The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 05, 1897, Image 8
I ' For Hardware, Tinware, Furniture anu - in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb s_FIR~•*—» _ iiifN. - .- ■ .. —* Liooal Daws. ^————— c ' r Janie* Landers was down from Ar cadia Monday. Notice the change in A. E. Chase's •d this week. Senator Heapy, says that the socialist party is the coming party. For washing machines and clothes wrlsgers see T. M. Heed. James Gray, of Clear Creek was a nii.i,g lim county seat visitors yesterday. A baby girl I* reported at W. Is. French's which came to stay yesterday. Clarance Little and editor Thompson of Litchfield was In the city last Wed nesday. Forwugons, buggies, harness, sulkey, plows, hardware, tinware, etc., eall on T. Jl. Keen. Rev, Shattueb will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Enoch Gowln, of Harrison township was doing business at the county seat last Wednesday. E. A> Brown and Willi* Waite and the oountjr elerk canvassed the election returns Wednesday afternoon. The band boys bad a good turnout at their dance in the opera house Over #20.00 worth of tickets v/ere sold. Tuesday was the most (julet election that was ever held In, Loup City and It is so reported throughout the county. The Ladles of the Aid Society report a decided success of their supper held III' the Porter block In the night of election. A trial subscription to the Heinl-Week ly State Journal from now uniil Jauu ury 1, 1808 only costs twenty live cents You can sum! stamps, There Is ne need of little children be ing tortured by scald head, eczema and scalp eruptions. HeWUt'a Witch Hazel Salve gives Instant relief and cures permantly. Lost.—Between Loup City and Litch field a goat shin robe with red plush lining. Finder will please return same to Round Front Barn, Loup City. Neb. and receive #1 reward, G. H. Gibson arrived Wednesday noon from Lead, South Dakota. He made this office a friendly call. Mr Gibson I* undecided as to what he will do but thinks he will return in a short time, Cabinet Photographs second to none in style and finish at reduced price until Christmas ’‘.>7 at the Loup City Art Htudio. Lou McGrath now conductor on the Loup City branch of the Union Paclllc moved his family to Loup City, Mon day. They were unable to And a suit able residence house so ut present oc cupy the store room in the Porter block. Thu Loop City Photograph Gallery is making Portraits second to none in style oud linisb, until Xmas lie will give reduced prices. Don't miss this ctiuui'S and secure 12 beautiful Xuias piesuntd. F. W. Fuller, who a short time ago returned from a summers stay at Gales burg, 111., moved bis family to Loup rjiry yesioruay. nicy occupy me norm l’yko residence. Mr. Fuller* motliur returned with him mid, we understand will make this her permanent home. The Unlou I’acitlc company haye put on a regular passenger train and both our mail and passenger service is now as good as we oould wish t or. There has also been some cha nges made in ttbe rain crew. Mr. Mctirath is now conductor in place ot K. E. Forsythe who is now conducting the train on (tie Ord brunch and M C. Muiiek has Neg ie'a place as engine tender. The tram crew will again locate at Loup City. Ww. Ketteninayer, our genial mer chant did'ut say anything but smoke last Monday as lie handed us a bigl priced Havana aocouipuin ut with u mule match- We scratched the mate! and white waiting for the brimstone to burn off'ventured to ask him what w> were smoking on. "Why," William'aid “hav'nt you heard the news?" Xu, m said. You hav'nt got (lie post office have you, 'Naw, guess agin," Allci assuring him that we could not thiiij ot anything lie said "It* a boy. mu to slay, born last Sunday, stands • weight, a good