The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 01, 1897, Image 2

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OKO. K. BIMOIIOTIE Editor • Fab.
The cattle show at the state fair was
a record breaker.
Cuming county's fair will be held Oc
tober 4, fl, 6 and 7.
Duane college enrollment shows
many new faees this year.
The York eonnty fair was not a sue
cess on account of bad weather.
Recent rains have put the ground tn
splendid condition for fall plowing.
The Otoe county fair was extended
one day owing to interference by rain.
A. C. Helds, r. of Hebron, was con
victed for selling liquor unlawfully and
lined f 100 and cost*.
Alvin Huekrnaster of Terwnseh shot
a hole through Ills Huger on his left
band while hunting.
.Joseph Kirk, BO years old, Is oil trial
In Keya I’alia county charged with as
saulting a IB-year-old girl.
Three brick and stone business blocks
have liern built In l/ouisvllle thus far
tills year and three more are contem
.1. T. Maynard, a Missouri Pacific
I 'ii 11 in it m car porter of Kansasl'lty, lost
his arm last week by ladng run over by
a passenger coacli on the iliirlington
track ut Omaha.
Charley Worrell, a B-,year-old boy,
living near 'J’allin poatoftice, l uster
county, was bitten liv a rattlesnake
about ten days ago. and died from the
reptile's poison two days after.
t'arl I’eters, a sewing machine agent
of Hastings, met with a bail accident
while out hunting. shooting Ids right
forearm off liy the aecidental discharge
of his gun.
Ilermfv I 'nited Nt.utes Mar.llxl .lames
Allen went to the Omaha Indian reser
vation and arrested Newton Tree on
the charge of selling liquor within the
Minitsof the reservation, lie was lodged
In Jail.
A coyote kept on a chain ut the lie
view Track hotel ut Syracuse, broke
his chain Just us the 3-year-old child of
I.. Howell, the station agent, was going
hy, and attacked the littie one, biting,
scratching anil bruising her in a shock
ing launner.
Mrs. VV. .). Persinger. n feebleminded
old woman, was badly burned ut Cen
tral t'lty. Her clothing caught Arc In
some manner while site was patting
coal in the stove. When discovered
slit- was wrupped in flames. There is
little hope of her recovery.
The. attorney general bus informed
the investigating committee that
cx-Supcrintendent. Armstrong bus paid
to ills successor, the superintendent of
the institute for the feeble minded at
lleatriite, a further sum of money on
uccount of the shortage which existed
when Armstrong turned over. Tips
balance due the state from tin- ex-su
perintendent Is now uhout $3 .’.
A 3-year-old child of .lames <>rudy of
Columbus died very suddenly under pe
culiar and distressing circumstances,
firady was given a bottle of stuff by a
stranger for polishing metal, lie left
the bottle in bis coat, where it was
found hy the little one. who drunk part
of the contents. I)r. Martyn was sum
moned, hut could do nothing. The
bottle contained sulphuric arid.
Sam W. VV. Wilson of Columbus met
with a very (tainful and probably fatal
accident. In bundling a shotgun it
was discharged and the contents en
tered his left side, tearing u ghastly
wound, out of which the entrails pro
truded and exposed to view some of
tile organs. A couple of ribs were also
shattered and some of the entruils
were perforated with the pellets.
Orie Iicpford, a brakemun out of
Hastings, on the Hock Island, was very
if u,. .i |>I.if
lipshurg, Kansas, lit- was making up
freight train No. MO in the yartis there,
when his foot caught in the guard rail
and the engine passed the entire length
over his body. His right arm was cut
off at the shoulder, one of his feet was
badly mashed and several ribs broken.
A bold attempt to rob the general
merchandise store of MeKibliin llros. at.
