The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 15, 1897, Image 7
A MISSIONARY MEDICINE* deadline** begin* within. If a man isn't clean inside, he is far from (Jo Illness A coustipated sinner is a stench in the nostrils of the Deity. A man w lio->e food sours in his stomach, and whose liver is leaden, cun t help looking at the world hatefully with jaundiced eye. and conjuring up evil ^ thoughts in his tortured brain Cleanli ness of |N$f>on begets cleanliness of thought. ul, Cas. arcts, Candy Cathartic are the mis sioimry medicine which purifies men's bodies and minds. Pure, fragrant, pala table. mild and positive, they clean out the intestinal canal, stimulate the liver and strengthen the bowels. Then a man enioy* again feeling of charity and brotherly love for his fellows and recommend* others to tuko Cascurets and be as happy as he. tlUuiidrnitood. Miss Romantic—"I do love birds. Are you not fond of them?” Mr. Broker—“1 Hhould nay I am. They make simply an ideul lunch: but we can't afford them any more. Busi mviH In the Rtreet ha* been running in n ham-sandwich itreak lately.”—Smith, Gray & (Vs Monthly. "1:mi yon visit Omana yon »hould mil at I ; C. K itfivnioml Co.’a Jewelry Htore. corner t fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex- ■ amine tbelr Jewelry and art goods for . wedding. tiirthday mid Christmas presents, al*o steel engraved wedding stationery, In vitatlous and visiting card* ft in the only I first duas, up to date Jewelry, nrt and cut glass store west of Chicago and HI Ijouii. Kngraviug and printing 100 visiting card* II 60 by mail. 1 The lemonade Hid It. /Only four men have ever tnndo ‘ nough money out of tho clrrim bug Wo^:Minoss in this country to he able to rc j^HPvIro and live on tbelr Income, while Wm liundiedt have boon llnancially used R up. It Ih believed that rod lemonade Sj at ten eenta a glass exercised n baleful P‘ influence on the greut majority. Onr Klondike Hlmi'i are a gilt edge line, and every gentleman should see them before buying. They are tho bent line we have ever offered. Ask your dealer for them, and yon will got the best os well as the latent style shoe in the , market. iteatly & Olmsted. whole,ale I' boot*, shoes and rubbers,Des Moines, Iowa. r '■ ' ' u There la more or lesa loafer blood in everyone. rXRRKl.t'R RKD NTAK KXTItAtT la Tfis fissi nil arocer* will refund rou* lunary If i you arc uoL •tlUflrd with It. Opinions never chage tile weather, j Drawing Hu* Line. A native New Zealander was induced to wear a shirt, a paper collar, shoes and a hat. and ho almost concluded to cat with a knife and embrace ( hris tianity. Then they asked him to wear suspenders and he went out and hanged himself. It was pushing civilization too fast.__ State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, SS. Frank J Cheney makes oath that he Is the Mentor purifier of the rtriu of F. J. ('henry & Co., dolus business In thn City of Toledo. County and Slate aforesaid, sod itiai said llrm will puy the sum of ONE III INDUED DOLLARS for each end every cuse of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Hull's Catarrh Cure. FIIANK J CHUNKY. Sworn to before ine und subscribed In my pr****r»c*, i 1»la 6th day of December, A. D. 1S36. isiill A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hair* Catarrh Cure In t»ki?n Internally mid act* directly on th*1 blood and inn t <mi* surface.