The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 20, 1897, Image 5

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I.lka Mrs. Langtry II* Has Hail Matri
monial Ki|url»urM of Ills Own A
I’rniwlaant Sportsman Whose llorwi
Ara Wall Known on Kogllsk Tracks.
HINCE Esterhazy
dn (lalanthu, who,
It la announc >d,
will soon lead Mrs.
Langtry to the al
tar, ’ la a noted
character in Km
ope, although not
well known in
America. He l»
prominent In Aus
tria and Is very
favorably known at the court of bin
totintry. Tho Jeratty Lily la prover
bial for her partiality to sporting men,
and It will lit! no surprise, therefore,
to suy that the prince la one of the
foremost horsemen of Europe. Ilia
racing stock Is well known on the
tracks of the continent, and his Income
Is suflli’iently large to make the heat
bloods of I’arls Jealous. Prince Paul,
for that is his Christian name, la de
scended, by an odd dispensation of
fate, from the earls of Jersey. Ills
mother wus a daughter of the fifth earl
of the Island of which Mrs. Langtry
has been Justly called the Illy. Both
parties to the proposed match have
rot been without experience In the
way of matrimony. Mrs. Langtry's his
tory and adventures In that respect are
very well known. It Is different, how
ever, with Prince Paul. It Is not
known, In America, at least, that he
has been twice married. Both of his
wives are dead. The second was a prin
cess of Croy, who passed away lu 1889.
Prince Paul's son by his (lrst wife Is
now fin officer in (he Austrian army.
Mrs. Langtry's prospective husband is
M years old but it Is said that he does
not look or fee) his age by twenty
years. His marriage, like that of his
namesake In the comic opera may pro
voke no end of comment in continental
journals, but, with his coveted prize
won, It Is highly probable that this
veritable Prince Paul will care little
what the "confounded Journals’’ say
about him. Mrs. Langtry's recent di
vorce leaves her free to wed.
Whi«tl«r ami Irving.
Many of the pictures of Whistler, the
artist, are vague, both In treatment
and subject. The public may be par
doned for not understanding some of
these pictures after hearing the fol
lowing amusing anecdote of the paint
er: One night Whistler dropped Into
Sir Henry Irving's rooms to dinner.
Other guests were present, but Whist
ler alone was silent. Two of his land
scapes adorned the walls, and appar
ertly he wanted no further entertain
ment. Every few minutes he would
Jump up from the table to get a better
view of his own work. At length, after
a prolonged examination of these stud
ies in moonlight and moorland, he
»»»**. > , • i • < O, a* >w »* nm»
you've done!”
"What's the matter?" Inquired Ir
ving, calmly walking up to the pic
"Matter," thundered Whistler. "Why,
the matter Is that these pictures have
been hung upside down, and you have
never notices! It. I suppose they have
been like this for months?”
"I suppose they have." replied Ir
ving. "But I think I might be excused,
since It has taken you—the man who
painted them over an hour to dis
cover that they are upside down.”
Fur • Life of lioml Work.
Six years ago. when Miss Kale Ad
ame was 21, she wus railed the lielln
of Topeku, and It was commonly sup
posed that she wss the heroine of a
society novel written about that time
by a Topeka minister, In which several
other well-known people figured con
spicuously. Now she has glveu up so
ciety to devo«e her life lo nursing
When she went to Philadelphia two
years ago to enter the deaconesses'
house of th« diocese of Pennsylvania
genuine sorrow wss expressed by her
friends, and many hoped that before
her two years of pre|iareiton had end
ed she might * hangs her mind lint
she did not and the aervlee by which
she will hr set apart as deaconess will
take place next January la the Kyltai
pal cathedral at Toprk* Miss \dsms
,as Wen called by Bishop Mills pa ugh
to do special work la Kansas this sum
» Pier, hut she will return to PHlladel
I'M. In IK tuber to take the three
month* to* pita! training a bub will
complete her course
k «•*•*!<•!«•% lo I mn4mm
Ar*0f<lt«lg III IIk4p
gllSt a#i *»M* ***** Ik A • viotitm
fl») Vtt*l Ibf N**» p ilitv kill iig* life*
% N***‘i* fx»r ih* *rt«t • k |»
for itM* iHfiihii tit I kuti tmrikilv ft
vlu)' i*t ff**M lot |)|# mi iff
tfct *|| 1*f of k* Hf
NUil m iJUlirag »ml Hub Voiirarlf with
ft t'.irrf Morning.
