The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 03, 1897, Image 7
A meeting of Hare*. A short time ago an anthropologist of Now York City got u group of men of many races in his house for a pur pose. In the group there were a North American Indian, a Chinaumn, a ne gro. a Hawaiian, a Hebrew, an Aral), an Last Indian and Ktiropoan* of ihe Gothic. Celtic, Slavic and Latin races. All of them were found in the city of New York, and all wore aide to use the Knglish language well or other wise. The anthropologist who brought them together desired to get I heir notions upon certain questions of race, lingu sties and religion, but ho had great difficulty In getting them. He proposes to hold other conferences of the same kind, and to prosecute his I . investigations until his object has been attained. "All races of Men arc of ono blood," according to the Scrip tures. Til are I* a Cum of rco|iis Wno are Injured by Hie use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new prep.iratl in f ailed GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The Moel delicate stomach recelv s it with out distress, and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over % tut much. Children may drink It with great benefit, 15 cents and H5 cents . per package. Try It. Ask for t GRAIN-0. I>r. Kay’s itnuovnlor never fulls to curs narvoij-nuss, constipation, dyspepsia or liver dlseii t*. It renovates mildly l>ut cer tainly. Sir. Hoeadvt. I nelc Nam I ndlsliirkrrd. Foreign power: "If you don't try barter to please u# wo'll shoo'.,” Un cle Hum: "Costa money to shoot 0o .v* ndays.” Foreign power; "We'll tor row it or the Koth-ehilds." Urr:lo Hum: "Not tnuoh you won't- Tho Kothscblld* have |/>U,000,000 fnv. switl In this country.”- New York Weekly. timWi Catarrh Cura Is. taken Internally, l’rlce, 78o. Kvcn if it man hits nerve lie dislikes for occasion to arise for using it. No-To-llar for Fifty Crnta. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makos weak nreu strong, n oua pure. Me SI All druggist* Some people frotvn even when they i are amused. My doctor sold I won d die but, I'lso’s I lire for I'oiisiim lion cured mu. AmosKennr, < hurry Valley, Ills., Nov. ail. IHIKi i f a limn hus horse sense he always knows when U> say neigh. rtsHia.i. s hkii mtak ■exTMAf'r in The best; til armsra will refund you, money If you arc not ssllsOsd with It. An artist is not a success until lie can draw u. check on the bank. To Cura Constipation forever, TuUu Ciiscurcts Candy Cathartic KK.-nrtSo. It C. C. C lull lo cure, druggists ri fund uruucy. The mortal who Iras all lie wants has too much. Slot III Ike Fashion. Kmersonia Dorchester— "Olivlnla, Holmes is not the recherche girl I thought she was." Russell ina Waldo—“What has oc curred?” Kmersonia Dorchester—* *1 noticed to-day that six' was wearing her win tor spectacle*."- Jeweler's Circular. When you \ inlt < Ininhn you should cull at. r H Kaymoud Co.'s Jewelry store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex iimlne (heir Jewelry and art good* for wedding, birthday and Christmas preseiits. also steel engraved weildlng stationery. In citations and visiting cards. It Is the only first ( lass, up-to-date Jewelry, art and rut glass store west, of t ‘hleago and Ht. I,outs Kiigrnvlng and printing HMi visiting cards fl.WI by mall Tils Able Kilifor The village wag thought he woilh) have some iun with the inlld-munni led young man who had recently taken charge of the county paper. "I nay," he said, coming Into the of fice excitedly, "there's u man on tho street, looking for you with a club." The young editor looked up pleasant* ly. "Is that so?" he Inquired. “We make special reductions to clubs. Ilow many nubacrlbers has he got?” Whereupon the wag felt that he had barked up the wrong tree. Truth. \ anon, With tha Air* A ml ImltllH'fl wll Ii I In* witter of it uuilurlim* locality. till* *1111 It certain Utltldote. K.