The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 05, 1897, Image 3
ALL WANT HUSBANDS. EUROPE NOW NEEDS MOTHERS FOR HER KINGS. r < _ rrlnce..(>M AVIio Are Expected to Itf plenWIi Europe’* Itoyal Itlooil How They Are Chosen With That Particu lar lull In View. ANY a queer tale, mure weird and in interesting than any penned by writers of fiction. Is hidden away In the records of myster ious disappearances kept by the Chicago police department, says the Chicago Tribune, Between prince the political effect cf the alliance Is first considered, and then the physic al and menta' condition of the Intend ed bride. Frequently the physical characteristics are placed before ail others. Healthy mothers must he chosen for future kings, or the race degenerates and ceases to reign. When it prince becomes of a mar riageable age it Is intimated to him that he would better marry the Prin ces.) Ho-aml-So, and be generally does It without further question. Some times a list of two or three eligible princesses Is given to him, from which to choose. Sometimes there Is a royal row before the marriage Is settled, but •he prince almost Invariably yields at last. Sometimes the prlneess "kicks,” but not often. A young Indy of royal blood Is brought up to expect In mar ring • whomever shall be given to her. All she lias to do Is to take plenty of exercise, keep herself In perfect health, Wait for thn iirincr who 1h wimp •lay to crime and claim her as hlH lu ldc. Tim King of Denmark raised a fam ily of daughters so remarkably hand uom»■ and bealtby Hint they went like hot cakes In the royal matrimonial market, Icing taken by the very lilgh • d personages, such as the Prince of Wales and the Czar of Russia. There was a great time trying to get a wife for the Prince of Naples. That unfortunate is deformed and not of robust health. Ills legs are short and his arms long, so that when he stands up bis hands hang below his knees. He used to say: "I shall never murry.” Hut the line of Savoy most be perpetu ated In the main branch, If possible; and so finally the Princess Helene of Montenegro was selected as a fitting mate for the heir of the Italian crown. She Is a big, robust girl, who could do a day's work washing or climb a moun tain without feeling It. Her husband*, the prince, stands about as high as her shoulder. She was educated in Russia and wanted to marry the czar, hut it was decided that the czarowitz had bet ter marry Queen Victoria's grand second son gave up all h a rights of ! succession when be married Miss Ebba I Monk. Therefore It was considered ; wise that Prince Charles should marry. | He was 36 years old, and so far had ! neglected to pick out a princess, or rather, his family, with culpable care lessness had not done so for him. Hut they suddenly awakened to the fact that Charles was getting old, and that human life Is "mighty unsartin," even among royal people. Meantime, down In Denmark, the Princess Ingehorg was getting more angular every day, and no royal prince came a-looklng for her hand. They sent her about so that she might for age for herself and pick tip a royal hus band, hut It was no use. As soon as Ingehorg appeared the marriageable princes sought a new boarding place. Finally the Dowager Empress of Russia, Ingehorg’s aunt, who Is now running Queen Victoria a dose race as champion matchmaker of the world, thought, of Prince Charles of Sweden, i The Swedish royal family were delight- > ed. Had not the very greatest of | monarchs and princes sought In mar- 1 rlage the hand of the Denmark girls? Charles demurred, hut that did not count. To Copenhagen he went the other day, and to Prlneess Ingehorg j he was married. His father led him to j the altar, while the Princess of Wales j and the Dowager Empress of Russia brought ii)> the blushing Ingehorg. If Charles hud any Idea of trying to es cape at the last moment, he gave it up. The odds were against him. One fine young lady who was recent ly been selected to he the mother of kings Is the Princess Isabella of Or leans. Albert, who married her, Is the heir to the throne of tin- wicked old King Leopold. If the house of Or leans never again see* the throne of j France, It will In the person of the fair ' Isabella Is a decided blonde, healthy I and accomplished. In looking over the ! ki of the Catholic princesses of a mar riageable age, young Albert's family found none who pleased him more than Isabella. It Is true her family