For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb --- Uoaal Daws. Whj. Nagle and family moved to Grand 'aland last week For washing machine* and clothes, wilngers ace T. M. Itced. Improvement* are going on In nearly every part of the town. C. K. Andrew* vend* the wherewith to Insure a weekly visit rrom this paper. «,'araten Truelsen raised over •'W OO worth of potatoes off of 7 acre* of ground. For wagons, buggies, harness, sulkcy, plows, hardware, tinware, etc., call on T. 11. Kecd. The Kpworlb League rally at the M. E. Church wav quite well attended last Sunday evening Sixteen to oue smoking tobsuco 2b cent* a pound at Conhlser A Co 5 cent package*. Try It. M. Lcchlnaky I* moving hit photo graph gallary on malu street where he will undoubtedly have a better location. Allot our citizen* who attended lb* state fair Jaat week speak of It In the highest term*. Two Good Thing* —"77" for Grip and Colds: No. 10 for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion and weak stomach; 25 cent* each: all druggists. You cannot afford to be without one of our book of facts. 11 is worth dollar* to you and the.cost of one Is only fifty cents. Lost A good M. W. A. watch charm, Finder will be lll>erally rewarded by re turning STme to owner. i la.. I a . .1__ Tbr deliijuent tax list Is being pub lished this week The Times,Inedpsnd enthas the work and the NORTHWEST s un force la helping out Mrs. Stilltnacher and daughter Nora arrived Wednesday from their . very extended visit to Omaha. James (Jrav of Clear Creek and one of the early pioneers of this county was a pleasent culler at this office and sub scribed for the paper. We bad a good visit with Jlin talking over old times. Everyone desires to keep Informed on Yukon, the Klondyke and Alaskan gold fields. Send 10c for large Com pendium of vast information and big color map to Hamilton Publishing Co. Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. Hotehkin of the Loup City Roller Mills was down to Ashton Tuesday and sold some nice bills of Hour. The mills arc grinding now on a very extensives cale. Mrs. Geo. Lee fetched us some fins samples of yellow coru last Saturday. Twenty-one ears weighed 10 pounds How Is that for Nebraska corn. lie has a large field of it. Twenty-five cents will pay for the Twice-a-Week State Journal from now I until January 1. 1898. The State Jour nal Is Nebraska's greatest paper and gives more state capital news thin all other state papers combined. A pain in the chest Is naturcl warn ing that pneumonia is threatened Dampen a piece of fiunnel with Cham berlin's Pain Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back, between the ^holders, and prompt re lief will follow. Sold by Odendahl nrui, Among those who have ami are to have brick Inundation placed under their building* aro 8. G Wookay, W. il. Conger, J I llepew, and Geo. K. Benrchoter. The latter (emulation under our printing olllce ban jual been completed am) Oblaon Brim, are at work for Mr. Wookey on hi* retldeui* foun dation. Kev. J. D. Slapp, a former reaideul and BaptUl miulator of thl* place, but now of Colorado, we* ill the city the fore patt of the week renewing old aci|ualntauci<* lie preached Sunday on.ruing ami eienlitg to an attentive audience Mr. Mapp wa* •tatlonvd at thl* place In I’em and wa* the p*r*t>n to whom credit D due fur hi* »ucee**lul effort m building the large B*pli»t church here, lie ha* a warm p!