The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 15, 1897, Image 1
> - - -.—■ VOL. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1897. .NUMBER 3t) * 1 hk IN ok mwKs ri* kn PUBLISHED EVERY KKJDAY at tiie county hk, vr. ttBU. K HEWAtllol >.«, Editor and PuUllt*tier »•*,, _ _ _ _ a TEI.MS tl 60 pgr Ygpr, If P.iid in Advgnct ft - I Sowal at tna long ( Ity IvaO.t;T-» for tragg Bitaaluu through tfca mafia at «a | iiaag tnattar. REPUBLICAN TICKET. •TATK TICK KT. t or Judgn of tho Kiipri'iiic court A M POST. Koi l(«K« of tho ■Hat., Ciilv amity, JOHN N. OKYOKN, <•'. W. KALKY. . Jf/mciAl, IT KKT. Kor Jmi. «, ii District. WI 1,1,1 AM I, ASl,IN, Of K«arnoy. CUT NT Y TICK I T KOI' < llTil, JOHN I, IIUI'l*Kl£,of Coup City I- ,*r Trciaurtir, HKOUU* Nfc Vr'HUKU, of Huzard Twp. m w« n 11 v • i > i f I). OKU Hi t., of “roll TWff. For County ./ml#*;, K. >11'N ;v of ll t/ard. For Swpeilnl*in1<int, KLSiK V. Kh \ !t» of Loup City. k* For fJoronor, f MAttY K. JIKNOttl(;K^OM, of Loup City. For Hurvityor, S W A1/1'I.It M )1' , '>• I. .upCity. # Tbo Moniloi in mi In un about hi* ability to write able .mil heavy edi torial*, roast*, tie. A sum pie of them may be found it, i paragraph whl<jh appear* in hi., her e(i|IIinII ill fc- ... this l.viUe under tnc. .i nd of ‘ iiiaJe v*. j. niv C w idai *1, which paragraph 1* i.-ikeii from the Moni tor of last week. Head it, it is an if able? production. “lieform’ took the popu iist out of the old parties, was bused on the principal of doing away with a powerful and domineering com bind, To-day tin: populist parly in tiiis county have the mime domineering and powerful com bination. 1* it not time to change uguiu? There ere populists who, lie it su'd to their credit, think that it is. A tunner friend said that he thought the funneis ought to keep , Joiiu Hopper in the elevator busi ness because he was truly a farmers friend anil it would be to their inter est to do so. Thus far the geulle inau is right, but if Mr. Hopper has been a friend to them so long und has helped them whenever it is pos P eihle for him to do so, ought they t not to return iln hi and on r this occasion, when a • oportunltv is olfordnd, reciprocate I show their f appreciation In I. x i John oat Tliere is uo muii ii. ■ county who would mote npprio i > • mid i* more ileservilig of u ki'iiii > than John and if ihi oil In . il; serve the people even tie net * erk, heuuiiMi lie soillo not le< lij 11 d to hi co|| • mu* power a* het» in in* prtHcut tic* • upalioii Mini |S>prdi»|H a iln* county advoiuc a ehatigi *t I e a * i iln* prlUl'iplll .Mill III *1 li.l,i*OluUl ilthe of Uo* county > , in a* n it h**- ii tbs’ it t» a go • tl.o. iii have a i'llsWit* - I no in. i hut .4 change, cup'll ill I C*ll«l* Is * d i| UMi*d I * * u> |iW IM i » 11* }»lii M|r til* if \b *>' ii-- I t!|tt litukt » Ii l {SI *#. - m it • lekf-; u|w\4 % n?f*»»»>•* '* ■--» » * i u* t **fi|i d««i 4?fM !$♦»#*%* *{» * •* •> "l|(| f it M4 i*b» •• •«t • • v I < - li til) Im ♦ |l|r . , PdJI dl*«d iu * *- f.J * i H»i*» t»f I lid h*'. * ..r *i|i * nv. * %*i *■*! V* l- ti«< * dl* •mv «i m, tiv| im u) ip«i iIk*) <lo not htdelve that their officers have served them well, but simply because they wi«h to know, und prove to the public tli'i true conditions of the several offices to tiiejy own satisfac tion and to Ilit' satisfaction of the people in general This is what we call true reform. And members of the populist party who udvicalc <uch principles arc to be commended for their sincerity and honesty of purpose. ’•Mi*-males” vs. I.ady CanilMatcs, There are some persons who do not know enough to even show due respect to the ladies of our land and it would seem that Thompson j of the Monitor Is me of them. In speaking of the lady candidates on the republican ticket the Monitor in its last issue saiti: The republican* liuve introduced sh< • mule politician* In Sherman county They have tried everything to bieuk the populist ranks hltclillcld Monitor. Now in answer to this base insult not only to the lady candidates on the republican ticket*, but to every lady in Slieiman county, whom he terms as “She male*" we cun only express our contempt I/e speaks of the republican party as having in trodueed them into politic* in Sherman county and thereby seeks to cover up the fact that the populist party first nominated and elected a lady candidate, “budy Walworth ’ if you please, who aspired for the same office to which one of the republican nominees Is now running for. hud) Walworth was elected strictly by u populist und democratic vote of ShcrinAu county, the same combi Il.'illon 1 ll.'t t lx I X,».t tile .'