, , VI II - II .. II . For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb Uoaal Dsws. <;har. Oaateyer (hipped 27 ease* of egg* ye*terday. John Wall drove down from Arcadia Monday morning Mr*. Walworth and daughter Saddle went ea*t Tueaday. John Hopper purchased a i>r*n new buggy laat week. For wa*bing machine* and clothe* wringer* »e« T. M. Heed. K. A. Brown went to Omaha Tues day returning Wednesday. A. I*. Culley and wife went to Omaha Tueaday to attend the atatc fair For wagon*, boggle*, harne*#, tulkey, plow*, hardware, tinware, etc., oull on T. M. Reed. Mr, and Ml*. R*v. VVebiter darted Monday to attend conference at North Platte. T. M, ICeed aold two lumber wagon* thi* week. He Ira* *old aome *even or eight already LbU *eu»on. Judge Hunter h»* opened up hi* jiitiice ofllce In the bar room to the Maria volt building. J.T. Campbell, of Litchfield wa* a pie a* a (it caller at tdeac headquarter* while I n Loup ' By yecterday. M Stroud purchased one of our Book* of Fact* thi* week a* al»o did Will W hitman. Jlancy ('rl** Mine in )a*t Saturday and aipitred up for hi* paper. He will read the Nobtiiwkxtkun another year We acknowledge a pleaacnt call from Iietllf Peteraon lad Saturday who re no wed til* •ub»«rlptlon for another year. We are In receipt of cull for the Nat ional Irrigation Association Convention to be held In (ho city of Lincoln, Kept. 2X, 20 arid 30, IM>7. Two Good Things.—“77" for Grip Slid Colds; No. 10 for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion and weak stomach; 86 cents each, all druggists. You cannot a/l'ord to be without one of our hook of facta, it is worth dollar* to you and the cost of one la only fifty cents. C. Gasteyer started last Wednesday to Omaha to ntteml the State Fair ('barley will eomblne business with pleasure Dr. Palmer, of Lttchffeld made a professional trip to tint county seat. Tuesday, lie made this office a pleas ant call while in the city. A "Yankee Musical" will be held at the Ilnptist churoh, Tuesday evening September 2H. After which the II Y. I*. 1J. will serve refreshments. Lost A good M. \V. A. watch charm. Finder will he liberally rewarded by re turning Mime to owner. Alfred Anderson, Owner. We learn that S F Simpson and fam ily are talking of moving back to Loup City. Their many friends will be pleased to have them locate here again. Theo. Olendyke, of Ashton is men tioned us a probable candidate for county treasurer on the republican ticket. Mr OJcadyke will make un excellent officer. September 30. nt 2 o'clock p. in. Is the date set for the Republican Super visors convention of Logun and Wash Ington townships, to be held at Me Alpine. W. I’, Baird started lor (.'hieage l»st. Tuesday moron.g where he will visit for a tew weeks nnd lake in the sights of the great city. The North WKSTKliN will keep him posted during his absence. Twenty-live cents will pay for tin Twrlce-a-Week State .lonrnul from new until January I. IHliv The State Jour nal is Nebraska's greatest paper am gives more state capital news tb iu si other state papers combined. .1 (f. I‘ray had Just llulshed thresh Iny 1: *t week when hit granery whlab con tallied 7UO bushels of wheat gave way a the side ami the contents was thrown on the ground w ith such a force as ti send it several \ aril distance. The Seventh I>ay Adventists will holt a -eric* of meeting at their bull in till city nightly for a week, beglnnini Thursday. Sept ;to |snT There wl| la* two aide hi twisters In attendance All are Invited to come not aud aitcm these meeting*, Slid 111 ratten was selling up tb cigars Tuesday, the occasion belt, (•eeaus* of the at rival ot a nice bate Isay which cams to their house las Tuesday, It was the first Isas In th family and II ti, of eourae is slate over the (act ol u ludrg a boy, The It. aud M > o have been gtvlu US good Italuservice lot the past eeek and It Is greatly appreciated by our I III sew*. They have pot on an