The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 20, 1897, Image 4
; My Fellow Laborer.: M»C€M S By H. RIDER HAGGARD. £ CUAITKK l\ (Coxtivi «n.» Hut putting aside the mental trouble hi to this or»t melancholy at lair pin..god nte It ga.e me mu.'!i cause for reflection. Making all gllow anee for the natural disappoints* it and distress of a woman who 'vs*. 1 suppose, warmly attached to me a. the time, 1 could not help rcelng thal h*r conduct thiew a r.ew and nltogoth 7. nr.aiupeeted light upon Fanny’* ehuiaeler. It showed toe thal. so ft.' from undcrslandlng her completely, a* I hud vainly fopposed to b« the erse I really knew Imle or nothing about | her. There were depths In her mini | lhat I had not fathomed, and In all . probability never should fathom. 1 had taken her fer an open-hearted wo man of great Intellectual capacity that removed her far above ihe every-day level of her sex. and direct'd her am bitions almost entirely toward the goal j of mental triumph. Now I saw that the diagnosis mum be modified. In all her outburst there had not been one single word of pity for my heavy mis fortune*. or one word of sympathy with the self-sac rlflee whbh she must have j known Involved a dreadful struggle between my Inclinations and m.v con- i science. She had looked at ihe matter ; from her own point of view, and the ; standpoint of her own Interest solely Her emotion had for a few moments [ drawn the curtain from her inner self, and the new peraonallty that was thus revealed did not alt of *1 her edify me Still, 1 fell that there was great esruae j for her, and ao put by the matter After this unfortunate occurrence, 1 made up my mind that Fanny would take aome opportunity to throw up her • work and go away and irate us, but ahe did not take fhia com ae Kit her tiecauae ahe waa too fond of my pool boy John, who. as he grew older. Ire- j came more and more attached to her, or because ahe aaw no better opening — not being poaacaaed of Independent i means she evidently made up her | mind to atop on in the bouae and con- 1 tlnue to devote heraelf to the search for i the greal Secret of Life. 1 tblnk m> aelf that It was mainly on account of i the boy, who loved her with an entire!> that at tiroes almost alarmed me. and to whom ahe was undoubtedly devoted. | But from that time a change came over Fanny's mental attitude towards me, which waa aa palpable aa It was indefinable Outwardly there was no j change, but In reality a veil fell be- j tweon ua. through which I could not j see. It fell and covered up her nature; | nor could 1 gueaa what went on be- J hind 1L Only 1 knew that ahe devel oped a strange habit of brooding allent- t ly about matters not connected with our work, and that, of all thla brood ing. nothing ever aeemed to come. Now I know that ahe waa building up far reaching plana for the future, which had for their object her eacape from what she had come to consider waa a hateful and unprofitable condition of •ervltude. Meanwhile our work advanced but slowly. 1 could take anybody who la curioua to the big Arc-proof cheat In the corner of thla very room, and show him two hundred-weight or more paper covered wun aooruve ca.icuia.uon* worked by Fanny, and equally abortive letter-press written by myw-lf during those year* of incesaant labor. In vain we tolled: Nature would not give up her secret to us! We had indeed found the lock, and fashioned key after key to turn it- But. do what we would, and file as we would, they would none of them fit. or, even If they fitted, they would not turn. And then we would begin again again, after months of la bor. to fall miserably. During these dark years I worked with the energy of despair and Fanny followed, doggedly, patiently, and un complainingly in my step* Her work was splendid in it* enduring Impel*** nesa. To begin with, so far as 1 was concerned, though roj disease made but little visible progress I feared that my sand »»» running