The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 30, 1897, Image 2

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GEO. C. HB VSCHOTER, Editor A I'ab.
— ■ ■ ■ ... ..>1
Hon. Spencer Day of Dodge county
died last week.
Mrs. Horrigan of Exeter, aged 00
years, died last week.
lion. V. H. Kendall, the first mayor
of Superior, died last week.
A creamery is soon to be built at
Bennington, Douglas county.
Frank Huizdalek of Niobrara killed
three badgers and wounded the fourth.
The opera house at I’ender had a
close call for destruction by fire, the
roof having been partially burned.
.1. T, Brown, living near I’awnee
t ity. had eleven head of cattle killed
by lightning during a terrific thunder
The Elk Creek Herald says the total
valuation of Johnson county is $2,003,
t,oo.37 and that this amount will utford
$30,0174 in taxes.
The saloon question has been dropped
at Bertrand. Three applications for
licenses were presented to the board,
but were knocked out.
The militia company of tirand Island
lias received its supply of arms and
uiiiunitiou, and the boya now consider
themselves full Hedged soldiers.
Judge Strode lots introduced a bill
to pension Mrs. Calisca Hadley of Din
coin. u widow of a soldier of the Mexi
can war, at the rate of 830 |ier month.
Six large steel smoke stacks arrived
in tirand Island last, week, the same
being for the Oxnard beet sugar fac
tory. They were turned out by the
Fremont foundrv.
The 14-year-old non of Patrick I'urn
lay, Oinaliu, made a dive into a water
works reservoir, struck liis liead
against the brick flooring and was
stunned and drowned.
A daughter of Peter Stafford, road
master of the Klkhorn. got bold of and
ate some poisoned fly paper. K(Torts
to counteract the poison proved finally
unavailing anil the died.
Fairfield college, which, in common
with other enterprises, has languished
somewhat during the past three years,
bids fair to again take its place among
the leading educational institutions of
the state.
A Washington dispatch says that
Miss Zeda T. Kami) of Virginia, for
merly a teacher at the (ieneva school,
Nebraska, has been reinstated and as
signed to the Haskell institute, Law
rence, Kan.
The Kvans-Snyiler-Huel company of
Fast St. Louis, a live stock commission
company having a capital stock of
9200.000 lias tiled u ccrtftiscatc copy of
articles of incorporation with the sec
retary of state.
Treasurer Meserve hus received u
draft for 92.1,000 from the general gov
ernment,. The money is the amount
apportioned by the government as the
annual share of the state college of
agriculture and mechanic arts.
An accident occurred at St. Michael.
Hull county, when Warren Diehl, a lad
17 years of age, only son of M. Diehl,
a grocer of (irund Island, was drowned
in the lake at that place. He was
taken with cramps while swimming.
Collector North has completed his
report for the fiscal year ending June
.10, 1807, and it shows the total collec
tions of internal revenue to Iiave Isien
91,313,881.81, an increase of f688,7MM0
over the collections for the previous
A young man named Hans Sibler
was drowned in the Platte river, on
the Peter's farm about six miles south
east of Yutan. lie was in swimming
witli a party of young men and got be
yond his depth or cramped anil went
The 3-year-old child of James Wason
of Norfolk fell into a deep outhouse
vault and would have perished had not
her erics been heard by men passing,
who tore up the seat and rescued her.
She w as cut by broken glass which
hail been thrown in.
Beginning August 1, a new postal
route w ill he opened between Omaha
and Lincoln on the Burlington. A
mail clerk will be put on No. t*2, and
also on the fast mail in the afternoon.
Heretofore these trains have carried
through {touches without clerks.
The • attle Feeders' Loan association
with a capital of 8:>0o,noo has been or
•*» •’’tmui 'Mimiin. 11n puriMiM*
i* to loan to feeder* throughout the
•date at advantaifeouH rate*. tukitiK
uiortKUh'e* on the *toek. Indirectly it
ia anppoaed to help the South Omaha
The cu*t hound paaaenper nit* de
layed at Nelitfh the other day hy the
alter iff of Antelope county, who took
Irom the Amerfean Kxprc** eompauy *
ear a khipment of prairie thicken*
killed front gaing. The Neigh gnu
uiult. leanunir that individual* were
abtHitinif prairieehlekeit* in violation of
laa made the complaint anil nailed for
«Sc khipment from the al«e of the
. ■ yea there imut Itava liven pat or
uatre ehiekt u*.
The itail l»*nd of m state Trea*urcr
I art ivy ha* not iiccit Itletl in the *u
I’feute court hut hi* friend* who have
the unfit of tfcttintf »Uretie* in hand
alill claim the* have tin- ft .'Vt**>
raised hut they are de*trou* of **eur
utg wtldili-ntal naute* at that if any are
atrWken tiff hr the t lerk of the *upreitte
court the nevr**ary amount mil *till
lie repre*ente-t Mori It del*.tiai,l I*
•tooted a* *n tug that he tut. ml* tit
tout*, harts* to the |ieuitent iai >
thirty day* aft- r the date -f o ut. it..
