The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 20, 1897, Image 7

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    IfM Tl««n Half Nra
To ItufTulo nod return via the Wa
hash K. It. For the U. A. It. reunion
the WaliuHh will sell tickets on Aug. 21
anil 22, at leu* than Hull Fare, with
choice of route* via all rail from
Omaha or Chicago to llofTulo or by
steamer from Detroit, either going or
returning. The only lint1 running re
elining clinlr car* (Heal* free) from
Oinuliu or Chicago to llufTnlo. All
train* run vin Niagara Fall*. For
ticket* kimI further Information call
on Agi •lit connecting line or at Wabash
Ticket office. 141% Farnam Htreet (Pax
ton Hotel block), or write
Uko. N, Ci.aytoM, N. W. I'u»*. Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
Tint tllslart In Art.
"Illykln* I* doing some good dialect
work." ‘'Illykln*? I didn't know hn
wrote; I thought he wa* an nrtlat?"
"Ho hn la, hilt he I* making a specialty
of dialect picture*, lie draws poHtec*."
Washington Time*.
• Try llrulti-ll.
AhI< your grocer today to show you
a package of (lltAIN O, the new food
drink that taken the place of coffee
The children may drink It without
Injury an wall a* the adult. All who
try It like It. ORAIN-0 ha* that rich
real brown of Mocha or Java, hut II to
made from pur* grain*, and the iiionI
di’llcnlo stomach receive* It without
distress. 14 the price of coffee.
If» cent* and 2*r> cent* per package.
Hold hy all grocer*. Tuttle* like cof
fee. Look* like coffee.
A Show N«|iiull.
A man named Hnow, living In tha
riihurh*. win made a father a few day*
nyo, and It t seat this announcement to
tin local paper: "A Utile snowdrift*
i'd into idv '") iso last, night.”
fvoMKN MMMi nr,nr..
If you want to learn about a Wash
ing Machine which even a child can
operate easily be *ure to read adver
tisement In till* paper of H. K. liram
k rncr Mfg, t'o., Davenport, Iowa, To In
troduce their new Machine everywhere
they will for a abort time only aell cl.
wboleaale price where dealer* a* yet
do not keep them In *tock. The lirm
guarantee* every Machine flr*t-clu*M
mid to give sail jfuetlnn, Write them
at once for circular* and price. They
will he pleased to hear from you,
"lie man dat. ain’t got nullin' ter do
but ’kill time,’ " *ald Unci* Bben, "gln
'rally wea'e* er lot oh fu*' Hun ammer
nil Ion brlngin' down some mighty no
’count game."- Washington Htar.
llstllM Cufitrrli Coro
Ih taken in tarn Ally. I’rfra, 75c#
Thu 11 m I lot.
Better "vote Into the air,” and trust
the angels to catch and rescue it, than
to vote Ido the mud and let the devil
get it.—Itev. A. W. Spooner.
) never n eU n> qul a < lire an I'Iko'k ( ere
for t on-uni) lien ,1.1 I aimer, l ox 1171,
Heatte, Vlu-lb, Hot. Sfi, J8WJ.
Kducatlon polishes good disposition*
and correct* laid one*.
No-To-line for fifty (.'cut#.
Ousr*nte<-d tobacco habit eere, melic* w*»k
meu klroug, b.uotJ but SI. All urugiimut
Kind thought* lire wing* which hear
us on to kinder deed*.
Mm a rar-ttaalnr Maa.
Waltera Jaokaoi la a chump!
Williams—Why. whot makea you
aay that? lie alwnya aeemed to me to
bo an eireptionally bright, huatllng
Wultere Well, ao he la, but he'a a
chump, Juat the Name. He got a good
Job un collector for Hmllh. Jonea b
Ill-own a month ago and he huatled ao
thnt he had collected all their account*
Iuni Saturday. Then they discharged
him becatiKO they hadn't anything for
him to do"*- Somerville Journal.
