The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 27, 1897, Image 6

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    (Sitka, Alaska, Letter.)
Ttm sudden finding of gold In a hith
erto unsuspected country has made
millionaires out of poor men. In a
minute from poverty they came Into
affluence. The United States will have
more multi-millionaires than ever,
more plutocrats, and more "sudden
riches.” Canada has not struck It so
rich, for the successful prospectors have
almoet without exception, been United
State* citizens and residents of the
■tale*. In the sudden making of mil
lionaires it Is difficult to tell who has
■truck it richest, accounts are so wide
ly divergent. But all agree that no ac
count* have exaggerated the facts, so
far as the finding of great quantities
of gold Is concerned. The richest man
among the new Alaska millionaires Is
Joseph Ladue, the owner of the town
of Dawson, and the finder of enormous
gold deposits. Ladue Is a resident of
Schuyler Falls, Clinton county, N. Y.,
where, it Is said, be Is soon fo be mar
ried to an old sweetheart whom he
could not before afford to wed. When
fbe gold fever broke out In a mild form
two yearn ago hs went to Alaska, after
a failure In the Black Hills, and found
enough to tell him of greater things la
ter on. He returned to his home, but
later went back to Alaska, took up a
claim In the very heart of the country,
paid tor a certain quantity of land
which was then for sale at a very low
figure, and started In to look for gold.
Ills first find brought settlers there by
tbe dozen. “Dawson" the place was
culled, and as the owner sold off small
portions of the land his fame grew and
a proud. He now owns Dawson, having
told but little, and Is so many times a
millionaire that his wealth cannot be
estimated. He Is the Barnato of Alas
ka. tbe man who struck It rich, and,
knowing a good thing when he saw it,
held on to It. It is only another tale of
South African luck, but much nearer
uoine—enviously near, i u* rusn 10 me
Alssku gold fields Is such that all out
going steamers are filled far In ad
vance. These steamers run Intermit
tently after the cold weather sets In,
and there are long intervals when few
Alaska voyages can be made. This ac
counts for the awful haste to reach
there before the inland waters become
unnavigable. There Is also an over
land route, but tills also becomes Im
practicable after awhile, owing to the
lack of. traveling accommodations and
the long distances that must be gone
over without finding a habitation.
Alasku bar never been "settled,’’ ow
ing to the great cold there, but It Is
thought that It might In time be made
«s livable ae any of the other cold cit
ies. and indeed, as 8t. Petersburg or
Christiania or any of the large North
of-Europe cities. But this is quite a
■tep ahead, though not at ail im
At present, If you want to get to
Alaska and become a Barnato, there
are two ways of going. One Is by sea
mnd the other is overland. If you take
the sea route you can start Ly steam
ship from Seattle, If you have been for
tunate enough to secure accommoda
tions ahead, and crossing the Gulf of
Alaska, touch first at I'nalaska, passing
through the Aleutian Islands. From
there the route lies directly north, get
ting colder and colder every minute.
Here you will need all the arctic wraps
■you have brought with you. The ship's
tare will be warm, nourishing food
cereals, chocolate, meats and spices.
But for all that, you will need fur over
coats, fur hoods, blanket wraps, woolen
mittens and big, warm, fur-lined bags
in which to sleep. For one going from
• very warm city Into this region the
change is so great and so sudden that
there is sure to be great suffering, and
many of the would-be Uarnatos turn
back here. The crew, on the other
hand, enjoy It, being accustomed to a
-polar lutltude- for you are now ap
proaching the pole. In spring the
weather w< uld be getting daily warm
. er as the season advanced, but now you
would liml It steadily growing more
biting. The steamship stops at St.
Michaels; and here, within sight of
Behring sea, almost within hailing dis
tance of tb« Behring strait, you leave
the steam-hip and start Inland to
ucari li for gold. The liarnatos have
■ will —I— .II.. ———
nearly all followed the Yukon. It lead*
Into Klondvke. and one ot Ita tribu
taries Is the Klondike river. Dawson,
Joseph Indite Barnato's town, Is on
the Yukon; and Circle City, another
rich spot, lies on Its hanks.
laind Is for sale here very cheap.
Or you can do as many prospectors
have done start in hunting for gold
without making too many Inquiries.