republican voter, i , i ia jot sound money and protection ' oils Hollar 10 iaim. For one dollar hill The Hem I it,» lj State Journal will s>e icut from now o, til January 1, lHUH. A good loan t un to get two big papers every week w ill all the new* ot tne whole worl t. ail lie •late news and in fact more news ate general reading matter Ilian ton get ii any other state paper. The Journal i spending money ami effort In writ Hi up the lUtervsta ol Nebraska and selltui our slate's advantage's b*>|or« me isupi of the whole country. Neuraska • pros portly will hying thousands of lam hnyeisioour sl*tn Wi should ie«< The Journal whleh Is hot an tlmsh paper or a I nu-oiu pap*r, hat a slat paper in Its truesi sense ' W Hat all la tof the lest Interests ot Vet* , la the iral *4west,on asked t>y iHe I t* Journal Wheu I'ilW upon lu dee.di itvery N Hr»«k*« sho dd do his las! t keep The Male Journal lakes tb Meul( and that bea I Mf4MI Uf VNMliij in tine (Hrttar a hub will |*a* tor tb paper 1st January l*« Attar yi 0*1 It sand It to tour ft leasts in tb cast and tat them w e what great thin* ssa are doing iw Nebraska. Wend 1 yaw Mhr I*1 th* j»>ate Juuinal i ts tola Nt» Th* yew setol th mill ^t|rtn 1 nn % ■ 1 I f | «mi# m •» STORY OF A WAR SONG. The Man Who Composed the Mtisio for “We Are Coming. Father Abraham." Th» matt who composed the music for Whittier's song, "Wo Arc Coming, Father Abraham, Three Hundred Thou sand Strong. ” is ail old and somewhat Vti pit piano tuner, who carries on his /witless near Windom, Minn. Hi name it A. B. Irving. One day sisin after Lincoln's call for 800,(KM) mor" men, Irving, then a young man, was on his way to Defiance, O., from Fort Wayne for tin- purpose of singing ut a political and loyal meeting He had eonsidi ralilo reputation as a composer and singer and the Hejmblic ans had asked him to come and help them. On the way lie rend the poem, which had just been published. Irving studied it, formulated a tune, hummed it and got tho rhythm, and that even ing at the Defiance meeting In* sung the song for the first time When he hail finished, and the last echo* s had died away, men mounted their chairs with wild enthusiasm, swung their bats mid broke loose in cheers that rung with feeling. He sang it again and again, and they would scarcely let him rest. The next night ho sang the song ut Fort Wayne, and again aroused tic sairto enthusiasm. Ho wrote out the music and sent it to the ] nblisher who hud bundled wlmt he had composed, with instructions to publish it on Id* usual terms of royalty. It was publish ed, and inside of u month more than 40,000 copies lmd been sold In a few days the publisher I died and Irving never received a dollar for the music.— New York Sim CLOSED THE ROOM. I)o<*» till* lilioat. r»f Wliftlillitftoii Htlll Tlirougli I hr Old Maiittlnti? It was customary in tho family ot Georgi Washington to slatt up unused for two years a room in which death bad occurred, says an exchange Ho, after the death of tlie first, president in tho stately chamber with thu great font post'-r bed which is still shown to visit ors, Martha Washington, with her lone ly heart, nightly climbed the attic stain to lie iu a low ceiled, sloping rooft'i room with one window—a room intol erably hot in summer, with little or in means of see tiring a draft except by n triangular ojs'ning where tho lower cor uer of the door had Is-' n cutoff tomab. room for the passage of tho cat Martin Washington died before tho two yi at period had ended. If she had occupied the. death chant her, would she have seen the ghost, ol her dead husband? They say that tin stalwart, stately figure of the bravi general stalks through the pa.