The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 10, 1897, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware, Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup Cit; Neb
Uoaal Daws.
Wheat 72 cent a, bogs3«0
Cash Conger I* In the city.
For washing machine* and clothe*
wringer* see T. M. Heed.
W ant«i>.—Some fellow that owe* us
to work out eur road tax.
The business oei wbe advertise sre
the tnalnes* men who tike the prize.
Kev. A. Scbormann, of Hayestown
was doing bunlnes* In the city Wednes
The old high school building will he
sold to the highest bidder of cash to
The Herman iniulster of Ashton will
preach again In the Baptist church In
tbl* oity, next Sunday at 2 o'clock p m
B. F. Reynolds bought four copies af
our "Book af Facta.” as also did Jamas
Call in aid glvu the aewa to the edi
tor. It will make yaur paper more
Dave Dtpew- Is a new sahsarlbar to
tbla paper, bavlag added his name to
our Hat Tuesday
T. M Reed sold two lumber wagons
this week. Ha has sold soma seven or
eight already this season.
Mr*. R. Taylor la having the atone
foundation repaired seder the we»t side
of her large store building.
The sign an the McKinley oluh room
have been taken dowu and will Im care
fully preserved foru*e in 1900.
Oblren Bro*. have repaired the large
scale* at the Keyitene lumber yard hr
placing In anew brick foundation
I lav Birberdaon ws* * plearant caller
ftatarday and purchased one of our
"Book of FaeU' O. H Brown also
bought ono.
Thoo. Ojondyk* of Aditon send* for
two more copleiof our 1 'Bock of Kaoti.”
lie want* then* to send toeattern friend*
Laat Haturday the (treat* were lined
with team* Our local dealer* were
paying fros* 70 to 74 cent* for wrheat
sod 63410 for bog*.
Uaaleyer report* lait Haturday ■» ooo
of tb* boarioit day* In hi* linn of bud*
no** till* toaaon II* I* mak lug n liber
nl u*n of printer’* Ink.
You cannot afford to be without on*
of our book of faatc. It 1* worth dollar*
to you aud th*Vo»t of on# In only fifty
W* ar* ioformed that tbore ha* been
about 10,000 buahol* of wheat bought on
the Loup (lity markot this **a*on.
Photographs 75 cents per
doz for a short time only at the
Loup City Photo Gallery.
Wanted; On* man and hIe bora** to
pull a gang plow on E 2 Sec. 37 1C 13
Will pay 611.00 per day nnd board.
Ezra E. Tnomptoo Agent.
We are In reeel pt of call forth* Nat
tonal Irrigation Association Convention
to be held in the city of Lincoln, Sept.
28. 20 and art, 1807.
Mr. Sayag* took b>* boric* down to
the race courie Ian Monday afternoon
forexerei**. All !ov«r» of Ha* horse*
Mhoaldcee them. They ar* beautl**.
Tbi* office acknowledge* a pleaunt
tail from June* (fray, one of the ploa
kkc a»fflken /'U... / *...1_s. - _ .
the city doieg burlue.H laat Saturday.
W. K. Mallor la getting hit two rent
'd buggy fixed up with a new box and
a coat of paint. Jar. Depew doue the
Job and It p-a»euta a vary ueat appear
Uoo Dlnncnger t<|uared up hia ac
count with ye editor Urn week. Oeo
•eye that a« a farmer he la playing in
better luck under the new admlalitra
N . L. Talbot, now practicing pbyel
clan Nt Boelur waa at I.aup t j|y jal,
Friday and iu«dc ye editor happy to
•he tunc of $.! ‘Mi May the doctor ||Vc
long and proaper.
Mra. A. Hut kin.on returned la.t
Tueaday evening from a three week,
trip* to her old home at Kewunee III,
where (be hua t.ceu to attend the aick
ue*» and death of her »l»ter.
Mre. bm i.lti.oii uu.l ehlldrctt ictiirti
ed flow l.cad, Mouth Danuta and leuiti
will occupy their reeldencem thenotth
pert ot town again. Tha t many frtaudi
are plca.ed to »ec them again
Wonder if Nellie Dray won't twrnl.b
ua with route more achiool note, tbb
eaaaou liar etforte laat t«a.en wet high
if appreciated by lire editor. Iha
reader, at the Nonruw tutu* doebt
ieaeelew appreciated them,
The Feir Aaeoclelluu b.t teemed thr
Ureely Item Mall Crab fur two gamut
ua the afierue.o. wf the Itth aad tin.