extra w hu la ru« as # special durtng th« stv'e fa r u« uederatend that the service will t cwntlntsed and a its• time eard luaug rated us-at hundat, A pain - wood and Spearllsh. write to Fransi G I' A, Omaha, Neb. Those who believe cron If diarrhoea to bn Incurable should read what Mr. I'. K Grisham, of Gaurs Mills, I,a. has to say on the subject, viz; "J have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea evei since the war and have tried all kinds of medicine for it. At last 1 founds medicine that effected a cure and that was Chamberlin's Colie, Chol era and,Diarrhoea Remedy." This Med Iclno can always be depended upon for colie, cholera morbus, dysentery and dirrhocu It la pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 sent sizes for sale by Odeudabl Bros. Miss Hattie Throckmorton who has been attending school in Loop City was called borne to stay a few days to entertain Icr eousln, Walter E, I’errener of Oregon, 111 .am) a friend, Mr. W, A Card, of Aurora, III, and assistant train master of the C. B A >g was mm. ,. Hopper tied || ■ hoi .. In i• the dog tool. Ills pin in to * Is was not untit ho nruf I ’ animal that Mr Hopper .. ’ be had got a dug to bo. t bargain. lint .lohn w .»iflrs. at, I the dog, although he lelt I, * > I him clear across the street 1 ; dog stood a tii I.M (rout feet . , manger pole, a grin on tits to.* . I twailltful lyey tike teeth ati bur t his sparkling eves daiiciug lu the light t and a tomb him if you .1 si a t \pit on his tHHikleruanve, all if winch '.>< I plainly Icdnaled that he was moui it , of all hesmveyed, The ilog was lakei , out of the mangel four .tiltstent ||m, ■ '*) Mi tlsosi holer and as many t me I lohn eras met In the same itianutr lit r the rsains \ ■ wosoler John fell , | bills pot uni aid ho Woa.fei he fet I (III* ImmMl*v| III* «|«*jg ihiI « hr lift*I 4 i,^I* •4ft lift fvftl lift' It.«sft I ftUftftft |k»r *4* J 4*4 If M 114*1 tMlty ilftivt) (ti 144(41 |t I •*%%* 4t>t*M|*ft* tf>ftttti*t hUJ. t- lM^a ! Hul J*‘h»» *4*fvl«4Ht |»(* twfttrf ju t** i I a a a * I m»i( 4*4*1 i4Mi tit* ftttfdni i f |)| |i«r I lUft tlft|«’f*4t*4, il«* I It** i|tt| . j III* t?*4* *444 4**% 1*1*41 utf 4**>| Hi I «#• ft l; ji ,’i 'ft ; " rainf.-ijice with snap ! I ' cl * iy:c . ■ i, of an old conch con i ■: v.ith a m;. i l which in days gone by had pc !y j been vi ry pretty chintz. Nowit ; t t borough ly disguised by the accumu lation of dirt. A real rag carpet covei • ed the fl<>or, but not a single picture was hung upon the walls, although standiug about the room were several pictures in various stages of progress, l'crmissiou was asked to examine them, and they were well worth seeing. One was a lurid representation of a powder explosion. Ho realistic wa* the picture that if you cared to place your linger on what were alleged to lie burn ing grains of powder you eould feel that the grains were there, though the artist denied that that was the intention. He said the painting was intended for a patron of his with two wooden legs, substitutes for the puir that a powder explosion robbed him of. The object of the painting wa* to *how the charitable stranger just how it happened, and the artist suid that in his mind there was no doubt that bis legless patron would greatly benefit by the scene thus placed on canvas. There was another picture, which rep resented tlie blowing up of a man-of-war. The flames that spouted from the decks of the unfortunate vessel were fur moro red than the light that shines from the chimneys of an iron mill at night. Na ture has never succeeded in producing anything qnite so glowing as unmiti gated red paint, und there was no lack of it in this picture. The persons who were sailing about in the air seemed to have suffered frightful injuries, and the artist said that this was purely to in voko sympathy for his customer, who was supposed to lie one of the actors in the scene so graphically portrayed. The