"You see (hat I haven't a particle of
rheumatism," said the man with a
florid face and a voice that was Intend
ed by nature for campaign purposes,
j says the Detroit Free Press. "I feel
like a 2-year-old. Never have an ache
or pain. Don't pay a particle of alien
lion to east winds, rains or changes In
the temperature. Kat three meals a
day and sleep like a top. A year ago
I went around smelling like a bottle of
home liniment. One time I'd he on
criltehes. Then I'd have an arm drawn
all oul of shape or a shoulder that waa
! of no earthly use. The last spell I had
was with my hack, and I was about
ready to throw up the sponge. What
, did 1 do for It? Everything under the
: sun. I had horse chestnuts In every
| pocket. I carried potatoes till they
j petrified. 1 ate lemons until I was an
Hour aa I looked. I took more klnda
of medicine than you can find In any
one drug store. I was In a boiled state
for six months from hot baths. I was
massaged Into a pulp. I traveled 300
miles to have the disease charmed away
and had It worse coming hack than I
did going. One day I met a little old
man that must have been 100. lie was
as spry as a kitten, yet assured me that
from the time he was 50 to 70 there was
nothing of him but rheumatism. Even
his hair ached, lie advised me to steal
a dlshrag and rub myself thoroughly
with It every morning There was no
virtue In the treatment unless I stole
the rag. I would have robbed a hank
to get relief. One afternoon I slipped
through the back door of a house Into
the kitchen, grabbed a dlshrag and
started to limp away. A 200 pound
hired girl let out a Tipperary screech
and took after me with a mop stick. By
the time she had clouted me once or
twice I wan running like a professional
and at the end of half a block I was out
of reach of her weapon. I've never had
a twinge since. I don't know whether
the hired girl, the pounding, the run
ning or the dlshrag cured me. I'm
rather disposed to think that the rheu
matism was scared out of me,"
Trraaurrr llulmrli W»» Oaia a "Devil'
for u Country I'aper.
Kills Henry‘Roberts, the new United
States ti easurer, began life au a com
positor in the office of a ci/untry news
paper. The various steps which he
took upward from the "devilshlp" tc
Uncle Sam's counting room were made
wholly by his own personal effort. In
his early youth he entered a printing
office and while learning his trade not
only supported himself but secured a
thorough education. He fitted for col
lege and was graduated with the sec
ond highest honors in the class of 185b
at Yale. In 1851 he became editor and
part owner of the Utica Herald and
for thirty-five years controlled the
policy of that paper, having in the
meantime become the sole proprietor.
During all this time he had been
more or less active in politics. He
served as delegate to the Republican
national conventions In 1864, 1868 and
1876. In 1866 he was elected repre
sentative to the state legislature. Four
years later he was elected congress
man and served two terms. In 1889
he was appointed by Harrison as as
sistant United States treasurer at New
York and during the subsequent four
years he directed the subtreasury at
that city. Mr. Roberts has found time
to write several books. He has been
honored by Yale and Hamilton, both
of which institutions have conferred
upon hint honorary degrees.
A UrMt lCttglnutpriias l‘Mt.
A remarkable engineering feat was
recently performed In California In i
providing a bulwark for a great
dam being built to Impouud water
(or Man Francisco. By a single
blast a section of a mountain was torn
off and burled Into a gorge below. Two
months were required in preparation
for the blast In tunnels rut Into the
mountain of rock great dorrs of black
powder were placed, while deposits of
giant powder were treated under the
mass to t*e moved The black powder
ignites slower than the granite pow
der. and the effort, when rlertrlrity
waa applied to both at once, was first
to lift up the mass and then pueh It
over the edge into the gorge. A mass
of rock measuring imutti fert, and
weighing an estimated tiornat tuna
I waa thrown clarity aa the engineer* 1
had planned
I ««-#<#« title# at t iwteixa
"We r*»*. taril the d.atittgutahed law 1
I) sr for the defense
"Ah' e» h Is life,' added Ktg|*l Mm- 1
fit* troHin'lag the * if- ola-Eagre# |a
t Mod.I lug hrt# we red ad’ (It the d -g
set on w He rests *n alts pah! fug i
doin' «t M Mew tad truth
vtMUttftt# ItM |(|
iMWIHIf thdl Ilk fttl t »W» IhitMf !