Thla la erne af (be beet dune in Neite.»i
rod o«» hoy a Will here lo play ti«|| |,
Mate a tfaowlug agate*! them
Carl Delta aad **>u Frank uf H ehaiei
loan.hip wea in the city Ual "•••aider
l aat eulhrd at tbit kaaelma aad play ad
eteei with Iha prlater by ftaanag up
thur auhaariplimr teoawm »a 1 wilt read
thl. family juwtal for aaoihar year
That have Ju*t iulebed their threeblng
and report that rhe p. .treat geld af
eOeat fielded ilteoo ho>i<el« pet
Missionary day and tbe Omnibus HI!
•t the M. K ehurob next Sunday morn
For wagons, buggies, harness, sulkcy
plows, hardware, tinware, etc., eall on
T. M. Keed.
Kd. Chinn, of St. Paul was shaking
hands with bis many friends In the
city yesterday.
J. Cole and wife returned from Pine
ftidge last Friday. Lome Williams,
brother of Mrs. Cole suns with them.
Mins Georgia Gouley, of Custer coun
ty and Miss llattle Throckmorton of
Ihvlde are attending our City sohools
again this season.
Joseph Prelst stepped on a rusty net I
Wednesday and made an ugly wound
In the ball of bis foot, (he nail penetra
ting nearly to the hoee.
't he man or woman who nndcvors to
be too popular often overreach them
selves and And themselves stranded
wiihout a friend to call their own. Kx.
We are Informed that the new ma
ehim-ry for the f.oup City flouring mill
Is expected to arrive to-day and that
they will coninienen grinding wheat
next Tuesday.
M E. Hayburst sold two new lumber
wagons last Wednesday one to Carl
Hail/, and one to Georga Parter. It Is
a long tlmeslnca wu have «.ecn wheat
coining Into matket In new wagons.
Surely prosperity Is here
Editor Itrown severely burnt- ! In
ttrrn by coming in contact with u rod boi
stove pipe while ntlendlhg to house
hold duties lust Tuesday, ai. 1 In the
absence of his wife who Is visiting In
f'riua Utnl Ifeant-v .luhtttiuini rnturiuiil
from r.& extended trip to Iowa wltur"
they Lire bean working oo a farm for
Ilia past season. Cribs says that tl."
small grain crop was almast entirely
barned up For example he said that
one Held of one hundred acres of wheat
there was just twelve bushels harvested
and threshed.
Mr Hall Savage and family of
Sargent, Nebraska are In the city,
lie bia five fine Itoriei which
they will have at the fair Of the five
there la one pacer and two trotting
horse* which they are training on the
rncn course They are n flue specimen
of hors# flesh and will doubtless make
the races very Interesting Mr. G.
W. Hunaehugb, who Is assisting
Mr Savage In the training of his
herses kindly gaya the editor a/Ida ha
hind twe of tba spirited animals. To
say the least thoy are not only beautiful
hut are high bread and possessed of flue
action and kind dlspobUioa.
Where are now the sauker farmers
who left Nebraska fair? They are on
tbu stage of action (led only knows
where. They pulled nut from Nebraska
to the wetness of the south, and they
sold their smiling homesteads In this
barren land of drought. Thair poakats
then were bulging for they sold off all
thair goods, now they're blowad thair
little fortune in the damp and muddy
woods, where tba swamps are foil of
barpaats, the mosquitos fell of tunes
and the chimes fall of aguo, and the
people full of prunes. How they'll tear
their hair of Frontier's wheat crop w han
Its all put In the stack. But, dear
friendf. he on the lockout, for they'll
cotno hack on thedaaee and along the
things moat needed wdl he a pair of
She waa yonag and pretty She waa
alto tad.
.She aat on the grata heaeath the
tpraadlaa branch)-* of a trae aud a wot-,
begun axpratilon waa on her face and
despair in her heart.
Bad that ona to young and fair thould
look uorrowfol and thua early .a life
lose iBtereat In everything Ona after
•author putted by ou their ala*da of
ataal and asked her to joio them la a
spin. All luvltatloa* wera decline !
Thu tun tank hehlad a mountain of
rad before the moved Than, with a
<iaa-k look around to utturo lieraelf that
no ona u at In tight, aha clapped her
haad over a hug* raat In her bloomer*
| and roilu awUtly an ay Night oh.and
i ** *he went Aruadia Champion
Wo aie In receipt of it program . ...»