price of such paintings varies from $3 to $12. The artist can complete one in ubout 1 1-2 hours, if he docs not hurry. If it is a rush order, the work can bo concluded within an hour, ujuu^u in uuu cunu mu prim i» uit icaw ed somewhat. When asked if he made much money by tliis sort of work, the artist replied that he did; tiiat lie gained more than many painters who wero striving to do great things are able to secure. His patrons were generally prompt pay—indeed the usual terms are cash on delivery. As for embarking in higher urt, the urtist would havuuone of it. lie tersely r- marled that lie would rather lie a I... ;U r for In gars than a beggar paint i .■: 1 i - he waved a gnodhy there was J . ■ 1. ■) leek on Ills face, which In* meant exactly what he i —- ; . i . I1.-* j-r, r ttrlek. «r ier ■«. 1 he tlrst tae k- tu.nc lit thl- ci V I 1* r building puti-wi. * Were li.ai.ufu. mr Id by r •i(i.(. in Vilgnua In l'il.‘ lleytt.K IlM-d lit till f 11* me*t loll l«f a ! (hutch t dilute «t JaUMMtUWIt and Hat i lestdcine of the govern-* «*t the slate I A part n( tin Jaueslett u t him U Is still i •saluting, and the tan Its am In a «• -4 , »i-d* of pr|.«|(M to all ktuds of srvaiher.o lto«to« Itudg. I Via a sal ona good u*nu (having $ h *r«*’ , a* (aniumal ispu.alamlSNl fur Sb lwiS I'dkklI, to altuud In out bln t ■■ • »« saury \4ift wad slong altli . at pimattaa, strung Irtlm at Ittam j uirioliltou o to b-iMtdi. Intsg'llv. sad **4 Illy. st.lr Mfi urdiii* \ him*. I* ju in v ttfcri 1‘hita I'. 1 u to mim 1 *^and see^f ! iiikI while you are there just a«k to see || Outing flannel at - - - .06 per yard. Gotten flannel at - - - .05 “ “ Lawrence or liadger State h L muslin .05 “ “ yR Dress Gingham at - - .07 Ac .09 “ “ 1*3 ^ Toweling at - - - .<’5 “ “ ^4 Fine black serge - - - .27 “ “ §5Xj Blankets at - - - .50 a pair ^ 5p GltOCEKIEK: 10 pounds granulated sugar - • 1.00 H “ package coflbe - * 1.00 12' “ evaporated apples • - l.<)0 ■ 12 1 “ evaporated peaches - - LOO A .‘52 bar laundry soap • - • LOO THE BUSIEST MAN 1.NTOWN. |yOjjfri call on T. M. BEED for a Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows or anything in this lino. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of Harness and Harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. HAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, - - • LOUP I ITV, NEBRASKA. Nebraska state fair. On the occasion of tlie Nebraska State Fair Oarnlvul of the Knights of Ak-Har-Hen, and other special attract ion* at Omaha, Sept. 17.ti to 24th, Incl, the Union l’Ai 11 o'will sell ticket* at the very low rate of one fare for the round trip, plus '.Oc admission to the Kale. For lull particular* call on W. It. < Iuk ion, Agent One doz beautiful finished photographs for 75 cents at the Loup City Photo Gallery This will last only a short time. Croup Ouirltly Cupwfl Mountain lit i n, Atk Ourehildren were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlin's < ongh ! Remedy. It afforded almost instant re I lief. F A. Tin mon This celebrat ed remedy!* I"' •* by Odendahl Bros. Dr. Sum Davis Oculist and Auries rand Island. liitrtiit'tf ltd kin •» ly r» )«*lvtMl l»\ Yitt'* \N lit It llu/.«*l . ShIvo, »• i*«* U £ a w Photogra 75 ce.it s per du/ for a si time onl\ at the Loup City o Gallery. Dr. .Sum Davis Grand Ini tial Ssjkh *t intlis. ast s, of Kve, Kar, -e ami lliroat. , Hxamiuatio r glasses li-usr, until-Itht-uiM tout l « e-itt*. ' The Interna It. hlog and * marl lug, Ou t ' deni lullsseiilis'ssit. kltnuiillv sllsv.4 by applying l Uamtarlidu * r.\e and I skin < nutnu lit. Many voy Iwd . .wi i have la*en permanent I) cured by U. It U •spially (A IsM for Itching pit-» and a favorite remedy f»r *.'0- nipid-e, j t Iia| t*.l Nstub rbllbUIn*. fr»*»t bttea ' *u l larealt aore evee 11». (»l bn Hi t ad)** t endillea t‘nr»dcr« *re I |u a what a h.