THE NORTH WKSlHiN •>« B. MMTNOTU ^ UK7 CJTT. -p HCBRASKto NEBRASKA NEWS. K prrparttitr ft* a K»rrr*t jtoawo Aafa»t 5* uv tkat a " B1 *"* to »t l^w»\ karri ,\«*u * fair tto* .war wilt to toW tofA. It, l> amt I a. RtfiKtM OH to • <4 »M»rr» t* to St, iwftavta. H,v4an .4 tow rwaat.t will tol Ik r aaaaal («*.■,■ Vur j*. A aamtor >4 pnvW tow to tto torttotay <4 itotr tow* Uf SV E»A,* V.vw »lti> ilwktitf Xat war twnrrwM*. toil fr-wa tto Mark amt ran a (OiftiftvA utut \knmf* ta» arm. .A ‘itjrfr * eat tor t*f »V.»f «wt rt ,-ai*yaa«* -4 Ik V K. rfcarvk wilt to tokl «w tto mr« rww>|> f*xwi*,4» a «a\'-r ami walk wt Jtartwtk \*tf t tM *v Paat KaaV. a m»# *a lit arat JV-*.»»to»a arv-iAeatallt *toA k.gawit a mV a rJk amt » *» .«A4^><«4 to kata to* arm ampatatol , A tat «i »4V www «*«*<• * a* k v iW, to rntet.v )•.'. ix **i k» « tofcT.x tot .w.i tor tto ton* vtox ox nr TtotraHr-Aras **r*ju f».r .4 Ok Ha nntti «f',xur*r»; a.*- *3,y. to to too *1 xisxuti itjttkA • . '. fftMxrto toaAaadix unw toatOiayf*. Atom 9Z1 .* raoA a*4 tisutrwat mb*. I Wtjr-i** axa artxmxiA t'aoto yeiw* ton* tor*. «frswl to tto tons **>i Mxa'Otd to-»t mrvxr&k *3 tarfrt yexfc*x.vv ■« tto jive-****# rxtx.'.* f~ **Ai aa >Of»rra* <• «%. Ofnayn-ar* « <*r. Caii *. a. fsksay y.. *- >•-*» of W:< rat.t. br partMMtl .-4 tototoi:*. ra.«3tti ixuSa to £r.b ai»£ ?«*.-*** *rA artoa. Ttoa. T-k*i. a r;n.ty fane? if •a* ton toirtk rtf Je&jtntoNn*. ex-3 * t* as. totraiknet »tiA v. .* a toexr v icut v ox af* fr.-nt n. Ftoterr..* ..4 t* tac* tor '•lUt-.S ■fcrrv * • Vt— -A «' •'•*•*.» S* »» xafcta. to ke-ssni t -3_t Ji# trxto. Tisek i»* tev-x itar-stf fcrnaie . .3'_.< <-x r man atotar. tt<.er ix tto d.sf hl Ttoea atteta-t ton** $**-. if tui *.**• iaa n atosrii'kaati ■* nr • v-; totd 4wt- k-T-** t**v tote* Jfc*to. Tto at.'tcrj* :* I ~<*rsj* tto after c * V- «■. <4 «iman* tmin. mt* Jif * .tau**- 4 #*. <—t. .kbit a » l&snur' • » til '.it MI **•* *•«!.• ta.i •» *a! .& sastl Ta*e «tti« 4«c T« »t£. j* jtue dartatf *.3w i ton»crt«-.t« la., tit iiatml »: L<«l«i L > tf.nkdl—I a tlx kittr S'* tlx ton Tib... Mlub. ixavt* fcCtC XA I I ilUt— jaTu* •«tL t.4ir> tat »« . tat Tt >.t . »'atwt—> a -tit..;*»«.•!* t. »*>r» n't. n* lb. *»» $ **£. ¥f kin •VHMl rte •**»■ —.a ;l “ •. *4»* wtli » Mtfer ft€ \&* '*r*Z Mlf feMTMva***. !V Mr-wftf* krfttof'W't II lh» S*» » i ii:l » ft •'VnMr 4 $•* ♦?«« u*m*. mu utMfi f«ir Vtanti TlfVUM *y » 4 kfj It •* a r 14- 1 '♦ v Ms-.*** %*■-«%,% .4 lfct-TO* t*. ♦ 4*» I* -t4 Uf^d ; M» &4h£ « faw « v '•.4 i*** *•«* 114 W*| iu*k «iM * •*..** 4* ilk ftvut %mA Ik £4 ftacC Ul 44k vim aft *s|*i j*n ■■* i n**' tmwftr, 4 4fti»Sfti £b. HkiftiftV1* MKf't %iHi i4»*~ *4 IlMftX^lik V* *-k*m**-ft «4MI % MR. it «iM ^VRMlC %|ym lb t’l ft* it * 14 ft***, «#***. «ft** » % **»**«' 4 vrtk 4 Ud d *r— tta— «#•-■ in—1 * %* »— HftacMM HR #•«•';•*■# 544 4 k V ^ r *4 '^ImR I*-*. .-, ».»•.'• . 4 M%ftl mr * 4 . • * I i -CM’ ■' -I %«*• -' »* * Mikw illN* MMMV%V ftftpv •tlw^skf-^ MN|0 lad * , ftRr **„ . taw* ftUftp i ■■-«■' ; J $*ar Iffrt- ■'fffffn « * * i ** * " ft*# ft * ft ' THK CIVIL SKRYICE. THE PRESIDENT MOilS SOME CHANGES. — X* (••»<•!