Douglas was made last week. The
burglar entered the store uhout mid
night, lit a lamp mid commenced to
ransack the store. John MeKibliin was
Bleeping in the hack room and was
awakened by the noise, lie exchanged
several shots with the midnight prow l
er, who succeeded iu making good his
News was received at Niobrara by
llev. Henry Hess, living west of that
{dace, that his daughter l.ydia, who
■ as been teaching school in Wuusan,
was fouud iu a pasture deranged She
left for selnail as usual, hut was dis
covered about It o'clock walking aim
lessly about the enclosure. She had
ls-en acting strangely for u day or
two la-fore
tlctols-r s lias la-en designated as
Nebraska day at tile Tennessee cell
tennial ex|aislti<iti und arrangements
arc ludng made to have as large a dele
gation as possible go from Nebraska to
Nashville ou that occasion I'resident
Wattles is cndratoriiig to organise a
large delegation of Nebraska |M-opie iu
order that the proper appreciation may
he showu of the interest of Nebraska
people In the doings of other sections
of the country. An effort is laelng
made hi secure special rates amt there
la every prospect that no difficulty will
tie encountered iu this direction liuv
ernor Holcomb ami bis official staff
will Is* of the party and it is eapeeled
they will he accompanied by lliu J.
Hr yen
Charley Heed, who was brought
hack to Hebron fromtih-ahoma a short
time ago charged with obtaining
money under false Mitencca from the
Thayer county hank bad hie prelim!
wary eaawtinatpm before t ouuly Judge
Halt and was dlscharg* d by the court
a ad the ease dismissed
The it arias cuwuty fair at Alma
closed after having the lines! eatklbi
thua irf ewaaty prodmu ever show a in
iiarlaa county K**r»,m» seeing tha
• ahihtt prsMssMiwcest it surprising The
wuality caw mu he heat-n iu ant state
Tty* ladle* he hi their vrt and other
g spiaya la the opsrra hs -• which re>
gaeatvesi eal muted aaw»u» i of praiaa.
Minister Woodford'* Instmetlnus Too
lain So Til rents—Thr Spanish «Jo»
ernmrnt to II* Impressed With
the Necessity nf a Cassation
of Hostilities.
No Threats Hata Been Mad*.
Washiwotow. Sept 23.—The admin
istration haa been Informed by cable
in the fullest detail by United State*
MlnUtcr Woodford of the conference
held with the Duke of Tetuaii, Spac
l*h minister of foreign affair*. There
U nothing In Minister Woodford's dis
patch to liear out In the slightest de
gree the report* that the American
minister ha* presented uri ultimatum
to Spain declaring that If war In Cuba
I* not terminated by the end of October
the United State* would feel justified
In taking measure* to secure the In
dependence of Cuba
Minister Woodford, in the course of
hi* Interview, which was preliminary
In it* nature, lain the foundation for
the fuller preeentstion of the protest of
the United States, whioh he will make
to the Spanish court, when It ahalt
re more In October from San Sabastaln
to Madrid He will then earnestly,
but courteously, Insist that the failure
of Spain to terminate the war In Cuba
haa become a r-ourceof great solicitude
to this country, and which, on account
of tha enormous American Interests
involved, make* it Imperative that the
United States should tender its offices
to secure a termination of the war If
possinie, upon a nasi* inai win pruvr
satisfactary to Spain.
Minister Woodford'* instructions,
which wilt lie communicated in fall
shortly, contain no threat against the
Spanish government. They certainly
are not In the nature of an ultimatum,
which would mean war, aud they go
but little If any farther than the po
sition assumed by Secretary Olney In
hie report of less than a year ago.
Secretary Sherman believes that the
time ha* arrived when Spain must
make such concessions as will close
the war. and Minister Woodford has
been instructed to earnestly pres*
upon the Spanish government the In
terest of the United State* in assist
ing to secure such a cessation of hos
tilities The prospects are for a
change of ministry in Spain and for a
cabinet under liberal auspice*, headed
by Senor Sogasta.
Maiihiii, Sept. '13. — It is learned
upon high authority that the much
discussed Interview of last Saturday
between United Htate* minister to
Spain, General Sic wart L. Woodford,
and the Spanish minister for foreign
affairs, the Duke of Tctuan, were
merely preliminary.
General Woodford stated to the
duke the gravity of the condition of
Cuba and requested in behalf of the
United States, that Spain would find
a method of speedily ending the war
und giving justice to the Cuban*. He
offered the good offices of the United
States in effecting a settlement of
the Cuban troubles, which practleatly
gives Spain an opportunity of grace
fully ending the war. If she does not
embrace It within a reasonable time,
notice will be given that the United
States mutt interfere, thougli General
Woodford has not said so yet
Spain cannot expect the aid of
Kuropean powers, as the United States
ambassadors have asccitainod that ail
the Kuropean countries, except Aus
tria, recognize that the interest* of
the United Slates justify the latter's
interference in Cuba. Austria
in tills matter, is influenced
by the relationship lie tween
the two dynasties, the queen
ragout of Spain being an Austrian
urcliduciiess, but it is not likely that
Austria will take any part in the
question beyond |>o*sibly making a
diplomatic against the inter
vention of the United States.