out. and that none would he able to take up the broken thread* Therefore 1 worked as timer work whose time is abort and who have much to do Then toe, I was haunted by the dread of ultimate failure Had 1. after all. given up my life to a dream* At last, however a ray at light came as It always - yes always win %o timer who are strong and patient and watch ths shy long enough I ana sitting in my arm -chair smok tag one night after Fanny had gunr to next and tell mt<» n arm of done to want up wmh a start and an ins pirn non I saw ii nil no* a* gad nee* working at the wrwag and searching tor the routs among the twig* of tih* greet trees' i think that 1 Was really inspired that nigh: as anger and breathed s» hr » ■> sleep At ae> mt*. I en> her* at thin sagas la bis at which 1 am »« uag awe tUl ths gsnn crept m through tks *n utter* and .sasstred sheet after sheet With >hs- ISon* tfetal was us* she another tg a< twain, in the moot psefse t i»4w and *-«*tti.nt*» My When at mat mt hand reruns* tv hoM the pen nn.r ion gar, t at urn Mag > 0 to tesd tew*teg holrted «ns a skeuh at the tetter **#**».* af nil the ossent tel gw Hate* gantry «agn Sitg tg the work known as tW anew of Ui« heat day wa n*e*i *** t wpna thaas new itgaw Bhaug* i **d gas tali Fawn* of live greed high"1 ‘hw* NS) te tel gv** 1 had aasef • * »•** «w the right trash a* mas.* usm* net f dtd asd bg* i* is anything tees* a taste M IteM shew 1 rty * nag th* emtrtte i teewn te wd** ate instant!* nirttHf «§HHM %* MftlMfcAlNsfeJ irtiMiHft jtlHf aiMHiwi MMF m M>' HI**# teewn1 la teiu-e tg h> • --» ■ ■■• k> per. -ch after the Inscrutable factor, whir... *vhen found, would, tf properly applied, mane near to tta whence we mine and whither we go that "open m ante" before whose magic sound the womb of unfathomod time would give up lit secrets, and the myatery of the glare he made clear to the wondering rye* of all mankind. A’ CHAPTER V. ETWKEN two or three months after wo had alarted on this new course, I iccelved a letter from a Isdy, a dis tant cousin of my own, whom 1 had known slightly many yours before, asking me to do her a service Not v Hhounding what they considered my Insane deviation from the beaten paths that lead or may lead lo wealth and social aiiceess, my relatives still occa sionally wrote to me when they thought 1 could be of any use lo them, In this care the lady, whose name was Mr*. IHde-Tlic.mpeon, had an only son aged twenty-eight, who was already In pos session of verly large i slates and a con siderable fori line In personality. Ills name was or rather Is, Joseph; and as he was an only child. In the event of w hose death all the landed' property would pass lo some distant Thompson without ine mile, tit* existent** more valuable In ihe eyes of a diecern Ittg world than that of moat Josephs. Joseph, It appeared from his moth er's letier, had fallen Into a very had stale of health. He had, It seemed, been a ''little wild." and she was there fore very anxious alrout him The lo cal doctor, for Joseph lived In the prov inces when he was not living In town, In the stronger sense of the word, stat ed that he would do well to put him self under regular medical care for a month or so. Would 1 lake him In? The expense would of course be met She knew I hat I kepi up a warm Inter est In my relations, and was so very r lever, although unfortunately I hail abandoned active practice, Then fol- 1 lowed a couple of sides of note-paper full of the symptom* of the young man's disorders, which did not seem to me to be of a grave nature. I threw thl* letter across the table to Fanny without making any remark, and she read It attentively through. "Well." she said, "what are you going to do?" "I>o," 1 answered, peevishly; "see the people further first! 