; Iblltlutll uiliual eouvauileu of the .V.
htaaka Blate Monday M. bun) A - am iailou
.Which will It* heli at th* Aiulhodiat
I ulturch, \<nfoik Nebiutka, .Septr-mb*-.
i «. *, aud ** 1 lie following give.. the r.
praieutatlttn of thoaa entitled to vote
1 lu tho contention la Iht* anuutint«u.*ni
Ail I* .alma of th* Mute l.*t mg etrai
get. reahltut . uniuitaeloued Monday
-tth.ioi >1 •*ii.aat !*•. Mult.lay Mcbtet. wnp
' «rliitaad*nia and all duly elocted In i*
! gate* from any Bondar Mebuol |n n.,
{ Miat*. ahait )>• ontltiad to a row m tr.«
' oonreaituu
Kvory County urgauiaalion In thr
| H|ate •ball bo entitled to three l |N-lo
i gate#
h«*ry Monday in ih* Mtaii
•hall h* autitlod lu ona I dalogau t<
addillua to tho Taatur aad hupariniea
d*at. and when I ho** »Me*rt caanot ot
Wod.the •> howl may alart altor»ai*v
A »ato of ««• a*d ono lb id taro ha<
boon aot urod front all railtwada m thi
Mtato I >* lag a taw allip.y futt fur* go
tog, tailing ag*at a r*ootpl. and will I*
autitlod to a tetutw faro eat otto ikm
Itaitgri*) a* attiria| will repwft a
th* 11«* t> h at u«eo and < o «>»lga«.
plaee* of rntettalumenl
Nebraska State Fair.
Omaha, September 20-24.
Tin* Burlington Route's arrange
ments in uonnoetion with '.he 1*97
State Fair are as follows:
Onn faro for the round trip, plus
fifty tents for admission to the fair.
Selling dates. Sept. 19 to 21 Re
turn limit, Sept 25.
In addition, a rate of #H.<W) for the
round trip fifty cents of which is
for admission), will be in effect Sept.
21 and 22 from stations Iri Nebraska
and Kansas where the regular one
way rate to Omaha Is tn.00 or more
Train Service
For Wednesday and Thursday ,
Sept. 22 and 2d, the Burlington
Route has arranged a very complete
service of special trains from points
wihtiu 150 miles of Omaha These
Irains will have through coaches to
the Fair Grounds and will arrive
there not later than 11.30 s. m.
Rsturning, they will leave the
Fair Grounds at 7,00 p. in., and
Omaha station at 7.05 p. m. Wednes
day, Sept. 22, for Grand Island, Bur
well, Arcadia, Huntings, Wyrnore, I
Schuyler, Superior (via DeWitt and
Kdgert and intermediate station. ,
Thursday, Sept 2-:, special trains i
for limiting*, Grand Island, Wyrnore j
(via Crete), Wyrnore (via Table j
Hock and Pawn* e, iSvhuvIer and in- !
tcrmediate .In; -, v-;ll leave !
tm station ut 11 p. in . after Aksar-1
ben Furade. Visitors uru thus en-1
billed to spend practically u whole |
i'uy ut the fair or in the city, us pre-1
ferred reaching bom# the Mine iImv.
See small bills or consult lucid
agutii foi time of departure from
your station, arrival at Omuhu,
through cars, utc.
Tiie State Fa in.
This year's State Fair will be a re
minder of the prosperous days of
the 80 s wlsee big eropi sad high
prices were the rule. Tie Nebraska
exhibits will be more numerous and
of higher grade than those of any
previoasyear. An enusnally large
representation of eastern exhibitors
are expected. During Fair week sad
on the Fair grounds, the Fall Faces
of tliu Omaha Fair and Speed As
■ociatlon will be held. Many of the
fastest horses in the country are al
ready entered. Holders of admias
tickete to the Hlats Fair are admitt
ed to the race track without extra
TharaCay, Sept. si. Military and Civic.
Wedut-eday, hapt. «, Mechanical Parade.
Thursday, Sept it, hnltfhleof Ak sar-Den.
Friday, Sept i4, Ak-Sar- lien Ball.
The street psrsdee, particularly
the Knights of Ak-Sar Ben parade,
will be very enjoyable feature* of
the week* festivities. No effort or
expend <s beisg spared that will re
dound to the credit of Omeha or the
pleasure of her guests. The entire
business portion of the city will be
elaborately decorated and brilliantly
iilnmiaated. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agt. Omaha Neb.
J. h. Pedlar, who has b«m at Minden
with hi* race horses this week. In at
tendance at the races now on, tele
graphed home yesterday, that “Little
Girl won first money in the one-mile
specialty race." This Is quite a vi lory,
especially when you consider that her
distance is only a half mile and that
she was entered against some of the
best horses going the rounds.
