The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 24, 1897, Image 2

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OKO. B. BBNMIIOTBB. Bailor B I'ab.
The Norfolk beef augur factory ha*
Degun operation*.
YVymore achoola opened with a
largely Increased attendance.
The Preabjrterlan college at llant
Ing* opened witii a large enrollment.
Four eompaale* of the Twenty-are
rmd Infantry cBmpcd for nevcral day*
at Hehnyler.
A. O. Seidacr, of Hebron, waa con
rieted foraelltng liquor unlaw fully and
lined 9100 and coat*.
Mr. and Mr*. YV. I*. Snowden, the
Hrat actual nettle rn in Omaha, cele
brated their golden wedding last week.
Krv. F. A. Colony of Kencauw
preached hi* farewell aermon laat
Sunday. He han been otllelating in
that place for Hve yearn.
Neliranka raitroadn have agreed on
on none and one-third rate fure for
the round trip to Lincoln. October is
23, on account of the meeting of Odd
Fellow* there.
YVaa. Darragh. one of the men aua
nertnd of the burglary of Reran llron.
hardware atore at Ord, wua captured
near Kent and lodged in jail. Officer*
are ntill hunting for Ihe other two.
The ntute circuit meet of the Nebrua
ka diviaion of the L. A. YV. will l»e held
in Kearney Monday, September20, anil
every effort in lieing made to make the
inert the greateat anceea* of anything
Miss Lizzie Mitchell of l/ineolu, who
attempted to quit this world the other
nigtrt by taking chloroform or opium,
haw authorized an attorney to coin
ROTHie suit for 910,000 against an al
leged unfaithful suitor, whom she
nays got her into trouble.
Sheriff Woolsev of Hurt county has
removed word that M. A. Yorty was
pardoned from the penitentiary by the
governor. Yorty was sent up for tir
ing the lluffiun iniil at. Teknmah last
winter. A petition from the citizen*
of Hurt county secured Ids freedom.
A boy named Win. Frances while
riding a horse in a race at the county
fair being held at Harrison, was
thrown from his horse and had his
skull mo budlv crushed that, he may
not recover. The boy and his parents
arrived there a few days ago from
Great Falls, Mont. They were on
their way to Minneapolis, Minn.
The letter announcing the resigna
tion of l>r. (.’. I*. Fall, superintendent
of the institute for the feeble minded
at Iteatriac. was received by Governor
Holcomb last week and the resigna
tion was accepted, to take effect Octo
ber 1. The governor lias announced
the appointment of Hr. diaries G.
tsprague of Omaha us superintendent
of tlie institute to succeed Hr. Kali.
The first week of the beet sugar man
ufacturing cumpaign in Grand Island
has passed. An extra line quality of
sugar is being manufactured of the
beefs this yuar. The output has not
been equaled and It Is certainly an exr
eel lont.crop for the factory. Some of
tbs beets have tested as high us IS pc
eeat sugar with a parity coefficient of
VO. There.are not many Iwcts in Cali
fornia that will test higher than this.
Canada was in evidence at the Ne
braska state fair. Win .1. White of
Ottawa, Canada, an attache of and rep
reseating tlie interior department of
Canada, mude application for a big
display of Canada grains, grasses and
products, particularly such as are
grown in the western purt of the do
minion. Tin* exhibit ulso included a
series of photographs showing the
commerrinl development of that part
of the country.
Nebraska City's latest industry is a
plant for tile manufacture of tiling.
The industry is being pushed by the
Morion brothers, who some time since
bad a test made of elay there (or that
purpose and it w as pronounced of ex
cellent quality by the expert*. Thos.
I’olisku, an expert glaaier and fancy
tile maker has been secured and last
week the tlrst kiln of the tUe Was
burned. The rapacity of the plant
will lie enlarged as tile demand for
tiling is made.
The home of the friendless -ease was
•ubiniUcd to tin- judge at Idneoln last
week. lie decided our of tin* point* iil
the controversy. Tills wu* that Uie
home wus a stats- institution. Twr
other points raised were taken under
advisement, uud the holding of the
judge on tliese will practically decide
the ease for or against the stale. These
two questions are: Mas the state en
tered into an implied contract with
the society of the home of the friend
less that tin- latter is to manage and
control the Institution, und is nut that
eon tract binding upon the stute and
its officers? Is the ..Mug in man
damns tin- proper remedy in this ease?
