The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 05, 1897, Image 7

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Take UxaMIc BraaoQo Quinine Tablets. A!1
Druggie u: refund the money if It fails to euro, iao
f~ Catarrh in the Head
•uffored with It for Flvo Yoars,
but Hood’o Sarsaparilla Cured.
V “ I bail catarrh In my bind and suffered
With it for live yearn. 1 was also troubled
* £ with weakness. I have taken Hood’s Har
" naparlllaand it entirely cured the catarrh,
built up my system and did me a great
deal of good." W. E. Melloway, Co
lumbia, Misaouri. Remember
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
[lithe best In fast the One True Blooiljhirlfler.
Hood'S Pills cure nick headache. ilGc.
HOW nitfural it Is to watch hfra
who 'climb*'' and wc wombr
If he will reach the top. It is
this " survival of tbs fittest." If
you would be at your beat you
must bo healthy. Your body
needs to in nourished and re
freshed as lunch a* an engine
need* fuel to produce steam or
you cannot "climb." The grout
trouble with ho many in they
esnnot take nourishment and
digest It: consequently their
engine (or body) ran not run at
a high rate of spend. Their food
is not digested and converted
into good rich blood conse
qwentl.v they fall behind on lho
up grade. The trouble is with
the whole digestive tract. Not
one man in live whom- stomach
and whole glamlulur system in
In a good hciilty condition doing
Its work properly. The result
in he becomes soom r or later In
an unhfulty condition. He trie*
this that and the other remedy
but don't remove the cause and
ho fall* to regain his health
fully. Ills system needs reno
vating There is nothing that
renovates the whole system und
restore* the stomach and whole
f-lftndular system to a nttupul
i<.-nlthy condition ouuul to hr.
Kay's Renovator. It removes
root of the malter. This Is why It cures melt
n large variety of diseases which ure unable 10
gel belli b\ any other remedy. The cures It has
performed are marvelous Read the following
from Mrs. Nathan gulvtty, Shuw, Kansas:
A • | had Neuralgia Iri right side of In i.d and
1 and eve until i became entirely blind. Mr.
Kay's ilenovator bus done me more good than
all the doctors and patent medicines I ever
tried, and 1 tried a great many It has helped
mv eve, head, stomueh and liver, very much
and i sleep much better
A Do One from Jlcv. J. II Wade, Morrison Col.
"lam astonished at the mildness and yet
tto effleleie y of Mr. Kay's Ilenovator In mov
ing constipated bowels, and In producing a
regular natural dull; discharge. I have been
sffllet. d with constlpa.'on for M years."
It Is sold by druggists or sent by us by mull
for as els. or 11.00. Don't take any substitute
for It has no canal. Write us for our OH page
book. It bus .VI valuable recipes uml treats
nearly all diseases. Address Mr. II J. Kay
Medical ttmahu, Neb We also guuronteo
Mr Kay's Dung llalm to cure every kind of
cough, Influenza or lu-grlppo. Write for book.
1 Interstate Commerce Commission
Hofetv Mppllnncw*
on Froltflil C«r».
A hea»ln|f will 1m* iflvan by the CoiDmlHlnn I**ram
t>M ipf, ipvi. upon tho patltlona of tho»* railroad rom
panla* whli'b hava by November If#, appllad for an ♦?*
tdmMon or time within which their fraiuht ram are
i Mijulreil to h» **<iuIpn«il with automatic rouplna.
Tin* timo now ll*ad in January I, nart,
All |imoni) Intvraiitad will than ho lir-ard and they
may at any timo prl r to that data, file *tat< manta ior
or aiialnut raid petition*, ate.
k urtbar Information will b« furnlnhod bf
KDW. A. MOHKI.KV, Hn fatary.
innilT TCYAQ 'irjRi'ias'a
s AdUU I 11AAoTsrtsrjss'stx
©opy a< a now pub iu*U»n. Addra# Bos (' l>allaa,Toa.
Libor Statistic*.
