The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 17, 1897, Image 6

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ft r »<* Km I Col I In Ion Wfflw«*#i» Train* In
Colorado llnlnJof*d Fawngrr* I'in
m*«i In th« Wr«flk*K« lliirnrd ta
I aim# of tlin AitI*
<frul —- tinny of tin* flf*A
fll.u.trmi. Kallriisil Collision.
Nkwcasiu.w. Col, Sept. II. At least,
twenty-live persons were killed and
moat ut the bodies burned end twenty
more were injured in a collision
shortly after midnight, due to the
mistake of the conductor of an extra
stork train on the Colorado Midland
railroad in reading the wrong column
of figures. The westbound passenger
and express train of the Denver and
list Orafvlc railroad was telescoped,
and all of the passenger cars except
the rear 1’ullrauns were burned.
A number of -passengers who were
not killed outright, hut who were
pinned in the wreckage and could not
lie extricated, perished in the (lames.
There were about it'Ri passengers,
fully on* fourth of whom were either
kDied or Injured.
I he accident occurred at the worst
|Mis«thle point. Two minutes running
time each way would here avoided the
wreck, ax each engineer could have
seen the approach of the other train.
'I lie Mains collided on a curve or bend
round a mountain, and there wax no
opjxirtunlty to even slacken the speed
Ihr surviving trainmen say the trains
were not running fast, but the facts
nrrin M. Ini that the passenger was
going about twenty miles an hour and
the freight ten or twelve.
The freight engine went through
Hie passenger engine up li» t he ball.
Hu till passenger train were about
'.Mil profile ubout evenly divided be
twritn tin* coaches In the smoker
next to tlio express ear were about
Tin crush wns followed by an ex
plosion. Flames shot up from tlio
emu* and in a **b"rt time tlin wreckage
was a burning mass The groans and
eric* of Hie imprisoned passengers was
heart'rending. Those of the more
fortamste who escaped Injury set to
work reseulng those who were caught
in llie wreck.
The passengers in tlio day coach
fared Hie wont. Out of twenty-nine
people in that coach only six are
known to have escaped, but all was
eu.ifusion and some may have escaped
As mull similar accidents, (lie en
gine men arc Drst to lose tlcilr lives.
i': i*n der, engineer of tlio stock train,
<i‘iit ili.wa with his hand on the k-ver.
II,* ,'> I. Holland, fireman on the pas
•ti-ugcr, was so badly liurt that he died
ni o'clock, (Jordon, engineer of the
passenger, may live although he is
tint iy Injured and -it first was thought
i to l»* totally liurt, lie suffered great
l,iui front a rupture in addition to his
other Injuries. He was thrown over u
I orb wire fence by tlio fore* of the
collision Hines, the Midland lire
i i i wa* so badly hurt that the doc
1, ■, who examined him at r, o'clock l ent lie could not recover. He
was shockingly burned but liora his
fvi n bravely. James Keenan, the
I«i ini rink, will not live, uir donor*
so He i* terribly scalded.
U !, Hawthorne. conductor of the
fi.tsschgcr train was in the smoking nl llie time of the collision mid
wus severely bruised, lie says that
the gas cylinder under one of thu
vv c o:o cars exploded and everything
:r c rjfl to be in ilatuus wllbiu a abort
t IOC.
I'wo express messenger* on the IUo
• i mda train, dames C. Foley and
M "iatn S. Mcssciner, both of Denver,
li l piled up tiie tlirougii baggage in
• or cud of the ear aud were Imsy with
s' r.'K ctii'i in the ot her end when
il ■ shook came. They were pitched
hcadli iig about the ear and when it
to ip* i over they were stunned and
tn iiw* l by tlio loose baggage It was
serial minutes before tliey were able
te a.d themselves. Then the ear lw
• ii to till with smoke, and death by
’ d; or sulToeation seemed .heir
f.. e They realized their |H>.itiou
mi I began to light with an ux to lther
Mr l he mac Ives. Finally, us the ear
lei into llnnius, they saw daylight
thrmvjh the hole they were cutting
•u.t by the aitl of some men nu thu
i*idr they were nblo lo pull liieui
salves through, bruited and bleeding,
In.', still aafis
"iv * %pre*x oar aud St* contents
v, •» entirely consumed by lire
AN EDl'Itllt IN TIIE \V 11 E( K.