The find is so sudden that there Is no
sharp Dwe drawn between that which
Is sold and that which belongs to the
United States, aid a man U free to
hunt where he will. For your own
comfort, however, it is well to huve
some definite arrangement made with
the nearest authorities, so as to avoid
trouble In case of u rich find. An
other way to reach the gold fields Is
by the overland route. Many Journey
this way In wagons, as they went to
"Pike's Peak or bust" years ago. The
route begins at Seattle and follows the
coast north past Sitka, past Juneau,
and through the Chllcoe pass. And
so north through the gold fields to
Dawson. The "finds" here are rich,
and when Klondyke Is reached, on the
other side of Dawson, a man finds
himself In the very middle of the gold
country. The distance to he traversed
Is great and the Journey Is a long,
l-ard one, bat notwithstanding this,
thousands are struggling Alaskaward.
It cost lyodue nothing to become a
The Gold King of Alaska.
Barnato. But those who want to fol
low In hi* footsteps will need some
thing like $1,000 In money. The
country is more thickly populated
now and prices have gone up. whereas
they used to lie next to nothing. At
Circle City you must now pay $t0 for
a fur coat, when you used to get one
for $5. And flour, sugar and apices,
the absolute necessities,have advanced
50 per cent. The luxuries tea, cof
fee, eggs and butter are brlnglug
fancy prices, so tltut a man now needs
- - , -> ■ r*
ten Ilmen the aum required a year ago
for traveling through the aettlernenta
of Aluaka. One of the party ahould
be u practical Chcmlat, or underatand
the compiling of druga, and one ahould
he able to m w. A woman la of the
utmost aaaiatance, but few of the aex
have ventured out. In the baggage
which the four carry ahould be plecea
of tunned aklna, shoe leather, flannel,
and wool, everything for repairing the
Alankun wearing apparel. One of the
number ahould be able to cook, and
the fourth ahould underatand the art
of putting up a quick ahelter. All
xhould he willing and ready to ahare
and ahare alike In hardahtp. One of
:he hardest things the prospce'or has
0 endure is the sight of the sacks of
fold dust that are being shipped from
very seaport and the tons of ore that
ire being sent down from dt. Michael’s
ind south from Juneau. Iu one day
there came advices from St. Michaels
that $1,400,000 worth of gold dust
would be shipped by the Wells-Kargo
tooth, aud that $7*8,000 in dust was
i'waiting transportation. In one day
there came down on the Kuget Sound
steamship $200,000 In Alaskan gold.
There Is, as usual, a howl about the
exaggeration in values hereabouts.
Hut the fm ts are mb stated and great
er . It w us so when gold was found In
the West Km kies and in California.
1 here really was gold and plenty of
it, aud so In Aluska. There Is a
chance for tweuty liarnntoa, but. of '
c jura*, among 20000 the present
number of applicants that have ap
I'uv.- at the steaiusli.p uud overland
offices there must be many disap
pointed ones.
Kveu without making a Harnato for
tune, a man may do well here, for
there la a An# chance for Yankee in
geuuity and the building up uf Ann
American 1 tiles In the very far north
MH’IM T. at I t IK Erl
1 >m4« • r»*t. y 1* 1 iitnma
On Jut) 31 iht Ikimlnlon vabiaet de
cided lo demand a rurally »u the uut
!**»» uf the new diggings uf the Yukon
I'ader regulgtt.4»» previously laaued. a
fee uf ||$ per claim fur registry «ad
a las u( |ltw per annum were impost
Must. In addlllun lu thta, a royalty ef
lb per rent uf Ike output la lu be gd
levied hum all • talma producing |$uu
pet Mtualk, snd per vent on tkena
prudmlng mure than that amuunt
Kurwoit. every glterngl* claim on stt
ptgMf ground la lu b# reserved we
• be properly uf Ike gnvsrnmanl, In ba
sold ur evoked hit )u Homo I be
eelsbltabmeat uf such a ayalam ablvk
Mr »e balls.# nttkuui ptvgeUsat ua
ibi* vue'tnenr slave Ike ead uf ripna
lah ru;« in liak'-’u. t* vutuutg ua ibnae
who have already acquired properly
on the Klondyke by right of location
nnd possession, If not by title from th«
government, and to prospectors who
are proposing to go there. The right
of the Canadian government to make
such regulations Is uneiuestlonable; the
policy Is doubtful. There is a suspi
cion that they would not have been so
severe If It were not that most of the
miners In the district were Americans,
and the rush of prospectors thither
promises to be chiefly American also.
It was, of course, to be expected that
the Canadian government would take
measures to reimburse Itself for the
expenses of administration In the new
district, and there Is a plausible rea
son for a departure from ihr policy
of liberality In granting public min
eral laud for the purpose of developing
the unsettled parts of the country,
sure it Is likely that the Yukon dis
trict has few natural resources besides
its mines, and when the latter are ex
hausted the district will be abandoned:
but this looks only to the easily
worked placer deposits, and falls to
take Into account the lodes whence
they originated, which some day will
require capital and industrial freedom
for their exploitation.