Tile secretary of slate's office lias re
t-oiinucdcd to county clerks solin' r iles
for mukiug up the official ballot under
the new luw « bleb are designed to se
cure uniformity on those point* VI lie re
(lie law Itself is silent Tin iso rccom
MivHilathms are Hint (lie purl i emblem
%m- made one und one half inches
aquarv, that the columns for the names
#n each ticket la- Mtirtrcii cm* wide,
printers measure, or the same width
a* the columns of this |ia|icr; that the
names of the candidates la* printed in
•maH me a capitals, that licadiugs of
ttebeta lie printed in two-Hne pica
gothle condensed that the tialhds he
male ttftccn by eighteen inches- that a
nonpareil black rule la- placed between
each ticket oM the lutllol, that thr
•tat* committees kiv with the seen lu
n of stale deigns for emblems
It fa now autlooitiicly stated that
the luceeloane* sab of the I uion I’a
elite will isienr allkin the nest sis
It It Vewloa of Treuton wants the
e y|»<sitioii to ad ranee k.m f t.> ena
t»l* him to construel an airship of bts
uwu invention
111* date for a change in Ike super*
t* tendency of ttm institntlou lor fw» Ida
minded at Men trie* haa been deltntlely
let for ttutwker I Ik >‘no has ten
deled kta resign Stnm tutiiiinsu# llot
•mask to lake vNvet an that date lie
t will not aessept any ntker m«iti-m for
Ik* slat*, but will return I# tk* prae
ttea af medietaa
Maextpta from Cailaim Ifnrtxr th« Nxw
rarlff law for (ha Flrat Month of
■ ta Operation Have Fallan lla
low tha Katlrnata, While
flapaiKlItaraa *how an
lneraaaa Orar Mama.
VVAXiifXOTox, Hept. iff.— Anxiety haa
been expreaacd In Home <|iiart«ra lent
there l»e a large deficit In the revenue*
of the government at the end of the
flxcal year. Thl* eolleltude I* baaed
mainly rpoo the fuel, that the receipt#
from cuatoma under the new tariff law
for the tir*t month of Ita operation
have fallen below the cxtlinate, while
the expenditure*, notably for |>en*ion
payment#, allow an increaxe over the
“I don't anticipate any deficit In the
revenue* of the government thl*
year,” xald Colonel II. Clay Kvana, the
commlxaioncr of penaion#, to-day, ''al
though the expenditure* for penaion*
will be greater than the appropria
tion,thereby necexaitatlng a deficiency
appropriation for their payment. I
don't look tor aa large an increase,
however, as the payment* for the quar
ter ending Keptember JO, about $40,
000,000, would seem to Indicate. That
amount include* certificate* that have
in*eu held up. I estimate that the to
tal payment* for the year will not ex
ceed 1147,3000,000. Tliut ia not an ap
palling excess by any mean*, the ap
propriation for the year being •141,
2A,'i,XX0. If there should be an unex
pected failing off in the revenues, the
pension payment* m'ght be curtailed
toward the end of tin- year, although
1 don't think that i* at all likely.”
"How i» the increase for the year
accounted for?” Colonel F.van* was
"Well, to begin with, there are
something like 200,000 old claim* pend
ing before the bureau, which will lie
acted upon a* rapidly a* we can get.
to them. A great many of these are
good claims, ought to be and will have
to be allowed. They will involve a
considerable amount of money, prob
ably •.*>,< 00,000, although no definite
estimate of this can lie made now.
"Then there is a remarkable in
crease in the uumlier of new applica
tion* for pension*. For instance, in
the last six months of the fiscal year
of 1SV4, the application* under the
general law were 13,000, while in one
month alone in 1*07, the month of
June, there were IH.ldx. The applica
tion* under the act of June 27, 1X00,
for six month* in Ix'Jfl were 10,*03, and
for the month of June, 1S07, were
"What occasioned Much a marked
increase in the applications?”
"Well, while 1 have had little com
munication with the old soldiers to
determine what moved them in the
matter, I think 1 could make a pretty
good surmise. 1 guess some of the
boys had been holding off under the
last administration from applying for
pensions, concluding that they would
rather try their chance* of getting
their applications granted with a Re
publican administration.”
Tbe Democrat* Advised to Stand bjr
the Chicago Platform.
New Yoke, Sept. J(J.—The World
print* tbe following: "William Jen
nings Bryan, In a letter to a well
known Tammany man, deplores the
disposition of the local Democratic
machine to thrust into the back
ground the principles which guided
the national Democracy In 11*4*0. lie
recommends that the ling under which
the Democrats fought a year ago, and
which attracted tint sup|>ort of more
than MM.000 voters, be set at the
masthead and kept there throughout
the battle for control of the greater
city of New York.