• fnep M IlltllW »4 at EM** IN »e*«*e.i (Nil lUit Eult Xetie* «»w kmiw office* wlthont regard taiaahrr Hitherto the r'.avnlflca t .« embraced o'Tice* where the Hamper of employe* «» five or ■am Thi* order hrmp int* the < a*,* fed Kcrvvce *:vty five hitherto aaelaawded cu»tom» offieea The president ha* ai*o amended rule IV. mahiep eireption* to examination* *e a* u» read ' VmUvu bonne *ervicw —i "n* caahter in each cu»tom» diatrict, ewe principal deputy miierMr at each ankpet or *tat.o» "Internal rreenne tmwe—Oae em ployee to each internal reccane J» tnrt. who Khali act a* ca»hier or chief deputy or aeaialaaI ml’aflw. aa may he J< u.'a **t by the Trea*»ry de partment; owe depute collector is each tuseraai re venae a the rcrloat bmi# nrrror tti ia the lateraal r»r»» sx *mm tksii be nk)wt to u «naiMt.a to t* pmrr.lei by the herrexary of do Treasury. to he ap yevra-4 by the ooiasuot e.t;»i to j the eiam-eatao® be..! by the o. *t« * •0.1a te peact;4 viac* be has been at the Wa4 of the treaearr department Be 1* aim prenarmp to po into the master eery thoroephly, aai anil esm ex.i free.y or.ta mhos* hi■ arid be of rala* STARVATION WAGES it do hem Im* Out Mtkon to C* m Sorts* atjwi tv ■MB. Ja'.y S&—LomI aaiew $s ! of do Ci:l*i Iirrthf rhooi of Qumlkmakefa met lass a-phs to h« set* armspeaaenla 5 - txe hip strike jf u* iefu-utot Mtofxed for ivpais IV hr.jrl. A peraoai mere ia U"x of -.ho orterta r .at of us* ;; do a.cahm*«er> .a ta -s < sy. An lastajsoo .< starratloa mapes shat ar* ra.i by the nui hnamv Jacob *-e»nua stated shat tee s ist u-w sous .* tea employ of a lehi-rp bra he mas rest3a*r*led arath K 11 s ma*% safes Is • rivaeoi that t*e •perater* a he mere former.y pan 5 seats W yarketa ac<» p*t > mu. ia. operators ca napes are pad T tnlt ahJd saey former./ pcA i tjmmri* l«t % ara a tu Fuvatn !•:» t* -TV '.atwat near !m X tw> m •! tV 1-KWn •< t rw a«ww :«••* a*« a a n a » a * n i te awf^NM vial tv* 4 awaa 1 a a >• M *wit iw-.m Mar atn it* ir^ • aa tv* *c* 11* a* at tv* twwa *1 tv* •a* vvat va4 tw J ttw trrt-c a a JK- ■ *** *a«awVa fr*a VaawiiaHiit tt*' d ‘ne t - g 'm tww*l faaaa ttw** Vetiflww - aa a a wwar 1 w v*v »v*if tvat ati la Wgj * %a aaat tow I a V Ww Ml * tarn ■ 1 a»a*ww w 1 V *waa liirwi) V t- i* * fa If f% jW W ) •**> a * mi rVw V- w | c C* air c Vv- ' * w w»w % m a wtcat * **•»- • ^ vu «■ <» ** *-«ww fa- a* » aaaa -v V* * t *. Ml4 a -a ’* a* awe' a/■ t*aw w I >t«i aaut a* tv* mVaaat -".wi- *4 Mw a- **■' IP - -» 4> * l ''-4tt* Is- •■> ■ # «*.- *?** %*** #> ' 1 * M.* ** iM**' ft * '**4** fw * • 4 S* ** 4i *■•■ | Jr 4 1 * *■• ■■* i ? » iv 1 v ■ #4* 41 4ttto* b- -*•*-♦* - %0h «•* «»tw#v 4 * ♦ **•'* !«P#^Vi # I##* «r- «|Jt« '* »* •*# 4MM" -P4 *' JT"* **»« '"** | 4*4 -.> *W % m * 4b THE COLD SEEKERS. toslktr M»|alrr4 fer tlplotrrs Onn'too, III. July M-ln the Cion dyke gold Held's parly organised by j Cavk *' Set, which w III lea re here on a . special tra n. will Wat least two Chi vago women Mrs \\ illiain Chase, wife »»f the manager of the expedition, who will accompany her husband, and Mrs. Catherine V Komney. who will go be cause of her desire to secure a fortune. »'th»r women who are soon to leaee for Alaska are Miss Pauline Kellogg of Meet Congress street and Mrs C. " Romney of \tm.l»ws.n..