The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 03, 1897, Image 8

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    p, V P' , ' K W Jr
For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinsqn, Loup City, Neb
Lioaal Daws.
_ __ —
Boli Young made a trip to Scotia.
There is sickness In the editor s hog
Mr* J. It. O'Bryan visited in St Paul
Floor oil-clolh.:» cents per ysrd st
When you sell a load of grain reinem
tier the printer
An old blind darkey was Rround town
begging lsst Tuesday.
C. J. Odendakl and family vMted
at Areadla last Sunday,
Bose Mulick is visiting friends in
Grand Island this week.
Waxtei>.—Some fellow that owes us
to work out our road tax.
Dave Depew Is assisting in Hie black
smith shop of bii brother
J. D. Ford shipped a car load of hogs
to South Omaha last Tuesday.
M. Leekinsky, our photo artist re
ports an Improvement In business.
The proprietors of the Bound Front
barm seem to he enjoying s good trade
Dr. Sumner Davis Oculist
and Auriest, Grand Island.
John Barney was taken sick and was
unable to make Ills usual run last Mon
Mr. Bohlnaon of the Howard Bank at
Boclus was doing business In the city
J. H, Puller while shoeing a horse
last Monday got his knee pretty badly
Itepew and Navllle say* that they set
twenty wagon tires now where they did
one last year.
The nice rain lu»t Saturday night re
vised the corn considerable and helped
fall plowing.
It takes about three days with four
inen aud a team to fix up a stone cross
ing In first class shape.
Bate* <.'opelln received hi* new rac
ing wheel lastTueiday. It weigh* seven
teen pounds *nd c*n begeered very high.
Hay harvest ha* begun lit good earnest.
The Indications are that hay will >*•
very cheep here as there Is a very large
You cannot afford to be without one
of our book of fact*. It I* worth dollars
to you aud the cost of one Is only fifty
John Nave is a new subrcrlber to this
paper, having dropped Into our sanctum
last Monday and added bis name to our
subscription list.
A good many In this locality are loos
log hogs. The disease is not believed
to be cholera but is doubtless the resell
of conditions in the weather.
Photographs 7<r> cents per
doz for a short time only at the
Loup City Photo Gallery.
Wanticd; One man and six horses tc
pull a gang plow on K 2 Sec. 27 10 12
Will pay *3.00 per day and board.
Ezra E. Tuompsou Agent
We learu that John Ramey Is golti|
to move his family to Grand Islam
where he will be more conveniently lo
cated for his work en this branch of thi
U. P. line
A game of base ball is matched to hi
played at Loup City between the Lou|
City and Arcadia tluba on Monday after
noon September <1. The game will be ui
interesting one.
M. C. Mulick la expected home th
lirst of next week. Mr. Mulick baa beei
at IMne Hidge for several months pai
and Ills many frtenda here, aawell as hi
family will he pleased to see him.
The old street crossings whloh ur
needing repair are being entirely retnot
ed and replaced with stone The ston
I* being underlayed with 15 inch sail
glased v I trilled pipe which carries ol
all the surplus water.
lUv. Webster uud family returns
from a three weeks visit to llowar
comity last Friday evening. They ri
poll a very pleasant lime, having ma<
the trip by wagon route They stays
most of the time on lit* farm a few mil
fioui St I'aul.
J.ti.Schaupp la surveying a wat
coarse tor a uew mill plaut to he loci
ed between the iworattread track* not
west of town, lie propose* tap ag tl
river about three mile* up the valle
Mr. Srbaupp proposes lo build a m
(bat Wilt tie classed wllb Ibe Hurst
the we*!.
The tittle four mouth* old ehlld of 1
and M re John It line diet I very sudds
|y euu eneapecledly Thursday night.