-sago will martial tread und clank of astral swore in spectral scab! ariL Again anti again it has happened tine pet ; > di lanc'd at Mount Vernon on tic bus;. f tic Mount Vernon assis in tion ha. !ar d, on “waking from : sleepless ti.. that they hail heart tho ghost’s I und stride and sect its tall, cm: ’ : Mug figure, dressed it the old uiiib 1 : int iu life it wore. No lights permitted in the oh house, for li ;,r 1 lire, cxei pt during tic meeting of tli regents, and then onli caudles. Ill' are said to love durl or ill lighted 1: ises. Moat Womlrr.'al Cav** Iu tlm World. Tho most v.onderful cave in tin world is in th*' island of Tonga, in tic south Pacific Byron called it "a chape of the seas ' It is formed in a rock tha iu almost surrounded by the ocean. Thi rock is about (it) feet high und broai projxirtionatety Many years ago a Imy, tho son of i native chief, was chasing a huge turtle when liis game seemed to s.iuk into th rock. The lad watched and waited uuti the tide fell, disclosing a small opeuiu in the ro k about six feet under lot water mark. Diving boldly, the young hunter eu tered the aperture, and, to his surprisi cunie to tic- surface inside the rock. Th rock was hollow, and its interior wa found afterward, when the natives e> plored it with torches, to contain man beautiful stalactites. When attacked and followed by enc lutes, the natives, who know the secret leave their canoes, plunge into the wati und disappear. Their fists linger, aster isle d at their disappearance, for no |*i son tot acquainted with it would sm pis t that thu rock was hollow — Jsmilo Telegraph. C<>*ll> rU)inW < ttriis. (htia u.i' *« » 1*111^ witu ii a Loud<ui Niaiiuiior'* fur $<tuo It \v i in uf thn tmiuiwmiKMt lialmti coppri 4ilati* fin'd Kaitifu Killed “lariKi'tii 1 Muuii vua, ” mmlf during tho fiftoi ui century. Aimtlu'r pin k of nmi* rwrutl Hold ul ISiria fur aim I $400 K'toh i Uin rant* in till* |uu U in a innmir win nf tlio i iiKVHVnt''« art, itlui nli tiiv lij uro* in tin jnuue wore hutturs-a) |» tiuit* Theqtjns n uf lifuru, fur ituitiuin n-jiri n'liiml ytn .n A him uf I'ujjlaif i tin kmg uf kmru Winn her IiuhUmm i*riitf« iu i r,f uf thiiumik I in- ijim i if dlnini iuti Win IJiiiUi A Hue F , ilia i |V uinalk, I’m i|MH uf rlttWl the tin HWni |iHn « »» uf 1‘ruMia, 111* w tfu i Kroilifuk Si llliaiu i, and lid ijui vn i »|wdi* tSm- i'ii Anna i t Mu»*.,t, tali tut tl«' iturimi Ti*> t.u k* iu liu* itui uf i huI* u i n *. ui the nu*t |«muliu i ditd..iiiai* >■< Kunn»> at «ko nmm« tu» —VhlUeh-ijaiM it.* ml |kiuwU«tT .«mi ml- O’ hi llu> ki It* in I M. < »m u.k h » .-it a • a* Ik * hi tw* t«. * it ....all. autI f ” k a doth uli ui* t uni the trmk t* i» «***».’* wri t- tun k St ■'!. SI* uil» it hnk • lino* S* nmai lb* It-1Mb Hint* 1.1 I - a** iat at It l* rkiiMt**l tit *4 Ue l« in 4m that tk iMtupk that* I tk» bam' * *»*• Ike IU<> at tM the Will thl***. I In h t ft* wt **|* «I|«.,. ||| *4 it I ' weii* i«*nat *1 eknh ('* tiif ' (nHVliik an .l abuaait) I Washing:—Persons*^ lo r„in ■ from coughs and colds should In cu'itie warn ings of dang'-r and save ih mselvc* suf fering ami fata! results by using Ore Minute Cough Cure. It. lx an Infalli ble remedy for coughs, cold1?, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Odendahl Bros. The .Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake Cltv, Minn., want a responsible man In Ibis vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees and nursery stoek. Good pay. .Steady work. Write them today. A pain mi the chest Is nature) warn ing that pneumonia Is threatened Dampen a piece of ilannel with Chum* berliii'x Pain Balm and bind oyer the seat of pain, and another on the Imrk between the sholders, and prompt re lief will follow. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Dr. ilumplierys' Veterinary Manual on the treatment of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, dogs and poultry, mailed free upon request. Address the llumpljeryx' Company, Now York. HOW TO KIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates uii un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen It lx evidence of kid ney trouble Two frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, la also con* bladder are out of order, WIt AT TO 1*0. There I* i oiiitort In Hie knowledge «u often expi'cn-ed, Dr. Kilmer' .Sw(iin|> Hoot, the great kidney ieinedy fulflll* every wish In relieving pain in the hack, kidney*, liver, bladder and overy part of the urinary Dunnage. It correct* Inability to urinate and leald iug pain in panning It, or Imd effects following ime of liquor, wine or beer, and overcome* that unpleasant necess ity of lielng compelled to get up many time* during tin! nigbt to urinate, The mild uml tin- extraordinary < (feet of Swamp-Boot I* soon realized. It ntamln the highest for its wonderful euren of the most df*trennlng case*, if you need a tr edicirie you should have the bent Sold by druggists, price fifty cent* and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and phaui hlet both sent free by mall. Mention the NoRTfiWit.-rr.itN and mtiiI your address to l)r. Kilmer & Do., Itiiigliamton, X. Y.. The pro prietor of thin paper guarantee the gen uineness of ihl* oiler. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. I)r. Sumner Davis Grand Is land. SCALES Wo have lately received our winter stock of Ladies, Cents, Childrens, Infants Underwear which is quite complete, and having been purehased early is lower than they could be replaced at. DRY GOODS Outing flannel - * • • ^ ®n,t Nice black novelty 27in. wide .... 12Jc. C. It Corset, best high bust made - • - #1.00 Imported Saxony, per skein .... Sc, Vepbyr Yarns, per skein ..... 6c, We have just received another large invoice ol blankets winch we well sell at 45 cents a pair. Buying in large quantities enables^ us to sell cheaper, hence this low price. GROCERIES 2 lbs. any package coffee .... 2.“<. 1 If), beat rice ...... v, 1 II). evaporated peaches * - - - - 2 lbs. seedless raising ..... 2<r»c, 1 bu. apples ...... Toe. I^£fVI6|\/I every S25 vVortf) of goods you buy of Gasteycr will cost you anywhere else. CHAS. G/'STE^ER IT’S DANGEROUS To buy MCA I .r.n, guaranteed “AM noon A*" FAIUIIA> KH*, for !«»• money ; they can't b« made. Don't l»uy, anient you K#*t the beat. A cheap Meal* it the tnoat ei penal ve Investment you can make; It It unreliable, and memo# that sooner or later you must buy a/»ln. Mujr only a granlvir. IaIcmI Improved FA I KM AM Jill which will Jant you * lifetime, and prova the rhc«pe«i In t he* end. No one can then dispute your weight*. IftlSWAMBOF IMITATIOM*J FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (Old fK'sllr. Hr|iilrrd.l Y<-u can’t cure consumption but yoi I can avoid It and cure every other form ; of throat or lung trouble by the use ol , One Minute Cough Cure.— Odcnduh l Bros. Small pills, safe pills, best pills. I)e Witt's Little Karly Kisers cure billions . neHS, constipation, sick headache, - I Odendahl Bros. ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, QI7IMCY, II,LlNOn. This Institution, chartered July, 1873, Is conducted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and provided with every requisite conducive to physical, Intellectual and moral 1 development. The system of education embraces every oseful and ornamsatal branch of art and science suitable for young ladles. For cata logue, address MOTHER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Institute, Quincy, IU. ? j .TcTr” s< r > 5“'2 si £ sf ¥i '^Ts o 3-3 s n lri? ? h r ; 5 s "■£ ' 5> ? 