*pc rleneo mam'llon* eoiiHdeoee Ir, Hostetler's Htonmcli Hiller* 11# u preventive of Mila scourge. AII over tId* eontliieiil mid In the Ironies It Ims proved I hud f a certain mean* of defense. ami an eraillennt. of Inlermlttsnt and remit tan I fever*, and other form* of miasma-lairn disease. Nor I* II. less effective for kidney troubles, constipation, rheuma tism and nervousness. AH von guess about dlfllculty In sell ing Stark 7>i‘0» may lie wrong. If you -vNI, to knotv l!:" truth, drop a postnl *o Slink Nurse;/. litfnSfana, Mo., or Bock port, III. Naum references. Cash pay to saleMtictl C»c)i V'EKIt tl,<* round, yntflt fi’OA - tHl.ea no money to TiMf the tvork. Also wunt MAKMis get their trees free. ■lorn With llslr and Tenth. A baby boy, weighing seven pounds and having a heavy head of hnlr and two rows of teeth, was horn to the wife of Hamuel Meglone, a merchant of Iscxlngton, Ky.. a few days ago. Osn'l Tobacco Spll and Smnkn Tour Lit* Sway. To<|ult tobacco easily mid forever, lie m»g rintlc, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Hac, the wonder-worker, that make* weak men strong. All druggist*, #0c or II. Cure guaranteed. Itouklel and sample free. Address Sterling Ueincdy Co., Chicago or New York, It’s the revolving fun that gathers no fUrs. ______________ Mr*. Winslow'* Wonthlug Mjrnp for children Irntblng.sof Inns lliegume. reduces Inflsm tuallun, alls, it pain, cures wind colic. CtcrntsabottJa. It ulways seems an effort for some men to fie good nutured. Slop'* d ough Holsowi I* IPs oldest me' beat It will break tip a cold ipilcknt than anything alae. It Is alwava reliable. Try It. Home people have no appreciation for unything beyond something to eat. w >) Pistols and Pestles, m |L?\ The duelling pistol now occupies its proper ■' f plaoe, in the museum of tho collector of relics of barbarism. The pistol ought to havo besido \ 4f it tho pestle that turned out pills like bullets, f ->y to be shot liko bullets at the target of tho f liver. But tho peutlo is still in evidence, and /Qv 1. '■■•) will be, probably, until everybody has tested jf iho virtue of Ayer’s sugar coated pills. They fmA V y treat tho liver ns a friend, not as an enemy, $||\ Instead of driving it, they coax it. They nro compounded on the theory that the liver does f its work thoroughly and faithfully under K&j) jf- h\ obotructing conditions, and if the obstructions 0^\ \^) are removed, tho liver will do its daily duty. \Vjjp r ]'\ When your livor wants help, get “tho pill that will," vp' Q Averts Cathartic Pills. If * mw ^ 2 ** You Need Renovuting Tuke jj| tr | Dr. Kay’s Renovator. £ V It Invigorate* an 1 rrn> »* tlie whole tjairiii A |*erl»ei renovator, removing Iho ^1 eauni . ml lor our lo w e |>age ouolt v>lll> « recipe. Mr And* W itmer ot K«»l l'lil- to* gH ‘ « o. In.i , write. I would not take (I i tor vour Uoalt II I t’ ‘tiM not gel .uoiher t\ ill ml u now lor . name Audre.* Ua II J K4Y MkuiiAi. Co Omaha, N*u ' SIOO To Any Man. WILL PAY *lOO run ANV CASE 0f Wfiht... In kl«n tk.