•mui mat wbenlb* child so placed
he«| It weato alt appearances well In I
Might lira Kline arose for •onteibl*
III (he temp and In a few w>tuut»e >
linguist* I U ege‘" "**•*• »**
the child did not muse hot a* It «
though! to be sleeping no particular •
ttt*of He«M*dt»loo Was taken by I
mother no**u alter *b* letiied aga
however. »be | **«* d b«r heed user I
apihie body no I found that it was eo
*t*fco Iwoerei »>• held Friday and I
borlal l»wh plm • at n*e . emetar* *m
Mooes boosts la*
J. C Schaupp's pony ran away with
hitn last Wednesday. Ho w as thrown
out of the cart and sustained slight
bruises about the head. The cart was
pretty badly smashed up
Mr. Hogue, of Illinois and son of the
late John Hogue, once, a prominent re
sideat of this city has been spending
the past week here looking after the
business of his father's estate and visit
ing relatives. Mr. Hogue made us a
pleasant call Tuesday morning.
A. K. Chase and Dar Urow returned
last week from a weeks visit to the city
of Chicago whore they went to purchase
a large stock of dry goods for Mr. Chase,
and which be now has on his shelves
for sale at low prices. They report a
pleasant journey, wonderful sights In
the city and numerous chances for big
speculation on the board of trade.
Mrs Dr. Hendrickson is enjoying a
visit from her brother John (» Kellerol
Deeater, 111. who arrived bore Wednes
day and will remain a short time Mr,
Keller made ibis olllce a pleasant call
yesterday morning and expressed him
self well pleased with our eouutry. Mrs.
Hendrickson took her brother out for a
drive In the country yesterday.
Kveiy time you quit advertising you
begin to loose ground Nothing It truer
Some of the best towns In the county
have gone Into hopeless decline simply
because the merchants did not push their
business The Indirect advantage Is
greater than the direct, the universal
prosperity and growtli of a town are
promoted in this wav Keep your bus
iness im the paper If you want dull sea
sons to vanish. HhoJton Clipper.
I SCD001 Will 11 ii” a */
morning with the following teachers
as Instructors M. II. Mead, Principal
Miss Arthur, of Ashton, Grammar de
partment. Mrs Kearns, intermediate de
partment; Miss Nightingale, Second Pri
mary and Miss Sutton First Primary.
These are all the same teao hers for
rnejy employed, and who taught the
city term last year The term will he
of nine months duration.
Fredrick Rein, of this city and Min
nie Avcnson were united in marriage
last Wednesday, Sept. 1 1897. The
ceremony took place at the residence
of the brides sister in Logan township
Judge Kay officiating.
The contracting parties are well aud
favorably known and have a host of
friends who wish them prosperity and
happiness. Mr. fleln has served for
three years past as deputy in the county
clerks office and has been a resident In
the county since 1880 The bride is an
accomplished young lady and moves In
the best society. The Northwestern
extends congratulations.
The following clipped from Hoke
Smith's paper, gives one an idea of
what he thinks of returning prosper
This country has never been as
badly off as the croakers and calami
ty howlers contended f'uring the last
four years, but we all know that
things were not what they should be.
They are getting all right now
however, and there Is every reason
to believe that an era of prosperity
has already set in.
l tie great traue centers are tuer
mometers of the business situation
! and every word that cornes to us from
' the capitals of trade is encouraging.
During the past week nearly 4,000
merchant* have visited New York to
, lay iu their fall stocks. Fully half
i of these have gone from the south,
1 and the extent to wldoh they have
* bought indicutes theii faith iu the
good times that are ut hand for this
„ These merchants are among the
■ most intelligent and observing citi
I sens of the south lu concluding
that the south is entering upon an
^ era of prosperity they do not express
^ their own opiuiou*. They have mad*
* up their imuils upon evidence presen
d led in uouvinelug form many sources
>» They do not hesitate to lay in largt
stocks because they have every rsa
,r sou to tielieve that business will hi
\ good
(t Hut these merchants could tod. ui
y, this faith atone, secure the iiheia
41 clouts which are bring extended l<
1,1 them The fuel that it is known n
Mew tork that the south it pr«N>r>ei
"■ mg and that legitimate basin* •* me
* by the pfsaspeeU ol tbta station ut41
II tie considered All the great suppi
hr pomis are now an turns to sell to lit
4 swath because they undvistaud tin
* this sec ttoll Is In better * vuditt'
* than ever before amt Is constanil
m improv tug.
gc The business of ttoe eoming b
* will probably lie heavier than an
b* the auuth has ever had, au*l from *
( see thins of the cwtiwlf) Hwme »*p**l
« who h ste similar ) em wttbtgmg
Atlanta Journal
Think It’* All Right.
