The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 06, 1897, Image 1

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The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TERMS 11 50 far Taar, II Paid in Advanca
■aUr«l at tba Ixiuy City I’natoKlrs for bus
ulaatos through tbs in si la sa Mouad
sisaa msitar.
If the equity term of district court
wliitdi is to be held in the county
this inonth liud been put off for n
moiltIt or so later it would enable
quite a number, no doubt to save
their homes. If they were given a
chance to market their grain in many
cases they could pay up the bask
interest and part of the principal,
in eiudi cases it would save addi
tional cost of suit and expense to
the county of holding court. We
advauuud this idea to one of our
citizens the other Jay and lie said in
reply, that In such eases I ho judge
could uh« his own judgement and
where parties were about ready to
make satisfactory settlement tbe
conti rmation of sale could be made,
if necessary at a future term. Now
it seem trom this that iliu tax-payers
ure to lie put to the expense of u term
of court in order that the ollicers in
charge may use their official power
for political prestage. livery oili
cer of Sherman county should use
their li.lluance to have tins equity
term go over. No criminal cases
are tried at equity terms. Tliu
main hulk of the business to be
transacted at tliu coming term is the
continuation of sheriff sales und the
starting of new foreclosure suits.
For heaven sakes have aiittlu mercy
on the tax payers and unfortunate
ones whose home is about to be
taken from thurn. The Times-In
dependent has been black for the
past ten weeks with the publication
of sheriff sale notices which means
that for every notice so published
that the sale of some ones home at
the hands of the sheriff will be pre
sented to his honor for confirmation.
Judge Sullivan was in the city
lust Tuesday, evidently looking to
his chances for the nomination for
another term on the bench. From
; present indications it is doubtful
whether or not the Judge will be
aide to secure the Sherman county
I delegation as some of the popnlist
ring leaders do not take kindly to
his candidacy. In fact one of our
§ county officers was heard to say that
he supposed that the Judge expected
the nomination from the populist
party und an endorsement from the
republicans, and gave us a reason
f for this remark that Sullivan was
badly tinctured with extracts from
both platforms, or words to that
k. etieet. .m»w 11 is u taut mat .'ir. ^ui
!' Jivaii, while on tin* stump proclaim
/ ed his ropuliiiuauisin and endorsed
tiie republican platform, ail ex
cept the money plank. And it is aian
a fact that while doing so these
[ same populist leaders sheered him to
the echo, and why should they desert
him now ? These populists are still
lookiug to Hovernor llok-ouili us
' they would to tiie uortlieru star to
gunk them, and yet iloleotuh Uguil
t\ of being tin*'tilled with the sums
-Compound Then, too, they should
tvuicuiber that Sullivan is au ap
Kfeoinlee of Silas Why this d'aaritu
1 nation? Thu only dttfsMnee *« »<■*•
In ltie polities of lloioomb and Sal
tivau t« that lloleoinl. perfected his
fusion deal with the democrats
t, and Sullivan i* credited wufe
having tried Ui heap faith with
tbs tepwdican party Hut a» demo
nra.y and |M.pul>stu go band in h<*ad
' ll.d.ollol. l» Upheld snl fuliltlS
■ t» vkMMMMMmi,
Tbs last lust' of lit. tlmPnr
1. ■ .*• wseh it ntll appear
pgalet a new tu* urge meat and that
Jlr fbompaoo of Itavewua will *•
gum. eon id W»> ie«ru tl %l ,t I I
Th»f«r on llolromlt.
flcneral Thayer has *«ml the follow
ing letter to the New York Demid
LINCOLN. Neb. July 24.—Kditur
of the New York Herald. New York.
—I>er Sir: 1 have not hitherto sup
posed that iu order to he a pop, it
was necessary to be a folsilier of
history. I am led to make this re
mark after having read in the Lincoln
Nebraska State Journal copied from
the Herald, a letter signed Silas A
Iloleouab, Oouvernorof Nebraska in
respose to two very proper questions
propounded by the Herald viz: Re
ferring to the state having paid .oir
a largo amount of iudebtncas in the
last six months, the Herald asks:
“Can it be assumed that the state is
experiencing a revival of prosperity?
