The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 10, 1897, Image 1
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY KR1DAY AT THI'. COUNTY SKAT. oho. »u. liBiinciiiirii'.ii. Editor and PulillahHr TEI.Mb »1 SO ptr Year, II Paid n,ct ■ut*r»l at tb* Loup City t'ontofltsS for tr*a» miMmluu through tb* loallt a* Mo bA •laa* matter. PROSPERITY. Populist fllo ulassc* sneer at re turning prosperity, but acts are r more eloquent Ilian words. The election <>( president McKinley was no sooner assured than populists and republicans alike began to sweep and garnish, that, the house might be rcad\ for the coming prosperity. Among the prominent populifcts who have invested in expectation of advancing prices for real estate may lie named K. K. fia) hurst who bought the Stub! dwelling property, J. II. Travis who him pun based a fine business budding ami also a residence the li Kreiclibaum pluae. These gentlemen have both added considerably to tho original investments in tins wi y of paint ami improvements. Hup'. Johnson (jus Imugh' and greatly improved a m at residence property in tin: north part of town, bounty Attorney Long and ex-C'ouuty Attorney Smith both feel that limus are easier and have had their residences painted and thoroughly overhauled. (Jims, bus Layer is getting ready for a greatly increased business and has added a complete line of dry goods to his stsok. In fast there is scarcely a populist in town who does not feel the Improvement and expect a «om piste restoration of the good old republican times. In addition to inis the village board, all populists mt one, me re placing wooden crossings and cul verts with permanent structures ot stone. The drays go loaded wish goods and there i* two cash jobs at good wages for every man that wants to work, bcntlcmun this is the kind of stuff prosper ity is made of. Dollar wheat will lift many farm mortgagee in Nebraska. VVhv baa the price of egg* al moat doubled? Ia that on account of a failure of the crop in the old coun try, too?—Kearney Sun. Show ua a farmer that Iras'nt got any money now and we will show you on* that will have aorue when he sells his wheat crop. When wheat get* up so high that people oanu t afford to use it as bread stuff corn will be substituted. Thi* will make more of a demand for emu consequently the corn will be eorrospcediugly high There U evidently more joy in the house of populism overoge reueyatlu republican who a as bought into the tanks by promise of olltee limn thaie is over ninety uud nine who have steadfastly followed tile faith, K« aiin y Sum. The Nebtaslks sms "It should b" rctuvwbcrtd by fariuet* that the eouUty fall i* a proper me ilium thi ough which to advertise the I icsource* itf tbs country, Help to make yont fair a good <i|i«.' Y tii j tug t* Iratwr than tht* alitieiUihi suit j all should take an Interest m tin I Mount v fatr. bet every icpuhhiMu a. utMtlHct 1 m u In hhtnosu t oust) see to it I v that till 0‘Slo.klp ionl|| full ,t, j gstt- a to thi uuty uiKKtualtr g > >>n j veuttoU sad let it* iilol good cl. ,t, . wen fu* the touuly iitieu With] a good ttekit in Iks leht «« ai l* »-1 i I to elect sow*- |f n»t **tl of <,*f! •s. trI<te« f h« i"tt>. nt> <«* Witt! doubt Ism stain be Ml lad POPULISM DESCRIBED. The Independent man often feels thankful the lie doe* not have to edit a populist paper. We cannot im agine a more doleful, gloomy and dis consolate occupation than that of editing a real live and vigerous popu list paper. The whole superstruct ure of their edifice rests upon calami ty. The deeper their country and, in fact ull other countries, are plung ed in misery, the greater the indi vidual and public woe, the happier i* tho populist editor who i» true to his creed. Their missions and their delight is to tars down, to intensify