3 n * ; *• ~ h r * = * h r» ; *? = rc 2 5 H Z * C1! o s* 2: 5 S | 5 • fc *! E 5 ? I 2 5 5- 3 " S' ? s- Z Z r h - ?, ~ % : Z 7 -7 2 : cr ■■ ~ .- : 13;. 7“ S : & : 7 ; Z|: Z! : *v : j : ; : ; . I x -3 ss* . ; *9 ! •’o * • • • a ; r : : . : : ! : ’ : : i . v« * '_*_1: 1 : : : : I: I: : 1 : _ UJ,: !: 1' I : : J For Hupr*» we I iujg** Attreil M IW, rep.1 7 .11 80 18 3*1116 HO 81 *j| 57 11 87 20 488 ,|uhu j Sulliv.111, fusion. HU ,17 .1.1 HO 17 110 OH Hu ,|y 79 A3 S3 70 7A2 111! Sesl terlng. ,.. I 1 1 V lj * 1 For UeL'. iii*: * .( Itrirl* ■ W Kulev. lep. ... 7 8 30 IH ‘Jo 118 2l» 148 311 -»A I*: 80 31 1-. 1.1..let X Div ten, r.p.. 7 HI 30 13 96 113 49 39 3,, A,A 11 35 .'I 438 1 j K. \'on K r.*ll, Iumuii ... ;(( *1 HI 80 IH loo Iu All HI n2| 47 *01736 80 Ii Uli'OrgH l‘. Kemiyiei, fu«p»i. ;ii| 8® 83 89 1> I0H 01 Hi |l Hu .«2 4, 117 • .11 V he aUMiPg ... 4 112 4)1 * For DUi Juilue: 1 Wtlitniii Waaltu. rep 7 81 Hll IH 2*1 119 n 34 A.i II* 60 31 410 M H.mier M ' tillb .111, In-! 'ii ;p, 87 91 99 |H |IKI O.A is A « SI AI 4.* •0i4i80i j K.*r »Annoy Jn.l,*e IMwai.l Moms r. p . 7 90 M 2* ||«* ;ij 31 •/. iu. 12 8.3**441 '• loo t.l K . p. p 31,87 84 8' Hi ll» 1*4 Mi II 78 40 AA 70 7 to 201 I. I Kur nie tilt I !i„vM otinki-M*. r-F 7-36 vo in n m »* as «» in S3 Ji»:tu;i II | lltuli I) I'atO'i. p.ip j a • 43 -'4 >0* 98 10.1,11* 66 47 7 . 50 57 7i*ifl*>4»6 ti j 4\»r ® M»n V K H> if .rli k» hi, re, , .9 . * •« 3* 1.5 30 10. 3 7 60 II 84 lM o j,w,.loir*,pip a. 1 •» 191 h in •»: 40 74 »i to 7074*1.11' . i F»t I'nwnf** I _ N^Nr«, f»t> j t 1 »: u ** it 1 a i* v** v* 4. mm * t iniii, |(«lut4 j»* l» . . . .| M «*»»» ^ l* 1^' I4H ♦ ’4tti 44 #4>4 *4 6 F I I'oiiol* 4’lmfc; it M« II'-NW, 1*1 1 IK 4. ;w 3»» .9* »..4 41 W A' A* III 4 V 24 -37 JllUl* \liii»H«ll. |a.p . a.» ‘JA J* -12 I,'* 07 **• »l 83 i** 4' 5. 6> HoA 13 For *4w»t«y»« «V*7t»i \| «•«, r«p .... 5 H * U 9»UI» * »4 »i 8f 1“ 41 6*148 j ►, H * ft, 11.9 (tu|i .. . 66 47 66 » 17 101 «*> 66 44 to 51 40 «*i46 Put i iti' i 4y§M *1 Ml. »,|iO kMiM. I»-F M O 3 J 3*418* 4m 4 11 V* »t» **■ H* * 0 * j 44- t . ’ •4 j f t|| t .,■•> t>| I-*•*»!> ip (• * 1 ' 1 ’• * * * ’ * ‘ ■*' 1 * u I f I* >, -•% n i*.*i ?* • t. I.**•»» «t» •* '»* i ' *" * |; *.,» ,« »•!« ... , U it ** « • * I* >t % • * I «*»l* It') 'l* -« I *4- $ !»*• I lit IjI It* * J »« '».*•#♦«<• 1*4 •“* ‘ fu) H«M*l> l IH»« |l<* «. I|**4»|*t* ll*l»«.a»|» lv**« .. ... . •* *’** ** I % ****.„ *1 »' N » AV a ill :ecl» | AGENTS: In every dlstiict on ! the continent to take order* for high grade Canadian-grown Nursery Stock and Seeds, Largm and most complete assortment in the trade. East selling specialties: snpherb samples furnished free; cotrespondance In any language. These positions are money maker*, and territory should be secured at once for the season by all hustlers looking for a good thing. Our salary or commission offers will Interest anyone not earning 11,000 00 per year. Get In communica tion with our nearest office. An opportunity to represent a well established house. Ability more linport i ant tbun experience. Llkk Buotiieus Company, inern N Chicago, 111. Montreal, t^ue. Rochester, X Y. You ought to get the Semi-Weekly State Journal during the campaign. Do ings of all parties fully reported. Lin coln is the political centre of the State and the Journal gives tills clasa of news ahead of other state papers. Twenty live cunts vlll pay for this splendid paper from now until January 1, 1S0H. I hose « ho believe crotllc illlllTIIOOH to he Incurable should read what Mr. I’ K Grlaham, of Gaata Mill*. I.a. Ims to say on the subject, viz: "I have i been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea cvei since the war and have tried all kinds of medicine for It. At last I found a medicine that effected a cure and that w as < 'hainheriilt's Colic, < hoi* I era and Diarrhoea Iteuiedy." This Med