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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1897)
LIEtT.-GOV. POSEY. A STRIKING FIGURE IN INDI ANA'S HISTORY. nil Military Hearing rad I'erranal norm A I,laateaaat*Catowal In the Rerolnllnn An lntre|dd naldler—Snb alalng Indian*. (Hanover, Ind., I.etter.) llK eurly history of Indiana during the terrlto rial period and the first years of statehood Is replete w 1th I h <• a« Movement* of those da ring pioneers who crossed Hie All« ghanles tnd In the wild, uneonquered region north of the Ohio river found a field of action which suited I heir ad venturous nature. Among (hose who achieved renown and scoured high public positions was Thomas Posey, lleutenant-dolonel In the, Revolution ary war, afterward brigadier and major-general, speaker of the Ken tucky senate and Anally territorial gov ernor of Indiana until the territory was admitted Into the union In 1816, (Jov. Posey was a Virginian by birth. On the 9t* of July, 1760, he Arst open ed his eyes upon the broad Potomac, near Washington's home, His father was a fanner, and during hi* boyhood Posey worked on a farm, but managed to obtain a fair education. At the uge of eighteen he removed to the western border of Virginia, drawn thither, perhaps, by the stories of the wonderful opportunities that were open to young men of energy Hnd re source. It Is also probable that the prospect tit un Indian war appealed rather strongly to a young man of mr uBirr.-oov. posky. dent temperament and military lean ing. It waa only a few years until un opportunity came for young Posey to lead a soldier's life. A general war had broken out along the entire west ern border, and In 1774 two expedi tions, one under command of the Hrlt Ish colonial governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, and the other under (Jen. Andrew Lewis, a veteran Indian fight er, were sent against the Shawnees, who had been waging a relentless war fare upon the scattering settlements of Virginia and Pennsylvania. Posey was attached as quarter-master to the com mand of Gen. Lewis. The plan of campaign contemplated a union of the two forces at the mouth of the KenaWlia river. Dunmore was to lead his force of Virginia militia to Pittsburg und then to proceed down the Ohio to the mouth of the Ken awha. Gen. Lewis was ordered to lead his army from the Virginia frontier across the Alleghanles, 200 miles through a trackless forest, to the Junc tion of the Kenawha with the Ohio, und from there a crushing blow was to be dealt to the Indian tribes north of the great river. Lewis and his men surmounted all the obstacles of the way and in due time reached the point of rendezvous. Hut Dunmore was not there. The story of hts vusclllating course, how he safely reached Pittsburg, and. Instead of descending the Ohio, had marched Into the Indians' country und made peace with the savages, while I-ewla, with lees than a thousand raw recruits, from miurlse till dark, fought the terrific battle of Point Pleasant. Is now familiar blntory. And the result wss that Ihe suspicion of llrltlsh du plicity was confirmed In the colonial mind, tor while IHinmore'bad won the Rood will of Ihe savage*. they cherish ed with a rrowing hatred the memory of the dead left on the field of Point Pleasaut. The wait year was IT7S, and Posey •entered with enthusiasm Into prepara tiona far war. He was appointed a .captain hi the regular service, anil souu raised 4 company, which was Incor porated t«to ihe HsvsniA Virginia regi ment. An agreeable service » «„ niure for thta company, i.ord lion mote, tukiuR advantage of th,. dm turned roudtllon of Ihe --x.ittry, w g toying wasta ihe fruitful ptsuiatiune of the *oaet -t.iiullen. and. Raining strength made a aland and furl.Red tlwyoe Island lien l,*wu was caltsd la th« aimwsnl of ihe rolaglsu and. with the earns energy nad etturngs which hmt held t'ornstalh ni hay at P-tat pleasant he >*d hi# raw aiMh» t« g daahmg vHtory. g.«*u sites Ihte th* ah tenth Vttglala was ardsrsd *>• h»»n Wa«hiegi*« * command •« Mlddtobtooi H J || reached the main arm* In Ihe spring of lift About ibU tun* a rids s-ttps was being mtse-i t»« hr -umposed of lbs Cons# •< the .