Frank 1* Muanix editor of the Vic
tor Uncord, was a passenger oil the
I * over 4 llio Grand* train "I we .
mi tiie smoker when the collision hep
<.ii«d lie said, 'aud we* Jammed
.'own in the seat. 1 saw daylight on
t ie side and managed to pull mvself
* > aud with the help of lirakeiuan
IkiiS'i*. lie.|>ed to pull litre • |>eople
it no the wreck At thi lime of the
ti.llsltia lit' task under the *ut *ker
. pituled and set nre to the tram the
•cent wnsawlul the mail baggage
wiulvr, da/ conch and a t iun*lsleep
' neve burned, the rear i'uttmau end
n 1 itsh rnr retunloiitg »u the trues
hi vt.uiui* at* nl ih - opinion that
*- least forty were lead aud burned.
ISO report a* In lb* cause of I Is*' S'*
eldest w that iuii 1/iUtf Itut imwh o!
the t -dorado Miilits t stock tra u mad-1
a mu take of ten tomote* in bgurlhg
us te - tune when ih- ft u inssJs pa*
* m*‘ii tram pa«»-t V * *-i • »«i
to* ref ttf V ltd »** uWrt* rt«(MM^
fw ||m» I*. *JF
ti|« iltwli lff%m “t «**Uv#f «a*i
ii W ui *l#u> iMl r+ftMi <•*«!
II Mi * I ** J'MNl nit
In addition to tha trainmen killed
or injured, it is known that Alexan
der Hartman of Herslier, 111., was
fatally hurt. Ilia wife and two chil
dren were the first of the dead to be
removed from the wreckugp.
Mias I’eari Cornell of Oregon, who
was returning from u visit to friends
East, was badly hurt Bhe was in a
collision at IJlcn i'alls, Idaho, while
on her way East,.
T. F. Daniels, the passenger brake
man who was hurt, cauio hack to this
place and notified the railroad officials
of the accident A special train was
sent out with physlcisns and nurses
as soon as possible. At 3:40 o'clock
another special relief train was sent
from Olenwood Springs, where news
of the wreck caused great excitement
Neighboring ranch houses were used
for the reception of the Injured, and
all did what they could to help.
Wlutsr Hss set la sad Ilia Slluallen Is
Vary Serious.
!3xx FitsJfcisco, Kept 11.—The Ex
aminer prlutod an extra edition thlx
afternoon,the following:
"OTTER Poiet, British Columbia,
Kept. 10.—The sUsiner Cleveland has
arrived from Kt Michaels, bringing
with her from the Yukon gold fields a
story of distress and disaster. The
miners she has on board and officers in
charge of the ship tell tha story of dis
aster aud distress at Dawson.
"The winter has set in at the min
ing city of tile frozen North and two
stores of the place have dosed their
doors, for they have nothing to sell
i ii'/T* win/ *****• '**»** n ——
inu*t nmv seek for food or starve.
Wlille there omv be a tendency to ex
aggerate tin- actual condition of affairs
there can bo no question that famine
threatens the udventurous men and
women who mudo their way to tho
Hundreds of unruly spirit* ure
flocking to Dawson. Threats of vio
lence are being made on every side,
Indignation meetings, heavy witli
muttered threat* of vengeance, are
held at St, .Michael's by those who see
little hope of advancing up the river
and less of getting back to civilization.
The first signs of winter arc appar
ent upon the river Yukon, which Is
beginning to freeze, and in a few
weeks will be cloved. Kuormous prices
are now being paid for food at Daw
son, auil it is impossible that more
than four vessels with provisions can
reach Dawson before the river is a
muss of iec.
*Ou the < leveland there arc thirty
eight passengers, men, women and
children, who have come from Dawson
City, There are few miners in this
party that are ublo to tell of prosper
its. They report that July '!'< tho stores
of the Alaska Commercial company und
of the North American Trading and
Transportation company announced
that they iiad no more food to sell.
Three weeks before that the same
uomuanies were unable to furnish out
tits. and when the announcement was
made that no more goods were avail
able, consternation resulted on the
part of ttie people of Dawsoo, with
gold soekers piling in at the rate of
twenty to thirty a dav.
“Shortly before the Cleveland left
Nt, Michael's two of the expeditions,
those of the National City and of the
Mouth Coast, held indignation meet
ings, threatening ‘lire vengeance upon
those who hud brought them tin-re and
were unable to carry them further.