The measures adopted, however,
seem to us unwise, owing to the re
tardation In the development of the
mineral resources of the Canadian Yu
kon which they will cause, and the
hard feeling they are sure to breed
among the American prospectors, who
are likely to clamor for retaliatory
measures. These* will be, moreover,
difficult and expensive taxes to col
lect, since It will be ne-arly Impossible
to watch every miner, and the Klon
dike Is so near the American frontier
that clandestine exportations can
hardly be prevented. It is a sound
principle of government that revenue
needed should be ralse-el in the most
Inexpensive manner iioaaible, and any
other system Is unjust to the people
who have to pay the taxes.
Mejst of all to be regretted, however,
Is possibility of friction arising
between two nations whose interests
:re really Identical; sine? recent his
iory lias demonstrated that rich gold
nines are a prolific source of conten
tion and bard feeling.—Engineering
-.nd Mining Journal.
Tli» Root*r*« MlitMkf.
He was a rooter If ever there was :
me. His enthusiasm was at a boiling !
j‘-at all the time. He rooted with joy i
vhon the home team scored, and he !
noted with disgust when the opposing
line added to its score. In every move*
rient of either team he saw an occasion
dr rooting. He knew the game and
inderstood it at least he thought he
lid. He made bis comments whether !
hose around him liked his complaints
»r not.
The rooter always claims the right
o be the critic of every one connected
vlth tlie game, from the lordly umpire
u the mascott who hasn't yet reached j
ils teens, and including the barefooted, |
•agged urchin who gains admission lo I
he game by recovering the ball that !
vat batted over the fence. Our par- I
icular rooter exercised that right, not
x titering himself a bit whether he was I
■Unwed or not.
The result of the game was in doubt,
ind the interest was Intense. The
Ha id fords were In the Held, and the
•pposing nine was at the bat. A batter
nude a "swipe" at the ball as it came
ike a shot from the band of Vickery,
winding Into a graceful liishout when
it reached the home plate. The bat
whistled through the air, but didn't
unit within hailing distance of the bail,
lust then u sparrow rose from the turf
end (lew toward the left Held. The
Inath like silence was broken by the
rootsr shouting.
"Oo for It, l*etlk!"
Ktery eye was turned toward Mia
lilacs from which the loud baas voles
»f th* rooter tame, and every one won*
Ihib didn't obsy the command of the
rooter, and this made the rootsr mad.
lie began to abuse Pettit. and fur l
minute Hob's reputation as a baseball
player sullersd
What did you want to have him go
fur*" asked a prrauu who waa silling
near tbs censorious critic
’ Why, (be ball Ida! waa but tad tnt*
left geld
"The built Why, you hlaakety
tdaaked chump, that sue a sparrow,**
r apt led Iks other.
Iks looter • rooting reused Han
ford Times
impossible dee here that karts
you autd nos tuna away, kicks, bliss
•trikes usd tries lo Itwr down Ike
•table at sight You told «o td*t It I
got him oare I woulda'l pan wMd dim
’ |l cos VV « you Sett 1“ t*S
iron free freu
Charles A. I.loyd of Mosratlne Coenty
< hM.n a* ilia Standard llnarer— I
D. Parkins Will Maka lha Kara
for f.laatanant UoT.rasr—
Tait of tha Platform
Por tha ranter of tlia Koad.
Daa Muixks, Iowa, Aug. 2b. —Two
hundred delegates were present to
day when the middle-of-the-road 1’up
ellst state convention was called to
order at 11 o'clock by Chairman A. W.
Weeks of Winterset. A. W Kicker of
Iowa City, temporary chairman, ad
dressed the convention In part as
follows: "The present condition of
society, where a few take all that the
many produce, is the direct out
growth of the competitive system.
