Men of the • noblest dispositions 'hink themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them.— Jeremy Taylor. The greatest cape In the world is Cape Horn, a precipitous mountain over 3,000 feet high. The nobleness of life depends on Its consistency, clearness of purpose, quiet and ceaseless energy.—Kuskln. Prayer Is not conquering God's re luctance, but laying hold upon God's willingness.—Phillips llrooks. Cnmlngled Joys here to no man bo fall.—Southwell. I.tncoln I’urk. Chicago, One of the beauty spots of Chicago, Is described in n most beautifully Illustrated book of iki pages, now being distributed _ tiy tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. It Is full of the finest half tone pictures of one of Creation's most charming place* of resort for ritiren* of the Great Republic. K very one who ha* 1 ever visited the park will appreciate the souvenir, and for tlio«< who have notit will be* revelation of what in to lie seeu in Chicago. It can only tie procured by enclosing twenty-five III#) cents In coin or postage st«ini». to Geo. II. HenlTord. gen eral passenger agent, 410 Old Colony building, Chicago, III. A recent Invention la a cradle that rocks by meann of n clockwork merh iitil■„>, and, ut the name time, pluya baby tune*. f If von want In oiHTate on the Chicago Hoard of Trade send for our free Issik con taining full Informailmi how to trade On account of the short wheat crop In foreign countries and the short corn crop In this ^Country, hoinrorn Him wuriti wm m ii mmx K-jnliclM-r. and now Is tlx* linn* to make u prottl Bj Infi'Htmnnt. Wi* vxoruti' orders In W, wliiut In l.4Jnn ImisIx-Im und upwards, and rorn and oats In f>.ew Puslxls ami upwards. B) Wrd«’ us today. If .1 Lnnthrry A <*«.. 22M Kv Kill 1(4 > till I l AA AAA AAA AAAi^| ; Hungry j ► The hair i3 like a plant. What makes the ► / plant fade and wither? Usually lack of neces- , < sary nourishment. The reason why Ayer’s Hair < ^ Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal 4 ► color, stops hair from falling, and makes it ^ / grow, is because it supplies the nourishment the ► * hair needs. „ \ Hair, i ► "i/1 y v V 'iwm>vr v V *1r . r-»9wl»-9— _<;bt tiii'. «;K.viiyb ahtici.bj_I Walter Baker & Co.’s Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. 1 « Costa Less than ONE CENT a cup. ’ lie sure that the package bear* our Trade-Mark. , Walter Baker & Co. Limited, t » » «IM •• •' I •• •! ... -.vsr£. •• ***»# 44 M*« 4«Amm* !• rEnolunootau quick arttaCtM <» I OHO I , HMtM »*•«*. I *^■£1 *• *M»» jflHIkJ . * a »* » 1 '^^■Pl , * • f“# , tUKirfi** Ik* i M hi llti t«j I*. •nr tit mi •lit tf (MVt j — mwi in hum **•%» - **. pi* • *« « #*"*• *h ♦* ****n-*4 II kill Im MkM%. I »«M b **» *** I'mMu*)))* I «k. \wi(tl» M im*. thum i if nm. HEIRESS KIDNAPPED. The Poller of Mlnneapollii llrllrvr MIm Bathrrford llit* Item Curried Awmj. The Rutherford family of Minneap olis Is a very wealthy one, ami as It consists at present only of Mrs. Ruth erford and her daughter Fanny, It will be seen that this young woman Is heiress to no small fortune. But her present wealth and future prospects seem to be more of a curse tlfan a blessing, for they have made her In the past a target for fortune-hunters, and now she Is missing from home, and the police have offered a reward for J. A. Morris, who Is believed to have kidnap ped the young woman. Morris, who has a long criminal record, met Mrs. Rutherford and her daughter while they were traveling In the south last spring, learned of their wealth, and that they lived in Minneapolis. On the 6th of May Miss Rutherford disappear ed from her home, leaving a note say ing that she was going to St. Paul and would return the following day. Since then a letter has been received from her, evidently written under restraint, saying that she was happily married to a man she worshipped. The pollre are convinced that she was kidnapped by Morris and Is held by him, and they are making every efTort to find her. Miss Rutherford Is about twenty-five Her father was ('apt. George Ruther ford, a pioneer Citizen of Minneapolis, who left a vast estate to his widow and only daughter. This wealth has brought Miss Rutherford many suitors, but she has always refused to leave