Tliuv had Imicii left stranded at 1st.
Michael's anil rariuot possibly reach
Dawson before next spring.
“The Kxcelaior was caught on the
dangerous Mats of the Yukon and
broke two blades of her propeller.
When the Cleveland reached Ouualus
ka ahe found the Kxeclsior undergo
ing repairs. It is probable, however,
Unit she left Ounalaska lust Monday
to resume her journey to the south.
• Shortly before the Cleveland left
for Seattle, the 1'nltedS tates revenue
cutter Hear put iuto St. Michaels with
Captain Whiteside, his wife, the first
and fourth officer and four aeuiiicu of
tho st.-aui whaler Nevach, The Ne
vuch was caught in an ice pack in the
Arctic ocean. Of her crew forty-two
were lost. Thirty-ouo were crushed in
tin* Ice and were fro/ten to death. The
Hear saw the vessel’s signals of dis
tress near Point Harrow and lost no
time in going to her assistance. The
nptain. his wife, two officers and
four si Hors were glad to leave the dis
mantled crlpoled ship, but nine posi
I lively refused to go They were lost
in the desolate Held of Ice, and It Is
. feared they have perished with their
i omrudes."
! --
Huln It rig u * In Irelaiol
l,c\pov .Sept. I 1. I.a'iictitahle re
j ports continue to |xiur lit from all
parts of Irelaud of the havoc already
wrought aiuoug the crops, attd as the
weather ts still most iiupropltloua all
Uo|ie of savlug the remnant of the liar
rest i« fading away.
Mist* i slsrsSs to.i.t net*
IVikini ini I'ms l oh. Sept, II.—
i itre ruuainf $‘o. .ss> to the Um has just
lice a louud otye mile west of this place
Pieces t»f ipiarta tHe S tut of walnuts
wi re last it on* which were half gold
I here la great excitement arnoag mm
mg Misti
lha tlsihss t itriilttf IMsableO
Sts Passi pass hept It. —The
! Alask'in t uai.iucrt i*l eompaav has re
ci!or I news that the ilrawr • i lete
slot from hi Mi-'heels, has pass*,I
i 1 siisMtet taiaad she reports that
tav I...or has |tui ha- s to ihitta
lash* m a Ihtlk'.l amluiua
to** I (tiaae tSoh the pesetas*#
JIMIM.O I tit Mi s*|rt II -
i i oagresstaaa It P It sit-l a t tve l here
I this morning speat the antmlng at
1 the peutiettoei > t« I at uooa Iwm
i <1 uner with Uvtyrs'M Me phi a* lie
| left th a af*s oon far liehauua
Brethren Bon't Dwell Together In Peace
nnd I'nltjr.
ClirrAOo, Sept. 10. — Rebellion has
broken out In the Methodist Kplacopal
church. The laymen demand equal
representation with the ministers In
the great quadrennial legislature of
the church. Throe times have the
ministers voted on the question and
defeated it and the laymen have lost
patience. The church will bo brought
face to face next week with a revolt
that will probably overshadow the
question of women delegalcs In the
general conference.
Representatives of I'ennsylvanla
and New Jersey conferences issued un
address for the change. 1 .ceding lay
men of Indiana called a state conven
tion to meet at Indlunapolls next
Wednesday to consider the question.
A lay convention, representing the
Cincinnati conference, sent greetings
last week to the Indiana convention
and urged the calling of a na
tional convention. The laymen of
Central Illinois conference have
called a convention to meet at Can
ton, September 1", and that meeting
will probably take action on this ques
tion. Another hig convention will he
held in Baltimore next month, and, If
not forestalled by the Indianapolis
convention, It Is expected to Issue a
call for a national convention of Meth
odist laymen to make plans to bring
the ministers Into line.
Under the rules of the church each
conference is entitled to at least ono
lay delegate,but In no case can It have
more than two. In the general con
ference at Cleveland last year 1ft,OHO
ministers bad .117 representatives,
wliil* I),,, 'i 700 O0U luvuiftli of tbn
church bail but 1 !»*.». In Indiana 134
preachers had seven representatives,
while ‘JO.DOO laymen bud but two.