11 you want a neat Job of band Bade
| shoes, or shoe repairs, or to purohase
| shoes from a well selected stock of the
best makes In the market go to 11 Hol
] ing V«w stock at lo.v prices
Hurtling itching skin diseases instant
ly relelred by DeWitt's Witch Head
Salve, unequalled for c uts, hroUc* burns.
It heals without haying a .-.ear
We waul one good Misti 'haring
] horse , a« perinae»nt superiutun lent, for
Slu rtiisn county, to ut"ud to our bus
j iiu ► on salary. Mu*t send along w ith
; application, strong letters of ieco<u
| mi i lalton »- to honesty, Integrity, and
|f* ill‘V* A i|n'4t l*.
l>*. lloX l«U. i'btta I's,
On** do/ beautiful iniitdmd
I " J
HAY H\ Lit
llay k'esei and hummer t old* are
"broken up by “ir, l»r, Humphrey 's
famous s|.»*i(|i', y h t« all dioggists
l>r. Sumufr Uavta (iritud
libutd Speoiailst in dixftatt**, of
Kye, Kar, Noatt ami Throat.
K lamination for tflatMi
H7,HOO Givrii Away
, to persoes who Make the greatest sum
I her el wards out «l the phrase. |'*t*ni
AUusney tt eddsrberu." fur psrlU'u
1 his sdUtsss the Natloool Mssenlst,
1 H»*hiMgiew,|t t',
•d^and see^Jf
H and while you are there just ask to see W
Outing flannel at - - - .Off per yard.
Gotten flannel at - - - .06 “ “ ^
Lawrence or Badger State L L muslin .06 “ “
Dress Gingham at - • .07 & .00 “ “ ^
I'ine black serge - - - .27 “ “
b IJIankets at - - - .60 a pair
E3S few
'■'■J ' !
10 pounds granulated sugar • - 1.00
M “ package coffee • - 1.00 j
12' “ evaporated apples - - 1.0*)
12 J *• evaporated peaches - 1/0 I
02 bar laundry soap - - - 1.( i ^
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or g. plows * *
or anything in this line. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of
Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Hewing Machines, Oils, etc. .
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
State reunion G. A. It Llnnolu, Sept.
14 te 18.—For tb > oceaaioa, the Itnrl
ington Route ba made a rate ot one fare
tor tbe round trip to Lincoln from all
station* In Nebraska Ticket* will l>a
on *aln, Sept 13 to 18, and will lie good
to return until S»pt. 30.
To accommodate attendant* homeward
bouad, Burlington train* No* 3 and 41
ot Saturday, Sept 18 will atop at all
stations, Lincoln to Hasting* and Lin
coln to Grand Island rcspcatiraly.
•I Fraueit, Geu'l I’ais'r Agent. Neb.
Dr. Sunnier Davis Oculist
anil Auriest, (irand Island.
• 17,20 for tbe round trip from Loup
< ity. Ticket* _..od to return until
Sept. l!»th
The avernge be above low rate to
vl*lt the Black *, Bui Hu in the mam
moth plunge b .t at Hot Spring*,
aen beautiful .ill Lake, make the
• ide tup.ohp -h and you it turn
home wlltilhu ledge ilia nowheio
cuuhl you Itavi n pl«u*au - r hull
liar. Fol full .1 '‘mat oil l a :t< It. tV
M ticket ottlc*'
t ommvticlng tin) .l*i .• lath, Hut
UK ION PA< till in gu rate
T It rough Tttrisi Service to pot t laud,
Oregon and 1' ugto > p tii.i* via
Union Pacific I Soul,, m Pacific
It')* then b) <g gei» the
tieio Qt uf two l 4ru*i<> \., iitlgi-ti
tu Portland. I rout will take them
Up through tl. *. at , >1)1,1 |, t o
\ alley, ill*, o*. , | | ,i in-. .|,g it,«
Sh**ta Itouic, i, on s.,. raito iti.i pur
rate*, lime labh * ati.l full lit ft. rut otto*
call uu city flrkti Office. \<> I 3 Far
•am .Hi W It. Cut rok
it1*' rv’nEROus
I * ks | « < \ H •'«»I||« ** '
* tootw! , | |»c
totto-i * i m §'i »tot* I tl, A
* A *4 - «l*4
' ** * •«• » Cat ttoitol
Mw • •*!■
» tk 4| MHMUM
* 4*«- • l pc* ilkto
4 1., ♦ ***•% MtllAI
4b CO.|
\Hm% Net*.
