1—11 — A Koaton II* by. Boston Ma—What does baby want? I* it this pencil? Koaton 'iaby—Ahgoo. agoo! "Of «r»« K*»#tor#r w#»rl for 9**I4|<*K trial bottl# »n«l M« It. II. M li%h. LUI.M Anh hi.. I'fjiUilsilpfii*, I'm. The safe trust can boast of a combi nation that will be hurd to break. r I:ilm. we hellevo mat thrse Croat remedies »r« wuriliy of die ■ ualldrnceof the public, Signed: IV. A. Poton. frn tut of th« lluian Itoek Tirti C«. * U. Wysi in. Ei Trataurar of tki Hunt sum PM. P. Bsrou. *» V*/W af it* City of Clash* Erautuu A. Benign, liu of Dusks In f.stst* tithtn**. A. I Ch rchill. It itwaty Gauartl *f labraaks W. I Connell. It Cungraiiaxu. sad paaani City Alta* cay. lohn McDonald, Bherlf Omsht, lib Coorgo Hslmrod C ooty Trsuorar. Omsbs, lab. lohn Wi 0 borg City Csaylrsllw, Dash*, lab. Boochor Hiqhy. City ‘lork.Om*h», lab A. 0. E dear'll, City Trasscrar. Omabs. lab C. I (myth, itt'iroay Guars! of Isbrsaks. Oaths, lab. T. t. Clarkion, Uu Psatasaiar. Omaha Vab Thu Above Noted Meo and Thousands of Others Endorse These Remedies. Among the Number Are: Rev. Choo. W. S'lVidjO, Foender «f Paoplaa Church,Omsk* sos iulhtirof ‘ hsoia from tba Palpi t" *"d tuber busks. Rev. J. 0. Lenten. Founder of the Cknititu.Bouie Urpnsss|i of (bioof.il kialFi, burs. N. J. Smith, founder st tba Oaabu Raaeua Isma. Goo. W. He’vey. Editor of IB* Waakly Wurld-ilerald,Omaha Rov. Miry A. Hilliu.Tk* loud Raao|*liiL Carl Znnq. Editor of Daily and Waakly (suau City Praia* W. R. Roberto, fur assy yasri Csskiar of Cuiuna bask. Casks. There Is nothin* that renovates every organ Of the body, mill r s ores them to a healthy natural vigor, so pleasantly and yet so safe and certain In Its ofleco as Dr Kay’s Konovator ltstrlk'S to i he root of the trouble and re moves ibu cause and cures when all other remedies fall. Send for proof of It. Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Bain are so d by druggists or sent by mall. Price Si cts. D n t take any substitute for It baa no equal. OUR BOOK ’’ Tbr. Kay's Rome Treatment’’ has tin pages and Ml excellent recipes. An j Whtuner F.asi Cnlcsgo Ind., writes: "I would not inkr liu.tyi for t our book if 1 could nut vet another " Sen' free to those naming this pa is-r by l)r. It. J. Kav M dical Co., Omaha. Neb. W m slicker] WILL KEEP YOU DRY. | HALL’S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Baautiliat atul *e*©«U baidnott; cuivt lUKing and danduill. A Ima Kan dtattiug , Ik r. It. i* iv rm v .«>*• K. It. a-Q t| aii twuaaiM. rVCNtlONt. PAT!N 7I CLAIM*, g I tm m tm —> it*** ©. PITCMTI^v^ ■ MI K»n I M at* BASIL’S FIRST WIFE. (By Anna Shields.) HEN Basil wrote to me from Vir ginia that he was married, and asked If he might bring Ills wife to my house, his home from Infancy, or If he had better pro vide another one for her, I answered at once: "Come here and try It. If you are happy, stay; If not. It will be time enough to seek n new home after test ing the old one.” But the letter gave me sore pain. Basil was my charge from the time Ills parents died and left him, a baby. Inheriting a large fortune (o my care. His mother was my twin sister, and I was a childless widow when she died, so It will be readily understood that I gave the boy a true mother's love. We live at. Stony Hill, my husband's lega cy to me, n spot abounding In Nature's beauties. In spite of Its harsh name, and we did not want for society, being only two miles from a flourishing city. It was natural Basil should marry; he was twenty-two, had studied a pro fession, though he devoted his time to painting In an amateur fashion that promised no great results; was wealthy, handsome and a thorough gentleman by birth and education. But I bad hoped he would marry one of the Indies I knew; some one, per haps, f loved already. His letter was full of praise of Ills wife