The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 27, 1897, Image 8

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For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb
Uoaal Daws.
It is getteng dry again.
Orval Shrove Is up from Anrola on n
short visit
Come In sndseeura a “Book of Fact*
while there is a supply on hand.
J. C. Fletcher brought la a tine lot of
water mallons Monday which he raised
on his farm.
(Jay Callahan and wife of Kansas are
visiting her father and sisters Mr. Wal
ter Moon aud daughters.
I)r. Sumner Davis Oculist
and Auriest, Grand Island.
Julius I.escblnsky brother o( our
townsman Lescblnsky paid him a visit
the fore part of the week.
Thos. Dlllen, of Austin purchased a
new threshing machine engine which he
took out to bit farm Tuesday.
Montgomery Stroud was a pleasant
caller at this office Saturday and ro
an ved his subreripton for another year.
\V. A Wilson made us a call last Sat
urday and left the wherewith to Insure
a weekly visit from this great family
District court convened Tuesday with
Judge Sullivan on the bench. The first
day was occupied In the trial of she \ an
derirrift case.
A great (leal of threshing is going on
in the country ami especially in this
neighborhood. From every part of the
county is reported a good yield.
Among those who remembered the
rrinter at this office last week were \V.
A. Wilton,Tbeo. Ojendyke, J. L, Hawk,
M. Stroud and Tho Jenson.
Photographs 7o cents per
doz for a short time only at the
Loup City Photo Gallery.
The editor of this piper went to Lin
coln Tuesday to attend the republican
state convention he went as one of the
delegates from this county,
The M. W. of A. held their annual
picnic at Round Urove Aug. 20, which
considering the busy time and court In
session was well attended.
Wantkij; One man and six horses to
pull a gang plow oa K 2 Hec. 27 16 13
Will pay $3.C0 per day and board.
Ezra E. Tnompsou Agent.
W.T. Gibson, oarpenter has been at
work on the Loup City grist mill we
are Informed that the mill Is now grind
ing corn but will not be ready to grlud
wheat for ten days yet.
The equity term of court commenced
here on the 24th ami after continuing
the sheriff's sales of about seventy-five
homes and making ordcis to sell about
fifty a ore adjourned without day.
Mrs. Chau True and two daughters of
Lee's Park, have been visiting her sis
ter Mrs. O. Benschotcr for a few days
past, She returned home Monday ac
companied by Mrs. Benscboter and two
daughters, Laura and Grace.
We received a letter from J. Cole of
Pine Ridge, stating that himself and
family would start home August lit, and
authorizing the address of his paper
to be changed to hit home address
i.oup uuy.
I’eter Howe is stepping high these
days. lie is the happy fatherof a Lounc*
lng l>al>y girl, the tint girl la the family,
which come to hi* house to stay last
Tuesday. Mr. Howe now las four licya
and oue girl.
\V. A. Wilson and sons are perhaps
the heaviest farmer in Sherman County
They threshed out about 10,000 bushels,
of wheat tills year, a large acreage of
oats and have about 250 acres of good
corn tills year.
1. N Arnold, of kaloua Iowa made
tbisollleea pleaseut call on Tuesday,
w e 11 ud Mr. Arnold a very pleasant gen
tleman. Mr. Arnold Is a roslasfite ow
ner in .Hhertnau county and came out to
look after Ins interest therein.
Mrs J. IV Ditto Mr. and Mr*, ( 'has.
Austin, son and daughter and Kay l'ed
ler returned last Saturday evening from
a three week* trip to Cherry county,
where Mr. Austiu ha* a large rauch.
They report a pleasant trip huvlng
went overland.
The populists of )4>up City township
held their primary in the Walworih hall
last Saturday and nominated their town
ship ticket and elected delegate to
stale cun vent Ion*. The nouilnailoiit
for township otllcois were oppeued and
closed With only tell popniDlt m<‘Uit>ers
lu the cacus room.