If this be so what etf'eet will it have
on Bryan s campaign?”
One might have supposed that the
governor of a state would have
answered such questions in a spirit
of candor and faitness, even if the
truth did militate against his own
views and wishes. But not ao, he
shows he cannot rise to the level oi
truth an honor iu political matters.
lie claims that the present pop
administration have been paying oil
state indebtedness and have raised
up me state wurranis iiuuj jo pci
cent to par. This administration
has been in power only six months,
and has dons nothing to benefit the
stale securities or the state credit
The fact that the warrants have risen
to par was because of returning con
fidence among the people. The con
fidence made itself felt when William
McKinley was found to be elected
president of Mia United States. It
was the restoration of that confidence
wliieli has brought restoration of
prosperity. Holcomb and his admi
nistration had no more to do with
restoring state credit and raising
the price of warrants than Nero had
to do with the discovery of the laws
of gravitation, or Judas with advo
cating loyality to his master. It is
false claim, state warrants have al
ways stood well. There was only
this exception when they wont down
to 95 oouts last year uud that was
the result of the dread that Hryauism
might succeed in reaching the presi
Governor Holcomb should be
ashamed to assert suoh claim as he
did in Ins letter to the Herald.
There is a very decided revival of
prosperity m this state. It comes
from two causes: One is the policy
of the present national administration
the prospect of protection to Ameri
can industry. The other is that a
bountiful providence has blessed Ne
braska with an abnudance of rain
aud we now have a prospect for
crops so large that there will not be
garners enough to hold them. Thank
Hod, Nebraska is prosperous, alt
though it has beeu blighted with
the blight of populism. The passage
of the tariff bill will give utw impe
tus to every kind of industry in Ne
He says Bryan's campaign like
the spirit of John Brown in the •»»»
goe s marching ou. Yes it is mar.
siting ou down, down to its ever
lasting defeat.
When Holcomb was elected Uov
eruur be was being credited with
heiug better than bis party If
that was Hue, we might all cxulutm,
"llod help Ills party t,.*n.' The
popniist l*gl*l»lure of last winter »ur
passed all Its predecessor* la sesmes
siol plodding* and manipulations to
make the most of their |H>sat'saioit
of power I II > put upon llot sta
* tute (took *o salted laws w hish wtrl
pa*«« d both huttees, but which In
(the p- ptt st vomiulltevs cl 10 tiler
<-n< * stir musIoI Is \d s ol* of
s« l>woos ticl t|t. keif were resorted
to The goteinor Item if under
took to futt through a *t tee me for
.■-.usling In <Wo p #f mi list judges til
the supiviws ihsiI Y |>iu|sMittt'>t<
wa* sub willed to lUe lies tors Iasi
Noiemhef for the iMtlws of l*
ukliliunil fudge* of that tithnnni
\\ k*n the tote* Wetw msslol tkii
: tuition to ft oi*d ft he inwr
whcitninglv defeated. Gov. Holcomb
then undertook to engineer the pus- '
sage of a recount bill, in order to pul j
two additional populist judges, one ;
his former law partner, npon the j
bench. It indeed a rape of the 1
bench. One member of hi* own i
committee whom he hud appointed >
to recount the votes, reported a i
scheme of fraud on the ballot box i
Ile refused to take notice of it and
order uri investigation. The recount ■
went on, vote* were changed, majo
rities suppressed, returns misstated,
urn! when they reached the end, they
were dismayed when tncy found they
bud not made the frauds large enough
rbey found the amendment defeated
by a liuiivy vote.
This Is only one of the many oat
ages attempted to be committed but
I will not enlarge.
I have lived in Nebraska forty-two
years; have been its governor, and (
[ think have had the means of know
ng something of the character of its
people and 1 believe they know
whal prosperity is and they are now
n the enjoyment of it and they know
whence it comes.