»* 4 "i «i«to N* |«I**4|
To California Comfortably*
Kvary Thursday afternoon, a Tour
ist sleeping car from Salt Lake City,
San Franslseo and Los Angeles loaves
Omaha and Lincoln by the Barlington
It is carpeted upholstered iu rattan;
has spring aeata and back* and is
provided with curtains, bedding, towels
soup, ele. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
pOTter accompany it through to the
Pacific coast.
While neither so expensively finished
nor so fine to look at as a palace sleep
er, It is just as good to ride in. .Second
class tickets are accepted for passage
and the price of a birth, wide enough
and big enough for two, isonlyf.V
For folder giving full particulars, eall
at nearest Burlington ticket olllee or
write to J. Franck, U. 1*. A.. Bur
lington Route, Omaha., Neh.
Nnttr* for Publication.
Land Oltlce at Lincoln. .Nebraska 1
August 21, l SI |
■ otloa Is haraby given that the following
nam*,l "siller lias filed notice of In* litlon
tlon to make llnul pi.M.f in support of hi*
claim, and that said proof w ill be made i»«.
loro th» » ouaty Judge, Hheriioto muotyal
I.ouputr NcbraHka.onOeiobar.klb l- dvi*
I’oioi IhtJeSo, II K N u in bur Is* d, for
like* g leaner of .v l uuai ter. >o i tlon
[ II, 'township ; ILibgit. II west.
Ilo names the following wtlHvs,*" to 1
i prove bis ront.nous leshtence uptm and cel t
j 'ivsHeu of. said land, vl/ Jamb Satuaai1
John. Anton lima,Peter Morin, i*ani Mill j
• r all et li.Tk vill* v. to»»s«
W J r»aou*o», l|.. .|,r !
I'lio I Olll l-I S|t'H|ipf |, an• 'up
i ar. M i \ Iiiioui coin (oi l at m m.
cost. 1% the i.pi.p with h i ... .i 1
i < ar« are toiiU and op Mated, I f, ,
j daily trout Council Itluft * and < >
{ <»gd«n Mau I isiit'liru an I J*. 11 i
j I'ttiltintn porUMs with vtrfy cat t ...
; lurther paitlculaia call on or addle
I _It Ml* 1 lit l'*N. Agent
• Mills* It a II* SMI.til MW
Heart hufe I rout eacvsalte *mo«li.g
or front any olh*r eaute. .* r*\»vvd t *
lh* Aral doaw u| No. in |ir llouiphti t
WprttrtM for |l, tpn.tla M«|| Sliding
The Jewell Nttieery Co of Ink* < li«
Mian , want a mpaMifel* ns . m tki«
vU-inliy to »ell klittneeou gt..wa trees
and mm aery stork U«n4 pry tti«a ly
work Write lb" to todat
“They don’t make mat'll fuss about
11.” Wo are speaking of DeWItt’s Little
Early Kiser*, the faniom little pill* for
constipation, billlousness, and all stom
ach and liver trouble*. They never grlpo
Odvndabl itros.
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, oolds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles.—Oden
dahl Bros.
John Grillln, of Zanesville. O , »aj»; ••
I never lived a day for thirty years with
out eufl'srrug agony, until a bo* of De
W Itt s Witch Hazel Salvo cured my
piles." For pile* and rectal troubles, f
cuts, bruises, sprains, ec/.«iqa and all
• kin troubles Do Witt'. Witch Hazel
Snivels unequalled. O i.Jahl Bros.
f.ow Our way Hate. To folats Kast.v.
Via Ike Burlington l(o July 111. 17. ’
I*. III. •■in “I and each I r and Mon
day thereafter until Aag |y
Do - <**i any of the |,,w rale
days and it) saveenotig , cuv«r all
* *# l,“'i ' ■' «*P«u*«* iVe| bealli
In sleepio ear'meals, ti era,etc.
1 I II- A M I agent, or
"Ml' ' 1 ''*11, ‘ V, < iiuaha
' ‘ • ' ”r 1 1 ' b’toi an, ||,e
1 v'; Mile Kaily
1 “ ****l < for eon
I stamaek
<»<l I Bros
^ said the
a hu voice »„d
’ " *" »u«e t ough
l 'i ** •* miMttry,
I ■ INI Oi|« ||.
• •
I r N,is. »-<
I*r. Miimbi r i,vi UntB.I la