and magnify ull forms of evil, ol hit man suffering ard misfortune, of puhlicund private calamities. With every evidence of a return to prosper ity all about them, not through any effort of tbcirrt, hat in spite of them they realize tbut their favorite slock intrude is fast disappearing; they are still plunging about wildly at every little bank failure or other misfortune, as a drowning man grasps ut a straw, hugging it to their hearts and fondling it as a choice and wel come titbit. Cornu out of your caves of gloom, ye nnrcperit sinners,and enjoy a little season of blessing and good diver. L’otne out into the radiant and glori ous sunlight of returning republican prosperity. Look upward, dry your truth: cense your dismal croaking; [rll thu truth; take ua emetic, and you will l’ccl better.—11 miry (S. I).) Independent. S. II. Jimmerson, of Port C'bcs ter, N. V. writes the following letter asking ms for a cony of our “Book nt Facts. ” Port Chester, N.Y. Aug. 30 1897 lino. E. Bensciioteh Esy. Ilnur Sir- 1 ion very much Interest ed In Nebraska. I talk Nebraska and U'wil two or three families out there each year I tuke three Nebraska pspes. i«me one bus »en( um a copy of tho Valley County Times and In It I sco an aosount uf your book on gherrnsii Co. I should like to gel a ropy and If you would advise ins the cost I would glad ly comply, llespeetfully S. If Jlmiuersoa, 7 East Broadway. We gladly comply with .Mr. Jim mersoa’s request and hope bo may lie able to gut information there from desired. We will say, too, that the people of this seetion would be pleased to entertain some of those families lie is yearly sending to Ne braska. In fact we know of no other part of the state that offers better m ments to settlers than tn Sherman couuty. -. ■ " 1.T"1 •j .him o. cumviui, mu man wihj was nominated by the democrats and endorsed by ilia populists and silver republican con vent ions, win one of tbs 11.un most prominent in ilia or ganization of llial faction of demo crats, who, under thu leadership of.i. Sterling Mortou soeffeotually helped to d feat Van Wyek. Populists don't feel at all good ov er the result of the pop o-eratic Stuto conventions,and in fast they have cause for grief. Tho demourats named the man for supremo Judge and one of the Regents of tho t'ni versily, an l the populists had to cou tent themselves by endorsing them The democrats did, however, give them s chance to name the other can didate for itegeut. It Mi • r be remembered that win at will bus fair price another on account of thu shortage this season The bulk of wheat Is west of the fcl1 »fti»*4|t|t» |iU'f H e do m l think it a good idea to put vcigthteg la wheat t*ai net judgetu.: i‘ totheh'isi in•« III. Am i. (tii fa.mei !* too apt. If .»!•» one eerewi is a g-.»*d pries, to put aitiy lbtt>g Into that t i t pit* duct, hut We ha- It. It lh> 1 a tumid uas discretion in the* lust ter I*) laitlsg *m«lt gr* u as well m oum. totals-*• ■Much »* |M.»sihie U your farming. In that tt) tiw Waikel in any out* Cereal fa cut ih*i.I- -a.. at i ah. «i d theta t. i Mulctr to set one tenet y m here eomntim.g to i«j| t>M m Sehraska farmer "Wanted* ACENTS: In every dlstiict on thecontinent to take orders for high grade Canadian grown Nursery Btock and Seeds. Larger!.and most complete assortment in the trade Fast soiling specialties: supherh samples furnished free; co'respondance in any language. These positions arc money makers, and territory should lie secured at once for (he season by nil hustlers looking lor a good tiling. Our salary or commission offers will Interest anyone not earning *1,000 00 par year. Get In eommenica tiou with our nearest, office An opportunity to represent a well established house. Ability more import ant than experience. I.i kk Buorilglis Comi-anv, Inernatial