Bear It In Bind. The very conservative profession of medicine is slowly learning its life-long mistake in giving too much medicine, and inuny of the oldest and best phy sicians use less medicine each year. Recent experiments in Knglntid and Russia prove that the ordinary doses of medicine Interfere greatly with the processes of digestion in all instances, and that this interference lasts from tan end a half to ten hours—the latter with the use of quinine. Don't Tobaoeo Spit and Smoko Tour Life Awoy. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bnc, tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of vour druggist, under guarantee to cure, SOc or |1 00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Bterllng HeinudyCo.. Chicago or Now York. A woman can never pruy five min utes without mentioning u lot of names. Scrofula Cured Face and Head Covared with Soreat but Hood’a Has Cured Them. “ My fsce and bead were a mess of sores, hat since taking Hood’s Harasparilla these sores hsvs all disappeared. I believe Iiuuu ■ iwsuv^uai *v. -v.-. ^ nl*.» Ida A. Weaver, Palermo, 111. (Hood’s SSS. ' ]■ the b*»t—In fact the One True Blood I’tirlfler. ■ - «, Dillo core liver Ills, easy totake, rlOOCI S r 1 IIS t.asy to operate. Scents. I SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. a Don't ba footed with a mackintosh tOkJEf or rubber coat. If you want a coat JaK* that will keep you dry In the hard C»t storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for sale In your Sown. write for catalogue to $ A.J.TOWFR, Boston, Mass, YWB. /LA GRIPPE IS COMING We sound the alarm. Already it is claiming Its victims by t he thousands across old ocean. Am in thi! past it will soon cross your threshold We forewarn you and tell you how to beta prepare for It Don't wait until you have been attacked, but be prepared for the enemy when he attacks you. Send slump for our US page book wnlch gives symptoms and full treatment. Dr. Kay's Lung Halm is guaranteed to be the safest and most certain cure known for la grippe und every kind of cough Miss Nellie Penoyer. UMM so. loth J*t,, Omaha. Neb., writes: “Have used yncr Dr. Kuy's Lung Halrn for a severe esse of la grippe. My lungs were very sore, and In tak ng the Dr Kay's Lung fi'ilrn i found it stopped unv desire to cough at once The soreness on my lungs and in my head soon disappear- d. It is pleas ant to take and does not cause sickness at the atom tch like many couuh remedies, yet it cures quicker than anv I have ever tried." (Kev.)j. W. Wohlfartb. pastor First M. K. f’hurch, Urnane, ill . writes: “I am glad to record Ibl fact that les* than one box of your Dr Kay’s Lung Huirn cured me of an awful cough. It Is a remarkable remedy " It Is sold by druggists, or sent by us by mail for -f* cts Don't take any substitute for It ha» Omaha, Neb. We guarantee Dr. Kav’k Renovator to be the »e«t remedy known for tfyep pala. conatipat ion and liver trouble* A perfect renovator, bend for book. CHANCE TO SECURE ALASKA GOLD The AU«kft Gold Mining and Development com pany. Juat organised by Omaha ImalncM men. will aend a large number of experienced prospectors to the Klondike gold field*. I.'nder the proposed plan of operating, thla company will pot*e»i great advantage* over the ordinary parties goln< to AUHka and It la believed will yield those Inter ifated enormous return*. The officer* and direct* ora comprint* some of the moat a live and expert cneed business men of Omaha. Thla company offer* thoae who are unable to go to Ala*ku a aplcn* did opportunity to aeeure a allure of 11m vu«t min eta! wealth. All parties anxious to obtain an Interest In the Klondike gold field* are Invited to join ihU enterprise. For further Information write The Aimak a Gold Mining and Development company. Ground Floor, 1’uxion block, Omaha, l»cl»ru*ka. WAGON s®" A tetter Htnlr Afe 4% ■ ■ ■■ #% Inrli-xM niiim-y limn t'll f| I L W* luih I'ver Ihh*m nftriiMl. fl If I ■■'h..i liiiiifiiiiiiiiini ill ■ JbB Q B ■■ llliiKlmiulim, N. Ylkww nUODCV WF.W DISCOVERY: fU wT » quick relief and cure* wo rot <•*». •. Krml for book of tektlmonluU and lOduya* trMitnieut Free. Ur. U.ii.htiKkVMSOXH. auauu, u. niITTrn WANTED -Highest market price* nil I I rn paid. Jav a. Clam* A Co., »l« So. UU I I fall 11 in tot., Omaha. NIff ItOFTE TO HEALTH. Little, fragrant, palatable tablets, in a dainty enameled metal box. just right for ] the vest pocket or the lady s purse. On the tablets are stamped the letters, "C. (!." Cascareta. Candy Cathartic. Knt one liki candy ami the little tablet at once purifies and : . naia es the whole digestive canal. It destroys disease germs in the mouth and throat, (tons souring of undigested food in the stomach, stirs up the liver, mid tones and strengthens the bowels, making them net healthily and naturally. They are well and widely advertised in the press, but the best advertisement for Cascnrets is the wonderfully mild yet positive action, which makes a Cascaret convert of every- j one that tries them. We recommend them to all our readers. A Lillie Agnostic. A Ixmtlon magistrate one tiny had A little boy ns n witness in a case before I him. and he thought fit. according to tile usual practice, to test tho boy's orthodoxy by first asking, in a paternal way, whether he knew where bad peo ple wont to after they wore dead. His lordship was very much disconcerted by the ready reply: “No. I don’t; no more don’t you; nobody don’t know that." _ Read tha Advertisements. You will enjoy this publication much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements; they will afford a most interesting study and ! will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable, they lend what .1. „ .1_:.... Woman Heats the Hrcorit. A tarpon weighing 20!> pounds l« said to have been caught in Fort Meyers, Fla., with hook und roc), a few days ago by a Kentucky lady, after a hard and gullunt fight of one hour and twenty-five minutes. It is said to bo the largest fish of the kind over caught in that manner. It was 7 feet !i inches long. Tlie Hurllngton Itoute—California Ft ruralons. Cheap, Quirk, Comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:85 p. no., Lincoln 0:10 p. m. tnd Hastings H:S0 p. m. every Thursday In clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transferal cars run right through to Han Francisco and Isis Angeles over the Hcenle Koute through Denver and Malt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan; have spring seats and hacks and are pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Cnlformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excur sion. relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of Interest und In many other ways helping to make the overland trip n delightful experience. Hecond class tickets are honored. Berths IS. For folder giving full Information, call at nearest Burlington Koute ticket, office, or write to.I. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Mlie Forgave Him. Husband. "I won enough money huit night at poker to gut you a new dresH.” Wife (sobbing). “I think you might stop playing thoae horrid cards, John. You know what it may lead to in tho end, and to think that I should ever bo the wife of a gambler. This is t-t-loo much. What kind of a dress shall I get?" There Is a Class of People Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation i called GRAIN O, made of pure grains, j i that tnUpH the of caffee. The ■ most delicate stomach receives It with out distress, and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over Vi as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GKAIN-O. Celestial Fashion. "When I married you," he said, "J thought you were an angel.” “I Inferred as much,” she said "From the very first,” she went on, “you seemed to think I could get along without clothes Tld-Blts. ltcauty Is Itloocl l>eep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without It. Cascarets. Camly Ca thartic clean