I* Haul* to t.o to III* Mrnata
Two Year* llrii.e nbaf. Ii of Ilia
t'arrar Ilia llrolher Air and Tlirlr
I'ollllral flat I Ira.
T a y lo r. recently
incut toned a a a
probable mu censor
to Ibe late Isham G,
Harris In the senate ,
of the United Males
Is one of the most
popular of Ten ties
scans, lie Is south
rrn to the core.
There is in u < h j
lomhust about the man, but he Is as
ionest as politicians get to be the/.e
lays, During all of his life he lias
itood up straight as a trivet for Item- -
XTary, He has never been a ba< k
illder. Kven when bis party's candl
late did not conform to his Ideas In
884, 1888 and 1892, he swallowed It iin
'omplalnliigly. He Is an Inimitable
itory teller. He loves fried ehieken
letter than a hound dog loves pot II- j
I nor. He drinks his whisky straight 1
tnd he pulls off his hat to every lady
hat he meets. He run play the fiddle,
te can ride a horse bareback, and he
an follow the hounds until the horn
ilows for breakfast the next morning.
He knows the difference between a
horoughbred and fetlock stock, and be
worships a blue eyed baby with a de
votion characteristic of the mountain
rtan. He ran talk, he ran sing, he
•an fiddle, and he can cut the pigeon's
wing. He is breezy and he Is bright.
By a peculiar accident Taylor was
•lected to the forty-sixth congress. He
was then to fame and fortune unknown
He beat Pettlbone, a carpet bagger from
Michigan, not by his own strength or
he strength of his party, but because
ils brother Alf took the stump for him.
n congress Taylor was a general fa
vorite. When he spoke the galleries
fstened. He got more notoriety be
muse of a speech made by Genera)
•tragg of Wisconsin one night when
lome pension bill that bad been fath
ered by Taylor was up for discussion
Ilob was clef'.’101 two year* later by
Pettlbone. Then he returned home
and wan nominated by the Democrats
for governor. Ilia opponent on the Re
publican ticket wax no other than hi*
dtHtlnguiahed brother Alf. It wa»
called the war of the rosea, and had the
contest occurred a half century ago It
would have been the most picturesque
event In American politics. Alf made
a great race, but waa defeated. Then
he went to congress and made a better
reputation there than his brother who
had preceded him had made It |* hi*
ambition now to be a prosperous farm
er In Hast Tennessee.
For fifteen year* It has been Hob'*
desire to go to tbe senate. One- ho was
elected senator. That was In IKK).
Hut before the result could be an
nounced a vote that he could not spare
waa changed and Hob retired to one of
the cloakrooms and spent the balance
of the day In tears. The successful
man waa Jackson. H< has had the
senatorial fever ever since that day.
It waa for this that he ran for governor
the Ural time. It was for this that lie
took the nomination for the same office
last year when he really did not want
It. As a word painter be has no equal
In Tcnrieas"'. Had he Isen contempo
raneous with William H. Haskell be
would have rivaled that prodigy of tra
ditional oratory.
Wu Ting Tang
VV'u Ting Kang, the Chlm.c mini -
ter, v/Jio la soon to be transferred from
the American capital to Tokyo a*
Chinese representative In Japan, Is «
gentleman of 'ducat Ion, culture ami
modern l<!"a*. He is perhaps the ablest
man that has ever represented the
Chinese government In the United
States. He speaks English freely, and
Is well Informed on current affairs and
the politics of the world The minister
Is an English barrister. He Is a grad
uate of Lincoln’s Inn, London, where
he lived for several years. When he
went to Hong Kong he practiced law
In the English courts there for five
years. Ills rally education was ac
quired In Uhlna, when he held several
high positions In the Chinese govern
ment. This Is his first mission abroad,
although he was In this country about
twenty years ago on a prlvute errand,
. He Is a courtly, affable Chinaman,
and represents the very best class of
his countrymen, He lias a wife and i
' if f
hau anything else that he ever did
vhile in the house. Bragg gave Bob
i cruel blow, and it took the Tenues
ieean a long time to recover from it.
n the course of his remarks General
ilragg said: "I regret much that my
luty as a congressman requires that 1
ippose the passage of this act granting
i pension to this poor soldier who was
ihot to death with chronic diarrhea in
.861 and never found it out until 1881."