The following is what our ex
change* have to iav about our “Book (
of Facta:"
Gao. Bensc-beter's, "Book of Fact*"
concerning Sherman county." ha*
reached our de*k. to which we heartly
give thank*. It contain* 7*1 well gotten {
up, neatly printed page*, and rely in
terestmg throughout. The only thing
lacking I* Col. Brown's rabbit story
Litchfield Monitor.
<«. K. Bei.achoter's "Book of Facts”
coiieernlug the early settlement of Slier
man county has been received. It Is]
ably written and well printed and should
be in the hands of every resident of!
Sherman county. It is "descriptive of j
Its present business and agricultural de
velopment and natural advantages,'']
and contains Interesting mention of In-i
tererting early hl*tory. Arcadia Cham
pi on.
A Book of Fact* concerning ihp,
early settlement of Sherman county,"
by Geo. K BeoMboter, of the Loup
City NoinilWK-crieilN.ha* been received
at this office. It Is neatly printed ami
Ihe subject nutter Is Interesting. Not
the. least Interesting pull of the book I*
a sketch of the live* of prominent
cltl/en* of Bherncau county. Valley
County Times.
We are Indebted to (Jco K. lienschot
ur for .1 copy of bis Hook of Facts con
earning the,Early Settlement- of Slier
man County." We have read the book
carefully and flue it very interesting a*
well as ln*truetlve. Main of the liara
Li ve» stated therein si e fault I lur to us
as we have resided In Sherman county
sluce the spring of 1W>. The hook con
tains eleven pages descriptive of Sher
man county's natural advantage- and re
source*. There are seventy six pages
in all, and the hook should sell like
stock In the Klondyk* rnlufs - Tlmes
A well-written history of HburniHii
county from the pen of Ceorge E. Hen
scholar I* at hand. It 1* mighty In
teresting leading and contains refer
ences to many Incidents with which old
residents of adjoining counties are fain
lliar. St l’aul Republican.
Kditer Henschoter. of the Loup City
VotiTiiwxrreKM. has presented thl*
Family Journnl with his little book en
titled ‘Facta Concerning Sherman Coun
ty." The book containing<|ulte a clev
erly written history or the early set
tlement of Sherman county, besides
other things of Interest to the public.—
Mason City Transcript.
The more made on the part of the
village hoard to replace all tho old
atreet crossings as fast as they give
out, with stone is a step well taken.
The most expensive part of the
vlliuge management lias been the
constant repairingof these crossings.
A good crossing, built of new lum
ber will last but a short time and we
are informed costs nearly as much as
that built of stone. The stone that
is now being used is about six inch
es thick and it would seem there is
no wear out to it, at least it will last
for many years to come. One ear
load of stone has been purchased
and with it two street crossings have
been permanently built. Let the
good work go on.
Burning, itching skin disease* instant
ly relelved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve, unequalled lor cuts, bruises burns,
It heals without leaving a scar.
We want one good man (having
horse), as permanent superintendent for
Sherman comity, to attend to oar bus
iness. on salary. Must send uloug with
application, strong letters of recom
mendation as to honesty, Integrity, and
ability. State occupation Address 1*
O. Box l«a^, Phila . Pa.
One do/ beautiful tiuished
photographs for 7.r> cents at
the Loup City Photo Gallery!
This will last only a short time*.
II A \ f MS KU.
Hay Kevet and Summer fold* are
’broken up” by “IT**, Hr, Humphrey’s
tMMMt >i"'ciil. ft h-i», nil duiggi,t»
l>r. ■Sumner Davis Grand
Island Specialist in diseases, of
1 Kye, Kar, Nos© and Throat,
i Ksamination for glasses.