1 have got other things to attend to." "I think you are wrong," she an swered, In an indifferent voice; "this young man Is your relation, and very rich. I know that be has at least eight thousand a year, and one should alwaya do a good turn to people with so much money. Also, what he would pay would be very useful to us. I as sure you. that 1 hardly know bow to make both ends meet, and there I* twenty-seven pounds to pay the Frenchman who collected those returns for you In the Darts hospitals; he ha* written twice for the money.” 1 reflected. What she said about the twenty-seven pounds was quite true— 1 certainly did not know where to look for It. There wa* a vpare room In the HiHinr, ©ini I'M'iMHny t ur ^-11* tleman was inoffensive. If he was not. he could go, "Very well," I said, “he can come If he like*; but I warn you, you will have to amuse him' 1 shall attend to his treatment, and there will be an end of It." She looked up quickly. "It is not ' much in my line, unless he cares fat | mathematics," she answered. "I have seen five men under fifty here, during the last five years—exactly one a year. ! However, I will try.” A week after this conversation, Mr .Joseph Hide-Thompson arrived, care fully swaddled in costly furs. He was a miserable Utile specimen of humani j ty- thin, freckled, weak-eyed, and with ! straight, sandy hair. But 1 soon found l out that he was sharp sharp as a fer J ret. On his arrival. Just before dinner 1 had some talk with him about hn ailments As 1 bad expected, he had nothing serious the matter with him and was only suffering from indulgence I in a mode of life to w hich his feeble toast Uutian was not adapted. ■'There is no need for you to come J to stay here, you know," i said * All ! you want is to lead a quiet life, and •void wine and late hours If you dc that you will soon get well." "And if I don t. tioadea. what then*" he answered, in hit thin, high pitched voice 'Hang II all' You talk ai though it were nothing, but It Is at t n fellow tn have to give ui pleasure* at my age ' "if you don t you will die sooner 04 inter that * nil.* Hk far* leil . unsiilrrat !> at thti statement ' ©inf h* »*U "tike1 H»w brutally you tab Ana yet you just said that then* an* nut King much the mallei • flit lUe II •.* 1 | t*lt ‘ ***' | it, to: Ui dieadtutlj ill' /mgimn* i am at n*. *»p» taiiv >n 1 »• m- ’k •.<» that I hsuid simian if y h hat •bati 1 dw ti rues myaeff* 1 "| w 1 ti tail you uet mar. o-d drink tuMlMag. but tleiel ant get la bed every eight at t*n “ ©•t kbsmed" be gawped Ok.' Bw it » a* awful iking u. do. tt u«* a *«< 19*41 mp W*! |4i M ij<li . ] i ftfttfft ft* kt I# ttHMf} , 41 ftHlfftrfti «Mk# .<#* aft? Mft * j» . j k»i ft# lrSMktk ft it fttijjf <*##»# g)M • ft# >yftifti>i i# ft# f >> ft © ftill 1 # *#q| ®#ft#* ft# IMM 4*fft. ifeftfhft 4ft#.*6 #*ft jUffcyftftift * o. *L* ft*## II ftftftfti <M#%ftt >## ftft4 to# *«#*•.* II## ft# #4 .|ii* 1 * 1 4*\ ##mA s*## I# fefrf p*- ifftftV# ft#4 M | ftfeft# **© |M • «Ki fti©*#* ft ft vHftNM* fe ft HUM# bm t# f#4 I ## ft ftU4 i ftiftl H ftfk-l# ft* ft iHIft .-.—-—. patient, who it am me rad and atottoret and held out hi* wrong hand when Introduced him. It turned out aftei ! ward that he had twen under (ha lm preMlnn that Ml** Denelly waa an el ■lerly housekeeper. At dinner, howev er, he recovered hla equilibrium an began to chatter away about all sort of thing*, with a sort of low elevernes which wa* rather amusing, though confess that being old-fashioned, could not keep pace with It. Fanny however, entered Into hi* talk In i manner which astonished me. I ha no Idea that her mini) waa at> versatile or that »he knew anything about hll Hard* and hone-raring, or even Frencl novel*. At ten o'clock I told Mr. Joseph hi had better begin hi* cure by going ti lied, and this he did reluctantly enough When he had gone. I naked Fanny wha she thought of him! ' Think of him!" she answered, look Ing up, for she waa plunged In one o : her reverie* "Oh! I think that ho li n mixture between u fox and a foil and the ugliest little man I ever saw!' I laughed at this rompilinentarj I summary, and we set to work. After the