her mother, and has expressed no desire to marry. All these things strengthen the police In their belief that she has been kidnapped. LOVERS OF THIRTY YEARS WED Indiana lloaaU a llrlglit Example In Constancy and novation, A bright example In constancy and filial devotion Is afforded In the experi ence of a couple recently wedded In Liberty township, Indiana, the newly married pair being Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foreman, who reside on their 400-acrn farm near Oreentown. In point of uge both bride and groom have passed the half-century mark. Though lovers from early childhood and betrothed from youth, the marriage was deferred until now, the engagement covering a period of thirty years. Young Fore man had a stepmother to whom he was greatly attached, and to whom he solemnly pledged to support during her lifetime, promising not to marry while che remained alive. Contrary to ex pectations, the Invalid and dependent stepmother lived until a year Or more ago. Ihirlng this long wait of nearly a third of a century the lovers scrupul ously observed their vows, tolling on through the years without a thought of disregarding the pledges given the stepmother or breaking faith In any manner whatever. They grew gray, lived frugally, saved their earnings and patiently bided their time. When death removed the harrier, the lovers had accumulated sufficient means to buy the largest farm In the township. The minister first engaged to perform the , marriage ceremony died of old age many years ago, and a divine of a new generation officiated at the long delayed wedding.—Chicago Tlmes-Her uld. 11 In lllM'Overy. flhlnnon_fi.lhiu; I'i/a /llaomme. ed the fountain of youth." ilarrett—• "What?" (ir)nnen—"That’s right. And It Isn't a fountain at all. It’s a bicycle.” Bsr ret (still Incredulous)—"Wliat make?” -Chicago Tribune. NOTED MEN AND CHILDREN. Children have a genuine friend In the person of the King of Slam, and he has always taken an Immense Inter est In watching the progress of the child rulers of Kurope—Alphonso oi Spain and the little queen of Holland. During his present Kuropeun trip ho intends to make their personal ac quaintance and become their fast friend. In Alphonso of Spain he will find the unique combination of a small buy alive with Infantile fun. mingled with stately dignity, for the small king of Spain Is fully uwure of his exalted position. Hy tlie younger members of the royal family the Prince of Wales Is consid ered a martinet and n disciplinarian, In spite of his worldwide reputation for Jovial good nature A short time ago he saw the little Princess of Itatlen berg and l*rlnce Kdward of York at play in one of the palace courtyard* It mi ii t hk past a sentinel they omitted to return the salute which soldiers are obliged to give every member of the { royal faintly, whether the age be tin years or (hi days. Immediately the 1 prince called the children back and In- j aisled that each should make his salute I to the soldier. President Paure of Prance Is ex- I tretuely fond of the youngsters, and hts I greatest pleasure ta a rutup with hi* grandson When H« became a grand- I father for the second time the fact was carefully kept from the public fur a couple of weeks, the reason for this , act throning a nets It ftkt Mtt tW* rHMMM IUIIimN loiiM Mmummji ill# iffit, Til# j •trtfti* «* f« 4»m< tally «%i»Uit I I* tilt# it) Aisutat #| ill# Hi#*# el ill# | | tttftli 4*1 lit# ir iuIn (*ifu ill# (Ire went no costly things, but, the mother was a creator o' home; her relation with her children was the most beautiful l have over seen: even a dull and commonplace man was lifted up and enabled to do good work for souls by the atmosphere which this woman cmited; every inmate of tho house involuntarily looked into her face for the keynote of tho day and it always rang clear. From the rosebud or clover leaf, which in spite of her hard housework, she always found time to put by our plates at tirvukfast, down to tho essay or story sho had on hand to be read or discussed lu the evening, there was no Intermission of her in fluence. She has always been and always will be my Ideal of a mother, wife, home mnker. It is more than twenty years since I crossed