>r«* m . d* «h. u In bad Condition T.mbb blond btUilUr and veiiuifugw l*bey are le •« l>»*l bul Mhti. |s« iftl Ik* (sal In l*> put a h<>»»e In prime wgplitbm l*rb« m , t ni* pa r | -m bag* To CaUloriila Comfortably. Kvery Thursday afternoon, a Tour ist sleeping car from Salt Lake City, Sau Franslsco aud Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln by the Burlington Route. It Is carpeted upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, bedding, towels soop, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither so expensively finished nor so tine to look at as a palace sleep er, It Is just as good to ride in. Second class ticket* are accepted for passage and the price of a birth, wide enough and l.lg enough for two, isonly^.i. For folder giving full particulars, call at nearest Burlington ticket office or : write to J. FranCII, (J. P. A.. Bur lington Houle, Omaha., Neh. Notif y for Publication, Land Otllceat Lincoln, Nebraska. ( Aiigtnti 23, S Notice i* hereby given that the following named guttler ha* filed notice of hi* linen* lion to mnk>'Itnal proof in nuppnri of liIn claim, and that *ald proof will be made las. forolbc r.niaty Jud/c, hherniati comity at j Loup t it y N< hi a-ka,«»n oetober Hh iwd v*». ivi.m iliijt k* , H i Number wiev, for t , i ni.’f d s » quarter. Maction j j( to* ituhlp , llange, li west. it, . | , t >, >W|l»g Wllliuvsct to I i lav p b ■ ruiit >■ ic•.ulcnee n|m>u and cul j • ' sim. \ . IMt i MorlU, l*aul Mill* | l. Imm imI, Itcgi^ier Til* I'ottrftet Sb « i *ri» mf •itpio-dal*’ j Vu\ M ixlwuiu thunforl at minimum *•,••1, U |i« > |mI uj*m w hit'll theo* ! i' .i i % mi unlit til o|» . tO.I, The) tun I daily from finHuli lllulfa and Omaha to j < tgd* tt n«ii ) rmain'u mid IVit’and j further paitlvuUi* fall on or W ii,|» Agent nmUlt.H v 111 IKIUU MN llcaii bum from r»ice«»ive •ioo*ii * j »»r from my other iiiuir, u revered by j the tlrel do»e uf Jiiu, 10, l»r. Humphrey • j^ idc M, lh*|w*|»«u Ihrh. ell diug* j gUI# the Jewell Sorter) t o. ol l.ftfce t llv, V|im« waul a *♦** Lie m*o in Iblt vltflaiiy to writ HtnneaoU grown tree* I and miiwri tfariii tlood |my. iMeadji j wo# *. W rile them IvJii i "They don't make much fu»* about it." We are speaking of In-Wilt"* Little Karly Klsera. the famous little pill* for constipation, billlouines*. and all atom sell and liver trouble*. They never gripe. - Oderidahl llro*. There is a time for everything; und the ti me to attend to a cold i* when it starts. Don't wait till you have con sumption hut prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and nil throat ami lung trouble*.—Oden Jalil Bros. John Grillin, of Zanesville. O, says; ** I never lived a day for thirty year* with nut siid'errng agony, unlit a box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve cured my piles.” For pile* and rectal troubles, uts, bruises, sprains, ec/oina und all >kln trouble* DeWItl’s Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled.—Odcndahl Bros. l,ow On* way l(st*i Tu i I'nlnt* Kasr. Via tin- Burlington Kot July 16, 17. 1H. lb, 'JO. Ul and each F tv ami Mon day thereafter until Aug : I Id Goes*! on any of the .e low rate Jays and } ou save euoug • cover all the incidental expense# . ivel -beath In sleeping car' meals, tr era,etc. Bee lie ncit It. a >1 li agent, or write to J. Fiam.-I* G. V., Omaha Me bras k. • Vim v .„->jr and vleloi ,»«*c are the i Uai it usaflMsWlt Little Kaily K,».i. snitnis little Is for cuu . iin»iie*» ati I stauiaeh lltd Use, ,allies Ode till llro* I , l one Vtli '* naid the it, 11 i in a Ini' voice and ; , >iti*eofOm IiituleCough , ,r, ,1, l pt* ■ eCiletl Witt. In* t,lstill , i M.> Mi i niigli t 'ore I* unequalled tie I, n »nd niog lien i. II.h ie dahl B(«>> ... iu ovit* your slain*, li Milk t, o and hitler herbs, but regulate Just liver aud vie* he dacha hy using tin*** 1 tiuoo* little pill* am.su as Irs-W.ii* Mill* Kariv N sets Odeudshl |l|»s Kvt% Kur, Nium* tiiut I liiv.it, | >r, Mumimr I L| via lint it. I |s» Id ml, a K r ♦