■loiin Hr own or It Jneaph Pipe* Toiler
With HU Lip* I'seeatlayly
Sr Joski-h. Mo., Sept. S3.-John
Ilrown, aged 15 who was sent to the
nay I uni yesterday, whistles all the
time he i» awake. When the inquiry
waemade no to hi* sanity, lie whistled
nil tile time, uud could not be stopped
Wheu asked u question that could tie
anawered by a shake of the head he
would auswee it, but otherwise lie
made no answer at alL The mother
of the 1 ioy said he fell from her arm*
when he was three years old and his
head struck the floor. That caused
him to become insane, the thinks
Soon afterward* he begaii to whistle,
aud had kept It up svsr since He
whistle* auy tune he ha* ever heard,
and when hia stock become*eshausled
he make* uaw ouua
Aaaasallau Treaty t'aaaimeaaly Ap
pre«*4 by lb* >r*ils
*♦» failrlau, Sept i New* was
l>ruu|rht by the steamer t it) of f*e
kin* that the Hawaiian senate oa Sep.
lember In had unanimously ratllted
lb* tresty for the aim* ration of Its
wall to the t tilled Slate*
•• Jeaapb 4*b* le* ptoleetUH*
Si loti* Ms, s*pt ;t I nsyrtw
man t wins* Mayor Vmm and frank
Pres tag, editor of Ike Uarelle, rvprv
mutiny tk* vlty of it Juaepk, ap
poared befwrs Ik* Mtsaonrl river com
mission today and made an a ran asm
tatire appeal for head The
bend la about a mil* above Ike vlty of
kt Juaepk and at that point the river
la shoot to make a about In a straight
aouthrrly course, wkick would leave
kt Joseph rmhuatisy a fiver bed of
sand, vslrti something should ba dou*
| tmm to pravatit tt
Tt«« Found Money ConimlMlnn Hold* Ita
First. Meeting at Washington.
WAfiilNQTO*, Kept 28.—Thi mone
tary commission selected by the exec- |
ntlve committee of the Indianapolis
sound money convention, after the
failure of Congress to pass ths bill for
the creation of such a commission, met
this afternoon, with II. II. Hanna of
Indianapolis, chairman of the execu
tive committee,and eight of the eleven
members of the commission present.
It Is expected that ex-Senator George
K. Kdmunds of Vermont will lie se
lected to preside over the delibera
tions of the committee, which will
make a thorough Investigation of the
currency and financial syatern and re
port Its conclusions. While the com
mitted has no warrant of law, its pro
moters hope that It will bla/s the way
for the passage of a currency measure
by congress at the regular session In
A Daughter of Ki-Senetor Ingall, to De
vote Her l.lfe to Cherrb Work.
Atchison, Kan., Kept. SI. —Miss
Constance Ingalls, secoud daughter of
ex-Menator John J. Ingalls, will
shortly enter the Church Training
school In I-hlladelphla, to prepsre her
self for a deaconess in the I’rotestant
Kpiscopal church.
Miss Ingalls will leave Atchison In
two or three weeks to begin studying
for her life's work. Miss Ingall's
most Intimate friends did not know of
her Intentions to become a deaconess
until she made the announcement
yesterday and It Is the subject of much
comment. As a deaconess in the
Kplseopal church, Mine Ingall's duties
will lie similar to those of a Catholic
sister of charity, except that she does
not take the vow of celibacy
Austrian KHntr llta Bank In Celllslna
Wllb an Kngllsb IlHan.
Lnxpov, Wept, iX — A dispatch to the
Tiaily News from Vienna aaya that the
steamer Ilea, with a crew of ten and
earring fifty Austrian passengers,
was entering the port at Flume, on
the River Flumern, last evening, when
slur collided with the English steamer
Tirla, which waa leaving. The hows
of the Ike was stove in, and she sank
In two minulea Moats were hastily
put off and saved the captain and
seven others, hut most of the passen
gers perished.