-0110*01*1 army tbe gallant tbsuol Morgan was to bs in rutoasl I'm* was >hus*n aa tap lain nf mid *f »h* •«« . am. • *r mis '"SrSdi It. ttlt, p»**!-t*ni Madtswa gumlnated Tbmnan Ph*> • Am «*»**#a*» ff tddUM tgdfHuri The b-rmtnauon | was confirmed by the senate on ihu Sd of March. Oov. Posey proceeded to Vincennes, the old rapltal, and entered I upon the discharge of his duties on the 25th of May, 1813. The duties of governor of this extensive territory were particularly trying at that time. At the breaking out of hostilities be tween the United Htates and Kngland a great majority of the Indians had taken up arms In the British cause, and by their eonstant attacks upon the exposed and defenseless settlements of Indians, spread destruction and ter ror throughout the territory. Posey had no sooner reached his new location than he look active measures to subdue or drive from the bound aries of Indlanu these cruel foes. In June, 1813, an expedition, under com mand of Col. Joseph Bartholomew, and soon after another led by Col. William Bussell, marched Into the Indian country and laid waste the fields and villages of the Miamls. One column of the latter expedition was command ed hy MaJ. Z. Taylor. These prompt measures had the desired effect, and the white settlements were not molest ed again that year. By an a.H which was approved March 11, 1813, the seat of government of Indiana territory was declared to he fixed at Cory don, "from and after the 1st day of May," Accordingly, on the 6th of December, 1813, Oov, Posey delivered his first message to the gen eral assembly at the new capital. He referred to the crisis which then con fronted the country, and dwelt upon the necessity for a heroic stand for Its rights, which had been assailed. The reply of the assembly contains some Interesting reading, showing the ap prehension then felt In the north that the seat of power was slowly shifting southward. Jt says: "We are astonished at the mistaken and obstinate policy of the New Kngland states In opposing the Junction of the Canadas to the Union. It would -idd weight and Influence to the northern states in the councils of the nation would check the progress of the seat of government toward the Isthmus* of Darien, and more fairly balance the two great interests of our country, the commercial ami agricul tural." The year 1814 brought Improvement In the conditions In the new Territory. The successes of the army under Gen eral Harrison In the latter part of 1813 had diseouraged the Indian allies of the British, anil early In the spring of 1814 several of the stronger tribes sued for peace. This was accomplished at a great camp-fire at Greenville, O., In which Generals Harrison and Cass were the white commissioners. This removed the dangers of massacre, and the Territory begun to fill up with Immigrants from eastern states and Kentucky. In the prime of his life Posey was rcrmirknhlf* fur IiIm hnrtrlunnw' Anno fir. ance. Ho was tall, graceful arul pro possessing. His army life had given him a military bearing which dlstln gulshed him, and the healthy exuber ance of his nature won him friendship and admiration. MADE BY ROUGH HANDS. In some parts of Hungary the most beautiful Hnd intricate embroidery It done by the peasant women, who work all summer In the fields at the hardest labor, spending their winters in the art which one naturally thinks calls for delicate fingers and refined touch. As certain birds sing In their own way, as the Sioux Indians astonish uh with skillful designs In color with beads, In the same manner these Hungarian peasants do marvelous work. The needlework is most delicate, the pat tern raised In silk or cotton und so ex act that It seems to have been done by mechanical means. The chair shown Is one upholstered in this work. It was made for Archduke Ferdinand d’Este. The chief personage Interested in this work Is Archduchess Isabella, the wife of Archduke Frederick, neph ew and heir to the richest untitled