I'nde.r this system many small con
ferences have disproportionately large
representation, while the large con
ference that contributes heavily to the
support of tlic church can have only
one lay delegate more than the small
conference over In China or India,
that lias to lie supported by money
sept from America. There is little
doubt that a nulioriul convention of
laymen will lie held and It promises to
bring out many of tlie most prominent
members of the church.
Failures for 0S.0U0.000 la a Month —
Harries Unpopular.
Ka.v FiiAXCIHO, Sept. 10.—News just
received from (iuatemala U that the
country is in a had way financially
und politically. Lust month the fol
lowing failures were reported; Fred
erica Chacon, §800,000; Lorenzo K. Is
sen, 81,700,000; Knrique Mentza,
81.300,000; A senile A Co., $1,000,000;
Hauer A Co., 8800,000; Victor Mat
thews, §2,000,000; total, §7,'100,(8)0. All
of these houses have been extensively
engaged in the exportation of coffee
and other Central American products
and tlie importation of merchandise.
Hesides tiiese, a great number of
firms have gone under for less
amounts. The total Is nearly $*,000,
000, but is a trifle misleading, how
ever, because It represents Central
American money, which is very much
depreciated in value.
Iluinu Harrios, tlie man who wus
president and who declared himself
dictator of the republic a couple of
mouths ago, is excessively unpopular
because of ills high-handed action and
i.i* ........m,..,
Tli* Finn. Including Ztmrl Dwlgglut'
Nephews, Hnsispcil liy firntn
Nkw Yoi<k« Kept. 10. — James R. Wil
lard, Elmer Dwiggins and Jay Dwig
gins, who compose the firm of J. K.
Willard A Co., bankers and brokers,
with offices in this city, RufTalo,
Washington, Philadelphia, Pa., and
Montreal, to-day assigned to James
Ktarbuck, William H. Osterhout be
ing preferred for $50,000. No state
ment of the condition of the firm is
yet obtainable, but it is estimated that
their liabilities will reach 91,000,000.
Jay Dwiggins is traveling in Europe.
**The cause of the failure,” said Mr.
Starbuck. “is simply that the firm has
been upon the wroug side of the
market. They have been short on
gruiu. ”
A Wa%«* of Ksllttf on (lie Way From the
ItiH klo and the tpper Missouri.
t'liK AOo. Sept. 10,—The thermome
ter has fallen from 10 to JO degrees in
the I'pper Missouri valley and the
Northern Rocky moutitaiu district*
and wa* below freezing point tfss
morning at Alberta. Mich The iudi
cations are that cooler weather wAli
reach the Mississippi river to-uiglit
and be **|fcerici»e#tl in the t entru
states to-morrow.
Jslsllala Vanish Ur Night.
I.AHNMI, Kail . Sept iu Tile joints
| here tool been flourish mg under muni
c.pul |iruUH'tiuii, Uis town deriving
about 9'*-\ a week revenue when the
Law and ttrder league conferred with
Hie county attorney Mr Rug r% and
arranged for a rant and Leisure foe
vesieidav morning Hut the jutulat*i
•earned »f the plan and Tuesday iwght
)tucked then good* amt disappeared
t he town is now whotly dry, hut it is
not ex|*e« ted that tt wot long remain
Iss kl«M« ltlkl«i Ity a Shiii
\V »tin i It v. Ma, |u \i |h»«
1 <»* ulteUI mines, in N'Sih i aider*d1*
test**day att*fuo*m HiiIuim 4 di ms
was instant4> kitted and It tt Mo*%
tataU> injured h« a prematura blast.
I he* were miners Mia* lea tea a wife
and three children and 4 vdtins a area
| a wife and four child*in
l*o»» far taifhsss
ti iMMK *epl ID t’k a ulhtsl hr
i Dalle to day publish** tka new ewa*
togas ia*«*f %*f il'il»s, Nrsdy ill Amer
, ban gmsls ara so k,a* led t# tense
Itetnrnliig (laid Meeker* In-clare that the
I'rovlelnnn et UaeMin City Will Not
Lnat Half the Winter—Fifty
llrulh* From scurvy Thu*
Fer ttepurteil.
A Shortage on Orub.
Eureka, Cal., Hept. 9 —The steame
National City, which arrived yester
day from St. Michaels, Alaska, where
it connected with the river steamer ,1.
•I. Ilealey, brought three passenger*.
