The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 24, 1897, Image 6

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Farmer Vlrtlm# of Outlaw# anil avmpa"
(hurra Mrrak Into th* .fall. Mlmnt
One anil Itraln Two Othera anil
Ifrag anil Hang AH Five to
a Near-by Tree.
A Oeaperale Hang (fid of fbe Way.
Vriisxn.i.K*, Ind., Sept. Ifl. — For
year* Die fanner# of the county have
lieen tlie victim# of a lawle** hand.
Farmer* would come into town with a
hunch of cattle or a loud of farm pro
duct#, and the next morning would lie
found along the roadside auffering
from wound# and minua the proceed*
• >f their xale. Old i.erman farmer*
were visited, and both men and wo*
men nulljeeted to torture*. AgcdOcr
m in women were forced to stand upon
red hot move# to coni|iel them to dls
*-lo*e Dio hiding place of treasure*.
Arrest* were made, hut it was seldom
that conviction followed,
During the peat week rohberlea had
increased alarmingly. On ln*t Hatur
dify worn wna received by tlie aherlff
from one of tin hand that tlie atore of
Woolcy Itro* , lit Correct, Ind., ten
mile* from here, wn» to lie entered,
And Dm sheriff arranged that III* in
formant should uc om|iany tlu-m, and,
with Hve deputlea, went to tlie place,
sheriff Hushing concealed himself In
flip cellar, while Ilia deputies wore
stationed at a convenient distance
Hiutsidi) Shortly after midnight the
riif>tier# reached the store, and Clifford
fiord on an I the sheriff'* informant
i.-! ... ...i, *i... i.,
Just. as (Jordon stepped Inside the
sheriff spiaeil him both drew revol
vers and begun llring. Hert Ansonis,
another of tile robbers, Joined in the
fiisiliije, while the deputies went to
tiie a.sistunce of the sheriff. Home
thirty shots were tired, the sheriff wus
shot through the hand and <Jordon
was,shot several times. (Jordon end
An*oips succeeded in escaping and
came to Osgood, where they wero ar
'J ho rubbers had driven out to the
■plate iu a buggy belonging to Lyle
Levi, and from information subse
quently gathered it was learned that
the robbery had been planned ut the
home of William .Jenkins Tiie two
latter were arrested us accessories.
Alt Were taken to the Jail at Ver
sailles, Henry Hehulier, 24 years, was
pul in jail for robbing the barber shop
nt, Osgood last week Levi was 57
years of age, (Jordon 22, Ansottis HO,
•Jenkins 27,
When it became known Hint Hie
robbers were in jail it was i|ulelly
ouggmted by the farmers who had robbed that "Justice'' he sum
marily dealt to the prisoners.
At. 1 o'clock this morning horsemen
from all',(carters dismounted on a hill
»idc near Versailles and about 400 men
marched Into the town. Tiie Jail was
In charge of William Kennan, Hlieriff
bushing's brother iu-luw, the former
being lit home on account of his in
jury. In front of tin- jail Is tiie reel
idenee proper, and there Kennan,
Itobert burnett, William block and
Wiusett, deputies, were sleeping.
FTiorWv liefore 2 o’clock there was a
knock ut the door, and when Kennan
Uind tliu others opened it three masked
men put revolvers to their heads mid
ordered them to turn over the beys.
ini* • if) mu aim ini' mun 11 ni lino
the jail. Levi, Junklns uud hliulter
wore upon thi! hover Moor. while lior
•don und Andrews were in the upper
tier l.evi mid Jenkins and Shutter
•bowed tight and the former whs shot
through tlie breast, while the skulls
of tlie two lutlcr were crushed witli
a tools.
Hopes were in readiness uud the
lyncher* adjusted a noose around the
neck of each and pinioned their feet
und iiand* and then the march began.
They were not carried, hut. with sev
eral men at the end of each rope, wel-o
dragged '.'00 feet to all elm tree, where
• heir bodies were suspended. It Is
said l.evl, Jenkins and Shelter were
dead before they reached tin- place.
Ileatli resulted from hanging in the
eases of liordou and Ansoino.
