUR films WHEN WE Sell Wo have latelv received our winter stock of * Ladies. Rents, Childrens, Infants Underwear which is quite complete, and having been purchased early is lower thau they could be replaced at. 4 DRY GOODS Outing flannel .... <5, h, U and 10c. Nice black novelty 27in. wide .... 12k*. C. It, Corset, best high bust made • - • £1.00 Imported Saxony, per skein .... Hr. Yephyr Yarns, per skein ..... 5c. We have just received another large invoice of blankets which we well sell fit 45 Cents a pair. Buying in largo quantities enables us to sell cheaper, hence this low price. GROCERIES I 2 lbs. any package coffee .... 25c. [ v 1 lb, best rice , * - • - - - 8c. 1 lb. evaporated peaches ..... 8c. 2 lbs. seedless raisins - • - • - 25c. 1 bu. apples ...... 75c, 1 I^6|VI6|V1 e\)ery $25 Wort!) of yoods you buy of Gasteyer will cost you 830 anywhere else. _CHAS. G^STEYEP, TIME TAIILK. LOUP CITY, XEBR Lincoln, Denver. Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, Sr. ,Jo»eph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louie, San Francisco, anil ail point** and ail points East and South West | THAI NS LKAVK AS FOLLOWS) GOING EAST No. w f*0N*6iiirer .... 7:''0a. m No. no Freight .gunp in GOING WEST No. M Uannengcr 1.15 p. in. No. M) Freight IIiTjOu. in. Sleeping dinner and reclining rhair cam imhIn fr**e» on through trains Ticket* ( nold hiiiI t mg gage checked to any 1*01111111 tiii- United state* or t anada. For Information, map*, time tattle* and I ticket* rail on or ante to A. F. Wert* Agent. Or J. | It VNt'la, Geti'l. PaH*aitger , Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, I I’ IUII.WA1 V. -»l have* daily axeept Sunday 1 eng* i «. . *» a in No te* leave*. Xloiidav, Wednesday and Frldav. nriiMi W |i 111 N«. '*• laxve* TiiHMitiv, Thumday and ! Saturday, mixed IAU) m M<* >C arnv **« dal v rxeapt Sunday »mixed I II 4\ a tu Ni» *.\ nn vr. daily except liliidu) |w*i< an ef i • "ft p. *i» v 1 | )| «t « .« *erv ««■ and el «*e con tie* H*»na j hhi, neat and temtb n it mi tux, Axant* S7.H00 Given Awny i whn maw* »!»' ift* *!*•• nuoi , tier o( *«.*U mi* of the phr i*e IM. ,1 lit mom W’mtifc’rS. rn * For parlhm «r» ».M***m the National W iduhUnit |» t lotto* . Malt*11 lieutt* ami |a #«'«'*». | The ttttetr**' Hiking alii xhtartiug in. (* thill l*» I he*e dk*rit«« a, h|»td»|iHl 4 v MptdMUg t h*OiU»l,»hi • F «i*| •Mh * *l«f»tu iil. M ihv v. ry i .d ca*. a have 1* rm*ftv* nU* * or* 4 in It |t t i|i|«4 Itkikb iWMm ff- i i*«* UMti l»r*‘Hk ed* f&fftfc|»* i- A. X * a» * F* tvd.S I tNnldhai I a A trkd 4 not*** Ma c I# a F h Ft f«ad | i’« *w|ttl* ft* 4 - *MVkr, Idtli t‘ > I jv thlfhg* ftwv » * ml f It % ; • * ov* tM'F PAc MMftf** WANTED Agent. Both Men and Women If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY. and you can work all or part of the time, and at home or traveling. The work i is ligtit and easy. Write at once for i terms, etc , to Tnv: Hawks Nuukkuy Gomiianv. MU - aukee, Wig. has demonstrated ten thounand time* that it in almost infallible FOR WOMAN’S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. Irregularities and derangement*. It haa bccouio (be )•>«.( mg remedy for tide class of trouble*. It exerte a wonderfully healing, strengthen* lug und soothing intluvuco u|x>n tho menstrual » ‘pan*. It cures "white*" and falling of the w«mb. J* It *U>|>« Hooding auu relieve* au^H & wwM i»4 b* m«n*lni«UMl. lor * o*n4-o of L*i* it i* the best I] fe“ H ius made. it is ‘ b. ■ t . ca« dr«a ltd tiM«« her tea y N )•**'•■ It t't * ».|(*«»ate#* ttiftis* H . ! . »h-s « *(, r< «>«dy *• «iet#4 I* ill *# Viml w Miea Why sill 1 im • »<« n Wtttl IslO'f **4hia p»«At 4 irtU‘ •*»#** |i ihf jpisr ■ - p * * L j. • «»*m* t«4H.». *••**»»«*#* ..*«i «..*,,, *»*«»» 9 ** ** *■* • *» *M N ■ u-l H*«*°rV ^'•uv ,or ■* $ 1 vi .• •.• fc/T?> ‘Si-U^r • ■'* S'."> - - Oetttt* amttner ^a»'^\anA —;T^B ^—r; u» trw' "* y*r»Vh' ,,, v !S&—' t-2!C-»“te 10 ££*" yUlskSl-. v. >; r::."*-; r.:r.v-*_ fcrfe^sr-r t'1 , > 1 , c ^-^TTTfV CJ: ^ r^ *, r»»* ■ .»r'2* t*<