For Hardware, Tinware, Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinsqn, Loup City, Neb Uoaal Haws. T. II Reaeeuer *** doing bn* ne*» In the city Tuesday Dr. Sumner Davis Oculist and Auriest, r. Jones waa called }o dress the wound The tle*h wa* badly lacerated and tbe muscle* some what Injured. It heal! everything except a broken heart, may he said of IieWitt'a Witch Ha/el Halve, Pile* and rectal diseases, bums, bruises, tetter, ecteina and nil skin troubles may l>e cured by It thick ly and permanently. Odendabl Bros. Tbeo Ojendyke in company with the German minister of Ashton tnsde this office a friendly call yesterday. We understand that arrangements are made to hold German services In this city next Sunday after which a German church organization will tie made Parents should look closely after their children. Especially those who are In the habit of going to the ditch to halhe. No children should lie allow ed to go to the ditch without grown per sons are along to look after them, and no grow n (>ei-on should go bathing a lone. E. M Wood*, of Iowa arrived here last Wednesday In tbe interest of the Omaha elevator con pan y and will open their evevator here for business at once. Mr Wood made this office a call aud we And him to lie a very pleasant grnucmmn n* no inn u year* ex perience in the elevator Imtfuea* ami »e predict that lie will experience a very lucrative l>u*ine«« Will Nelk. tor many year* peat head clerk In T. L. Pilfer* large general inert Uaudiac atore departed on ltie yesterday noon train tor an extended visit to bt* old home in Oijuata, 111. Mr Si ... !ia- veu a Imtlili. employee and during bi* long stay here enjoyed i lie confidence of ai 1 tta* people The NunillRiirtU wntM him a safe Journey a |.leaaent vtait and hope* to aee ban hack again In due time Atniut \% lamp City |-eopU went over t<* Maaun last Mmi-lav to n tinea* tbe hall game liel area the It loonier* and tbe M aaoii » tty team The Mat -n boy* evidently thuegUl they had a haid game on band *e »*nl to I oup tty for tbioe of t # p City a heat p *yer* Mrilt.r \\ a>te aad «vgie Sin# Iren g* • ere piayeo and tbe itwll •»* a victory l‘* M»**»# i lly » liu-ie of is te i' With Meiior In in* ■«-» tbe g**4 raeepl oat te - .a* •« haee bad playing and voder*4 the arrevt •fthoee eh* paid* ipai*4 ta tb* g**e fee id the May•*<••» a d* eere atieat *d and t»*< Mtpvoed A* attempt * a* ■tad* to arm*i tbeg via hot th«v nut Bg* 1 te get lo the ear eh, a » I -.-a the tree* bod to* aad them** - *< in a the e4h»oea*ot fie* *d ■ • b>a«»i threatened te been* the #*> < •»>. »i eeee te foraged that if the* J ib*y *. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican county conven tion was called to order Inst Thurs day, Vug. lb. by M. II. Mead, chair man of llmcounty central committee. 0. K. 1'sige, of Rockville town ship wu« elected temporary chair man and t'. W. Uibsun secretary. The necessary committees were then appointed by the chair and after a recess of five minutes re ported their deliberations to tlie convention. Tlie temporary organization waa wus made permanent. The committee on credentials re ported several township* not rep resented and in the face of this fart, which no doubt was due to this convention being called At thu very buisiest time of the year, the com mittee on order of business recuora mended that we proceed to the elect ion of Stale ami Judicial delegation s and that the nominations of county officers he msde nt u future session of the con voutfon, to lie rslled by the chairman mid secretary of the conven tion. The report sun adopted and tlie convention nettled thin point by passing a resolution requesting town stiips that were not represented to send a d convention llraohifIon* Kt.sonvitii That the Republican* of .Sherman county lit convention asaetn bled, congratulating the country upon the c*itatn return of prosperity and material advancement. \Va Invite attention to the ooustant decline in the value of silver bullion; au4 the greater disuse into which silver has fallen as primary money by the governmental action of respectable ua lions during the year just past formi dably strt-nglhenlug the doctrine main tained by the republican party since the d iscussion of the demonltration of silv er (became a political iasu* In our coun try The theory and argument of that elramplon of free silver W, J. Bryan, is living sternly refuted by the constant departure of the price of wheat from that of silver bullion. We reaffirm the principals of the republics! party as laid dowu in the platform adopted at St I.oult; and up on wblcbit won the mostsigiial victory since the election of Abraham Lincoln, and. Kt soi.