your blood ami keep itoleau, bv stirring up the lazy liver ami driving all impurities from the body, begin to-doy J to baulsli pimples, boils, blotches, black heads, and that sickly bilious complexion I by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. ! All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c._ Stone jars are far better than tin boxes for keeping bread during hot j weather. _ Educate Your Itowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, curs constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund utouey. No woman who believes in cook books believes in total depravity. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD “ CASTORIA." AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." AS OUR I KAL‘L MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Jhjannis, Massachusetts, teas the originator of "PITCHER’S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now ST* y/F/f ~* M every bear the facsimile signature of Cmeef^/yfec*cXpt( wrapper. This is the original “PITCHER’S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty j years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that iny of which Chas. U. Fletcher te President, > 3 . March X, 1X97, £*_-*•. J>, ) Do Not Be Deceived. t> > twl«i»i U»« lilt ol joai whtltl by ttitpung • tbttp mUuium •bicli mm m*» offer you < btomtt ht maktt a few mutt |wanitt N ea it), iht lagmittaia of wbtcb rvcu he does mot kaow. “The Kind You Have Always Bought** ***** THt fAC SIMIU MINATUHt O# Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed YoiC THE ROTHSCHILDS. THE GREATEST MONEY POWER IN THE WORLD. Hrtwffn Tlinii Th«f Control Wi.HOO, 000.000 In 1H15 Ono of Tlirm MmcIo €5,000.000 In » l)iiy by Otitlng Hie Kxcluilvn New* from Waterloo. I OH as a Roth schild," has for a number of years throughout the civ ilized world been a typical expression for a man of im mense wealth. Oth ers have shown equal talents for money making, to be sure, as, for ex ample, Ramey Barnato, who recently committed suicide, and Is said to have accumulated a fortune of 1300,000,000 within the last ten years. Or one might cite the late Jay Oould In our own country, who turned everything he touched to gold. But In the case of the Rothschilds, all the different banking houses conducted by the sep arate members support one another In great transactions, so that they are practically one at need. As they rep resent or control In total more than 12,000,000,000, they may be set down as constituting the greatest money power In the world, says a writer In an Amer ican Journal. The founder of this clan of money kings Ms ver Anselm (teller oriiy u money-lender and bric-a-brac dealer who did business In the Jewish quar ter of Frankfort, Germany, during thi latter half of the eighteenth century, In a house which bore the sign of a red shield (Rothschild). This afterwards gave a name to the fumlly, when Mayer AnHelm began to acquire large wealth. His great skill as an expert In coins and curloB brought him the friendship of the l^andgruve of Hesse-Cassel, who also made him his banker. At a later period It fell to him to bo of great as sistance to this German prince by con cealing his treasure of Jewels and plate at a time of crisis. He restored the full value of these with five per cent. Inter est, and thenceforward he became fa vorably known to European courts as a financial ugent always to be trusted. Before he died, in 1812, branches of the Frankfort banking house had been es tablished at. Ixrndon, Vienna and Na ples. the Paris firm not being organized till the downfall of Napoleon and the re-establlshment of the Bourbons. The greatest financial genius of the Rothschild family, though there have been many of great talent, was Nathan Mayer, of the second generation, who established the house of N. M. Roth schild & Co., In 1788, In London. H> flew to the stars, and grovelled In the mud for money. He welcomed all transactions, big or little, wherewith tc turn the