One of these, J. A. Ralston of San
Francisco, say* that there is lota of
gold in the Klondike, but it is gener
ally still in the ground. It Is believed
that the claim* now located could turn
out fifty tons this winter if the scar
city of food should not prevent full
operation. Ho declares that 9,000 men
are at work about Dawson City and
the supply of food for these men is to
tally Insufficient In fact, it 1* feared
that the stores will lie eshausted be
fore the winter shall bn half over.
Ralston says that one of the best
claims on the Eldorado is the property
of James Hall of Missouri. It will
turn out at least $l,0Mo,000. Claim Na
111, on the Eldorado, is also very rich.
On the way down the river from
Dawson City, which place the steamer
Healey left August 14, the steamer
Weare was found hard fast on a bar
about I,‘400 miles from the mouth of
the river. The boat had been on the
bar for twenty days und the Healey
laid alongside, took off her passengers
m/iiiu ui uid ircijfiib Aim turn jm u
needed on tho way,
K. Leonard, another passenger on
tho National ('ity.say* that tho Woaro
had on hoard l."*0 passenger* and about
81,SOU,000 in treasure. Tho gold wuh
trunsforrsd to tho Healey and taken
to hit. Michaels. When asked why he
returned, Leonard said: "I found I
Itr.d to get out or starve. There are
4,000 men in Dawson and not more
than a third of them have work. If
you have not a stock of gruhyou can't
get work at uuy price. I hud provis
ion* for three mouths and no one
wanted me. I had not enough to work
my own claim till spring, so I sold my
stock at a good figure, and will wait
until spring. Jim Dunsmuir, the Kl
dorado king, has had 8'I0,».MJ worth of
provisions ordered for some mouth*,
hut has not been uhle to obtain more
than a fifth of it, evcu with tho cash
put up in advance.”
K. I.amhof Cortland is authority for
the statement that over fifty men have
died of scurvy the past summer.
The Kxceisior, due any day, is ex
pected to bring millions in gold.
Victoria, Jiritlsh Columbia, Sept s.
—The steamer lirlstol returned to this
port this morning. It started a week
ago for St. Michaels with '.’00 miners,
who were to have been taken up the
river by the steamer Kugene. The
Kugeun sprung a leak and could not
proceed on its voyage, so the trip hud
to be abondoned.
Many l.lvrs Lost st Cygnet, Ohio—Siltro
Ulyeerln* Kspluiles.
Cvoxkt, Ohio, Sept. 0.—A terrible
explosion of nltro-glycerino occurred
here yesterday afternoon at ;i o'clock,
which resulted in the death of six
persons whose names are known, ami
others at present unknown.
The explosiou occurred at < •runI
well, at the rear of the National Sup
nlu fViivii.ti ti trV fidlnn I■ 11 i 1 /1 i It If I f I till'
village limit*. Thl* well hud just
been shot by Samuel Harlier, the
shooter for the Ohio uud Indiana Tor
pedo company.
The well was a “Classer," and when
the 120 quarts of glycerine let down
into the well exploded, the gas ignited
and with a terrible roar the flames
shot high above the derrick. A* soon
as the driller* saw the flames, soveral
climbed into the derrick to shutoff the
gas, hut they had hardly gotten there
when there wu a terriflo explosion.
The burning gas had started the
remaining glycerine in the empty cans
standing in a wagon near the derrick.
In another wagon near by were sonic
cans containing another 120 quart* of
the stuff, and this was sturted by the
force of the first explosion. The sec
ond was blended with the first in a
mighty roai, and the town and sur
ruuudiug country for miles trembled
from the shuck.
The National Supply company's
building was completely demolished
and nothing remains but a big hole
where the wagon* stood. There Is
not a w hole pane of glass in auy win
dow in the town, aud every house and
store was shaken to its foundation.
(Uses fur Charity.
New i its* a a*. La., Sept. It—Mr*.