*v* In the heart* of the people here aud t* alway* a welcome vultor. \\u«. I'llg'i of Burlington. |o»a, and brother of f I, i'llgvr ha* bee* in Plug her* lor the ua*l neeek, tail re turned home fo*»d** l*>t Me ui*de tbt* offhe a pt*a*4Mi call during hi* atay lie t* a whole**!* grocery d*ai*i and doe* » very rttrioll* buatn*** lie eapre*«*d hlunelf *« being well pleated with mil country and aapecUi ly u»» pro)*ct and thinks that if pioperty managed will n* * great attraction for . •pltat'ti* a* »•!! aa * petrntovur mrerprtse for »o» i*n pin The Third Annual hundai tiiMveulbro nlli )*e held al l.**«p I'll) car |Jv|ailw>« nth and loth fctetv Wundat deipn* t* .milled In »•<> ilelrgar* ent r <•*•<*,« nt fumiahed Ail *MM**lt**{ * attend, fapevullv Sunday Bring dinner r» >ui will Be tllthi*ii)e«i It* #•' tu uta'e held •«-*»her. H H wtlf l>*> with ua lev t«t*pile ami le*Mu* ’ So. re tone* of Sandal iWI** * '*» p«**»«pt t* SUthff wot Biadtk* an tl»» <««nt) O II Ifotchkln. Jus. Gray, and J. C. Korinsi-n have added their names in mu list since our last issue A trial subscription to the He in I-Week ly Mate Journal from now uni 11 Janu ary I, IHltH only costs twenty-five cents You can send stamps, Mr. and Mrs. Kcv. Webster returned from the conference meeting last Fri day. We learn that Mr. Webster had been stationed at Ifurwell for tli i next year and that a Kcv. Mathew will take Ills place here We have secured a practice! printer ill the person of Lorie Htonecvpber, ol York to help us through the tush for the next few weeks, Mr Htonecypher it a thorough hand at the business und we expect to make some, improve meets cm our paper and In our job department while he Is with ns. At present our i/filce Is badly torn uy and is) under going improvements, new foundation etc., hut next week we will lie in shape for business again We understand that tin* republicans of I.ogan and Washington townships have nominated A E Hutton of flays creek for the supervisor Mr. Hutton Is ignite an early settler ol Hhcriuan county having located here In 1HHJ, and is one of thu most prosperous farmers In that neighborhood. Jim land is well Impro ved and is well equipped with im plements, horses and farm machinery. Mr. Hutton will make a good officer if elected. Those who believe cronlc diarrhoea to he Incurable should read what Mr. I*. E Grisham, of Gaars Mills, I,a, has to say on the subject, viz "1 have been a sull'crer from chronic diarrhoea cvei since the war and have tried all kinds of medicine for it. At last 1 found a medicine that effected a cure and that was Chamberlin's Colic, Choi era ana Diarrhoea nenieuy. inis .viea iciue can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and dirrhoeii. It is pleasant to take and never fail* to effect a cure. 25 and 5(J cent sizes tck p u \ 2 uo Song M-rv tee. ■j l » I biltirt ti » ball bout , | i lit port of Sunday School* d U lii p ui Ni»t« Sunday Helps tiauvntkill bl N S CoUVet.e, • .0 V Ido .1 t.V Itev It II l‘ >|to I kVKAIIHI. jl do H mg tt iikv. | 7 4-5 51 > < »pi|!i u « in *oltd » S«b"**l work leti 4>v lit , Stair r t.ilcbflabi. •* (5 l«i % *?u*m »t* > it t.Uc »k|l*Jry 4 V fit*** » t llm It M Itt'liMlt* t !• ^ «j Mtirf i iH|f 1^44 tft tut t\iij dtltlilf* IM MO V til* fan PVltlOAUti* t «ib4 INMm* »t LUNNMw Ilf It, I -4H* I | ftt-atHM it fib4> tfe*a ls«a| bM«o * .d# ♦**» t*»t i |Ml4 it* ft i*4l U|«W.| tH Bo|.lpif I *1 la plftifct*. no I 4 «44 4 kni t IV t t $WP 4*-1 k *!