As a declaimer his friend Bryan is
lot a marker to him. While In con
tress Bob got the floor as often aa the
ipeaker would allow him. When he
'ouldn't make a speech to his fellow
nembers he would go to the cotnmlt
ee rooms and orate to the clerks. It
vas a passion for him in those days
o repeat the celebrated speech deliv
ered a half century ago by bis famous
k i
I*,-',#. »!»•* IxlbiUMI C II • bib !
im p#ib*p« tb# b*##i ** •» »»i ,
h*t M»f frJI fri t* * »,«mb*r*.i • up*
:i • ** tb* Wi>uai«t*« **4 >b# j
,tb# I'm** »•'* lb# »k>**. tb#
,.nt*ht** **4 lb# #urluibt tb* <<*«■
b«t *»*» l**tu-#»b tb# t4*4 tb# ;
mbi tb«t »• »t• *4 ♦!!« *« tb# t*<*»• b»* |
bt«b *l**i * Mlw«t It l#»»fihtlfi «*4
bv • U>#4 tiK* <U; s « 4 II *• bi* »•«*
It# «44lll SV»fr»*»J '.b*t b# b*4 b##b *
family of charming daughters. Wu
Ting Kang will be succeeded here b>
Lee King Ye.
Tt»* Moon's Atmosphere.
As to the question of a lunar at
mosphere the eminent astronomers It
charge of the Paris observatory. M
Loewy and M. Pusieux, appear to hold
a somewhat different opinion from
that commonly entertained by scien
tists. Admitting that the determina
tion as to whether there is a very lit
tle or none at all la not really neces
sary, there are evidences, they con
clude. that it must be very rare—not
more than one nine-hundredth of the
density of our own, the reasons why
this must be so being as follows, name
ly: That when the moon detached itself
from the equatorial regions of the
earth, it must have taken with it as a
portion of its materials some of tha
material chemical elements of the
earth, or at least those lighter ones
that lay near the surface at the time,
It being probable, however, that our
planet retained the greater proportion
f\t I has Vnnsutita en velasu *
tb* t**e, tb* weaker precision at fro# |
cm** f*ll ta tb* moo* and tbl* qn»»> j
ttty would naturally dimtnsh *• tba
moon material began to solidify tb* !
water would enter Into stable ..atbt j
ration* with tb* element* of tbe *otl.
and without doubt »urk minerals m
cn»um and lime would be formed, j
uhlt'b imprimis the water wltbla aolld
**ll» that are little afferted by tbe play
of natural farv** Reasoning similar-1
!y Mr law*) and M INmleuy d»* l*r<
that wbai i* true of water u true *l#o
of tbe •»» V a Verb it«n
U>* • tee at ttwM*]
bb* father **»• w« *ba)t baa* t> •'
teoaomua at our wedding He %«tM, f
well be wind tB ik. u«y tinea **4
**c* tb« *•** < bunker* dtaieaman
Ym ran »!*•*• p>. b tbe winner* *1 ’
tb* wo# aka* yont po*4vtbuu-b t*
Urg. Harrloa I Ihn llie Aanrlna War •> '
l>«»lng UuiifiPM mifl W«cit« i«# Trade
H llli Tills f nualrjr HritUli InHusui s
Is Against Him.
