r INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. CHAPTKR II.—fCoMTiavBO.) The eye* of the two old men tnel; the minister flushed allghtly, while Solomon'* dry llpa aaaumed the ehape generally taken when one I* about to give a prolonged whlutle; but no aound frllowed. Whaur dbl your reverence find the h; Irn? On the dooratane, did you any The m In later nodded. Thereupon Solomon walked over to the chair, put •>ti a pair of braaa-rlmmed apact*clea, and Inapected the child much an his master had done, but with prolonged a.io dubious shake* of the head. "lyOrd preserve na a'!” he muttered ''Solomon,” i rled Mr. I/>rralrie Im patiently, "what's to be done?” Solomon acratched hi* head, then Me, face lightened with audden Inaplra L jtfnn. as he answered: Bftxjfr ''Put the thing whaur ye found him, mMw tin the dooratane. fon. Indignantly. "Ind I no’ tell yeT It s a scandal, an outrage’ Keep the helm Indeed, and a woman bairn’ * Absurd notion** ’Hush Kolomna," Interposed the ■italaier solema'r ”1 begin to tee the Send o il««d la this ’* ttpeeigg the hodelulhe* he plaesu the lafaal la i e