| Irani **hI I nil lu t Ufa. An <laialo i'.hwiuiuv |<lm-na fur Iha ltr»t tliua In-urn llu |hiIi|P « Mmini. Turn ■ tit lurlb»cur*ill law! Vitality, Natmua Mil Hviuni IVankuam amt lla.ti'f alum of tula t'nraa lu uUI amt |i«i«j inau Nu * uul k'lau-h rtuinli. n.iilaiim nu I k<»|>huruitf »r ittbvr Itnriulnl 4r«m« It i» a M»mu» - i. t»i.i«.\i utnn • nl In It* ait a. la |aMilt«a in ||« >ura All ra*lan. nltu ara .attaint Irmi a taankuata ikm kl||kl< iba-r Ilia. « .»• n| ihnl martial n« I i kvu. ai ... f** tli«* *" !■>* 1 Ylnn k -.1 hi.llnt.lali. Ik-ul IlkUMUlM. IHIIIIM itiinkn S’, ml lint » ■! latul mo nlaudnlaiy PHKIt a tn'uaUa | u{aM allunilitaua. at. I |iu.t*t»n iullkait trnly Mwn *k Taa«ln.*i fh>* •» ait-l■ •■« man aku kata u-i all kuya •>! a ■ an ara la. *•* raUuial l>J Ikm. I t a |M lm I -*U,« fkk Mi II I ••«.«*«• HUM t-a lakan at k > ‘> an < Ik. if .In* maw .<t Ilia, mil {at ra U<t»l fata atal k tat talk* !•< all a k*» AMfat t«) «w Inara l»t Iratlutaal it that fall lu m>» hui ... yat.ail. tat Ml* a kata n» lua I i. «.i.1 *.» ■ I'tan lain, Ytw na«t . a w r II l> taka IVi ka»* fct»> UMM ■ tf» *|cU »t» l IfNkttl tMtt«« %*» H»l* »i««k <»* »* m r«o m I **#fi , M » r* ** - tiM < \m >h • Ni«h Im im * *4 i t « «!«• • *•«• It •4* 4*4 \% F«l* !«• w M*» Silt ^sTiKK^Hi POMMEL •;:r SLICKER “^1 $12 hi iMtgjysyjrjgwg »‘tr u i*i:k i casa UVUMNSITi itofT £m**L. iktout, i» TfeMWiM i Iff N«Uf. “SWEAR TO NOTHING.” (From the French.) O, mother, no; It lx useless; let in speak no mure about It." My mother stretched llcr plump small hands toward the fire, her finger* lavishly ornament ed with rings, ax the coquetry of la dle* In the. W*. ".fame*,” said she, with her most dig nified countenarc, “you arc as stubborn is your father. Me, too, objected to marriage. Me belonged to n club tbe poor man to the Bachelor*' club,' and had seriously sworn to remain faithful to his principles. But you, too, you will come to It," "But, then, In my father’s day, young girl* were brought up more simply; they aspired no higher than to pi ty the piano prettily, write correctly, and make » graceful courtesy. Then, in leaving school young girl* tame In’o their families with enough Instruction to understand the verse* of a romance and follow a conversation, not cnougn to humiliate their parent* and often their husbands. They were then real ly 'home angels,’ ” "You exhaust my patience and I can’t hear such prejudice*. ‘Home angel*,’ Indeed, A* If one mu*t he a fool or a nonentity to bo domestic. A bright woman never could bo satisfied with the role you assign for her. If you had Dot wasted your time at the college you would not he eo afraid of comparl* "You are too gevere-" "Do you pretend that Latin and Greek are incompatible with mdenty, gweetnoA* and donjcfile (jualltlcg In a woman?" "I declare It with enthualaam." "Very well, then; we will apeak no more of marriage. You will accom pany me at the Degjardln*, for you will meet the twin gutter* and you may fudge for youraclf, st-tco my experience 1* not worth your own." Poor, little mother! I knew ahe and her old friend, Mme, Degjardlng, had together plotted agalngt my bachelor hood and a girl with the degree of bachelor wag enough to frighten me Into It more geeurely than ever. When we arrived at Mme. Degjardlng ghn greeted mo ug "little James." Thl.i ex clamation rather upaet me. I expected her to ask me If I had brought my marbleg along, but ingtead of that preaonted me to her daughter*. The twin alatera resembled each other only In their dreg*. Mdle. Martha wa* a very beautiful brunette a Greek goddess with pure, gtralglu feature*. Mdlle. Rose wa* le** Importing, a gweet, pretty blonde. 