Northwestern COUNTY NK AT. r k. iiuimriioTKR. Editor end Publisher. i- 1 ■ -— SO per Veer, II Psitf in Advenes City PoetomI Iasi tear wheal aud silver went head iu hand, how it it that wheat ha* go"1- “i* ■“**• •deer has gone (ttjwi,' I.a. year at this tune wheat . u this year tl la worth at the jut willing :ts and a tract •hi t. tw tty advance and Inal * this «• *1 It has gone dowu to and a fourth la other word, l Is ten V. 1.1. I wet and wheat .» ail a hall V. Ills login t Arcadia Milling Co. vs. Irrigation Company Kditor Hay, of the Arcadia Cham pion seems to have a suspicion that bis fellow townsman, J. <3. Sehaiipp is in cahoots with the Sherman Coun ty Irrigation, Waterpower and Im provement Company regarding the present altercation between that company and the milling company ut Arcadia. Champion might just as well disabuse Itself of that idea now us to be forced to do so later on. If as Mr. Day says, “a good laugh is worth a pound of physic,” then in this case it will follow that the people of Loup City will have an excellent remedy for constipation as it is also a true saying that “those who laugh last laughs best,” and just ut present Him laugh seems to be turned upon Champion who seeks to defend a corporation which is ill disposed to run its plant by serving an injunction and practically sponging its waterpower; or, m oth er words, it is trying to do business ut the expense of others, But they will find that before they are done wiiii u iiiui me .merman i/ouniy Irrigation, Waterpower and Im provement Company has some rights which they are hound to re spect. Now to get to the point we will simply state that the said milling company has been tampering with the hcadgntc and sand sluice of the suid irrigation company. Neither this sand sluice or heudhute is locat ed on the milling company's ground, yet they have seen lit to close them by injunction and turn the water in to the mill race without even enter ing iuto a contract with the irriga tion company for the use of the water. If we have been correctly in formed neither the mortgage un der which the milling property was sold nor the Sheriffs notice contain ed any of the property upon which this sand sluice or head gate is loot ed and then, too, the irrigation com pany has a deed for right-of-way to the ruce from the river icd to the outflow fifteen miles below. As stated in Secretary Melior's letter, Mr. Schaupp entered iuto a contract with the ditch company while he operated the mill plant, and thereby honorably secured the waterpower for milling purposes; but the present management of the Arcadia miils have never applied to the ditcti company for water priv legos, although they have heeti given to understand that satisfactory ar rangements could be made. Under their injunction the milling company is claiming the ditch property from the river down to the mill, but they have no such right find us slated above did uol even claim it in their foicclosure proceed ings. It looks as though the claim is simply made at this time for the purpose of heuting the irrigation company out of their right to obtain an iionesl water rent, and also to secure waterpower to run their plant without au obligation to pay ligiti timale expenses of operation. If Champion is the champion of such a cause as this It will doubt less be laughed at until its "physic" operations wilt cease to II**, Mr. l*ay further says in his letter published last Week "What I do object to, however, and protest u gainst, although the matter has not as yet been touched upon, is the at tempt to tie un the plant and dr prive Arcadia of a mill while a law suit drug* its weary length through the courts,* Now what evidence have you got, Mr Iran that an at tetttpl was made to Me up the plant? Were )•*>» not given to understand by !