None of tliu elli/.ell* seem to deplore
tlie net Ion of tlie mob, but upon tlie
contrary the hanging of three or four
more ineiuhers of the gang 1* being
talked of No troups have l-e -II asked
for-, tlie elti/ens su> that they are not
I «J»#V Kit Noll Mill NT A 1(01 »l.|t
IM'll vtl Si-iil.I*. I ltd Sept III tioV"
ciiiir ki llin' .cut the following to the
slier if of Hiple.v county -'Wire meat
,mee the |iartleulur* of tin* lynching
that ha* occurred in tour county t
further direct that you pits--e l liurna
t'uUdv with all th’ |»i»i*r you can
isiunnand to tiring to ja*tice all |i%rtle*
.•e-tty of pail-cipHtmg in the murder
i*f the tlve men alleged have been
KhcU I sueti lawleisue*s I* tut icr
utile and all th> power of the state,
if tie *-*a n i will b» v igorously cm
pi«ivcd for the arrest and puttUhutvitt
of a> tnartio* lutidlealed
'fka, a - uuen will this winter wear
thatr kata Hpav wIm I t at is an one
Visile Wiliragte* l|*liv
Hal nuoiifc M i Sept Id Tailed
Plain ',111*1 or t rurgv I lleltiHglon
to dal resigned the i h*iriuai**hlp ol
•he li- pobiiean stale central commit
that p*lla>|uisbtwg thv le*dei»h‘p
vl the party u thi* stale which he
hah held for the past throw years
flits truss t* the direct resell of tho
aw«*lo> > defeat at the rveonl wsora
lima mi tk-wan » itjf la featgatag Me*
• Par Vtafila*i‘-n i daliaered* vary bit
t#0 speech, la which ho predicted 4c
(Ml fcw tft« Wejwrhltc-an paMy tu M*rv
Tbs Cbtrtfr of » Company Form int m
strictly Original l.lnot Vlltd
Topeka. Kan., Sept tft.—A charter
for the American Pacific railway, a
co-operative scheme with many odd
feature*, was filed with the secretary
of state to-day. The statement gives
as tlie purposes: *Tn order to more
perfectly unite and combine private In
terests with tlie public good for the mu
tual advantage and welfnre of both and
to do so in such a way as to interfere
as little as possible with what already
exists, to provide permanent homes
and employment for as many as pos
sible of those who inay engago in its
service, to relievo distress everywhere
prevalent and to avert the danger that
menaces society because of enforced
idleness and the constantly increasing
number of homeless people, we do as
sociate ourselves into a lawful com
pany to carry on the lawful business
below specified,"
The business specified Is to build a
railroad from Navannali, Ga.. and
Jacksonville, Fla., through Georgia.
Alabama, Louisiana. Texas,New Mex
ico and Arizona to Han Diego, « n I ,
with a north and south branch from
Velasco, Texas,straight north through
the Indian Territory, Kansas, Nebras
ka and Mouth Dakota to the Canadian
linn in Nortli Dakato, passing through
Topeka Kan., and Lincoln in Nebras
ka. Another lino is to go through
Texas and into Mexico, ending at To*
polobampo bay.
C. If. Kulchen of Itreckinrldge, Tex.,
('. Jones of Crystal Falls, Tex.,
Peter Swanson of Caddo, Tex., W. H
Sproat and I). L. T illey of Honduras,
YV li. limiter of Riverside, Cal., and
U. 11. Hunter, H, N. Kelin and Hattie
J. Kirkwood of Franklin county, Kan.,
are named us directors.
The charter says that except in
a . ...i __a
work more than eight hours and, after
sixty days of Inithfui service employes
shall he entitled to their jobs and can
not be discharged except for good
Tliror * mo oimuily Announced St
Mobile People Peeving., Ala., Kept. Ifi,—Three cases
of yellow fever were officially an
nounced yesterday by the hoard of
health. This caused much more alarm
than did the discovery of the first case,
which was regarded ns sporadic. The
people who can are leaving for points
of safety. Home #700 worth of tickets
to Atlanta were sold to-day by the
i/ouisvlilu A Nashville railroad, and
the trains urc leaving crowded. The
same is true of the trains on the
Mobile A Ohio.
Out of a population of twenty-five,
only three persons in Barclay have
not had the sickness, and the percent
age of death lias burn what is umuuI in
yellow fever epidemic*.
There arc several now cases reported
to-day at Ocean Springs, and of tliu
number of ill ul Biloxi, fifteen are re
ported as suffering with yellow fever.