The casualty took place in full view
of thoueauds, who crowded the pier In
the greatest excitement and alarm.
Mentanani Mill, Twentieth Infantry, Cuts
His Tbroat and damps From a Train.
Wasbixoton, Hept. IX — First Lieu
tenant It. (I. Hill, Twentieth United
(States infantry, who was attached to
the military information division of
the War department, committed sui
cide Monday night. The circumstance*
surrounding the case were distressing.
The officer made, an end to himself
while suffering from an attack of
hydrophobia or from temporary In
sanity brought on by fear of hydro
bia. He cut ids throat and then
threw himself from a train while on
hie way from Buffalo to Washington.
An Kx-llsbs atrlku Ixsiiar a Robber.
Oaki.amd, Cal., Sept 83. —John
O'Brien, who was arrested for robbing
a saloon till and locked up after
knocking down three policemen, came
into prominence during the great
strike of ’i'3. lie founded and edited
a radical daily uewspaper called the
Railroad Man’s Advocate, nnd for a
few weeks lie coined money. Kvury
merchunt was anxious to advertise In
it and every body wanted to buy It,
but when the strike collapsed the
paper wen', out of existence.
Ottawa, Ontario, Kept 24.—Tim
secretary of state to-day said the de
cision of Attorney Oeneral McKenna
at Washington against section 22 of
the Dingley tariff law had been re
ceived by the Dominion government
with much satisfaction. The officials
regarded the deeislou aa evidence of
friendliness upuu the part of tha
United States toward t’anada.
Another Oavlt Viator j.
Washinotom, Sept. ?4. —The Pres
ident has appointed J. D. Uoldsby
postmaster at Westport, Mo. Uolbsby's
principal opponent waa V’. J. Hants, n
member of the Westport city council,
who was Indorsrd by Major Warner,
Uardinrr l.sthrop, J. H. Neff and IL
C. Kerens. Uoldsby had the indorse
ment of Webster Davis
Monitor I'ttltaa t'orrerpuatleule WetiMeii.
Wasiiinhton, Kept. 3J.-Ueorge K.
llrvson, the war correspondent re
cently espelttd from Cuba in connec
tion with the ('lsueroe affair, waa
married here yesterday to Mias Millia
Marlon Kendrick of Jacksonville, Kla.,
who waa a correspondent lu Kastern
t uba While Mr. Hrysou was in lletaas
MlaeUlSe S»||M for Mrs Me Mislay.
W ssHisuros. Sept 33 — Joseph I-a
due, the Alaskan plouesr, called on
President McKinley yesterday He
was press tiled by Secretary Alger
Heft re leaving the White house, Mr
Imdu* presented Mrs. McKinley w ith
a half ottnee nugget of virgin gold
Secretary Alger also received a *»*«*#
ulr Kh-adihe nugget.
t slteriee Moos SgtsoUlug
ktStliMt, N. t "ept H the
national nohrvsw of the I nitartni
and other vharches was sailed to or
f ,|«r to day hy the president of thv a»
[ vocation. I uite.l "tales "ennto*
, ' le or go t H»ar. In a few words of 1
l welcome i halt waa of the vooaetl, !
i Her M J "stage It It of New
I' loth, the" read the address p**e*"l !
tag the stth|rete to eowe he fore the
■ conference fhe greatest hindrance
j to the weltiatleation of 1 nltartnn
I sale the addreae. ta the
I spread of t altar me tteeirinea ta ether
I rati ehea I
Contention la That n Man Holding n l-eneg
ot School l end Coder the Old Cate
Had tha Might lo I’nrrhaaa—
What tha Na<r Enactment
Haa Provided.
!.eaaeh»lder*a Right to Parrltnae.
The constitutionality of the new
school land law is to lie tested in the
courts, the preliminary steps to that
end having liecn made by Conley A
J niton, attorneys of Pawnee City.
They will bring the ease in the name
of 'I*. Patterson of Pawnee county, who
resides on some school land anti desires
to buy it. Their contention will lie
that a man holding u lease of land tin*
der the old law also hut I the right to
buy the land from the state, and that
so long ns lie holds the lease the right
to purchase cannot la; taken from him
hy legislative enactment. Tim new
law provided that, after July 0, 1SU7,
the sale of tehtiol lands should cease.