but who was she? He had found her when on a sketching trip through Virginia, In a wild part of the country. Her mother was lying dead, and two old negroes were filling the air with howls mid wnlln I did not care that the girl was poor. Basil was rich, and would have, In ad dition to his father's fortune, all I had to leave. He had no need to seek a wealthy bride. But I was afraid he had married for beauty oniv. Not. one word could I And, In most careful pe rusal. In praise of the bride's Intellect, accomplishments, or worth. Only her beauty was the theme of her hus band's praise. When I »avv her I scarcely wondered that the face of Basil’s wife had ex cited such enthusiasm. They came home In June, at early morning, and drove from the station to the house, where, Just after sunrise, I went out upon the porch to meet them. From the carriage there sprung a lit tle figure dressed In all the eolorsof the rainbow, bedecked with Jewels utterly out of place upon a traveler, as were the gay silk dress and feather-trimmed bat. But the face under the hat! How can I describe It? A perfect oval, with features of classic regularity, hut with out any of the coldness that usually ac companies classic beauty. For the dark complexion, pure, clear olive, was crlmaon-tlnted on lips and cheeks, the eyes, large, brilliant eyes, were yet ■oft and velvety, and the black hair was glossy and luxuriant. Every moment the expression was changed In those glorious eyes, the sensitive mouth. Child-llke pleasure MY WIFE." In the new home, a gentle deference to my years and position, were succeeded by petulance and restless vivacity. "Do, Aunt Martha, take acme super vision of her wardrobe," he said to me. "She was married In a calico dress and a sun-bonnet, and her feet were bnre. Of course 1 gave her money, und she bought what she pleased. I don't understand women's dress, but hers set my teeth on edge.” And Just us he spoke she (lushed tn. She never seemed to me to walk, moving with a peculiar, darting move ment that threatened total annihilation tn my nerves until I became accustom ed to It. "You are ashamed of me!" she cried. "You are! You are'" "Ellen!" he said, gently, his face flushing; "l can never be ashamed of my wife!" He kissed her gravely and went out, but she tore up and dowu the room like a raged bird "He Is ashamed of me he Is'" she repeated, angry tears raining over her hot checks "I saw It on the cars I saw It at the hotels. I see It here! How did I know he would be? He eald he loved me, and I I would have died far him! He praised me he put me in hta pictures! He asked me to be his vtfe1 I eat nil alone and I loved him* I married him. but he never aahed me what I knew what I could jo He saw the log cahta where mv mother lay dead* He haew the sol ,lier* burned down > complaint to ro*k* i and I am glad, vary gtsd. that Itasil' | home la n happy one, but I know iha , sever, nevet rsa my old heart tab ; Usnevra Hill Intu that deepest warm ! eat ukhe that la Hi ted by the aaemor I at Iha Impulsive child. Beetl e Ktra Wife. gtaaderd "Ito you thtah you rout eel another piece *t coha. Tommy* "I thtah I could a unite. If I stood a* In Happy < nin» The emperor of China is not con tent with the respect shown him by bis subjects, and recently Issued the following peculiar order: "After bringing our sacrifice recently to the highest being, we hoard upon our return to the palace, near the gate leading to the imperial quar ters. u rather loud noise caused by talking. This shows that the peo ple have not the proper regard for the majesty of the ruler, and also that tho officers of the bodyguard huvo failed to do their duty properly. The officers who were on post at the peculiar gato must bo punished, therefore, by tho minister of war. in tho future, however, all officers, high or low, must see that a noise so Improper shall not occur in o^r presence."