.<!(l| tor imbeeele, mentally speaking, to vote against II t> lady candidates which this year happens to li-on ike opp-ifdton ticket When Lady VVul worth rati for olllce neither she noi uti of her fair sex were tci med ■ Mic 1 males, ” Such n term is ali instill to all women kind, and the resentment will lit! duly manifest, at. the polls, Mr-. A •). Kearns should be elec ed to the ofiiee of -iipcrinteudeMt, i Tie-re i perhaps no pi-rte-n on the i r •pnhlit a:i ticket nu ru di-xcrviog i I o ir» i>|ii!, liet In.►hand is, and has . n inv alid for live yetis past, <ii Mr Kearns has, ever since lux ‘ aiekfteaa, hevn ('Otn|>elha| to provide * for ttie fumiJ' which consists of Mr. 1 and Alts. Kearna and twoliulc tioyn. 1 She |iaa bravely faced the winter I blasts and taken up her station in 1 flic school room in order to earn the I needed money to keep up the house hold. She has given her whole time and attention to institute work in order to be better prepared to carry on the educational work. Hhc is ' one of the few teachers in the county 1 that holds a first grade certificate, ■ h is graduated with honors with four years course at Vinton Normal (fol iage, Iowa. The salary of $7fiii a year will be a great help to her in providing for the family and the pride and earnestness she will take in the work will not only he a credit lint st source of lasting pleasure am1 benefit to her constituents. Throw aside polities, give Mrs. Kearns your support and you will never regret it. The Northwestern ways that the republican candidates are “honset." —'Times lndependent. And the Times 1 ndependcnt said that the populist candidate for sup erintendent acquired a good educa tion bv attending ••pUtrict" school in Ohio. Oi»« Dollar !•> IKIMl. For one dollar hill The Semi-Weekly State .Journal will bo m*iiI fruu now un til.Junciv I, \81)1). A Rood !• hiv time t<* gel two »d(f paper* everv week with all the newt of ttie whole worU; u) 1 th* siat«* new» and in fact more im*wa and general leading matter than vmi get In an v oilier atate paper. I ht* Journal la spending mopet and efl’orr in writ ng Op the i It t *1 <* * t n of \i bdik i it lul nett l tig our •*! tie'* atl\ image* In t t the people «d i be whole countrv. Nebraska*# pros perity will bring thousand# of farm I »I\ eta to our *i «tM Von should re al The Journal hit h Is not mi (htcdta l»i»p* r or a Mr* Co In paper, bul a mate i t - in ii ■ ru * VV 11 .i w fi l»e 4»»r i lie be-t piteiSMiw of \ eb*i»* n» t *! i« lb** flint »p.c-li. ;• asked bv ill-* I he | Jo (trull I H||>n (*rt | |*'d upon to d«*»’!if«* 1 i Kv«t| NVhwkso should do hi# beat ltd ■ keep The Sl.tte Jmttnr) beft*r* the I i |t»«|*p and ’ha* *M+*t nit'no a by sending j I * One liitiliif which ‘*vi|i i;«v f*»r the I | apes to J*mp|f?, |MU ■ U hend f n.t| It u your frhvK |i» tit* ! » as » b« *i» •* r h H tyre .I (b ip a ! . , #* ; \(.i)m i*:-, >% ,|*l ||« i - .i|y ->-»i ..#• i■ • i 'tr ^rii>.