It is useless to apply palliative
methods to this condition. Heroic
treatment Is demanded. Nothing short
of the absolute destruction of the com
petitive system as applied to those
things which are In themselves essen
tially public utilities or public necessi
ties will relieve society from the load
under which It Is at present strug
gling. The competitive system is at
variance with the laws of Hod, the
tenets of Christianity and that very
liberty which we hold sacred shove
all things else, and no reform party, I
care not by whom championed or how
aggressive may ho Ite campaign, can
over succeed In holding the suffrages
of the people unless it recognizes this
The speaker denounced the fusion
ists and the Democracy as at present
constituted and declared that Bryan
was not now the Democratic party, as
he \va, practically in Isuil. lie closed:
"When the absorbing jmwer of capi
tal Is constantly Increasing no tempo
rary revival In business can change
the certain and fixed result. It Is the
capitalistic system wliU-li must go,
mil to relievo till* condition aud to
cliungc this system the Chicago Demo
cratte platform offers not one thing
It* ono cureall is the free coinage of
•liver. The free coinage of silver
will Increase the volume of money amt
raise prices, but will destroy no trusts,
no monopolies, will In nowise deprive
corporations of their enormous ab
sorbing powers; In fact, could they
but realize it, It would increase them.
Free silver will destroy the power of
uo railroad king, nor will It in any de
gree lessen the burdensome tax which
our railroad management lias placea
on commerce. Free silver will not de
prive a single lend baron of his stolen
public domain. No party can ever suc
ceed upon the single silver issue,' for
its inadequacy to relieve society of its
stricken condition Is apparent Deeper
and more far-reaching must be the
reform, the banner of which will
gather to it the countless number*
of the oppressed. Never again
shall we consent to compromise witn
plutocracy, and from the dark night
of the present system of consuming
greed, of aggregated wealth and of
cruel injustice, we will turn to the
dawn of a brighter day, when the
commonwealth of the people
For (JoviTiior (hurls* A. Lloyd «f Mnsca
tlric comity.
For Lleuteiiuiit-Oovernur li. L. Perk In* of
For.f uilgi-Hupremc (,'ourt ./. A. I.onburg
>f tVttliello.
For Kms-rliitcudent of Instruction Win.
Iflnlri of Marlon.
For Hnilroud <'nrmnlsdonrr 1,. IF flrlftllli
if l**c
Adjournment was taken until after
noon. Senator Poffcr addressed the
convention, saying in purt:
“If recent discoveries of free gold
mines should be as valuable us present
appearances Indicate, the silver ques
tion may soon he wholly eliminated
from republican discussions, except,
perhaps, as to those persons whose In
dividual interests are at stake. Silver
republicans want more metallic money
md they would probably be satisfied
with gold if there was enough of it.
“It is proposed that the populist
party shall do two things limit the
range ox our (1 isciissn ms io me silver
branch of the money question, amt
illy ourselves with the ilemocratle
“These are the proposition*on which
ive are (livlileil.
“I uni opposed to Imtli of tliein. I
lo not wish to see tlie people s party
merged into any other existing organi
sation. I would i>e willing to abide
l>y the conclusion* of u national con
ference of delegated duly appointed
ind accredited, fairly representing ull
tlie elements among voters who are
ipposed to the present gold standard,
high tariff regime. Itat until that can
Is- accomplished tin- |>opuli*t party is
good enough for me.
"The ulllunce with tlie democratic
uarty in is'.Mi was only for the cum
ouigu. Now, tinmgh we may not tie
|uite ourselves uguill. uiid in oar right
wind, »vr are free to determine our
itfuir* in our own way us a purly and
»* individual men."
The platform adopted realtirms the
't. lands and Omaha platforms, dr
.-lares for direet legislation; fur a suf
ticirut amount of sound uiid Itr tilde
money, for the issuance of money to
itate, county, towuship and municipal
governments, the principal to Ih- paid
•>uek to tin< government at two per
eul per annum without interest the
•aid money to tie a full legal tender
tlie Temple amendment is indorsed.
The led ml nm of freiglit. passenger
md express rates, and salaries of
nubile officers is d*‘ ma tided and the
led Mellon of mol tgsgc indebtedness
from assessed valuation U urged
Ik* 1 SsaSItv*** gw*is. *
The empire af Turkey la railad lha
Kubilme thole tram tb* prlatlpai su
trsaea af iba eereglla be tug a huge pa
vtilaa with sight upantngk avar tha
gait a* pa»*a Ibis gala, tram which
j tha tutamaa empire taah its baaM. la
I vary high llf l» guarded by ftfty «ap
UJik a* portae a
Ma haah. ao arittaa flwsstas •rally
sadadvar sd an tabs tha pU*« af tha
ilvlug piaavbsr tbs Hash af tha aya,
tha gsalora of lha baud tha las* af Iba
vat«a. i«y as rat ha ytafwaf aa pag if,
• Ma* Jahb ftbapa l|
0! (a|llih A» Ahem* of ®» *• U*
t tl Users,
Though tho uoo of ordinary lighting
•as I* customary In England In engines
up to ten hors* power, for larger
a small convenient apparatus ha* been
devised for the production of a gas that
cannot be used for Illuminating pur
poses. but which gives very economi
cal result# wtien burned tn the engine
cylinder Thl* Is known a# g.nerator
ga* the best fuels from which to obtain
It being anthracite coal and gas cok«*.