are not ' In the king business Just at present, but they had been, and Isabella was a Jewel, anyway. One royal match which has given great satisfaction to Queen Victoria, and which really seems to have been a love mateh, was that celebrated re cently between the Duke of Kchleswlg llolstcin and the Princess Dorothea of Saxc-Coburg, The bride Is the grand daughter of the King of the Belgians, and both she and her husband are rela tives of Victoria. Duke Ernest Gunther roamed about the world until he arrived at the age of 33 before he thought of matrimony. Then one day he stopped at the castle of Ebenthal to pay his respects to Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg. A romp ing girl with short dresses and hair down her back In a long braid was brought out ami introduced to the rov CORN MAKE9 GOOD FUEL. 4o Say Knrini'ra Who llavo Hern Mt*k* Iiik the Trial. From the St. Paul Pioneer-Press: There Is an interesting discussion go ing 011 among farmers as to the value of corn as fuel. Many of them claim lhat corn is far superior to coal. Others say that they do not like the idea of using a food such as corn for fuel, l.evl Gardiner, a prominent farmer, speaking on this subject, said: "I have proved after considerable experience that corn makes a better and cheaper fuel than coal. I.ast fall I had ten acres of corn. From this crop I not unly had sufficient fuel for winter and spring use, but I also fed two of my horses and one cow with corn for the same length of time.'' J. C. Ueacb, an old settler here, spoke In similar terms. He said: "One winter I trailed a large pinntlty of my corn for wood. I have ilways regretted that transaction. The wood burned up much more quickly than the corn would have done. Corn gives out a great deal more heat per pound than either wood or coal. Corn Is a clean fuel. It burn* with an In tense heat. Home people don’t like the Idea of burning corn. They say It Is meant for food and not for fuel. Hut what does that matter If It saves them money? Corn as a fuel has two disad vantages. First. It gives out such In tense heat that It Is liable to Injure the stove; second, a bln full of corn always attracts rats to the house. The first difficulty can ho removed with u suit able stout stove. The second with a few traps and cits. At the present prices of corn and coal I believe It pays Hie farmer to burn corn. One of the most thrifty and successful farmers of this neighborhood Is John Anderson. He said : "There 1* no doubt lhat. when coal Is dear and corn cheap farmers should use corn for fuel. If the burn lit ft ' ''III I"' •1 III* ' 'till lit* III II WXIIMI assuredly tend to lower Die price of "oal. I use corn for cooking purposes, and think It Is far ahead of coal. A fanner can grow a crop of corn on the same land again and again, but lie can't raise a coal crop, I raise enough orn for feeding and fueling purposes, Ihl* combination Is. I think, the beat ind most economical for farmers,” Whore tlie Flowera Would (Jo, A certain young widow of Indlunap ills, who has Just changed her weeds ror brighter hues, gave a dinner pnrty lot long ago, says the Indianapolis Sentinel, The rooms were decorated with a great profusion of flowera. Roses In masses were on the mantels, snd the dinner table fairly blossomed In faet, the abundance of flowera was unusual. One of the guests could re strain her curiosity no longer, and when the dessert was brought In said: 'Well, Mrs, lilank, you’re rather spreading on the flowers tonight.” ‘Yes,” replied the fair widow, bright ly, "but tomorrow I am going to take i daughter the Princess Alix of Hesse. The Princess Alix. who had been or d#red to marry the crown prince of Russia, made a great row', for they not only ordered her to get ready to be married at once, but also to change her • religion instanter. She had been brought up a strict Lutheran, but was ordered to become an orthodox Greek, and be quick about it. They hud a lively time with the young lady, but dually she did as she was told, and B was married by the bedside of the dy ^ lug Czar Alexander. The reigning czar is not especially robust. His father K i* : of coiiMimpt ion, and what health he has he gets from the Danish side of the house. Queen Wilhelmlna's refusal of the husband picked out for her inuy lead ' to serious complications. The emperor | of Germany claims the right to the | I 11 iwn of Holland In default of an heir j p in ih« direct line, and before the na- ! tions of Kurope would let Holland Le i issue a part of Germany then would | lie i right. Wllhelmlna realizes nil ■ this. Imt she has must emphatically aiated that she will not matrr the v»ung Pi ito e tlernard of Haze-Weimar ! He la a distressingly plain youth, and ! the young queen think* she can afford | le wall until the right prince comes ! along. t* ,e royal mttriage which has Just taken place went to the satisfaction of , everybody concerned, except, possibly, . .a _ * » *.