-* of the ■ystetn. Band for ti^timonlalH, fr•*•». , , F. C. OHKNKV * CO., Toledo, O. Hold by DrugKlxta, 76c. Hull's Family Fills art* the best. Poor l.lltli* Hilly, "Poor little Hilly!" "What's the mat ter with him?" "He was taking Ger man lessons from a female teacher, you know. Well, she had him propose to her In German, and before he knew what he was saying she accepted him." —Philadelphia North American. Try draln-O. Ask your grocer today to 9how yod ft package of GIIAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without Injury as well as the adult. All who try It like It. GRAIN-0 ha* that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It Is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomacn receives It without distress. % the price of coffee. 15 cents und 25 cents per package. Hold by all grocers. Tustos like cof fee. IxKilts like coffee. A Side Deal. A man sodium appreciates t.iut which docs not cost him anything. This rulo, however, doesn't apply to side whiskers. ,Somerville Journal. TO fllRK A COM) IN ONE DAT, Take Laxative llromo Quinlan Tablets. Alt Druggists ref uml tlici money If It falls to cure. 26c What this country needs most of all is a fool killer. r j m pills stand without a rival as a reliable family « medicine. They cure sick headache, biliousness, constipation, and keep the body in perfect health. ► In many homes no medicine is used except > Dr, J. C, Ayer's * Pills. I Ai A A A A A A A A A„.A A A ■BgBaHagsaBraBBg^^mm | ir»d the ^Oiod— I \3 | bicycling In windy autumn weather makes J your cheeks hum with the warm ruddy [ glow of health, it hardens you for the hardships of winter life and gives you the | stimulation you need -the kind that is ! best. And all this for a j Columbia j Bicycle. j It isn’t much to pay for the pleasure you get—is it! No other bicycle is so good . as the Columbia— j I! HARTFORD Standard of theWorid, BICYCLES, *75 To mii miko. | *50, *45, *40. - POPE MFC, COMPANY, Hartford, Conn If Columblas are not properly represented In your vicinity, let ue know. I Dr. Kay’s Renovator Worth Its Weight In Gold. For Constipation. Indigestion and Sleepless Nights. I have been trouble*! for the |u»t year* a tiii ctiioi | at ion. liuligrtKluit an*! alevule** iiighte, but at nee taking your Hr Kn> *> llano I vahr I van *l*e|» like a sh«hl an*! um u»»t trtiiit>lol m th*‘ Icdht wiili the itlwif o *«»• *» itiM*a»ea Voir Hr Hava Nano vat or i» worth 1 It* weight lit gol-l. I am an uiti tu4v 07 your* i ot4 Vtitih Mrv H A Mvtoy, fit s»» .Tit* j hi. * too on, Neb . March U ir There la nothing that renovate* «trr\ or* ait of tt»> l«*«tv, au4 then* to a hva thy natural vigor, ao |»le««>ontly yet m» agio | tiixl irrunt In III t'flo | a* Hr hav *» Monova : tor It atftnaa to the root of the irutUto **h»t . remove* the v4u»« nut rwre* when nil o*h*« rfltohm fait H*n4 l«f |*t» af nl M . 4»r K lf * II*-wove *»r an l Hr Ku • l*>ag j fa hi art aoUl hy 4<teggtata or * #t u**j j'ruo bi#«»t* (Witt I t»ke an* Mjlntitutf far it r,a* n r*i *al OUR ttOOK «M ho H me Troatw* vt Ivmw i%v»itHlM*ir*ln»l r«i t|MN Aaoty \t KiOtwr I Mt t h va«>* la I «ftiM * I *im«4 tat tav Ititat t»r tiwg hwali > It t rwttU not gat another free to tk**a> ii4U)i<m ih * ia|wi by Ur It 4 liny UwlMNii ! \ |V kNatlo. <*e U UJTS^XSS, TkoytM i f ya Water. I “ “ «♦«*<■ eon N#t taateo t »mo kuk **•*•*»«• **«t • .*’%♦-h4 auoiutprsa* t«oo< mioiofte ttet•atewitt PENSIONS--’*" WM*CiO «M>OlMti . *|«M k I # ^* H'vsSTrk^ m ■4/ I i t.y. DROPSY **" “lt*T*” * ** '*•'» Wfe. t5« «•'•••-• -«..