The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 01, 1897, Image 1
I' r Loup ITl..... .. . L VOL, XIV. NUMBER 30 I The N orthwestern '•MJBI.ISHKD P.VKRY FRIDAY AT Til K COUNTY SKAT. | ft BO. 1C. IIHRACIIOTMII. Editor and Publisher. TEHIdS 81 60 ppr Yssr. II Pxld in Advsn«s •■Ui»t u IM Ixmp rtty •'uotnfflra tot «raa» nlMlUB Uiroufb Ik* Inolli u i»m«4. • IlM urtiui, j REPUBLICAN TICKET. L -0 STATE TICKET. ^ r ror Julian of Ilia Supreme Court. A. M I'08T. ■ Em ItaKaiita of tbn Stale University, § JOHN N. DRYDKN, I W. KAI.KY S Tin: went side pop, whose letter appears in another column of this puper, in answer to the letter of the . east side pop has seen fit to bring the Northwestern into the contro versy, because we ut one time saw 111 to mukc favorable mention of Mr. Iladuru as a candidate. In making such comment we had no intention ul the lime of supporting Mr l{iidiini hut mill' Hiioke uf him us being u good man who should command hi* party vote. The letter brings u* to task because we *tuted that Mr. Buduru bus ex tensive interests here. Ho we uu derstood it at the time, but if Mr. West Hide is correct in his slate men l that Baduru’s interests are in Vork Htute. we will have to take it back. Ho fur a* John Minshull i* conceived we have net made any , eiiitorlal attack upon him, except I a few hue comment on the let'er written by Mr. Hast Hide, regerdiug j In* being ulile lo hold on lo an ortb.c afl■ ei on*gi;*tfr.g pcccnnion. Our biihiuees relations with John while he wus a member of the county bouid have always been pleasant, ^ If (he east and we*t side populisl* eauool agree, that i* their own fault, and if' they choose to use these col umn* to state the ease to the people we will grunt them what little space we have to spare. \v c slop me press to announce die result of the republican coun ty convention which was held Ibis sfieriuoou in the Walworth hall, ami also to say that the candidates arc all com pi lent, housel and well ijualillud for tbe respective position for which they have been chosen: For Clerk, John Hopper; Treasurer, Geo. Newberg, Judge, K. Munn, Sheriff, I). Orinsbee; Supt. Mrs. A. J. Kearns; Coroner, Mrs. Mary K. Hendrickson; Surveyor, Walter Moon The Tunes said last week, “the idea of a populist wriltug a letter for publication in a republican pa per. ” We ask, is it any more 7 strange that tiiey should do so than It is for popu lists to quit their sub scription to tbe Times und subscribe for the North writhin'/ Such lias been the ease in many instances. Hut Hmwu hiuwlf has made even more radical changes than that, lie has tii'eii knowu to change his |io|iiies in mm day The democratic anil populist o in ventions o| Half do county were lo Id last week both on the same day with a view to fuaiuu. They failed to fuse, however, aud each convention put a full county ticket la die Held The Haveuua News a pop o cratic fno nest organ says that tire spilt up i« liable to |eantl in the election of ||m cuttle repul V f an i -mi. l y I lye! * ha trpututcan judicial cousin II* tt was he 1 ill It ay enua y nlyni,y and lvaults.I in the to'iuiua i-Mt of HimoR 1‘amarcu, of lb ken it, * lily cariUVUlHM* Mis* to, lilt d Judge tissue <m» 1 he .III ,, dc. lined the Setio »l mi | .i l uuioi, Ml, »t a aaeiou y. a u»au oi - »|i-res * Rud sbilbi and will v»i», uMt full The expenses of the Agrieulutrul Fair Association this year (or pre iiims, Labor,. Improvements and •ports tire as follows; PREMIUMS VV. T. Draper.