- - ■ — Is tk . ' | M«i*« Ik* l*tl*t«»* lagthutg of I*** ■' U.srk 41.1 l*rl*ia Cbarlao of Marti** rk»l** I* gtH*l kuklig m4 tk* >**» lug* W»lg U. lo Ml Ik* It*4*1 1>I*I*. Ikinigk lobital ikuitgk Mb* l« (k« 4*uki*i of Ik* «N*» gn».« of lag- . m<rk g*4 k*t kioMM I* Ik* »hi* .1 «»* ol ika King »f N«.f«4* ga4 Ma >l»n I* («** of lb* tailor* of b.« »t4**t toolbar'* Ilk* P-tot# I'kwN* MowM t 0* lo Ik* lkr.*«a for K*m ia«ri THESE MAY BE ROYAL BRIDES. ing prince as the daughter he remem bered seeing when she was in her cradle. To the delight of all the se rene transparencies and exalted dis crepancies of Germany, Prince Ernest at once fell In love with the girl and an nounced that he was going to marry her. So Dorothea put up her hack hair, donned long dresses ami was mar ried. Shu js now 16 years old. A recent royal bride was the Princess Marla, who bears a curious relationship to the British throne. Her mother, the Austrian Archduchess Maria The resa, claims to he the lawful Queen of England, Scotland, Ireland und Prance; she is descended from Hen rietta Stuart, sister of Charles II. A small an 1 select company of a Jacob ites meet regulurly once a year to hall her as Queen Mary. The Princess Mai lu is the second daughter of Queen Mary, and Is 25 years old. Her father, Pritlce Louis, Is the virtual heir to the Bavarian throne. The princess brings a rich dower to her husband. Prince Ferdinand de Bourbon, Duke of Calabria. He Is the eldest son of the titular King of Na ples, und has recently been serving with the Spanish army In Cuba He stands about as much chance of ever sitting on the throne of Naples as his mother-in-law does of being crowned Queen of England In Westminster ab bey A giost desirable princess who illll remains unmarried !• the Princess i n uii td m mwiti t»« III* 1‘rlnt# of Wiln, Jib* U W > *ar» old and baa a**n bar two alatar* go la (b* allar, a hit* aba a#*nt* to to doumad to aUtglo btwaaadnaaa. Why a man'll baa but toan arranged fur lb* young lady long agu la a myatary W»*nf ■ourlag** am tanaw ibmga anyway, and au gia royal old n»*l>l* ****** I roaHMl I ***, Hi* Mlfdi* l**tbai a »u. of lb* pa* **«gar« «* I to liiMulla. from ton I'raa > l a > la rtkaguay «•*(* bi-•*>■**»», and aay* aba la going lu mat* monay at dkaauay i« #<**t# war them out to Crow Hill uml put them on poor Tom’s grave.” A regular "13" shiver went round the table. PLASHES OF FUN. "Rogers must have been fitting up a flat.” "Why so?” "He’s at work now trying to luvent a folding butter dish." — Detroit News. Little Rimer (who Is a great reader) —"Fa!" Frofessor Hroadhead —"Wt 11, my son?" Little Rimer—"Fa. do you suppose Enoch Arden waited till he was sure thut his wife had married uguln before he came back?"—Judge. "Good-by, father,” said young Josh Meddera as he started for the city. “(Sood-by,roy son,” replied the old man, "and don't forget that, while fortune Is j pretty certain lo knock at every man's | door, she ha* never been knuwu to ' meet hltu at the depot with a gold ! brick In her hand." New York Jour nal. "Some people," said I’ncle Kueu. "la lea' like persimmons How you likes 'em depend* ItUlahly on When you hup ! peita ter »n<*#t 'em " Washington 8t ir. He called, recking her hand Itut a* . she happened to have her hand In her 1 pocket at (ha (line, of course he aid I nut had H. No man ever aid, U ftnd n woman a pochal. Huston Tn» aertpt A poor man •uvt-e*4*d In gain lug git rnuwlun lo the presence n| the wealthy Huron tUptuaau, to whom ha told tha I harrowing alary ot hi# nulurtaiw and hia destitution in awk elmtoent term# that the baron moved to pity and with tear* In hla area, and »u»*a toohen with aoha. aaid In falterln* grventa to hta •errant Jana, turn tha poor fellow out He breaha my heatt ' U t'hroa tatwa la rtpaln tha thentaug d« not taawa program* TO PRESERVE SEALS. VARIOUS GOVERNMENTS COME TO AGREEMENT. — IlMnlt of the foiifereoie nt fftiiliin|ton —A I'rMfioiiltIon Adopted I'ruthling for Huff|»en«lon of I'elnglr It !