■ ti d i |j, ! to fii h f • . p- v I %•**• |'|* l»d I , f|| ■ t i b M « « fo* *r *fc*m ; j {<* d $•. £.; ?.v(! ia, to t- m ft * ****_- j hi* jt-»fmUsmi*I p 1*at uaw oPtraa | < aim him 1‘i'tt‘ibln this* i Last Saturday was, the elevuutl anniversary of the only really de •tructive Aro Ravenna has cvsr «•* perienced. Sunday morning, Oct 1 sKii, lira broke out in the hardware •tore of (Jronau Bros, and spread with such frightful rapidity that there was opportunity to save hut one small hi nting stove of u very large stock of hardware carried by the firm si. that time. The Are com municated with the adjoining build lug on the north, Fred B. Hoyden's drug store, and it to was ijuickiy uonsumed. A huudred men fought (tersely for an hour to prevent tbi further progress of the Are, and flu ally succeeded in saving Hoylo’s furni ture store, Ilian a one-story structure twenty live feel north of the Boyden building. In this Are (,'ronsu Bros, lost the savings of many years, every thing they had ou earth, even to most of their clothing. They re covered but an inaigriAcunt anuiut t of Insurance, lint witli the aid of friends and liberal wholesale bouses were enabled to put up a cheap frame building and re-open business. The opening stock spread might,ly lltjn even in tin; small room, but they eorageously preserved, put up with seveiest hardships and prlva liens, and year by year they have /ladusllv gained ground until now limy have reached a safe end sure foo’iug Kd Oonaiif the senior member of tin* (inn, lias within the ast year assumed the entire business eleu *ing Ids brother Tails, who for i number of years has been in Illi i iis, and wlio is now engaged in lie hardware business in Kewanei u company with his father-in-law. ’avi nua News. Wc have not heard of a famine in iw liidi h an\ where, unit yet there ms been an increase of over thirty ter emit in the price of tlmt. article iin • the pa- •.’igc of I lie Pin.'ley law. Vailey County Times. it is stateil thill tlic governor of ■' iiitli Dakota, in answer f<> a qiics ion asked him a short time ngo aid “I tank 1 feel purlv gout, wheat ■ ixI silver puru soon be id! de .•line price, one dollar a bushel." In I - .in the i’ailed 8tales bad ',171 inmates of almshouses to :verv million of pople. In l8l>0 he ni.mlni b.m reduced to I, Kill nit of each miili n. The old stock ilirase that “the rich are getting icher and the poor poorer” is not c m out by fuels,- Ord Quiz. We will pay a salary of $10 per veck for man with rig to introduce '"election Poultry Mixture iu the sundry, the greatest egg producer hi earth. Deference required, tddress with stamp. Perfection ilfg Co., Parsons, Kansas. I) Ormsbee, if elected, will per ortn the duties of shut iff with pur cut hiitifaction to thu people. Vote for E. Munn for county U(1ge. lie will make you a good »fflcer. A few week* ago the editor was tak sn with a very severe cold and caused him to lie iu the most miserable condi tion It was undoubtedly a had case of In grippe, recognizing It as dangerous lie look Immediate steps to tiring about ti speedy cure. From the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the init>iy good reccommendaiiou* included therein we concluded to make a tlr>t trial of (lie medicine. To say that it was satisfactory lit its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It ac id like magic anil the result was a »|n i dv and permanent cure. We have 1.0 In -iti-iiev In ri'cei iiilneiidlng this > x re •hi i'.nigh Rr only to anyone allllct ft i* oh i rough or rold In nnv form I'lie llain.i-i •• Liberty. Liberty to wa, Muri lionl. The '.'a and >’>n cent sixes t o' - ile in Odeiohihi Hros, Voile i.,': afford In rt-k your life tiy ullo . tug a cool to dcvi'lope into the p o mionta nr consumption, lo-tunt |r lit t . ltd a cei l ihi cute are afforded by tic Mil uii' Cough Cure Odcndahl ilro. 11 ■ H., 11' llooo lor Inc t,y toiroi et -. „d»ni .. . i . I.led l.y using lieWlti’i itcli t’s/ct sdvr, the great remedy ft ril<- mo f. r alt kin H of sore* and It o ti note-, Oitciidal I ilri>* Sol I I 111 S|lS,)tl.lUlt.Ht * uvtosieis. lu'iioi.i.oii will i'n.t . t ym , *. ituiia. e»,„ioiu»i. ■M « isl • 1 ■ * ■■■> ! t, Ni !t| •. ■ I Ml t |,c M* <t ' j ..ji Hlt| h(«kk( rft • Vli ' • If* I fi H «♦* v|t v ;**■•:'«# ftvhfe *«(ii 4- : • V* V I > t t<# U *»•*$'« i M =4 f «* •:! -V W» ^t*\j nMHH't MI4> i’t t'<v lf..i t»‘ M. •» IH-* #£»*-* ■** t| fterWl ji^fi \ m*'t tv -ju.»* i <tim«|iFt ♦.-*«! chi w» ifc* tt-Sn 4«i | 4* itt * ■ I * u ((in m jut■; kmw *i» sum. tpuisiyw yum Its • h ti> *t»a iiiseot ton i» Its ii, l ima ti ill hi 1 wart .....