When the new suit was brought to the
attention of the land commissioner It
was ascertained that the land held hy
Patterson was in another man's name,
an assignment made some years ago
not having tieen recorded, and the full
record will have to he made before Pat
terson ran go ahead with the suit. It
is learned similar eases have been
talked of from other parts of the stub-,
hut. the Pawnee parties are the first to
make a derided move toward testing
the new Jaw.
Mortgages Piled sod Released.
The office of the bureau of lalstr sta
tistics had collected from the county
officers of the state reeordsof the mort
gaged indebtedness, showing the new
mortgages filed and the releases en
tered during the first six months of the
year l*i»7. This record shows the,
mortgages In three classes, those- on
farm property, those on elty rcul es
tate, uml those on chattels. The rec
ord is complete on farm mortgages tiled
from all the counties of the state, ex
cept Arthur, II,-inner nod Grant,
In the oftlce of the register of deeds
the sales under foreclosure are entered
and when the district court clerk certi
fies that a mortgage has been foreclosed
it is counted us a mortgage released.
Thus the reduction of mortgage Indebt
edness has these foreclosures included
in the gross sum.
.Several of the counties, including tbe
large ones of Douglas, Dam aster. Gage
and Cass, with others, have not re
ported the amount of these mortgages
foreclosed. There are twenty-six of
these counties not reporting this Item,
and Chief Clerk Kdgertou lias estimated
by a system which proves to lie approx
imately correct, the amount, of fore
closures lu these counties. All counties
report tin; number of foreclosures on
both farm lauds uml city and town
The six months' record shows that,
the farm mortgages tiled arc less than
the farm mortgages released in the
amount of 9954,306.14, uml that the
foreclosures on farm motgages amount
ed to 81,.'DO.l's.iitl. The total number
of farm mortgages Hied during tbe six
months was 0.589, uml the totul num
ber released, w hether by foreclosure or
otherwise, was M.oot.
The total number of city real estate
mortgages Hied was 2,182. amounting
to 91.883,173.58, and the total number
released was 2.990, amounting to93,
198,173.35, while tbe foreclosures on
city real estate numbered 741, amt
amounted to 91.012,321,95
The totul number of farm mortgages
foreclosed in tbe state (luring tbe pe
riod was 1,048.
Will Come to Omaha Most Year.
Ex-Senator Mamlcrson has received
an answer from the navy department
at Washington to bis request, made
some time ago, that parts of tbe old
battleship "Omaha’' lie sent to that
city for exhibition at tbe Trans-Missis
sippi and International exposition and
for permanent keeping in tbe elty
public library after the close of the
exposition. Theodore Roosevelt, as
sistant seerctury of tbe navy, has given
tbe matter careful consideration, ami
as a result of bis investigations. Die
billet-head and the bell will form a
part of ttu army Hud navy exhibit of
the exposition next year.
In his letter to lieneral Manderson
Mr. Koosevelt states tiiat the billet
head and the bell are the only parts of
the old bath-ship, which now docs duty
as a <iuaruntiuc station at Mure Island
on the I'acitfc coast, that are feasible
tO exhibit. As for the permanent ex
hibition of these parts in the public
library, the navy department suggests
that it would tUH« a s|>cciul net of con
gress to authorize the transfer, tien
eral Manderson thinks that th-s could
1st secured without difficulty.
rrult Dlsplar si tbs Pair.
The State Horticultural society made
a larger and better exhibit than last
season about 3,tsio plates of excellent
Hiiallty and great variety, in addition
to the usual dispiay of npulcs, |M-ars,
peaches, plums ami grape*. In tempting
ipialltv and form, they hud pawpaws
from Nemaha county, butternuts ami
chesuuts from Washington couuty.
liulTalo couuty scut hi a line display of
peaches, showing tlisl the area suited
to peaches is not limited to the custern
or southern portlous of the state.
Marses ll|ls| af a PseaMar lossass.
A great many horse* are raported
dyiug in the vicinity of Ulsing ' ily
from a spinal disease of peculiar fatal
iti Hr Koaler a prominent vrteriuu
rlan of tiaUshurg. lit, who has lately
visited that section, says that Ibis dis
ease Is fatally prevalent In Hliuola,
mute horses la-lug loat In that state by
reason of It than front ail other die
rasas comhMted There warns to tar no
vat* fur it.
tibeg* la isa aeprem* 1 *s«.