At Ocean Springs, Dr. Wasdin, of the
Murine hcspital stuff, is receiving the
best of attention, anil it is hoped he
will pull through In a few days.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 15,—This ha*
been another day of excitertieul, and
anxiety to the people of Jackson. The
city is now surrounded on ull sides by
an armed guard und the quarantine
rules arc enforced with great strict
ness. The principal cause of alarm to
the people of Juekiou came from Kd
tvards, only twenty-five miles distant,
where there are now thirty-five ease*
of dengue, at least three of wli' h
were reported last night to be consid
ered suspicious.
Business in Jackson is at a complete
Tim Htittiimr Knmtilor Handies Han frwii
clsoo With a III* I'redous Car(o.
Kan Francisco, Kept 10* — The
steamer Excelsior which left St Mich
aels. Alaska, six weeks ago, but was
compelled to put hack to I'nalaska for
repairs, having broken two blades of
its propeller, arrived here this morn
ing with sixty-three passengers and
about 9^,500,000 dollars in gold*
Withdraws Ills Kasttfuwtlou ns Hand of
Ifnovii I'litsarsltf, K, U I , Kept. 16. K Hen
jainin Andrews baa withdrawn hi> r*
sign u I Ion as president of Hrowu i i
varsity Last night the students ee'.e
brated the event and the university
will reopen to-day.
OlilsliiMiM Jail Isiiitry.
ill ( Him , (Hcla • Kept 1*1 Four
prisoners, aged from 16 to VO, eoiltlned
I mi the Jail at 4 lo-l It lef, charged with
(ir*ot» and rubhspjf, picked the locks
on their celts, sawed the lutr on the
I outer door and escape t Fred Horn.
! aged i»*. * harged with mttrdar, refused
| logo hut went to prayer meeting end
! notiucd tlie sheriff of the escape* of
tlte utt cr s
IS I tutors* 1 hsfluil* IMsf
Hiu mm • Kept id 4 harlott*. ei
, hi press *»f Mcvc*», 4s *o d mgcfousl v
| ill that her death Is f* .»red at ^
i ui« me at
lusss l*«viafe siswr*
\\ %smis»« tox, K«pk |» I ke %av*r
i tan of the treasury and tha paliuta
tar general aft* i consultation alii
tha |*t% % dent l»n%a decided ta ahaugt
the Color of the currant < cent poatag*
mints from carmine ki greats i*f 4to
shade iii>e used on g><»**utso ni su4*<«
Tha (U’tffSt poatage stamp which k
row prtntad in green, Witt he change*
to same other mlur, pus**hit cat mine
It |« thought that green Is a more de
*i’*b « valor than aarwtiaa, Wahl*
saving the goeemasant aWmt |46,o*t
ta the dill KHo la cost halts*** u»
( tauten*
The lirml Walk Out Tout the *ler» Alton!
*3.12/1.000 In Wiitfra—The Fight on
Ike Mew York and I levelaml
I out (tuny to lie Longer
Rejolre Over (he f'ttvnprnanlae.
PlTT»m/lMi, I’a., Sept. 17—Hundreds
of minors were present at the Western
Pennsylvania conference yesterday,
end all were rejoicing at the compro
mise, an.', eager to return to work.
1 Patrick Dolan, district president, re
ceived rei>orU that 1,000 strikers had
*'ready returned to work and that
many more wero preparing to do so.
Tor this reason, and ulso because he
was dissatisfied witli the Columbus
agreement, which, ho held, discrimi
nated against this section, he Intro
duced a resolution to allow the strikers
to rest) it- at once, and made a speech
denouncing the ten days' clause as an
outrage. After considerable debate
the resolution to resume at once
at fil cents per ton wn adopted
by the vote of 100 to 4.
Other resolutions adopted created a
acale committee for the year; require
mines to dose down on October 1,
whore the company refuses to weigh
coal before screening; determine to
con tin us camps at the mines of the
Vcw York ami f'levelund Oas foul
company, and assess workmen 1 per
cent of their wages for the expense,
and heartily endorse the uniformity
This morning between 10,000 and
11,000 coal miners in this district re
turned to work. All of the other
'.Ti,<)')') men In tin’ district, except tho,n
at the Now York it Cleveland mines,
will be at work by Saturday. It is
•.lim ited that I lie strike, wbieh lasted
i.ixty-llve working days, cost the peo
ple of the I'lUsbtirg district from
3,',0'iVOU to S7,lXX),00fl. Of tills
amount the miners lost about ‘.’.,0,
000 iii wages. The strike against the
lieArmitta will eontinue liuli-tinltely.