Gilhooly—I reo HorCetter McGinnis
walking tho streets all day long. What
is he doing for himself:1
(Jus Do Smith- Ho it looking for
employment ami congratulating him
self that lie can't li.'.d any. Texas
fry <• rM in* O.
Ask your grocer today to show yon
t package of ORAIN-O, the new food
irmk that lakes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well ns the adult. All who
try it like it. ORAIN-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java. Out It is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomacn receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
15 cents and 23 cents per package.
Hold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
JUetul* That Hum.
We are accustomed to think of
metals as incombustible, but the con
trary is the ease. With the exception
of tlie Ho-cnlle 1 noble metals -gold,
silver, platinum and u few others—all
metals burn or absorb oxygen when
j boated sufficiently in the air.
Don’t Totscca Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily uiul forever, be mug
! spite, full uf life, nerve and vigor, tuke No-To
lluc. the wonder-worker, tbut makes week no u
strong. All druggists, Hoc, or II Cure guaran
teed. booklet uiul sample free. Address
Slorllng Kemedy Co., Chicago or New York
Neglected Education.
Mistress—“Gracious, Bridget, you
don't clean this house at all! See, I
con write my name in the dust on tho
Uridget—“Shuro, mum, you’ve got er
Rood edjiknshiin. That's more than 1
; kin do.”—New York Journal.
Everybody Buys os.
f'asrarcts t'undy Cathartic, th<- most wonder
ful medical discovery of the age. pb usant and
refreshing to the taste, act gently and |sisltlvely
mi the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the
entire system, dlspi I colds, cure headache,
fever, habitual constipation and biliousness.
Please buy and try a box of C. C, <’. to-day; Id,
at. :*< cent. .Sold and guaranteed to cure by all
To get tilt! good out of years we
must leurn to live each hour well.
j Tu men fplnln envelope ) How, after ten
years' fruitless doctoring, I was fully re
i stored to full vigor and robust manhood.
! No C.O.It. fraud No money accepted. No
j connection with medical concerns. Hent
absolutely free Address, Lock Hox 288,
Chicago, 111. hieud 2 cunt stamp If con
('till it little man great and other lit
tle people will throw up their hats.
For I,ling and chest diseases, I’lso's Cure
is the lost medicine we hnve used.—Mrs. J
L. Nortbeott, Windsor, Out., Canada.
When a man has prosperity, how the
people lilte to see him lose it!
fttar Tobacco is the leading brand of
tbo world, because it is the best.
No man is better than his opportu
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and docs now //rp //If}?" *** every
bear the facsimile signature of fcZcc&'U wrapper.
Hus is the original “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind yon have always bought STp z/f/? // ** on ^ie
and has the signature ofwrap
per -Vo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is
President. /> -- -
March 8, 1897:
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought’*
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.'
' *•« CCNfAUM CPVfkNV, TF MuH.UV PTRIIT PtC WOkklk f «T»
Bvsry Klml ol Coufh or U« (irlppv, /
|Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm.:>
“tVii/A*!!£*•• *****^ n*mJ&
SS rihh AkwnukV *
ftorn for Pije
A correspondent who in writing re
fers to the fact that everybody who
speaks upon the subject at all is ad
vising against the large use of corn in
6wine growing, wishes to know to what
extent corn should, in our Judgment,
be fed to hogs, says blooded Slock. To
make a pretty good western hog, tak
ing the whole animal's life from wean
ing until market, and speaking In a
general way, It would be no had idea
to make one-fourth of the pig with
clover, one-fourth with oats, bran,
shorts and other food of growth, and
one-half of corn, the hulk of the latter
to he fed late In the latter’s life and
chiefly after the preparation for mar
ket has been decided upon. This would
mean very light feeding of corn dur
ing the growing period, the bulk of the
food then consisting of feed stuffs
more appropriate for growth making;
and while there Is no better finishing
feed than corn, and It can hardly bo
crowded too fast la the latter part of
the feeding, the present tendency of
market demands would indicate rather
a smaller proportion of It than Is above
suggested, as compared with the total
amount of feed given from weaning to
slaughter, as suitable to make the kind
of hog the market wants. The tenden
cies are nil in the direction of lighter
and growthler and more muscular
swine. The cuts of which the packer's
goods must now consist In order to 1111
his orders, weigh very considerably
less than the same cuts used to weigh.