\ ti>: That we congratulate the country upon the unconditional repeal of the Wilson and free trade law. Mnceiely bellsv ing it has sutTered too long from that un American and bane ful system ; and that by the prompt pass age of the iJingley lull, the county I* as sured of abundant revenue for govern mental expenses and au ara of uuex ; ainpled prosperity and, Hxmilv Bit: That we cuiidemti the high beaded end ruthless expenditure of public fund- Indulged in by the pre sent populist legislature, of Nebraska, and it's 'kaun-lesa malfeasance in office 1'hat we condemn it's criminal assutn ption of despotic power, too plainly et idence by it's removal without cause or excuse, of five members ut the legit iatuie for .be sole reason that they were of a let)ereut political faith, and, ltasot ip 1 hat we feel ,.«en!y i be sbattie and disgrncv spread upon the records of this great commoiiweath expteased a the official acta of the ex,combined with legislative u» attempt to subvert the expressed nill ut the propir in wrong fully an ) falsely deviating to be canted certain ameudmet is tv the fundamen tal law the Cvastut aa of the slate ami H a sol v ai* That tbs rep dlrau party • ms its mat public* eva are pub ..trusts that wn i ondemn *t» mmvaaur ed terms, the defalcation, that bate iHkvunrtl (bf tliiduRvih of vtuitty , H*t* ifcii N4«i«l v*fRs#n m l !•?'? Ui# hltfaKlldil of J .* lit Alt if % >•#1 llttf UfifUttl iMtl l.i jftttf VisMItt Ml *4411 AuJUv i lb i IImi ?*# % l !&• &•!»• .•» |)dMV U*(UII t)M in |ft I ihtiAte i 4b <»f *%##* vldlflr ! otv i f itH'l A trtt*f A aery batmvnivwa t» pi c »t i a as held St the Us.eo. tb bad last Tuesday afterasme Ore loli»a -t-g t-usi wss •#» traneaste.l I be iswtni n a< <*• *1 tv w asblp »fleets ■* i a g hist * vrdvt t^tthie tssebi id was h.>mi»ated foe f.i«it sul IV ft tfedsst *hts* Wti a Wait* IS,assist J A fcogar sssesev) lbs f-.itoW i.g da legal >- e as* that as is, -d te isstl) tmbteetme It *i ttottww A ’am a* baopp I * » K* 4a- W it tturtta, f I »*• gat W »P Waite tbvhsr. t W s-l and %!’red Aa-tvreww ik , ^ .-jM* vi. . DROWNED IN THE LAKE ttMIfiiUM Ohltnn's l.lfe Uota Out Itrlorr \ MHlatMncf* r»Hl«l IA«t lo 111*11. Maligns Olilson, a hatchulor about aft years of age, and living < n Davis Creek rulin' i<> town Saturday after noon and in company with two of bia neighbor boys, Frank and Richard Flinn, went up to the lake north of town to take a bath. They had been in the water but about ten min utea when Ohlaon stepped out Into the deep water, and it seems immediate ly lost bis balance. From all ap pearances lie was unable to swim. Thi! boys noticed him going up and down in the water but at Hist did not think anything of it. They soon realized his condition, however, and securing a large sun flower weed reach it out to him Iml lie would not, or did not take hold of it. Seeing that they were powerless to render him any assistance they dressed themselves and hastened to town with all poa ■ihie speed to report the fact to the litizen*. As soon as possible many >f tho citizens went up to the lake, ’o re most among the crowd were I.. \ Williams, 0- Heuaohoter and ^ las, Hcrnelt who with rope and ilium dragged the lake ami succeed ‘d in finding the remains. It is cs imuled that he had been in the wnt ■r fully thirty minute* if not longer, mil although a great effort wa* made 0 tiring him to life, it i* thought that ife was extinct before he wa*gotten tut. The body wa* of course warm md