An Ahnmlnnhl*
\ Imifli iu'v to Hicumullirn In iimluuhfsullf
tnhcrltftl rnllkc fiiMtiy olIm r l**giic|<** It r*
niitltM In tin- family. TIm* limit HfWfiml
mean* of chc<Ulntf l lilt* tendency, or of rv
rnovttiif Incipient rht'iimaflam, whrthur ore
i ulttlctit in t he hpHHl or not. It to rcwirt to
llo*i4'll4«r’» Hiuinitf'lt Hitter* m mooii m the
nrcmiMtitfiry fwliijciM arc felt. Nullify In if the
Inilin ticca of ciilil, *ntui tuiftfuc. the
lilt!«*(*> n«#l only fortlfl*"* tin* system unalnwi
Mu ir hurl fill enu* miiicii’cn, hut Hiihju*t»it*i»
iriuliii lii. I1 vi r i/ml It him y complainl, »Iy n
pcpsla Mint m i vc dl v |iilct mh
I i tti* V#»r III All*
Friend "They are to produce one of
Wagner1* opera* Monday, Let ua go
and hear It,” MuaPal Fiithi'-dnat "Ob,
no. I can’t attind the old achool of
tnualc. Wagner la good enough In
nome waya, but be auerlfh-cd too much
to melody.” New York World.
mi .110 00,40 i i on,ii, i nc .iiugata
l-uila Houle," from t hbugo, good go
ing Atiguat 21*23, A rare opportunity
to go Luat nt very low ralea over "A
First-class Line for Flral-claaa Trav
el." Keaervn your aleeplrig ear areorn
miidiillona early by writing to L. t).
lleiiNner, Ocn'l Wcafcrn I’aaa’r Ag’t,
lilt AiIhimh Street, Chicago.
lie.ou to Hiuiulo mid return.
A|rd Holt Uiuniplon.
l,ord Rutherford Clark, who la over
70 year* of ago and a Judge of tho Scotch
Court of Hen*Ion. has won the firm prize
In the golf competlUona at Cannce
twice running.
Don't Tobacco Sptl and ion k« Tour Itfo Away
Touoll tol/acco eiutlly and forever, Im mag
m He, full of life, nerve and vigor, lake No-To
Itae, III" wonder-worker, that, make* weak
nien atrong. All druggikta. .Vie <w (I Cure
guarauteeil. liooklel,andoainple free. Addreaa
Merllng Remedy Co.. Chicago or New Vork.
■ iiiil'ii Work.
The tnlnlAtry ahould ebonite the
mliileter. One ahould not enter the
inlnlatry utile**, before Cod, he feel*
Dial be ean do nothing el»e.-~ Rev. W.
ii Oeiftwoll
Dr Kny'a Renovator in mild In action,
certain In effec L and a punitive cure lor
narvoiiaiiea. eonatfjiation. dy>|.«|«ila and
liver ill.e tae. kf*", Kao ailvt.
A (fond name la cut tier to ho ehoaon
than rieht'-a. though many men worn
to have a pretty (food time without
wither. Indiaiuipoli.t Journal.
iimtvtnnn'm %•!<§• Ol jf*rrl»»r«
T bit orltfllltl »ft<l only ififidfA* <,'Ufe» f M»li'l> y*t »,i«ui At C.(t.<;isrk ACo.,R,lisrsii A
Win'll j o i jjlvi* one a pk'n* ryf your
mind lw Mire It Im not th« liisl piece.
Tlif brut ah irrtHrr" will rafuo'J you* ujoDejr If
you Are not with It.
rVriMtirt* Im a tax paid by a man for
proud iiuntM*.
