The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 12, 1897, Image 7

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    Wbon you visit Umana you anoLld call at
C H. Raymond Co.’s jewelry store, corner
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex
R. amine their jewelry and art goods for
j*. wedding, bi'rthday and Christmas presents,
also stesi engraveil wedding stationery, in
vitations and visiting cards It is the only
EL first class, up-to-date jewelry, art and cut
tlass store west of Chicago and Ht. Louis
Ingraving and printing 100 visiting cards
•l 60 by mail
Fish and small animals can be eas
ily caught by a new trap which con
sists of a cylinder In which a spiral
8 , - spring Is placed to shut a series of
its claws when the halted hook at the end
of the cylinder Is disturbed.
si If you want to operate on thet’hlcago
'■V. »t»oi,r.l of Trade send for our free IssiU mn
i. 'paining full III format loll how to trade Hu
»Cc< ,uill of the short wheal crop In foreign
wt-f countries and the short corn crop In this
, fount ry. Unheorn and wheat will sell min'h
Richer, and now Is the time to make a prottt
&*' Able Investment. We execute orders In
wheat In 1.000 hushels and upwards, and
EEr corn and oat* In S.000 hushels and upwards.
Write us today K .1. Laughery ft Co..
Ittallo Itulldlng. Chicago Memlsirs Chicago
Board of Trade.
An Allegheny rounty justice of the
peace Is said to perform marriages for
60 cents—half down and (he remainder
In weekly payments of 5 cents each.
Thua the Installment plan brings mar
riage within reach of all.—Buffalo Ex
Kmbossed In (inltl.
Thr < omranio*'* HmivRnlr f'alcndar for l*W, a
lie* <»f r.hnririliiff figure faithfully ropier!
color* mid ('mboated In go Id, I* recognised every
when a* n moat i hnriiilnif piece of color work.
\d* Vvery new *ub*crlf»cr receive* it without *ddl
fg^r tlonai thar#** Moreover, the psper I* *eot free to
w Uew NiihacrIber* every week from the time the *ub
Rcrlptlon I* received until January, I*uh, and then
for n full year to January, IWV
llloatrated Proapectu* of the volume for 1«W
and sample cople* of the paper sent free.
M&f Add re**,
Tiir VorTH'a f ovpAXioir,
&J7 Colutnhui Are., Huston, Mu**,
Veneer-cutting has reached such
W perfection that a single elephant's tusk
t thirty Inches long Is now cut In Ix>n
r‘ don Into a sheet of Ivory 150 Inches
long and 20 Inches wide, and some
sheets of rosewood and mahogany are
only about a fiftieth of an inch thick.
p See the advertisement of ”6 Drops,”
fW Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, In
BK another column of this paper. Take
advantage of their splendid offer,
which Is open for the next thirty
: ’i days only.
Don’t wear your bathing suit to a
Christmas party just to show folks
that you have one.
Smoke Hletlgo Cigarettes, 20 for Bets.
Keeping a pan of water In the oven
will keep fowls from scorching.
— ,w - » - - - ^
An Atchison man says it is less ex
pensive to marry off six sons and set
them up In business than to marry oil
one daughter. It is three weeks before
his daughter's wedding day, and yes
terday she drew his last cent from
the bank.
Don't sit with your back to a slight
draft; it might get too warm for you.
There la inure Catarrh In this section
of the country than all other disease*
pul together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be Incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease, and prescript d local renvdles, and
by constantly falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable. He!,
ence tins proven catarrh to lie a constitu
tional disease and therefore rniulies con
stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure, munufacturad by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is (he only constitu
tional cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally In doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
hlood anil mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, They offer one hundred dollars for
any cos*- It falls to cure. Hend for circu
lars and testimonials. Address
Toledo, O.
Fold by Druggists. 7Bc,
Hull's Family Fills are the best.