Illehard Millikan, widow of the
wealthy sugar planter, now at Sara
toga. has presented the 1 liarlty hos
pital with tu found n ehll
.Ireu s budding, whlel will include n
kindergarten and other Improvements
Hum •» | r«Nf*
Patna, Sept u V dispatch from
Kpiuat snys that the eolUiu spinners
of the Moseite district, owing to a
crls,s which la attributed »Overpro
duction. have decided to stop work for
halt a day weekly
S (IVise las4svlM Assert Item*
Monaai t. Mo, s-yi w It ii
Acker!, the oldest e> i-Iactor "« tire
! tVsbsvh »*lt»s»s*l dm I l*st n gkl (font
I the injuries received by falling from
• his Ira • He was over ?«• year* of
I 4||«t Mftt) b%tl l.*»r u • •iHM*
Nm » I bf lli v s.ii (W ‘ I
ul *■!»» M*
I «i, % H 4|tr
I meat St • meeting last bight, adopted
• a resolution Indorsing both Lo* the
i li»*a |U n « au t- lt*S for ms* <»
Ontlno!: Worse Than Kvor, With No Sign
of Improvement.
Nrw York, Sept. 0.—General Fltr
liugh Lee, consul general at Havana,
accompanied by bis son, arriv' d from
Havana to-day. He said that he had
been suffering from biliousness for
some time, but felt very much better
after the trip. Asked an to whether
he would return to Cuba or not, he
shook his head and said: "I cannot
answer that, and I would rather not
talk on Cuban affair* until 1 make my
report in Washington."
Of the case of Kvangetlna Cisneros,
the general said: "The young woman
Is now eon lined in Casa Kechohtdaa.
Hhe has never been tried and I do not
think it was ever intended that she
should be banished. The stories of
hsrill treatment ara very much exag
gerated and were It not for the hub
bub that has been raised about her,
the girl would probably have been
released long sga In fact, I was given
to understand that her name was on
the pardon list. Hhe has comfortable
quarters and Is treated an well as pos
sible under the conditions. There Is
a good deal of suffering In Cubs, but
the Americans numbering about 1,400,
are being cared for from the fund of
•50,000 which was appropriated for
that purpose. They receive relief
dally and up to the present time about
•15,000 has bean expended. "
"Is there any sign of business im
proving or a change for the better in
Cuba?” was asked.
"No. 1 am sorry to say there is
not,” replied the general, "and there
will not be any Improvement until the
war is ended”
"When will that be, general?"
To this last iiuestlon General Lee
replied In Mpuuish, u free translation
of whleli Ik, "That la too much for me;
I cannot say."
General and hla aon, Fitzhitgh,
Jr., went to West I’olnl to-day to ace
hla other aon, George M., who la at the
military academy there, and to
morrow they will leave for Washing
ton. Among the other passenger*
waa Gcorgo W. Flshbuek of thla city,
who said that hla trip to Havana wu»
partly on private business. He de
clared that there waa a great deal of
suffering all over Cuba and that the
condition of the people was even worse
than when he was there last as secre
tary to Commissioner Calhoun, when
tbe latter was investigating the Uuiz
ease. He saw Miss Cisneros at the
( asa Kechohidas, anil he said the re
ports regarding her treatment were
grossly exaggerated uud that the
young woman was fairly well treated
and did not compiu> when he wus
■peaking to her.
"liuiinjrisok Keil" lean lloth l.«a« la
an Attempt to tfolii l'p a Train.
Nr.WTO.N, Kan., Kept. 0.—Conductor
O'ltourke. who runs between here and
Dodge City, on train No. .'13, reports
that curly yesterday morning, just as
he was leaving Klllnwood, Ids train
was boarded by a man called “Gunny
sack Kcd" and three other men. The
men evidently intended to hold up the
train, but “Gunnysack Kcd" fell un
der the train and hit legs were cut off
just below the knee. This frightened
the other men, and they ran, leaving
their companion on the track. The
man wiy« picked up arid taken to ICllln
wood, where ho died. He was in jail
there for several weeks on the charge
of killing a negro. It wus learned
that the mau was an old criminal,
known all over Western Kansas, and
that his right name was Kobert
Drown. He and Ills companions were
eluding the officers. The other men
were rupiuruu hut ill mu uuy aim
lodged in jail.
Work of Wins noil Wallies
Kansas City, Ma, Sept —A. F.
Madden of Brookfield, Mo., a brake
mau on the Hannibal JIt St Joseph,
was shot and seriously, if not fatally,
wounded by Phil MeCrory, a well
known saloon keeper, in front of Kva
White’s disorderly house at 23V West
Third street, at 10 o'clock last night.
Both men bad been drinking, uud the
shooting was due to jealousy on tho
part of MeCrory of the White woman.
HI. touts Ulrl Diet first.