« gc-reramcat is be send e ghty-five additional moacted pokaae to the Kiondyke. there being sweaty five there now The men will •vsvv from Victor* on a Pa' -6c Coast >team»n.p company bant in a few lays They wu.l go in from Dye*, 1-ght, getting [««ra;ti after tney get .a APPOINTMENTS ■ f liSu r, Fum «.»•«* • Nsraher mi far Altsks Wusnsmt duly »—The Presi dent an* made the sppnt meats In**. »* ney of <%w tea *s at Cock, Ireland. Tnamaa File hie 1 ed New \U Wrt It Pray *f In svrseyor gea r's ! ta« I’ .tr et _.f A s..s d'-hn W Dndiey «f W ana agton L C 'eg .< •’ vf Uw .**< ftt ft.I* A u<% A*■*.. #<**■■*.» of • »*ev» •***.»*• .,4 (* •.* *»'*«»• »t* AiftMft Aft. 4fft« i tft.ft.-fta. of <*ft* 1*4 ftft .*• (Itfrt ft .!v.-. tftvftft# A wa t ft to4 ►•**• 4 »tr.*t ;ft4g« l» t • ft to!.** tf •># 1 toft, fttoooftfti tut 1 to tftftrot of ftoft »-ft *<«** OatoM « mOm »«»ift f rtt Uftft #*i* to I* t.'ftft oft ft tft tftft tfttofttf **AtA joftPft toftfttftft.ft. 4h*»*»t-oto * -ft * MftftMto Aft*. * «■* ft* ft#A»* ft*** i »* ■“*«■ • ■•to TW •.•to* « * toft-1* ft • ftftftft* -‘ft..*4* - ft*, t ftftft t\ t TTl.HCitH PLACED -. •** town* %> «*•* A ft> * "to* to ♦# Mftjto JMAfft I* A. Aft »**# to W *' -**ftft Ato ft* to*-*.. Aft A to ‘-•ft fto '.to •-* **•• 4 ft ft lift* -ft *'* ft* (to A. ■•*** to *4 toft ft* tto 4 -*•**%-»# ft# toMMHr l> tofttoA*« < * •ft * ft* to I - ft*4 ft itotor to A A-1*ft Aft to*.* to 't* «ft*mto ft* 10 •« (ft#* (to »*> • rftto I NEBRASKA HARVESTS SUNK TO GIVE THE STATE A CHEAT BOOM Ka-ssnslnr MumUrtmi *•»• lk*l Vmh list* Arrived — Kerevsry rn>n I he Itepreulnn of Iflll Nearly « omplrie — Properly Valun Adianrlng. •land I p for Nebraska. The Brooklyn Kaglc of a recent date gives N'eb.-aska a great advertisement in an interview with lien t'harle* K. Mamlerson. who is making a brief slay in Brooklyn a* the guest of Mr*. Camden C. Hike. 11>4 Columbia heights. An Kugle reporter called upon the genera) and asked him to talk concern ing business conditions in the far west. Cen Mamlerson said: The period of finaneial depression and commercial disasters Is fust pass ing away in the western states. e*|ic c ally so in the great agricultural section comprising the states of Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska. Missouri and the two Ihikotas. The great commercial crisis of 1*01 w ith its deplorable finan cial condition* w a* felt more severely in the west than in the east, and it* disasters were emphasised by the crop failure of tlie years of 1S1M and l*l*.V The small amount produced in those years w as marketed at ruinously low prices and the debtor classes whose debts were maturing suffered severely. The year gf ls'.ai was one of compar ative agricultural plenty, and although prices ranged low the great crops of that year brought money into the hands of the producer* and g«s*l effect lias been show n in restored confidence, improved business and liquidation of indebtedness. What g<»*l crops mean will Ik- apparent from the statement that in IfWt the crop of corn in Ne braska alone was over .100.01*1,01*1 bushels, worth in the market when sold as a product, or transmuted by feeding into cattle, hogs and sheep, about |.000,000 to970.OOP.OOP. i believe it is a safe an.I conservative estimate to say that the agricultural products of Nebraska alone in the year l**.