(jivrn Away
i To 1'ShnNi wH<> make tti«* greatest ttuitt
] her uf words out o| lbs phrase, Parent
1 j Attorney It *dd*rliurn Pot parti, u
j iar* address tit* Xatlomd lte»-'order,
, It askingtou, H r
N •«•!*# hit I'ahlH ftMuir
t.»fc)4 |uiat« ItiitMks «
f j iHtfUtl *4, i
gi«»M h-*i la* iv
1 i «*<*#*! Nllltl 4km li«4 NU<*t4 tat* mtftb
It |ia#ftt MMht INI |«4 <**♦ III MtfcfMfl i*f tall
| a hk(M< *ut-l lit*I Ml 1*1 |rltt»4 * ill bft ‘*■,#'•1«. Ut
I M« III* t J elfto *tta*» ttafttH *1
- I >y illy fe> <tl»l*** 4*4
it l'ti©< IUb>tftta«*. U I InutNf Hh , N
! *ta* « * ,wc.«t ui ta * qiuui, <ta»- 4tail
) ; tta It** *»ltal|* hi, ***.#• l| 4H»
111 Ift* ****** tta« iMiMWtH# * IS ****** l<
I gM%»% * tai# i »•) l»at« s»4>4Mi<ft. 4*4 s «*t
• • . lullel a*M *l« Jtaftftita ta#ta «•»#•<
I h»ta* lataMi Nt»,|talN Idiiti. r«*i mt\
• I |h ill li S I * Utt %•<■*%#*■%
* J lift ft • *»«"***
I flat fan_i flu; j
m and while you an* there j uwt ask to wee ||
\f Outing flannel at - ■ • .OB per yard.
“ (Gotten flannel at * - - Bo “ “
:rj,\ Lawrence or Badger State L L muslin .B.r» “ “ 3B
!/ Dress Gingham at * * .*17 A .BB “
Toweling at • • • '<1 “ “
l‘’ine black serge • - - .27 “ “ wjS
Blankets at ’‘B “
If? 10 pounds jiraiiuluted HUgar - • Out
8 “ package coffee * - l-m
gS 12! “ evaporated apples - • LfJO
12 ! “ evaporated peaches - - LOB 1 .
sflS B2 “ laundry soap - • • 1-BO '
Well pay you at least 25 cts. a It, cash for potatoes j
C ' *9
call on t. M. REED fora
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows
or anything in this line. Prises all right. I also carry a complete stock of
Harness aid harness fixtures, Washing, aid Sewing. Machines, Oils, etc.
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
This following described stock was
taken up by the uudursighed at tuy
farm on south east ijuarter of Mention
14, Township 13, Kaogu IT*, lu Hazard
township, Sherman county, Nebraska
One mule cold, dark brown, about I
year old. Owner can have same by
paying damage* and costs of advertis
ing. Mu*. Doiu Wol.v.
If you want a ticut job of baud made
shoes, or shoe repairs, or to purchase]
shoes from a well selected stock of the'
best makes lu the market go to II Dot
lug Now stock atloiv prices.
S. I» 4 RI1>A\ AUGUST 90TH.
917,20 for the round trip from l.oup
City, Tickets good to return until
Sept. Iklli.
The averagu of the above low rate to
visit the Black Hills, Rathe In the mam
moth plunge bath at at Hot Springs,
see beautiful Sylvan l.ake. make the
side trip to Spentrtsh and you returu
home wltuthu knowledge that nowhere
could you have b td a pleasanter holt
day. Pur full itifortnal-on call at 11. A*
M ticket olttce
Commencing nday June Mill, llie
UNION PA* 14 1C will inaugurate
Through Tunst < »i Service to Poitlaud.
Oregon aud " i-Mogtou points via
I ui**u Paritic and Southern Pacll*
R}« thereny gil ug pa**ci.gvi* the
beueSl of two toonsl route* via <*dgeu
to Pott land. This rout* wilt take them
up through tin* beautiful Sacramento
\ alley, disclosing ill feature* along the
Kha>ta Route, flout Sacramento, fur
rale* time table* aud full tnformatio*.
call «u t ‘tty Tlehet Urtlss. k* Idd Pa*
warn St a l* tiM t«»
i -niurri "~rr~ -nimnrn~irr'mifm
IT’S DANCEROUS »iis ... ■ *• aw***H»*»a*’
lit Up f t«4 I *4
• tiigf94l
. , __ ||« <R |l , Mittal N -4,
14*4 «!«•
To California Comfortably.
Kvery Thursday afternoon, u Tour
ist sleeping car from Salt Lake City,
Sau Fransisco and Los Angeles loaves
Omaha arid Lincoln by lhe Harllngton
It la carpeted upholstered in rattan;
has spring seats and hoeka and is
provided with curtains, bedding, towels
Hoop, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to the
Pacific coast.