limp and wa* hastily brought to c own and Dr. Jones summoned. A ( lattery wu* applied and other retne. lie* to produee circulation were used mt all to no purpose. Mr. Ohlson ha* folk* living near 1 ale Nebr. and a brother-in law bj he name of \Va*h Brown, living ieur Arcadia. The sad new* was J .elegtaphed to Mr. Brown at once and Ur. Brown and Mr. Ohlscu's fatlier • •atne to Loup City Sunday morning. The remain* were taken to Area dia for burial. Commencing Sunday June tilth, the UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate. Through Turift Car Service to Portland, Oregon and Washington points via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific R'yj thereby giving passengers the benefit of two tourist routes via Odgen to Portland. This route will take them up through the beautiful Sacramento Valley, disclosing all features along the Shasta Houte, from Sacramento. For rate*, time tables and full Information call on City Ticket Office. No 1303 Far uam St W. D. CUKTOX. EXCURSION TO IIOT SPRINGS, S I*. FRIDAY, AUGUST ‘JOTII. #17,20 for the round trip from Loup City. Tickets good to return until Sept. Hub. The average ol the above low rate to visit the Black Hills, Bathe in the mam moth plunge bath at at Hot Springs, see beautiful Sylvan Lake, make the side trip to Spearflsh and you return home wltnthe knowledge that nowhere could you have had a pleasanter holi day. For full information mil at B. .v M ticket office One Jo/ bountiful tini-slimi photographs for 75 cents at (he Loup City Photo (iallery This will last only a short time. hay nc\ ku I lay Kcvei ami Summer I'olJ* are I'leOn up' tijr ' 77”, l>r, llutaptirv.v'n famous Sjteeide, aVtn, all druggist*. I»r. Sumner Pavi* (Jraml Islaml Specialist in diseases, of Bye, Par, Nose ami Throat Kxainination f-*r classes sT.HKi (iivcii A wav • ; Iti | rruMtr win. make Ihv greulrtl iitttte . Ivr »>( »ni4> «ul ii| Ik# |*hr*w , 1‘Mni \tt*Miiey WeJUerlt*M* “ I’ur |>*rtu u Ur* k.I.irek* the Matltiuwl It*. ;W«* ( o%* ; •• % H e« *«*•:« N Y lt> be I YIUN «‘A< IH kill make Ikego*! it t*.! ,*>4 ret* |t'f«a tv* ike h«* I i* *• It* » « inti Hurl *»«<1* nt ike II »«>J Yri«jr rwule," I tie* r*-'S' 'ki. »4 '*i-. \ nk«*.ui.< s * .i A SI | \i. a * I* *le kiHMli I < l liar* r*k *« •*■>! Ml IkhetMliw* ' * %ll u§ « t* » urt<>« kg*M u * ••*>! ••*d »»■> t.eit i It <** •• *■*•' kit.**1 * *»-*• nl»v*k. ki..r-»4,* *« . I :» at e* I I* HI K> Ivt* u* »* rn U <*S it* I t »g silk i*l' wHin ur«*| eIter» r«v«M> ». I** k« l« ke»e*., , l.'tsf' >n a* *••1 1* •>!(* <*»'• vvSI es A »!»»•» |* II Ik | iSSRt t*kO« I t You are invited to call and examine our excellent line of which wo are now of- faring Come and get your share of these great bargains before it is to late. We must make room for our fall and winter stock. SHOES AT COST. We have on hand several dozen pairs of shots of differents makes which, for the next 18 days we will dis pose of at cost. They are all good goods and we would advise those who are not partial to style to call and made their purchases while there is a chance for selection. SHIRT WAISTS: There are yet on hand a few shirtwaists in percales, lawns, uid organdies which will be sold out at cost. I’NDKllWEAR: We have also a few sizes in ladies and gents underware which we vish to close out at cost. Iii addition to tin* above wo will also close out Indies and children# silk mitts, lawns, light nlieos, light, ginghams, summer corsets, and trimmings. We would also call tho attention of the ladies to the fact that we have just received ur full line of dress goods, flannels, blankets and comforts, trimming silks and numerous tlier articles which go to make up a fall stock. These are all fresh, new goods and anyone esiring to purchase will do well to call and examine our line before buying elsewhere. Respectfully, South Side Railroad St. Loup City, Nebraska. Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit Harness and Harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc. and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. KAST 81DK IMBLIf SQUAllK, - • 1.0 If P CITY, N KBit ASK A. ESTRAY notice The following described stock was taken up by the undersighed at niv { farm on south east tjuarter of .