Governor Holcomb will lind that
leeeption, false pretenses coupled
with nice professions, will not go
Ifitvri in tilth. wtfcl.* 't ill* Denote will
dud him out. Very respectfully
Lust week we set forth a few facts
regarding the tampering with the
bc-udgatcs <»f the irrigating ditch ,
by tlie management of thy new
milling company at Arcadia. Ed
itor Hay of the Arcadia Chmpion
took exceptions to our statements
and in bis issue of this morning pub
lishedau article in which be left the
inference that said bcadgate was tlie
property of the milling company.
The following letter by \V. II. Mel
lor, secretary of the ditch company,
has been forwarded to Mr. Day,
and is written in answer to ins pub
lication referred to:
Mr 0. L- DAY, Arcadia Neb.
Dkak Sih:
Having perused the article under
tho heading of August (i. in the
Champion and knowing that you are
desirous of giving your patrons re
liable news, in addition to standing
up for the town and immunity in
which you live, and doing that which
lies in your power to advance its in
terests, 1 desire to giro you some
facts whieii you seem to have mil
understood in your article above re
ferred to. The Sherman County
Irrigation Waterpower and Improve
ment Co. are the owners in fee of
the land on which their saud sluice
and headgates are located and do
not have to put their foot upon land
owned by Mordyku a 31 a nn ion in
order to open or close them. That
said company have had continued
and uninterrupted possession of its
riparian rights and the llowage of
the water through its canal for more
than two year* last past. That it
will neither allow *Uol>' Johnson
nor any other party the privelage of
tampering with its headgates without
tirst entering rnto au agreement or
contrast with it for such purpose,
and propose to stand on its rights
and treat all courteously and fairly
with whom it may do bnainuNS.
I also desire to call your attention
to fie# >o of tile irrigation laws of
Nebraska and assuiu you that you
will i»free with me in the premises,
that ‘ loud and long laughing" has
no edict upon the punishment there
l iu stated.
Thinking yon for championing
the cause of irrigation in the past
| and tiopiug for it* eonliauanec I am
Your a Truly
W It M«M oa
Z »
• *
I •
! C. A. SNOW* CO J
To Mary 1, Valentina: Too are hereby
lOtlfled that 1.1 he undersigned, ilul, on tlie
l day of November V |>. 1h»;. purehuse st
irlvste Tax Sale, of the treasurer of slier
nun Oounty. Nebraska, the following do
erllied land —lot. siluata III Sherman roiin
V, Nebraska, to wit. The north east quart
rot section eighteen, township thirteen,
nnge fourteen Mid that said land
it was taxed for the year INM,
a the name of Mary I. Valentine and
raa subsequently taxed for tho years lstl.V
nil 1m1s5 in thananieof Mary I-. Valentine
nil was sold lor the Taxes of i*ii» I slit, and
ou are furtnsr notified that tho time for
edamptlou from said Tax sale will expire
u the :.'l dav of Nuytnlsir, A. 1>. 1*17
luted this 1 day of July. M»V.
J S. 1-aid.klt. IMJgClIXSBg
’o UnSsel J. straight rou are hereby unti
ed that I, the undersigned, did, on the IV
ay of November A I>. isgs purchased at
irivate Tax sale,of the treasurer of shot,
min 1 minty, Nebraska the billowing desert- .
1-d land.lot enisle In Sherman Oounty, ,
.ebraska, 10-wli The norm west quarter of ,
ertluU sovou tewashlp fifteen range four
cun An,I that said land ot, was taxed for
he year |si4, in fhe name of Mussel -f.
• raight and whs subsei'ienlly tased fot
he years INI'S and l“W< In the name of ltus> l
. Straight and wus sold for tho laxes f
-glnndlHDI vnd you are farther notlfli :
nal the time of redemption from said Te
lie will exjilreon the l-Mh day of Vover
■ ated' nils . m day or J uly. in'.i?