To assist In building wire fences a
new device has a frame mounted on
a wheel with spindles to carry three
or more reels of wire, so that all the
wires enn he strung at the same time.
Try Uratn-O.
Aik your grocer today to show you
a package of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
Injury as well as the adult. All who
try It like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, hut It Is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
16 cents and 25 conts per package.
.Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
With 400 marriages a day In Texas,
the idea is 800 souls with hut 400
thoughts; 800 hearts that heat as 400.
To men (plain envelope ) How. after ten
years' fruitless doctoring, I was fully re
stored to full vigor and robust manhood.
No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No
connection with medical concerns. Hunt
absolutely free. Address, Lock box 2*8,
Chicago, 111. Send 2-cent stamp if con
A large basin of water kept in a sick
room and frequently renewed benefits
both patient and nurse.
The best; sll grocers will refund you; money If
you ere out sstlsAcd with It.
Chickens are much better if killed
und dressed the day before using.
w1 w w
I i For Coughs |
^ or Colds, for Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whoop
► Ing Cough, and all Throat Troubles or Lung Dls- ►
< eases, you can't beat and you can’t better <
CherryPectoral ?
Half size bottle, 50c. \
” V ▼ ▼ T ▼" ▼ ▼ T ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ^
i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Walter Baker & Co.’s
Breakfast COCOA
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Costa Less than ONE CENT a cnp. 1
lie sure that the package hears our Trade-Mark. , ,
Walter Baker & Co. Limited,
i established i 7ho.) Dort Hester, Mass.
that » (
ja-t:, SLICKER
t*4h ft K r «ni Iiitw per
f*-. * i . |.
r »
^4^ m»»Biinn n«* ll« i» mi< m
> *» * *•■ •* * 'SMT
yflHj A I TOW) W )h»«o>n Mu*
Health * Complexion
"Mil* 04 I. »Br| 4 «• l-> ■>* I‘ i*
MNhi' * t
il<IM4 ho la li^.4t«4 to *WYuth «* «*4«L
U*»l It h»m** tn «tatCMtua|4*
Mhtli»|4U4l| lw«ltlll*i
• I54ItM i* «•§ Itt)li«h H Hit i * *>m «t«|h^t
* ■ t *»>■ *i !b o*l >.4* I *.. 4
^ * IM.i fill V . t *h • M|
_VM few* »*4 it ‘N *•*•*»# i •
»*«< M I* **M *4* •
»t •* »*x*» *ti*«il< »r-»*oi
•waaihM.itaiit »inaii*»it»%t4,t*«a«.t a
To the watcher from below the Mat
terhorn appears absolutely inaccessi
ble. It Is. however, frequently scaled,
not only by daring men, hut also by ad
venturous women. Almost dally, In the
months of July and August, human be
ings may be seen through the telescope
crawling like flies up the rocky ridge
on the Swiss side of the mountain.
It was first conquered by Kdward
Whymper, In the year 1885, and he thus
records his impressions of the pano
rama visible from Its summit: "If I
recall to memory that solemn hour
there reappears before my eyes dis
tinctly the huge massy belt of ranges,
from which rise so many towering em
inences. I behold again the Dent
Blanche's snowy top, the (iahelhorn
and the Kothhorn's edged top, the In
comparable Weisshorn. the Mlshahell
horns resembling colossal towers,
flanked by the Ailallnhorn, then 'lie
Itlmpflshhorn and the Htrahlhorn;
Anally Mont Rosa's numerous [leaks,
Lyskamm and Brelthorn, In the back
ground of the panorama the Bernese
Oberland mountain family stands In re
lief, overtowered by the Flnsteraar
horn; also tho Simplon and Hnlnt-Oolt
hard groups, la Disgrazla and the Ort
ler. Southward the glance penetrates
far beyond Chlasso, down to the plain
of Piedmont. The mountain Vlso, 100
miles distant, seems to be tangibly
"The ‘Maritime Alps,' which are 120
miles away, present themselves in se
rene distinctness, totally free from
mist. Towards tho east 1 greet my old
friends Pelvoux, Kerins and Melje; the
eye wandering subsequently to the
Grajlc Alps, rests finally admiringly on
King Mont Blanc, whose top resembles
a crown of sunbeams. Far beneath me
(3,300 m.) I detect the green meadows
of Zermatt; glancing to another side
the searching eye finds, at the depth of
2,700 m., the verdant pastures of Breull.