• Not ii Motr to Menace Great Britain — Nltnpljr to Preserve Seal Herds. Him Sealing IntereNts. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2V.~-In reliable quarters It lu slated that the confer ence between Russia, Japan anti the United State*, now proceeding here In reference to sealing In the tiering sea anti the North I’aclflc, ha* udvanced to an Important stage and that a prop osition ha* been reduced to writing, which, 1* accepted, will bring about a complete change in the sealing ques tlon. The pro|M)s|t|on Is said to be ac ceptable to the United State*. It Is un derstood to be acceptable similarly to the Russian delegate* now here, but In view of tho restriction* placed upon them by their credentials It has been thought desirable to cable St. Peters burg for final Instnirtlon*. The Japanese delegates are under stood to have felt nt Ural that the prop osition would not be In their Interest, but on fuller conference Mr. Fajita de termined to cable the substance of the proposition to bis government, accom panying It with a recommendation of Its acceptance. Utile doubt Is enter tained that Russia will aceept the prop osition, and In view of Mr. Fajita's recommendation it Is believed that Japan will also Join In It. The greatest secrecy Is preserved In all official quarters as to the nature of the propsltlon and II Is not officially admitted thin any proposition has been made. From equally reliable sources It Is understood that the proposition has a fur-reiiehlng scope and provide* I for the mat' ' tut limitation or entire mi:,pension of pelagic sealing or sealing on I lie high Mens. Stlfll u decisive step, ' If Hgr. ed to by Russia, Jit pan and the I'nted Wales, would, ll Is unders ood, not Involve any concerted move to menace tlieelalma of Oreat llrltaln and Ciiuula to the right of pelagic sealing on Hi high seas, hut would rather Im a proposition expressive of the eon elusions of the three most Interested poweri;, that In the Interests of human ity and the preservation of the seal herds of their respective government* all nations. Including Great llrltaln and Its colony, Canada, should unite with Russia, the United States and Japan In such effective prevention of pelagic sealing on the high seas as will put an end to It and thereby secure the preservation of the seals. The deliberations of the conferees lending up to the proposition were pro ductive! of numerous Interesting and Important features. All of the mem-, licrs of the conference were placed tin der a pledge of secrecy, and they have maintained this with the greatest care. The conferees having agreed on all points. It only remains to hear from the respective governments thev represent. An adjournment was accordingly taken until next Mondav, by which time it Is not doubted the governments at Ft. Petersburg and Toklo will have taken final action. Offers mIO.000.000 Mora l/)NDON, Oct. 2X, - Gong cable mes sage* have l.ccn sent to United States Attorney General McKenna In the mat ter of Union Pacific railway sale In behalf of the syndicate making offers. The syndicate claims that ll would pro ducef20,000,000moreto the government than any other hid and urges the sale to he postponed until December HI, to enable congress to determine as to the validity of the acceptance of the bond In part payment. CoatPs K Co. contend that by the sale of the Union Pacific separately the United States will be loser, while they (Coates Co.) propose to pay the government fn full for both road". The (Inal cables message sent yester day claims that the latest Scvhlff hid Is very little better than the previous litds, and that oner Mr. Sehlff has se cured the Union Pacific he will have the Kansas Pacific division at his mercy and huy It at his own price. The dispatch concludes: "If the government secures a post ponement of both sales until Decem ber 15, the Cc'itcs syndicate will fur nish guarantees to pay In full the gov ernment claims on both roads. Con gress can then determine whether both roads should not he sold concurrently, T)v our bills we have already earned **.000.000 for the government and arc therefore entitled to a fair oimortun 11v to mo'-e than four weeks’ notice of the sale nf the great railroads In secure the nr«'"(*rtv on the banlH of getting roue million" more for the government " The Timm In 11m financial nrtlele thl" morning think" "it pertain that the reorgnnl*«ttlon