Vv -y -^y * ■ ir • o*' w •*■ ..^ ^y '-' .^y ^ ^ • y
«| Our Fs and Other Eyes. 3
vj$ Our I’s are just as strong as they were fifty years ago, \W
|when we have cause to use them. Hut we have lcs.i and
yff less cause to praise ourselves, since others do the praising,
$ and we are more than willing for you to see us through
other eyes. This is how we look to S. F. Hoyce, whole
sale anrl retail druggist, Duluth, Minn., who after a quarter Wm
of a century of observation writes: t
“ I have sold Ayer’s Sarsaparilla for more than 25 years,
both at wholesale and retail, and have never heard any
v thing but words of praise from my customers ; not a single
. complaint has ever reached me. I believe Ayer’s Sar
saparilla to be the best blood purifier that has been intro
MM duced to the general public.” This, from a rnan who has f
sold thousands of dozens of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, is strong
testimony. Hut it only echoes popular sentiment the world
/feC over, which has “ Nothing but words of praise for
X&y Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.” O
Any doubt about It* Send for the *' Clipbook.**
ll kills doubts and curst dmibttrs.
BOh Address; J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Matt*
; SIOO (o Any Man.
Ul AAaahaaaa la Man Thar Traat anil
Fall la Tara.
An Omaha Comimii)' |4a,aa for Iha Ural
lima loitora lha |oil,|i,‘ a M inn ti TnitT*
Mam lor lha rur* of Imat Vitality, Naraou#
nn<t Katual VVaakuma, ami itoaiuratioii ol
I4fa Kurca In o>4 au4 imm.! man No
worn out h'n m h . r.nitaiin uu
l‘ho«|iboroua or ulhnr liaruilul ilrum H ia
a Wii»ti«nn I. Tar .man maa . nl >n Ila
t(Ta,'l» laallll* in Ila run All ramlara,
aho ara aultauug Iroitt a otakua . dial '
blight* dial. lila. rauoiug thal maulal au,l
|4,,u,al a till |on nlia. In tai-l Man
liiHi.1 ihouhl a rila In Ilia M ATI AI I. 011 'A I,
COMPANY. Omaha Kali *u4 that alii I
aan.l V a haul llrll I HI I' ■’* * a 'll a
|*a|MM mi ibt a 4iiaataa, ami (wanllva ormila
oI Ilnur Uni, Alton *i I at it - air rhmo
ami- of mao a tin ham Uai all bojat uf •
mrt ara I« ng raalurait b» I ham luaptf
fa, i , ualihua
Th M, tt Tt.naor mai ha lahaa
•I hx.a* am la# lt» I .II*- II >>• »» lha, aWI
|-a, •*. <.<«.l fa.a a«-l h-'lal I i I* lo oil aim
rial a I l.i go lha. a tor I rial omul if Ilia,
ail lu tarn Aha. a.a Mflal.f (alia. *i
bora no h.aa I'l* ,..,,l" l.i h.aa I u.a,
F.aa n ton la ,•» I O d lata t hat ha-a
t aliaai ai'.lal ami aiaaiaa l.i • it a
> atari >n.alha. llaol ». .< ,. • ■ lar
o« ik*a,. i-Iiv.ii mi, I* <l> -ia4 a a
hanb to A. i 4 ‘ ■ *1 i, ta t a ra.t i,
ad i >ai »*« <
"j? , **,*: T(iiW|it«s'ily« tUUf.
flHfcn WAbhiMo
V UiN M ftt Mil il latM.
V ('•» H v|»nM iU»4
V ln« e* anting *•
mvn »urk Ikaa
ruakln*. tr«Ul».
II inm
► * ■■ I
tn t<«M
i u
.= j i
m to* fc «-*•»* *
I Il iHa * AMT
A , ;.,. ,. ,,—
11 KitB wu* tt new
tenant at Harry's
acre. This family
waa the llrst alrne
the young married
pair wh<> had coma
In the evening on
ly to hasten aw.iy
before the following
nightfall. The lord
and master was a
physician, as could
he told by the brand new, shiny ■ iku
daring over tin rickety gate, and they
were also a young couple. Not »<> very
young In y>ara, but young a* a married
pair, for Miss Kstella Varner had
looked quite over the head of a fellow
like John Hicks, but as vtut after year
passed end found her an uninlied tu
rnaln still, her hi an to lower,
until It rented not unkindly upon the
same John Hicks whom rlie bad Indig
nantly flouted live years before. Tiny
were married very quietly, and an John
hud n litiIm money laid by, they de
rided to rent and (tun b tt*1' Harry
cottage and Nettle down to housekeep
ing at oriel. 'I be collage, quite a large
and pretentious affair, was good enough
In Its way, If the need of repair were
overlook'd, but fbr reputation of tho
place was what wan to be ronaldered.