banker's penny. He was the most daring speculator of his time on the Stock Exchange, and the most suc cessful. He had carrier-pigeons and fast-sailing boats to bring him the earliest news from the war centers ol Europe, and so help him to manipulate stocks. He followed Wellington's ar my to Waterloo In person, and had re lays of the swiftest horses and a fast yacht lying In tho harbor at Ostend 9o he arrived at the London Stock Ex change, after the battle, twelve hour* ahead of any public announcement ol the victory, and made £5,0#J,000 by one of the most tremendous series of spec ulations In history. In 1810, when the Duke of Wellington, then commanding In Spain, drew on the English govern ment for i3,uoo,uou, ana the English treasury was short, Nathan bought the drafts a! a big discount, and at once sent the money. The stories about this remarkable man are almost endless and show how strangely he was alike equal to the most tremendous schemes and the pettiest tricks of avnrice. The succession of this house fell tc Lionel, the eldest son, who was the money maker, while the other three sons devoted themselves to pleasure and art collecting. One of these broth ers was Anthony, the first English Rothschild to he knighted, and it wat his daughter who married the present Karl of Roseberry, and presented hex bridegroom on the morning of the nup tials with a cheque for £2,000,000, In closed In a gold box set with diamonds Lionel was made an English baron, hut before he was elevated to the peerage he was elected many times to the house of commons. Kni-h time, however, he was retired because he refused to take the oath “on the faith of u Christian.' Finally parliament got tired of this cu rious farce, and a bill was passed per mitting Jews to be sworn on the Old Testament. This removed the politi cal disability of the rare, In Itt&M. aftei a tight of eleven years. M**4 wed HU Typewrit**. Speaker Turn Reeel has been learning to use a typewriter, aud often practice* on the mat blue In the ways and mean. committee room One dny after the asatstaut secretary of the treasury had been telling the committee about the Mnancee of the couatry Meed sat down to the typewriter and gave to Rourhe Cuchran the futtuwlag Interesting opinion on what he thought had been the result of the conference with the Democratic committee: t qwerty MXUHle'MNMrci*'• •• MM4I. fit H•• PUw^Wt. Ill* f*i* I *dj II !• I in »•«•« §** n«r?*4' Huiif IMII you hn«w that women hare to I • unless their i at pet feel tea* to the prteat* Morgan Yea. of courts hut Flower Then what rnahre yon nth such foot quest loan V Slow Ocean Trips. The varied tastes of humanity add greatly to the spice of life. While wo think that apparently every one who crosses the Atlantic is pushing to tako passage on the fastest steamers, there aro many who are just at anxious to dawdle over on (he slowest boats. There are enough of these to keep tho crawlers going year after year. Such passengers are those who love the sea voyage best of all. or who are In poor health and need tho complete rest, of a long voyage. 1’iutsago on the alow goers Is cheaper by far than on tho fast onos, yot It Is not by any means tho |>oor or tho economical who use them. Some very rich Now Yorkers travel that way by preference. i.eft De.tltutet Not of worldly goods. hut of all earthlycom fort. Is the poor wretch tormented hy mala ria. The fell scourge la. however, shorn of Its thong In advance hy Hosteller's Stomaeh Hitters, Its only sure preventive and remedy. Iiysoepsln. biliousness, constipation, rheu matism, nervousness and kidney complaints are also among the Isullly utlllctlon-. which lids henlltcenl medicine overcomes with cer tainty. llse It systematically. A Pleasing Assurance. He—I don't boo how ever Midges had the nerve to embrace Mis* Adipose. She must weigh 200. She—He wouldn't, perhaps, but she toltl him that ‘faith would move moun tains.'