*».! I)»'.U».' .. If*#. ft*. liN iitMl'MMd, 4W*«t*.Mh ROOFING SCIENCE OF HERALDRY. T.i« Cre«t I< tht* True of Chivalry and Nobility. The real meaning of a crest seems quite obscure to many people. The is, in fart, simply the ornament on the top of the helmet worn by a commander, and is to distinguish him in the confusion of battle, says the Philadelphia Times. The mantle Is the covering of the hslmet, and Is as inappropriate as the treat far ladles' use. excepting only persons who use It as o robe of estate. Helmets arc uf five kind3, varying according to rank. The crest la always, unless specially stated otherwise, placed upon a wreath upon the top of the helmet, and Is always painted thin:, The crest was In use long before armorial bearings were, and Is the true mark of chivalry and nobil ity. Achievement!:, shield of arms, es cutcheon und cent of rrms are one and the same, although achievements arc usually applied to ‘'those funeral es cutcheons which being placed upon the fronts of houses or elsewlu re set forth the rank and circumstance of the de ceased." A man's coal of arms Is al ways painted upon a shield, with sup porters and < rest, if entitled to a crest. A eout of arms was "a habit worn by the ancient knlghta over their armor, both In battles and tournaments, upon which was applied the armories of the knights, embroidered In gold and sil ver, and enameled with benten tin, colored black, green, red and blue, w hence the rule ever to apply color on color, or metal on metal." Tlie ai hlcvc mrnts of married women are arranged precisely as (heir husbands', without the helmet, crest, mantle or motto, the I,round always oalnteil black under the wife'll and white under the husband's. Spinsters' and widows' arras must al ways be painted upon a lozenge. "The achievements of widows differ from wives’ In two respects the escutcheon is lozc.ico shaped rrsl the ground Is entirely black. The arms should be encircled by a sliver cordon." This cordon Is the badge of widowhood, nml, of course, should never be used by unmarried women, tbough some outside make the mistake of painting It around the arms of spinsters. "Shells, ehcrublan heads and knots or bows of ribbon are often placed about the arms of women, whether spinsters, wIvch or widows." If an unmarried woman Is a peeress her "supporters' robe of es tate und coronet" may be added to her arms. There are now nine different crowns or coronets used In England, flower-de-luce, strawberry leaves and balls forming their varying ornamenta tion, according to the varying ranks. Our American duchess of Marlborough is entitled to her coronet, but the may not use a crest. CHICAGO A ROARING RIVER. Si’lniilists Predict Tint gluts of AIT.ilr For SHOT. Prof. Spencer's address before the members of the American Association for the advancement of science? at De troit last week attracted great com ment at that assembly. He made a prediction, based on figures which he presented, that the course of the lakes w'as being changed, and that in time Detroit would be good fishing where the city hall now stands, and shortly after the waters of the lakes would be pouring over Chicago toward the Mis sissippi, and Niagara Palls would cease to exist. Prof. Spencer said that he agreed with Prof. Gilbert that there was a gradual upward tilting of the eurth’s crust at the northwest, and this discovery showed It was the cause of the closing of the Ontario basin. By ilata showing that the shore line of the lakes was changing and the waters were gradually rising at the rate of about an Inch in ten years to the south west, he demonstrated that the whole lake region was being tilted In that di rection. He said this would seem of trifling importance, but it was really a serious matter for Chicago, because th*t city stands on a low nlain. The work of cutting the Chicago drainage canal, he said, was a mere anticipation of nature, for the tilting of the lake basin would have produced