The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 27, 1897, Image 1

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_ _— ___- -_- _ —--™——
T H K N O RT H W liST V. R N
Editor and Fublleher.
TEHMS It 60 per Tear, II Paid in Advance
■atsrad tl the Loop lily PoetoMsa for traae
ailaaUiu ttirongb tha malls as Mna4
alias uiailar.
Responsible republican leaders are
well nware that the greatest obstacle
the upright am) straightforward pollt
|r^ iciane in their party have had to con
tend with is the Xohtii wksikkn us at
present conducted.
It would seem to he peculiarly the
organ of petty and personal malice wild
It Is well known that soiiiu of Its most
frequent contributors are to be fouad
among the pretended friends of reform
who dodge behind (leorgu's ample
skirt*, to hurl their Javellna at those
bellveri in ths Omaha platform, whom
they are unable to control. It Is also
y observed that It receives seme little sun
tenuuce In the form of legal notices,
from those whom, were it loyal to the
republican party It would ho expected
to try to chastise.- -Times-Independent.
Under the above heading appear
ed an article in the Titnei-lnde
pendent of lust week from which
wu extract the above.
The times is u sweet scented im
per to charge other publications
with “petty and personal malice,”
Two years ago there was not a can
didate on the republican ticket it
did not malign in a most shame
ful manner, charging some of
them with being out with bottles
and making other false charges
against them. It even decorated
its columns with pictures of beer
bottles after the eleolion returns
were counted. Its last issue before
“** election was filled with base sland
er of the republican candidates
and then witheld from the mail un
til after the Noktiiwkstkhn was out,
in Llie fear that we might answer
^ some of its dirty falsehoods. We
secured a copy, however, and in
answer to his base charges set up
a column of type after the Times
hud gone to press and put the
Noiitiiwkstkiin in the mail before
they dared to curry the Times to the
post office. It is said that when
Brown read I tie reply to his sland
erous articles he turned all colors
of the rainbow, anil well he might
for the next day he was roundly
reprimanded by menbers of his owu
clique fur having been so stupid.
The “responsible republican lead
ers” to which the above refers, are
those who are giving their legal
notices to the Tunes and have been
for several years past, and are the
very ones who helped to elect. Gov
ernor Holcomb and Mike 1‘olski.
Hut that is their own private bus
ip' iness and the Northwestern dos'ut
lay any claim to that kind of rep
ublieauism. We are aware that
they pose under the republican ball
r tier, walk in republican columns,
get our support if possible and then
give the other fellow all their paying
work tud<>. The only pity is that
we cuuuot get rut of then eul rely
They make better populist* than
they do u-publican* and Tiuiss i»
waleouiu lu all the satisfaction it
gets from that source Because of
this fa< I we are loosing no sleep and
le>pe that the Time* will not borrow
too much trouble ovtr it. We nev
er thought the tact w<>rth mention
lag before, and would not at |hu
lime if that sheet, doubtless at the
la %t ante of these s*« called tespon
sibiv republn tu, hit than a half
a doeett in eumlier. had uot Hied to
make it appear that the prominent
m* utters if th* republican parti
w bad urn I to patronise Ihie paper
If the Times thtak* that suck a
faeiioti of ike i* publican party a*
• Ul patterns* tta eulwntas #>*» ail
tkett be*t pat lug work, ami bad
tbaif llfstste to elest p» pel la i
eis ate Use tewogaiaed leadera tu
•mi party it is tab*oteg under a givat
iklssMs. no matter b»a they may
maaipalai* tbe ie •« • gaikartwga < I
gain promlnance at a half represent
ed convention." These “responsible
republicans,” to which the Times in
ters have not even boen subscribers
to this paper for many years past.
They are, for the most part of their
time, politically speaking, concoct
ing schemes, aided by pop riugster*
to pull the wires for personal gains,
nothing more, nothing less.
llut wluit worries the Times is
that it has lost a portion of the pop
ulist support. The best element of
that party hus given its editor to
understand that it will not be run
by lings uud cliques, and wdl not be
coerced into adopting principles
which they do not believe to be
light, or dropping the original
principles upon which their party
was organized. They have taken n
iiold stand in advlcaling the popu
ist principles ns enunciated in their
former populist platform, and be
muse they have not allowed them
•elves to be whipped into line, the
rimes has shamefully abused them.