"(live a dog a bad name and bang him "
It is the same with a ho urn In certain
local Hies. 'I be Harry cottage stood
In the middle of an tore lot, a pretty
lawn sloped to the road In front and a
nice garden stretched at the hack to the
edge of a tongue of woods. There
weir fmi ii v trouitniz hlltt of Hot “.UP and
Jetsam lying about the place, but none
of It was ever appropriated. The col
ored population, those strange folks
who exhale superstition with every
breath, gave the place a wide berth.and
though a colored settlement stretched
along the other side of the wood, no
short cut was ever attempted across
Harry's acre.
"The place was haunted” was the
Impression that war spread throughout
the country, though by what, or whom
nobody seemed to know. One or two
of the colored Inhabitants, more Im
aginative than their neighbors, as icrted
that, they had "done seed de ba'nt," but
what It looked like or what It. bad done
they were unable to say.
Estella wax not, long kept In Ignor
ance of the reputation of their new
abode. The Hickses came and settled
and the next step wax to look out for a
servant. Donning her wraps one even
ing Estella walked over to the colored
settlement. Bhe hail proceeded but a
little way up the road between the two
rows of houses when she met two ne
gressex coining out. of a cabin. "Doe#
either of you want to hire?" she asked,
"To do what?" they asked In chorus.
"General housework," Estella an
swered, tersely. One of the women
shook her head. "I’se a cook, mysef,"
she declared, with a slight Inflection of
"Whar you live at?” the younger one
Estella pointed across the fields to
the cottage nestling among the groves
of "china he res." "K'gbt yonder" (be
said. "There Is only my husband snd
I." The woman's Jaw dropped and her
eyes rolled as she stared at the white
woman who was asking her to come to
live at Harry's acre. "Dat place! No,
not dls chl'e!" the younger woman de
cla.ed emphatically, while the elder
emitted a long drawn out sound of
serious denial. “Um-um. honev!"
"Why. what’s the matter?” aaked Es
tella. a trifle surprised.
"Folks don't want to t,u iu service In
no ha'uted house." they declared, and
passed on. hnd so It was several days
before Estella could get a servant to
come to "1 he Acre,” as the liickes
called It, but at last a chore woman wan
secured un old, black creature, too
shlfttesa and "no 'rount" to be able
to chose her place of service, but*
even she Insisted on leaving the place
before dark, and would never make ter
appearance uutll broad daylight every
And such rrtwtoi*# ta'es at old Sal.
ly related about what was told of trie
"ha'nta of Herry'a acre'"—tale* th»t
made Estelle's heavy bra ds a most un*
roll from her small preitv head She
•f enure# du iful'y related th m tqjotig
Hicks, who only laurhed as h# an*
twered “We get the p've cheap nd
until the ha'nt trice to for*# tu te*
luaintanee upon u* let m ignore ts
ralatenre It It does tilti "
Ind so they stuck to 'heir quvt* *
hearing or seeing noth tt* cut of the
irdlnsrv until early wh#>< *
place tmproced m «ft-h tn genera) st**
ps-arence under Ihe twis'lb ns too »
if leaf end grass that the II I*** nr*
>ertalttcd eertwwt thoitshts of try nv e
become mmcresed of 'his scsreiti
Op# e*sntne U»'*lU *»• o an <v**n
window In th* §*<■••«d »'«ry d t»«
hows# <arwe t•** on'*' for t. hu II h«
was |wcv and the htach *■'*"* h |
tong alee* Wnirh*d he* t vgrtswot 'a*
Ki*s se » «*eno*‘ed |;*s»lls w ts vs *
hsnpy *‘'d •*',«n*,t •*«'< 4« on x#
lawn WOgf * * * • *• ■
a* white htaeleth, «h<l an **'Sf»"c|
the ha'*** a** with the*r **«ee*t rdar
guddea'v theuweh the Sltenl house, a
sound ytbrsted tk * ** "• 1 'ulltt >♦
g pull Wl fret dec cudtgfl the stall*
Down It came with delltu-rate (dowries*
until the first landing was r>a> It'd, then
a few steps, and the* nt of t in next
flight was commenced. Kstelln’s eyea
were riveted on the staircase, a view
of which she commanded through the
open door. Presently "It" would come
In night, cutting her off from an exit,
for the last step In the staircase ended
close to the door.