telue can always he depended upon ,f"r colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and 1 dlrrhoea It i* pleasaui to take and never fail* to effect u cure US and St i cent sizes for sale by Odemlahl ltro> J, M Thlrswend, of Oyonhcclt,Tens* - savs that when he has a spell of litdigea* lion, aud Ml* had and sluggish, he , takes two of Dr Witt's l,title KarlV | Itlseis at night, and he Is all light tlie neat morning Many thousands of j others do tb« same ihtog. Do your tMeiulshl Itios •i IVMrr. Mll-Hlmw *tml ti iriiu ! ) Thf tnii'UM lii Ulna «Mit •martini: in. I il^«t lu lkw> iIiwim. bllulMiily *)Ut nl . iMUTIIta I’biMitU'iUlii - 1 '« mm) • '•kin • Hulun Hi. Many »f*y Iml hum l«*yt> lw* n i» nily * «r»4 )>% tl, It I* W|w*ll)r r#t« h««t til illfetto* t*ti‘ » »«'l • 4 !-**••»!«•• rvunli I* ■*•!» ntw-lia, • itai*i—4 • klh>UUi*. Ir .i *•**'• ( nn<t. hnmh tat* tyt*. It tl* |»>r Iwt, l»y t a4y S I w*4iihmi **> i |imi «tt«i * k»««» mk »•*'** tn hail tiialiiit u T.iyli*, W»**l MiriiUtr «>i-t n >iMlkil» fWy *n> »4 |n4 »< tl HI. il> UMt M»l It* Hml iu H«) til |«il * tn w tn !••)**• •.•Hlt>n*«i t*tU>a tl | «*«*• »*■» imakad* ‘ TIM K TABLK. 1-01/' CITY, NBBK Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, He/eiiM, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph. Saji Lake City. { Kansas City. Portland, St. Louis, Hun Francisco, anil ail points and all points Bust and South West TKA INK 1,1' A VIS AN TOM.OtVNl < kant No M Fussangi r . T.'M) n to No i,0 Freight .. sup.": GOING WKNT No. ftl Passenger . t.Un ,,,. No .W Freight!. . . . ... sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (scats tree; on tbrongh trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United State* or Canada. For Information, maps, time table* and tickets call on or write to A. F. Wert* Agent. Or J. Fit ANOls, Oen'I. passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, U. P. RAILWAY. Time table Union Pacific System, Loup City, Neb No H3 anive* dally except Sunday 11.35 a. in. No. HI de parts Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days 11:55 a hi. N<> H6 departs Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays 3 -30 p. m. Close connections at Grand island for all points south ami west. W. D. Clifton, Agent. Loup City M*rk«t He port I'riue* tialU for: Corn * 15 w * Oat» 13 Ho*, . .. . 3 '.,1 l ow* Hint heller, 3.c«» ® -ji'/i Oeiletn ... 3 an lluttur, per iKiunil . is !:««,. uer Ion in $7,800 Given Away j IV* | er.ou* who make the KniHtim mum her of woliU out of ibo |>hr<tiM . "I’elent Attorney t\ eihlerloirii." Tor |iurlh'tx Inr, miilii'*. the Vul.uiol He.'unh'r. \Va«hliigton. I> r. NOTiur ron nunuioariON' Land Oftld’ ut i.liim II, Mttlt., | *«t»t4dld»«M, ‘.Ml it i *:l\ | Nut lew t* te*v» t 11141 tin Iuts«t*tf 111*4 intuit’d MtllWr Biwt M)t|«Mt«( Lit ||>I« II, I mu Im tHitnh ttual |s|u < to tMi’i' f < t.-f itia I t laim, and Dial w»i*i pitaif w • ( d» h>*»..»*» I Hum li t* t . iit lit lit* dtillrut t li t Ml I t ottKt Idly, N*f|MU“ .4. 4**4 N *4* * *4 tt% j M»f, Vl# t'tf ttf ll.* »*, II (I , Jit* , ft»r tlir Ntnilt H ut pu, t> * , 1 **•, Hi'*1 ii* IL« < |«d *»■* !*»« vt ilwt‘4* -i to p.t Vt it . | un«i» M|mm» and r i ILiiMi ol, U4l<i laud t • t 1 it ‘ itin 4 l**i|V# j lit*. W Ms** «t*4 »*>■•, f. Wan M •>/ | i UU|l ‘ 1*4, Nil* J ,W 11 *u|**u*, I;*, *«!««) Dr. htuuitttr Davis O- |j,t tttxl Aurifst, t»t uni l*!;tixl. t * up a i % t tliHMtW llttt Ail X nki .lr>t | ,VI, ,ulft I1113 *1 111 t»u{* U h* |4 M *' | imlixl • MM, u| • It,u,i* ili.i'i 1 ,. .u 1* , j M* »•*>(» It <B.oiX'l -<lui .ii Xiiiti.i ft. 1 tX» 4 A lllnlnil.i, t l>.< ,1,11,1 I »*! iouMi it tor Mb t*j 11 Mt.iUbi Hum, Dr SuiMtx r Dixi* (• i*mtt,| j UUtxl >|KViltlUt i|t Ilf j Kvt*, far, Xu*# aixi I lir,Mtl * KniiMiitittiMft fur itlttwt