"He calls attention to the fact that
auuther light (or the control of the
federal government will soon be here
and wonders what the |H>*tliou of
those Democrats will be who, thruugh
a mistaken idea, deserted those princi
ples for which they loudly clamored a
few month* ago. lie wants all the
Democrats who were loyul last year to
be loyal this year lie say* that loy
alty vauuot la’ shown by desertiug
the platform adopted at l tiicugo or by
Indicating that It is unclean by prr
slsteut aud puhlte refusals to rvcog
It 10U It.*
t rstti at Ihs Hr*4 „f a Haw task Paper.
New \<>hs. N |il So Iticharil t roll
er Is going into a newspaper venture
again lie is to be at the head of the
I tally Telegraph, which l* to be the
Tammany organ in the coming earn
patgu. and Mr t’roher Is tu dictate its
p>dn-y and otherwise dtrvct its con
4s Matt l«l MarlUwrawfH
latgHUH, wept .11 Tha iHtchesa uf
MidhrtiUjfli formerly Miss touvueln
Vandevhtlt, became the mother of •
son at I wvdoeh this morning at Mpeu
ear house, the da.m I otohm residenew
Itoth mother aud sou are doing well,
according to the repsMt* from the at
tending |d) tkiss*
Matt** P*pasts te !*.!*» Isks
Mvoaiu Kept »> Captain lleneral
May let mMm to the government that
he u pevteellf euuihteat uf betag abi*
to gasify t uba la four m *wlh%
United Mtste* Condition* Never Mo flood
—The Tm«< an Millionaire*.
New York, Hept. SO. — Weorge J.
Would, with his family, returned to
thin city yesterday on the American
liner Ht. Louis. For throe month*
while he had been resting In Europe
the business revival has added at least
•l.’i.OOO.OOd to the value of the Would
"There never was a time,” said
Would last night, "when condition*
promised so much for the United
States. We have the tariff settled, we
are rid of thn silver and other buga
boos and- well, everything looks all
right. There ha* been a strengthen
ing in the markets all along the line
Business men abroad realize that the
United States is now muster of the
situation. W'o have the good* to sell
grain, cotton, etc, The crop* are
short, their needs are gn at and they
must buy of us. In moving our enor
mous crops there will be an increased
activity In railroad securities and the
railroad* that are benefiting by this
are busy building ears and engines to
handle the Immense tonnage which
must be hauled this fall.”
Would was told of the trouble that
ha* been caused in Tarrylown through
high assessments on estate* of wealthy
residents. "The up-state people aro
simply following the example which
the f ax officers of thl* city set them,"
said he. "Why should they drive rich
people away from New York city and
New York state? 1 was the first vie
tin. t tie sv aslalii rs»t/l in tr tu-eniificil
property were taxed at an advance of
I, 000 per cent without a similar od
vance Id other properties. I would
not stand such gross and unjust dis
crimination, although 1 am always
willing to bear my fair share of taxes."
Meeerel Mottle's U. A. H Assistants.
IIaHRisiiimo, Pa.. Kept 20— General
J. P. 8. Gobin of 1-rbanon Issued gen
eral orders to-day from the headquar
ter* of the Grand Army of the, lie
public. assuming the duties of the
commander-ln-chicf and announcing
the appointment* of General Thomas
J. Stewart, post No. It, department of
Pennsylvania, as adjutant general,
and Charles Hurrowes, post. No. 2S,
department of New Jersey, to lie
quartermaster general. The appoint
ees will serve without salary. Head
quarter* have been established at In
dependence hall, Philadelphia.
A Kansas Killed in California.
CLr.A VKXWoam, K^n., Kept 20.—Dr,
W. W. Walter* received a telegram
yesterday that. Kamuel J. Darruh had
been shot dead on his ranch near Han
ning, Cal. Mr. Darrah lived here
many years and was once clerk of the
district court. Two sons survive,
Lieutenant Thomas Darrah, 17. H. A.,
stationed In the Hast, now visiting at.
Fort Leavenworth, and Percy Darrah,
who is studying medicine at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
gear Hew Coevals Named
WasW*otox, Kept. 7 l.—The Presi
dent to-day made the following ap
pointments: Charles M. Dickinson of
New York, consul at Constantinople;
James W. Ragsdale, consul at Tien
tsin; C. C. Manning of Mouth Carolina,
consul at Ht. Michaels, Azores; Henja
min V. Clark of New Hampshire, con
sul at Pernambuco, iirazll; Leander
Hryan, marshal for the middle district
of Alabama; Hlla* 0. Croft, surveyor of
customs for the port of New York.
K. lopere Aged Respectively MM snd 711.
.Sioux Citv, Iowa, Kept. 20.—Heze
kiah Way, aged OH, deserted a wife
and nine children in Dakota county,
Nebraska, and soon an old man who
called himself llezeklah Hiatt began
to court a 72-year-old widow of Nem
aha county, Nebraska. Presently he
ieii, ana me wiuow ih Known to nave
followed as far as this town with con
siderable money. The two are be
lieved to have eloped from here, and
search la being made for him.