All vitality seemed to leave Katella'a
frame, cree ping in a small, cold etream
up her spinal column, the hair seemed
to rise on her head and her crisply
frizzed hangs to uncurl. Dnwlnklngly
her eyea were riveted on the floor, as
she sal hack In the chair Incapable of
casting off this spell of horror that hud
•t itled upon her.
Down the thing came, deliberately,
Udells mentally counting the stairs un
til she fc|t it had reached the last step
■' ’he (light, when In another moment
II would pass the door. Oh, What a
moment! Then Kstella's hair returned
to Its natural position on her silly lit
tle head, hi:- limits relaxed 'heir hor
t*lfii-d tension, and her blood began to
circulate warmly through h'*r veins
mill more, fch • rubbed her eyes llll'l
winked, rubbed them again and looked,
end hurst Inti/pi-ni upon p<ul of hyster
ical laughter, fir through ih<- door the
otijci t of hei fright ci.tio- In sight, the
largest, boldest old gray rodent K»
'ella had evci had th- III luck to see,
ulnily propelling before him a large,
round sweet potato, bln probably con
tribution to some rutty feast, selected
from those stored away In the attic
for the family's own u <■ The decrepit
old chore won u -, retiming to her even
ing task, wondered at. the high, shrill
notes of laughter coming from the
winnow near which tier mistrc*/.
and when n big. round potato came dy
ing out of the window, bounding along
the walk before her, *be speedily de
clded that her missus "bad done seed
do lis'nt an’ gone clean ’•tracted." Hhe,
therefore, turned about and proceeded
to put as great a distance between
herself arid the haunted house, with Its
distracted mistress, as her rheumatic
old legs would allow, and Kstella was
again left servantless and alone,
Kstella never told her experience to
John Hicks, and a short while after
the occurrence when he suggested that,
they arrange for the purchase of the
place she gave a hearty assent.
Home months after, when they had
come Into full possession of Harry's
acre, they changed Its name to Micks'
Mold, beautifying and Improving It un
til It became one of the most charming
houses In the country. Though Ha
unsavory reputation still clings to It,
and the story of Its "awful ba’nt" Is
still told In more than one county, Ita
appreciative mistress has never again
heard "things” creeping down the
Certain Cur* for the Hites uT Keptlln
In » l/NNt I#U*ov«rjr.
From the Chautauquan: It la very
noteworthy that many nations, race/
and castes lowest In civilization have
for a long time protected themselves
against poisoning from snake bites by
a method which never until the present
time, the twentieth century, has been
discovered by European scientists.