-'*♦ I L-c 4 t t 4 *4 tfef k‘i»r 4 4 I jjgftifjl 4 ilf . Il»stMMi*. M44 * -b ** * #f M I lift, % to I* tK« I* HiiMtM. It M It l*t I Ip* ’’ft# fteitiit n#fl (&*hm * »«*<* t twf HV*p 4m {*#*#+ 4* *•*! It* |MNM|f§ ti |**t*«« li*4 » .if—fff !«• jjtiwk * * * vAafitki Mitoi fNwlbfi** «*jfe*«* ***4 «BVdtif«tttwit *r if>4 liiijf ft ~ ||4| lnlbtVMNi* i M •"** r' m* ti «Bit **4 itbd ft *«••, »H THE CHILI QUEENS. THEIR THRONES WERE IN SAN AN TONIO'S HISTORIC ALAMO. Thmtr Hr I* n In r.odrd, but They Ituleif Hoy Ally For a l^ing Time Th*y Were F.A|»rrl«llf Ornciouii to the ToinUt From lb* North biiiI Mtdit It Fay. Wlieii the northern tourist used to strike the town, the tint tilings the pa triotie citizen who wax doing the hon or* would proudly xtcer him np iiguiiist would In; tlie Alamo plaza chili xtand, with its attendant divinity, the far fumed chili queen. “Now, xir, you've xeen the historic Alamo, the old cathedral and the mix xioux and got a wliitf of our ozone,” the citizen would remark with righteoux pride, “and tonight yon muxt coiue und eat a Mexican supper and see the eliili queens. The chili queens are one of onr most noted attraction*—the beautiful, dark eyed senoritax, you know.” Tho tourist geuerully knew. This wax In the late eighties, the (minty days of tlie chili queens, when their fame had spread lo the larger northern cities. Home very musical verse ulxuit them had appeared in the magazines, und in the newspaper sketches they were ideal ized as stunning ereuturex, with the rich, brown xkms of the tropic* and tho languorous grace und bewitching black eyes of Hpunish donnas, When the citizen and the tourist stroll up to the gay lisiking chili stand with ilx big red, green and yellow lan terns and its scintillating pyramids of cheap but gorgeous glassware, she promptly shuts up the s|sirty young man who is bandying slang with her or quits haggling with the chili gorged bootblack over change. klm ItM.iilv Nsirritunik flu. H/iU-i n it* 1 her huir. and the big bouquet lit tier bos om and ts-ains on the new arrivals with sparkling eye*. Tho citizen addresses her with an < usy familiarity ‘‘Hello, Cbiquita1 How’s tricks?" "Hello, scuor. Tricks are bneno How is my amigo, the seiior?” They all used the Spanish dialect when they had special customers, de spite the fact that other tongues came easier to some of them by nature. Thcro were m reigning queens oil the plaza in 1 *v», and one of them was of Ger man descent and another was born in the island where the sod is highly green and there arc no snakes. The other four, however, were senorita* of the genuine Mexican variety. Gbiquita's eyes sparkle with their most brilliant lusti r, und,*witli a quick succession of flashing smiles, she Uses her red lips and white teeth to good ad vantage on tho tourist, while she en gages in badinage with the citizen "You’re looking prettier than ever tonight, Cbiquita. I’m glad of it, be cause we want to make a good impres sion on my friend here. He’s from away up north, you know, and he’s heard of yon before. ” Then Chiqnita uses her tinkling laugh and slaps tho citizen gently on the cheek. "So sorry, hut 1 have not a single nickel to give you. But take this flower instead ” She transfers a big rose from her cor sage to the citizen’s buttonhole. The i tourist is beginning to want his share i of the fun. "Yes, 1 heard cf you up there, anil that’s one reason i came down here—to see you, you know ’’ "Oh, myl You must have a flower too. ” Her hands linger lightly on his coat