—V Y. Tribune, • truss Out mgr* upon ilie stmnnch und bowel* sre perpe trated l.y mull It mb » uf llljuilleluus people Wtl»». upon ev |» rteln'lrig the Hlilinyttucc uf cutivtlpitliim III It slight degree, lull 11 rule tin r Isiwels w 11 It tlreiielilngevie-UHiits, wltleh lUifi i-hte the Iplesllnitl membrane to it seri ous client, sometimes, even, suiierliidip'ltig dysentery or piles Hostetler's Mlomaeh lilt let's ure I lie I rue siiccsduneuhi for I best, nos trum*. stnee It In ill iMice luvlgorittliig. gentle ItIKl f (Ted mil ll Mlso lllttllsbes ilyslieptln, riuilnrliil coinpliiliits, rbeuiiiitllstii und I*Itliiey troubles Not to I one It IVnfer. Tho Salesman, In the dry goods store Yes, this Is a very pretty piece of goods, hut, to lie honest about it, 1 must toll you that It will not wash. The Fair Purchaser Oh, that doesn’t matter. 1 only want ll for a bathing suit, anyway. Chicago Hccord. Him It« Into four Shoes, Allen's Fool-Fuse, u powder for the feel. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly lakes the sling out of corns und bunions. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allan's Foot-Fuse makes tight-lilting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure fur sweat lug, callous and hot, tired, urhlng feel. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. liy mall for 2!>c In stamps. Triul package FHKK Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Lc Ho/, N. Y. Th# I «iigili of I It# !»*y. By a simple rule, tho length of tho ilny and night, any time of tho year, may be ascertained by simply doubl ing tho tlmo of tho sun's rising, ■ which will give tho length of the night, and doubling tho tlmo of sot ting will give the length of tho day. When you visit Omaha you should call at (' M Raymond Co. 's Jewelry store, corner Fifteenth und Douglas streets, und ex amine their Jewelry and art. good* for wedding, birthday and Christ man presents, also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vltatlons and visiting cards. It Is the only first class, up to date Jewelry, art and cut glass store west of Chicago and rtf,, Louis. Engraving and printing 100 visiting curds II Ml by mall. 4 aplial and i.uOor, •■Yes, sir,” said a pompous New York manufacturer, ••! cooslder my self a benefactor of tho human race. 1 feed 200 people In my factory." ••You do!" replied a bystander. -•Goodness!" and all the tlmo I was under the impression that they fed you."---Texas Siftings. Head the Advertisements You will enjoy this publication much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements; they will afford a most Interesting study and . will put you In the way of getting I some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable, they send what they advertise. In Ihe Form of a Hove. Tho “Holy Ghost I’lunt," a product of Mexico, Central ami South Amer ica, Ih so called because of tho sliapo of the flower, which has the appear ance of a dove with expanded wings. lings Made From Your Old Carpels. Latest Improvement, new method of making reversible rug* from your olil bru-sela or In gram curpsis. with border all around. Send I lor circular and priors lo s. Krosn, S-l 1 Wciite worth Ave., Chicago, III. Making Something Out or Entiling. Hlghoad — What, distinguishes tho gods from men is, that the gods ran make something from nothing. Pertly—Well, tho girls must come pretty near the gods, for they ean make bathing suits out of almost nothing.—Town Topics. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Lilt DM). To <;ult tobacco easily amt forever, be mag uettc, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Hac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 90c or |1. Cure guaranteed. Itnokleland sample free. Address Sterling Uemedy Co.. Chicago or Nsw York. Dietetic Assimilation. ••L)o men become what they oatf"’ asked Porper "ihat is what I think. ' said Phllosophicus "Thou give me something rich," said Por |H»r liar pore Ma/.ar. Hall's Catarrh Cure (s a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. * utlstwril hy I him*. Dick Jenkins, auousod < f killing a man In Uiriniugham, Ala., In 1**7, hut who was only rccoully captured, was glveu Ills liberty because all thn witnesses have died and there was no way of securing testimony. 4 HN«h IIhUuw la IK* |||m< (M* I b* at II * rM u«« skituiKf «Im |l U »«ii*«>4« t'l II > % i of ri cm ape. an 1 the ciitiro facia la suf* ruuuded by a high learnt 1 IS« oti «r s«.f .*« *t vs, so c—'M siu is | I«b4 |«M*« If |U« K“‘* I , tttvu iMtuiiv mm *j i'AH l»4*t ium «« 4**44if mm tfofjr filti *« |t* mm* M til4f 4 #«MK *,u#»%«bb##4 mmki% #*♦#• ««*4 , * « ftl A , | *•»«>.«tt MituWvi mtu uiti.’t Ih()i thin !f« Doubt About t Im» Wrdlct. ••You aro tho defendant In Vila ia*e. aro you not?” asked tho pccse cutlng attorney. ••Yes, sir,” replied the man in tho witness-box •■May I ask your occupation?'’ ••1 am a manufacturer of calliope whistles." •• That's all," replied the attornoy. ••So far a* we aro concerned, your honor, tho case Is ready to go to the Jllri- ’_ Cheap TleUets Via the Omaha A St. Louis It. ft and : Waliush It. It. St. Louis, one way, •'.>.13, round trip, 915.35. Oil sale every Tues day* and Thursdays. Ht. Ijouis; Round trip October 3d to Nth. 911,50. Home seekers' Kxcursions. South: Septem ber 21, October 5 and HI. One fare the round trip, plus 93. Springfield, 111.: Round trip. 913.25; on sale September IN. HI, 20. Kor tickets and further in formation call at MI5 l''arnarn Ht. (Pax ton Hotel llloek). Omaha, or write O. N. Clayton. Omuha. Neb. i r«ckiu« i ni di. Tho rod coral, which Is used In ' jewelry, und which Is known an , precious coral, is mostly obtained In the Me lltorruncun, tho Ihirhary coast I furnishing tho dark red, Sardinia tho j yellow or salmon color und tho coats | of Italy tho rose pink It is also found In tho Red sea. None is found in American waters. Mrs. WIsiIsk'i Munlblna Srrsp for rhllflrm tkciaini,rrilnwn Infam tumUuu, mllm/0 i/mln, «*t*»*w wind rwlli Z$i• u'ea hutUb There may lie lots of nice men In the | world, hut the hill collectors don't meet them. _____ 1 relieve my prompt use of I'lao's I lire I ruvrnted fpiles consumption Mrs Lucy Wallace, Maripist, Kan . Hoc 12, '35. To Cur* Constipation I'ormr. TsksCsscurcUl i 'umlv Cathartic Pic or the. It C. C (J. lull In cure, ilruiposu ri fum) moucy A man doesn't tire of circuses until the very last thing. Try Grain-0! Try Grain-0! Auk yonr Urocer today to nhow y.u a package of URAIN-O, the new food drink that taken the place of coffee. The children may drink I without Injury a» well an the adult. All who try ft, llko It. ORAJN-O ban that, rich real brown of Mocha or Java, but it In made from pure gralnn, and the mint delicate ntomach recelven it wlthonl dintremi, the price of coffee. lit centn unit lift cent* per package. Hold by all grocer*. Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee to aty ai>!»rk*m my Hook, orviio LULL, full Information About a nfttr faiUn* I flLL harm loa* ami iwrmanonthorn*rnrofortbo ■ ■■■■■■ urn a, anHCMiaa. mm aix*. ami TONAiafl MANITM. I»|(. 4\ (lOfiMAN, 4H Via it Ifurrii Mrrrl, tlilnAgu, Ilia. nDODQV HEW DISCO VE MY; ..... \jp £9 V f|Hl< k M llt'f ami roroa worsA ra*»s. Nrnd for bfiob of iiotliniinlAli ind lOriMjra* troatmi'iii Fr««. I*. ii.N.uitKaraaoaa. AUaaia.ii*. CDCIBUT Bam »« «f W» »i ri »t MIEHMI ram Hunting nr Wnll amt dling Mnnltl*. Writ, fur gnmpl.. nml pro.. The Fa. Manilla Mnulln. I .wm.1, Hamden, N. J MTTNNT lie veil wnnt limn., (.mill. lnv..Mn.ut nur chnr.n.rt l.mli*»»*i»ifip HOUTII. in. .... « *r.