They are now giving their support
,o the NoitTHWBSTKiiN, which came
,o ua unsought, and the Tunes man
»ger and its pull, M. II. Mathew,
who is doubtless the author of the
ibovc extract, arc persistant in their
dibi ts to get back this lost patron
No longer ago than lust week cit
■/.cun heard loud and bolstrious
talking going on in T. S. Nightin
*ale’s law ollice, and pausing to hear
ihu conversation, heard Mr. Mathew
persistently trying to pnrsuaid
Mr. Nightingale to aguin patron
ize the Times with his legal pub
lications, to which Mr. Nightengale
promptly stated that he would not
patronize a sheet that had done
nothing but heap abuse upon him.
Mr. Mightingale farther stated that
tie had patronized the Times up to
the time that paper commenced its
abuse on him, although the editor of
the North western was a relative of
bis. In the face of this Mr Mathew
hud the supreme gaol to state that
“we have another populist paper at
Litchfield, you can place your notices
there, and continuing he said, “I be
lieve this to he legitimate campaign
ing." To this Mr Nightingale re
plied thut he hud had pleasent busi
ness relations with the editor of the
Northwestern and he also felt that
us relatives it would be pleasent in
our business relations to assist one
another, and further more that he
would do as he pleased with his own
private business.
After failing iu bis dirty scheme
to injure our business it is quite evt
oeni mat, mr. jjaiuuw wuiseu over
to the Times office and penned the
above extract. It is not the first at
tempt of his to meddle with our pri
vate business and if we hear any
more of it we will teach him a lesson
about • legitimate campaigning" not
soon to be forgotten. He is the fel
low who, in company with his pails,
induced Judge Westover to change
an order for publication from the
Nohthwestkhn to the Times, a mut
ter of #15 to us, and after said ord
* r hud been made a matter of reword,
lie has also hail Ins Huger marks on
other tnaiteraof our private business.
Now in conclusion wc will say to
tou Mr, Mathews, don t you tin it
ant more. If you do, the uiau who
was most prominent in the disgrace
ful • i'ark l\d* art air, and the
man of t ream check fame will hate
til* past record let rated to pH Mi*
gKeep your haa*'* • it of our
ligttimale busuo*** wad tour Huger*
out »f our bread and butter
If th Time* Hmuh to mal>, u H
t Kmith, the NighlatugaU tiro*
sail other prominent weather* of th*
I*ipoitst party and thereby t tWHtfl
* lo ir patronage that t* a< >a« of t»ur
t>a*tn««* Mr Mathew, and yon will
douMlv•* barn Ihl* fact before pu
ate nuvk wide#
It M nwlbtaalhe ftee tlltw top •->
WomhwMysy a ttl >aw vail It its
•iidttv 'or ,t *trn-t yautg* el tat* v1 -n,, i
I Had* k>* |** It* *1 t*< ** Hsdli *t.t»*«
I *d
A Suit of clothing weighing forty
pounds would hu u novilly. \'et it
is apparently the sort of suit which
I’rof. Wilson for lire
average Atncrioan individual. lie
argues, in his newspapar articles at
so much per column for the N't w
Yolk Herald, that the tnritf placed
on wool by the Hingley bill v. ill add
a least J‘,i pc r cent to the cost of a
•uit of dottles. Since an increase of
JO per rent in the price of a suit of
clothes means an in reuse of proliub
ly, $.'» in its cost, and the proposed
duty on wool is U cents per pound,
Mr. Wilson must calculate Mint forty
pounds of wool would lie used in the
manufacture of a suit of elothei.
'I'his Isa fair sample of the mislead
ing arid absurd proposition* upon
which the free traders build their
theories and sometimes get Into
jN Km,
1 * iMior. ok EXPRESS am.
All Express or Vreialit orders promptly
Rtteiilled to
Does a General Law M Collection Bosiness
x Notary Public, Htsnographur arid
Typewriter In Office.
\y J.F1SU1B,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
Office In Nortiiwkstkhn 0'iu ntnx
Thu Ghkat Cough CURE promptly cure*
where ail others full. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival;
has cured thousands, and will ctma you if
takeuin time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee. F'or a I,nme Hack or Cheat, use
Have you t aturrh V This remedy Is guaran
teed to cure you. Price, 40eta. Injector free.
i No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 ** Worms.
No. 3 “ Infants' rv ^nsea.
No. 4 “ Dim
No. 7 “ Con
No. 8 Cures N. t.
No. 0 “ Hea
No. 10 " Di
No. I I “ Del. 4fc
l No. 12 ** l-e
j No. 10 Cures Ci
i No. 14 “ bkii.
No. 10 ** Rheu
No. 10 M Malai
No. 10 “ Cstari
No. CO Cure* Who<»|
i No. Cl '* A*lhnn
No. C4 *' Cenei a
No. CO M •
No. C7 ** Kidney l
No. C8 Cure* Narvou* l
No. DO M Urinary l
No. »C *’ Heart £>.