He has nothing like the demand and
can obtain nothing like the price for
lard that he used to receive, and hence
more food of growth and less corn Is
necessary to mnko the kind of hog
which he says he wants. One of these
dries the nacker will discriminate be
tween the two kinds of hogs and pay a
premium for those that suit the mar
ket demand. When that time come*
he will get what he wants, for the
western farmer can make it If it I*
made an object for him to do so, but in
the meantime while the margin be
tween the lard hog and those that more
nearly approach the bacon hog is nar
row and fat is only slightly discrim
inated against, the lard hog will con
tinue to he made, because It Is more
easily made.
The llorkv Mountain Sheep.
The Rocky Mountain sheep inhabit
the lofty chain from which they derive
their name, from its northern termi
nation, in latitude 68 degrees, to about
latitude 48 degrees, and perhaps fur
ther south. They also frequent the el
evated and cragged ridges with which
the country between the great moun
tain range and the Pacific coast is in
tersected, but they do not seem to
have advanced further eastward than
the declivity of the Rocky Mountains,
nor are they found in any of the hilly
tracts near Hudson’s Bay. They col
lect In herds of from thirty to forty
young rams and females, herding to
gether during the winter and spring.
Mr. Drummond Informs ub that the
Rocky Mountain sheep exhibited the
simplicity of character so remarkable
In the domestic species, hut that where
they had been often fired at, they were
exceedingly wild, alarmed their com
panions on the approach of danger by
a hissing noise, and scaled the rocks
with a speed and agility that baf
fled pursuit. Some naturalism have
supposed that this variety of the sheep
family is substantially the same as the
Asiatic Argali, but of diminished stat
ure. Others dissent from this opinion,
not only on account of its size but of
a difference In the curvature of the
horns. Those who maintain it imagine
that some of the Argali originally pass
ed Behring Strait on the Ice to the
American continent.
Eraillrate Tuberculosis.
The demonstration that tuberculosis
is one and the same disease in both
animals and men, has opened up a new
field for useful work on the part of both
local and state boards of health. Here
. . . . x. stlomnl trt orflillpfifft tllhPT
IU1WIO —-*
culosla from tho dairy herds has been
undertaken by state cattle commis
sions. The most extensive work under
state control has been in the eastern
states, and has. for various reasons,
thus far resulted in only partial suc
cess. The need of absolute purity in
the milk supply makes the eradication
of tuberculosis a necessity. It is claim
ed here that this is practicable ouly
by the local boards of health controll
ing their own milk supply by issuing
licenses to both producers and vend
ers, after a thorough Inspection of the
dairy and cattle by the veterinarian of
the board. This plan 1# now being
carried out In our own city, under a lo
cal Inspection ordinance made possible
by a special act of the state legislature.
The constitutionality of this measure
has been confirmed by a decision of
the supreme court of the state of Min
nesota. Charles K. Cotlou.
Icelandic Hheep, — "The Iceland
sheep," say* JJouatt. "that have cone
14 uler my persona) observation, are of
tolerably large sll« and strongly built.
Their fleece constats of coarse Itslr ex
urually. with an under layer of close
wool, Their boras are generally four
In number, sometime* six. or eveu
eight, and (hi* Is the more remark
sble as Ike Iceland tow* and oxen are
mostly polled
pediment l» Milk Half tke milk
•eat lata oar elite* wilt deposit a vile
« ditto at after stealing When stable*
are til-kept and milkers careless there
la a decided off Savor to tke entire
within* tide salve dust coll* eta spat
Ike t*dd*r, gad in da Ua way into tke I**.t of It setliee it it passing
lha coarse etrataer and part will ha
i wo ad floaitad «a »«** «»•*». - «*.