the same result In less than a thousand years. Prof. Spencer demonstrated by figures that at one time the Krte basin emp tied, not by the Niagara river, but by a burled valley, directly Into the head of Lake* Ontario, and that Niagara river and falls were modern features. Me also showed that the gorge near the falls was eating Its way backward at a rate of over a fool a year, and that In the course of a few lifetimes It would wipe Itself out. Me and Prof. Gilbert agree that the calamity which w ill bury all lower Michigan and make ; a broad river through Illinois will not ! occur until IS97. I IMr«rtUin« Visitor I would like to gtl you to j teach me to sail a bout. Itoatmau Sail a boat! NVh). It's easy as swim min'. Jest grasp the main sheet with j one hand an’ the tiller with the other. ! .in' If a Haw strikes ease up or bring! ir to an' loose the halyards, but look I out fer the gulf an hotuu or the hull thing II la* In the water an' ye'll layup ; .it, hut If the wind Is steady y'r alt V right colesa y'r too slow In Inin , | cause then y'tl be upsot sure. Jump in j an' try 111 but, remember, whatever ye I do don't jibe* V stag alas Maw tilery I'hrtetmaa tleh Walla k a rich ; AHUiaun •ottniy, Kansas tanner gaih- ; era hta rhlldten around hint add dt- 1 viil s thuuaanda wf dollars among then Mr Wallack llvea In tigtaghaw aad la j the only ell Men of the village wha i tua l play > rm«»t More peopls over ane huadred tear# M4 are hound In m!M t lima lee thaa ia ike htafcsr tat nude* JAPANS liREAT ENTERPRISE IN AMERICA. LARGE APPROPRIATION BY IM PERIAL DIET. TO INFORM AMERICAN* HOW TO MAKE TEA. Several months ago, the Japanese Tea Guild sent to this country a special commission, composed of Mr. S. Mlt suhashl, president of Shizuoka l’refec tural Assembly, and Mr. J. Ohnra,mem ber of Japanese parliament, to Investi gate the condition of the Japanese tea trade In the United States and Panada, and to co-operate with Mr. T. Furuya and Mr. T. Mlzutany, the American representatives of the Japanese Tea Guild, In giving publicity to the merits (A Japanese leas and the method of preparing them for drinking which would insure the best results. Mr. Furuya and Mr. Mlzutany are planning to open tea bazars in many of tho principal cities In the United States and Panada, where ladles can enjoy a cup of flue Japanese tea made by experts, and ut I he same time re ceive Instructions which will enuhle them to muke It equally well at home. More than half the tea consumed In the United Stnles and Panada Is of Japanese growth, yet, the majority of Americans apparently do not under stand how to prepare It so as to de velop the delicious qualities which It contains. It Is believed by these gen tlemen that when Americans are In possession of tho secret of making good will fully equal that of Kurope In pro portion, Tho Japanese government has appropriated n large fund to aid the Japanese tea growers and tea mer chants In prosecuting this educational work, and It Is hoped that American ludles will he apt students. The main bureau of the Japanese Tea Guild has Issued an official recipe for making Jap anese tea, tho translation of which Is oh follows; First—Use a small,dry and thorough ly clean porcelain teapot. Second—Put In one teaspoonful of tea leaves for each cup of tea desired. Third—When using Japanese teas, pour on the required quantity of fresh boiled water, and let stand with closed lid from 2 to 3 minutes. Never boll tho leaves. In order to retain the nat ural flavor, Japanese tea leaves should he kept. In tight can or Jar, free from moisture. Note,—To thoroughly enjoy the nat