*fi were worth El7i.0PP.0ttP. or considerably over #10P per capita. 1 read a report paid off between g.WOOO.Oitt and fjn, 000.(0(1 of its mortgage indebtedness I do not think this an exaggeration I do not think the crop of 1SV7 will be less than last year. Indeed, the prospect is that it w ill be much larger The small grains are being harvested and can be deemed secure The acre age i* very large and the yield abund ant. The corn never looked better in any July in my thirty years in the west, and all the signs of the times are favorable and evidence that prosperity has returned to bless us. It has come, and will, I believe, remain from natu ral causes, and not as the result of po litical and legislative action (•>»*! Ians are undoubtedly lenefieial an l bad ones injurious, but substantial prosperity cannot be enacted by law. Value cannot be legislated, but mu*t be produced, and the west is producing value by the best possible methods— the cultivation of the soil under favor able climatic condition*. Are the western cities and railroads showing evidences of improvement * Decidedly ao. The commercial j banks are* in better condition than at any time since 1*Ileal estate is firmer in the town*, more building in targe cities like St. Paul. Minneapolis. Kansas City and Omaha than at any rime during the last four years, and both wholesale and retail dealer* are reporting improves! trade. The com mercial traveler is again largely in ev idence. His occupation seemed to be gone in l*#t-W. for hi* employer had called him “off the road." The move ment of the great crop* has given business to the railroads, which mean* the active use of idle cars and the em ployment of idle men. The increased value of stocks has the substantia! ba sis of increased earning*. If the bears of the stock market firing down the figure* it will be from some baseless war scare or some sensational canard. Chsrgfei H<*«# Another FUcp. Washington dispatch: The presi dent has nominated Church Howe to br c-msul at Palermo. Sicily. and L. W. fssbome of Bla.r to be consul at Apia. Howe took the consular examination 'Saturday and passed satisfactorily to the state department. The position pays less than is desirable on account of ita close proximity to European capitals. Osborne has tele graphed Thurston hi* acceptance of the appointment Howe today sent hi» r»-* of the Samoan mission The transfer of Church Howe from Sam* to the Palermo consulate w as doe to the fact that the president had intimated to senator Thurston that the Panama r. -nsulgeneralship had tarn jr-ven to V-rth taro..n» Thura* ton .st.siktrd that for a number of year* the Panama tvom Me ha-i lem card le-l to Se».r»*ka and hr had hoard u> tend another Net.rn»*a man to that <*® transfer H »» fr<*a» the ■»* naniai»-. -a t.. an.-h the peer teal KHterri H«HI4M# W #*-!>*»4ift#ul#h vni>»r T4«P%* Um IfttmKlIilMl l»4 U4 P%mtr4 ft f • -ft* tl4# f'.