No. U4 N Swre Tin
No. 7 7 ** Cold* and t
Ik tlmitasn*' li aner ***.»' i
n* ISfMI U till!' ftM
IKmM I H ■ «* >1 Ilf *
h «•* ».4J m 4ikm «*» “• *>«ii'«iei
is.*** *4 Mi». a #»'*!•* *■» saj '
•*> a*4» ft a *>. . *;» i> • *• »>•' ■*’>
«um» i ■ ayai»|. Hi ki iWi »• 4 *»
*TN mi OtHtNIHT.
*.4 H •»«•*«•*, <• «... ,-** .*4 •« * * ...
aea»sa*a.i>iniH*s*.w« h*s
1 ^^__________
Tbs discom
forts and
dangers of
child-birth can
bo almost rn-j
tirely avoided,/
rslieveacx- I
pec taut moth
ers. It gives
toneto the gen
ital organs, and
puts them in —
condition to do their work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy less painful, shortens
labor and hastena recovery after
child-birth. It helps a woman
b-ar strong healthy children.
has also brought happiness to
thousands of homes Darren for
!rears. A few doses often brings
oy to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. 11 cures nine cases out
of ten. All druggists sell Wine
of Curdui. ft.oo per bottle.
For advice In ease* requiring special
directions, address, riving symptoms,
«h* “Ladles’ Advisory Department,
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Tenn.
of Jefferson, Gs., ssyst
"When I flrit took Wins or Cardal
ws had been married three yeses, bat
sould not have any children. Sine
months later 1 had s floe girl baby.”
Vs ONE DIES No one diss of Pul
iiiotisrv disease, tbs rssult of eold, wbo
titke* ‘‘77”lu tirns. For sals by all drug
giant. 2~i CPdt*.
D. l)OK. A. P. CULLKY, !
Vice President. Oaehier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50 .005,
Loan* on Lmprored farms ac RDII per cent. Baal Qcaapaajr tad kal Ml
lake had la the weei.
Conumroanmn*:—CbemloaJ RattoaaJ Baak. Rea York (Up, B. Yd GmIB
*p*ioaal Aaa*. Omaha. Wshaeshe
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher LOUP OlTT N'titni \r c.tkkn
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Sale
T|ie sevejMTfi aj^i^ual faif^
KX If fill TOBH.
AlUtock will bo shewn In tin arena. No
MTMin but tho awarding committee on duty
and the (#mr«th of the Board of Association
will bo allowed in the arena while the exhibi
tion i* going on. If It be uaeertalned that
any exhibitor has made or caused to be made
by an v false statement In regard to any article
or animal exhibited or any exhibit**r attempt
to tutefere with the judges in tho performance
of their Julies, by letter or otherwise, he shall
be excluded from competition The exhibi
tion of stock will commence at the time
and proceed la the order sped tied in the pro
gram. Animals not ready at the proper time
and place will be ruled out of competition.
No animal which has once taken first prem 1
ium in its properly assigned lot and dans
shall again compete for any premium in the
same lot ami class other than sweepstake
when there is but one exhibitor competing
for a premium the committee may award no j
premium, or second, or hrat. as merit may i
warrant, but in no case shall the money award
eh exceed half that stipulated lu case of corn pc- .
tition. In non-competitive awards the com j
rnlttee must state in detail the reaaon for j
awards. . . i
Notk Kxlbltor* are requested to -tudy the
rules carefully, as they will be idly en
forced and ignorance of them mu • fatal to
successful comdetition.
For articles awarded Special Pr« * uu» orders
on the donors will be issutwi all '*f which the
(secretary will forward by mail to tnc winners
,singl« admission ticket 21 cl*
• hildien sixteen years an<l under 15 t*U.
Single admission ticket for double and singl* j
teams. 15 eta.
saddle horse 10 eta.
special license for vehicles carrying pa>seng
• for pay will be granted b> the Executive
t 'fiimiuee
Ail exhibitors having three or more head j
0 horses or live or more head of cattle aha) j
i • |m> one attendant fr«
Exit checks will tie given at the gate
Mittiatcrsof the poapel in the active Ui*
• reports
t oer* of other agricultural soculev with
t ,-dr wives are curu*ou*lv fnviu-d to our ai
(i )| fa r and will receive compltiicntafy pass
tig th< HIM i\* to ihe S< rvtaff
The i roaster or loan of a season ticket l» a
1 f .ud c{K*n lt*e association, and when detected
I v U is pubisb* d to the full extent *f the law
\ny person or p>*r>cm« found guilty of < llm>
III!*- «»%♦••■ or under th* f»*ae ■» nr getting int •
II • fait grounds in .*b\ ether way than by con
1 mg *;th the aawoctalPm w»l! t*e ct;afg« !