eerntnitiee will nht»tn nni'imoaeit norgoaslon of the main line November 1. tfit I'm* <|«» ' i-| WASHINGTON, Oet. 20, The next move of the government toward a final settlement of the whole bond a hied railroad nuesHon, It la said, wj'l he the Institution of proccedl-t* | against the Central Pacific. The rov erument has rontruded th»t this road Is already In default, and therefore subject to foreclosure, I tit. la uy 1 event. It Is said, the rotsd must de fault on lh» first of nest January. On the first of the nrecelit to tilth the ' Central Pacific's debt to the Rove n m««lt t-tt *24 4ftH of which amount t' tx Sis I t unpaid Intern t , end the remainder prlnrlmtl, In aid t'f this r ail the e ivemnnnt now has outstanding lltfxit 12U in bonds, of which 9li.fit1.l3h fall die in 't'titrv t next ami ls.viM.uuu on J.,unary t, ISM. I'll I I. MiKf .I'll I t Ort. 3» Hr Joge t'uttgoalo. HpaaUh rua»ul here, who has Just loa ap|siiutel secretary gea * t»l of Cuba says 'The iiarr.i as fst iu« la my polity shall t« liberality not (tlriuw toward every tote U. ■i to r t ban ye which I shall mahe will be the I realmeet of accredited repre seatattvew of Amatkak newspaper • Alt the Ishirwiaii. u I iwntu whbh tea he made public will be at their diapuet Mow Theae wilt ka laatItutrd and ate going tu be geWHlM Nvery feature a ad guiles of karehaewe that hae hub •its pttpbil Ut the government of tha i»m*J wilt he awept away wtthmM delay. ‘ MILLIONS DIVIDED. Will of Iho l.fitc Oeorge M. 1’ullnisn Is Mmla l'nlillc. CHICAGO, Oct. 29.—The will of the Into George M. Pulman has been filed In probate court. George B. Ream and i Robert T. Lincoln are nam'd execu tors, his wife not being appointed be cause it was his wish to relieve her j from the responsibilities of the posi- j tion. The total vulue of the estate is shown ! by the petition for letter testamentary to be $7,fi0(),000. Of this amount $(!, XOO.OOO Is personal property and $X00, 000 realty. The bulk of iJie estate goes to the two daughters, Mrs. Frank O. Isiwden of Chicago and Mrs. Frank Farolan of San Francisco, who receive one million dollars each, and also the residuary estate. To his widow he left the homestead on Prairie avenue, She Is also to receive $90,000 for the first year and thereafter during her life the ' income of $1,290,000. ‘‘Castle Rest,” one of the Thousand Islands In the St. Lawrence river. Is given Ills daughter, Florence (Mrs. Lowden), with the furniture, for life. The eighth provision of the will Is as follows: "Inasmuch ns neither of tny sons hns developed such a sense of responsibi lity as in my Judgment Is requisite to the wise use of large properties and considerable sums of money, I am pain fully compelled, as I have explicitly stated, to limit my testamentary pro visions for their benefit to trust pro ducing only such an Income ns I deem reasonable for their supistrt. Accord ingly bonds and other securities are set aside to yield each an annual In come of $2,000," To Royal Henry Pullman, John M. Pullman. Helen Pullman West and Kmma Pullman Fluhrer, brothers and sisters, the deceased bequeathed $90, 000 apiece. Thirteen Chicago charit able Institutions are to receive $10,000 earn, i ne sum or *21111.1100 is given for the erection of o manual training school In Pullman, which; la also en dowed for $200,000. Five old employes are given $5,000 j eieh. Household servants gel from $250 to $500 apiece. There are num- j crons other henueats to relatives, rang- j log from $5,000 to $25,000. Iteprw *«y«t II IV«s liynntull*. NEW YORK, Oct. 28, The Herald and World this morning quote Chuun eey M. Depew, president of the New York Control railroad, as s'tying that the wreck at Garrison's last Sunday waa caused hy a dynamite expulsion. “Any one who Is familiar with rail roading," raid Mr. Depew, “knows that the continual pounding of trains over a roadbed has the effect, of beat ing It down until It Ik like a rock. That roadbed has been in use forty years, and the fact that It wus like a rock is shown hy the fact that immediately after the wreck, before the workmen bad filled In any, the break showed a clean-cut perpendicular cleavage. "The popular notion that this was due to a landslide Is not borne out by this. When there Is a landslide the hank takes the shape of an Inclined } plane. The fact that this was found as It was shows that the break must j have been formed In an unusuul way. j The only thing that could have done ; It would have been a stick of dynamite rammed down In the roadbed. That would have done It.” Old OAIfiin Itrsloeted. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 29. The report of Captain Everest on the nomination of officers for the Society of the Army of the Tennessee for the ensuing year was unanimously approved. The old officers were re-elected as follows: President, General G. M. Dodge; cor responding secretary, General A. Illck enlooper; recording secretary. Colonel Cornelius Cadle; treasurer, General M. F. Force. The following vice presidents were elected: Colonel J. Hell, Ohio; Major William Warner, Kansas City, Mo.; Colonel B. T. Wright, Illinois; Captain John thane, New York; Gen eral L. H. Hubbard, Mineuota; General C. H, Frederick, Nebraska; Captain O. C. Lademan, Wisconsin; Andrew A. Blair, Pennsylvania; Major Charles Christensen, California; Colonel J. W. Mr.Murray, Florida; Lieutenant J. It. Dunlop, Indiana, and Captain M. E Hiby, Iowa. Ilt'tttl of the Colon fort fir*. OMAHA, Oct. 29. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific has Just returned from St. Lulls, where he had a conference with President H. H. H. Clark of the same railroad regarding Union Pacific. Since his return there Is a further belief xniong attaches of the Union Pacific and some other rail road men here that' S. U. H. Clark will 1)3 the president of tho reorganized company and that Edward l)l< klnson will be the first vice president and gen eral manager. The probability of these select It ns Is not new. hut that they will be made Is a belief that Is grow ing more general aa the reorganization cooks closer. M»»r In fit* 4 Is- % ••Itfii'tl IIiiunp kt«»l«|. PRINCETON. N. .1 . Oct.. 29. A son was horn to the household of (irover Cleveland, the former president of the United States, at noon vesterdav. It Is said that the newcomer resembles his nar«n's In point of good health, but neither Mr Cleveland nor the three frmllv nhvslelsns will ssy anything In regard to the newcomer othrf than he Is ge'llng along nicely and Is a fine hoy All afternoon Mr Cleveland has received »i his home the many callers who wished to par th lr respect* to him In honiv of the occasion Home li**« congratulated the ei-prsulihni j personalty, hut many preferred to ; j leave their c»r<|» with heat wl.h«* for nod ha* and won Many telegram* war* received. % Sew V*0*9 HvcmsI PIUIsAhKI.PHIA. 0*1 ffi — PM He l M> luiltt. at tVllht- tlrovr bti’O'li i trark. MtiMltM a new world * record for owe mile H<«l covering the dt* t*too in I Si t-A three fifth* t fa «*•< • •*1 hi-1 thutt the r«'ocd made by Mutiny Michael on the Hattie trwrh mv< j era! weeks ago • ba I oui|«o to* t waylnaad. I'MICAOU, (M it At I o'vbuck tfet* aftarnon latetgwrt appeared befora Judge Chet lata with Attorney Phelan and ka*i hta im* continued to the naafi iaim of cocot on hta own motion, UNCLE SAM’S LAND. Keport* show lie Has Many Million A ores 1 a* ft. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2S.—The an nual report of Commissioner Hermann of the general lend office shows therd are 10,669,353 acres of public land In the state of Nebraska that are vacant and open to settlement. These lands are located In all neeth ns of the state, and It. is expect!.I tli.'.t In course of time they will be token for homesteads by future settlers. The report also says that during the yenr ending Juno 30 last patents were Issued to the Union Pacific Railroad company for 995,455 acres of land In Nebraska, An approximate estimate of the number of acres of vacant public lands In the several stales and territories at the close of the fiscal year Is: Ala bama, 532,339; Arizona, 54,400,211; Ar kansas, 3,922,042; California, 43,841, 044; Colorado, 40,037,204; Florida, 1 , 797,662; Idaho, 46,962,855; Kansna, 1, 046,689; l/mlsdana, 845,020; Michigan, 622.431; Minnesota, 6,240,829; Missis sippi, 441,220; Missouri, 497,764; Mon tana, 71,432,917; Nebraska, 10,669,353; Nevada, 61,578,586; New Mexico, 66, 9S3.047; North Dakota, 21,385,293; Ok lahoma, 8,105,288; Oregon, 35,882,318; South Dakota. 