T hus. Jensen, of Horkvllle made this
olttcea very pleaseut call Toe-dry and
renewed his eubeenptou to this paper
Mr, Jeuaou says that he think* that
wheat will average about 15 bushels pci
acie in hi* neighbor Irani Mr Jeixro
came to Sherman County iit IH?U and
s«y s that Nehinska Is all tight
la lhi*ts*e*» appears the lull premium
list fur the rtharman county lair l it*
slate ltd ve lot {September 11 1 i, and
IE Eyetybudy In the eoualy should
•urn out thin yeat and make the lair a
..uveas, Every eflwrt on I hr part ui
the management I* being ma i ' l« vet
tesT an eabibtt that a nedit is.
ahsiiue euuniy and her etllse •• ■ < vu.e
wot and paiiouie* the let t.
One hundred candidate*, for office
were in town Tuesday last.
A good second hand sulkey plow ror
sale cheap. Enquire at this office.
Peter Howe has just finished painting
the residence of .1. M. Snyder on his
Geo. McDonald has the contract to
build a new frame school house near
The stone for laying the crossing* on
our streets came in over the B. and M
road Saturday last.
The much talked about Walworth
and Porter case was decided in favor of
the defendant Porter.
The Woodman dance given at the
oj era house Wednesday night was well
at t' tided and a pleasent time is reported
Mrs. Frank iliser and children are
here paying a visit to Mrs. Ilisers par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Oak Creek.
Burning, itching skin diseases instant
ly reielved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve, unequalled for cuts, bruises hums,
It heals without leaving a scar.—Oden
dahl Bros.
Luna farmer In Sherman county sail
himself short of wheat no matter how
high the price is. If it is a fact that
thereto such an cmuiense shortage In
the wheat ciop, then those who do not
save enough for bread and seed will
have to pay a very high price for it
next spring. Every farmer should look
out for his bread and seed for another
Mr. Joa O’Bryan and wife, of Loup
City spent Sunday in Ord. Mr. O'Bryan
is sugincar on the Loup City branch
Of tha L'. I’., and as this truia makes its
run from Grand Island to Loup City
and back toOrand Island the same day,
be and Mr. ltalllus, engiriees on this
branch, exchange places on Saturday
thus giving the latter opportunity to be
at his home ir. Grand Jsl»nd over Sun
days, and making no particular dlfl'er
ence with Mr. O'Bryan, as he could not
be at bis own home in either case on
that day. Ord Journal
K. A. Brown in 1801 was n repub
lican and ran a republican news
paper—In 1892 he went huek on the
republican party and put on pop
pinfeathers under boodle influences.
They grow, and in 189(1 he voted for
YV. J. Bryan a democrat and sup
ported him with his dcws paper for
president—YYTise men change their
opinions but fools never do. How
full of wisdom is Kddie—repub demo
pop all in six years.
The indications are that the rise in
wheat has been entirely independent of
rings and cliques, that there is uo syndi
cate behind the bull movement end that
the cereal has gone up to a dellar and
more a bushel to stay. Abort crops all
over the world fully account for the
phenomenal buoyancy of the grain
market. When wheat gets to a dollar
and a quarter the demand will be check
ed by the dearness of this particular
breadstu ft', and tbo working people of
Europe will begin to ask tor cheeper
food. Then corn will begin to jump un
til it lias reached a figure expressing
Its comparative value as food to wheat.
One dollar aud twenty-five-cent wheat
eventually means BO-cent corn.—State
goiag up Tram thuosands of Nebraska
homes. Disaster and despair hung like
a black cloud over oace smiling valleys
and we thankfully accepted the donat
ions of food and clothing sent to us
fram all quarters of the nation. It was
pitiful. But what a change has taken
place since the dark day* of k-t! Today
sixty millions of bashels of 05 cent
wheat stand in rows of golden shock*
on every hill side and in every valley.