Moreover, I remember dusky woods,
fine meads, deep, still lakes, cultivated
soils, and desolate wildernesses, fertile
sunny plains and Icy, deserted eleva
tions. The most singular formations
and the softest outlines; rifted rocks
and verdant undulated slopes; mount
ains of rock varying with mountains of
snow, some gloomy and solemn-look
ing, some glistening merrily, adorned
Ills Mother Woo Prepared for His
Canal Little "HlufL"
‘‘I thought I was going to sell a oaa
ket to one of my neighbors a few days
ago." said the undertaker to the Kan
sas City Times man. "A certain young
man who has been dissipating consid
erably of late and has got himself Into
debt became desperate and threatened
on several occasions to commit sui
cide if his widowed mother did not
give him some of the money she had
torrowod on their little home In West
port. Not long ago he went home with
a desperate look on his fare and, call
ing his mother into the parlor. Bald,
as he pulled a revolver from his hip
" ‘I will have the money or right here
I will end my miserable existence.’
" 'Walt! Walt!' screamed his mother
as she rushed from the room. A look
of satisfaction overspread the young
man's face as he mumbled to himself
about knowing he would get It, but
he was destined to disappointment.
"In u moment his mother returned
carrying a large rug. Quietly she
spread It down on the carpet, and then,
straightening up, said:
" ‘Now, George, go ahead. I was
afraid you would spoil my carpet with
"The boy almost sank to the floor in
his astonishment and disappointment.
He was sure If he made a bluff at shoot
ing himself his mother would accede
to his unjust demands and give him
the little money she was raving to buy
the necessaries of life with, hut on the
day before she had come over to ray
house and told my wife about the
threats. My wife put the Idea Into her
head to bluff her son the next time he
threatened to commit suicide. Kin- was
afraid to try; but, summoning up all
her nerve, she carried out Instructions
and succeeded,
"The boy hasn’t said a word about
dying since.”
On Time.
The American boy is not the only ono
It appears who sometimes has the sa
gacity to apply for a situation Just In
the nick of time. A Ixmdon paper tells
of a small boy who dashed breathless
Into a merchant's office and demanded:
“Is the gov’nor In?” "Yes. what do you
want?” "Must see him myself. Most
pertlckler.” "But you can’t see him.”
"Must, really—Immejlt. I tell you It
Is most pertlckler.” The boy's Impor
tunity at last won his admission.
with battlement*, pinnacles and tur
rets, pyramids, cones and apexes, in
fact, auy form or shape the world can
contain, any contrast llvuly imagina
tion can ever produce, is represented
A traveler who revisited the Matter- I
horn in IHi»7, after an absence of mauy j
years, writes: "We found that the
•heaven ascending pyramid' had lost ,
uunr «» iu> (urwiiKii imp
of (tine, hut Hint like nil tltiniCM truly
great, It wan enchanted and atlll un
paralleled. whether standing in dear
outline ngalnat the blue Italian aky or j
veiled 111 tteeey drift rialug like amukr
(rum Ita dark predptcee, or frontlna I
the temped wildly daahtng Ita cloud- j
rack agalual Ita face. Truly It la aald
‘Sheer, black aud lonely, with over
hauglug crag* and prvdph-ea that teem
to rlae to a fat horn lr»e height from
a.line unfatboniatde ahyaa, the Matter- {
boru la like nothing elae ou earth, to
are It once la to dream of It forever ■
to dream of It ea the Itngrr of ttod up
j rate*d from derntty amid that land of
| wonder* ever admontahlng the
j thooahtlea* agea of mankind that are
only a* the ahadowa that Mtt paat It, 1
end are mu no more ‘ '*
!»«. Jefce.