Attorney lieneral **uyth has Alerl n
or-it tarn la Hot ts|g«ae court ashing tor
.lotus** I of the proceedings tn error tn
the case of Menjnntin I* MUM against
the stale and si- or.Ur directing the
district court of Itarlancounty to entry
out the judgment and senMnce for the
reason Inal the plaintiff in row hna
failed to AU hU brief within the tune
MawrlW-l hy the san-cme court Mr
Mots was sentrn.sat tat the peMltee
Hart M riotntingthe banking tn<* A
similar u,“H.ut was A led hy the a l lor
ney general tn the appeal uf es Slats
11«see>at Marti* i
Spain I.milling for gnlrt Helllanirnt ol
MADRID, Sept. 24.—The <orre*non
ilenciit I)e Hupana a**ert* that pour
parlour* are proceeding between the
United State* anil Spain for a friendly
kftttlenient of ulTelra In Cuba.
KI Kpoca. after denouncing »* “-*n
eatlonal" the ktory of an ultlmatnm,
point* out that the Cuban* have not
bean at war with Spain without the
moral and material co-opcratlcn of
the American people.
There I* a great deal of comment a*
to the orlgiu of the ultimatum rejw>rt
It ha* bean attributed to a foreign
ambaaaador, but all the ainba**adore
deny re*pon*lblllty for it.
The people do not think that war In
Inevitable. It I* aanerted that the
Liberal* will eoon form a cabinet and
that on the return of the ipieen from
San Sebaktian to Madrid, < aptaln
General Weyler will be recalled from
Cuba and autonomy i-ktubllkbed in the
island, thu* leaving no pretext for the
intervention of the United Slate*.
• The mlnlatcr of murine Admiral De
Iterangol, *ay» that three crulner* will
ahortly lie finlehed and ready for *er
Lonoor, Sept, 24. —A diapatch to
the Standard from Han Ncba*tian *ay«:
“Freeh communication* have pn**ed
between United Slate* Mlnlatcr Wood
ford and the Duke of Tetuan confirm
ing the view* of the United State* a*
stated by the American mlnlatcr laat
Saturday. Doth pre*» and public re
ceived the Intimation of tlie attitude
of the American government v. ith *ur
prl*e and Incredulity. Kven now
moat Spaniard* are loth to believe the
United State* in in e*rnr*t In offering
In the mtddla of September media
tion, which I* certain to be followed
In November by a declaration
a I. .. A 1A I. Ass... Lion Atnawionn
action because opinion In flic l ulled
State* eaU* for a decisive policy and
because tbe Cubans will •egayt noth
ing short of independence. The Span
iard* cannot realize that 1'resldent
McKinley bad finally made up ids
in I ud before lie entrusted Minister
Woodford with precise instructions
polite but clear, and peremptory. All
this place* tbe government In a most
difficult situation, and es|H-cially asit
lias not atdileved the desired reorgani
zation of the Conservative--, and lias
become involved In equally trouble
some conflict* with thu bishop* und
*’lt I* strange to notice bow the
Spaniard* are already discussing
whether Nngasta and the Liberal* arc
not likely to come to an understand
ing with the United Slate* and the
Cubans, and.failing such a conciliatory
course, whether patriotic conditions
might induce all conservatives to
gather around a st rong administration
presided over by General Azearraga or
fieneral Campos to defend Spanish
rights.” _
American gadsratloa of labor Issoc*
an Address to Trade* Colon*
WASIIIHOTON. Sept. 3i.-The execu
tive council of the American Feder
ation of labor met yesterday at the
headquarters of the organization in
this city, to discus* the mining situa
Tim council issued an addre*s which,
in part, follow*:
‘‘A call has gone forth to the trade
unions nnd public for a labor conven
tion in Chicago next Monday. The
ostensible objects arc to take measures
in aid of the miners' strike, and to off
set the sweeping powers of the court*
in granting injunctions in defiance of
]K>pular right* during labor disputes
"Theac object* arc very commenda
ble and worthy the active, practical
.support of every trade* unionist and
........... i,>.i„ ....... if..t
condition* have somewhat changed
since that convention tvas agreed upon.