1 wa* sure that In spite of her 10 year* ahe gtlll played with dolls. She certainly wa* not the "learned young woman" my mother had proposed I should court. It must be the other one. There wa* dancing, and I offered my arm to Mdlle. Rose. After SPEAK TO ME. a waltz we chatted. She was witty and a little sharp. thl» meek looking little hlonde. 1 started a conversation on commouplace subjects and In s short space of time I had Judged my com panion to he a most charming little woman, and It was with much reluct ance I left her side. Mtue eyes, blue gauze, smiling lips and a cloud of golden halt were all mingled In my sleep that night, Why nut the stately, Statuesque, dark beau ty my mother would so gladly welcome as a daughter? iu another week I must again ac company my muther to the weekly re ceptluu st Mtue. Fosjardlns and then they would come to my mother's Fri days. Thus twice a week, I saw her and naturally fell in love dee tier and deeper Fear little It me, thought I. true "home angel " What a wife she will be to make home bright and happy for eonu one. A strange fear came uver me and I recalled many Instant ee where Ruwe had appeared nnztoua to avoid me, perhaps out of consideration for her alatar, or perhaps to save in# from a great dlsappoinit Kent t utter Ike torture of this attdden sus picion I dew to my mother "I must make • clean hrennt of It, mother dear I I love Moan, and you must help me to gain U»r " • oh iamea- la nut this somewhat sudden* And those ion*tvttous you have cherished — ** ' Monsetue. mother, listen this In ts How* You wilt admit that so sWeei sad unpretending a girl is said >m fm*a I now No m at word* pies*#, hut da (the the good mother you are. go as I id Mate IwsFtidth* N the hand of ha* dawahter “ “My -tear eh*MI I will tent h vow how ta ha voneietent I can not go hath its my word I will hava nwlhtng to du with the arrangements of a marriage | for you." She said all this with such an amused smile that I could not think her serious. I determined, however, I to put an end to this suspense and soon found an opportunity. There was a concert and hall at the DesJardins’ beautiful country home. When bending over her mother's hand f saw hut one thing and heaven en tered my soul as I caught the light of i her eyes. It seemed but an Instant j before we were outside, wandering about the grounds. The words were on my lips to speak, when some one called to ua, "Come, J,a Marian! Is go ing to sing!’’ What care I for the Ma rlanl? Hut Hose hastened her steps and I followed, hoping she would at least slay outside. As we nesred the house she led the way to a eorner of the veranda and there the words and voice of the wonderful singer reached our cars and entered our hearts. "My soul Is full of dream, My soul Ik full of love.” "Those words are mine, Hose, do you understand? Don’t you see how I love you? You are the woman I have dreamed of since I have known how to dream. You uro the companion I have longed fort Hose, could you not love me?" In a low, sud voice she murmured: "My friend, I am not the companion you have dreamed of. Too often have you described her to me, your Ideal woman. You love me because you think me simple as young girls should he and you think because you have eome time seen me attending house hold duties that I would make a good domestic wife, but you will love me n tunas . ... \kl %n. ■ \ you kpow —" Her voice bad beet Aim u.iill now and though her words puzzled and (mined me 1 btcaroe uwaro of the sorrow In her voice, a sorrow which meant more than sympathy. "Roue, In the name of heaven, wbat Is It?" She mastered herself In a moment. "How often have you cruelly told me you would never marry a college graduate, a bluestocking, as you called her, nml yet you ought to have known —your mother knows——” The fool 1 had been; and how I wished I c mid fall right there on my knees to ask her pardon. And yet how could f have suspected that so much feminine grace could be united to u ripe mid mature Intellect. "Oh, Rose! speak to me. Kpcak In Latin, In Greek, If you will. Only sav you forgive me and will love me!" »**•**• Has she forgiven me? I um the hap piest of men und have been for three years. If ever you come to see us, you will be asked to partake of the repasts tny college wife superintends, and I think all of you gentlemen who siand In awe of learned women will seek one for your own. JAPAN PAPERS AND "DEVILS.'’ The Japanese newspaper, as described In a letter from Tokyo to the New York Evening Post, Is a curious product of the borrowed civilization of the mika do's empire. Practically there Is In It, no tele graphic news, and the editorial article* are Ingenious studies in the art of say ing certain things without saying (hem In u way to warrant the censor's sup pression of them; for the minister ol state for the interior has power to sus pend any paper when, in his opinion It says anything prejudicial to order authority or morality. Not Infrequently the censor hug occa ■ion to write au order for the sup pres shin of a newspaper, and when he dot;.' It lie Is brief but wonderfully polite. He puts the honorlflcs “a" or “go1 before all the nouns and verbs. Pre fixed to a noun “o'' means honorable and to a verb It means honorably; similarly “go" means august, augustly Ho thu order to the editor of the offend Ing newspaper when It arrives will reai !lke this: “Deign honorably to cease honorably publishing uugust paper. Honorable editor, honorable publisher, houorabh ehtef printer, deign honorably to entei august Jail.'' The honorable editor with hta honor utile co-workers hows low before thi messeuger and then acenqipunles bin to the august Jail, eliattlug ineaiiwhih of the weather, of the flower shows, 01 of the effect of the Hoods on the rlc< crop. Centuries of breeding under Ja paueae etiquette have made It linpoaal hie for any one to show annoyance. iInImmm* MpUU. Japanese are fatuous not only In tlo- r shill In niaklug d< curative nr tides but also for the beauty of tie i materials used, It Is said that th j secret of the romposHtua of some u their allots of brass sod cupper ha orl» lately been retreated The Sae* Jai ansae Li ass, called slcdiu," c-ua title of tsn parts of copper sud |v< of alar Another very beautiful alloy a»med ' •hedko,"* to wbbb aplendb huea ore Imparted by treatatsul will : acids, to formed by wising gold aa< copper the proportion of gold vary lag from ure to ten per cent of th ! entire maes. AetOecM t sits The oddest Its* in esietehee to on I which formerly nssnsl ess of thi j heir of Ntasveh The bey to It t As large aa one o»*o Sea conventeatl; | Miry, tmtaa needy tty feet in teagth and of the th'«*nees of a 4 ta*h dran His Aa ttaspt taw lot b has a too beet foagd wbuh was th use 4duo year Mu I be took and key are mode o womt A W lfcfi 1'nlSiUAN. BROAD OF OPINION HE THROWS PREJUDICE TO THE WIND. I>r. .1. I. I.lmoa Knilarm Hr. William*’ Filth Ihin IlcraiiM’ lie Ilia Found Them Iniculmi*. Relieve* (lie