KINA Barrios Is
now occupying In
G u s t e rn a I a the
presidency, or,
rather, the dicta
torship, since Iste
events have com
pelled him to os
sume i he uncon
trolled direction of
the country’* af
lie Is a nephew of Oen. Ruflno Bar
rios, who was killed III IXk5 at the hat
tic of t'balcuapa hy the Salvadoreans
and other Central Americans opposed
to his scheme of restoring the a; c cut
confed* racy tinder Onatcmnlan lullu
<i<< and moral direction. *<<n, Jose
Marla itelna htrrlos only 13 years
old win n he marched in MtW, with the
small troop of patriotic volunteer* led
by Ills uncle. Ruflno Barrios, In hi*
llrst but unsuccessful assault upon the
government of President Carna. The
young volunteer participated In the
several attempts to free his country
front tyrannical government and won
his military grades on many ha'tle
lie was married In New York ten
years ago to Miss Algerle Benton of
New Orleans. He was elected pres:d< M
ut the republic on March 16, 1 Half, and
hla term will expire next March. On
May HI lari he met with the most seri
ous, If not the first, opposition of the
national assembly. This happened
about a government hill proposing to
make l.i the United Ktates a loan of
$15,000,000, destined to finish the north
ern railroad of Guatemala and to pro
mote other enterprises. It was Im
possible to get a quorum for several
sittings and finally the president wa>
compelled to dissolve the assembly
and assume himself all the powers
which the constitution gave him.
President Helna Barrios Is popular
among his countrymen, notwithstand
ing the fact that the favors the Intro
duction of American Ideas, Inventions
and products In his country. All the
British Influences are at work aguiust
What Become* of Them?
Of the 119,000,000 old copper cents
which were sent out from the mint
only the 900,000 have ever been ac
counted for and only now and then is
a stray one of the remaining 119,000,
000 seen In circulation. Of the 4.500,000
fcronse 2-cen* pieces sent out only
1,500,000 ever found their way back,
leaving 3,000,000 to be accounted for,
and there are an equal number of
nickel 3-cent pieces somewhere In the
country, though it is very rarely that
one 1b seen. Of the 800,000 haif-cents
not one has ever been returned to the
mint. A few of this denomination may
be found in the hands of coin collect
ors, but the whereabouts of the rest
Is a mystery. It Is estimated that the
daily supply of needles for the entire
world amounts to a.ow.ouu oi varying
shapes and sites, while the Vnited
States alone calls for a yearly supply
of 300.000,000. Of pins, it Is said that
tome of the large department stores
often order 100 cases at a time. Bach
ease contains 10k dozen papers, and
each paper bolds 360 pins, so a little j
use of the multiplication table will
shew what an immense thing even the
ons order me*v* The yearly output
of pins from the largest factory In the
Vnited States, it Is claimed, would it
placed end to end reach three times
around the world
Whal a MaSal Water* ShaalS Hr.
What should be the essential condi
tions of a model bakery? First, tbs
lulkdiag should be above ground, per
fectly drained and ventilated well or
ganised. abeolutely clean and the et
I »rnse of labor should be of no ton ald
er at ion The m*n should he sys
tematically inspected with regard u, j
their personal cleanliness having ia
Ike Ural plat*, left aehsrteid for em
ploy meat on the ground of their good <
general Health sad temperance The
hours of labor should he limited and j
ccnveatence for • asking purpose*
•horrid be provided The hutldiuge f
should he dust-proof la order to make j
dual ontamtaaitoa impossible, th*
cem* should be lead at the bach of ,
a.of not i*. the hake-houae itself .
Water svrd iktwM be of the very best j
aad gusrwateed duality. and. la order ;
that <m)y a proper proportion should
he tssrd for It* cor respond tag e«|uS tal
rat of Imii It should he measured hy
m*t*r These are naughty the sssea
uata ta a typba hake house
Is ** of Pi.nt Vi n got lew from
the louuty tfeature* doneg ,lwue au j
le sgt >«* ea vest * • hag-da i
HM—**hff»1**o.«*«* ' ’-saMMMM
BREAKING monte carlo.
figure* KIk,i*Ihx tl.e hutiiiisl lulnlwv
to fie Dlff.ruU of f t*ptur*«
'I hose who have a pa**lon lor gam(>
11rik and have found it unprofitable, a
Hass nearly as numerous aa those who
■amble at all, inlgh’ well "insider the
r<>ent announcement that a dividend
of 14 000,000 for last year has been de
clared by the stock company running
the gaming tables at Monte Carlo.