■'Are yon prepared* a*k*d the at- j
. tending < »erg»»aa eolemnly, "fur your
long aleep"' The doomed man thtuer
ed ea he rwntempleled the fetal rope !
T«0 refer te Ihte eoooee. I preeom# * .
I he faltered, with an edort to ewlbr
' Detroit Journal
"Well, boy, what la It you want?” aekcd
the merchant, with aomu anxiety. ‘‘Do
you waut a orflce boy, air?" "You Im
pudent young raaeal! We've got one.”
"Deg pardon, you ain’t, air.” "Whut
do you mean?” "Your buy'a Just been
run over In Cheapalde, air, and won't
never work for you no more. The up
plleunt wai engaged.
1'ttttirtU- IiM'ltlnil.
An exehange prime u pretty and pa
thetic atory auld to have been related
by I'rufeeaur Oullaudct. the well, known
Inatruetor of deaf mutes. The profet
aor ha* a favorite pupil a little deaf
mute boy. exceptionally bright. Mr.
tlallaudct a»Ued him If lie knew the
atory of (ieorge Washington and the
cherry tree. With hi* nimble Anger*
the little one aald he did. and proceed
ed to repeat II The noiseless gaalleii
lattona continued until the boy had In
r»rm«<! th« of ih* «|<t«r
WiAllfM'l dim-ovary of tha in util
•Ini IIM llt<l of hi* <4Ural for iha mil
tiUtor. "Whan tiaorga a fathar aahad
him who haihad hla favorite (harry
Iran. ' algnaled the vul.eleaa child
tiaorga t>“' hla hatrhat In hla la ft
hand Mlog tntarmiuad tha pro
faaaor "Whara do yoa gat your ••■
thortty (or aaytng ha tuoh tha hatrhat
In hla lofi hand*" Why.' raagondad
I ha hoy. "ha naadad hla right hand i«
tall hla fathar that ha rat tha troa ‘
A man aaldota haowa ohaa ha haa
got aaoagh ualll aftar ha gata tag
The Burlington Route—California Ex
Cheap. Quirk. Comfortable.
Leave Omaha i.M p. m . Lincoln 41:10 p. m
tnd Hastings p. m every Thursday In
clean, modem, not crowded tourist sleepers. !
No transfers; cars run right through to San
Francisco and I/m Angeles over the Hconlc
Route through Denver and Salt Lake City.;
Cars are carpeted, upholstered In rattan;
have spring seats and hacks and are pro
vided with curtains. Imddlng. towels, soap,
etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductor* accompany each excur
sion. relieving passengers of all taither about
baggage, pointing out objects of Interest and
In many other ways helping to make the
overland trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored Berths §&■
For folder giving full Information, call at
nearest Hurilngton Route ticket office, or
write to.I Francis,General Passenger Agent*
Omaha, Neb
The X ray is likely to Trove of great
value In ilentlatry. Teeth are plainly
revealed before their eruption. How
ever deeply Imbedded In Ita alveolar
■oeket, each fang may be correctly lo
cated. An exoHtoala, a pocket of ne
croalH, of fiuppuratlon, or of tubereu
IobIn, In dlNtlnetly Nhown. The loca
tion and extent of metallic fllllngN are
delineated. The pulp chamber 1» no
clearly outlined that erosion* and en
largements may be readily detected.
Slain by Poison.
Not the poison that the covert assassin ad
ministers in l lie drink, the food, or some other
guise, but thi* poison of malaria shortens the
lives of myriad*. There Is a safe and certain
antidote. Hostetler's Htonmcli Hitters, which
not only fortllles the system against malaria,
but root# out Its seeds when they have germ
inated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic,
liver and kidney trouble* arc conquered by
tho Hitters
A noodle machine luma out 1,500,000
needles u week.