The races of Psyller In Africa, Morser
In Italy and Guner In India ages ago
possessed a means to insure themselves
against poisoning from snake bites,
and today there are people who are
not harmed by snake poison, if we
may believe the descriptions of travel
ers. Suc h are the negroes on the Gui
nea roasts, the race of Elsower in
Harhary, some fakirs and snake charm,
era In India, the Inhabitants of Ma
zamhlque and some Kaffirs in South
Africa. The means used by ail these
people to secure immunity from snake
venom consist in taking as medicine
the venom, either fresh or dried, from
the venom-glands of snakes. The ma
jority eat the venom, but in Mozam
bique tbe same result is gained by in
CJlating with It. That these people
really do make themselves proof
against snake bites In this way seem a
to be sure beyond a doubt. Although
this method was made known long ago
In Kurope by travelers, nobody seem
ed to take any notice of it until the
experiments of Pasteur and his school
had demonstrated the possibility ol
utilising it. Then scholars began to
study tbe effi c's on animals of feeding
snake venom and cf Inoculating with
It. and to convert into scientific capl
’si the avowals of these fakirs, Kaf
firs. etc.
tie Ww Tens
Brave deeds are frequent, and on<
good office of the dally press Is to re
cord them for the world's remem
hrante An irstance In point le th<
I fi Bow In* from the Mobile Heglstrr
' An Incident r-allair.g John lilt s fa
! moua story of Jim liludso, engineer ol
| the Prair’e Pel's who held her "j»o*
lie agin the bark till the last galoot'
sas asbo e. occurred here on the Chat
I tahooebe river in the wreck of tbs
steamer flrtggs. The steamer struck
« snag * y • ’ ripped open hsr bottom
-the began to till and tbe pilot beaded
; her to a sand-bar. white tbs engines
1 reeded on all steam, though lb* w »•
•er was already o«»r a portion of tbs
* e ttevihlrg tbe sand-bar. tbe vee
j *el carte' ed, and tbe water rushing ti
aught tb* brave engineer «t bte poet
' ta the engiae room lie dies! there
- . g||| - sens Wing ust # must
nut *b-> became f« gbteaed and
■omped eterbcarJ. end a negru wo
■s>va who became panic eti icken wad
-fused te leave tb* lower deck All
tbe ethers w r» saved than be Hi tbs
•dev at tun of tbe euetue*? The stoi
« repurted by e nsgru deck-band, and
* deuMtsag a Itu# one Tbe beret
4eve was tb'vterberry
dev*atee* • ttsse * te a*e to uersS
f ,'enetruvtu e te v« ty tmtiae
ft. A. ft., nulti'a, ft ».*•*.*» tn tS.
The 1,'nion I’acifle in eonnert ion with
tin following railroads < Imago A.
Northwestern, N, V.t A Ht, (*,, (Nickel
I’lste.) has l*een deeJared the 'official
'•rand Army route for the <c A It
encampment at llulTalo, N. V,, Aug. 33
to 2*.
He sure your ticket* read via thi#
For rate* and foil Information call
at elty ticket office, 1302 Furuam
Th* Proper Tint in ft ants*.
Among the women it I* alway* con
sidered good manner* to go around to
the h*'k door of a neighbor * house
when on a borrowing errand, to the
I aide door when on an Informal visit and
! to the front door when muklng a formal
j call. Atchison Olob*.
Irf Alim* tool t *•*.
A powdi r to he shaken Into the
shoes At this season your feet fi e|
swollen and hot, and git tired easily
If you have smarting feel or tig,hi
shoe*, try Allen’s Foot i„. • It mol*
the feet and makes walking easy. Curm
't'ul prevent* swollen and »w? itlng
feel, blister* and eallon* -pm* II
I love* •corn* and him lor.* of all pan
ftid giver res! and comfort. Try It to
day. Hold by all druggii t« and shoe
•tore* for 2>. Trial pa<i ag< FKKK,
Address, Allen M. O nated, l,< Hoy
S. V.
: .. - ...... .
Kv<ry man Is the <r«hTeef of b’>
own fortune; hut mighty few of them
•ver learn the trade.
All you guev , ulroiit difficulty In sell
ing Mark True- may hi wrong ff you
wi-b to know the truth, drop* postal
to Stark Nursery, fxmislana, Mo . or
lf<u'Mport. Ill Name references. < i
pav to salesmen each wt eti the year
round Outfit free takes no mom •
to rtty the wirrk. Also wa it < Id H
•I Agnus get their tree* free
Home are art is tie signatures are not
worth the ink It takes to writ*? them.