first evening I neither saw nor heard much of Mr. Joseph, excep at meals. Fanny looked after him, an. ; when she w as at work he amused him self by silting In an arm-chair ant! ! reading French novel* In a i ranslatlon for preference. Once he asked permis sion to come In and sen u* work, and after about half an hour of It he went saying II wa* awfully clever, but "all rot, you know,” and that he hail much better devote our talents to mAklng books on the Derby. Il| HU . I* Ulill fti'U r a u »i„t , in n of withering contempt, when the door had closed on him; and that w»« the only opinion I heard her express with reference to him till the catastrophe came. One morning, when Joseph had l>een with tie about a fortnight, having been at werk very late on the previous night, and feeling tired and not tot) well, I did not come down to breakfast till ten o'clock. I'sually, wo breakfasted <*t half-part eight. To my surprise, I found that the tea not made, and that Fanny had apparently not yet had her hreakfaat. This was a most unu sual occurrence, and while 1 was still wondering what it could mean, she came Into the room with her bonnet and cloak on. "Why, my dear Fanny!” I said, "where on earth have you been?" "To church." she answered, coolly, with a dark little smile. "What have you been doing there?" I ask' I again. "Getting married," was the reply. 1 gasped for breath, and the room seemed to swim round me. "Surely, you are Joking,” 1 said faintly. "Oh! not sit nil. Here Is my wed ding ring." and she held up her hand "1 am Mrs. Hlde-Thompson!" "What!'' 1 almost shrieked. "Do yot mean to tell me that you have marrtef [that little wretch? Why, he has onlj i t>een in the house ten days.” "Sixteen days" she corrected, "am ; I have been engaged to him for ten and weary work It has been. 1 can tel . /d As.lVeoi) I*’ "Then 1 suppose you are goini away?” I Jerked out. "And how at»ou lour work, and—John?" I saw a spasm of pain paas over he face at the mention of the boy's name ! (or I lieliet e that she loved the poo cripple child, if she ever did really lov anything. (TO BE I'OSTIM EU.) 1 he I.»dlrs of Constantinople. It was amusing to see negre&ses wit the thickest of lips veiled. All th pretty faces were more or less painte and the eyelids and eyebrows pencilet The quality of the paint showed th quality of the lady. Poor women dau themselves with horrid pigments. N Turkish gentleman goes out to wal with his w ife; to do so would be couni ed In the highest degree absurd. A most she is followed by a slave. Bi wrapped up in the ugly black silk ferit Je. she can go where she pleases an alone No man would dream of look ing at a veiled lady In a feridje. Wei a Glacour to scan her face he would ru ■ risk of being massacred. Shopping 1 • feminine pastime, another U boldln receptions, which, of course, only ladU attend Munching sweetmeats rendet Constantinople belles grossly fat. whl! at til young and rather spoils the: teeth Ail over the enat teeth are evsi white and of medium aise. and moult well shaped. They are mouths mad for laughter, gourtnanditing and set sual love Eastern women are far be< ter looking in youth than weateri Thuee of iitsmboul ale the least gran fut They are seldom neat above th ankles Their sits kings are not we drawn up their shorn are a world to big aad then gait la heavy and ship fling Uisfua Truth bi*sl Mewtel Seat*. Hortebtius the great Homan lawyt and utstia. had n memory of •strgerd sail scop* and tens', tty Altar run iwming a speec h or oration fee cssM n (rrat M. word for word rsarity an I bad prepared II On one <* caalon I went B' as aurOon, where the feus on d• >.4 an tp*’i ' *. h . .- wag*' I i of the arils few tbi _ I »h« pines ti,«ge* Ip be ordet W w fc is b tl« po» ‘osao* as s yon art# re >q ibs wan i age * Idniat erg i fe * FARM AND GARDEN. i - MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. 