VVO.M bn houck mkn to htkikk.
IU/./.KTON. I’a., Sept. 17.—Two hun
dred and fifty foreign born women of
the MeAiloo nod Audenreid district,
armed with elubs. rolling pins, pokers
and any weapons they could find. In
vaded the washeries. which had hither
to been working, and forced 300 men
to quit work. As the men were hus
bands, sons or brothers of tlie women,
in most instances, they made no re
.’-istance, although this is tlie first sue
cct.ful movement to get them out. In
( very other part of tlie region quiet
prevailed. The strike may now he
Halil to bu general, as there Is not a
co’licry of importance in operation.
Ciiait.vv ions, Tenn., Sept. 17.—
After the trouble of Tuesday night
between t’nited Stales deputy mar
shals and the Standard Coal company's
strikers, the strength of the former
was doubled, with order* to protect
Imported non-union miners who hud
gone to work, but !l00 strikers ap
peared near Jelllco last night and
after they bad been driven away fired
from ambush, wounding a deputy,
whose companions returned the shots,
badly wounding three miners.
plinwr Aitileit to tlie Other I’erll* of
the liloukllte tlolil Meeker*.
Sin I- uancihi o, Sept, 17.—John Sib
ley Webb, attorney at Washington, 1),
r„ for tlie Alaska Commercial com
pany, who had been to Dawson City
and tlie Klondike mining district for
|he sole purpose of informing himself
of tlie conditions of living there anil
in Alaska generally, returned on the
Bxeelslor. To-day he said: ”1 have
been ui! around the coast route as
it is called, and an to Dawson.
I have visited tin; iniuing camp*
of Bonanza creek and sumo of
those on Kldorado creek. Dawson i'*
low and Mat and even. In the height
of summer the ground is frozen half a
foot below the surface, und ice U en
countered beneath the luuek. The do**
velopmcnt of tin; creeks wuk followed
by the washing down Into the river
Klondike und thence Into the Yukon
above Dawson of large quantities of
refuse. Sweeping by the very doors
of flu* inhabitants of Dawson it is no
wonder that there should I*# sickne >s
aud death In the little cemetery
there, there lay no less thru twenty
* . Urns of typhoid fever, aud now Mia
number bus no doubt l»ecii increased
considerably the drinking water at
Dawson a very bud, and thi- l's to
*Uc sickness.”
OriMit l I'umuIumI
l.v«. *, IVVit CiMivt of \frica, s*|»t
I ? The trial of the King of l‘*» niu
Ulid tlis Chief*, who surrendered An
gnat * («» tin British authorities am)
who were charged with being *••«!»•
eeru *1 in the massacre of an unarmed
esp»willi*Mi under |*lsl|Ikfs*. the British
consul. is proceeding al Ih » m city,
t hree of Die chiefs were condemned
an I two of them shot and their bodies
left hang ng Ml I he street * for IWiMty
four i Oi** the third committed
Hit* botr Mmiavli • *•» l a* !»♦•<*•
I oils Kan . S' pt I. live Mac*
robed a■ «i*«*a washed Into the office o'
I,ic t* ,*urtf of in* 4b h s»M hi|s‘4l
A '•vula i c tali waj )esler*tai I haj
wars* M s .lames Branham Mr* S41
t toil t%t*r Mr* \4 44 Trisbo M»v
l.dwarsl v«.*r*s**-de| and AD* Join
Mi , « ., wiv* « of in* * ngoiene *
.Ik IS* ..HU l'» »rv*h 1.1 I <114 U«
' AM*) I.* I r.MM. k* >tl,ll It.* (M
Is** I*. lluM t- 111. <M*I
*, t4 III* 4*. kI IMir it* 4th I Hi
I V "MIMMt) *4. 1I1HI11 k»th|n, l.lWMI
I *
lla«ln««« *n«p*n«lr<t mt .!*< kioo, HU»,
and tli" r«opl" KImIiii.
Jackson. Sept. 17.—All ttic
fears of the citizvns of Jackson In re
gard to the sickness prevalent at Ed
wards have been realized. Dr. Duller
as, the expert, lias confirmed seven
cases of yellow fever and says there
are many suspects.