This week, fully 7&.0U0 miners have
gone to work on terms fixed jointly by
the miners and operators. Jt is the
greatest victory gained by trades
anion* in years. It was won against
the combined power of wealth, judi
cial usurpations and inhuman tyr
"We can see no need for the labor
convention in t'hicago next Monday.
We advise our uulous not to be repre
sented there. The money it would
coat to send delegates would Itettergu
to help the siifTeriug miners and their
"It Is not by conventions, with irre
sponsible talk, inllauimatory declara
tion and revolutionary buncombe that
the cause of labor can la* advanced.
Violent appeala to the |iasslonsof the
multitude can serve no good purpose,
it is ouly by systematic organisation
of tlie work ins' people in trades
unlous, with uutted hearts and united
funds aud a fraternity of purpose
which knows no hounds of creed,
color, nationality or politics, that will
uplift the masses.
New Wls4» tiie*s Teas*.
I'msai wo. IV, Sept St —A new
window glass trust, to be known as
the American Window ideas associa
tion, was organised hem to day. I he
new combination represents n capital
of ttu.Uou.OHi and includes all of the
principal paints of the l nited Mates
It le very probable thet a decided ad
vence In prices wilt soon follow.
Per tarrllM tits Msea
Msttia Da. kept >1 Ike great
lory returned a true bill against
1 homes t isiir.t, ehergvd with assault
lag bis little Ihlrti "id niece Miss
May Hiss, daughter of a prominent
farater af this count, tooiev la it
tetede ptsrstu* Ptre tests Pfaset
Tot atm. lMiio, Kept y i —The t*W
Hack as elevator, at the corner ol
Water ant Adams streets burned last
ntghk t oe loss will ay (repute |M,*y t
— I
Ksy West, I'lo., Sept. 25.—Hylvanu* V K
.tot nson was hanged here at 11:.U \ V
o' dock yesterday for criminal assault. /i/J
The hungmao bungled the execution
the knot slipping nnder tlie emu.
Johnson struggled violently for ten
minutes, and was still alive at tlie ft
end of twenty-five ininutea. Ho con
fessed his crime, professed conversnm ftJf J
and died forgiving and blessing bis, ■ ft
enemies. An orderly crowd witness*!^,
the execution. M, ,
Nielli Tratss la Texas «»
11a i i as, Texas, Kept 85, —On »c- Ij
count of the yellow fever scare aud Ml
rigid quarantine regulations by state,
county and city authorities, all night, ft
trains on ths Houston A. Texas Ceu- '
(ml road and other Huntington ays- ml
tain lines have been ordered taken off
und the day service ha* hean largely ft
curtailed. Travel over the state I* al- ft
must parulv/sd. t
Alaska t'asloma Insprctnrs Naius,I \
Wasiiixotox, Kept. 8 5,—Tho seerc-^T
tary of the treasury has appointed^
Thpmas M. I,uke, T. A, Miirquam, ft
Kmanuel llermium and Charles I.
Koth aa customs inspectors at Sitka,
Alaska, at per day each. These up* I
polntmcnta were made necessary by
theexodn* to the Klondike rogioua #
Tr<po|p« Off for AU»k» WjM
Wasiuxotox. Sept. 85. — \ tele^rAiu
was received at tlie war dopartuw#t
to-day from IJeuteiiant Colonel Kan
ilall al Seattle, Wash., announcing <
Ms departure upon tlie steamer Hum
iioldt for fit. Michael* at X o’clock last I
nig! , The party consists of thirty f
two men, Including officer* and men.
Miss B«*m Weleoined at Hutchinson
III icuixfOT, Kan., Sept 85,—When
Miss Kva Berm, formerly money order
clerk in the postofliee here, relurunU
last plght front Wichita, Kan., where
she had been acquitted of einb«-/./.lr
merit, a large crowd welcome,i (her
wit n a bras* band, and she was drftwu.
In uu open carriage to her home.
| Imllu* Miner* Becar* Cnneeeelone.