1 f Some I'p-ln-ll.t. Illnla Al>oiiI fultl»a „ (Ion of tha Noll anil Thereof— I Mart trull urip Vttlrullura anil Florl | rallura. • PI Irk to Ilia Farm. 1 FRIEND of our. 1 owned a good farm a few year, ago, 1 about two mllea from a Ihrlvlng city, write. T. B. • Terry. In Practical Farmer. Me and hi. .on. lived on It and had a line home and were prosper 1 Ing .lowly. But they got It In their head, that they eould live easier and do better by moving to town and going Into some bnalnes.. And they wout. renting the farm. They borrowed money on it, and put that with what they had and atnrted it gro cery store. Me is a man of more than average ability. They all worked ear ly and lata for success. Last year, however, was too much for them '1 bey had to trust out too much, and the laboring people had »o little money, and there wa. so much competition among the dealer, to get that, that, the weakest had to go down. The sheriff has Mid the farm, and everything el»* I* gone. They have nothing. As they are particular friends of ours, we feel doubly sorry for them, Now, my good friends, don’t you oft#n min* '»ai farming I* a poor business, and wish you were out of It and at something else? And don't you know that the usual result would be about as describ ed abort? You cannot sell your farm and put your money Into any business today that la honorable and legitimate and safe that will pay you as well. Let us look this matter squarely In the face, and take courage and go ahead and make the best of our business. There Is no chance to do any better, as a rule, nor as well, all things consid ered, with the capital invested. 1 was talking the other day with a shrewd old gentleman, who has considerable property. He remarked: 'T keep enough money In farm land to support myself and family well if everything else went to the dog*. 1 risk the rest In buslnes*." There Is nothing safer than good farm land. We have got enough, too, to support us well, no mat ter what comes. People must cat, and farmers can always live, on the aver age. A family out of debt, owning a good farm, reasonably improved, ure well fixed In this world's goods. When to Water 1'lanta. Should plsnu be watered during sun shine? Why not, If they need It? The watering of the plant should be gov erned by Its condition and surround ings. The whole thing, In a nutshell, is, water a plant when It does require 1 It, says a writer In American Garden ing. From my own experience 1 have 1 never had any bad results from water ing flowers during sunshine, any more : than In dull weather. During sunshine 1 and bright weather the evaporation from most plant* Is more excessive r than In dull weather; consequently : plants call for more nourishment In r the form of water, ami If the plants are a growing fast, and the pots are full of roots, 1 often find it necessary to water them three or four times a day. Air, -on and light are Important factors In building up the plant, and one Is not i much use without the other. Water e containing soluble matter is absorbed j by the roots and travels through the plant as crude sap. passing upwards to t the leaves; there It forms a comblna jj tion with carbonic acid gas, derived 0 from the air, then by the action of sun :K and light is refined and digested. As the sun plays such an important part ( in the disintegration (as it were) of the food of the plant, I cannot see how It would have any Injurious effect to 1 water plants during sunshine; but 11 would look st It as a thing essential If the plants needed it. I always aim to * have watering done early In the tnorn “ lug or about three or four o'clock in * the afternoon, for the simple reason I * that it facilitates the work, as well as * economizes the water, hut as I said be * for*. 