the threshold. I do not know whether sho Is living or not. Hut as I see house after house in which fathers und mothers und children are dragging out their lives in ((haphazard alternation of listless routine and un pleasant collision. I always think with a sigh of that poor llttlo cottage by the lea-shore and of tho woman who was tho “light thereof,” and I find in tho faros of many men arid children, as plainly written, and us sad to see as In the newspaper columns, “Wanted— a home." "Didn’t you forget something, sir,” Asked the waiter, "yes." replied Olmpy, reaching for his hat. "You were so long bringing my dinner that 1 forent wlnit 1 hud ordered."—I’hlla delphia North American, When you visit Omaha you should rail at C M Raymond Co.'s lewslry stors, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex amine their Jewelry mid art goods for wedding, birthday and Christmas presents, also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vitation* and visiting cards It is the only first class, up-to-date jewelry, art and rut glass store west of Chicago and Ht. Louis Engraving and printing iOO visiting cards II.80 by mail. First 1’asaenger—Would you—ah— lend me your spectacles a moment, please? Second Paaaenger—Certainly, sir. First Paaaenger—Ah, thank you; now, aa you cannot ace to read your paper, would you mind letting me hav* It, pleaae?—Tlt-BIta. Toronto hotels have been bothered by a man who persists In putting six names on the register and ordering six rooms, although no one accompanies him, and he represents nobody bu* himself. Two Millions a Year, When people buy, try, and buy again. It menus they're satisfied. The people of (he L'uitcd Mtates are now buying Cuscnrcta Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and It will be three million before New Year's. It mean* merit proved, that Caacarets are tlie mo-t delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggist* 10c, ilOc, t>0c a box, cure guaranteed. Notwithstanding all the efforts of In ventors, no one haH been able to dis cover a substitute for leather. For shoes, belting, harness and u thousand oilier uses, "there's nothing like leath er.” _ There le a Class of People Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new preparation called CIRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The moat delicate stomach receives it with out distress, and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not coat over % :lh much. Children may drink It with profit benefit. 15 rente and 2b cent* ppr package. Try It. Ask for 0 RAIN-0. To live In the presence or great truths and eternal laws, to lie led by permanent Ideals that Is what keeps a man patient when the world Ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him.—llalzac. It Is only from the belief of the goodness and wisdom of a Supreme Be ing that our calamities can be borne In the manner which becomes a man —Mackenzie. Wake Up. Ves. wake up to tlu* danger wldch threat en, you If your kldnye. and bladder are Inac tive or weak. Don't you know that If you fall to Impel them to action, llrtglit*. dUeaso or dialiete. await, you? I‘.e llo.tetter'. Stomach Itlller. without delay It ha. a moat liem-fteliil effect upon '.lie ktdliey. when »lug gUh. and 11(1011 tiie ttowel., liver, .tomacb and uervou. system. Man's life Is a bonk of history; tlu leaves therof are days; the letters mercies closely Joined; the title Is Clod's praise. Masson. The tiurlliiglon itoute -California Us ruraluiti. (limit. (Jn»« W.( umfMPtAblc. UuvrOiuahui u».. tt 10 |t. m. itid IfMlIniiii Wp m. dv* ry Tbunwlfjr i« (•leun, mcMl««rii, not I’ruwrtHl t«»urWt •*!«** p#r«. N«» trun«fwr»: n»w run right through i*» >un and bv l>r H II Oreen'x Hons. of Atlantn. (In The gi-i-ntt-*! dropsy specialists In the world Head I heir adver tisement in another column of Ibis paper Second crop* of grape* have been ruined at llclvlcw, Kin., this aeaaon. I’lao'a cure for Consumption has been • family medicine with u* since INM.- J R. | Madison, V40U 4'Zd Ave , Chicago. Ills. Life la too abort for mean anxlotlea. —Klngaley. 1 a .. PAINFUL AFFLICTION A Son Write* a Letter Telling How Hi* Father Was Troubled. WINAMOE, IND.