Nurseries, Chicago, 111; Montreal, </ue. Itochaster. N. Y FKEE BICYCLES. The State Journal is offering a tirst cluss bicycle free to any person who will get up v club of 100 yearly sub scrlbersfor the Sciul-Weukly Journal a! *1.00 each The 1 If ycles are covered bv as strong a guarantee as any *100.00 wheel and are lirsL c.ass In every re sped. Aliy young uinii or wo man can now earn a ble/cle. If you find von cannot get the required nambor, a libera easli c< ininlssion will be allow * d yon for cadi subscription you d > get.. You can get. all your friends and neighbors to take the Heml-YVuekly Mate Journal at * 1.00 a vesr. Address Mate Journal. Lincoln, Neb. I 'P INKS, * * pkop. or EXPRESS an., I GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kxpreo or freight order* promptly attended to rp 8. NIGHTINGALE, LAWYER. Does a General Law aoU Collection Bssinesa-j A Notary Pal,..a, ll«n»|r>ptii.r ant. Typewrllar in Offlea (INK i, ok Mourn or r.r.«r hank. LOLT C1TX. • • HKBHASIA. ^y j. FiaiiLH, AttnunEU-Bt-LaiM, ANI> NOTltY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO GO A GENERAL HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS. OiUca in Mo»thw«it»b« Diui illii# LOUP OITT, - • »t HKA8KA HUMPHREYS No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 '* Worms. No. 3 “ Infanta’ r'11 *«*•<*. No. 4 “ Dinrt No. 7 “ Cou No. 8 Cures N> i, No. 0 '* Hoiv No. 10 “ D> No. 1 1 " D. : V*. No. 12 " L No. 13 Cures Civ No. 14 “ Skit i No. 10 “ Rhei. No. 10 " Malm No. 10 •* Catart No. 20 Cures W’hooi No. 21 “ Asihrrt. No. £4 ** Genera t No. 20 “ Seu*£il* No. £7 “ Kidney l No, £8 Cures Nervous l Nx 80 " Urinary .r No, 82 ** Hesit Di No. 84 u bore Tin No. 7 7 - Colds n i>* . Uui sr >»»• Misslt UtUi#* ttf l 1. t’l |t tbs St *, * * ','1 If is » » *tsis*4 »*• isestfi < # ■ • <«» »«*•.*, Su* lb satsf *»V Sts Si |t S> Sss «•*-!». tt .ts*fcrsf,' M*4 .MS « mts>.. Ill Si' .w. »b. N«» t S H U M P H R E Y _8~ WITCH HAZEL OIL (Mi mic O NIMKJfT." [i I •hI fc, ■ -si-sie ■* a«« ♦ - • * ■ » **» —Mothers! FT'aa diacom J forts and I** dangers of child-birthcan bo almost en- J tirely avoided./ WineofCardui-7 relieveaex pectant moth ers. It glvea tonsto thegen italorgana.und puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shorten* labor and haatcns recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman Lear strong healthy children. !Win»i i has also brought happiness to thousands of homes burren for -j !- years. Afewdosceoftrubrings Joy to loving heart* that long m for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cure* nine cases out $J of ten. AH druggists sell '.Vine of Cardui. Ji.oo per bottle. For advice In cases reaulrtns «pec 1*1 f j dlrectlcns, aldroaa, (fvtay symptoms, - J ft# " Ladles' Advlaory uepefiment," 'm 1 be CflSttaiMSC* Maoi Jno Co.. Chat's i..»ga, Tenn. Mrs. LOUISA BALE, of jeftrson, C»., says: “When 1 first took Wfne of Cartful w e had boss married three years, but eeuld not l.avr, any rhildreo. Mins jJ mom'll later 1 nad a flue girl baby.” M Va ONK IHK^ Xn oae die* r.f pul nionaiy rin«»*s<», the result of e.»ld, who U;;o* “77”ln lime. Tor sale by all drug gin*. !l'i cents, I l). C. DOR. A. F. GULLET, , Vise Prosldeal OhAM*. FIRST SANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted Capital Stock, $10 .000. Lose* os LnprorW laras at IDI pa «■!. Bart Oeeepeny tailailM Oouaapon>am:—Cbeantoal BaStoart Bask. Raw York dtp. I. $4 tali iHtioaal Bus. usuka. ■ VV .1. KIHHER. GRO. K. BRNHOHOTRB, Attorney ami Notary Publle. Publisher Lour Orrr Moertiencsraux pishee & benhchoter, I REAM* ESTATE AGEJV1S. LOUP CITY, • • NEBRAHKA. jTown Lots, Wild, Cultivated ami Irrigated Lauds for Sale I_ • PREMIUM LIST FOR TJie SevejNTfl A^fMUAL FAIF? -OB’ THE TO HE HELD AT LOUP CITY, WEB., SEPTEMBER* 13, 14 AMD 16, 