i able the nvuisr tiitw
iiklil l*AN I IUAIB k t llT
(.'hAs$A litaii'sEftfc MV I
J H I'tm ix. Hupt
I Iw-mi A l* statef%
I i «t »uUi4Mi anv age, It w
t dtk* B Honor*
J E draft staUtoa aay breed of age 4 **'
| «sited i*vst dn; i -« ar- v breed or age 9 • i
« t* • ki»**-.Haawos
«t df i t »ag Uaiu in haiwawa ,,
i 4 %| draft team in laou v* 9 t*
tW I* Awcepataa».
j l V*4 bfi-ewl anxvv- -dU/wiAe two of Dt-.ri
* i,Aw?s h t'tmk—i»iv if
i Ifm at*** Wwpl
4 taa* A
I 'i rvgtnAamA pe*Hatw*' aa.y lival • •
l !* I *»* I 9N
*-ow any i is a#a • d*$
uMi ,**■» J «i # v**
t1aw it
! * At *•*(* 4 ax nh4 f <N» H
t l.taat' e IMV lit
Bp'olt M * at-i‘A» a-up*
) m«4 tarn. a* i bread t w i
* IWMjflHai«<.. , . aj£|
A i a#* twwa 9*91
% A us P *»|V IX
void %• Wat>« **#*
I*. «» u* I* Mb* Mas* t» *•* mu -1
. it, %«u***k» r»4*>- - **J •**<
tS«4 .«*. <« htwni * «U
h*«*4» i '•
MW *M .«■ *<** UM*
* Ml WmST » *»
1 MWk. ** MU* WnfcM •*»
*.*.»»!» wM l*i
iS . * ,«.t*M * mmm Mi I *•
in* .MB •*»,. Ml ft***4 I t*
f * M >•*. *.«
| 4 U l M I *#*.* . -
r or D«'Mt UUO Ol uuv
■criptlou to N< braska Farmer ami for second
best talo 50 cents:
Trio, any breed.
Heaviest trio spring chickens
Trio turkeys.
Trio ducks.
Trio guineas.
Trio geese
J M SNYIlKK. Supl.
For the best display of alt kinds of grain
trasses and vegitables grown on one farm.
Ilrst premium *s 00. second premium HSU). third
premium W 00.
For the best display of fruits grown by one
person, rtrst premium St (XJ. second premium
fc 00, third preminm »1 oo,
Supplement to Farm Product. All following
entries to be the properly of the Fair Associ
ation after entry: Flrlt Premium for following
entries one years subscription to Nebraska
Farmer, second premium 50 cents For beat
specimen of
Peck of wheet (winter;.
Peck of wheat (springi,
Peek of oats.
Peck of corn.
Peck of potatoes
Peck of rye.
Mounts ANNA DoZA&K Si IlKl.LX Mt l.H K
Class A
First premium for following enteries So els
second premium 36. lbsl specimens of
Kensington embroidery
Worsted embroidery
Luce embroidery.
( otton embroidery
Darned net
Appltuue work,
Ku-ning on linen
Cotton canvas tidy
Crotchet tidy,
Worested tidy
WoresUsd canvas tidy
silk embroidery
Wax Bowers
Paper (lowers
(Shell work
Fancy work U$ any girl under IS pears of age
Pencil drawing.
Oil painting landscape
Patnllug ;n water colors
Kensington painting
Painting plan u*
Canal picture
MibtM.n work
sue If lambrequin
Wall banner
Table scarf
Drawn work
Painting on satin nr silk
Ml 111 nary exhibit
Urayoa paint lag
Fancy weol sawing
f fa pillow
fink pin cushion
Wotated pin cushtnn
Tiilkt set
Lamp mat
1*11101* siege
Meet thaw
< t.Asa M D.tiNt PANTMV • VIJLP
\ tH» Dll lilt
Mt saw Ha .sin kb a Martin Hit
nt'naf »»pt*
First ptsatium ki Heterwinn sttwtn nr eta
s*sM*d grace. ,» M Msst SgSK lWieSS -4
Appkt a Ik*
tjfinnl may
Pi tm yriiy
i iiggw |Mv
sioFsiri win
(A si*ratal>m p«wawgh«a
siisstMit) [*narm
c spot n*w*aF**a
I':cat Bt*iar-»*«a
c .sisisiir i pgkwaisas
Ftk* WNMM* bail
in-*4 s**aJ
FrwH tah*
mwl inks
Wales tc
whit* Wsmi
r'»« »• *a in har d wap imm stn
I*s pssc* MW hs (wit ■*,«* swamm* F W
* »*»•' hi ms MUSI MMf of
s anunf Mcit met *•» iha* pi 'OSW
Bnrn 4c i gray 4 s-hastaw
Ho *ytt*» ntfi W tie o m vs.gww m* l no
twn -as*
uk rated
All epccTmeue of preserve* and telly must be
made Inside •( a year.