J V I’KIIt.l U, I B' llilK
u/i'f'i. r
To Charles It. Ileimon "U liereb
otlfled tlmt I, the undersigned, ilhl i
;e Mi flay ,.f November, A D i' puroBh'
private lax sale, of the t roftyne,
an eouiity . .Nebraska. tin 1 mg de,
Ibfvl land.lot eltuate In >hc .an fount;
..ibrueka, lo-wit Kn«l half el the north
.si quui lei an t north half m the mat
at quarter anil I be eouth •» " " Al ter <
e aentli cast quarter of eecllon j, town
Ip Irange 14. and that xalil lnnd-l<>
i* taxed lor tbejmarx pan and i In tl.
ine of Charles K Benson an" a a »u
"luoullv taxed for tlio year i <1 In tli
line of John W.bong and was sold f<
.1 taxes of I“1M And you are further „<
led that the tluio for redumption from
Hid tax sale will expire on the i th dav > I
ivembcr, A l> INB7. '.ijuly lw
ited this’.til, lay of July, |s'f,
j. h. riiMt.t, I’lirehaaei
To Hie Dundee Morgage and trust fmii
....iiy ",n are hereby uotllled Ibttl. I tin
inderxlgned, did. on the 16 day of No yen
, r A, D. iwu purolianoat private Tax sab
,r the Iroaeerer of Shm-tnau t'oiinly. Neb
ska, Uie following delorlbed land—lot ell
led In Hlielumii ilouiily, gebrakka, to
,Mt: all of auction twouty*on« town
,hlp fifteen range fourteen : Anil that said
i.uil lot wax taxed for the year 18.•!, in the
me of The Dundee Morguge aad Trasi
onpany and was subsequently taxi'd fo
he yearslNUtand ItWl Inlba name of Tin
1 dtudec Morgage and Trust Company an I
» ax Bold for the Taxes of last. And you an
urtlier notified thut the lime for rediunpl
..n from said Tax Halo will expire on tin
day of November. A. In, 1897,
haled this . day of July
J. 8. rtOUK. PHHClIAggH,
ip INKS,
1 * 1'itOP or EXPRESS and
UijllAJlUJiJ • • - - -
All Iiprin or rrelfM order* promptly
Attended to
loes a General Law and Collection Business
A Notary Public, Steuouraplicr and
Typewriter in Office.
LOUP C1TT, * • nUAUi.
* AttnpnEU-at-Law,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
also do a general real
Office In NoBTiiwEtTSHEdU. din*
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland.
St. Louis, Sau Francisco,
and a!) points and all points
last and South West.
io 34. Seem , dally except Sunday
tor all points cilia
In. 1.1. Acom. dally, sxeept Sunday
for Arcadia. '■ SO p ni
Sleeping. dlannrand reclining chair cars ,
anta froel on throng 1> train* Ticket*
Old and baggage chocked to any pallet In
ho United Suites or Uaaada.
Pot information, tnuf*. time table* and
lckels call on or write to A. V. Werta
Agent. Dr J. rilANOIl. Uen’I. Passenger
Agent, Dmalia, Nebraska.
Beginning Sunday, November 17th,
rains will arrive and depart at this
nation as follows:
Leaves I.eaves
Monday, \ Tuesday, J „
Wednesday. , Thursday. *.‘m
Friday, ) *' ! Saturday )
Arrivas at I.oup City daily 0.16 p. m.1
Close connection at Drnnd Island for
til points Kasl and Wist
W. D Cl.IVTOM, Agent
To I.ores* t. Thompson. vm, are |,«reby
and Albert D. lot tel
»,tilled that I, tlie undersigned, did, on the
ilday of December A. 1> l"V-’< purchase at
prlrale las sale, of the Treasurer of Mlier
nan doniitr, Nebraska, the following de
lorlbud lend lot, situate In Sherman Coun
ly, Nebraska, to wit The south eusi quail
n of Mellon fourteen Township fifteen
tango thlrlvnn; And that said land lot was
axed fori he your IASI. In the name of llor
las I. Thompson and was subsequently
taxed for the years IHX. and is'.sl In the name
if Doreu, I. Thompson and was sold for
Ibe tuxes of 1M'.M. And you are further noli
lied that the time for redemption from said
14.. I*. . .11 a* « ..I SO .All f 111* III lluV « »f IH'.C
amber, A. !>., islo,
Dnieil Mils i# day of July, 1*7.