To Tost Sugar (lasts lo Missouri.
Cm.i'MIilA. Mo., Kept 110. — 1’rof. 11.
■I. Waters, director of the Miaaourl
agricultural experiment fetation, la pre
paring for a thorough aualyala of su
gar lieets grown In this stale, with a
view to determining whether the cul
ture In Missouri la profitable. He has
ai nt out circulars asking fur samples
uf beets grown under Ilia direction
and ia receiving many dally.
Weiss Will Help Oat lemlaa Trad*.
London, Kept HO .-The I'riucc and
I’rineeea of Wales have announced
their intention of paying several vis
its to Loudon, In order to encourage
the winter season, the trudesiueu of
the uiclro|ioUs having succeeded iu
conveying respectful hints that other
wise the season was certain of failure,
which would Ins followed by a come
ipieut depression la trade.
A tsMIw OKI Utopia?.
LihlNM, Kept 30,- AImuI Ih* mill'
41* uf kb'UiluT mm *will bu
**|*‘»4* *1 Ml Hu* I ill per til iilitltiil* ill Mil
IH* jubilw |fkft« mm* I MtMr#**#* |»n
Mrlltftl III th« llllif Ilf the |»r«*
cWr*U will |fu |u IHm MM«I i'rlii>
ivm uf WmU*m h» •|»it«l ftiiitl llm *4*t4
Irtbutiutti tu thiit i*h«ri!.y IimvIh^ fill*
#M fir iburt uf * tprutMlkuM, r* m*. Iitiitf
Mlily M IuImI «»f UtW
•Him t *»***•*«•• ••»«*# Mk«t«r* Mrtl*
iiu*M Mt«**k Mil*, *N*|lt M M*4t»
IliuiiiUtl u)*rituri »m» Urn t h***- till*
kif UlMuhiMU* Im IK# kbtM fliMurhi uf
llf%MfliUMl MMtl »(« illy ilrut li >®%Ui
4iy I’h* Mttgu litmn #1 MNiil N#
lolkw fti|)uiv4 HhukiM Ih# 4rkn« U
|«it tfil, * "•*>» Ml* M Mtiibl la*
IN# %lftu# t»il iMvWtl i|i)iit
Ih# t biH * Mil I IlM (HM4 hlMMi.
I HiHltMi • Hi M Mill
' 4 Ml* % *4*1. b«)4 I I h* r#v**t4u mI
• h# «»4H## ibuN aividlMfi
kubfbhi 4*r Mg Ih# mm#M ll«H|>uy
mm4 ktikibiig »trW4bf m*hI ••«• ih#
•Muth -U atuk ffM*|M«#lljy •w^u|i4
part of their time devoted
TTi* Soldier Sentiment* nt Senator Allen
— Mi Intern!* In nnd Elfnrti For
Those Who Snred the t:mintrr—
Consressronn strode nod Hon.
W. 4. Hrysn Talk Hrlefljr.
The Stnte Resnlon.
(m the occasion of "Nebraska l>ay'
at the reunion of the soldiers of Ne
braska at Lincoln, tint speaking was
held in Exposition hall, Chairman ICr
liardt read telegrams from Congress
men Oreeue anti Htark. announcing
their Inability to be present. A letter
from Senator Allen was also read, the
first part of which told of hi* parf id
pat ion in the war and devotion to the
old soldiers. It continues:
For those who honaatly served la the
same great, Just and holy cause, what
ever their station In life may be, or
may have been, I have strong feelings
of uffcctlon akin to those existing be
tween brothers, notwithstanding on
political nueations we rnuy widely dis
agree. Men eapatde of sacrificing (e r
sonul convenience and risking health
and life in the accomplishment of a
great cause In tha Interest of the race
are too broad-minded, sensible nnd pa
triotic to cavil with others who per
formed a like service respecting their
political opinions.
The war for the union wit* fought on
the theory that ours Ik a national gov
ernment and that tills is an lose pern
ble union of Indestructible states, and
that a state having entered thr union
j becomes nil integral jiortinn thereof
I and cannot throw off or abandon Its
I allegiance at any time a majority of its
citizens iiinv so declare. This la the
aittlrd doctrine of our country. We
are not only a federal union, but • na
tion, and our government poaocaoea.
and ran excrrlae for the common good
ail the power that any other national
government can rightfully excrrlae.
Thirty-two yeara have paaacd Into
eternity alnee the clow of the war in
which we aerved together and the miia
terlng out of the volunteer army and
navy. Thoae who were then more
atriplfnga have become gray-headed
men and in the weat have encountered
the hardahipa, privationa arid expert
cncea of a long, uacful and active life.