3,260,718; Utah, 44,206, 070; Washington, It,985,588; Wiscon sin. 454,107; Wyoming, 49,341,688; Alaska, 369,529,6(8) acres. The figures nlwive given do not Include the vac lit land embraced In military, timber and Indian reservations, reservoir sites, tracts covered by selections, filings, railroad grants. Tlure were 370 eases of depredations on public tlmlier reported, Involving a value of $635,061, recoverable to the government, Nearly 300 peinilts linvo been Issued to rut public timber since the passage of the permit law, with an estimated amount of timber (bus al lowed to be cut of 300.000,000 fo“t. < oramlssloner llerrojiun Hays: "l.urge corporations and companies have secured permits at different tlmo.i to cut many millions of feet, notnbly the Mg Black foot Milling company. Hitter Root Developing company and Anneon U Mining company, all of Montana. Place my Induction I have rf fused to allow any license to us* to exceed one-(|ii:irtor section, and any further quantity until showing of the reoI neccsrlty. “At the present timber dealers year ly sweep vc it quantities of timber from the public lands In the Interests of speculations without paying a dollar to the government, and conflagrations rage through the public forests, with out. government effort to chock de struction. The. timber loss yearly from these sources conservatively runs up Into the millions of dollars. It la Im prcictlcable to protect and film In later the forests upon the public domain without provision for the maintenance of a full local force to supervise the timbered lands and execute these, laws.” Among the recommendallons are for prompt action by emigre'” *o termt"-*" the suspension of Arkansas land claims; ti change In the emirs*' of pro ceedings for the adjustment of mineral lands, modification of the law Impos ing penalties for epredalIons ori nub ile timber ami ample expropriation* for collecting and administering exist ing and prospective forest reserva tions. _ THE SPANISH NOTE. laid to He Marked Throughout by an l.rteri et n Tom*. WAHHINGTON, Oct. 28.—It Is of ficially announced that, the Spanish note is marked throughout by an en ergetic tone. According to the reports In olllclal circles here, the United Btatifi minister will confine him * If to (vknowledging the receipt of iiie Spanish reply, and after forwarding It to the United States government, will request instructions from Washington lx.fore proceeding any further lit the matter. It is not expected that the text, of the answer of Sptilti will lie published here before the senate has had the op portunity of deliberating upon It, and therefore It Is understood that the text of the document may not be published In the United StateH until after the re assembling of congress. Hut befor® congress rensembles (the first Monday In December, otherwise December t>.) It Is expected by the Spanish officials here that the condition of affairs In Cuba, so far as the Insurrection In that Island Is concerned, will have consid erably improved ami thE.t therefore the whole question will have assumed a bright aspect. GEN. BROOKE’S REPORT. H« Tell* What the l>rp»rment of the HUsimrl IIhn Dene. 9 WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 — In his an nual report to the adjutant general of are army, Major General John It. Brooke, commanding the Department or tn* Missouri, says mm a iurg« amount of traveling by rail has been done by troops during the past sum mer and this bus been a source of ed ucation lo officers and men, and us In our small army any concentration of troopa will of necessity be made by rail, the experience Is of great Impor tunee, not only to the troops, hut to the transportation companies us welt. General llrooke soys there his been no trouble during the past year In the Indian country Many Improvements are required at Forts llrady atwl lluyne. In Michigan, now occup'ed by lh« Nineteenth tiifintry. and Fort Sheridan and other |*ista requlrw more iHilldlugs. Fort Sheridan, saya Gen eral llroohe, has ucver I wen completed according to the original plan, an I no IRurit should he spared to but It on a proper halting The A packs prisoners of war el Fort Sill ice >111 under the cure of the army and It Is not belt t*.l to lie ad visable to make any change at pres ent I*Vr«>(!*»• I «l 4|t|Mi HINttMlk WASHINGTON Get 3* The preal dent has load* the following appoint insula Wllllsm H Sorsby. of Misota atptd, mnaut at Man iata del Sort* itlreytowut, NbaragtM. William K Van Haipvu surgeon general and i-htef of the bureau of nnlldtt and •urgery I'nlted Mtatea navy; WHm it (lay. Fnited Mtatea attorn*y fur ib* •‘t«t>let of Washington the apple crop In the vblntty of I'm emeu h M taNng harvested as rap idly oa poet tide The quality ta «Mod, but tint yield hi Mot equal tu that uf Inst year