UCO. W. lil.'MTBH. Supt.
Diplomas will awarded for best exhibits la
following forming ImpUmenU. machinery etc.
Two horse farm wagon.
Double sealed buggy,
bingle seated buggy
Family carriage.
Two horse stirring plow
Sulky stirring plow
Urulu drill or broadcast seeder,
Two horse planter.
Hand corn planter,
Itidluf cultivator.
Walking cultivator,
Stalk cutler,
Horse rake,
Self binder
Com hi acd reaper and mower
Thrashing machine,
Power corn aheller,
Uand corn shelter.
Windmill for raising water.
Farm gate,
Faoui gate fastening,
Portable fence,
Display of furniture,
Display of tinware
Washing machines,
Display of stoves,
Double work harness home made.
Double driving harness home made
Uisplap of farm madbluery by one ex hlbitur.
Display of tools and cutlery by oue exhibitor
Sewing machine.
Let vf hfty brick.
Display of build tag atone,
hpeemen of carpeuter work.
Specimen of plastering,
specimen of horseshoeing
specimen of blackstuithing amounting to
five dollars.
Dipiutuas will be given (or the best specimens
of ail kinds of fancy and art work
CLASS 1 f AtlltK. and M AND FACT I'HlLg
Ni-sn* Nun* CuHumm A • an kin li fts > nue
i nasa A
Ten yards rug carpet, home made, and made
within a year.
W hite uulit
etlh unlit,
Worsted uwilt
tduiti pteced t>y girl under Ml years old
Patch work gaul
Crochet ipread
Knitted spread
Urawa rag made withta e year
■v rap rug made a itain a year.
I Kttltnl rug made a thin* year.
| Ule.ded mat
Alghaa ciss hated
Meat manufac tured avtieie,
prEIH fifkh.
h'M Each its, haads and uadsr was
1 burin mco, use. ■ t«t I ta I I w saw.' ( ta
start nr w ar»t. m u, w ..4 ami w w tatrd
Weight ft pentads Vatt-iW tie seals
Mt VMiVcfc-hU. Use! mils hsata A te *a
f Mm ami < to (tart fat to IMsA. AW to seeuad
j aad in to third
_ THIHD Uat,
t McrrviM'. Ha a Dae esc* aeam »
• to sets, tdi to start Em to tHM. hW te ess.vsd
, *ad fa te thud
Mi S u * Ifvc Hwt 'tt t-hts half tacts heat*
sect t ta i Ate eater aad i ta start Ha la dr*t
■ te seat c l aad • Mt tfcatd
S te aatsraSes hs tea par seat el yerye
i te sash case so he paid a he# satri In esmfe
hwatces ho* mt pease msec he Itneta ee o* he
j lose * - «ka * p m deg Sshea ■tarns net
tcad tmiws tha* t.w at* ta shamed aad **
I t* * ee-MSet ref cadswA te Mb proper * setae its
' \■ a*o ‘has--a» prsaii»a ecu to* ettatatad
o * ho. v that Hstam-s tu* neat las t is, t
eavta tessesae 4s Mghw ts msspams ear rasa
'. s s« osvht ol emd esnths* Maioosai wants te
>»*h ■ a* atad Arne*... IsM' i tat
1 *•» * s > a as vaaae
S k,s the ■ ~ •• frfcfe 4*4 l#t* • Of# 6»*4 fchp
l-M! e%g»b*m**W av* «*« Id** «4M iy'«■'! fMfll
tk|s< *%> r*# * -* l *«d 6*4 6*4 Hfl** #40Hlh»s |6#
I ***♦ %» • **'6nt •*■*'**** t&* •*' «1* fl|N| felt
( ttii# 4 -*** rt. ife* 'tflla «C #66*61 MM
i >«6 *(*»&• **■ ^#y-4#-fWw4 60 IWaflMWfelW 6|S flfefe
I 1*6464 a* 1*¥ff%MW4wH Jfck.%.
x; ii lifiiMO