It muat have lmpreaaed 1 tacIf on all
that with otir retirement from the
army we did not ceaae to be churged
with dtitiea and reaponaibilltiea of a
very high order and an Importantchar
artcr. The aame cauae that impelled
our eniiatinent and induced ua to en
counter the hardahipa and expcrlencea
of a aoldler'a life, namely, the preoer
vation ami protection of the union, haa
douhtlcaa Induced ua to pi-rform our
duty aa citizena to the beat of our abil
ity, in making more aeeure the foundu
tIona of civilization and In atrengtlien
ing the government wherever, in our
judgment, it may have needed atrength*
I may lie permitted to aay that 1
ahall in the future, aa I have in the
paat, u»« every reuaonuhle and lioneat
effort to advance the intcrcata of the
aoldlera and asilora of Lilia atate and
nation. I have during the incumbency
of my preoent office hail under conald
eration 946 penalon eaara at the bureau
of penaiona, many of which have been
granted, bealdca having introduced
and aeeureil the paaaage of many pri
vate Mila. I have atreuuoLaly con
tended on the fioora of the I nltcd
Match aeiiate, and ahall continue tiWo
ao, that that all who honorahly per
formed like aervicea In the cauae of the
I'nion ahould he equally rewarded In
the granting of penaiona, arid that the
artificial dlatinction between huabanda,
, made neceaaary by the exiatenen of a
atate of war, ahall not continue be
| tween thqir widowa after the war
cloaed and each took hia atation in the
rank of citizena. I ahall cameatly
continue thla line of advocacy until
such an odioita eondition ahall have
ceaaed to exiat in the I'nited Staten,
The wKe und children of a aoldier who
performed meritorioua and lioneat
aervicea for hia country and rlaked life
and limb at a time when the govern
viintit tuuuloil tiiin klwmlil lu* ri-u u nli il
equally with the wife amt children of
tlume who received higher pay. greater
honor nnd emolument* during the
short period such distinction existed.
Among the speakers was Congress
man Strode. He gave a review of the
causes that led to the war, and said
that the greater part of the army that
marched to the front in 1*01 was in
the eternal camp today lie diseuased
the war as it affected Nebraska, and
followed the state through Its forma
tion of a state government nnd admis
sion into the union, eulogizing Mar
quette and Thayer as two of Its great
est patriots. The part of present |at
triotisiu was to "stand up for Ne
braska,'' The state hud Increased in
population from '.'o,*hsi in 1*07 to over a
million in I*U7. It ban grown Into a
great common wealth slm-e the war.
It wus la-lug built up at the time Hen
Wade said: "I am in favor of homes
for the homeless, rather than niggers
for tlie niggerless " In 1*70 the state
raised 7..SSMSMI Imshelsof corn: in Isso.
at*.(**),<**!; in I s',mi, liMi.iNNi.issi. ami In {
, 1*07. fully aisi.issi.issi bushels, lu |s7u ,
i there W'ere 7t*s sebisd house* 111 the
slate, ami now there are 7,'MSi, the
state having the lowest percentage of
illiteracy among all the state*. The
*|ir*kcr thought we ought to staml up
for and Is- pniVil of the state I bo.
would be true patriotism He said j
there were many sincere people who
preach and profess patriotism, hut the
true patriot I* the one who practice* a*
well as preaches
Congressman HIr*sir was follow*®' hy
lion W ,1 Itrysu lie thought. h>*w
erer. that on oecasion* like this It was
propel for IlliAi' to a|« •ah a h*» l«A»k I
|t«r( in Ihv a ar rAllu*r Utm lln»r
mHu Ai*fv hiftVA Um lli*’ I
Krvil MrMfyli1 * am luiik 1*a W u|m»ii {
Uin tlllt* iH»Ht**«*t In AhU li At* liAVr ]
U rli « M||A|T* il AIMl Mm*I Hmw Mil«tl It |
** « «t A till Ihw llfil A v*f thr
(frv«W*l W Af til liUlury t h** a af am ,
prVAl. Wt'AAA <n«*l|l|AAIV«l rM* «lit I M |
UfA »t»n»#rw»l lnl«* |ap• miami ul frhttili,
»u«t ih** grrihii »|ii* %ii**ii UiaI Iim f**t
A lA th# hi I **A*l
Uc«M Hr AM? AilA !
til A tf **'•! MAtUMl AM«I AltAhffr A IMA 1
J**f 11) |«| I hr |****J*I# ilf * lil» tth«th«f A# !