Mile after mile of rustling corn assure
abundant sustenance lor herd* of high
priced cuttle and hogs grazing con ten
tedlj on every farm from Ponca to Pine
Bind' Pork packers and augar makers
are investing millions of dollars in great
factories to work up our surplus pro
duct* at our uwu doors, trariportatiou
companies ure making herculean efforts
to haul to market th« biggest crop |j
the history of the »tate, and evidences
of renewed activity ami prosperity are
seen on every side t here never was
| a time when the farmers of Nebraska
i had greater rcatou to he thankful and
i hopeful than right now. And yet in
every locality ure a few old wart* sit
ting around oil stole hose* reading
pop pspei* and ever and anon emitting
that nioauimiou* and dismal eruak
‘ Why don't y« bring on that wave of
' prosperity f” Callaway t uurler
Vlwls t ll« tittsl.l a milur ,
Mrs I* rt. I Hut, left Sunday nun,,
ling fur Alierton New Jersey, to visit a
few month* with her parvnls Mr
| Titus accompanied her as far a* Omaha
I and returned Wednesday,
Die lelaiil ettild of Mr and Mr* t
I J W aril, -lied of i k utffil IttfiMtlUMt -illt|
j wa« Inter r#ift in Hi** I hv hiUM
(HMi iHHMiliv* lit *V uf Ut**»
{ t*Ut* «M*i Ui MiwM it
1 I# A |»! I Utltl
: t uub!) ilv|M IM ll»# frutti *l*| t
I fcrt Mate •lies Kr*e»i gave feloh
! to s nine pound daughter and M«thwr
, and v hi Id ate tail* skiing welt Mr,
; t.sliest ike fpkrt i* only I* and hi*
w .(* II only U y»*i* »i age
A Fop Office Meeker's Lament.
Backward, turn backward, oh time. If yen
(lire u* the drouth and give us hot breeze;
Give us the song of Hill Deck and Hill Greene.
Or we re lost In the shuffle, tis plain to bt
Don’t list to the price of hogs and of wheat.
Twill carry our party ’way down to defeat;
Hut call up SI Holcomb and such men as them.
Also the spirit of Homer M Kem.
Olve us free silver, ’tl* holesome and sweet.
Spunk me to Mleep. mother, spank me to sleep.
Oh* time please turn back to the days that are
Hack when calamity bowling went on;
Fix up our tickets as you once did Kofine.
Feed us on taffy from Polaki and Hein
Pack up our caucus as once It was found.
Take up the slack on Patten and Brown.
We need one more chance to get a good start
Of those presperity fellow* who think they are
I um sick of this change, it Is making me weep,
Spunk me to sleep, mother, spunk me to sleep.
Think of the days when we once hud our fun.
Think of the days when our buttle begun.
And how with our votes, sl« ok us u mouse
We put Grover Cleveland In the white house
Oh, ph ase repeat that calamity song.
So often rendered by Mathew and Long.
Don't talk of prosperity out here on the Loup
Or the populist party will be in the soup;
Hut think of the principles we have promised
to keep.
Hpunk me to sleep, mother spank me to sleep,
The Hull telle of a farmer near
Kearnej who has been watching the
silver market. Home time ago he got
uneasy at the steady decline of the
white metal, and remembering what
firyan and Iblgrecne paid last fall
agout sympathy between silver and
n m ai, 14*5 iri,u« nimywin 1hum wii
traded liis entire erop for future de
livery ut r*0 cents per bushel, and
then chuckled to himself to think
how smart he was. He is now look
ing for Bryan and Bilgreene with a
stuffed club. Callaway Currier.
Commencing Sunday June 13th, the
UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate.
Through Turist Car Service to Portland.
Oregon and Washington point- via
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
K'y* thereby giving passenger* the
benefit of two tourist route* via Odgen
to Portland. This route will take them
up through the beautiful Sacramento
Valley, disclosing all feature* along the
Shasta Route, from Sacramento. For
rate*, time tables and full Information,
call on City Ticket Office, No. 1303 Far
uam St W. L>. CLIFTON.
617,30 for the round trip from Loup
City. Ticket* good to return until
Sept. 13th.
The average of the abo,,.u *ow rate to
Visit the Black Hills, Bathe In the mam
moth plunge bath at at Hot Spring*,
nee beautiful Sylvan I.ake, make the
side trip to Spearffsh and you return
home with the knowledge that nowhere
could you have bad a pleasanter holi
day. For full information cull at B. &
M. ticket office.
We want one good man (having
horsej, a* permanent superintendent for
Sherman cennty, to attend to our bus
iness, on salary. Must send along with
application, strong letter* of recom
menilation a* to honesty, integrity, and
ability. State occupation Address P.
O. Box 1633, Phila , Pa.
One doz beautiful linished
photographs for 75 cents at
the Loup City Photo Gallery
This will last only a short time.
Hay Fever anil Summer Cold* are
‘‘broken up’’ by “77”, Hr, Humphrey'*
fatnoua Specific, 2oet», all iltuggixt*.