* *r4abr*t 14# » f M %** #P#rl b# 4 4f f-# t|fe* 1 •* 4e | |a M t »* 4»* Mr M l l« «•**•*-* NM H«P*F | * 'iUftffwft* 44#*#t**r«*PiH Till# Idntt *1 #4 *r**w4 til i* 1# *»***-- lb* fu«#«.nfc4#M»l io *f##t r-.upfWh ** • ** u 4*4 *4# tMNfcl *4 >«w i»#n* <#»*•<■# ft« «m t »♦* f J# J ##fA *£ tit# ’ ##,*. H# Pfi 4 %Jb* ft*-*#?* #■*#4 *' «*■ s>#f# Mm# 4*Y 4 f#*** 4feft.4 4 ft#* 4 t .#*#-.44 ^*w4» t% y 14# # %■% 44%*% |#M’tVMH*4 4- *•«*''•« ♦ttk, i||# f *•-»* ft, -* «4 V#- *#%#*# %fW ♦ te ' * t * - .n«# I# eft 4t $“% 4 |W> #4 #4- ’-; «#»--■! ^#|W fi t*».* >* ■•■ *#-441 mp 4 4 t*M «#4 t#f * ^*>■4 .-«* 4^1 • t 4 : i: Ua». JP#i#4s MUM# f ** Ml rdtfHIti *4 it** pi » r £## -4 ft »* # 11# ft I tb'Hir|#|r -.#t Um #t44 #41 <4 4#f U-** 4##: **i t ip| ».::*#* 4MHRM! ii >"*# m# »* 4 4*«-%■ STATE FAIR RATES. tin* l«r* For Hnnnil Trl|* From '*•' brush* t-ulsi*. The railis-ad* are going to assist In making the coming state full of Ne braska the most successful that tins rver been held, say* the Omaha Ik-e. rbls policy of coo|*.ration with the membrra of the State hair Hoard of Managers upon the part of the rail roads was determined at n meeting of the passenger representative* of all Nebraska railroad*, held at the head mmrtcr* of the Klkhorn railroad Mon day afternoon. While the rates that shall prevail du ring the fair w ere not definitely agreed U|*n of admission to tin state fair. which will Ik- attached to all such railroad ticket* sold at these cates, will Ik- in effect .m all railroads entering Omaha from all point-* in Ne braska and from all point* in Iowa * lthin one hundred mile* of this city, during the state fair. Thl* wa* tin eon sensna of opinion among the gene ral pueseiiger agent* at their meeting und tile rate will undoubtedly Ik- duly announced after the conference with the state fair managers. In addttlou to granting one fare rale* the railroads will pul up a blank et rate for the round trip for all Ne braska point* to tin- stats- fuir amt re turn. The effect of this blanket rate w ill Ik- to limit the price of all railroad tickets to the stale fair from Nebraska |*iiul* to 8»'-. pin* the Mi cent* addition al for admission to tin- grounds. Tor instance, there an- many remote |*>int* In the western part of the state from which the fair would otherwise Ik- 81* or 81.'. hut the blanket rate will estab lish six dollars a* the maximum rate for the round trip. During tin- state fair week* of I9VA and 1*1*1 tin rail roads of the state ha-1 111 effect a blank et rate of five dollars. A prominent rai’.risailer said yesterday that the rail roads agreed on the live dollars Ik cause then the people throughout the atm*.. u-oMi a. II fV..rt t it* /r. ittt f ho of utore or lew complete crop failure* ami were almost unable to patronize the state fair at any price. This year with great Improvement in agricul tural and other conditions throughout the state, it ia believed thut six dollars as the maximum for the round trip for ail Nebraska points is a fair con cession to the state fair. Claim* AI)o««>4 %>br«»k* Merchant*. Washington dispatch: Luring hi* la*t term in congrcw* Mr. Meiklrjolm secured an appropriation of IIO.ikk* to pay the merchant* in the vicinity of the Genoa Indian school for supplies furnished for tile use of the sell*si! in 1*>T i**s and ls-'i. Today Mciklejohti received a letter from Secretary Hliss in which the latter replied to several verbal communication* made to him by Mciklejohti in regard to the matter. Itliss says that under the act of June «. !s:*r». the following claims have been allowed: Wtn. I, Ames. 8:70; J. If. Haber. 