ural, delicate, and sweet flavor of Jap anese teas, neither sugar nor cream should ho used. No Through Cara Woiitrd. This old darkey was wandering about, among the trains In the depot with a carpet sack in his hand. IIo was ac costed by an employe with: •■Where you goln’ unde?” ••Ter Pitch burgh, sah." ••Want a through car, I s'pose?” ••No. sail, don’t! Las' kyar I rid in ’vent froo. art’ cum nigh killin’ me. Los’ my hut.” ••How’s thut?” ••Trussle warn’t strong 'nuf. No, sah, I’se huntin' do kyar dal don’t, go froo; I want do kyar dal'll git there wid me.” Ho was shown the right car, Ihe old man got aboard and was soon on his way to the smoky City. Louisville Times. Danger In llio Dullrooni. . “What a beastly cold you've got,Sam! Where did you got It?" "It's not a cold. It’s huy fever. I got It dancing with that grass widow the other night!" It Mill mirk. Hero is n recipe for a paste which will stick anything: Take ttvo ounces of char gum arabic. one nntl a half ounces of tin.- starch an I onc-half ounce of white sugar. Dissolve the gum arable i in as much water as the laundress would use for the quantity of starch In dicated. Mix the sugar and starch with tho mucilage. Then cook tho mixture in a vessel suspended in hoit j ing water until the starch becomes clear. The cement should be thick as tar and should he kept so. It can ho prevented from spoiling by tho addi tion of camphor or a little of cloves. Almost Inside Out. Tho stomach that Is not tamo 1 thus by a sha'ilnx upon the ‘'briny ware" must lie a well f<h ilflnl one. Tho Kontrlr apparatus onn In rendered proof utnilnst sea sickness with Hun stomachic so popular iimonx travelorc hy set anil limit Hosteller's Stomach Mil lers. It ilefi'iiil* I lie system iivnln-l in.'tl tst-lii and rheunmtlsm. mill subdues liver com plaint* coiisllputlon unit dyspepdu. Tho American Monthly Review of Reviews for Octols'r has several ar ticles of unusual interest to women readers. Miss Pruliccs Willard tells the story of the world's W. (', T. P. movement: Mrs. Kllen M. Ilcnrotln, president of the (icncrnl pcdiTStlon of Women's ('lulls, outlines the benefits of those organizations; .Mrs. Sheldon Amos, of Kngland, writes of a l.ondnti I woman's club, and Miss Mary Taylor lllauvelt eontrlbutes an enlightening article on the opportunities for women , nt the Knglish universities. Cheap Tickets Via the Otnftlni A St. I,iml« R ft and Wahusli It. It. St. Louis, one way, 80.1 1, round trip. 915.35. On suit: every Tues day* nnd 'J'liursdnys. St. Louis: Itound trip October 3d to will, 911.50. Ilium: seekers' Kxettrslons. South: Meptem her 31, Oetober 5 anil lh. One fare the round trip, pins 93. Nprlngflcld, 111.: Kound trip. 913.35; on sale September is, 111, SO. I'or tickets and further In formation rail at 1115 l ai naui St. (I’ax ton Hotel llloek), Otniiha, or write O. N. Clayton, Omaha. Neb. Where Will Vim tiet the Money? A pleasant "guess" In to name how many dollar hills would he required to weigh ns much as a $30 gold piece. Answers fluctuate between 300 as tho lowest nnd 1,000; iho correct number being thirty-four. Flint, IMPORTANT INFORMATION To men iplain envelope ) How, after ten years' fruitless doctoring. 