A Omni Salary Kaally Marta.
Hand, McNally & Co. of Chicago,
the well-known publishers, are look
ing for a representative for this vi
cinity. Experience Is unnecessary,
some of their best men having started
without previous knowledge of th«
business. This Is a good opportunity
to work up to a fine position, and we
advise all persons looking for such an
opening to address Subr Department
of Hand, McNulty & Co., Chicago, Ills.
Many Indian mounds have been dis
covered In southern Indiana and have
yielded valuable finds. Stone axes
were formerly plentiful In the farm
ing districts of that state, and were
used for door props, but they have now :
almost disappeared. Arrow heads are
the only relics that are even fairly!
A novel proposition was made not long
■ go to the Itecelvers of the Baltimore &
Ohio Kail road. The If. & O has a branch
running from what Is known as Alexandria
Junction, near Washington, to Shepherd's
on the Potomac Hlver, where a car ferry j
Is operated In connection with the lines
leaning south from the Capitol. A pro
fessor of an eastern college deal red to lease
this stort stretch of track for the purpose
of educating young men In practical rail
road work. In ble letter he explained that
he thought there was a wide field for bright
and energetic boys who could be thorough
ly well grounded in the practical side of
railroading, provided they could be edu
cated on a regular line of road. He be
lieved that by the employment of veteran
railroad men as teacher* that the boys
could profitably spend 2 or 8 years work
ing as trainmen,firemen.engineers, switch
men. station agente, and in other capaci
ties required in the railroad service. Ae
this branch of the H. & O. Is of considera
ble value the Itecelvers were compelled to
decline the offer.
About 45,000 sovereigns pass over
the Bank of England counters every
Coe's t'ssik llalesm
Is the efebat and ls-st It »ill Uraak up s ro'rt quicker
ttiui •njtiilSK else. It laelwara reliable. Trr It.
London's population increases by
about 70,000 every year.
A* far a* calculations can decide, the
temperature of comets is believed to .
be 2.000 times fiercer than that of red
hot Iron.
Pino's Cure for Consumption ha* «*r«l
me large doctor bill*.—C. L Maker, 42SS4 Re
gent Hq.. Phi ndelpbia. Pa., Dec. 1, IKK.
Don’t think that when woman get*
her rights she will be man's equal.
Bhe'l be his boss.
Pr Kav'» bung Helm 1* guaranteed to cure
la grippe anil every kind of cough.
Sweet oil. with a little vinegar add
ed, will restore the leather backs and
seats of chairs.
Hearing Affected
Ringing and Snapping In the Head
Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
“ For many yean I hare been troubled
with catarrh, which caused me mnch
pain and affected my hearing. I began
taking flood's Sarsaparilla and it helped
me wonderfully and cured the snapping
and ringing in my head.” Mm. C. A.
Mp.bkrs, Cherry Valley, Illinois.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood’s Pills cure sll liver III* "s cents.
That’s the nuinberof the
Michigan Central North
leaving Chicago 13:10 noon and arriving
New York 1:30 p. in. neat day (24 hours) <
ami iioston 4:00 p. in. (20hours). 1/
you wunt comfort on your journey eon!,
take this train, because of the con
venient hour of leaving, the hualnesa
man is enabled to be at his office her*
in the morning and arrive at New York
and iioston during business hours the
neat day. To ludies traveling alone in
this train particularly recommended.
Leaving as it docs at mid-day, connec
tions are made at Junction points and
New York for the New Kngland Slates
in ample time for one to reach her des
tination by daylight City Office, HO
Adarus Street, Chicago.
ares gilt edge Una. and a vary
Jew11 email should s»*a ‘.ham he
•*r# buying Tbay ara the best
have «mrr offgrnd. Aak
your daalcr for 'ban. and
you will get trig bast eg
11 a a 15# 1# .
— i
»»miw # OLMUBU. Pee Koine., la.