*ectel*t| Meiior a letter, who represents said tihermau County ItttgiaUon, vVaivipowef and lut pro* i ,drill I 'olUpttMV th «t If list Id til age meat of the Arcadia mid applied for water rent "they will he treated VouiU’oOsty and in t huetncsislitie manner?" Then again we would usk, who dragged this “weary" lawsuit into <-ourt? And could not a law suit have been averted had not said milling company fait disposed to do a square legitimate business with defendants in the above entitled cause? All of which is respectively sub mitled for your consideration and answer. In your reply, however, it might he well for you to further consult Hob Johnson and get more substantial information on tin* sub ject. We are acquainted with the gentleman and know his failing for horse laughing and “pbislc" non (dies. It is Bobs way of throwing light on dark spirts. I’robe him deeper, Mr. Day, and if possible get the clean kearnels of truth. Bob ain't morally bad, but when he shuts one eye and employes attorney AhhclL to close Hie other, it is hard for one to comprehend the true meaning of his expressions, more especially if lie feeds his anxious inquirers double doses of the above compound. Qive Bob to understand that you don't need any more of his “physic" but want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing hut Hie truth. KJitor Day, of the Arcadia Cam pion Ijuh been taking double dost'* of Boll Johnson's compound for con sultation. He pronounces the rern edy first class and professes to talk from experience. Burning, itching skin diseases instant ly releivud by DeWitt’s Witch Iiazel Halve, unequalled for cuts, bruises burns, It heals without leaving a sear. Oden da til Bros, rp INKS, 1 • Pitot or EXPRESS A"'< GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kxprm or Khuklit ordeiM promptly xUumlwl to rp 8. NIGHTIV3ALE, LAWYER. Does a General Law and Collection Business A Notary Public, Stenographer anti Typewriter In Olltce. ONI. O.Olt NOUTII OK FIRST HANK. LOOP CITf, . • I EBB All A. yy fjhiiek, flttnrnEU-at-Law, AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS Oltloe In Nobtiiwkstbbs ouutilng LOUP CITY, - • KHHASKA HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 “ Infants’ ^'^asm. No. 4 " Dim i No. 7 “ Cou': No. 8 Cures Noi.. No. 0 “ He*. No. 10 “ Dyi No. 11 “ D.! . 7a. No. 12 " Leu No. 1 3 Cures Cr< No. 14 “ Skin No. 13 “ Rheu No. 10 " Malui No. 10 " Caton No. 20 Cures Whooi No. 21 " Asthnu ! No. £4 “ Genera I No, £0 •* Sea-Sick No, £7 " Kidney l' | No. 28 Cure* Nervous D No, 00 M Urinary l No. 02 “ Heart Di No. 04 M Sore T»ir... No. 77 “ Cold* and t 0*. lit Ml-Hkll. II Hlv. *HI' J* Uf liMlMM U||M|I I tll. —n*tl I,-,*»!•« .4 I Si lk« * 1,1 Ihifal t>» -l(-««I.U >■» M».i fsiskl SI*.' I. ,-.i|S , I .**.# a .-•«!. u *!•< kjs afw |! ill t)|r M*|f ll'Mi.| i **|» lw vMw 1 -*»(•**.}. 111 tolttattt* >* , 1^1 HUMPHR E Y 8~ WIT0H HAZEL OIL TNC MU OiNTMtNT." (WHS* liw^«lMMl. uw4.#m»,ssei is>sa»% «vrafjtM #»>.. *■«# *i *s* saMia. TH UISI m i«m—nlkt. tisa *%*- mhf *#*»•• raiua m c»*. Tltatii 4A.UOS •i. 4 ii ,***»♦. *a #**« v •*« * ♦♦*■*'*• *4 »-«% •**%*. »M* M« **• Mil ^Mothers! fPfll discom I forts and dangers of child-birth can bo slm -at en tirely Avoided., WineofCardui* nllires ex pectant moth ers. It gives tonsto the gen itslorgsns.and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nsney less painful, shortens 1 abor nnd b asten s recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman hear strong healthy children. Wii»* lias also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for !'ears. Afow doses often brings oy to loving hearts that long for » darling baby. Ko woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. 11 cures nine cases out of ten. A11 druggists sell Wine of Cardui. fl.oo per bottle. For advice In cases requiring special directions, sddre.ns, riving symptoms, the Ladlea' Advisory Department, The Chnttan&oya Medicine Co., Chatts noor*. Tenn, Mrs. LOUISA HALE, of Jefferson, Ga., says: “When I first look Wins of Ctrdof we bad been married (fares years, but could not faava any chlldrsn. Hina moulds later 1 had a fins girl baby." No ONE PIES No one dlas of Pul inonary disease, the rssult of cold, who takes “77"!n tints. Tor sals by all drug gists. 