$2 00 VV. L. I). Auble. J 00 Nets .. 2 00 A. Hutton,. 3 00 H. J. Johansen. 9 60 VV. F. Carrutb. 4 00 J. T. Mule. 2 00 H, G. Patton,. 2 00 Mrs, Geo. Lee;. 3 75 Camion Truslsen,. 0 60 A. Kansgan,. 4 00 A. J. Kearns,-. 1 25 l. H. Sheppard. 50 K. K. Ditto. LOO Mrs. Gbas Austin. 75 Edith Kentfrow. 50 Mrs, VV. A. Conger.,. 2 50 li. Jenncr. 3 90 W. J. Muliek. 26 Mrs J L. Hawk. 2 76 Mrs. Jus Lee. 59 f.ABOR. U. Voung. 40 VV. It. Mellor. « 00 0. J. Bolt. I 25 C. Gannon.. I 26 Tbos. Wolfe. 2 00 C. L. Drake. 7 60 Joseph I'riess. 1 00 VV. It Mellor.25 00 Goo. VV. Hunter. 6 00 v,. * a on J, Cole. 5 50 Jacob Albers.. 3 00 W. 8. Waite. 120 Clots. French. 4 25 8 (}. Woo key. 1 65 I’. Howe_‘. 8 00 J Winkle man. 6 00 Fred Wiukleiuan. 3 00 IM I'UOVEMKN'rS T L. Pdger.20 60 I. • v -• t' »• I,umber Company .. ll 25 I I.. I’ilger.25 00 Odcmlahl Bros.. 8 80 K 8. Ho hurst. 4 25 Sl’OHTH. ,M I: k. 3<i()0 I, MIIburn.28 50 J W. Landers. 5 00 .1 N ]> Auble.20 00 Bavage Bros.. . 28 60 W. I >. Basil melt. 0 50 I ’arl Willard. 4 00 It. (.FBrvnii. 0 00 H. Copeleii. 4 50 Fred Jens. I 40 I'KINTINI). K. A Hrown. 3 50 <jeo. K. Benscboler. 7 40 ijlnhfli bl Monitor. 2 00 .lust Wlitl W« Want. Yes, desr democratic friends, tlm tariff will increase the cost of living. It lias already done so. Wheat is higher, corn, hogs, cattle uud all food productions arc higher iliun they were. The cost of living will be, and has ulready been, increased by the Dmgley Hill. Hut that’s what we want, tis what the furmers the business meo, the professional men and even the luboring men living means increased revenues for the people , more thrift, more enter prise, more prosperity .more business more work and better wages. The tariff makes every thing higher, that's just what we el aim for it. If it did not do that we would not whhi it. We believe in high prises, in dear tilings, in good wages in high prised men. No matter how cheap the tlie cost of living to men who are out of work If bread is only « cent a loaf their children niuat cry f ir bread unless they have the cent to buy it with No wages mean m loaves of bread per day, eveu when 11read is a penny a loaf, but two dot are a tint means III loaveaof bread a da\ evin a. live cent* per loaf.— York Times. There i» sedans* iu Imms of Mi | Patti** i*. living lour Vlrduirtte, ibis < <. •iixtied by ihe burning of a targe tr**me l>ara tu which »s* burned i rath itn r little four year ul I n >ugh>* t unit four head uf horses, The I l' <* •* u11* I ! **i Tut*'.1st about m***m; . • I ' Mi I’aulteti asa away at I its hit*Id dust haw the Mrs origin * t <1 ns l><> - not bstSfii but tl Is i* 1 "II-.til *• oml chlidrsu. sirsilN'ii • *• to** nor# |*Ut l<(g in the toll of *' ti it grM broke out. and all ■ ' 11 .ul **t»p»d aha eta. 1 ul1 In m i|w btil I ' g ** I <*• up sn»i frightenml a u I • I ■ sek nlo lb* Asm* . , a|, hi i .'