AA III# II lit M»*t. Ift lh# iAA
til lit# lint) I h# (fU*n **i ,**• lil# a*i |
|fHAl I'tttfM** A* Ihtf )#«t* |U tA» AA*I
lh» l#A*llA|f l#Mlt * • * v, I.
•mil ihr lAMI^i) • WlN|
Ah# Ah aim |«4a#*4a. a hi# Ia in## *••#•• 4
by north aud alike. Mr. Ilryan
referred to Mr. Strode'* definition of
patriotism and said he was glad that
the word was broad enough to include
wane iH'sldes those who actually fought,
in the war. The patriot was a man
who fought the battlea of hi* country,
whether they lie fought with hullcta or
with argument*. It was important,
to win our liberties, and just a* im
rnrtant to preserve them. "If a man
asn't a chance to die for hi* conn try.
isn't it a glorious thing to live for It'/'’
Torn for Talk# Uw,
A model kitchen in which will be
prepared In a scientific manner Ne
braska's stanle product, Indian maize,
in all its varied forms, is the scheme
proposed by Mrs, Harriet H. MocMur
phy of Omaha to the Nebraska Kxpoftl
tlon commission. Horne of the member*
are disposed to look witli great favor
on the scheme as being a most valuable
means of showing the world the great
value of corn a* a food for man as well
as ls-n*f., thereby Increasing the de
mand for the crop with which Nebras
ka can supply the world.
Mrs. MacMurphy's plan contemplates
the establishment of a kitchen which
shall Is- a model for n housewife, fitted
with all the most improved culinary
apparatus for preparing f<s»d in the
most scientific manner. In this kitch
en Mrs, Mac Murphy propow* to give
daily demonstrations all during the ex
position, siiowing to all visitor* who
desire to be Informed the result of sci
entific investigation into the art of pre
paring food for file table in a manner
which will kisure flic tiest results from
flic nutrition therein contained, Mrs.
Mae Murphy proposes to make a spe
cialty of preparing corn for table use,
and for tills purpose she propose* to
.1 4.4 1 4 » .... t _ lt. .l. II...
very many tempting form* in which
this highly nutritious food may tie util
I rad by man. These (lelieions prepara
tions will he prepared in plain sight of
visitors, ami they will then tie distrib
uted among the people who desire to
have further proof of their excellence.
Nwliraabam Art lli,ln| In Teas*,
The Trans-Mississippi and Interna
tional Kxnositlon is to lie boomed in
t he south by another party of Nebras
kans, tin the evening of Saturday,
October 2, there will leave Omaha over
the Wabash railroad a party of sixty
five Nebraskans, bound for Texas.
They will occupy two I'ullmau sleep
ing ears and they will be gone eight
days. Twenty-five members of the
party will be from Omaha, and the re
maining forty will tie prominent rep*
re sen tut Ives of the leading towns In the
The committee of the Omaha Heal
Kstatc exchange having the mat ter in
charge has worked indefatigably for
the success of the excursion. The nec
essary transportation has been secured
throughout and a representative party
of Nchrankuns has been made up. The
committee will at once make official ap
plication to the exposition manage
meat for a large quantity of exposition
literature to take along on the trip,
and will also ask for the appointment
of the two best exposition orators that
can accompany the party to make ad
dresses at all jiolnts where stop* will
be made.
Want* to Mattla HI* flafalraOnM.
V>, ('. Hocketiberger, the defaulting
cx-countv treasurer arid ex-secretary
of the school district of Orand Island,
has again made the proposition to the
board of education of that city to pay
the board •l.WJOif it would recommend
to the county attorney to dismiss the
criminal proceedings against. Ilocken
brrger. The latter lias once lieen tried
on the charges of embezzling school
district money, and on his own con
fession that he falsified the records to
cover up a previous shortage he was
found guilty. The case has been ap
pealed to the supreme court and by it
remanded hack for a new trial. ft Is
said by tile defense that llockenbcrgrr
never took the actual cash which he
embezzled, and on this technicality it
is believed by niariv that he will never
i.,. ......
Mata l.lqnor Dealtri.
It ban Jjccii decided to bold a state
meeting of saloon men in Oinalia Octo
ber 14, with a view to perfecting a
state organization of saloon keepers to
he known as the Protective Idqnor
Dealers' association. The effort is in
tended to tiring to Omaha in 'll* the na
tional association, which holds its
meeting in Indianapolis this year. All
retail dealer* throughout the state will
lie urgod to attend the October meeting
anil Omaha's wholesale trade will lie
looked after.
Arraatad I iidar tha Postal l.arra.
John I,. Kstahrook of Ouide Hock,
Neb., was brought lie fore I’. S. Com
missioner I lisle ut (irand Island, by
Deputy II, N. Marshal Cooley of Mn
coin, eharged with using the United
States mails for fraudulent purposes.