While neither so expensively Ituished
nor so flue to look at as a palace sleep
er, It is Just as good to ride In. Second
class tickets are accepted for passage
and the price of a birth, wide enough
and big enough for two. is only 9">
For folder giving full particulars, call
at nearest Burlington ticket olilee or
write to J. KlisNCli, U P. A., Bur
Ilngton Koute, Omaha,, Nab.
I HI 1. ll|(.'Y< Lllfl.
The State Journal Is offering a first
class bicycle free to auy person who
will get up » club of 100 yearly sub
scribers for the Semi-Weekly Journal
, at each The bleycles are covered
j by as strong a guarantee as auv 9100.00
wheel and are ilrst class In every re
i sped. Any young man or wo
man can now earn a bicycle. If you
■ rtnd vou cannot gel the miuirvd uumner,
a liberal cash eoimnl-ston will be allow
| ud you tor each iui>«cripllou you d ■
,gd. Y ou can get all your friend* an I
neighbors in lake the hctol-U eeklv
I Mate Jourual at 91-00 a year. Address
Male Journal l.lncolu. Neb,
The Tourist Bleeper la air up-to-date
ear. Maximum comfort at minimum
coat. |s the principal upon which then
» ata are belli and operated They rut
dally from < ooin.ll IIlulls and lltuabali
ng.len Hau Francisco an I PtulUud
, Polhoau tHMleia with every ear Fw
further paittculais call on or addreas
VS m, |> i i li fs>*. Agent
s stills IS • Uhatsl-Mt Mh
llvtil bora liew eaceaalve twevlsg
or from any other eanae. it te'ieted h|
the Met dose of Mo, lit In tlumphrev'
gpetiAo for l*»*t**p'ia *1 Ota alt drug
givia _______________
(he Jewell Moseety t o »! Lake t 'tiv
Mtwn , want a map-maitrl* matt In tki
• It lolty |o eell Mtnweawka gtu»n Ira*
and awttri nark timed pay Atead]
suit tt III* them Iwdat
"They don't make much fuss about
it,'' We are speaking of DeWitt'a I,title
Karly Kisers. ike famous little pill* for
constipation, billiousness. and all atom
ach and liver troubles. They never gripe.
Odendahl Bros.
There is a time for everything, and
the time to attend to a cold is when It
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent It by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles. -Oden
daltl Bros.
John GrlDIn, of Zanesville, O , say s, ••
1 never lived a day fur thirty years with
out sull'errug agony, until a box of De
Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my
piles." For piles and rectal troubles, J
cuts, bruises, spralus, ec/emt and all
skin troubles DeWitt's Witch llazel
Salve is imeipialled.—OT ndahl Bros.
I.tiw Out *»y To I'Mlnii* t **i.
Via tke Burlington He July 16. 17, '
IS, 1U, an. 21 and each I y and Mon
day thereafter until Aug Id
Uo east nit any of the in low tale
days and you save enoiig • cover all
the incidental e\|mu»e» ive| heath
In sleeping car meals, tt era, etc
See nearest It «V M 1 agent, or
write to J. Fiaocis O, \ , ttmaba
Vim, vigor and vtctm itas are the
chat aider Id tc. at |te\\| title Fatly
Kisers, lit famous little a fur coo
j rtlpalion biliousness at I stamai It
Slid liver Ir ublt s ltd- ,1 |lru>
• | crave tut line U. " *aU| n,(
public speaker In a ku voice ami
t|**u he to s i do>« of tt otic t wugk
I tilt 41* 14 *'A K it BfUdlV
Oi»v M iiuH* I • *t > illllfliliutlvJ
|i*f |t|« |M%mI *«* I lul»4 If it># (
Ufcl Him
I | | U|UM|(U ) UU| *ltill«4v|| ti |||| 4
. ten* and Miter Herts* bot regulate iout '
User and tie* b* »da» ke by using Ikoae
Iswuui little pills kuoau as ImWiUi
' Idltle hntlr Miters tidendaki Mr***
i Kit', Ur, \u»e util riirugt,
I hr. Mumiirr |t*vU Omtul |«.