First the cases wero reported as ma
larial fever, then after a time they be
came dengue fever. Another wait and
they were pronounced suspicious, and
finally declared to lie the genuine yel
low jock. During all this time the
disease bus been spreading rapidly at
the rate of six new cases daily, until
there are now forty case* in existence
at Edwards. The evolution of the dis
ease from malarial to yellow fever
was such that the people now regard
dengue as simply a more convenient
term than yellow fever.
A panic has prevailed In Jackson
day. Everybody has left town that
could do so. The business houses have
closed and the newspaper* have sus
petided publication and closed theli
offices. Jackson has a population ot
10,000, aud two-third* of these have
Nsw York tlouiosrsllr Committee ■*
polos gros *11 varum.
Nkw Yokk, Hept. 17. —The Demo
cratic State committee refused yester
day to accede to the demands of the
free silverltes that the principles of
the Chicago platform be reaffirmed.
The committee met by authorization of
the Democratic State convention of last
year to nominate a candidate for chief
judge of the court of uppeals. Alton
H. Darker of Kingston was the choice
of the committee. The nominee Is said
to lx- acceptable to Tammany hall and
fii UHvKflflulflP Illit/tzl l( Kill Utl/I Ilia
following. 'J'Imi committee expelled
from Its membership County Clerk
Henry I) I’urroy, v,bo has for more
than a year disputed the Tammany
leadership of John C Sheehan.
The roiutr.H.tee gave u hearing to
committers representing the Loyal
Democratic league and other free
silver organization* of the Democratic
party who urged the propriety of a
reaffirmation of the Chicago platform,
and after courteously dismissing the
petitioners, adjourned, no resolution
pro or con having been Introduced.
Mermens at Work In Kugtanit,
Loxiiox, Sept. 17.—The efforts of
Mormon missionaries to proselyte in
the rural districts have excited a good
deal of attention of late, and all the
more because of the apparent success
of the propaganda in certain localities.
One of these is the town of Luton, in
iCedfordshlrn For the last few nights
the town has been almost In a state of
riot, the populace hooting and pelting
the three young missionaries who are
endeavoring to persuade the wives,
daughters and sister* to exchange
Luton for Halt Lake City, The local
constabulary has the greatest diffi
culty to prevent the male section of
the inhabitants from making short,
work of the missionaries.
t rucker I omiwnlu t» 1,'nltc.
CiMi Aoo, Sept. 17. — Well defined
rumors were current on La Halle street
to-day that an end had been reached
in the war of the biscuit companies
and u pi(iii of consolidation, embrac
ing the New York liiseult company,
the American liiseult company mi l the
I ’nlteii liiseult company agreed
upon. These companies have a com
bined capital stock of 930,001),ono and
practically control the entire output
of the Halted States.
Aii(u<t Ksimrts.
Wasiiisotox. Sept. 17. Domestic
exports for August were the largest of
any August of which the bureau of
statistics of the treasury department
has any record. They were valued at
87(1,407,830, us against, 900,080,081 in
August, 1800, an increase of $*3,so7,»
03'.). For the eight months ended
August 31, 1807, they amounted to
9030,134,37!, an increase of 80*,317,387
.’- J ’ ' ■
Tloir.lou I• for Auuesatlon.
MAstiiNoroji, Kept. IT. Kenutoi
Thurston, of Nebraska, who is In
\\ushlnifton, was asked a* to tin: truth
of the report thut he would oppose
the ratification of the llawaiiun
annexation treaty. “Nothin/.” re
plied the senator, “could Ihi further
from the truth. 1 am now, us I have
I well for years, nn ardent annexation
ist. and I shall do all that t ran do to
promote the approval of llie treaty
when It comes up "
Ussier** fiHinntlsn
W A.Him, loti, Sept IT The ap
pointment* of a /real uumlsir of pres
ideulial postnia-ler» warn an non mao I
yesterday Among flic appointnuints
ivi-fi William I* tin me al llmporia,
amt ,l*dm II Madden at Mound < lly,
Kan lieor/e M Ooodui/ht. atlas,
vltle. Mix; t harles \ llauidton, at
Kifksvilte. Mo ;♦ a»siu» M tidrehrisl
at l.athrop* Mo Inuk >J Hwett. at
l.elMvui*u, Mu, and .lames \ Me
Vnulty. at Neiada Mu
I ,*.I.*m la n»,Is wish luaalf.
VI it illf i K»u *• pt IT Tie* Top
| sis and lieUMH-rals of Mysli'k
county met la sepai ate convention
yesterday ami the fusion previously
a* fan/etl wye carried out.