1897. EXHIBITORS AllMtnfk will lie ah awn in th< arena So person hut the awarding committee on duty arid the officers of the Hoard of Association w ill be allowed in the arena while, the exhibit lion is going on. if it be ascertain*! that any exhibitor ha made or caused to be made by any false statement In regard to any article or animal exhibited, or any exhibitor attempt to intefere with the judge* in tho performance of their duties, by letter or otherwise, he shall b» excluded from competition, The exhibl tlon of stock will commence ai the time and proceed In lire order sped lied In tho pro gram. Animals not ready at tho proper line and place, will be ruled out of competition. No animal which has once taken Hi d prem ium in If- properly unsigned lot and class .shall again compete for any premium in the sains lot and clast, othsr than sweepstake* when there is but one exhibitor competin ' fen a premium the committee may award n«* pi cmlum, or second, or jirat as merit may V' .rr»nt but in no case shall tin money award ed excei d half that stipulated in case of compe tblon. Iri noncompetitive awards the com uiittce must state in detail tin rcaaon for awards NoTK Kxlbitofs are requested to study the r iles carefully, as t.hay will be idly eu forced and Ignorance of them may f atal to successful comdetltiou. For articles a warded Special Pre dim order* on the donors will be issued »Uof which the Secretary will forward by mail to tin winners RATES OF AOMISSIOX. Single admission ticket .’net*. (Children sixteen years anil under, tacts, single admission ticket for double and single tr ims. 15 eta. saddle horse 10 etw special license for vehicle* carrying pa*seng ers for pay will be grunted by the Kxecutlve Comm * it« e. AH exhibitors having three or more head f \ hor*-* s, or five or mori bead of cattle *hall be entitled to |mss one attendant fro . Kxli i hecks will be given at the gate, dlnist'-rs of the go»p«. 1 in the active di* Charge of their duties editor , lupioter* am. ocher of other agricultural socllie*, with i.' irwi' * . .uc m tismslv Invtu I to our a< i il fail and will receive • <>wpii)i< ntuy pa* « by iej •»!; ir t hems. lvcs to the s ■ , etary, i h* ti.iii f- ? or loan *>f a season tick " is » tUd up n the .\ oti**w, and whin d« teits.t ■H »*• MmUhml to the full exb i • ..t tho law Vnyp*o « u »»r pr ison* round guilty of ellpjt ; c»t '/ ‘*i t? b •. m *-• 11m.: int fu : in .tii ■ rrv. .i thati h\ coi wing with the • a ion v. ;i k< chars* KhtitL.tU 1'UiMIl M Lin S»r age i o. ttg tWo 4*f ast* a — ., w. «. nap# «ixy $ >&* *■* lit **Um K < MM Mm v $ yn v aMaU tttMi hi lay awdat u» mm*%m *-U . * | m * *•*•** <%aj tttawd » m w> a t#* a <»*»-»* **i »*#**, 4 f a* I AM S »•»*> t I Ml 1**1 V * ' M *»«' M>* ,» iff,.*,., ,M*m 4 i mm im> * *«•*■■■« For beat taio of following one yearn sub scription to Nebraska Farmer and for second best taio 50 cents: Trio, any breed Heaviest trio spring chickens Trio turkey*, Trio duck*, Trio guineas, Trio gem*. CLASH F FARM PRODUCT* DIV.V, J M BNVbgH. Hupt. For the best display of all kinds of grain, grasses and vngltable* grown on one farm first premium $* 00, eecond premium 1000, third premium 00. For the best display of fruits grown by one person, first premium $8 00, second premium fe 00, third premium *1 00. Supplement to Farm Product. All following entries to be the property of the Fair Assoc! alion after entry: Flrlt Premium for following entries one vear* subscription to Nebraska Farmer, second premium 60 Cents, For beat specimen of Peck of wheel (winter), Peek of wheat (spring), peck of oats, Peek of corn Pock of potatoes, Peck of ryo. ( 'Lais o fink art and fancy work DIV. VII Missaa Anna Do/ark A dallh Miji.k * Class A Fir*t premium for followiug eateries 60 cl*, second premium 25, Best