«w KmIIMM.1*., l«Ut.ti. W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 30.-I8WT When writing to advartlnnrn, kindly men Men tbli paper. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ADF. AKfiRRTINO IN TIIK COURTS OUR RIOHT TOTH® KXCl.tJSI VK UHK OF TIIK WORD '* CAbTORIA,” AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." AS OUR IKAOK MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of TLyannia, Masaashuaetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” the same that haa borne and does now on every bear the fao-almile signature of /-ccecAeM wrapper. This Is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” which has been used in the homes of the mothers of Jlmerica for over thirty yeara. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind yon have alwaf/s bought on and has the signature of wrap lter Yo one haa authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chus. II. Fletcher is March 8, 18071 ,J»* Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. I$ H C1897 Columbia Bicycles I a “ J ^ ===== Standard of tho World —— 8 ^•plfj tmJ —^ggsBsgBSSgSgBSSSSSSSES83BMSBSBS3SBBBBmBSm ■ TO ALL is desirable ... 1 '* S to have a good looking bicycle at well p 1 ALIKE. 5 at a strong one, alto that it should possess p ■ _V greater strength and later improvements than 8 8~ " x any other wheel. This describes the Colum- 8 I Caution: X */a' the eye it is beautiful—to the rider 8 1 The Columbia fc '* 9'V9i anequaled satisfaotion. To be safe 8 V photographic x and *ati*fiod you should ride no other etoept 8 I olTbllf!"'1 $ Hartford Bicycles, I Terms of V Jirtter thnn any txcrpt Columbia), *50 *45 *40 I 8 be obtained of - 12 8 an,Columbia x pOPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Conn. B ® dealer, or mil M 8 he mailed b, ^ *«»c t.o-conl .temp tor Citatopue. H "* uPon If Columbia* are not properly represented In your 8 |jj application. ^ vicinity, let us know. S ALES IT'S DANGEROUS f O HH, ft« 4I M Mu*'tM*r4 4S blHIII 4»” I* .* Mtonri Uir* . «ii'| fe* tusil* M«h I !••». ««l«M *»’» Ih* !»*•» 4 • »««lr l« IS- Ntutl ll»«MIS*«S| futt » SM Mill*, II Is HUMrll|bl>' S»»*J «*••• ibM I uf Isitf ).iu wuii buy «««ih Ms* ssl» • «fM«lN*. iHlr.t iihm“*» r«AP %IMM4ftMH ] «till h VIII Issl fuu • llfsllm# S*4 I*»U** Ids 1 «Mrs|»r*l lu Ihr mil S-. "** sm4 •£<**• I |u|»pjri«|»is IIIVUHI UI IMHtflilMl FAIRBANKS. MORSE 4 CO., ilU«t NrnAMi HI . OiTi«h«, Nub. AMU SfSlf* Mf|**ltr4 I $100 To Any Man. WILL. PAY IIOO FOR ANY CAME Of WmIiiih. In Men lli.f Treat *»<* Vail In fur*. An Omaha Company yivw for Uie Are* time tudore th* puhllt' a Meuimtt, Taavr Hast lor the rare of Ia»I Vitality, Narrow, amt Metual tVaakueee. ami lUeturattun uf Kile Korea in oh! ami ymma :uau No aoruout Kimu-Ii imialyj ,out«ia> no t'ho*phorou* or other harmful drug* It la a Wuoiitn i. Tmutwan* uhumI ib its »rt,. u |«Mitlva -ii it* aura All reader*, *h» are •tilTaring lr*un a waakna** that blight* their life t-aoeing that mental and thy rival »olfer,*g u*» utiaf to I*mt Mae o.l. »huuhl ant* to the Kt ATM IIKIill'Al# t'tiMI'ANV, Omaha Neh , end tha* will tend you ataolulalt rMKM. a rail laid* I *i • r ,* the** dlmeak and prailir#jgiM of their truly Tiuim Tr.iik.at Iku* and* ol wen elm har* hut ail hup* ol a rare, are haing rwurai by them to •Pfr |me ( itilhillntli I hie Vie *i laaeiaert atay ha taken at hoioa under their d rertluue »r that »ill pay ntiiual fare an I nth tulle to alt ahn nreler to go IM» !>■# teuaPuaut, 11 the* (all to ■•««• the* el* ye* fatly reliehMn har* no Kreo I n. rtntnuae rt,» lun, Fra* Uaraple i*r t tl (> let,* Thar har* Fwiiiiu layutai and guaraetaa to ear* e**r> laeathet Ileal or refund r< er > ■hilar, ar their ehargen met ha deyeUI d la a heuk to h* paid to them ekM a eura m td«l<*| P itte I hour twtay