That amount, says the Kt. I/oulv Glob*
Democrat, la the in'erest on |100,tf00,»
000, and represents an extraordinary
profit There are about 400,000 visitor*
s year at Monte Carlo, and aa. In addi
tion to the dividend named, they pay
the expenses of the gambling reaort,
with Its thousand attaches, they will
not lie disposed to deny that gambling
Is a highly expensive amusement.
Though there Is a tradition that some
body occasionally breaks the bank at
Monte Carlo, Its dividend* are never
n Hourly affected As the games in
Monte Carlo appear to he what la
called square, even those familiar with
them are at a loss to account for tha
enormous profils. The hances in the
play seem to lie almost evenly baf
i cC’d.y.t the millions giav •*'<• tapldly
to the side of the hunk.
If the mere betting on red at.d black
which Is prevalent at Monte Curio la
", profitable to the bank many other
forma of gambling are far worse. It
Is needless Ui name them. The- visitor*
to Monti Cailo could make at least
10,000,000 a year by not going there,
Ftaieniy Mas the Greatest ' „f fba
(Juailfylug Word*.
The greatest writer of wdj<Clive*
that the world has ever known wm»
t.’laudlus Ptolemy, the renowned Kgyp
tlan astronomer and astrologer, who
flourished In the second eat ary. The
11event revival of the latter science
hav ri-ealled the use of adjectives by
famous wizards of the Nile. Here la *
passage from one of the books which
bas come down to us through the cen
turies having lately bum reprinted:
“When Jupiter alone ha* domonion oC
the mind, and Is gloriously situated,
he renders It generous, gracious, pi
ous, reverent, Joyous, lofty, liberal.
jusi, magnanimous, nou:c, seu-acuug,
compassionate, fond of learning, ben
eficent, benevolent, and calculated for
government; and If pouted laglorinus
ly, be will endow the mind with qual
ities apparently similar to these, but
not of such vlrtu< and luster, a*, In
stead of generosity, be will tl en cmuae
profusion; instead of piety, bigotry;
for modesty, timidity; for nobleness,
arrogance; for courteousness, folly; for
elegance, vulptuousnesa, for magnan
imity, carelessness, and for liberality.
Indifference. Conciliated with Mara,
«nd being In glory, Jupiter will make
men rough, warlike, skillful In military
affairs, dlcytatorisl, refractory, impet
uous, daring, free in speech,
able in action, fond of dispu
tation, contentious. Imperious, gener
< us. ambitious. Irascible, Judnious and
fortunate; but, If thus connected, and
not placed In glory, be makes men mis
chievous, reck'ess, cruel, pitiless, se
ditious, quarrelsome, perverse, calum
nious, arrogant, avaricious, rapacious,
inconsistent, vain and erupt), un
steady, precipitate, Injudi
cious, inconsiderate, senseless, and
officious, lnculpaters. prodigals, triilers,
altogether without conduct and giving
way to every Impulae. When < onclll
ated with Venus, and In glorious posi
tion, Jupiter will render the mind pure.
Joyous, delighting in elegance in tbe
arts and science*. and in poetry and
music, valuable la friendship, sincere,
beneficent, compassionate, inoffensive
religious, fond of sports and cier
ases, prudent, amiable and affection
ate. gracious. noble, brilliant, candid,
liberal, dim-rot. temperate, modest,
pious. Just, fond of glory, and ta nil
respects honorable and worthy
leiMltwswslt et aerleel r«eieu
An advertisement pillar" boa been
brought to light tn the »t<avaUena of
Pompeii It was covered with Mi«
t tee meal bills on* over another. The
dtffereat layers could b* separated
from each ether and the contents ween
iHCiphered as theatrical programs and
program* of the arena pewL (nations
for the forthc«Mmtog enMtaftal ehne*
ttona not tree at tn banal ga'hsnafph
fsst.vr.iea eta
% %#♦♦****»'• #*ir««gp
TW i*i iwf Hhhtiifh^|U|
ass hMWtdMetrr uf the Ji< si )' Mary
rwitega at iandhnea*. atsd as a hog wnn
mad* in learn seen nvoiMMii tn thn
nan,! «•»■ • rt lb* * * t> .t 4 ■ newt
hay tl Is to the sever* training than
lathee gave t« the pineegd - ~r yana
that ihe tatter »u>- a g « magnet
Mtgt power* «t < *«*tfSMnn Rn«