1 would not scruple to water a * batch of plants during sunshine If they r needed It, and would consider I was >. helping nature by doing so. s -— * t urreul# a«it tioMuvbrrrt##. i* Take cuttings of currant* In iJeptetn * b*r after the new wood ha* ripened, j i a* may be seen by having turned - brown, says Vick's Magazine Make e bem about sis inch** >n length from d the new wood, removing th* leaves u plant theta hi that only on* bud Is *ft above tb* surface and they will ah* rout IB th* tall and be ready to nab* growth promptly tn th* spring tune lent** or Miter should b* laid r tround them when cold weather mnw '' i to prevent them from heaving 1 1 c he a the frost tome* wit of th* 1 round Cutting# of th* gooseberry nr* * ; tutf itlffrslt to rest, but I rented tn * i h* name way a portion uf those made i ti, *wf American ven*tie» wti rvast * ■ tut the betted »#r to ret** guueebwr * | ** m by layering TV# ran be don* >* »# early a# the Utter part of inly '* I (ififi 111* Mill H|P 4 Il4 H| ® j I Imp® |MlftI) 4**411 4|l**# II K4 ^ [ i,t%| |i« mH! ufr ***** III*Ml I I fpsSS SrtlH Ilk* *>vh - ftk wl * #* ‘ .j. ' - a*I Ip* •«(MS* Viiil •*'» i*l» 4 ' TVfftl tflTfi ilk# |Mk<*lM# ®#ftlM®4 «*# IS | ' »## 111 •<#’#• #M iS *#fiS# lti#i « • ilk* #**U #*#4 (#1 S S'SJf' Ilk# NPw4«N1 % #s4 9ftssi tfcStH Ml SI#I* * a set of » r ,bg root# but o* Rna) ’maw 4 | eei sg lor fruit ng h‘t -m the giant a f fe ngp*4l »1 *• ”4 # fMkSI*! §h*##t I. % .#4S#f «4 #1 §M «*>*<# IUi QfMW Sii4 #1 ----- - _ ....— the proper time In slimmer It can be earthed up, and thus an annual crop of plants he produced. Quirk Carina Chew. The following observations anent the procuring of a quick-curing cheese are made In a bulletin Issued by the Ontario agricultural college The bulletin. It may be explained, web Issued for the benefit of factery authorities. X. Accept nothing hut pure, sweet milk 2. Ht>at to 86 degrees and then make a rennet teat. 3. Het the milk when the rennet test Is about 18 seconds, or at suffic ient ripeness so that the curd will *'dlp” In about two and a half hours. 4. Use sufficient rennet to coagulate the milk In about twenty mtnuteii. This will require from three to four ounces of standard rennet. (Ue surf that your rennet Is all right.) 5. Do no cut more than three tlmeu unless the milk I* over ripe. Itctalu plenty of moisture In spring curds foi an early market. Our spring cheeaci are usually too dry and harsh. 6. Heat slowly to 06 degrees nol above this temperature, as It is desir able to retain moisture. 7. Dip at the first appearance of scld. If the add does not show on ths hot iron, use the alkali test. Do not leave the curd In the wliey more than three hours, even If the hot Iron Indi cates "no add.” If you test with ths ulkall you will find plenty of add at the end of three hours, provided ths temperature Is kept up to 98 degrees. The hot Iron Is not always reliable al this point. 8. Mill early-as soon as the curd becomes mealy and shows about one Inch on the hot Iron. a. Hand-stir sumotentiy to impr»v« flavor, but not enough to lose all tb* moisture. 10. Malt at the rate of about two pounds to 1,000 pounds of milk, and leforo the grease runs too freely. Al ow the turds to stand longer In (h* salt. You will thus save butter fat, ind will not he troubled with "greasy" -Urdu. Many are sacrificing a good leal of butler fat for the sake of get ;lng a "close” cheese. 11. Keep the temperature of ths ■urlng room at about 70 degrees, and :1ms hasten the curing. 12. Do not allow a cheese to go Into the curing room which Is not alcely finished, nor one to leave It un Lil It Is at least two weeks old. Not i few are ruining their reputation by shipping curd to their customers. Ths writer heard of a case this spring where cheese was made on Saturday and shipped the following Tuesday. Such a practice cannot be too strongly condemned. 