A to***U Mels lu Ihe linllsri
III I Halt, tlhta.. ucpi If tetrlra
hi. ri* mia **•* saturated yesterday I*
a steady ramfsll whkrh he/an early i»
the morn In/ ami eontlHued ait day
J he ram re.ll facilitate plowing f>*
wheat hut was uuwelvouo to cs*H*>l
i planter*
lw >i lerga* Iww *» H*e
Am s**ei* wx iMiia. hyt If i tr
1 at u*»m t*- viay deslrs*»esl the Stsrei
Io n trf young John \ l-o/an h*gh
I Hil ly l-red horse* and many head
1 m*nu e*pitp i/e * were burned up Ttu
i ., is * dr I at I x uo i
A Mob of Two Hundred Men llelongin*
to the i mn mi on People Force Their
W»jr Into the Jell nod Vult *um»
n«nrjr V«*ngraMr« on the
Riddled With Mlnehee.
CiTV OF Kept. 1 fa. — At 1
o'clock thi. morning a mob of fully 200
men. belonging to the common people
forced their way Into the municipal
palace where Arnolfo Arrogo, the
drunken notary clerk, who atruck
I’rraldent Ifiaz a heavy blow on the
back of the neck yeaterday when aur
rounded by dlatlnguiahcd men, waa
confined, aarended the .fairway, over
came the guarda and made their way
to the office of the inapcctor general
of poller, l»ent U|>on avenging the at
tack on the president. Arrogo waa
found altting In a chair and waa atab
bed repeatedly and left dead on the
The aaalatant chief of police, who
waa aleeping In an adjoining room,
awakened by the nolee, aroae and ran
to the balcony, firing hie pletol aa a
tignal for help. At the aamc time he
called a policeman, who waa In alght,
to make an attempt to detain the
lynchere, who were making their eo
eape. The firing of plalola arid the
whletlre of policemen brought other
officer*, who auccecded In capturing
twenty of the mob.
It wue not long before the Inapcctor
general and Inapcctor Vlllavlcencio
arrived on borne back. When t he po
lice entered the room they found the
I _ .1.. . t at... . I .... . I .. ... _ i .1
middle of the floor literally rlddltd
with knife stabs. At his side were
found u door bur and several knives
and other steel instruments. The
body was removed to the Fourth ward
police station municipal hospital.
The ifendarmes who wore ifuardintf
Arrojfo were unarmed. If they had
been they would have fired on the
mob. There Is every reason to believe
tliut hundreds knew of the plans of
the mob.
Women Assault anil llrlv* Out the
I ,,iiI Miners,
If AZf.KTOU, Fa., Kept. 16. —This
morning over 1 00 men who had been
driven arvay by women yesterday re
ported for work at tlio Monarch wash*
cry at Audenreld, when the women,
armed with atleks and stones, reap
I a* a red and swooped down upon them.
Home of the women stationed them*
selves on top of a eulrn hunk, ready to
pelt the men, hut violence was averted
hy the men promntly quitting work.
At the Ktar witsliery about 100 of the
l»r» men returned to work, but the
women threatened to drive them out
nml they are not cxpuctinif to work
more than a few hours.
As soon as the reports of the dis
turbance readied (icrieral tlobin lie
Sent a squad of troops to the scene.
When the cavalry reached there all
attempts »t, violence had ceased, hut
the women followed the troops about
the streets, hooting and cursing them.
A storekeeper at Audenreld declurcit
this morning that his entire stock of
revolvers had been sold during the
past few days.
Ueport* from Cranberry confirm
the report that the powder house of
Ivlward Turnhaeh, a deputy sheriff,
had Is-im broken into early tills morn
ing l»y strikers, who had stolen e.
quantity of dynamite. Details of thi
robbery were not obtainable. A squad
of soldiers was sent there this morn
Ileneral (iobiri is in a quandary over
tlie raiils made by the foreign women,
lie says he cannot order ills soldiers
to lire upon them, even in the event of
graver trouble, ami lie is seeking
I means to Kt-rpmp inein in snojeriaon.