man in Austria. She Is devoted to benev olence and charity and is active in furthering the working institutions for the development of this Industry. At the Hudapest exhibition last year much of this embroidery wss shown und foreigners would not believe It was the work of Ignorant, uncultured and rough peaaanta. I he work done In clude* blouses made and embroidered awn < HAIR la Milk, altar ctatba a*4 all bi*4* ml >#Mi<b *a»l»i«44»f» ut>i« lutb* *r4 >*rl*lka liwiRkk tt a liar lb# a*» atiataiar ««fcw baa pr**.U4 N« Hk*> l"** 8»'W >♦ r*{w>at > » alkali all lUaaiaa p*»Ub t Vary ,(** yaa llb*4 lb* «**«***. Mr* 114*.. Mr* 11*4*«* by*, tat a* it •*, , •a* ta«t. MMi Htwyi y* pay r*ai y* •ball all «w ta lb# par lab ' i CHAMPION HANGMAN. THIS MAN CRACKED EVERY NECK. Uuorg* Mnlrdon Tells flow tie lllil Ills Work Home of the Notables He Has "Marunc Off” Tells About Ills In pleasant Work. MONO the vldtors attemllnK the en campment at Liake Park Springs, Ne vada, of the Inter state Old Soldiers’ reunion, was the world's most noted hangman, George Maledon, of Fort Smith, Ark. He Is a small man with Iron-gray chin whiskers. He was born In Havarla, In 18.10, and went from Mlehlgun to Fort Smith 41 years ago. Ho hanged his first man there, sen tenced by Judge Parker, In 1872. He has continued to act as hangman for the United States court at Fort Smith ever since, hanging ninety-eight men, sentenced by the late Judge Parker, who, during his term of service, sen tenced 216 men to death and sent 10,000 to the penitentiary. Speaking of his uncanny calling, Mr. Maledon said: "At one tlmo I had twelve men on the scaffold. Five of them were commuted and seven drop ped at one movement of the trigger. Every neck was broken. Throughout ' f GEORGE MALEDON. my entire service I never strangled a mun or drew blood on him. When the neck Is broken the arms and shoulders drop down. When there Is strangula tion they shrug up. Ninety per cent of the men I have hanged committed their crimes because of whisky, either directly or Indirectly. One of them, Booth Crumpton, held up a glass on the scaffold and said: ‘Young men, when you tuke up a glass to drink, look Into the bottom and see If there’s not a hangman's knot hidden there.’ "One of the worst men I ever hang ed was Cherokee Bill. It was known that he killed twelve men and had doubtless murdered others. He was In the Forth Smith Jail, from which no man had ever escaped. He tried to get away and the guards fired slxty-two shota at him without mortally wound ing him. During the fight he shot and killed a very popular guard, named Keaton. The people on the outside heard of It and attempted to mob the murderer, but the guards turned and defended him. Cherokee Bill killed his brother-in-law, and said he did It to see him kick, as he was always kicking at everything. white men, and nearly all of them weakened. Some of them Deemed calm, but when your hand waa placed on them you could ulways feel the muscles crawling and trembling. An Indian has a great horror of hanging. They would much prefer to he shot. I have had them draw a black mark ou their ctotheu and beg me to shoot them while In their cell#. They are great drunkards, and will drink red ink or any other fluid which has alcohol in it. Jack Spaniard was another bad man. He was the captain of the Belle Star hand. Jack fought like a demon when they started to the scaffold, and it was necessary to choke him down. Dr. Alexander was a brilliant and highly educated man, but hud a bad temper. He witnessed several of my executions, and then he killed a man. He was sentenced, and. knowing him so well. 1 asked If he would prefer some other man to haug him. ‘Do it your self he •aid. 'You know how to break my uc< k shi rt off .