—"My father was troubled with boil* and carbuncles. After ■differing for some time, he heard of a similar case ourod by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. He began taking this medicine and con tinued its use until be wa* cured. My mother Is taking Hood'* Sarsaparilla for rheumatism and it is helping her." OUT E. Nkwkikk, Box 184. Hdinl'i; Pille ti I ■ mm | I m ^ Uluffliaiutoti, N. v VUnkkiV ABOUT TEXAS: • : 2^0 ur • n«w |rtib.ic4iii >n. a>Mi•$*. ftos O Kill lr Nil ,r n#r *q. ft., rap! and nal ■ In * ■ ^ I III Hnh«* ♦ n»«*e for l*'*«t#r Sample* f rae. lk» WAS ■ Aft ILL A lioufiM. 4, HDADQV HEW DISCOVERY: Km WT O ■ qul»*k rrllrf and •!«»**• worwl raa*«. 8**nd for boob of testimonial* and IO«l»fB* treat limit Iren, Ur, Jl. II.UbtUV ft »o*a. AUasU.Ua. filllllifl MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. llrlUH ""M' 1 t l<> llook Kit \ K. UK. 4 i. VI ■ will MorraaR, imA#iuiii4«..ruuu.ti.ili. niITTrn WANTED llfgheat market urlraa nil I I rn i-"'-* Jaa. a. < i.a«* * c«». 3i»no. UU I I LI I ,uh 8l>. oiuaba. 1 YUTTIf V »l roat with a Nab. i:» Agent# liini ll Ti wanted In every town In Shrank*. FIDELITY MUTUAL FlRE INS. CO.. OMAHA NLtf W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 44. 1897. Win n writing to advertiser*. Utn» y Mention Oil* paper . ..-. -S THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OP » til i,j Rheumatism Mm* •V THC uac OF ST. JACOBS OIL OF CHRONIC CRIRFLCS AND OF BCO-NIOpCN INFlAMMATORV CABCB. TMCRC'B NO DCNVINO, IT OURES. .. . ... i | I ' -N 1$1000 CASH I IFOR VALUABLE INFORMATION. /TfcgThgg OIJvre I Not a Lottery, but a Contest | ooxiD. I of Science, Skill and Art. 1— 1st PRIZE..$100 in Gold I a— and PRIZES.$50.00 each. lOO in Gold ffi 4 - 3rd PRIZES. ar».UO •• . lOO in Gold f 5 41 li PRIZES. ao.OO “ . 1«M> In Gold f 8- 5tli PRIZES. ia.r»(> “ loo In Gold | lO— Oth PRIZES. .... lO.IM* “ . lOO in Gi ld A 20— 7th PRIZES. 5.00 “ KM* In Gold $ as 8th PRIZES. 4.«K> “ loo in Gold 2 50- Oth PRIZES. a.OO « . loo in Gold $ | 100-lOth PRIZES. 1.00 »« KK* in Gold • aas.7TT PRIZES.uiuouiitiiig to.$1,000 in Gold | AIIA AA ICPT . I- want to awaken a ajn of the tn.rtt. ol 'AS- V Iuun UDiJCU I I t’AIlKTH CANIJT t'ATH AliTH*. Wo also want lo lncreu*«i our business by X teach 11 is the people what discuses (asm re is will cur*. If weranby Ihla plan In a month s lime. W Induce lO.Uli people to become users and well wisher* of thla wonderful laiatlve and lifer regule- w tor, which even now la aelllotf at the nil* of for a bo* of i Am‘A*1 * A It K 1 ^ Far rarrvef llals ws ahull glee tush prises uf hum HI to IIOU It* gold The* i A coired list gotten up In the most ariistle und original style will he awarded tin* first prise, the nett , ( ¥ best, the *t-c* mj pr*se, and so on Also. If y • ur list contain* ten or more Correct names. you will te*, . 1 IVIWI NFM III, tU.MMILATlllN l‘UI*»U Hr MtervLIhg care In preparing yo«> list >«u j © ought to be able lo secure part of the fil.iMMl cask iimhmI, but under all ctr* iimttaures you I g *1" be a winner. The distance you live makes no difference, as all are treated alike i AWAROS WILL BE MADE PROMPTLYi 1 A *«m! It in without delav < ul me advertisement nut, so you ski not m gleet <> forget u irm* 1 1 A wii ) e ksarsily ‘«vs 4*d and peoesptlg seal. Here ace the Words to be spe iol *ut he sure 1 1 I m fuu give them la tbelr right order « ( a 1. CO • ST * * A * I • N I) «l« ‘*»fc#» IM«4 kf t *•» 4»ftl*. 2. HI *0*6*1 * u«il Mia. C . 44* 4 bf 1***4 lIuHMcIl, r«t|«4 l»| * 4«* 4MH X 4 mum4 k| W*H«I Ituii mm«4 h| i'4« *MU 1 1**1 l * # * # Tmi# •••4«i4mh*h «f m )m fr* . U»l |*it«'*4<4ttbM! It) I ul lUtl St H * H * I « MHrt» "f »»• *■ | IW»M M UM (MlHMlD vImMUAi iMtii i X H • T • N • S »*«•* »(M* «*• mi# •***. ?« I * | #1**0 t4»»*r* H«#i|(tt4»« * Um* «tX#4 I|i4 » *********#! MM» »|«*#» a. s••■it**•*»< *.««...«; 4ltf«»l*tl («««», IIUtMt t tt) l k F * l * 8 4 MHA4M >'«U4Nm4 It* r«iwl >M|)| M i ««k *111* 1 1 10. r •8T*M laaiwi' nt>«4|j Itifi I «** ***** • M* k**» 4* *. I k I*. QY * P ’ P * 11 ' h*um* t*« unit “#ai* ituiMk ivH»in*f *«UmI «m hi U**. «a|u !i c • i • e « mala*. *ii*..tii*i •%*» I 4«*t iim*i tu t t*iii>t < *• t»ii\ 14a I * Ml * A * A *•*»**« * . 4U«*M wf IlM »«t*t« •»****. nM**l li| i t« *l«ii vmm «w vtu trrui. ■«» viva,