Dr. Sumner Davis Grand
Island Specialist in diseases, of
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Examination f< >r glasses.
87,800 Given Away
To per*om who make the grenteat num
ber of word* out of the pbraae, "Patent
Attorney Woilderburu." For particu
lar* adilreax tb<’ Nutluuol Recorder,
Wa-bington, l> C.
For tbe Annual Kncaitipineut ot the
*•' \ R , at buffalo, N Y. In Aug., the
| I N ION PACIFIC will make the great
ly reduced rate torin tor the round trip
lie *.,re your ticket roudx via the
! mn. lal ii and Army route," I'nlou
Pat Ific, i hU’.igo anc North * extern \
it,* A HI, I., N ickle p ate Itatiw av •
For time tab e* and full Infortnuttoft
11 all on
W !• * urrou Ag«nt
lain* he 1-uMi, «||UH
I aipI nrtli# st IdMttilii, Ushrttls i
AMgasi it, i t
tUi t| vn lltit t4«
bSH»#l MOlit tuM llfd t»xt!%•><« hil iutf*
U«t» |t» imIis !»•! |>t in su|t|>*it ul 4t#
Oftiw, *u4 tlwl *41*1 |*hAtf tlU In tu4*i« V»
l«t# Id* t u44l| J<4‘U« »tt«iM4N vtiUMly 4t
limp l Ilf 4* t»***ki, un M« Vltt Iwt s • «
i I'Nit II 4* liiwtwi mw, h*t
I I4W % A tiiltil wf 4 | iistltf tc tiu»
I, Its* «*. »!> , t»> *» II •
M« nntasM* 14* NnWiim tMWMWN Its
tiius 4 Mi iwiHItttvi «M t«l
> lit4II4MS **| Mtd l«i»4 III IttiiMi
| imlii lisii IHilti MilMl, 1*4*» Hitt
if ill 4# M4i»‘U 4• Ui444*
4 4 f II 1 t • 4tfi«l*l
You are invited to call and examine our excellent
"•‘Foriisli CiiS'-rb
share of these great bargains before it is to late. We
must make room for our fall and winter stock.
We have on hand several dozen pairs of shoes of
different* makes which, for the next 18 days we will dis
pose of at cost. They are all good goods and we would
advise those who are not partial to style to call and made
their purchases while there is a chance for selection.
SHIRT WAISTS. There are yet on hand a few shirtwaists in percales, lawns,
and organdies which will be sold out at cost.
HNDERWEAR: We have also a few sizes in ladies and gents underwan* which we
wish to close out at cost.
In addition to the above we will also close out ladies and childrens silk mitts, lawns, light
calicos, light ginghams, summer corsets, and trimmings.
Wo would also call the attention of the ladies to the fact that we have just received
ogr full line of dress goods, flannels, blankets and comforts, trimming silks and numerous
other articles which go to make tip a fall stock. These are all fresh, new goods and anyone
desiring to purchase will do well to call and examine our line before buying elsewhere.
South Side Kail road St. Loup City, Nebraska.
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows
or anything in this lino. J’riaes all right. 1 also carry a complete stock of
Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc.
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
Tho following described stock «ai
taken up by the undcrgighed at my
farm on south east quarter of Mention
14, Township 13, Range 15, lu Hazard
township, Sherman county, Nebraska:
One mule nold, dark brown, about 1
year old. Owner can have same by
paying damages and costs of advertis
ing. Mits. DpKA W'ol.l'.
If you want a neat job of band made
shoes, or shoe repairs, or to purohass
shoes from a well selected stock of the
best makes in the market go to II. Dol
ing. New stock at low prices.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
ami other cases made by it, a bow
(ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that iiefall watches fitted with the
| old style !*>w, which is simply held
in by friction and can lie twisted oil
with the lingers. It is called the
Sold onlv through w atch deals is,
without extra charge.
A'k any jeweler lor |NMii|>ldet,
or send to tho tnatiuMctUtria.
?*%••»*« %••*« i**m titMiH %•
» MttF tv- Sfi «•* IlM
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FAt,, : I. CO,
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*»>>* ••*«
To California Comforliilily.