.tit tut h h'sdwav lk*l ‘ *» * > t '*W |« as** b* r Tb* 1 toott..i .»* i * u. « i bildrse w«rs hurilk slatth* i*t-I sttus*loo A* sown » t b*tp * - <utut**t,*4 tits *b Id • *< taken out. 'I'lie body was burned to n crlap and both arms and one leg was nearly reduced to ashes, Kniroit Northwestern: Having read the open letter to John .Minshull in your paper of two weeks ago and written by a pretend ed friend of the populist party, who sign* himself an ‘ Hast Hide Pop I would thank you for a little space iu which to reply, ills quite evident to (be populists here iri Harrison township that a certain faction of our party rcsidiug in the east part of the county are secretly opposing Mr. Minshull, in fact it is reported that the Pol ish people are organized for Madura I notice, too, your favorable coin rneul editorially for Madura and preaurae you huve fixed the matter up with them and propose to trade your iulluance in Madura’s behalf for that of their* in behalf of the re publican candidate for clerk, who ever he may be. The west side populists are not favorable to such a scheme and Hu dlira's friends will do well to con sider the situation before slinging to much mini. Of the two candi dates there is no doubt but what Mr. Minsbull’s chances are much better than Madura’s, Von said in vour editorial that Medurn bad "ex tensive interests” etc. He may tmve but if 1 am correctly informed iibout all be owns is buck in New York Htute, ami so fur as bis ertlc iency in public matters is concerned lie has miido no better record, if ns good us Mr. Minsbull. Now if you intend to support Badura why don't you say ho, Mr. George, mid if the east side populists indeed to sup port the republican candidate f clerk why don't they out with it Mr. Minsbull will get. lot- of tv publican votes from tin- west fid., am'neither the Noktiiwk* i khn m the Pol,sli element of the populi party can prevent it. Your# for o'.ioi'ui Wk^T SlDK Pol*, 11 fit K II otcIlKin, the* new pripri etor of the Loup t'it\ KoII**r mills comes out, with the following notice to tlie public: The Loup City Keller Mills h» bcun idle for the past three months, meantime it hto gone through u won d'erful change, All the old holting iniichinery lias lieun thrown cut and new, of the latest design, put in li is now complete, and is turning out, AS GOOD GOODS AS IS ON TilK MAKKKT, which we lolly warrant. Now after muking this change ai an expense of nearly three thousand dollars, so to give ],oup City and surrounding country a mill that would turn oui Hour that the people need not be ashamed of, all we usk is fi r you to try it, and if it iH as represented use no other. Why buy foreign goods and pay freight on wlieat out uint Hour in, ' when home goods are as good (not to say