817; If. I,. McKuvdeii A Co.. (Ml; Fairchild it Co.. 847; Oslwirnc Itro*.. 8*'.*6; Facifie LumWr Co. 8*12: A. speer A Co. #r.«o; Gideon Wheeler A Co.. 8264: Andrew Netzeii. 82s;1. Ilop# to Avoid m ll#r#lv#r. No statement ha* yet Wen made public as to the liabilities and asset* of the Nebraska National bank of York, which failed July 13. A petition has Wen formulated and is Dow Wing circulated among the depositor* for their signatures, in which they arc to agree to accept in full payment of the amount due them certificate* of*deposit of the City National hank of York, in the usual form, said certificates to W paid in six. twelve.eighteen and twen ty-four months at 4 per cent, interest from date of transfer This is proba bly the manner in which the matter will W settled, as the creditors do not vv ant the affairs to pass into the hands of a receiver. Nebraskans ricked by Rod. The standing committees announced by Sja-aker Keed have the names of five Nebraska congressmen. Mercer getting the chairmanship of the com mittee on public buildings and ground*. Congressman strode gets a place on the poatoffice and post roads v mmittee. and stark -m militia. Green on immigration and naturalization and Maxwell on coinage, weighu and measure*. Graveyard statistic*. Charles A. Speice, secretary of the | Columbus cemetery association, in a resent report gives tome interesting information in regard to that .ustitu tioo: The association was formed thir '.y-three years ago and the burial of 1-weph McFadden. in November. 1 *64. was the first in the new cemetery. The cemetery n**» contains V>7>. grave* i —nearly 9*»t of the nui.iU r Wing in ! the potter * field. ktkrwtt tilrl Iim( 1 k*ta» N»» York rti»pat<-h M*r.r **l«>rrnir or v nr .n fr»m irdar Salt i »(h' ha* f*-*n cuABllrtl in thr n»0i»r 0 of tWi'.eviM- h.atpta, h*» Iren •I*'- arv«t in««n« kaha> -am* u> Nr* V*rk h- pinf la. fla.| n pint* »n ih* tap rr»Ur %'mgr hut »n il>vtppaa.ula-at • Hrr m-nkir* ut>b*.an< ».l h»r tatm-i an I , alif -a at 'aa< ft lo the kakautt Baal laaf tlaata Thr t uataky IVk A| omptAt of Xaantk * *n.aSa laal baaark ib.ta.1 foatr '*■*» raw* • ilk can brat u» at • na«*r«d tk«tn bilk kaanm»r» bdtrrlltu* « ttalahv aat 4lAtMhAVih v 4 6^~*A l y tii «af » i Ap urn*! ■■* a6iw46 Hi 4 J ■ iaap *Ai * 4 V* 4 ilk p1*- *•♦ t .*.-<* A | 4 4-4 AI JMM& ** *W A efc-n*4* fear ||k^ , Wi 4-»tf At 5«*t mill *»«|t P^m»AA-IA*iA%A a* % .. atil1esn Trlscraphars ttrnardnl. W'asiiinuton, July 31.