' WaHMINBTOB, Ind., Sept. 25—Tho
Montgomery coal miner* went to
work in a* body to-day. The prim
paid for mining will In-the same a*
tiefore; hut the miner* will lie charged
let* for their powder and oil.
nr* MartiInr Morrm •nl*. — Copyright**
Above are given illustration* of threw
machine movement*, which netted their ,
originator* fortune*. 'I'lii* i* e*|>eciaily
I rue of the worm arid chain gear. A
mechanism for disengaging the eccen
tric rod, A, from the valve rod, It. Is
shown, a* is also an ordinary groove
heart cam. Inventors and other* de
siring information as to inventions ai. %
patent, should address Sue* A. Co., pais
Hit experts, Itee building. Omaha. Noli.
low* Patent llltlrs Itaport.
I Thirty patent* were issued Aug. .'ll
to one inventor, F. II. Richards, of
Hartford, Conn, for thirty different
weighing machines.
The secretary of a company in Rake
View, Iowa, say*: "We recorded our as
signment in the county where we do
business," and asks, "Should it he re
corded anywhere else'.’"'
Answer: Recording any paper that
affects the title tog patented invention
in a county or state is not a legal no
tice to the public. The following is
the law upon the subject:
See. 4Mil*. Every patent, or any inter
est therein, shall be assignable in law
liv an instrument in writing and the
. - i • (_ .. ■ __1 __
jmUTIWI- Ul mr» ■ vr*
sentativcs may in like manner grant
and convey an exclusive right under
lim patent to the whole or any »peciflc<l
part of the l'nited States. An assign
ment, grant or conveyance shall lie
void as against any subsequent pur
chaser or mortgagee for a valuable
consideration, without notice, unless it
! is recorded in the patent office within
three months from the date thereof, m
Thus. 0. a.mj J. Rai.I'11 Oitwio, I 1
Solicitors of Patents
I)c« Moines, la., Sept. 13, lHir,'.
quotations From Nan York. Chicago, St.
I.oul*. Omaha anil Klsearliere. _
llulier Crttnme/y sepumtor 11 tf> IS
i duller Choice fancy country in t« I’!
I tings Fresh . 13 It It's
rttirhiK< liUkuii* Per lb.. 1 w »'s
Ileus per lb. SHlt 7
I Turkey*, per ilk . T 4» tW
Pigeons iTve . ...... .... . il V* ttu
lemons Choice Messina*.. 4 2t a I f*>
Honey Choice, per Ilk ... 12 W 14
Onions perbtl. - h* ** h>
Cranlsirrles. t i*pr Cod. per bid. * hi 41 I Pi
Iteans Handpicked Nary .... I* a* IP1
potaioes perlite,.... .... . #*• 44 **•
lie sun I dm Clndre tireeu.. 3 4* 3'A
Oranges perhoa.4 W 4* I hi
Apple* Per Itbl -.. I M die
llay I’pland perton .... 4 >«t 44 4 hi
Hoars Choice light ... , . 4 Pt 44 * ah
liotfs Heavy avlghta . 3 **• *4 t *•
Meet steers ..4 4# 44*1*1
Mulla.... I" *>i
Slag* ... .... 3 73 44 4 M
Calveu. ,.... ... w 73 lean*
II < stern Feeders 8 i t *s 4 4*
c.oa* .. •«* i» i a»
jUbM, ...... , ..... .. .. 1 »• 44 .1 rv
Stis'kers and I «ed, r* 3 a* 44 a 4*
Sheep Hotels l.auilts I It W l( ft*
aheap Nall a* ewe* a 73 44 4*
i lilt Ann
Wheat No 3 spaing ... ..... Wt 44 $>‘4
Coca pea to* t> ft •* a
• i«te p* r In* » 44 4* •
eilkl No. 4 Mhg 4i
ye Was } .. 4} 44 C'«
P.rk 4 kt It . C
i.etd per S* the * ■** U I rt
CultW t hol-’s l»e » *»** r* t a** II ' * 4
turtle HiatalS ilispfi t tl dtp
II.«s P* in, light 4 ft ||k
eh,re Native can.las t S’ 4ft * Sa
*h, 1 p * it ego** 4 si *4 k 1
NKW 1010*
Win *t the A mi tt later *1 ifsa aft
, » a 4) *
i ■ • '
r*\ ! ! *! 2
l 4ki I ^ n ■ m
k 1 itv
H»k k I f
tuft \ - $ 1* top
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4 «Uk «w4 l4«4t l4 1 *' 1# I 9
" * 1 • 1111
»tft««* Ibttk M I I « » •