J, h I'kiii.kii, Purchaser.
To <>• orge E Wilson: von are hereby
notified that I, I he ■udcisigned did, on I ho
10 day of December A, D IMMI purchase at
private Tax Hale, of the Treusurer of Hhor
men County, Nebraska, the following des
cribed land-lot situate In Hhermaa County,
Nebraska, to. Wit. The north oast quarter
of seotlon seventeen, loss It. It, Township
flflcou Urh^o thirteen And that nald land
lot was taxed for the years ISM aud lsMI In
the name ol George E Wilson and wus sub
sequent! y taxed for the years ls«r> and IHW)
In the name of ooorge E Wilson and was
sold for tho luxes of I sill and I MU And you
are further notllled that tho time for re
demption from the Tax Sale will expire on
the Id day of December, A. D. IskV
Dated title l» day of July, i*7
j. h. I'KPI.KH, Purchaser.
To The Anglo American I,and Morguge
aud Agency Company : Ton are hereby no
tided that I, the undersigned, dhl, on the
11 day of November A. D. iMir, purchase at
nubile Tax Sale,of the treasurer of shor.
man County, Nebraska, tho following de
scribed Land-lot, situate In Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska. to-Wit: south half of tho
north west quarter aud the north east
quarter of the south west .piurtei and lots
one and two In section thiriy live towuehlri
sixteen range fifteen: And that, said land
lot, was taxed for the years I sill and isusin
the name of J T. Hale aud was subsequently
taxed for the year lgtM,ln the name of Angle
American band Morguge and agency Com.
naiiy and wui Mold for tho taxow of IHWI unu
1HM. And you arc fur tlier noil fled that the
Unio for redemption from mtld lax Halt
will expire on tlieg day of November A. u.
I Dated thin 7th day of July, 1H97.
No. 1 Curea Fevor.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 “ Infanta’ ’"'•“ease*.
No. 4 *• Dior;
No. 7 “ Con-.:
No. 8 Cures Nour.
No. 0 " Hoa-tii
No. 10 “ Dyi. - • .
No. 1 1 " Del. la.
No. 12 “ Lei.
No. 1 3 Curse Cr
No. 14 ’’ Skin
No; 13 " Rhou
No. 10 “ Malui
No. 10 “ Catari
No. 20 Cures Whooi • -
No. 21 “ Atthmii.
No. 2 4 “ General
No. 26 “ Ssa-Slcik..
No, 27 “ Kldnsy 1- -
No. 28 Curss Nsrvous I > • •
No. 30 " Urinary I> • -
No. 32 " Heart Dr
No. 34 “ Sore Thro.
No. 77 “ Colds and t
or Dirkarkr Mauri. Farr.
Hmiill tioHlM Ilf pl*Ri»nt prIIhU. lit th« *'
jKwki.t. Hold I if dr-iSKlRtR. iirMtil prRMld dim.
r-iflpt ..f prlcr, i* c.nU, oAonpl Non M. wid f
Hr-' iwt-li- |l it) -I/.* ..illy. Ilmiiphruyr M»d
cinR I'nmpRiiy. Ill WIIluuu Rt,, N-iw York
EPito#—Ei torn *1 nr In Urn*!, Blind cf
ills In A no; P- hlrigor lil#*»afng of tMIlMS)
relief in Iinmndtour—u»« cure certain.
I’KIOE, 60 OTS. TRiAltSlZiE.fltgH,
•old by I»ra«Klsts, or Mill post t-std on rs.elj.l «f |fU*.
ttifti*iiiiBiM*ft* ft J is wiism **..■■* VMS
No ON K Wilts No one <ll«s of Pul
monary disease, tha roault of Mid, who
take* “77”ln time, Per sale by all drug
gists. 20 csets.