Sr. Loris, Mo., Sept V.—The first
victim of the yellow fever plague, tiiat
lias inude ita reappearance at Ocean
Springs, on the Mississippi coast, was
a St Loula girl, Miss Penelope Kmmu
F. Schulze, daughter of F. C. (i.
Schulze, a well-to-do retired merchant
of this city. The family formerly
lived in Birmingham, Ala.
t'ore guilder Drying l>
Ami *Ng, Kan.. Sept. V -The con
tinued dry weather hat done much in
jury to the corn fodder, w hich is dry
ing up rapidly. Farmers are working
almost night uud day to get It cut and
shocked for feed for the large number
of cattle to be fed here llreut diflt
cully is esperieneed in getting bauds
enough to gather it
Minister After a t'eesslate
W tsuisufos, Sept, v National
Commit tee in An Kerens has tiled the
stipllentloti uf Kev Mr T M S Ken
ney, uf Trenton, Mu. for appututan-ut
lit mm* good consulate, Ket Mr.
Keauey la a Baptist minister and has
the backing »f prowntent Baptists all
evar the Patted nlaUa
A teaerakte Hssaail Wrsas Mead.
Nst tut. Mit, kept a Mrs. Me
twice Hyatt aged Vi years, died at he*
i house in Virgil township yealerday
HUc was Worn in Fast Tennessee Apr.I
■ |t isoo. s-aase to Ibis county user forty
! years ago and had Used hr* etet
% t a*ee ef 4 use t-o 11 ISIS
|*uti tost ini y. Sept w I he British
I steamship Meevw salted trout this psrrt
I %**t*»U* mUk >i,fm *mmk*t*
I H..rvlsi* *% fbt* it lb*
At. -«
Ur. and Mm. PcMUy'l Observations of
Old ami New Proverbs.
••I don't take any great account o’
thn proverb* an’ axioms an' ao on
that's printed in the magazines now
a-days," remarked Mrs. Philander
I’oas ley to her hiisbund. as she laid
down the last number of a monthly
publication. "I’ve been a-studyin'
over a volume of 'em thut some man
has writ here an' 1 wonder that folks
publish such stuff! ITou can make
'em mean one thing or nothin', jest
accordin’ as you see fit. Now here's
one on ’em: 'it is as unfort'nit to
seize the wrong chance to do or say
a thing as 'tls to let the right ono
pass by.’
"Now, I’d like to be told how folks
would come out ef they was to 1st
sca't at both sides like that? What
I like is the old-fashioned proverbs,
there ain’t any two ways o' talcin'
them an' gottlp' misled.
" 'Make hay while the sun shines.'
Now, ain't tiiat clear? ‘Haste mukes
waste.’ What’s truer’n that, I'd
like to know? There ain’t one of
them old suyln's but what's true as
preaebin’, howsomever you take ’em.
They can't lie turned an' twisted
round to mean anythin’ a body
"Do you recall one about *A thing
ain't lost when you know where
’Us?" inquired Captain Peas ley, in A
his usual shrill quaver. m
"I should say I did," replied his ”
wife, promptly, "an’ many's the time
I've heard It."
"Well,” said the captain with a
suggestion of a laugh in his trem
tiling old voice. "I had a cook
onco thet quoted thet to me when
the teakettle was washed overboard
an’ all the cups an’ saucers, but we
(HUH nrrm iu vv ttimi n/ iiiiu out
.^ary ”
"I reckon you've setup about long
enough this evenin'." said Mr*. I’oas- i
ley. dryly, and she bundled the cap t
tain olT to bed with considerable
ha* to
Mur* IIihhI!*« of S»r»M.
Horns pwvlxb. <|ut*rul<>ij« pnople mhmd mors
bufirikft of ni*rvf*x. Tho leiuit sound mcititi'i
their soimorlunax mid rfiffb*» tlwulr temper*.
.No (IohM toy uni born *#. Hot may not Choir
iM'rviMiniii ki Imi iiiiK'lionitiMl, If not «ntlr**ly
r**IU*v»*<|y t nqiii'*!lonultly. and with llontet
f«r's ht on in* Oi Illtf4*r*. Ity rult.i viit'iuu tlndr
rllgfiMon, and IrmuHnjc rnors coin plot* iimmIiii
iluiion of I In' food with Mils ad mini bits cor
iwtlvi*. tlu*y will f*xp*’rlf»iif'e u *p««*dy and
wry ix'n’i'irllblr* gitiii In norvn oulottidn
JlynpiqmlH. blllmi*ii«*Hi4, ronutlpatlim and
iln-iunaf Ntn yield to tin* Hlttorn,
t.iirnMiiy In Africa.