—The appoint ment of Michael J. lltirkr of Chicago a* consul to St, Thomas and Tort Stanley, tint, la auid to be a recog nition by the President of the work dene hy tho tulrgrapher* and railroad 1 employes for the Republican party during the lost campaign. lltirkr waa secretary of the Federated < lul« ol Railroad Liuploycs and Telegrapher* • 'aught After Ktn* Years. Kansan Citv, Mu, July 31 -Sher man Motnbrook, a laborer who lives with hi» wife and two children at Twenty-eighth and 1’enn streets, was arrested to-day on a charge of helping to murder Fred Krause in Vernon county nine years ago, |.«in«r Untiot r*c Hul l I.amah. Mu, July 31.—The l.amat Democrat was sold yesterday for 8'*, sOO to II. C Timmonds, a prominent attorney and n strong advocate ol silver lie will share bis purchase with Ilia son-in-law,Walter \V. Meyer*, clerk of Kartoii county circuit court, Mr. NheruiAn tlurli • teller W ashinoton. July 31.- Word conies to Washington from Secretary Sher man at Amngunsctt, Long Island, that his health ha- improved very much since he arrived at that place lie will leave for Boston in a day or two and this trip will be followed by u sea voyage. __________ A flsrc for Sir McKinley's [fnrls Kan Fraxctnoo, Cal, July II —I! F. McKinley, uncle of President McKin ley, was appointed assistant postmas ter of thia city to-day by Postmaster Mon tague. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. Des Moines, July 19.—Tulmadgo K. Brown, of Des Moines, lias been granted a copyright tor a melodrama in four acts, eutitled “The Thieves' Den.” A. F. Thompson, of Adel, has la-eu allowed a design jiatent adapted to U> worn as a political badge I'atenta have been allowed, but not yet issued, as follows: To L D Hurt, of Nora Springs, for a corn cutter and shocker, adapted to be advanced in the Held to cut off stalks and gather them into a shock to be bound together. To J. W. Russell, of Newton, for an improved grain thresher and separator in which part of the novelty is a tortuous pas sage way for straw and chaff and a device for forcing air into said pas sageway at each of its turns, and guide rod* flxeo to the walls of the passageway am! curved around the corners. To L. D. and A. .1 Hart, of Nora Spring*, fora clothes pounder adapted to be attached to a tub to bo operated there n and also adapted to be adjusted relative to an adjacent tub for washing clothes therein by the ponndiog process without detaching it from the other tub 1'- I_tl_ /_ At. _ a. * — • “ • • * ’'u ■ % nrrurill|f, rattling and **Ui»g patent* rent fruo to any addre** Tbia*. G. am> J. RALrn ORWia, WoUcitora of t'atr.-ita lltK at in K AM* 1*1.MM i | MtkKtT. - 1 iJualaOnna t roui M#» York. I hira«>. *i. Laala. Omaha and Klara bar*. OMAHA 1 farther* m|» r.lnr t| *4 |* H>. Me r < t» . fa>. » .,Ui,lfr |,i ,4 (a Im '4 * '1*1*1 .tie Ivr ,|. • « ^ !!*"• M*vl1 i! Sa «■ •*» W»a :t * » I.A ff *tt* « b- Hf VrYA|f,»| t W* 4 V i W4>«' p*t ib 14 *4 i* «**»*• *.% tar Im* , | r 4k I 4* K* -%*»• k»*l ) | ii* t| I Ntefc«* tar *.» *\ 4 r<> Nm«<4k i »i»ft * irti^A % tim i, j 4 a ' i' > 4 |»*'< • | a. 4 '* 4l «'J HI iiYIIII *fi« li | IKK II *.*a . * a. .- I I * Ml* ' ** tf» M- A«| •» tfllU * UY ea * a, Kt, t *£ 5* f ~ ■ t *» t* * ft a’ V. * 4 4 # i «| » t|V «» |d h if • «’ «* Ta.’g Si V j -*4A* ^ • J ^ • '* 4' * • **” m* 4 '41 A *«* \ 4 l?’*® #% • v , , a* 4 ! # if % I 4A 4 u| ' *4^*9-PI » f 4 % d *& i:r