Kaa that the ewwe ta paelare have
eiwts itvady pdaae. either aader ireea u#
buddings where they can *heitar
ihea**eivse from tke fletva heat uf tka
summer *aa
U ta said that id par ewat al Ike
caewa wt iked sigktedaesa am toisIP
I.lnt )i*i»rx. Chicago,
Du* of the* canty *pot* .»f Chicago, is
described in a mo*t* beautifully illu-t rated
: l*H>k. of W» pages, now Icing distributed j
' by the Chicago. Milwaukee A. St. Caul |
! Railway Company, it is full of Ihe fluest I
: half-ton* | ntire- of one of Creation's i
| most chnrnnng places of ro ort for citizens i
of the Great Republic. Kn eryone who has I
ever visited the park will appreciate the i
I souvenir, and for th«.s* who have notit
| will be a revelation of whet is to bo seen
| in Chicago. It can only be procured by ,
enclosing fwenty-tHe |S®) cents in coin or
postage stamps, to Ueo. H. HenfTord. gen
eral passenger agent, 410 Old Colony
j building. Chicago. 111.
The man who robs others does not
make 1 he b -st of him Wit
The ana might sing better if he didn't
pitch his tune so high.
Hesfneiis Ciinnot Be t'areu
by locul applications as they cannot
rear!) the diseased portion ot the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an iutlamed con li
tton of the mucous lining of the Kus
tachiun Tube. When this tube Is In
fhotied you have a rumbling sound or iin
n« rfect hearing, and when It Is entirely
closed. Deal ness is the result, and un
less the inflammation can bo taken out
and this tube restored to Its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases cut of ten ore caused by ca
tarrh, which Is nothing but un inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollar* for
any can* of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cures) by Hall's Catarrh
Cuic. Head for circulars, free
F J CIIKNKY */ CO., Toledo O.
Sold by Druggists. 76c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
You bet if a young husband fails to
hiss Ids wife when he comes home, the
iriids tint ici- it.
Ddaciil << Your Ho writ With CsiiritrstN.
Otiuly Hi ( hurt le, cure roristlpulion forever.
lOc.iSftc. IfC*.c.i' fall. drutftfiMt*refund money.
When n man talks too much, it may
| he said lie has a runaway tongue.
Dr. Kay's Renovator H miurunteeit to cur?
dy*-i»-■•!" I«», constipation and to ruuuvuu* the
•y stern. _
K very body says “(Jo tip higher” to
the man who is “getting there.”
l'or*« 4 oiurh Ilnloiim
f* thsoll»-it *n>l belt li will iiibak up a cold quicker
III an anything else. It U always rello-blc. Try IL |
There is u story on every man that j
ever lived.
*f r« . %% ln«l<iu '■ Soolniiig syrup
For children tvtthin,'.*•##fi. n ih« gum*,reduce* inflstn*
inntlon. ai ay* pain. • urea wind colic. Utce.iU a bottle.
The man who looks at a clock five
minutes to see what time it is, is lazy.
To (.'ore CoimtlimtIon For.i«r.
Take Ciisrarcu. ('.wily Cathartic, lllo or 2.V.
If r. i'. C. fall to cure, Jniiod.'.lx refund money.
Men. as a rule, do not like to lie, but
their wives ask too many questions.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
I'oet € oleririsr*4 l.« p:»rr«•♦».
"Do voti really believe that an a** »
ever spoke to i lain rim?" queried a man
who hart j%ridt \ liiiese'.f on his in*
tellect. Coleridge* to whom thequc*- !
tion was put. r* Heeled very calmly for
a few moments, and then responded: !
•'My friend, I have no doubt whatever
that the story is true. I have been
spoken to in the sain#* wav myself."
<»i\e l ■ Itcsr.
Tldn Is tin* prayer of the nervous who do
not sleep well. Let them use Ho* tetter’s
Stomach Hitters and their prayer will Ihj
speedily answered. Insomnia l* the product
r>f Indigestion and nervousness, two associate
iillmenis soon remedied by the Hitlers, which
ulso vanquishes malaria, constipation, liver
•on) pi a lut, rheumatism and kidney com*
There are forty-seven papers and
magazine* in this country edited or
munaged by women.