He has received word from tiovarnr
Hust'np* to suppress trouble wherever
it ma.y break out, repardlesH of county
The hripad# commamicr said to-day
that the hip mass uiectinp fixed for
next ^uturday nip lit, which in to lie
add reined liy l*. ,1 Maptiire and other
prominent lalmr leader*, will not l>e
interfered witli unies-, Inecndlary
speeches are made. There will be a
punrd of soldier* there tosupprcsKHiiy
micIi epilation. He In tryinp to eon
cilittle Fahey and other leaders, who
ure ttnknip for a speedy withdrawn! of
the troops
Heir I'rrsuinptlra nf iliu Thrrot* Marrle*
n Parmer Mnnakoiio »f tirapii
III ill lx, Sep,. Is A sensation has
lieen MttUsed hero hv the statement
that the Archduke I ran* Ferdinand,
m «i| (lift lute Archduke Karl l«ud
mil ami Princes* Aiuiiitifiata, ilanph'
ter of the lain Koip Feriutnduto II ,
of Nii|dvs. heir presumptive of the
throne of Austro lluMparV. wax
rietl lit latndou last week to a middle
class lady from K<>htsheaH. uvar A14
l a t'htt|Mtle,
Tile local Anieiper add* *'she Is
a former hnii*ebee|**r of llerr Ktupp,
the prvat lr*m msnufikvturer of Kxsett.
wlieio «l»e met Archduke I ran* 1 erdh
Hand ‘the c tuple have ytmw to Ah
I pier*
I ameulraf f Msisitss Is lad sms
I snl t S kl'd I* I Mil *ept I' II#
1 port* from *H part* of the state to tit#
•uperitttvndeiit of pahlk# instruction
n,r tnliit f ih# worktop of the *• »
compulsory education taw t#*d h ut to
Is.-1.eve the sit asute ha* alread>
aided n W>i tw W ail | upiis to Ike
•saw »«lt« t ki*stk"ll la erstta
|>i stkit ltd. kept it lt#|*iei* #>■
I aatved at the weather Fuivaa iudhatv
a ecu# ai swowtatl tu ih# uiorutaias
1 f K - iru* <• ser«»*l laehes iW*p at
| I*., |i # t reek and at taatraiiiiy
$1,000,000 Sale
Dry Goods*
* Special Mala ut Dry flood*, OlMto
C'otliiii| and NIimi, th« l*lk«t of
Which Wu Nctcr
Known Mofor*.
From September 17 to 24, Huston
More, Omaha, will hold
A Oranil rail Opening Mala,
On which day* everything in our whole
establishment will be offered ut special
Half-Rnt* Kaearolon.
Kvery railroad running Into Omaha
will sell half rate tickets during the
day* of this sale, commencing Kept. 17
and ending Kept. 24, which will giva
you an om>ortunlty to attend the state
fair und sec all the parade* of the
Knight*of Ak-Kar-Iien.
ily attending this sale and making
yonr fall purchase*, you will hbvo
many time* the expense of your trip.
We have exerted most extraordinary
efforts to make till* series of sale* the
most wonderful of any ever held in
the west. Our buyers have made a
number of deals, each one so success
ful that the results are nothing short
of sensational. Kntlre stocks, whole v
product* of mills and fm-turle*. have X^
nccii bought for mere frnclionsnf their
real value, und all these bargain* will
be offered from Kept. 17 to 24 at our
An imported stock of high grade
dress goods, silk* and velvets.
$120,000 bankrupt stock of Men's and
Itoys'dothing, hats, cap* and Hants’
Kix ssuiple lines of the latest Style*
of l.adlc*', Misses' it I Hi I Id's imported
and American made cloaks, fuvs. capes,
4 In ’ If I* t A ruifl wrntik
Tile output of mi entire factory of
men's, laities’ and children's underwear, i
hosiery anil knit goods. v
•100,000 stock of rm n's. woman's and
children's hand made nod custom welt
boot* and shoes, and u {big stock of
new rubber shoes.
Two immense bankrupt retail Naw
York Jewelry stocks.
A complete stock of new Fall Milli
nery, Including 3,000 Imported sample
hut* and our uwu special products and
The largest stock of bed blanket* la
Omaha We also make a specialty nf
horse blankets.
The entire output of a carpet mill,
hundreds of rolls of carpet at almost
half price.
The most complete line of yarns In
the west, at lower price* tfian any
where else.
An immense line of staple and do
mestic dress goods at. prices that will
agreeably astonish you.
•litMotli ami Douglas streets,
Omaha. Neb.