heller, that would he boasting) as can be got of any mill in the state? Those wishing to store wheat and get flour in exchange can do so if brought in before winter sets in and iue shuts the mill down, we then eun grind it and store flour to last through the winter montha. Loup City Uou.kk Mii.i.s, Gko. K. Hotoii kin, Proprietor. HOW TO FIND OUT. Kill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an uu healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen It D evidence of kid uey trouble Two frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, la aUo con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out ut order wit vr tu no Thai a is cotnfort ill the kli iwp'dge >o 'often expreseed, tint Dr Kilmer* Xw amp Hoof, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish to relieving pain In the back, kidneys, liver Mud>h’r and every par* nt the urinary ’ms»*ges D i't)| fi t t• UmHlItl.i tu tititvilt* 4in) m <* M iittf tu It, uf (Mil tfJttH lulllMltlg M«# tt*|M If, %* U! I Iff tNN’ft liiil MU IrtilHfi iMt PU bV,'v «s Itjr ut til Igx# |t|< lit < I | O !*,«»• till! * lift tt*< |U ttf <(« *»» | l u* j mtl*l Mul lt»* r ilMiuritltf «i* iflul u| H > U M M II . # t |F af v, - ! Ittr f *♦# it* *fif+.»f| fill ptitp* i : Iltr IlfHst i|U*F«*« t J V . |f k if | k , • * it t*n* tt>«* i uu «tu viiil hit** i , f If»t« 4**1 ;«*«»' biui V * tu*t ti *** « 1 luttft I Mint |*|« Ml ||h»t t ill* M'»,$ !t«l I by Hull H#Fstt« « lb# I *dil *FI» I )U|M |U ||| + A l’« , tt.ugt antfon. \ Y i t* • p«>< prtalM* of ibl*paper (utituo: the gea I nlavoes* of this offvt. - - —...... REPORT OF THE CONDITION —OF— First Bank of Ldip Oily. < || \IM’KK NO. VA) M l,ul I* cm, IN IIIKMATK OF NKH If \ s k A , A T TIIB ClAJHK OF IM 8INKM. HKPTKMIlKIt H|h, 1HD7 HKHOt/ftOBn. I ,OU us and discount* . #28,H70.M Overdraft* secared and umwcured 789 a; Stocks, bonds. securities judgment*etc. 2UM Banking house furniture and fixtures 8.MHP.*? Otliir Beal Estate .. 7.77*.w Current expeose* and taxes paid.. I.*64,1# Due from National, Htate and Private hunks and hankers... |,ftft*.4*: Cush j Totai, iwITBS I.I A Itl I,I I I KB. Capital stock paid In. IW.000.WJ Undivided profits. 1.49*61 Individual deposit* subject to check. 16.770,92 Demand certl(lenten of deposit... iSmm Tot A I, State of Nebraska. » <’ountjr of Hhorrnun. ( t, A. P. Cullcy, Cashier of the above named bank do olmnly awear that the above state mentis true to the best of my knowledge and toiler a V. C0m,iby. Cashier ATTEST D. C. Dog. Director, A. P. cp/,M..Y. Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this li day of September. 1*97. H. J NniBTDfUAMI [skai,! Notary Public. My Commission expires March 17th 1908. $7,800 Given Away Ti persons who make tho greatest num by of w ord* out of the phrase, “Patent Attorney VVedderburn.” For particu lar* address the Natlonol Becorder, Washington,l) C. "Wanted* AGKNTS; In every dlstilot on the continent to take orders for high grade i aii cdlm grown Nursery Stock ,ii,| seed - I irgrrt and tno»t eomplat* a - - it m I-111 In the Hade. Fust selling r j--eialt le sn|,b- rb sample* furnished fi ; i- - le-puudaocc In any language. 