‘Section ' U. Township la, Range 13, in Hazard \ township, Sherman county, Nebraska One mule cold, dark brown, about I year old. Owner can have same by ' paying damages and cost* of advents-1 1 ing. Mrs. Ooila. Woi.f. | _ U you *auta neat Job of hand made shoes, or shoe repairs, or to pwrcWate j shoe* from a well selected stock of the ! best makes In the market go to 11 Dol ing. New stock allow prices. The Keystone Wateb Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now . putting upon the Jas. lk>ss Filled ' and other cases made by it, a lw»w (ring i which cannot be twisted or pulled '-fT the watch. II is a sure protection against t l»r pickpocket and the many accidents , that nefall watches fitted with th* old style bow which is simply held in by friction and can lUi tuiets IT'S DANCEROUS ; t.tvi |«|slttl|k !• I Him I \t*« * tt ( * ta iM ! I * * I* * **>»*•* *.** V * A i • ( I«I *« **4 * m >*.«» | * *• Hei ) * §••%* dl MNhtMii * V' <.#. *-♦* §r*'w*a* ! i * iMfs* ■*» - ’ t kstj *» t 4 s-:1-**# i **♦-•« t*M% I *♦•%%» 94 ..;il CO^ , III H t the «*4 s *« m To California Comfortably. Kverjr Thursday afternoon, a Tour it sleeping car from Salt Lake City an Fruuslsco and Los Angeles leave! >maha and Lincoln by The liurliugton Unite. . It la carpeted upholstered in rattan ia* spring seats and backs and i> irovlded with curtains, bedding, towel, mop, etc. An experienced exouraloi 'onductor and a uniformed I'lilliiiat loiter accompany it through to th< i’acitic coast. While ueitlier so expensively llnishei .or *o line to look at as a palace sleep, •r. it Is just as good to ride in. Secotn lass tickets are accepted for passag. md the price of a birth, wide euougl md big enough for two, is only #.Y For folder giving full particulars- cal 'I nearest liurliugton ticket otlice o '•rite to J. Flus>cis, U 1*. A.. Bui . ngton Koute, Omaha., Neb. FULL iucYCLK*~ " I lie State Journal i» offering a tlr« la •* hicyele tree (<• any person w-ii .i ll get up a club of luo yearly tut: • r.h»r* for the SetnI-Weekly Juurns 11 I.(Mi each The Ideycle* are cover* ■ v ,x» strong a guarantee a* auy #100 o i u* el and are tlr*l cast in every r« peat. Any young man or w. nan >'«• i*>* earn a bltijcle. If yo indy ou g«‘t lb* i«|uir*.t nun... i litm*alCash coniuil*tion will be allow •dye. for sis'll loti you d jet. 1 ou eau get *11 your friend* an •eight'or* to lake the vim Week! stale Journal tt (I O' a real Addre* Slate I.Itscssili \ r The Tourist Ms»|«r ta an up-to dat< far l|sslu>.i* • ■•*.! >rt at min mu. •ust. la the yi Isrtysl upon w hich lh*< are are t.uilt *ust operated I'bej rv* tatty froot < outwit ftlsfi east < rotaha I rgdeu istv ttSMiwu ant puritan ’ullis.wn port M* with *<»r> ear t wither partnastare cat! .Hi m *itdt**s W w |I »'. f * It » unis* it • ut «m ut as Heart but* Its*• •*>•».» t. it In* auy a that ***** • re weed I lie ttr* . d..*e • if N •. N t*r HwWiphrei IpestMs for l> |#p»p4,» I'sts .11 die tier* \ the Jvstil tsrawy 4u vt la*. * tt Mia* , ■*.»! • ••apvs.a * *,*• u t| ikltli; ie aeil Miwwe* ia p et |w ltd •»* **rr si a** **•*»# pt>» *te* set* * I tie bua t#*4*i 4 "They don't make much fuss about it." We are speaking of DeWitt'a Little Early Risers, the famous little pill* for constipation, billiousness, and all stom ach and liver troubles. They never gripe. Odendabl Bros. There is a time for everything: and the ti me to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait till you have con sumption but prevent it by using One ■ Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Od> n dahl Bros. I .; John Grlllln, of Zanesville, o . su) ►. •• i 1 never lived a day for thirty years with out suS'ernig agony, until a box of Dc i , ^ Ml s \t Itch Hazel Salve cored my r ^ piles For piles and rectal troubles, icuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles DeWlu's Witch Hazut >»lv< i* nnequalled.—Odendabl Itro t 1 . Lew Owe way Mats. Tu All l