* "I remember wheu Cherokee Hill was brought out to the scaffold. He looked at the crowd and exclaimed 'll look at the people. Wonder what's going to bappeu'’ tils beck was larger around this hts head, and there were those who said the rope would atlp off. hut It didn’t. The last matt housed was Cnslragu. on Italian He was the hands ttnest man who ever went to the aetffold and was sentenced for the murder of three girls and two men. One waa It la sweetheart, and he waa Jealous He shut them all within a few minute* It waa believed that he had no ground* . at jtfcftlmiflijr*** V|r tlatedos haa all the repea with • hkh the hanging was |m* tt««c specially good pl**e haa hanged twen ty seven m* a Vtsset *m4 IsrMrsr ’that a wan who haa heew bitten ny g doubt* horned viper •bwikl live lit tell the tale l« eg igtervteger In eg# of the maw ale of modern sgtegre, flr summers who we* pel on hoard sbi,. | • die In tfttrs ha* rae* had Jdverpoul In eomparettvely n*d health He gt tythwtea his igeirtf to the devpilag and the shill «f hts bstst Ths viper bit with all hlc w sbt and main gad the doctor counteracted the poison with an Injection of Iodine. If he ha* found a specific he la one of the greatest bene factors of the age. Twenty thousand persons die every year of snake-bite In India alone. A good deal depends on the severity of the bite, but In this case the conditions were all adverso to the sufferer. The reptile held on till Its head was blown off. On the other hnnd, courage Is an Important agent of recovery. Persons wanting In this fatuity usually collapse at once of sheer terror. The treatment has hith erto been confined mainly to attempts to prevent the poison from entering the circulation by of the tournlqunuek and the red-hot Iron. The antidotes have failed one after tlie other—ammonia, liquor potassa. permanganate of pot assium. The effh pry of Iodine, at any rale, has yet to be disproved.—London Dally News. HUNG BY A FINGER RING. Torturing ICiperl.nreof • Woman Caugh* on u Null. Mrs. Pred Olottonlni, of Salinas. Cal., recently bung half an hour by a finger-ring from a nail protruding from the wull of her sitting room. She did not succeed In liberating herself until the fiesh of the finger was almost torn from the bone. She stepped on a trunk to hang up a bird cage, standing on tiptoe to reach the cage hook. The trunk was rounded and her foot slip ped. She let go of the bird cage and reached for a support. Her finger slid down the wall and an ugly nail pro truding from the wall was Jammed In between her rlrig and her finger. Thus the full weight of her body was held by one finger. Of course, it required but little time for the nail to draw the ring fur Into the flesh and to cause the blood to spurt. The pain was frightful. Mrs. Olottonlnl called for assistance, hut as there was no one In the house she was left helpless. The sm'Mith wainscoting prevented her from catching hold of anything with her free hand, and the slippery surface of the trunk lid prevented her from getting any foothold to relieve the ten sion on the finger. It was a long and torturing experience before she finally succeeded in detaching the ring from the nail. Hhe eventually got sufficient purchase on the trunk to lighten the weight a little, and by this time the flesh had been so much lacerated on the finger that It was comparatively easy to get It free. A doctor was sum moned and the ring filed from the fin ger, hut It will he several weeks before the flesh can possibly grow sufficiently to enable Mrs. Olottonlnl to use her band with any degree of comfort. WHIPPED BY VIOILANETS. ConCHiilr .Iuiih-h PurrUli o t lieratur, I (id., It Terribly I'uiilaliril. White Caps entered the residence of ,lames Parrish, a constable, at Decatur, Ind., last week, and, placing a rope around bis neck, dragged him down the stairs Into the street, clothed only In Ills night robe. They marched him a short distance from the house and, ty Ing him to a tree, flogged him with whips and knotted ropes until every part of his body was covered with welts and gashes. All tills time the poor wretch begged and pleaded for mercy and promised to do better. His appeals were not listened to, and when he fainted from pain and Iokb of blood bis tormentors left him for dead and quietly disappeared, leaving no trace of their whereabouts. Parrish was found about two hours later in a dy ing condition. He regained conscious ness