1 was fully to stored lo full vigor and robust manhood. No tMbI). fraud No money accepted. No connection with medical concerns. Sent absolutely free Address, Lock llo* 3WH, Chicago, 111. Heud 3 cent stamp if con venient. No one long* to live longer thim his teeth last. Itrsil tiie Advertisement*. You will enjoy Oil* publication much better if you will get Into the habit of reading the advertisement*; they will afford a most interesting study and will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliuble, they scud what they advertise. livery woman thinks she does not get outenough to hear anything new. Mr*. M ln*l« w's Maul inn* syrup For rtilliliTM fet'thlntr.Noftrn'* lh* |fuiii»,ru»iuc*N lull a in Hindoo. ul uy* |t»lo, riirt'N vs 1 Oil iujHo. ciul* u botlio. An unhappy woman is the most un happy looking thing on earth. Slow promises make the best time. A Huge Turnip. Vegetation grows to vast proportions In the fertile northwest. A turnio measuring four feet in eireumferenr j and weighing fifty pounds ha* heen on exhibition at the new Whatcom, Wash., chamber of commerce. Pino's Cure for Consumption tins lieen a (lod-send to me —Wm. II, McClellan, Che* ter, Kin., Sept. IT, IMtt. Loafers have a way of saying that. Imsy men are “cold." Coe's 4 on it H IlnUiim In th«* unit Wit It will i«r«*«lt up • fo'il qnlrkiif Hian anythlnif pIm*. It 1* always reliable Try lb A protestant preacher * idea of joy is to convert a Catholic. Catarrh "For several years I was a great suffer-r with catarrh, and at tlnice I could hardly speak so any one could understand me. After taking a few bottles of Hood's Har saparilla I was relieved and since then I have not been troubled with catarrh.” Mbs. JoaEi’iiiNie JIORMiiiY, Phillips, Pa HOOd’S SparHl"a I* prepared by C. I. llood & Co., Lowell. Mas 4 hood’s puis MACHINE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT *, in WASHERS in 20 TEAMS \ PENDULUM ■, 1*111 SO ptr cssi. of ltU.1 ‘ + < »0 b# opcratfl »t*f 1 % Si»«r or Milting Ho ‘"•or* Work thru* « k|»i(i is r radii*. . NO I BACK* J ACHP Mfirh Hu 1 iMahJn• _ _ __ — PR ICS H. F. B HAMMER INFO. CO., OavMiport, lows ifiCMTg MfAJITED SELL (IKNHUll, IIOKACK FOuTKIt’a RMT BOOK, CAMPAIGNING * * WITH GRANT, A NtiPPl.KVKST toOKV.OIMST'M MEMOIKH Knlnidldly (limitratnl A ftnUvlutm book. KAHYT-* Ml f.i. I «i ln*lvt) ti'iTitorv. I.IIm'i-mI litMciiiinm, A»»(lrc.«» TIIK CKNTCItY CO.. SU Kami l/lti Mliiwl, Hew York CURE YOURSELF! i I hi* Uu; 44 fnr IlliliAtor 1 dim Ikli «/*«, I ft flu.111 in vit I* n ", I it rltutmliM nr iil< ♦ * I »i 11 4 • of to 111:0 un uif'Uil*r it ii*"i I’uiiiluM, mid not ANtriU' ATHiE*AII3ChIMI0M.C0. or pollution*. I Mo Id hy ItrnffUta * or a#*nt In pUIri wrapfrr, t»y riprei*. prepaid, for • I «i, nr n hot flu, |2.7». Circular nt on nxttuin'i. ABIUlii MORPHINE and WHISKY HABIT > f lHIIIH II' Mi l I HI. Ilnnk Kl(KK. INI. 4 « VI IVlil IIUFFIIK, liikfllaldfMIMIUMtiIU. 1\TU1TI>I^ at i-oat with a Nab. Co. Agnnta J 11 * II Ti wit 111 «* 11 III fvery town III N« b. *i«k* FIDELITY MUTUAL FIRc INS. CO., uMAMs. NEB nrr mou IWK'ICIY. S.-m1 f4irllc»k. •• Inventions III nlUH )( wsniMt.” H»wt*4,*4».,s«a,4**r.a » W, N, U. OMAHA. No. 42.-IS97. When wrltbiK to advertiser*, kindly m>*» tlon this paper. A RUBBER. ST. JACOBS OIL FOR SORENESS AND STIFFNESS. —'+w»—♦ w»—»w*—* w HI—K.*—w* _ (llvT TO (Ii:XI]INB A WT1CI-HI 1 Walter Baker & Co.’s l Breakfast COCOA * 1 Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. T Costs Less than ONK CKNT a cup. i He sure that tin; package Hearn our Trade-Mark. , Walter Baker & Co. Limited, / (Established i7«o i Dorchester, Mass. \ Trade- Mart. I Aw*—»wi — «w» —-*w« —»*»w»—»*w« — *w« —*w*— * | ART CALENDAR " la T w«4t« Calaw «> r miKmiiKNi. Il« MMMWM IfcMIWIMlWIW *»> M4 ■ at ffm •“* fl It W I Ml I mill Mt It m ft» )& —i—r m*m iuMi •«t«ai aw Mil i MW * * M*W4m Kmn t Wit HI I '• 2 Mb Wll IM _ (y VtM Mm m. mm. «• NUtMIM a 4. *«• *4 M 1141« ttnu aatMMM «M < 7 Mt Mttttataa *•» «*4taw*t tat tttt at!* Mat m4 not .mm la > at H «a ta «>a*t t . ^ IMI Nut IMS COWANWW, Ml C«lM^ At*. fto*fo<v M*%* ■■