-I IU CALL ON T. M. REED FOR A Wagons, Buggies, Disk Harrows, Sulkie or Gang Plow*,' or anything in this lino. I’riaes all right. 1 also carry u complete stock of Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. EAST HIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, • • LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. BARGAINS’ BARGAINS* Cash vs. Credit! The philosopher tells in that “knowledge is power.” The greatest power ho wove*, lies in the wisdom of applying your knowledge so as to obt tin the best results. Our know'/* edge of wlmt is best suited to the needs of many in the wa\ of dress, coupled with our gre t buying faculties, makes it possible for us to clothe you in. highly satisfactory manner an! at prices which were unknown util we originated them. Instead of selling on time and charging the | same old prices which the cradi system has always j compelled, we do just the opj site. We buy for j cash, get cash discounts, and b} so doing are in a | position to sell you for cash at. t ie >west price. }J0-0*0-O-0* > Onr new fall and winter line is just bubbling I over with good things, bright cherry patterns to j match the faces of a well-bred and happy people, j There may be starvation in India, war in Cuba, and j uassination in Spain, but in Nebraska there are beautiful crops, better prices, and signs of pros perity throughout the entire state. If you would have a share in the good times give us your trade. ^SSr Hat ami Caps, Dry ' Good*. Mittens Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwear, Tinware, Wooden ware, - Graniteware O' 't'1" Cutlery, iflj . etc. etc. A FINE LINE OF NOTIONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS* CAFES, CLOAKS and JACKETS, for the ladies. TAILOR MADE SUITS for the men. YOU NEED THESE GOODS, WE want your money. Yours for Business, A. E. Chase. Propi ietor of the Cash Bargain Store. WANTED Agents Both Men and Women If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY. and you can work ail or part of the time, and ut Imme or traveling. The work la light and easy. Write ut once lor terniH. etc., to Tiik IIawkh Ni uskkv < <>mii \n* Milwaukee, Win. I--' T INKS, 1 * I'inif ut express AM general delivery line Atl ha plena 111 t loltflM ur<l<'t» promptly | ntleniteit to rjt 5. \ lull I IS • A I K. LA \VY Lit. Dm i Gttertl uw MUttiH bauiesi A NuUt V i . tM I> l»* wrtl*r tu mil « l» •»* Of MUO lull lift, • • tl.liUi.Afc A. \V, *'11*’11 ^ 11 u r n h u • n 1 * l. n ww, \ > |i Mil It V W'ttllt Will UrfesI hi lt*ris* .i*o l?.*t» |M1 y tins i:hu HK II Mr I I N tH'itlNK' >><*»«• in *1 II* iMHfitfl, • « iMIMiat I—ALL WOMEN J^INEHTENTHS Of l-jj all the pain S>k fl and sickness from which women suffer Is caused by weakness or Z^SfiTT/J^ derangement In yiffK/r'fVj the organs of rAjJ'Tfcllj®'! H menstruation. Nearly always ■HI when s woman Is not well these organs are alfected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman la very seldom tick. WneSrdiil is nature's provision (or the reft* ■ fatten ol the merutruai function. I It cures all '• (acute troubles." It t. equally ettectivs for the girl in bar teens, tu young wife with du I uto #n4 nuumul cures, and ’ t>* women tppioacMttfthe ttert f { ktavn as tea ''Citut.r of Lite. ‘t nay alt need u. they are ai) Intel i, teen a. t»«**», uh., m<«i •«»«.« in i ■■UHL. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 “ Worms. No. 3 “ Interns’ No. 4 “ Dinr No. 7 “ Coir No. 8 Cures Non. No. 0 “ H eat In No. lO " Dyt No. ll “ Del da. No. 12 *' L. No. 13 Cures Cr ' No. 14 " Skin No. 1C " Rhen “• No. 16 " Malat No. 10 “ Cotnrt No. 20 Cures Wlioot **r. | No. 21 “ Asthin I No. 24 " Oenera No. 26 M Sea-Sink No, 27 “ Kidney l* : No, 28 Cures Nervous O’l • No. 30 “ Urinary t • No. 32 M Heart Dtt- **.. No. 34 M Sore Tin No. 77 " Cold* and v t>» II sraMt*' lli.seHt*t»i»' 4. ur U«»ki»a» il Am *11 I <tlM .4 -Hi «»^ * S i* h. *>..<.* *1** •* ItMe< turn Ill lhi.>*» *1. •«* »«** HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL TMC SU OtNTtNMVP