for a short time, but said he was unable to recognize any of his tor mentors. One of his ears was entirely severed from his head while dragging him down the Btalrway. and was found lying where It had been torn off. The supposed reason for the attack on Par CONSTABLE JAMES I’AUKISII. rleh la a atory which ta current to the effect that he beat hla wife a few day* before ao aeverely that the will die. I Ix.lere NlrrvlMt la Itleh t loll... The inalla front indln bring n le innrhable atory of how I'rof. llamlin •ought and found the cholera microbe which had made havoc among thirteen | people In Saugor. Of theee thirteen, I nine became eerlouely III, three devel oped Aelallc cholera, end one died He- ' •ry precaution wee auppoecd to hair been lahen agatnel Infection |»ruf Manhtn. prompted by eurloaity and hla love of acleace. Immediately begaa In hunt for the microbe that bad <ao«ed all the (rouble ll wae dually detected In a water put in the hit.hen but the •uppiy from which the pul bed been * Hi led wae found to be nbnoiutety pure. | further Inteeligelion d*«*i..ped the tart I set the di»h. lorn bad dried on nn infected *aad bank Thun eon • eyed Into the hit. hen the pgrut* nut only not into the wntep pot, hut made tie way te a h.*uMp puddiaa TW'e It yielded .iter ( chut*, a mkrfMbee within n •para of elgkie. haute Chicagu later OMe (•tab a recent plonae# Jubilee guei l»l nanrty all nf ehk k wM ,«U(4 by wkMriyhM « THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON VI. NOV 7 — ACTS 28 : 1-10. OoMrn Te.ti "W. Know Hot That All Thing. Work Together for Uoo.l to Them That Lon tlo>l” Uom. VIII. 911—Mark ground of ths Wesson. The Hopeful Prisoner.—We left the Alexandrian corn ship anchored off the unknown coast on that “fourteenth night" of the storm, and those on board “wish ing for the day." The remaining verse* of the chapter, which describe the ship wreck. may be arranged In three pictures. First Picture. The wane depicted In ver ses 33-M is one Of the most touching In the Bible. The night Is almost over; the darkness seems not #lte *o thick, though It Is not light enough to sec? the land. The exhausted crew, with the cen turion and soldiers and prisoners, are el. gathered around one man. He, too. Is a prisoner, and a Jew; yet all are listen ing to him as he first exhorts them tA cheer up and prepare for a desperate ef fort presently by taking food, arid then, before them all, solemnly thanks Him who ruleth the winds and waves the tempest ruglng and the ship rolling and pitching an»l straining all the while. The f talas troptoe.-—Second Picture. The effort has been made; the anchors have been cut awuy (see margin of verse 40), and the ship, lightened of Its cargo (verse ,'IS) and with Its huge sail set to the wind, has been steered straight for the shore In hope of Its being blown high and dry onto the smooth beach the sailors de scried. Dill the bulky vessel has struck on the rocks; her hull Is broken In two, the sea sweeps over her; and all lost Vet, even at that supreme moment the Jtoniun soldiers cannot forget their duty and responsibility If their charge esc ape they must suffer for It. Better kill the prisoners at once even Paul. Duty may be very hard-hearted. How Is this cruel design prevented? (verse- 4.1) and again we see the unique? position Paul had gained. ill** jvim U|ir » ini 'i the raging sea is full of struggling men, some swimming desperately, some cling ing to the spars and fragments of the ve* sel already floating about. Paul Is there In the see. not for the first time, for he know ns what It I* to he all day and all night "In the deep” (2 fior. II. 25); and no doulit Isu. 2ii. 3 Is true of him as Ihe wild breakers roll over him "Thou will keep him In perfect peace, whose mind Is stayed on the* because he trusteth I" thee." Presently he feels the ground un der his feet—a rush forward he Is safe. And not he only. How many more? Im agine the wet, cold, exhausted men gath ering togthcr on the shore surely very few ean have escaped that sea. Yes, they count—two hundred and seventy-six—ull are saved! The