—New York Journal. Iteware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of srnell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through tho mucous surfaces. Huch articles should never he used except on presertp IIons from reputable physicians, as Ihu damage they will do Is tenfold to thu good you can possibly derive from them. Ylall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy K. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Inlernally. act ing directly U|ton the blood and mucous surface* or the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine !t I* taken Internally anil made In To ledo, Ohio, hy y. J. Cheney * Co. Tee tlmonlala free. Hold hy Itrugglats, price 75c per bottle. Hull’s Family nils are the best. Absent-Minded. She (dreamily)—Just think of It, In two weeks we shall be married! Ha Jiihuffnt-mlndf'dlvl- OK. Ia* iiu Ka happy while we ran.—Vogue. Cheap Ttrketa Via the Omaha A St. Lout* It. ft and Wabash It. It. St. Louis, one way, 94.11, round trip, 915./15. On sule every Tues days and Thursdays. St. r,oui*: Hound trip October #d to 8th, 911.50. Home seekers' Excursions. South: Septem ber 21, October 5 and 14. One fare the round trip, plus 92. Springfield, 111.: Hound trip. 913.25; on sale September 18, 14, 20. For tickets and further in formation rail at HIS FarnamSt. (Fas ten Hotel Block), Omaha, or write (4. N. Clayton, Omaha. Neb. The most interesting age of baby is ufter it has outgrown it. FKliK, IMPORTANT INFORMATION To men (plain envelope ) How, after ten vesrs’ fruitless doctoring, I was fully re stored to full vigor and robust miinhood. No C O D. fraud No money accepted. No connection with medical concerns. Sent absolutely free. Address, Lock Box 288, Chicago, 111. Send 2 ceut stamp it oon v sni*nt. _ I know that my life was saved by Fiso's Cure for Consumption.- John A. Miller, Au Sable, Mich., April 21, 1845. Very few women know Hie weigh to a inan e heart. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE OAT. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 26o No man can be very lazy in a mos quito section. Mrs. WlMlos n SMtmni sirup Tor etitUtrsn testiicig.ioftrn- th. gumt.rsrlaevs Inflsm uiation. ftl a/s pain cure* wind colic. s¢* * bottle. II U fturprifting how ea*y noin£ peo ple quit. __ No-To-Bac for Iftftj Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, makes weak men stroii#, blood pure. 60c, 11 All druggists. Before Love grew blind it became very far sighted. Cop’i 1II A<' KHli»r, from which rail be made the | WNK K V HO name of * cities in the I'nlted States. | oTNilHo K«>r instance. COOlHAC can be j HISilNNOAWT transposed into Chicago, and *o on M< »ITItAI.IIK down the llwt. 1 1 ANA1.AT We will lire | NANFI‘1 Ml.loH First J’rUr in Ca oo to ten person* tint send ing correct answers Second I’rise In < a«h t&O M to the nest to persons sending correct answers. Third I’rise in Cash 1*0.00 to nest ftl persons send ing enrre t answer*. hhoultl more the required number send cor r«N-i tiKwn*. iwtnu win n • mam* a*«.ii.img •tala laltar I* mall»«l, haura it la ar!*l»abir that your |«tti-r •lioulil Im-among Ilia Aral. You (tn win <>tt» of thra • I rl»»» If you ar* tjul.-ii ami uaa your brain a. Tlit* abo*a rvaanli air gitru fra** a* an tmlu«a I Na»w lilraa. a haml -a* I* frag* iilti»tra'*4 journal rovarlag an rntir* new I1«I4. It givaa laforma 11*111 about I ha ialrat iHtMtbU ami |irogia»» In ar|*m<*a, Illustrating tin* ro«**t * inking aovaltlaa for borinaa* gml l»«*UM>fc *hl uaa. U* r t|»tiou yrk* la Iba oiiiy rbran ibtiig ab ibb -lam} * or *11 vn * for a Im ftoulfca' trial hubarnirtion to Nr* I tJ«Ma a. ALL SURE OF A PRIZE. Atlill t>nH> lU. prt*.. .b>«. UMMl. ■« Wilt a** * .(,« l»l *..••» It* W U .... ■« »(■■■ ■«»<»• H»H, .Y.'kMff iWf.l U. H.a I >.t I. i.llU l« Ml .*.*>* Ivl ft.|1 M„UlU • >* K.w Mw. fb*a .M.IWI o>«u» * • Mi . I *h. HIM »f Mu..11 In, Mud., I»*« Irl, llUlulitU H. .... tu •l«l. !