The wife of a missionary to Africa
gives some amusing details ol the
mercantile value of certain articles
among the natives, needles and cloth
ranking highest. They arc abso
lutely current coins. Three noodles
will purchase one chicken, one needle
two eggs. Old tin and empty bottles
are also much in request, old can*
taking the place of drinking cups.
A fowl cun he had for two yards of
cotton or a small piece of cloth.
Car'a l «|h
la Ih,. <f|.lnt .n,f b*.t, II .111 hr.»k U|> . fold .|Ulck«»
than unylbluK .la*. It u.lway. rellshl.. Try It.
"I* this building tire-proof?” askea
the man with blue glasses and a large
gripsack "Not if you’re a book
agent,” replied the janitor, conclu
sively. ^
Scrofula Cured
“ When three month* old my ooy was
troubled with scrofula, There were aore
place* on hi* hand* and body a* largo aa a
man’* hand, and aometlmes the blood
would run. We began giving him Hood’s
Harsaparllla aud it soon look effect. When
he had taken three bottles be was cured.”
W. H. Uasnkk, West Karl, Pennsylvania.
HOOCl’S 8parma
Is the Best - in fact the One True Blued PurlHer.
Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. ’.Oe.
I1 g
BtM Cl
eCoat jLlvlyOX
Keep* both rider anJ ft iJJIe per*
"•3BP fettly dry in the hardest storm*.
Substln.tfs will disappoint. Ask for
»8yr FUh llrund Mom me! NIUker—
tt ift entirely new. If not t<»- s.ik* In ^
vour toan. M'tite f«*r tataluyue to '
It.. Alw«kw Uulii Mill I tu and lira elopnoti- i •»»
p»i tUst o«-|canuei| i»s i itnaha t u«l|ieMi men w'H.
•< tol • aret i.uiim r of « iJm ii. ux*'d |U“»JHnt <r- i»
lh« k'ltui ikt- 4>. .l Held- I'nder i}»* i ri| U" I
t-an t •<! rnio.a tbit i « <t»w.o will i»..*•«■•« grvaft
Ihftlltltfii offer ft|«t* oidlitwr* |«rt ««i ifolnw *•*
•.laixi wml H ift ih»Ha»«'il will yIt'll lit- •*■ I'in
eft trd *i.orutouft mum* III*’ otic era *i«t dire* •
r» • •»lii|o l*e n>Ni* of i tie :n*»ftt ft tlo* and •% pert
meat Mftftlbvaa ttieu of On aba. I to a t « uir>w’o
•jilt llo*> *!»•• ftn- ftlm* In lii ft Iwafta * *|*<*'tft
<1 >t .• ft*4*«• c •mil • Im ir in | rlift-' of It* i **t ii ft
n% *|| t «>11•-* wuftbm* ift* ' itifttb au
ia»ter«*t Id • be k tuudlfc* Mv|d •» l»tft |fr twilled It
juln tl»U rntrrpnar f«r»hei Infunnail'M
write t be ft w«»ft ioH4 ftflNlnt u«l |k-r«|a(4Mftt
. ..toI'ftB> hibftuii I ;uui, I'll «b Mm w. t'lblkft
\ftbl w«» w
ftwd »ft.o a tlwalft Ml.
' ot. V ftJoi i Mftiit
l»4 it tmti A** •,
It* kwrwft.M >i t. « ^ ^
DC IICIII11O**rl*««•
» cnDiuhodo1 311
»>»<( »HI II I Mill I . H.M.W 4«m.«,
l«aa>V«MiMM. ttitiUMMUN.lMi.
DROPSY * * — 4
,*». XJT-. u..i.». lu.u,*
| Uftwtlrwt Mmn W* Ift. a «ft|»i ftlaftw bftfcwftw. was
|% A (T11| iMMft iuj u^#a * « ■«**« |ftt#
HdUM • rr twl»l>»m ft<a|»e^l ft
y« ||WM at M |l V *mw4 >we *Ww% UwntaM
HI will t«mi»«*o.a*9Hi •!