Fulfillment of a Promts' . Hod's an gel promised that ull should ho saved (verso 22), and now II Is fulfilled, lint fake a more general promise lo Hod's peo ple—a promise such us muy apply to us also— anti sec how literally It Is fulfilled In this narrative Take I’salrn HI 15, "I will he with him In trouble; I will deliver him and honor him." In these few words there are three distinct promises, and every one was fulfilled, “I will he with him In trou ble"—"There stood by me this night an angel of Hod." "I will deliver him" so Hod did, first from the swords of the guards, and then from the angry waves. "And honor him” this, perhaps, Is the most striking of ull; Paul Is the messenger of good to the rest (verse 22); Paul pre vent# the ssllors from fleeing (verse 31); Paul presides at that memorable night meal (verse 36); for Paul's sake the pris oners’ lives are spared (verse 43); nay. more than this, It Is for his sake that crew and soldiers and all are saved—"1,0. Hod hath given thee ull them that sail with thee" (verse 24). Now. that promise wu“ not for Paul only. It still stands and holds good for all the children of Hod. See to whom the whole string of prom ises In the ninety-first Psalm Is given. Not to the holy, or righteous, or perfect man. If It were so we might well |iesiiat> about elulinlng It; though even then we could and ought to claim It for the saki of our Advocate, “Jesus f'hrlsl the right eous." Hut It Is simply to those that love and trust him (see Psalm 91, I, 8, 14); and the most sinful nnd unworthy may and ought to love (Soil, and may anil ought to trust him (Stock). lemon Hymn, Thou hidden Source of calm repose, Thou all-sufllelent l,ovc divine, S My help and refuge from my foes, Secure I am while thou art mine And lo! from sin. and grief, and shame. Hide me, Jesus, In thy name. In want, my plentiful supply; In weak ness, my almighty power; In bonds, my perfect liberty; My light. In Satan's darkest hour; In grief, my Joy unspeakable; My life In death, my all In all. —Charles Wesley. Hints to the Teacher. For the key to this lesson wo take the sentence In verse 15, "He thanked Hod." On an old sundial was found inscribed, "I mark only the hours that shine.” Paul counted up Ills mercies and thanked Hod when some would have counted up their troubles and been wretched, What wire some of the apostle's grounds for grati tude? I. For deliverance from danger. Verse 1. He had escaped from a peril which had led everybody save himself to despair Hurely, as lie stood on the Island shore he felt that there was reason to he thankful How often ure we kept alive In dangers when others perish' Hoe Psalm 34. (i. 7. II For human hospitality. Verse 2. It was no unusual event for those who had escaped the sea to be robbed ai d mur dered on the shore lint these "harbar lans showed no little kindness." |,et us tie thankful to Hod for every spark of love found In unregehrrate hearts. He. Ileli. 13. 2. III For protection to life Verma l-« How easily might the career of one of the earth's greatest heroes have been ended by that fire, when the vl per fastened on lit* hand! Paul was willing to die, and would have nut death calmly H„, nu man .an la- slain ui, 9 )„• tv.-rk Is done I* he t,. fuund In the way of duty paul'v saA'v was an ail.mny The old seria-nt . hit. «annul h«triit it* h.# . »_ . . _ ml with <iivm« i».»*r. an,i ih. Chrtailan „r -u ,h,uu«h lartlml will. him * 41,1*. mUk, ;;;;tJtll** * *» ftt*? rkrw a *>, u , *, "** •* v r.-» |.«..