Flrat Hul)’ of » Phyalclaa la to I lire Ilia I'atlriil*. Prom I lie I it pt ill. M John. Kniiaan IlcnrliiR Hint Hr. .I I I .i me* of Ht. John, Knnana, ton I Hand Hr. William*' I’ink I’ill* In hi* practice with great anno**, a re porter onlled upon nud Interviuweil him regarding the mutter Your reporter found the doctor a very pleuaant end alliili'u man of probably fifty year* of ago. We were inucli inipreaacd with Ilia uiaunei n« it win kindly and dig nilled WIicii wii broached the aubject of our call, lie liecame eutliuaiaatic nt once nud proceeded to give u* the following fur publication; "My attention htuf licrn called to Dr. Wil liam*' I'iuk I'llla for I’liic I'eoplo hy aeverai pnraona of my nccpiniutnuci who hail lieen grim liy limiolifed or entirely aured liy their uae, I determined to give them n trial in my practice nud if they proved to he «etl* factory I would adopt them and u*e them regularly Hlnmi I begun preacrlbllig them i linve never had cam <• to regret my deter initiation I have lined Hr. William*’ I’iuk I'llla In a number of cic e* of nervou* trim blra, neurnaHieuin. rbcuiiiatlam, I'tc., and In every ca«e have been exccptioually well pleaaed wllli Hie reaulte. nud I i nn houeatly and coiiacientioualy rei'iuiiuieud I’iuk I’llla for the above dlaeaaea. I 1 "J -linli continue to u„a thebi him) recoin- I Siciul them to my put lent*, for I consider there Ih nothing twitter for the dl*ea*e* i they ere rccoiiiineinl to cure tliau I>r. WII 1 Ham*' Pink Pill*. If yon deniro to u*e till* j for publication you cun attach my name, j I mil well known in thin part of Knu*n*uiid also In Kayette t,'Monty, Ohio. 1 am Heere- ( lory of the 'J. H. Pen-Ion Examining Hm geou'H Hoard for Htafford County, Kan*a», and Cbafnuan of the KepuMican County Central Committee for the above uumed county." Your* faithfully. ,Ik**k L. Dime*, M. It We alao ascertained the Doctor'* stand Ing in Ht. John by a few Interview* with prominent people, which we herewith pub HnIi along with Ilia Doctor'* ktutemeut re guiding Pink Pill*: "I mu well nc<|unl»ted with Dr. J. h. \ Time* mid know him to lai un honorithlo nod Ktraightforwurd man, and whut ever he may *uy can he relied ii|*ni. E It Henkkiki,, t'oiiuty Hupt. of HchooU, Htafford County, a ii 11 h n g Ht John, Kan*,**, July Mtb, IHOfl I have known Dr. J. I, Diriie* for a num ber of year* and can recommend him a* a prominent phy*iciau, mid a mail well liked In thi* vicinity Howabii OiuT, Ca*hlcr Commercial Honk, i have known Dr. J. Ii. Dime* for nevoral year*, and a* a phy*lclen he I* very promi nent, and hi* reputation for honor anil in tegrlty are too well known to be questioned for mi instant. II. J. CoiiNwei.f., i Editor Ht. John Now*. Dr. William*' Piuk Pill* contain, In a condensed form, all the element* necessary to give new life and rlehno** to the blood and reHtoro *battcreil nerve*. They nru an unfailing hpecltlc for Mich di*eaeee a* loco motor ataxia, partial paralysis, Ht. Vilu*’ dance, wlatica, neuralgia, rfaenmutUm, nervoti* headache, the after effect of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale uud ►allow complexion*, all form* of wcukne** either In male or femyle. Pink Pill* are wild by all dealer*, or will lie went |wi*tpniil on reeeipt of price, 60 cent* a twix, or *ix boxen for 92.60 (they are never Mold In hulk or by tlio 100), by addressing Dr. William*' Medicine Company, Hcbeuectudy, N. Y, ■ Hrlllsli Lifeboat*. . The, 1890 record for Brltiah lifeboats I show* n waving of 666 live*, besides rescuing twenty-seven vessels from destruction. tliinlrliml <iov«rn Kvrry city wants good st rests tvd Rood sewerage and suitable school I,wildings and public works of varloom. kinns. The affairs to be attended U» In a city arc not political, but financial. Jk city Is like a great business firm. !