When you visit Omaha make the
lloston Store your rest ing place, your
olllec, your wash-up place, your lunch
room malt* it your Omaha home we
have everything ready for you. with
no expense to yourself. We will take
care of your package* anil check them
free of charge.
Dostoo store, Omalie.
The Itallroade of Ihe < oiinlr).
The railroads of the country employ
700.000 men. Each year they lose '
2.000 of their number in killed, and
20.000 of them are injured annually.
It Is estimated that II. W0,000 people
depend on these employes for u living.
Shuk* Into Your Mion*.
Allen's Foot-Ease, u powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and Instantly takes Ihe sting
out of corns uud bunions. It Is the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Kaso makes tight-titling
or new shoes fool easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try It to-day. Sold
by ull druggists and shoo stores. liy
mall for 25c in stumps. Trial package
FltKK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, E*
Hoy. N. Y._
No man can do good as he has op
portunity without onjoylng the occu
Call tho day lost on which you have
not been anxious to make Homebody
Alt of Whom Are Known Through
out the West Highly Endorse
Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr.
Kay's Luntf Balm, the Two
Best Remedies Known.
To Whom this I'omsh. QaRSTlHii: We lake
lilnuMiie III comnmialnil ti.e virtues it tbs
r un ilieu I'li'parr l l y tlii> Ur It J mi Mnt _
i... I l II lluviiu kimwii nf Sunni leiuurliubte |
luri-n nf l' In . Ini \*4 up la vlTpittii i,y luu u«>i uf
Ur. InyI. l(. miwiinr uml Ur Kuv n I.uuk
It 11 in we tn'livt* Uml lhii»**r«»l refut'ills* are
worthy ut tlm 1till lii: tMicr ul tin liuljllti. hit aril:
W. A •'Mian, fi't 4*at M im Unit tMk tufa Ok.
* U Mlymaa, ft Tntnrtr ut tk. VuU4 SUM
fin. f. kumit. It b)ir «< tkt City tl Uaukt
Ertthit A Hoiton. h« .f Utuka lit. ktuu lukttft
A S Cbircbill. It tturut Otttrtl tl Itkrutt
ft I t iimtull. It -.trims.t ttJ ynutl Ci y tturwy
lab It Mi Oust If. Hint. o*»u «.t
a*tr|t HtimiuS C III) tmttiw. Oittk*. Ilk.
lab a ktn'kare On t uu, Dtk.
Httui.i Hn|kt. *u» tlwk Oetkt »tk
A b Mttanlt. utf Tram* tarn. »«k
C. I kstilh. kiftttty Ottuti <4 kttrtikt tttu bk
I, A Clarbtaa, Uu fttititiiw Suits Htk.
Til Abut Jittb M«a lab Thomiabs if
Olkirs Eabirsi Them Rimtditt.
Among IN Mtithtr Art:
M«« CM« N *******«f
mb Aim 4 *faa f»«• a* Ni|H »«b «*A« i«4%
Mm. I I i«M« >t»*4*» 4 U4 IlMbinliia bnAmagi
«b U4*..i ftUU U*%
M. I * (A* bm*U In to fami*
•*« * AM • **• f »*# 4 fa#»4 MMA«
Km «l**i A M»IA*«. »« fabmA • ♦**«. *
C«*A |i«a. fa>M * U. i **a **»%•» fiaaa* Hif ln«
Ml I K»Wf«. P* •*•# ***** («A4i * (>ilM fa*4k
1V«« il u ill *4 At**t r#rt ««<M
•I AM* U * h •* » • a ' **% 1*4 R*4it|f
MUMi *A« - bW*»*A»| 4*4 'to* *•<**(« It! ^
I««4*ifl|l* ll« *(1*1- • *4 I* K*> * M >*•*•« ft A^f
( t i »• . AH A ffa
4 »4 Ah«* * ft*.*** *4l |||M *R« ftU Mfcftf
IfMHnAMn ♦*!• *mm* A A»» «*| A!
Dr lif * RimiiHi Mb Kr. Kiy 11mg Ul
in u 4 tiA*4bl*U Wf MNit L m> *»A n'«4li
i M A* * A Itftfcto 44*| *4 *iiUil fnl 14 ImM Ml
OWR HOOK In 19**11*#♦!*'
HlM*»i h*% A Miti ito* »«!*#• *1 t**«A4
l > . » to *
Nlhi (N M J Lti 4 AsmU i‘«A*4 SA|