Mr* Hln,l«»'* Ssslblsf Srrsii
fordili4e*lretii*fM.rret 'r.rgwsi* ea***• tr,s***
u*u'0/fl. (milt. <Ufh* ml Ml
Hanger expected Is alway?. met rest
too latr?,
g'lrjf ftt* t'liir Itoa'I* With f s*caret*.
r asuy r ■ ,r'ir. r ,n ' ' , ' m, forever,
tie?, lit; f; t: f. i. r r- l .uimouey.
Who serves himself alone is a
tyrant's slave.
W II. Robert* for ysr* Caah'er of »h*
Citizen* Bank of Omaha, and widely
and very favorably known In
Omaha and Iowa, cured of nerv
ous Dyspepsia,
Omaha, Neb,, March 7th, im
t have le i, tro lied «*t h nefvoss dys
pepsia, rol l fe t and ha *i» ud j,»- f
circulation, ,ors of flesh, etc I coin
rrc in * d taking Or. Kay s lleftovator Janu
ary IMh. b'.if,, and I continued to Improv*
frttrn th* third day, and have found ih *
medicine most pleasant, nr, gr ping, no
sickness at the stomach, but a complet*
renovator, and I volunlarl.y without ih<
doctor's request recommend this to any
one afflicted with Itid gestlon and nervous
ness which follows, f new <-at well, *1" p
well, and have gained about tw nty-fl c
pounds In weight am free front cold
ftet or hands, circulation good, a riel I feci
better than for many yeats. and I attrib
ute ib s to Dr K y - it- novel* r One *6
rent to,i will convince any one if j1
It surpasses the whole train of p II* and
cathartics usually taken, I now only
lake one little tablet when I overload my
stomach and It will relieve me at once,
hoeond better. One Year later.
J am still a Arm believer In the re at
merits of your remedies. My health Is
now better than for ten year* I seldom
need to take the Renovator, but take it
about once a month.
Yours truly,
Omaha. Neb.. April I7th, lsSf7.
Danger Ahead.
At this time of year the stomach and
entire digestive system I* detanged.
causing Indigestion, weakness, drowsi
ness and general indisposition. Don t go
to sleep while there is danger ahead.
Your system need* renovating to prevent
fever* and other dangerous d.seasee
Take Dr. Kay's Renovator in tune and
we will guarantee you will nol have fev
tr It strike* to the root of the matter
and remove* the cause. It regulate* the
stomach, bowel* and liver so gently and
pleasantly and yet cures a larger per
cent of cases than any rem -dy ever <!.»•
covered. It cure* the worst cases of in
digestion, consi patlon and chronic d.a
eases. It I* pleasant and easy to take
Brice, by mall, postage prepat,!. Ji cents
and II. If your druggist does not have It
don't take some Inferior article
which he says la "Just as good." but send
to us for the medicine or ''Dr Kay s
Home Treatment,” a valuable S* page free
book wtih M recipe*. Address Dr. B. J.
Kay Medical Co.. Omaha. Neb.
' ' "" 1 ■>*
11.* A(lt*fluriNirti»
You will enjoy till* Itubtiefttlori rnak
better If you will gel into ll»e liaMt <*T
resiling the |/lfrrtl*MWIt*; they will
afford ft mint. Interesting s'lidy ud
wilt put you in the way of gr'.Uag
nom* • srellent t/«rgainn »»ur a/lrer
User* are reliable, they send wiiab
they «/!»ertii>*
There I* need of patriotism tr, Antr
I-a to-day it would 'ounferaet nth
oral selfishness and gl»e greater re
sponsibility to the el i lien Rwa.
Henry A ns* Ire
To I of* t.onsHpatlon Ooretev.
Tsk« Cswsrets < i>«4r Csthsrltc IV urttm
It C <: C, tail loeyre druse.sis rsfaftd saasy
I’rajudlc* line* truth uiun li»rr/. I haw
’direct falsehood.