For the Annual Kncampment of the
O* A H., at Buffalo, N Y. In Aug., the
UNION PACIFIC will make the great
ly reduced rate form for the rouad trip
Bo sure your ticket roada via the
'Official Grand Army route,” llulen
Pacific, Chleagosnc Northweateru, N
y. C. & St. L., (■icicle Plate) Railway ».
For time tablet and full Information
call on.
W D. CurroM Agent
We want one good man (having
horse), as permanent auperintendeBt for
Sherman connty, to attend to our bn*
iness, on salary. Must send along with
application, strong letters of recom
mendation as to heueaty, Integrity, and
ability. State occupation Address I*.
O. Box 1(132, Phils , Ps.
The Jewell Nursery Co, of Imho City,
Mian., want a responsible insu In this
vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees
and nursery stock. Oeod pay. Steady
work Write them today.
L>. C. DOE, A- **•
VI** President. 0*rti*r,
General Banking Bnstneea TnimimM
Capital Stock, H® »®^
Loan* on Improved (arm* at HIM par Mi ®*rt Otmpanr aad tart tart,
tata tadtattatart.
OoujmvoBDn**:—Ch«mieai Nrtortl data. Wow Ywk tap. I. H tartdd
: — — -- .. JLlRlgSg-?
HMlIhl K K Ut.AMT.Ht HN .
Ilvail burn from axoaaalva •Broking
or from any n|k*( oaua*. n!i*ird by
tli« rtrat diiw of No. lo I>r. Haiti|»broy*. J
4|>*t-iHti for l»y»|ia|>.la ItoU. all <lr»n
*UU .
• ommvnciun Sut*a.*jf Jaa* Mtb, IUa
UNION t'A* IVI*' "ill inaagtirato.
Throngb rori»i i'ar Narvl*'* lo I'urtlaad,
f OiagoM hi I \V*«hi»gtou total* ft*
I uIud Finli and Houtbat* Pirlfc
It»» Uiti*''l glyiun t*,**"A*i'*
! «natU af two MrUH t*at«a oa udgaa
to I’otllamt Tlu* rant • "III tab* tb*a»
*|i tbruanb tb* ti**a*.h»l noinmalu
\ alloy. tl*> .a«l"< all ImIhim along tba ,
IliMlt Hoot*, from '*A. ratn»ot* lot
• *at*» tiara ubt*a and tall laforaratiwa
rail a«‘Hi rtHMUiM • »*» »•*
MO 11 W I*. Cl •* «"■
joboOiiW" a< /«mm> lla, O «*>• *
I i»a««r U«*d a day l i tb«rlj »**»» «ub |
•at mltaiiai •* at >*t>l a (at of lb ■
h til * Wibk Ma**i '< ** i'H*l ary j
ytto N t't'* and ytMlal tioabbaa .
jtata. otola** af-ratb*. »<“*• aad all.
abto >■ "oaba* labriii • w tub llarai >
a* ** ia »"#aaallad «Maadald >10
It heal* everything eic«|d a hrohea
tear!, may t>« raid of l*aWltt’a Witch
lla/al Halva, Ptlee end rectal dlaaaaea,
urn* i<ral*ea, tetter ecaeuie and all
dm true la* may t«e eared by ItipileR'
y and permeiieetlf. "dendehl llrue,
I hey tlea'I mane much In** aluuit
,1 hr aie«i rawing uf IhiWlll’e l.lltla
Rally HUera. the amuue little |>ille fur
runvllpaite* b>ll|ua*aeae, and all aleut
a h end liver trenWee, they never gripe
t Men Iehi Hree
llterauatiwa tar everything vnd
the lima k» attend In a«aU ta when It
atartt Inhi'I wait till yen have een
tumplton hut ffevent it by «e>«g
Umute t ungh « me, the great uoregy
fu» , uughv a«td. etuup. -renelMtta n«4
alt threat and Nag tremble* ' N-a
>l«ht Rum
Mm»>ng ikhtag able dteeaaaa ventaet
ty retained bf Ibtt lll» W tk>h Meae*
Halve, nee^nalted furcate btutaea WM-eg,
|l beat* ellhunt leaving a kai t*de»
debt tree