13. To sum up: In order to obtain fat, meaty, quick-curing cheese which will be tit to eat In about a month after making, use plenty of good ren net; leave sulflclent moisture In the curd; salt lightly; keep the tempera ture of the curing room up to 70 de grees, night and day; and keep the cheese In the curing room for at least two weeks. The I'armer's t reed. Prof. Irby of North Carolina State College, furnishes the following to the Progressive farmer: We believe In small well-tilled farm::; that the soil must be fed as well as the owner, so that the crops shall make the farm and the farmer rich. We believe In thorough drainage, in deep plowing, and In labor saving im plements. We believe in good fences, barns conveniently arranged, good orchards and ir&rdens and nlentv of home raised bog and hominy. We believe in raising pure bred stock or in grading up the best to be gotten; they equal the thoroughbreds. We believe In growing the best va rieties of farm crops aud saving the choicest for seed. We believe In fertilizing the brain with phosphorus as well as applying it to the soil. We believe in the proper rare and application of barn-yard manure. We believe that the best fertilizers are of little value unless accompanied by industry, enterprise aud intelli gence. We believe in rotation, diversifica tion and thorough cultivation of crops. We believe that every farm should own a good farmer and that every good farmer will eventually own a good farm. Wittier Protection. ! have not had a great deal of suc cess in the culttvatton of flowers and roses, but 1 have a very simple plan of protecting them 1 lay down the rose and rover it with leaves, and when I uncover It in the spring I nnd ttat it la quite fresh. In eotue Instance, the buds have begun to shape before the leaves are tabes off One season a keen frost ratne and they were eel back and w* had no ruses that year. | now adopt the plan of driving n stick down along aids the bush I then gather the branches together, tie them with a string and put a hoop around the bottom 1 put ordinary rye straw around the inside of that hoop and then put all fauA>|) ill* top. and I had that there la suit *nt protection to enable them tn come out I •*l rt«fet M* | rVUf tub •Attli TMi# >**r* *4i-* | um»Ii tfcrm ' iUfU4 %wry **rtjr~ lb*r* I • l|!« fr i#t *b4 | H*J bu truH u,+i I pmf Uf »«H fHf I f^nr«4 IP*«b ! •HI *«>4 5 1**4 fcut t*4 * | •««<*•* U«l | «si i» *i*j *p urn tn* it*ilt*v* **4 < l*«4f VlftPH, 4*4 | |«4 * tWl|«f | *«?<»#* III* ft%mi uRw III** | 1^4 ?t . j Imjt Ui« •>**! Ik?** >*♦** |f * - * lb*,. v • * ♦ * *t Ma *r**m* 4 pf’t****| 11 j, . ft*' I | wli l*jut* tftMMfe #4#(4*r Keep dean frssa nates always t,r! i .our ►'•t'U Views water j,l(. stay 4»a nnd • .»**> hwu*. ' the Oet prevent.>ee uf dteeese u _ THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LLSSOfl VIII, AUGUST 22, TBUB CHRISTIAN LOVE. -... Holden Tei»: "And Now Ahldetli Tnllh* Hope. ChorltJT, The.o Throe; bat tho 'A* Urea tern of Tho.a I» Charily” l. Cor. J 13 s 13. 1 K hav* for our 1** ^ son to-<lay vara#* I to IS, Inert u*lv®. chap ter 13, Flint Hook of Corinthian*. Time and place, tha Flrat Fpiallc of Paul to the Corinthian* wum written about Fa* ter, A I). M# from F p h e * u *• Comp Acta I'J an<l 2o with 1 Cor. 16. #• I ,«•**< to Preview#-* , The Church at Cor Inlh wan rent with parties and vexed with unihltlous member x each c.iger for Influence etnl coveting the most import ant positions. To such a degree did tho strife of different elements rise Ihut Iho graces of I'hlrstlsn charuetcr w in III danger of being forgot ten. There were those who coveted Ihe gift of longm x, or the miraculous power of speaking un known languages. Others regarded proph eey, or the power to apeak lev Inaplra^* aj thin, ss the most valuable; still i.ilicw , prised and prided themselves upon ini» ax-la working und healing. The upnstM M shows In chapter 12 that nil gifts coniiJV^JJ front one spirit, and tliHt It Is useless lo extol one at the expense of another; and then, kindling with Ills theme, In apeak* In praise of the grace which lies ut tho foundation of all spiritual endowment— Chrlaliun love: that spirit which brings UB Into fellowship with God anil makes us share In tho divine character. With out seeming lo