K»*7 heniMgakar should addraas cither J. W.
MKKMY, A. a. P. A.. Manrhsstgr. Iowa, W. A.
KKIXOND. A. O. P. A„ LouUvIlla. Kor b. II.
MATCH, D, P. A.. Cincinnati. O., for a fraa copy off
Write CART. O'PARRBLL, P*n»lon Agent.
UM New York Arena., WASHINGTON, D.C
l/n. le IM mi, Ua^MllMUa* •l.iau, »uy. M—
quirk r#llcf and our«g worst
naacs. band for book of tastlmoalals and IO dsnf
treatment Pres. pr. M.M.bbbJti’ssoi«, Atlanta.** .
CET RICH WW*i**' Hand lur
h“ ■ . .f*.1 yil • Inggbt'oris Warned *
N*OUAttTAT*AlU ‘44fl B'4w«i. S.t,
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 48.-1897.
When writing to nil vcrtlenni, kindly mention
tills pit pur.
| Remember thi. St. MS OH i
whereby It «“»*• ;
■ Conquers Pain. ••«««•. •
mwnmwwnwwMwwr __wwvwwwwwvwwwv4 .
At a recent conference of engineers OR.
In Ixmdon, the advantages of nickel- McGREW
steel for ship building were urged. i. th«” *
and the necessity was pointed out of SPECIALIST
flnding new deposits of nickel and re
duclng the cost of its metallurgy. PRIVATE DIS'AS S
W«skn«M A Dtsurdsr ot
Taka Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablet*. All 30 Vpars' Kxpcrloucc
Druggist* refund the money if It fails to cure. 26o m year* in oumii*.
B fi I »i
Make graham bread the same a« you K***ninai4»n »>««
do white bread; steam tt three hours*, I4»ii & Fsrium 8t§.
Inataad <>f baking it on* hour. omaha, nek
Mrs. U lntlow a SMl«iNf mjrmp CURE YOURSELF!
for Pin III roll WirtMitif.imfU'H-til# |rum»i,M>.M»i*»s ImHato rV ■MWnWfcfcr •
iiiuCuii ui a) . | urn <m .1 ts.ii» * i»"«ii». • *" Ibtf O f -r iiuih:urwl
dip* hurvin, iiiiUniiMrt'.i .us,
, I ImUti-n* «>r t»l.* i4t. n*
Thirty mtllloaa of wooden 190011 — —*«*•_ of .. m.u.1.1
ni. inuiiuiui In Kusslu • very |t"7.\“/c“wc£co. .‘'.‘.‘I'Ti-u^1,.
yeui. AMild by hriiKVotu,
»*r sint in plain Yrsgsr, Toliiin o in the lending brand of »*v Mon-—. * f»m !. f,*t
i tbo world, Im'.'hiik. it Is th. Iw*t. pM?iu»S£2lw» -n-rt
cciESi? "™"- '■“"••j •HSSSiTkMiMI'.i). Water.
' 1 ' " ' ''
^VlWf g #% pan usb#«i t«« smmns a **«•» t» a Am* <*# ummu* *«4
w 1 W R* RR " Vr v 9 *
■ <4U1* |Mh y**%Ur% SH* « il M«4 «M lb* *s«i IkWM 4mm« ISM.SSS
»‘M Nt pufijii by Wish »*»nA Ur 4*» H««a a »awa4 aspaia* utM psvius fM*t
• A =•*» ttMMti iL*l t , t- «}«-*« ■ la* **S f*bll i W4I»* ■ #* *. -mm* ■ #i %«i4 smA«I Wg
UM*||b4«. sail b§ *4 «M 841 **•*»* I«S«*4 wan lad Us mmm *.s**4 »y W fH« «• UnUf,
N (Mitt Mu I top pa*Ms. IM St It
• MM11 MAIM 11 Ml i«*>, ItMM InaaMii M. IHHtteW IM.