'J'i.e,e poxltioi. are money makers, ami fenjtni v should I,e secured at, once foi - • |>j ill Imstler* looking for i gum] thing. Ottr salary or eommlsslor oil' r* nil liti-r -t anyone not earning $1,000 (i() per yi r. Get In coiiininiiica linn with our nearest office An opportunity to represent u well established house Ability more Import ant t ban expel ience. I.IKK liUOTIims (foMI-ASy Ineriiatlul Nurseries, Chicago, I I: Montreal, (Jue. Bm-ln-xt r N. Y _ FKKK HI' YGI.KS. The Slate Journal Is oll'erln > a Mrs class bicycle free tu any person win will get up s club of 100 yearly sub serlhci* fur Hie Semi-Weekly Journs at $1.00 each. l ie- blcy eles are covi rei liv ns strong a guarantee as any *100 n Wheel and am llrst emss In even n spent. Anv young man nr «o mail ean no v earn a tdi-icl-1 II \ *u Ond a*iin ealinot get the reipdn •< inimiier a I Ultra cash i- mutlssion .'ib t> - allow ed you for each subscript!" t you d get. You can get all your fi leuda am neighbors to take iln* SetiU-Wcckb Stale Journal m $1 tit) » 'ear. Addresi, IJneoln, Neb. W ANTED Agent) Both Men and Women If you ar willing to work, wo can give yoi employment with GOOD FAY. aui you uan work all or part of Hie time ami at home or traveling. The worl In light am) easy. Write at once fo terms, etc., to T'nk Hawks Nukmlky Comiiany .Milwaukee, Wle. T INKS, 1 • l-Hof or EXPRESS and GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All ►. ur I ring III OStiri |>niui|ill | atlnuiliHl to | I »|» ft. Mtilll lV 1AI.K, LAWYER. Ones i Stieni uv iM rmticusi Btsim % > i t- k t'ltilL , •«(! fY^vitikii lu oMI«« «*Ntt $• t.fc Ha*UIII *H Mlr»f ttltT I'm. • • HUItUA Atlnr t; tiicwi-Ltttw, »MI1 t in liutxlosmc i u* >.»l k I K tit sHikits £ iUM 1) » |>OE. A.-P. GULLEY, Vlee-Pmuldcnt. OmImm, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Bualneee Transact**. Capital Stock, $60 ,000. Loom on laaprored (arm* at KERB par ooot. Boat Oaaopaap aatf BK MB tabahatflathaMM Ooaaaavovoam:— Chemical Ratfaaal Baak, Raw York GBp, I. Ij Catfl r a lain I Baaa- umaAa. Rokaaaka W .1. FISHER, OKU. E. BENSCHOTBB, Attornny and Notary Pultlln. Poi»ll»h«r Loui* Orrr NoKmtruTBiiN FISHER & HEN8CHOTER, RE.1E ESTATE •0GEJVT&. LOUP err?. NEBRASKA. 'J iwn Lots, Wild, Cultivated uid Irrigated Lauds for 3«1« » * <r v y v tapauiy ti|tiwnp*|niirui »uj; -mon ttaidi*| ttujoj • (40 U404J p»4|p Anq — not jayuuitua)| ^ ® Aauoui 9 tqt pun>»4 1||M *M -% pafjfjtvv pa; *uu noA S Pinout put ttftitip ttfjdxt Aid #m fc#| if|u pu* » adv) 'anJJojejpa *5 'ojdujtt noX Hupq 5 11 I/A duirpi at v f; ‘ -jqap/A g put m»»u oijt £ rpaui»/A m*u»| klu| IT *A|*’iio;) q»$ « JOj * to ttutt tintoyii ~;Ajn’p iiijfj #iwu oq) J dfP1 •/ " io junoaoo uo aapd 1 •- 1WI tq» •iqnopj€»i«i#q> i * titajidnp oi «|q* S on joq him ®m ino pttop *Jt mm||J9)J* ). oortf JO pJMi’jai «j» I4»mn tAoqy 'M3**! \ jtojqi put jt(ioa W40J4 u«p *4)W MP / p-Arj j ipMpuo ptujoj; fitipod lit flopij \ p^NUpi '•Mu|uu p|»|d u*aoaa XAtaq *4)X9 1 ui|/A inouttnuiqi pauj| tuittf fiijiJ iJ))M \ *M«pq |r»a jad tt p#it»»4q*»iqnopon#piU4 |»j« A *i| i u«|jaiKUJ »qi uo XniPAH4*»Avau •in utqj *%ai ti tapd tAoqy ‘Aauoui inoX jo; •njtA* qant n«| o| tautqj • <A»I| noli U|»*B JtA«»W»dOid put Muiqpp io Xjopiu tqi u| OJOjaq joaou oif ••aiitfivunM 49«j 9til until tvai JAoqt aqi )• uiaqi fl*« °* •piv *i« -»m ajojaiaqx •aypatt * i« «aaa|a oooq ;o aiap.q qtpi qa*IU PU» Xf4i Jpqi io uoipnpoid ajuua aqi flupdq l*t| iqtnoq jm pu»|ai| u| HIM uJl*AiV • J“l*“** .aidaj 'aiaqtmnon uO|«nuuK>;)l*»»i*l J4> / |0 auo fo ajn||iq aqtjo mnoaai Up ] CTo»«nnjprOT5 htM\ lzz\ ^ ~ V • ▼ ▼ ■919 - t Vui4tV4«0UI ‘0Jtl*»4UJ #Ji’l *U( • ' 10) dun’ll Jt pu4g •Xi0l '«*j*;i i I j|p«punj»i A|ii»)44jq3 A0uo,„ u4uj , , p0J»)t|fe0)| JO 44p40 A0UOU4 M04U* , •JIA)U'*“°<I 1>U*« ‘iu|4»p40 u#q/^\ I «|U«4 40} |4»M Cl , qjjojj uiojj ptif 'jwa »M* ,#AO *•!** puw j«v4jq 01)1 punojv 94n«90Mf j * :«l|ns t MP" A «9,u0Ui0jnwui o) mo;j ' 01) 9,«w,.,llu#tJi|'((i*lt,^»H>n"A ! jo; tpnu ipool turn ti| [ ■tp o» H •«> •oo pijio) u*o» inoA u| i| ; jouiiunoji jiuunu J«||tx woiu jo 1 qr.;l 11 p»q»|uu put ptuiuiui j Vr* < ■'J i ptiudiui Mi|M ptuii *t;Ai» »■ | ui Jpfui ‘ttf/tx jo IfJ j 'A i ) ‘i ..oifl Ajutq 'ioojw jjy Ui04j »p i •><) oj p-jju»j»n») ■j . til piucul 01)1 UI04J IMJ1P IqAi I / I mi u«) noA tmM ^M!lC0'W$ •j'ftrto’SMI SBiW0 "v^uTultEtiTTS^ltpiSjMi**'™'... j*u iu'ii»u ’ •Wi2^VMWSmTU? » gigfcigyg^ gf - UJJIT4 40 «IT4 TWM Hl« ‘suns siNoav <sao8 |»1U BlOJttf Ittlfl HO ’A1DM0A M3NISIWHww OH Hd'JHUHNdMNI d f /. uadaaji »jo;spuD jaqqaptqj. Vf/Df»/OtyM •«/ -BBtiOH MOiaiutujoj aqj ^ < iyi, * *«)UOJj 3|a V no* S3A96 ipm/W ¥ JkiM f ; 'jnjcoyvv o> him o>OJH33J!a |)> jMr' .-«9r y y y qp- y y-y ~ y- y-*y "y- ■T"r'"f ** ,,r ^ ^ ^ 4wi*—-2«-—i • ■ i - 1 >• — • •*■♦•' * * • _ . : MONTHLY SUFFERING. i 'T’housandt of I women are troubled at monthly inter* Tala with paint in the head, back, breatta, tbouUlera.tidet hlpa and limbt. But tbey need • | not tatter, _ BThete paint are aymptoma of dangerous derangement* that I can t>e corrected. The men* atrual (unction ahould operate paiulcaaly. j mm4 tuakta menstruation paiulrta, and tegular. It putt the deli cate nteu«trua1 organ* iu eondl* I lion to do th*ir work properly. And that *topa nil tbit pain. Whv will any womau tufler ■tenth after ' ' aWiut HUMPHREYS’ No. 1 Cure* Fever. No. 2 " Worm*. No. 3 “ Infant*’ r>i««aaaa. No, 4 " Dmri No. 7 " Cou<i No. 8 Cure* Nem No, 0 " Head** No. 10 " Dy> No. 1 I “ DH da. No. 12 " Le> No. 13Cure*Crxn No. 14 M Skin No, 18 " Rheu •* No. 18 " Malai No. 10 ’* Catuii No. 80 Cure* Whoc>| **c No. SI '* Aethiru*. No. S4 “ Ceuernl No. £8 ’* S*#-Sw k i . No. 87 M Ktdn*y 1' • »' No. 88 Cure* N*rvou* M»*. % | No. 80 M Urinary t*• •** • ■ No. 82 ” H*art Du i No. 84 '* Sore Thiv i No. 77 M Cold* and '. 8*. lli'arauta' II nwfin* 1- . u* lunua U*u*>» l »»» umS MMa .T'^TuSLiJS * >*if« iirfi.« a • r- i*ll'W |l*1 Mi Mil Hutu**pi*1 *•* um 4V< ■ ****** Ml WVuMMM VtS Into HUMPHREY*’ WITOH HAZEL OIL