as she carefully pins a spray of honey suckle on, aud the tourist begins to I*; licve that he must have comedown here . for tills. He is cnjoyiug himself very , much ‘ “Well, let’s Is-giu on our chili pep pers,’’ sugg’sis the citizen. "You say you never ate one before? We had ls-tter take a little of everything, then, so you can say you ’did’ San Antonio right. o-.uiw., , a....i_ ta " The queen turn* tdmrply to the alliuy haikiuK old Mcxieau who haa tharp. of the atcniniuK pot a anil kettle* in the real and rattle* otT tin* with a celerity > which m'liii to uxtouiHh the tourut: ■ "Ji'mik, undarle! Do* pluta* de chili cuu earne. y do* latuale* eon chili tent t j vy. de euchilade* tortilla*, y do* luxe ! de eufto' ’ The fiercely Imrulnu chili con cant* i ah'.aiui • the touri*t and he claike* oil ' the enchiladea, hut he matuttpwto rtrun i ale Ihroutth the taumlea hy driukiliii * print deal ot water Meanwhile, tin i chill quet it »tl* itp|*wtt« him in a lan i Kutahtua attttml< and keep* up Inf tut' ; kltna tauilii Wht II It I tiucatiiuc it> pi, 'tic Itt*t*t* ou |«yiUK the fill, ilte proi* *t* of the ciiiou, amt icma n a (it lull 'llltjull* at in* to hate llttu tide lu e'luiunv Util the ehau«e ami i ' iiniuttht *mkt« the i atm >it t itit|uua ho *ar* tentative . ! if. "fm n.edtt t mimi that if' t •>« tie ait y.oi eaul to make me i peaMii kit! t l» v. It it It. mean*. »he lint' ' He Mil In r I' * m, an I ttlVva Iht l a t int l« ■ et*w ake* amm.*l j r **■ ti ;tt kef amt I *tt* || tat he * out amt *)t tea III* ktlul III liltUilHi i* | law M**h * II Una. wht II tot ttalettuf* utrv ** it ibt *.*•» ami >ti t dot* u in limit of etc I of I lot »l,„,i«»l»,f klllta Willi a Up till ■ .if iu1tlla» V. tilth ike Mwa to w***p it| , h*r. i* id . Mil I to 14 a tatf lyyw <4 all tl* •If#*.uni-a <•! popular ..mepit •» tie* kith* at .ntd fc* U when .at df*» p* * I IhkM MMuJi! i f 11(4 «H Mt fl •<* 1^41% i*4Hk «, 1 umI tth \ i ill 1 In « U *f»M Mi lm»l t m\ 11»* klf (bill NiMNM J i «a*fl 0t< lk«i**t - t«) per yard. ; ’ : i .(Mi “ “ .<5 “ “ p\}i i'ine uiacK fierce - • - .27 “ “ Bra Hlankets at - - - .60 a pair I GROCERIES: 10 pounds granulated sugar - - 1.00 H “ package coffee - • 1.00 12.' “ evaporated apples - • 1.00 12.' “ evaporated peaches - . 1.00 02 bar laundry soap * - - 1.00 THE BUSIEST M AN IN TOWN. call on t. M. BEED fora Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows or anything in this line. Prices all right. 1 also carry a complete stock of Harness aid harness fixtnres, Washing and Sewing Macias, Oils, etc and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. • • LOUP CITY', NEBRASKA. N«tl>ra»k* *t»t* Kulr. Oil the occasion of the Nebraska j Stale Fair Carnival of the Kui|(htH of Ak-Sar- Ben, anil other special attract-; Ions at Omaha. Sept. 17th to 241b loci., I the Union l'.u'i i n: will sell tickets at! the very low rate of one fare for the round trip, plus olio udmission to the Fair. For full particulars cull oil W. D. Clifton, Agent. One doz beautiful finished photographs for 75 cents at' the Loup City Photo Gallery I This will last only a short time. Croup liult kly ClireU Mountain, Ark Our children I were ■tillering w ith croup when we received a bottle of Chauiliei tin's i .ougb ■ Itemedv. It afforded almosi instant re lief. F A. Thuun ion Thia telehral ed remedy la for • si" by Odendshl Bios. hr. Sumner Davis Oculist and Auriest Grand Island. Hunting, iit'lt* km i|u# **♦•• tn*t mil * I) trli'hi'il hf ! Vili'i W iii'li u(trt|u«lik r t'Ml*, b»u**«** L »rn», ll lir 4i* nil lion \ lug « n'ir. Photogia) 75 oents |k)r> do/ for a sh< time only at the Loup City I oGallery hr. Sum hay is Gland I aland Sjav d iiitlim of Kye, Par, «* and I’hroat. Kyaminatioi rgh»*o‘*. retire, asM I.i., in «wt I . *.