Iktat imlMMk [I
Im CofamWa*, m. H
wd Bicycle*, I
A* ferfurtU. MO, Ml, no. uk II
: MHJ. CO„ Hartford, Co*». j
lm In x I£f iMdmUt lulu; *7 Ml |l
Iran mi iv M 2-tna j I
for Mil m
«>rt •• mm
mH ft* mm
mum Mr |i.
//«*** few
<♦» «4*.
512 TO
! Per WEEK
i c fti e m ai o6(1 ><M,r PenlM
i fclivMUIlw00UBU rJIC*
WrMe CAPT. O’PAWai., Pwnlw Agent.
;«5New Yerfc Arcane, WAMUNOTO*. D.C.
3IJBqER STAVPS i f *ta».p. m
etc Linen marker*. rnef banu*!zn rear .era.
roWier tjpe.ef. B B stampW'rrkt Cj X
Broken Boar. Neb. lllu*traUk!( ataiog III Jk
Lw Ik r- * r»n»<*»i nrn •«»
ram. K,^ f'.r teak 'yf » ul IB iJanW*
imtawat In*. •>. ttkiul iint tnwaa.ln.
nnnniiiiTMM*i m tt"*# r«r
lucplw f-M. Thill n*»lUa aaWMM. i*.mln,IA
nnlllU MO PH « cad «H«<KI HiRllS
IIkIIIM ‘ Kril’kl B.,1 l» t*.ll
VI IVM nurra**. lawaiit.auo. ana.
agMUVAH. ».WlUSOMACa,***
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 34.—I0M7.
Wkao writing to adrerilaer* kindly Ma
lian lb la paper.
WRITE LOR .. — |
A Catalogue of Dry Good*. Cloak* Clothing Millinery. Boot* and Shoan, ;
furniture <'arpeu. Curtain*. Oocaerv, Glow ware. Toy*.
Dull* and (ieueral Houawl urmahing Good*.
F.TTENSON. WO H.rii * CO.. Leavenworth. h*n*e*.
At44***x ****4**444 44 4*x44x4 Jr
If You Need Renovating Tuke jg
9 Dr. Kay’s Renovator. *
It 1*1 «*•%>'-> M w* .‘tW • *t* *.*.•*» A W***»t « IWM *« MW
a cm *« ••*4 I* r *b« t. * • |«< • • » l- t«,n« AMi W i*4 *f t •< fc *4
t* « 1*1 . tfiiw I »4 Ml l.k* II- 1*1 •«*» !»<»* it I * .M (• MWk* W
Vtlti 0*4 It *.» t*f • • *w» * 14lR*» II* H J K«t M*» .1 to «>**•«, M»
«»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»«
RHUH-tTW n 1‘int.T »CtM*.y Hi T . WOUttOi
It* IlH kl IMIhtt !'.** It' 1 • » • f »* • 1 ft*
tl ... l M, «.. W *1 e# Mw lit* % Cmmm
TH« wosn’RtU1 rwy t« *m» *».iii, i *
ot**4 jMftM *«4 Uilww
tH» MQtt HttiiUk w . sy t AW t
r*f*W li'wi- T*M. t*«4* I* At***.
Vi, I, Mill I i, tkwt*l IVM«|«« 4i»*l, • • Itwtw, V.<ik,
•*4 *•# - * * ♦ •** *•#»*«•* *# fc**e ** *%« • «• * «** «* aN**x
■•*•»=* * «*•* *- #*• * *• f - MM> •* Is b« -i - 4 m» -M**«1 V% %4
« * b-M,,. # - * • * • * awi * • * •■<*** •»
*i Rtwillk I t.t • Mt M • • •*« t. i t • . »*««»*
« jh.-o..M *»- - * « *i I ** • ««wt ■ % **
**•*■• * Mm +-+**mw* w*r‘*4* • (4" i *** »« * - -•* ** m M # M