25 rents. I). 0 DO*. A. P. OULLKY, Vice-President. Oaahiar. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business TransaoM. Capital Stock, $60 ,000. Loan* on Improved far me at It DIB par oaot. Bat Damp any aad kal IMP to bo UAhlkieat. / OOBBWFOnravni:—Chemical HaHoaal Bank (lew York CHj, B. ¥4 tMll **lioaal Rasa Omaha. Hehneek* W J. KISIFEFt, OEO. E. BENHCHOTEH, Attorney end Notary Public. Publisher lunnftJnt Noutiiwksi-icuu FISHER & BENSCHOTER, ntCyit, KST'HTK rfGKJVTS. F,OUP CITY. • • NKFiFtAHKA. Town Lot*, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale PREMIUM LIST FOR T|ie sevejsTfi ajm^ual faif^ -OF THE TO BE HELD AT LOUP CITY, NEB., SEPTEMBER 13, 14 AMD 16, 1897. EX III III TOItM. Ail stock will lie shown In the arena No person but the awarding committee on duty and the, officers of the Board of Association will he allowed in the arena While the exhlbi tion i going on If it be aacertalned that any exhibitor has made or caused to be made, by any fal*e statement in regard to any article or animal exhibited, or any cxhlblter attempt to intefere with the judges In tho performance of their duties by letter or otherwise, he shall tic excluded from competition. The exhlhl lion of stock will commence at the time and proceed in the order sped tied In the pro gram. Animals not ready at the proper time and place will lie ruled out of competition. No animal which has once taken first prem lorn in Its properly assigned lot and claxs. shall again comitate for any premium in the ‘.ime b»t and class, other than aweepstttkes w hen there is hut one exhibitor competing for a premium the committee may award no premium, or second, or first, as merit may warrant, but in no case shall the money award ed exceed half that stipulated in case of coin pc tit Ion. In non competitive awards the com mitten must state in detail the reason for awards. Noth Exlbitorsarc requested to study the rules carefully, as they will be rigidly cm forced and ignorance of them may l fatal to successful comdetltlon. For articles aw arded Hpeciul Frcudum order* on the donors will be Issued all of .vhich tin* .secretary will forward by mail to tin winner HATES OF ADM 18*10 *. Single admission ticket 2ft ct* Children sixteen years and under Iftcts. Sim lc admission ticket, for doulile and sing • teams 1ft eta. Saddle horse 10 eta. Special license for vehicle* carrying passe nr i in for pay w ill be grunted by the Executive < ommltlee. AU exhibitors having three or mor* hea l of har'• *. or five or more hem! of catth »hab * . entitl'd to pas* one attendant free Exit checks will be given at the gate Mill «*t i s of the gOs|H*l ill 111* active, til* i oiticers of other agricultural soil ties with te< our an fair, and will rccetwj complnu ntary pus i , by rc-itarilng theiliselves pi the . »• re tar.V Tie tmuatei' or loan of a season ticket |s n tud -i n the a so* latioa and wht douwt< I iilb* punUhed to the full extent oft ha la. Any pci r pun uua found g ilit $ ot clin ing over or under lie (mum. or getting into \ he fair /rounds iu any other wuv i handy con. i lyin ' with the association will b» chary. i * i mi bio tiie regular rate* H KUALA U IIUMllM MAT i I.ASM a IIQRSES iu\ | J H. IhH kit Supt A RraHtcrs lies! staUboi. any age £,* •»» t »u* ■ il iturw ’ i 9 ■** t U»X • - Mls'l illlO'ill Meat »lri» mg team tu harness 9 ),| 9 4* t I. VMS II CATTLE It 1 nmo Im uni *upi ( 1m** A 1 b**r* a* ••«*»#v*t r«|btt i«4 |**'dljftce any ttr«M tkat Uli ale* bleed t <»• J «*.» "»* a ti p ittxtxi*. 9 oar* >m4 add «»»r I »*» 9 «*r t )«M II >t* •« »M'f any InnmkI i » a«i 1 i'tw4 I 3 • »*** at»x bf*« d I •*» 4 tarn!