It is alleged in the complaint that
Kstahrook, under the tietitious ijume
A. K. Newton, wrote a letter to" one
Doriluu of tiuiile lltH’k, tlie purpose of
which letter was to defraud Dordua
out of turn.
Meet « n»|» I* Kircllcuti
The fir*t week of the liaei *ugur
lllttllll flU't Urlllg 4* '4 III pit igll U pU*S*d,
htt\h A <iruili| island di*pilt4’ll. It 1141 till
i* % t fit tllli' 4}Utility of MlgHt’ U l»elug
iiniiiufu* l in . ti from the UniUtiiU ymr.
The output lot* iii*V4*r tn*eii ••i|tiwlUd
Mint it i® owrtnliilv mu e%(‘vlleiit t*rop
for tile fnetorj Smiif of the l»eet®
have tnttml «<• high M* 14 |»rr rriit
®ugMr. with m purity lurflii’ii'iit to in*.
There erti liot iumiiv IwU ill t uliforiiiA
tliAt will Uht higher limn IhU.
|I«MM«iI AH«t t ftMtf 1*1*
Mr® K K IaihiIm, w ife of the porter
At the I.rpin hotel, IU»titint, uiAde mu
Attempt to tomuol tuh'hle h> tAki'*g A
iI«m« of t«wit|iA4')i d(ii|M t outAliiiitg rre
,MM*te hut wm% wivi'4 hy the timely Mr•
ritAl of a piii®UImu Mr® Jo'tiiM e*me
from mi hiu|% Mo , follow lug her hu®
h«tid who h® I left Her III ri|ii«ttlhu«
of her Attempt upoit her life *»h» *Atd
iii®t the hml d » « i thnt her km
I tend mu limp r lured her Atid *he hed
nothing to life fur,
I Mam® t »««li • ItuMtinu I fttf®
liriMvr4 tu Hio m* witty here
tfnuhwd their thr*%ttU*g the Whent
erop Iiaa twined out wetter then At
dr®t AUihl|*Aled MptiMg wheAi »®«g
inf friMM In* to fifteen kwthelt pf
®s re i tiro eowntf netei tel to* h a
, *•« w nitty in it® huttory M®n| fctidt
from Him to !«•* Mere* Are **ti»*At*d to
. * i'WtkfrlA per
lift, tod it it ®h**wi aU ntiMfpi
——■ — ■■■■■I !■■■■■■ ■ d
Ths Smri Port.
QrftXJtsTOW*. Sept. 18.—The overdue
Anchor line str ainer Circassia, which
left New York August 28 for Glasgow
and which should have reached that
port Thursday, September 0, whs
j»ifrhU!<l thift morning off Kiniilnhiwl, %
in tow of tlie llritlsh steamer Mcmmon
Captain llulcs, from Montreal Sep
teinber 5 tlie Circassia was met hy the
Thlngvalla line steamer Island, from
New York, and taken in tow hy the
latter as it was in a disabled condition.
Owing to the heavy sea which pre
vailed, the hawser parted and tlie Is
land was forced to go on.
Section Hand ■ Mich Hull
ftV.HAf.IA, Mo., Sept 18. —Mike Keg*
ney, a Missouri. Kausas At Texas sec
tion iiand, while working yesterdey on
the company's right of way near Hen
man, unearthed a rusty Iron tea ket
tle containing gold and silver coins
amounting, it is reported, to about
91,2(8'. The coin* consisted of KpouUli
silver dollars, a few California $.V>
gold pieces and other coins of Ameri
can mintage. The money is supposed
to have been burled in 1881 hy a farm
er hy the name of John Kmory, who
died at lieamun some fifteen years ago
without disclosing where he nod hid
den his treasure.
Itso Inin a llsmlcsr.
I/KATWII.I/R, < ol.. Nept, 18,—Two sec
tion men were killed and two others
fatally hurt In s collision at '.0 o'clock
yesterday morning between u Midland
passenger engine and a liandcar. The
accident occurred near Husalt, tifty
juiii:* wvn oi m-huviim*.
Killing Htatit In Ilia North wsst.
ClIKAOO, Kept. 14,—Til* Weathci
map show* killing frosts lust might a.
over tho Dakotas and frosts generally
over Minnesota, Nebraska and North
west Iowa The extreme low temper
aturc» shown are; Moorvhood, "
Willlston, V)\ Huron. Z2.
Hiskns Meet at at. .Imrpli ^
Mr, Jonw’if, Mo.. Kept la.—A meet
ing of Droop No. II of the Miasour
Hankers’ Association la being livid it'
the parlors of the Pacific hotel.
Odd Iii leu i Inns.