If you want- to operate on the Chicago
Hoind of Trade send for our free I ionic con -
mining full informal Ion bow to trade. On
account of the short wheat crop In foreign
countries and the short corn crip In tills
country, liotheorn and wheat will sell much
higher, mid now Is the time to make a profit
able Investment. We execute orders In
wheat In Loan bushels and upwards, and
corn and oafs In ft,000 bushels and upwards.
Write us today. H. .1. Lauchery A Co., 2^
Hlalto building, Chicago Member* Chicago.
Hoard of Trade.
The invention of the* typewriter bus ,
given employment to over half u mil
lion women.
FITS P*rn»»nrntl)»Curxd. NofJt*or nffrvnn*n«*«ftft«t
ftr»t day * tiMi ol I)r. Ktirm « «.r i
Semi tnr I- II 1,1', %'A.on Inal bottl* an*l i.'Oim, (
Ull. R. II. Kuni. Ltd.,HI Arcli hi. Philadelphia, l a
A shallow man always secs the face '
of a fool by looking into a deep well,
The he* i, a half the prices *11 srorcra will re 1
fund your money ir you are not aaunord.
Italy has more theatres than any j
any other country In Kurope.
No-Tn-line for Fifty Cent*.
(Initrnnteeit tobacco habit cure, makes weak
Uien strobe, blood pare. hue. (I. All druggists,
We should like to see the man who
ran stand up against his kin.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, JO for 5et«.
A good tlog is worth more than you
ran get for it.
i |
I There is a $
0 o
1 Class of People I
2 ♦
♦ Who nre injnred by thence ♦
* of coffee. Recently tliere ,»
X has been placed in nil the
} grocery stores 11 new pre- < |
• parallel culled UUAIN-O, <►
J mails of pure grains, that *|
takes the place of coffee. <►
The most delicate stomach
ri'ccivcs it without distress,
and but few can tell It from J j
coffee. It does not cost over +
'a us much. Children may j *
drink it with great benefit. <►
15 cents and 25 cents per, >
package. Try it. Ask for J J
OBAIN-O. < >
TryGrain=0! \\
fuTn ’C Vegetable fl
j||HALLO Sicilian
ryw Tl'il t’f.luf: 111Jfi di. '-.ti
[| Prevents the hair from fail- hj
111 >n2 out, and mates a new n
growth come in. You h'
f m save what you hive l;/f.
and get more. No M/Zh.
|% \Jf 1 V# | quirk rrllif itlul fiiri'B *oiyf
caxi-s. Hi-ml for book of !»•> IIuioiiIaIs nm<1 IlliiiUh1
treatment Irco. Ur. II.IJ.blUtl.M’HlMJMt. a turn., fife
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. -lr. 1897.
When wrltliiK to advertisers, kindly immtluu
this paper.
r THE CREAT remedy
AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. All. AM. AM.
* W W *.«• W W W W W j?*
Rudyard Kipling, #
the famous story-writer, is only one of many celebrated
contributors engaged to write for the next volume of ^ *
' ...»TheVouth's II
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To show the varied strength and charm of The V
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following partial list of £/£
Distinguished Contributors.
Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone W. D. Howells
hmi. Thomas B. Reed Mme. Lillian Nordica
Hon. Justin McCarthy Mrs. Burlon Harrison
Hon. George P. Hoar Octave Thanet
Lieut. Peary Mary E. Wilkins
Max O’Rcll Margaret E. Sangster
tRudyard Kipling’s thrilling new story. “The Burning of the 'Sarah Frank K. StOCkton n®fnCl »pOIiOiU ^
Sands,"’ will appear exclusively In The Companion during *8^8. And Fully Two Hundred Others.
Gold Embossed Calendar Free to New Subscribers. * p
This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youth's Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than
$1.00. It consists uf three folding parts, each a true reproduction of charming group pictures. See Important Offer. * ^
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