** «4»| bftMl t *»* 1 t.AMS it HVVIV a Ml A IV Abaft H‘ M«t *r *»§* ; **** * * » p««»o 1*4 ta Ifct* ‘ l*s* u Oft* taftrs M|M *oft to bientftillft | 4»*M r wad ltd ! Mvmisat M ltd*.?** . It. *t Iws-ftr «ft) tt <*» ^ . m '•* awl •**» atftw f ** got !**• iba* % ail b««*dw 9 * I «**<-<*!« ufta- tilt** wftdMr alt MOMIV* uki I 1 MMAw# * Maes «#»f ktW*l I «*» *• m «**!•# ft mm* 4fti »'««*•! I to t I, ASMJi |N|| EtHA H|A A • X IIMMI Ml M-.p* A its* nwodiit of « ftaftlr omIi IWMMm For best talo of following one years sun ^cripriori to Nid/rasku Funner and for second « best talo W cents: Trio, any breed. > Heaviest trio spring chickens , Trio t urkeys Trio ducks. Trio guineas Trio geese. i 'LASH F FA liM PRODUCTS IHV, V, ,1. M. HNVOgu, Supt. Fortlie best display of ail kinds of grain. »rasses and vegitables grown on one farm. First premium #s 00, second premium #500, third urcmlumil (J0. For the best. display of fruits grown by one person, first, premium $3 <10 second premium tl 00. third premium 41 00, Supplement to Farm Product, All following entries to be the property of the Fair Associ ation after entry: Flrlt Premium for following entries one yours subscription to Nebraska Farmer, second premium ftO writs, For beet specimen of Peck of wheel (winter/, Peck of wheat (spring/. Peck of ottta, Pock of corn Peck of potatoes, Peek of rye. CLASSQ. FINK AKTANI) FANCY WORK MV. VII MlKNlCH ANNA Do/.Alilt &i ISULMC Mtll.K K Class A First premium for following euteries Mi cts. second premium H»*si specimen* of KeiiNingLOU embroidery Worsted embroidery, Luca embroidery i otton embroidery Darned net Appliiiue work Hraldfng. Kicking on linen Cotton canvas tidy Crotchet tidy. Worested tidy, Worested canvas tidy. Silk embroidery Wax flowers. Paper tlowcr* Shall work Tutting, Fan* y w*«rk by any girl under Irt pears *»f age , Peacll druwlug, Oil (minting landscape, Palutlug iu water color« Kensington painting Painting plmpie Puiml picture Uibhon work Shelf laiubrtMjui ii Wail bauiier. Taide arf Drawn work Paintim on satin or silk MlUiuar> <*Uiblt (Viipm paintlay Fancy «m«i1 sawing ►• fa pillow. pllk piu OOililHI Worsie»i pm i u«hlan Toilet wt Lamp mat Pillow sham Sheet «ham CLANK II UAIMY BANTUV CPLLt MANY MY. V111 Mi'sn* lt»«ui M Cius.ei A llama IIxv Ml M»l HopU Fifst pr* tamm for following nun>•* K n* «xH««ad pr«mixMM A/ ike spr* ttoens of Apple H »4jf t an* III tally Bluan jail* t Jtupw Jail) sill VV aU-flgt i«*4* p#e «* f %vm straw berry prcMo %«-• Apple (KiU'fV** pc* *>« * * > • t MStaMphet f * p| *•«««%«« 1 tt« (MHiMM* MlwV lUowu t o sad L'itt < «A» t osoAnuttake Jvliji «<«*• wmi* *ahv **!« ■*'>** * aAA f ‘mat*** .*!• #► Mkia t*t' i o)ikh voga *«•!» Ml MU. Pv»N1 Mai F D • hand*and und«r on* worth mite heat* tost x In I; I lo «at*r 3 tu itart Wtuttrst H to hu »i4 »u.l W to third A teUl iS pounds to low iln» min KCNNINU It At fr. Half mite heart, * to «a >**■ 3 to Start UP to dual lid- tu second md %b u> third THIRD DAY, HOlTikd M it A U«n half mt> teik I I to *«t» r and I to aiAft BB* to Brat Hutu msmhI b|4 M, to third Mi NMMti HA M • t*a« hall mite hear, mat i m I * to otu i and 3 tu n«rt mn to «r*i IW to second and B to third Nuf® tnr*min*'v tee tea per vent uf pars, a each *a«« to tie paid ah*u entry t* made Bnirte* ter «a#h pur** tuuat he new wn w Imp* Wv n w **-to a p m day » Mjaief nut tited to■<.»** Ut«t time wilt m anauited amt mi hi m aei «* i-todvd to tipi im«um * iaiment* '»'*’* fllflfw than tote premium atil he awarded >• • taat tektlA* the KM Tike a**wet rli a *»•■**-Mae tha righto w any led ms »* -•■** uf ha-1 acath#4 *ute-#ku >• *»*a u-oh* and A marten* 4 s4tey tlft* to ttW to to* la* >#4#'* tt new the maniJVto M Inti m« Wot eu4B***#t |w tet k ape-aa# - . talma lo# t*t«»r and flaw ►hail to vad to lull a«4 aii «fh»t #«a-'m* pro ala At» uteoth* aaai«*■** tte *aivtt aut yea wn»a*l -a ni g* toe Ante d ahhwal mti s* shaM to fatteitad ill premium* mil an Mead tot Wept* auto f Btt