*i« f, r _ ^ v fcv l In ,W,, '“k l!?' * mu MH H • •*( uf •)! MlXkU C*M*UMAHMI, rsr* - swais tb««i «h I* ) M imi u* -** *«SE kk4 Mir Mi | It* WM a«M*f TM M. Madura MMU, % M • IfiM Mult., • *«* Ik, ,*,4 “ '* ***• •» **•« M <** M ia. ‘~n I ia I ^ *•**«*. -i AFTER TEN DECADES. Story of Loro and Its Reword, as II Actually Happened. Forty years ago G. M. McDowell, now a resident of Madison county, Mis souri, was one of the most promising young men of Yancey county, mid what was known as "the Zeb Vance orator" of that section, says the Asheville Citi zen. He loved and wooed a young lady of Yancey who was accounted the belle of that part of Western North Caro lina. True love ran smoothly with th« young couple themselves, but a barrier existed In the person of an objecting father, whose wrath was kindled against the Idea of a marriage, and a decree was written literally In blood, K Is said, that they should not wed. About this time a second young man appeared upon the scene and sougnt the hand or the beautiful young lady. Heelng that nothing would move the father from his determination, nego tiations began, resulting In young Mc Dowell's signing a release, In obedience to the decree, of hts rights and claims upon his heart's love. In considera tion of this act he was to receive the best horse, saddle mid bridle in Yancey county. Shortly after the fairest girl of nil that county Joined hands with u Mr. I'resswood, the successful suitor, and they started as one along life's ^ Journey. Young McDowell rode away on his mettled charger and by and by be woo ed and won another, and for more than 30 years they fought life's battles to gether. About 15 years ago Mr. 1’ress wood died, and a few years ago Mr. Me. Dowell's life partner died. The decret written In blood having passed away with the death of the objecting father, two hearts that years ago had beaten so close together uguin turned to each other. The lovers plighted their troth • » i i t nii, uiui uj aKiccuirm m i n. i iron wood became Mrs. McDowell, 40 ypars to a day from the date on which the release was signed. The marriage oc curred only a few days ago, and Mr. and Mrs. McDowell are living over again I he sweet days of old. A CHICAGO TRAGEDY. William McCaleb Kill* III* Wlta am Then lllmsclf. Impelled by the hand of an enragec husband, a small but sharp-pointed pa per knife became the Instrument foi the accomplishment of u murder am aided in the commission of a suicidi at Chicago last week. The husband murderer and suicide was William Me Caleb. His victim was his wife Annie The place of the double tragedy wai 'the room occupied by the pair In i lodging house kept by Mrs. Fannh Blaine on the fourth floor of H4 Welli street. When the occupants of thi house broke Into the room they fount the furniture and clothing of the couph strewn about the room, evidences of s terrible struggle. Blood lay In pooh on the floor and was spattered ove various articles and on the walls. Tin actors in the terrible crime wore al most unknown. They came to Mrs Blaine’s three weeks ago. She de scribes them as middle-aged, well dressed and seemingly respectable They lived a strange, mysterious ex Istence during the three weeks of thei residence with the Blaines. The: .quarreled Sunday, the wife upbraldini the husband for his attentions to an other woman, and on Monday morn ing at 11.20 the pair engaged In i struggle which resulted fatally to both. The life and death of the husbam and wife seems cloaked In mystery The Blaines, who claim relationshl] with the late James G. Blaine, knev nothing of them. McCaleb had beei employed at the factory of the Chlcag( Hotel Cabinet Company, but his eny \ ' V ' / WILLIAM MeCALKB. Iiloyrr* knew little of him earept that he laid that he had once been employ’ cd a« a freight agent. I»U ml narplM ttageee and Tees 1‘rol Frederick Mtarr of the Uni Verelty of Chicago recently Inserted an adtertlarmeut asking for Information < oncoming eUAngered people. Al Hoet tmnirdistvly a is aw ire began 1 poor in from nil quarters from person* eko claimed to have an otter awpply ol Angera or toes and during the paet tew day* replies hare been ee aumeroue that the total number reeckee lit. Tb* eic.ll hllor.l. Iasi U-_ __ f,'.“ P^*»**4- *k« *a> Ihajr kmtm .Ilk* •4« ••«•«• ua ua* k*t.4 ar ala uwa a* ua* Mm. oaly a !•» kata tmm t> 4 *•**•» »»•*•» Mala ikal ika «>li«r ka ■••«<* w ta.I*• laas IwaalMI fw| da. Walk.*, a Mtl«aak>. I" • 4.i I# l.a<liafl a -•—rf- ***)•*1 lakwlNi amaay ' Tka ywa« <** •ual ikiak. tk. •«<*?•* «l •»<*•» »' •um» at 4 a*k< Nan • kill* at .hMi ara ta.uflkiaailr Irayart *a lk«»» •• **» Ika ra«*#an| a.ftlanaa yah* ikfl a H* 4a4 lull at *aM M4ia‘ -»•