censure the Corlnlliluns hs snows me glory or Christian love in coil trust with their ow'n self-see king, con* duct. The whole section of which this lesson forms a part should bo studied* It embraces chapters 12 to 14. Lesson Hymn— S Our God is love; and all his saints ill® Image hear below: The heart with love to God Inspired* with love to man will glow. Teach ns to love each other, l»rd, a® we are loved by thee, None who are truly born of God can live In enmity. Heirs of the same immortal bliss, our hopes and fears the same. With bom Is of love our hearts unite, with mutual love Inflame. —Cot tcrlll. Hints to the Teacher. T. Christian Love. An ocean etcamer pressing In the face of wind and wavo Is an Inspiring sight. Where Is the pow er than Impels It? We find It far below the decks, in the throbbing engine Ho Christian has his Impelling power within,. In Christian love. Love is the ret of Christianity, the Inspiration of ehuracter, the motive that leads to the sacrifices, tho trials, and the triumphs of the Gospel, 11. The Comparison of l»ve Verse* 1-3. Paul puls love In the halm »• with other traits and endowments manifest in tho Christian Church. Home of ih . • an cd uit gifts have passed away, but they ^ have left their modern representatives. ■ "The gift of tongues” Is continued In #do- | queues of speech; but the ablest sermon p* without love In the preacher's heart l»J^ the clatter of sound. "Prophecy" Is In sight Into spiritual truth: hut udiat 1* that without love of souls? "FaJth that moves mountains” has Its counterpart In' seal ami activity In behalf of a cause (for example, the determination of a Co lumbus, seeking a new world; < f (\ W. Field, In laying the Atlantic cable); hut of what avail are obstacles overco without love? There muy be liberal giv ing, or even endurance of persecution, but ( unless they are for the sake of Christ, und from love, they count but little for j his cause. HI. The Results of Love. What will follow If love he In the heart is shown A in verses 4-7. 1. Patience. 2. Gentleness. V 3 Contentment. 4 Humility. f>. Courtesy. ™ 6. 1'nselftshnesH. 7. Self-control. X Char itableness in Judgment. 0. Liberality of opinion. 10. Trustfulness. 11. Hopeful ness. Let the teacher briefly show how love In the heart will inspire all these cnargcxermuca. IV'. The Greatness of Love. Verses fc-13. I 1. It !s the enduring grace; other gift* I may pass away, as some of these have, 1 passed from the Church, hut love abides.* ^ i. It is the consummate grace; It belong* i to the highest type of Christian experi ence. Our knowledge Is limited and our | Insight into truth Is incomplete; but, lov# may be entire. 3. It is th»- divine grace, I belonging to heaven as well as to earth. ( Other gifts may cease when we put off the body, but love shall not be supersed ed even in heaven. I HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Tea. coffee and spices should be kept ] in tightly closed tin or glass Jars if the flavor ts to be properly retained. fl|| A good hair tonic Is made by mixIng'^H one pint of bay rum, one dram of qui nine and one ounce of glycerine. 1 A crib, with hair mattress and hair 1 pillow, are far better for ■* baby than J a eradle with feather bed and pilUn*; 1 Bread may be made In French style J by shaping It In long, (lender louvea 1 and baking until there Is a thick i ruat. ] It is Mid that If hors-radish is ap- " plied to the temples when one is suffer ing with a neuralgia headache It will give relief All water that ts to be used for drinking purposes should t* boiled and cooled by being placed beside th* Ice, Instead of putting lc# Into the water. | Try soaking your lamp wi.ka in vinegar for a few bcur. n.r ,h put into the lamp they w,:> . ter and clearer l*«kt Th. wi, k must l c thoroughly died after it ha u..n »»*»ed w hen planting y„ur ( , (| 1' h •' *> *- . . them Then, a. th. .. ••nl. may fc. throw„ ,, ««■.. ... * N#ll ^ k - n K f ■ * . .