Kvcry Thursday afternoon, u Tour
ist sleeping cur from Malt Lake City,
Man Fransisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha anil Lincoln by the Burlington
ft is carpeted upholstered in rattan;
bus spring seats and backs and is
provided with curtains, bedding, towels
coop, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed t'ullmau
porter accompany it through to the
l’aciflc count.
While neither so expensively finished
nor so One to look at as a palace sleep,
ur, it is just as good to ride in. Second
• lass tickets are accepted for passage
and the price of a birth, wide enough
and big enough for two, is only fi).
For folder giving full particulars, call
at nearest Burlington ticket otllce or
write to J. Fiuncis, O. 1*. A., Bur
I ling ton Route, Omaha.. Neb.
The State Journal is offering a llrst
class bicycle free to any person who
will get up a club of 100 yearly sub
acrlbers for the Semi-Weekly Journal
at tl.uO each. The hleycles are covered
liT as strong a guarantee as auy f 100.00
wheel nnd are tlrst class In every re
speet. Any young man or wo
man com now earn a bicycle. If you
rtud vott ranuut gel llie r«t|ulr*d number,
a libera) eath commission will be allow
cd you fur each subscription you d >
gel. You can g»t all your friends and
I neighbors to take ihe Mend Meekly
' Mate Journal at 91.00 a rear. Address
stale Journal. Lincoln, Neb,
| Tim I muUt Sliseper is air'up-to-date'
I car. Maximum comfort at udmmuni
cost, is Dim piim'ipal upon a hit'll these
i vat* ate built and operated, They run
daily from t'eutnTJ Bluffs and ifmabaiu
tigdeu salt Francisco and 1‘ortUnd
I'ulhuaw porters w lib every car Fur
further particulate call on ur address
Wm.L < 'Ll* tn,«f, Agent.
suiiaxu > uo sat-m as.
, Heart burn from excessive smut tug,
> ur from any outer cease, it relieved by
the llrst dust of No, I it, I>• Humphrey'*
Specific for Dyspepsia lUti. all drug
. gists
I be Jeweii Nutter* Co. of Lake t lie,
Ilian ■ want a r«sp<at iule wan la Ibis
«trinity to sell Mlanes Ua grown trees
end am aery stssch. Ho od pay- Steady
work W rite them lot fat ,
“They don’t make much fu*s about
it." We are speaking of DeWltt's Mule
Early Hitter*, the famous little pill* for
corihtlpatlon, billiousness, and all stom
ach and liver troubles. They never gripe.
Odendahl Bros.
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don’t wait till you have con
sumption hut prevent It by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles.—Oden
dahl Bros.
John Grllliu, of Zanesville, O, says; *•
I never lived a day for thirty years with
out suffsrrug agony, until a box of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve cured my
piles." For piles and rectal troubles,
cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all
sklu troubles DeWttt’s Witch Hazel
Salve is unequal led.— Odendahl Broa.
t»* One way (tales To All Heists Kail.
Via the Burlington Houte, July IB. 17.
IH, 10, 80, 21 and each Feiday and Mon
•lav thereafter until August Id
Go east on any of the above low tale
day* and you *ave enough to cover all
the incidental «xp»u»es uf travel -heath
In aleeplug car' meal*, trauafeii, etc
See nearest U. A M It K. agent, ur
write to J, Francis G, |\ a , Omaha
Nebraska ‘
Vl». vigor and victory -the*e ate the
characteristic* af DeW Ill's Mttle Early
ltl*er*. the Union* littio pill* for cou
•lipatiun. hlllotisurv* and all *umach
and liver trouble* Odendahl Bru*
’ I crave but One Minnie," said lire
public *p*aksr lu a husky voice and
• hen betook a d«**e of One Minute t 'wugt*
t urc. aud proceeded wub hi* oratorv
One Minute i uugh Cut* Is uuequalled
fur the throat and lung trouble* Oden
i siahl tiro*
Ihrn't nauseate yuur atumach with
lew* and Miter herbs, but regulate y.usr
liver aod atva he slat be by u*ing thoae
j lamoua Itttt* pM. human » (teMiu’a *
I title Eartr H.err* Odendahl t»m*
K\t*, K*p, \snu-niiil,
i Df* Mnvi* Urntiil la
' laittl
I 4