«>•*»• .hli'b *•<« »•»!. .III ilia, ■.i.ul l tu* **iu *<*4 MW...I mii* viu*n .III W* la lw auate; >*» N.w Mmu. »,W'w lilMa, H. IM, I KUaJ.I ft. la. tVben you visit Omaha vou should rail at C. S Itavniond Co '* Jewelry store, corner Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets, and ex amine their jewelry nnd nrt goods for wedding, birthday on i Christmas presents, nlso steel engrave 1 wedding stationery, in \ vitations nnd visiting cards. It is the only first rla-«, up to date jewelry, art and cut ?lass store west of Chicago and St |..-ii* ingraving and printing U)() vitilmg cards $1 60 by lunil tl here no Spare Is Wasted In many tropical countries tht root of the li nine i., n very imp irtant part of the building, being put to a variety of uses not dreamt of in colder lands. In the one-ntoried hous ts of Peru, for instance, it is not uncommon to find the mules and horses lodged on the first floor, and the family on the floor obovc, while on the great flat roof there may often be seen fowls, pigs, goats and even cows. The cows are taken aloft wh'tn they aro merely calves, nnd speud the rest of their lives on the roof. Everybody bays Mo. Casrnrota Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, oi l gently and iiositively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, hahlttud constipation and blllniisncsa. Please Imy ami try a box of C. C. C. today; 10, 2A, Ml cent a. Hold and guaranteed to euro by all druggists. warns to Nen. ruddy—Bo Kommuter want* to sell hla place out In Hwltehvllle? Duddy—That cannot be. He I* for ever cracking It up and telling every body what a beautiful place It la. Faddy- Yes; that la the reason why I know Ho wants to dispose of it.—Boston Transcript. Ifnws Ma.r. Kline a I»real >*rv.i H««t"rer Mend lor FKKF. |'4. tiara arar odormi. Ask your daalar for »h*m. and srlil gat Ilia torsi a* tha latrsi atyla ibiMi In it)" mar MU Ha * urn to ash for It . HlCttTf.KY* OLisalKH, lira Molnrs, Is. rriTiirno «*»d r>«#k K#ath*r niiow# ■ rrUIHrlfX M«lal#»aand rtndilona. Wrfta far prlara, I LnlllLilU KanaaaCiljr IVatlicn o |i»a WalMiilM. W. N. u. OMAHA. No- 43.-IS07. I Wben writing to advertiser., kindly men tlen this paper. no mistake. NEURALGIA--I | r Kven In Thla llbyina. ACCIITC WANTED TO The English language must be tough, AUClV I V MKSIIHfe SELL At least, that’s what I’ve reckoned, UENKiui. HOBAt'k Houmr* SAW book, For It is still alive to-day G A M PA I G N I N G Though murdered ovcry second. iVi• i is A! «T, -New York Truth. * WITH GRANT. ,, —- AKtrrM!*BirTloOICJ.UIU*r*BKJIolH»r If you want to operate on the I lileago „pl«,i.I, illaMrau-.l A «lrrt-.l»« l»..,k KahV to Hoard of I rad« Mild for our free l.aik con- nrl,i. t:„ hi i*«t-intllM»nmt., AAiitlm talking full Informal Inn how to trade. On TIIK CkXTUHY oo . .4 Ktut ink .treat, N.w Vurk secoiinl of the abort wheat crop lu foreign . routitrlea ami the abort corn erop In llila MIIBB vnilBWrtri country, laith corn and wheat will aell much LUKE TUUKSELrl higher, mid now I. the time to make a profit- I1., Inn s f„r uncur.1 able InvK.tnu ul We execute order. In 4l.rb.rsM, luS.iuai.Hnu., wheat In 1.090 huahela and upwards, ami I Irritation# «r altwr.tiou. >'oro and oata In O.ISIO hushela uml upward*. af, w aroti. Bi.tiihr.oM. Write ua loduv It .1 l.aughery A c,,.. KW lutt "' Itlallo Hulldlng. Chicago, ivlemla ra Chh’ugo ||THlt»»««CstSlflAl0O. S *»*'jel»»oe.. Hoard of Trade. . Amid bj Ornggl.U ___ __ nr wnt In plain wrapper, A specinl broom should be kept for ico* oVriVtfi«^’Vi. sweeping carpets. Circular Mat oo roqueac To Cure Con.ttp.tlon Forever. * MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS Take Ca.coret. Candy Cathartic. 10c erSTic. Ul lUlsi nVrt.ij c.o. iiio. * fMiViri' ni' If C, 0.0. fall to cure, druggist, refund mutiny. surreal, l,.o.".».a.„ CMIftau, ILI,. ----- CBCIflUT Dilll 0,1 *" or^*r* l,f r lift in linn furniture /*nn hi* n1g.tin4.rl "fltlOH I Uuoflftg or Will mid < Hllli# llnmooo furniture l alike! J 2 Hartford Bicycles, ZJZ.~~ $50, $45, $40. • POPS MPa CO. MurtfwrP Ceni* 0 || rr-hnwbw. am nut pr<>|Mnly rv|«Mcnt«