as these yield n» tar; the thermal ef
ficiency is also described a* low, It
having about l«0 heat units per cubic
foot, a* compared with 613 to 630 of
London lighting gas, ao that about four
times the quantity is required to In
sure the same amount of power, the
great quantity obtained, however, to
gether with the small amoufct of de
predation end labor necessary for pro
duction, It I* *«ld. make It In many
cases comparable In cost to gas at 30
cents per thousand _ __
Try Alien'* f ool. Km*.
A powder to be shaken Into the
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen and hot, and get tired easily
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-(Case. It cools
the feet and makes walking easy. Cores
and prevents swollen and sweating
reel, blisters and callous spots lie
lleves corns and bunions of all pain
tnd gives rest and comfort. Try it to
lay. Hold by all druggists and shoo
itores for 25c. Trial package FRICK.
Address, Allen H. 01 nsted, be Roy,
m, y.
Dour or llo(a.
Maine has u law that authorizes any
citizen to kill a dog that Is engaged In
bunting deer. Tho old sports in that
state are a patient lot, und It angers
them when a hunter from tho city
goes up there with ucouple of yelping
bounds to start the deer toward water.
Many an Import**! 'log ha< met u vio
lent dentil in the chase and its owners
did not dare to complain, because tho
game wardens are pretty atlll on*
forcers of the law.
Thn of mu of aI Institution M ifod In no nrrind t\‘uw bv tl»« mi0ibi»tf*
wfniKiw" It tbHr I'UiiohitKN irom ysar to yrnr
a *' i)*ul' »iton of * '* »* < onl b o*'* »»f th« Now
K ^ i»fui (i UMTvntOt y of S|ti»i»' lb>*ion. S1hah .
r«*v*'»U >* *tudt*ni iniunbr-rnbip of Minu-tbir*
;ik*» *vi O0p u rn t* in fo .ml Jr/ \f iib u prrrrnt *»t
h* of from f,Aoo i<> !ur> nnnuMliv- Till*
»*%id* r, #* hi»)i tdi < n lo rorruMStloii with tluj
mM’ful work do .#• »»t tho f*0fi*«rv»ktory. In coo
v nrln/ proof of th*' nfMcIcmy of thowliool nnd
wwU# m H little vM»r»W that in reputation In
Murid wide.
Work of Trrin*ml tort.
Friend Mow soon will you graduate
from the Hlghscience Institute? Motl
i rn Mil l Next y< ur. Hut after that I
must take a four years' course ut a
medical college, to be followed by a
special course In surgery. "Do you In
tend to practice medicine?" "Horrors,
no! 1 am going to write novels."
Kilorata Tour Jlutril* Willi
Cum if Cathartic, dire conullpaiton forever.
10c. if C. C.C fill. drngulsl* refund mousy.
Only U per cent, of amputations are
Try Grain-0!
Try Grain-0!
Ask your (irocer to-ilny to
show y.u a package of
OKAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes tbe place
of coffee.
The children may drink I*
without injury ax well as tbe
adult. All who try it, like
it. OKAIN’-O ha* that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it 1* made from pure
grain*, and the most delicate
stomach receives it without
distress. tbe price of
15 cent* and 25 cents per
jiackugo. Hold by all grocer*.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
ifcl brn^ hi
If f«Hilr4 with 4 m.|( kintutll
#nt * I uy lh« k «*h Mi4h4
%^S Sii k< i Ik n«M k<* »*i* in yu*if ^M^B
*^^Bp (..on *ri*e .*t4t<»Ku« to
jKfk A I ToWlk M4%» 4MB
i I *m Hlrf 84 I i «<Lu*li4nfc|
I •!*• k4l#«4, tlitt4«4«i<»tl.'M,
| •1 »•‘•4* h. i *4. . . .1
. 1 *“ U** *U‘* Uttl
IIhUmiaCiMWAlQq. r
*•$<• tot
» nm* in yl«>u
kv M
; k «,*» i k Mka f* l\
( imuUi •out «*) ‘--j‘nrrt
$12 TO
Per WLfck; £!^jS£FfiHK
tum/uturtanr aara*. NMw>* ,*
*N-« IlMfc l k >* -*• 4*4 In i|«m'
UMla»««i I m. in. im uiihwu. mm.IL
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OPIUM wr'^t tmf m