%* tics ought not to have anything to do with city elections. The very bent am* to manage Important public enteric ioms ought to be chosen to other. Key. Cjros Richardson. Mlink* Into Your *hoe«. Allen's rool-r.Rse, a powder fur Iht feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly takes the slime out of corns and bunions. It la Ms* greatest comfort discovery of the ana Allen's Foot-Base makes tlght-fittlaut or new shoes feel easy. It Is a rerun* cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching fcot. Try It to-day. ScM by all druggists arid shoe stores. lip mull for J6c In stamps. Trial package* HlKB. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Im Iloy, N. Y. lie Would lie a Pool. A riiiludi'l|>hla surgeon says that by three strokes of llu- lancet lie wniM paralyze the nerves acted on i/» mule u man gel mod, and thereafter any **»**? eould pull his no e cuff his /nrsontt spit on Ills boots, and lie wou'd simply smile a soft, bland smile. llrMil IIim A<lrrrtU«*iiiritl«* You will enjoy tills publication nmrfc better If ,vou will gel into tbc liuljfkM? rending tin- advertisements; they mill nfford a most interesting study sod will put vou in tlie way of g.-tUng: some excellent bargains. Our fultnr Users arc reliable, they send wins* they udvcrtisc. Kirr Onward. Thirty per cent of all the woman id America are employed in remuiawm live occupations. In the last d<xniW tlie percentage was only ill. Kdoraioliiur llowsls Will. (Mr*nS» f.'amly ( ulhartIr, curs constipation fnrssms. Wc. IIC. C U fall. ib 'igElsis r- fund inuimp. Only the holdall fox knows l ow tm avoid tlie trap. AMERICAN TRUSS FENCE CO , TREMONT, CURE YOURSEifl , I w I Mir U !■ r ..mwOmN dim »m r l;< m, li.l'Hhunmtim mK. | IrrIUlixir* or »•»••ttdMimm. . at ill n I I) UH Hl«tf»t(4iMMi. Ifrtrruu J’»i»tl#»*. mihI Iim aditt lr«fr vANsCmmcAiOo. r nt <*r |M,im»n4,n«. I Mold hj OninldM 1 of vnt in plntn wrnppwr. i»y r»rpiW, Apt i nn. or ,-j bAfflr*, f7.nL lircultr mul ou r 9-tt*y‘HlgMri High gr*'l» oial<#«,'»' ,l lt JmL •*lF'tbr»«4(i>f tmiiio, fd/MbtFatb lanbiorM* *»4 iO ;#•** ft»M«*M. »MiMull* •»<*r bum# Mi M4a* f»M trial, *flli"«l at*v n >♦* la rim* » nwr ehufc# **f nor fvlrfog Tab** Cataim '4,«t lug llarlilnr*. AN jlJi^iiaim*, •» «*r» lilt*#, nr »• lira* * * r*>N#fc4*Mk Ww , ... frotfU U>.» rllrwrl. - #.•»-***•*■ '•*4 4«»l*<»' |»»'■♦•4*. f'aui#r*4 M** ftHKFlir.lil) WFI*. CO„ 114 L Sited M., t'kttmmm DEyomyQ6ety°urPeaft rCnolUlloDOUBLE aiUCK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL, Peitelon Afewf. 1429 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON. D.C. R^R^^^I^CM V 'inU'k rnll.-f ami !■«»»» iwd <**4*a. Hi ml for tiooU of InullmoiiitTlH anrl iO<f»|F* l.rt)tAfcUl« llL ITrUt). I*r. II.II.UU*KV*A4JM. AUmMnSM. n n A r I tl (Y The but lied llnpe IP.otln* fnr Klll r XIl !<■• I er »|| II.. eel .» Semple# free. Ik. rn IUULU luiutiku i*. 4. nmilll MORPHINE end WHISKY HAMS. IDHIHM iI'.mk' ihk niKK. »•.* e_ VI IV III uumi.v i.»kriui>.a... <un n eiu. niVPMVAH. N.WU.L30H» u ATEN | V„u. i> i no f*-,»"i !■««» r#4 I Kell I V.CCUM.U. iH-e,.w-i»wl.ikom. W. N. o. OMAHA. No. 36. -ISB7. wtieu writing to eilvnrtlser., kiodlj ■om tlon tble paper I I 1 f » l I • I I I > I M 'I II I _|