specimens of Kensington embroidery Worsted embroidery, Lae# embroidery, i otton embroidery Darned net. AppUoue work Braiding. F.u hing on linen Cotton canvas tidy Crotchet tidy Wo re* ted tidy, Worrited canvas tidy silk embroidery Wag Mowers, Paper Mowers, Shell work Tutting, Fun. ? work by uuy girl umler 18 pears of age Pencil drawing. Oil painting‘amlm aiH Painting In water colors Kmidugion pamtlug, Painting people Puual picture Ribbon work sb*-II iambriHiuin Wall tanner Table m arf Drawn wofR, Painting on satin or altk Mtiduary « afctbit Urayua p uui« Fancy s* r*»d -uwlu* nofa p4ii**w R) Ik pin ca-vtoton Worsted pm * uddga tVk|i«l set i Lamp mat i Pillow %aaui | nhvt t tltaiu CL A HA 44 DAIRY PANTRY CULL 4* NvRV 1*4V VIII Mt«**s Hlsstl V|> PlIlHvM 4 llAftta lift* Mi MW? Sit|»4» Pbl pi* w**um l**< wk'trb* R# via #»• ( R lie* 4 *|m % tmvn* **f • »“*** ** ■■ >***« To premium will be given on articles not an umoratod. All specimen! of preserves and jelly must be mode inside af u yenr. CL A Sri I MANUFAUTUIIKD AUTIOLKH — DIV IX Oho w. ilugraft, supt I) I plum as will awardad lor best eahlblu la Pillowing forming Impliments. machinery ate. Two borse farm wagon, Double aeutsd buggy, bugle seated buggy Family carriage, Two borse stirring plow, Sulky stirring plow, llurrow, Uruia drill or broadcast seeder. Two borse planter. Hand corn planter. Lister, Hiding cultivator. Walking cultivator, Stalk cutter, Mower, Horse rake, self binder, Combined reaper and mower, Thrashing mochtne, Power corn shelter, liaml corn shellur. W ladmlll for raising water, Farm gate, Fuoui gate fustealng, Portable fence, Churn, Display nt furniture, Display of tinware Washing machines, Display of stoves, Double work haruuss.hums made. Double drlrlug harness homo inode Display uf (arm madhluery by uns exhibitor. Display of tools and cutlery by ouo exhibitor, .Sewing luuehlue, Lot of ttfty brick. Display of building stone, Hpei imuu of carpenter work, Specimen uf plastering, Hpuctmuu uf horseshoeing, .•specimen uf blucksmilblug amounting to live dullure. Diplomas will he given fur the best syeclineas of all kinds uf fuuey and art work. CLASS 1 t'AUlilCand MANUPACTCMIU DIV X. Masks NspriX CoHUKli A CAkkik Hole emu* Cl Ass A Ten yards rug carpel, home mad*, and made wtibiu a year. White guilt, silk guilt Worsted uuilt limit pieced by girl under Id years eld, Pateb work guilt Crochet spread Knitted spread ■ ..inferior, Drawn rug mads within a rear. Scrap rug made within a year Knitted tug uiads within a year, lit auied mat VfgHan crocheted Hast maculae luted artists, •run MIMU. if.N > Util it* hands asd uadst ass luurth iiol. hoai- «m»t > ta i. 4 to eatar 1 ta start IV to Hr .1 H to we. wad and M iv third Weight 0 p.uuh be to a the seats. Ill SMkumtk Mail usth heaiA i to a# tar a*.I 4 to start. MU to What, ltd to aecuad, flllUD UAV ikul'tlMi A \yisa mile hoAto I • to cutsi and J to start tod to drat, itotuaesoad oal to i u third It ISM MU US> A >»'. hail mils heats use. tu 1 t tc cuter aud 4 to slat. MW to Arst, Vi to me. ad aadfA w thud k.m hutataaes Vs« taayar ■ out «d yavaa to **„h . *.a ... to> paid when eaol ta mads kntrtos P>i tot yuisa moat ts marl# aa or Mt* foie, * sriiet y m dar * C-te rtacei* ho Itetod tpolovv that tmr* all. ha asuceut end sa uf m. .**,r iei.reKd to the yt. oai viaimshta do aturs than •#*# yvamiuto atu he aaaadsd to a hoi o. that dv*taa*« to# itatd ins as*e» t atom ithiive site il*ht* to y»e*yv*e aa.) taaa ,* * „ .,S. ,.l i ,1 e.eltol Sec ..a. r a tea tel ,.«(is trotium had a man. as iosdtor list r alan mana W Saa the Isssryes at Van are Soe 1 ih> l»tl to ****m»'«. «MfM M to*** «mm4 «»«* ****»• w mi14 I* l*i' toMMtoto Am «*»»«*» to#****A MMl *** y*to •****4 ** ini li*m 4*t* 4 ****** ***** tor- fed* h i«*U IftoOMitoAi uni H m*1 ** yA* ItoUto