In the accompanyingilIti drat,Ions, we
ahotv three machine movementa, whirl*
where once patented, hut arc now puli
He property, In the first is shown what
Is known as a disk ami friction brush
movement. In the second, the vertical
bar Is reciprocated by means of tin
slotted earn, while in the third this
wheel, A, turns five times to one revo
lutiou of the wheel. II. Inventors will
probably be interested in knowing Dint
the I’nitcd States Court recently decid
ed that to defeat a patent for a com hi A
nation. It Is not enough to show tha* |
ail the elements of tile combination. ■
separately considered, were old at tin
time of the invention. inventor*
desiring free information as to
patents, may obtain the sume in ad
dressing Hue* A. Co,, attorneys at law
and patent experts, Hcc Huilding,
Omaha, Nebraska.
\ (
Iowa Patent UK™ lirpnrt.
Thirty patents were issued Aug. ill.
to one inventor. I-’. II. Kicharils, of
Hartford, Conn, for thirty difTrreiil 1
weighing machines.
Tlie secretary of a company in f.akc
View, Iowa, says: “We recorded our as j
signment in the county where we do
business," and asks. “Should it be re
corded anywhere else'/”
Answer: Kecording any paisT that
affects tlic title to a patented invention
in a county or state is not a legal no
IMH* Ki til* in*: UMiuwui}; !•»
the law upon tin* auhject:
Hee. 4HUM. Kvery patent, or any inher
ent therein, ahali tie assignable in law
hy an inatrumcril in writing arid the
patentee or hit usaignM or legal repre
tentative* may In like manner grant
and convey an exclusive right under
hia patent to the whole or uny aperified
part of the United State*. An uaaign
merit, grant or conveyance ahali lie
void aa again*! any aub**ci|ucnt. pur
eiiaaer or mortgagee for a valuable
conaideration, wltliout notice, unleaait
la recorded in the patent office within
three mouth* from tile date thereof,
Tuoa. (>. and.I Rai.I'ii Okwha,
Solicitor* of 1‘utents
l»ea Moinea, Ja., Kept. IS. IH‘J7.
limitation. Krmu Sew Vitrk, fliiitu,. hi.
loul., Iliualia and Kim-v»lnr*
Itulier 4'reumery w|Mirutor lit ut> H
Muller Itjiolee faney eouutry |u ut, tl V
No I'rcsli .. I- «# 18,1
Hiiriual Tilrknii. I’er In. ... 7 Urn 7S
II. , |,l I II, ||
Turkey*, j* r III, . 7 *« 7' 1
piifi.iui* f.jve ;s u* an
1.. iiu in * i Imlie 'li*. 4 8» ir, I A
IMuiey I'liulfV. |*fl II* l‘J 'A H
tiidoti* |H-rliu <i <u. *ie
i raalM-rrlea. t’ttpe 4 *«|, |M-r lilil 7 a* V* 7 .at
lii-ioi* lluudplekml Nuvy I P> ut. | •« |M‘I llll (Ml m a.
Hr..,III I .HU tot-cii I li* p*
iirunipa |M-rlaiv ... I :i ut 1 vi
Apple* IN t nm .... I at vt i i««
Hay I’pUntl per It lit I an *k a i*t
Hill t il till AHA all* K tlHIkKI'
11.1*11 riMitee Main if* * i hi
11.. *. Meaty aclplil. tin i-X t 7s
M. i f >li vr* . i a'. *k i ut
lull* * « ala
Map. ... .mil*
si vis * o' ItA I M
W i .lioit »ieiU'1, .4 :M m ,i *
.>•> . i .• a i *
llelfel. I )l ,1 1 I,
vt«.'bv ts Altd l eedel * 4 *.i IV | *,
tlte. p tt i-iltiu I .mi. t .\ M 1 la
*lv*« p SalHvra*. T.*» 4| I w
i till Aim
A beat So. l.ptlu. ai * Mb
■ in p. r I it N)
tala pet btt It * 1*%
ta*l» | So f il li H
'*> So I t * o ,»x
N. rb a At 4| a «.
aid pat Pw llta In «A p*
title Sativ* It. I pvt tt tip 4 , *
*111. WiPoii H.n*‘v«* t II I | p
lyi Plltae itpbl til dj*
latvp I antis. I li a|
'bay .I. »••• 4 at j i ,7
Sit* liitlh
Abaat So tt, lad. 'In. u t I H| a l pt
<oa Si. I t 3
•ata So I 1 t >ts
**3 I «*» a Mo *
b A S»A* l IT V
'b*at No A «pti„* . i .
4* S« I |.
AM s.. i i,
,11 , at.. ». ra a- i I t, •
.. Mil.4 «,
...» M*4Vmm *