«.« fbe IwhHW* *». ))'>>■ 4 aotMasit1 n j lis’l , .1* I hrwdt* . -.kvtfoUMO alias *«t j by wmdvum I *w»Utb * V.v« *1 M|itw tfclapi|f, *t«» very !• el «**■»j hat* ksra Hh» <*»lv * and hr ft It U c,.p»tlv 4 h pst fur it. hi' v | t U fa* »Hw ' rep -tv f-.r »>>e» i. i(|di - . h«|.|«.l Navel* I tlpinla*. fl l t il * AP I « •* «l • • ' 1 * *»<* t ^ ^ ^ ^ ( ^ V{*h‘liW: ll |\*$»| j^j 4 Ini if! i * N»| A few weeks ago the editor was tak en with h very severe cold and caused him to be in the most miserable condi tion. it was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe, recognizing it as dangerous ho took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy and the many good reccoinmemlalions included therein,we concluded to make a llrst trial ot the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory In its results, is putting it very mildly, ludeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no heaitency in reccemmeuHlng this ex cellent Faugh Uemedy to anyone alllict ed w ith a cough or cold In auy form. The Haulier of Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland. The ?3 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Odendahl Hros, Nulls!* fur l*U lull I4u4 Office el Lun ula, Netirmik* j Auguel tl, I *1*7 i h«»ii»** l» hereby given that the following i>«ui«mI Mtiiler ton* g 1*1 nut h e of hit mien Ilou inumbi* final pioiif m mp^orl uf bit claim, ansi that Miff pr«etf will be maff« l*e ft»re Ho* CsMiaiy Judge, * her man untruly al l.tiM|i t |ty Nebraska, ou oetober .ffb iw; vh j !*eter ll«|«be, li K. Number IliiT, for ihe t. t. wearier uf M fc >4warier, wecilou It, townebip liauge li weal. II* mimm the follow lug wllaeeee* la prove hi* ivtutmau* reelffeue* upon enff tut j i * % el toe of Miff lent!, % It Jacob bshutei ; lultfti lust, I’vlt i Uuttu, Paul Hills er all of M *k villa Mebratfca. w j fkiut aw. ' hlenpe* it an- u,- •H.-Oas*' kliPOlM C«s|wfo|| *1 UlllfittlltUi »■».! .. . It. ml.Ml M. rlw flv a I ig ti| \ Jm If# ll*4#rrjL»hr*t»)e man in this ,LtBu, «„ mil g»w»w m-. «U-I SS'WI) Ills I Itissl |ill susdt ___i “They don't make much fun* about it." We are speaking of lie Witt's Little Early Kisers, the famous little pills for constipation, blllioiisne**, and all stom ach and liver troubles. They never gripe. Odeudahl Bros. There is a tune for everything; and the time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait till you have con sumption but prevent It by using One Minute Cougii (,'nre, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis ami , ■ all throat ami lung troubles.—Oden dahl Bros John Orilliii, of Zanesville, O , says; •• I never lived a day for thirty tears with out sulferrug agony, until a box of De Witt's Witch tinsel Halve cured my 'f pile*” Kor piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruise*, sprains, ei ma and all skin troubles DeWill's Witch llasel Halve is him>|ualled —0t*ui*> h ‘ •-I liter lt> oblet IM( I Bits* I clave hut D»* Mb awltl the politic' *p» thef In a ku- ,tilce and ih, i, belt, c a 4»<* id tin* of* t'uugh i orv, ilot V s,«*it*,| all « nf*l*o| ih.*' M ante t nugb I sit ipiiillclkd fit ||« th’owl and logit '• it le n •