* hat *« hr ,k. , the »*
rktrgoi with »*>ault on h.* rottaiu
tiara I’wvu* it Sundat duly I «t1
tmveM h, tit, *herlfl«f t inapt r moult
hod mtt taken hi t tw..*l amt «r
lakgtle-4 tu tor, till count . t.*,|g, If,,
pim-hd gu It, aud a a- *» at* toed tv
the p ntltttt at*
The Vt-aaduu n >*f **Mk.k it .. .|,I,
hfe •»*•“<"*/ !*'* • f r-Alu*
toh-ag to he t.* Id at on rfu*i
hid ahullh* »» t ug n«ar d«vne ka«
n vnrtuktlv in n t.ntf >».• ,-h «„< ahoot
I Mr pound* that Ua* f. t <t«rd ht* i«
dwp'ti like thine td « I. ,** a tut * ».«•
lug »u* altfn of ka * ag a e* a
I.rat Regular Steamer* Neil Week, but
Special Ve**el* to He Chartered by
Impatient Men— Formation of
Companlee for the Construc
tion of Railroad Cine*.
Hold Seeker* Impatient.
Pan Francisco, July 22.—The regu
lar season of travel to Alaska will bo
closed in less than two weeks because
of the leo In the northern waters in
September, but so many hundreds are
anxious to get to (he new gold region*
• hat it ia extremely probable that
more than one steamer will tie char
tered which will endeavor to pass
through the first light ire or will take
gold seekers to the nearest open port
and from there the eager people will
travel over the ice and snow to the
Klondyke fields. It is estimated that
along the l’aclfle coast hundreds will
make any sacrifice and take any risk
to get to the section before winter.
Hundreds more will let the season for
travel close and prepare to go In the
spring and it is certain that next sum
mer will see the population of the
< Arctic gold fields increased by thou
The Ataska Commercial company
has closed it* hooks for the Kxcelsior,
which will he the last regular steamer
to leave for St. Michaels, Alaska.
■Scores flocked to the company’s office
again to-day, and enough decided to
go that way to make up the 200 which
the steamer can carry. A great ma
jority go from San Francisco, hut a
number belong to the interior of the
state, which is largely supplying re.
emits for the Yukon.
Owing to the present rush to the
Klondyke gold fields, and the stilt
gieatcr rush expected next spring, the
I’uget Sound Tugboat company has
decided to put u steamer on the Yukon
river to carry passengers and freight
from St. Michaels to Circle City and
the Klondyke valley.
IVn.MiitoTOW, Del., July 22.— The
Yukon Mining, Trading and Trans
portation company, which was formed
here last year, sent 1'. i. Packard of
Portland Ore., to the Yukon district
to locate a route from the coast to
Teslin lake, the head of the navagable
waters of the Yukon, upon which a
railway could he built. With the aid
of Indians he located the pass leading
direct from Tuku inlet, on the Alaskan
coast, to Teslin lake. This pass he
learned was then known only to five
white men. In October lie returned
and made his report to the company,
and immediately it applied for char
ters in West Virginia, llritish Colum
bia and Canada, all of which were
granted last spring. As an enconr
ugement to the enterprise llritish Co
lumbia made the company a grant of
5,120 acres of land to the mile of rail
way to be built—in all (150.000 acres.
In an interview last night Packard,
who is here completing arrangements
for the beginning of operations, said
tiiat the road would be a great boon
for miners, as it would reduce the cost
of their supplies and remove the pres
ent dangerous delays to their trans
portation up the Yukon river. It will
be 11*0 miles long and will connect
Taku Inlet with steamers from Han
Francisco and Puget points. The road
and its connecting steamers will land
a miner and supplies ut Klondyke in
five days from Taku inlet or Juneuu.
The present route by way of St. Mich
ael's island consumed thirty days
under favorable conditions.”
CiiK'iN.N ATI, Ohio, July 23.—At a
meeting held here by a number of
business men, P. H. Wilson, a builder,
was elected president of un Alaskan
company, and A. H. Thoburn, a real
estate man, secretary anil treasurer.
Wilson said that the object of the
meeting was to organize a company of
| 100. each to pay 81,000 an.I to proceed
to Han Francisco, purchase an iron
vessel of sufficient tonnage to carry
men and provisions, which can be
done for 150,000, and proceed to the
Alaskan gold fields. It is the purpose
to hold the vessel at the nearest point
to the gold field for headquarters for
it..k_ g at. . ..._ t
ploye*. Twelve men have ao far aub
acribed 11,000 each.
Mr. unit Mra Clan* Sheltman of IV
fiance hurt received a letter from their
ton, Fred wiio lias been in Alaaka
since la*t March under contract a* a
prospector, In which he *aya that
there la no truth iu the fabulous
slorir* that come from Alaaka. and
that the gold Be id* there arc practi
cally barren Hu aav* there la a great
acarctly of food tu that auction The
suffering there and thu euormoua
pricea necessary to Ite paid, he aav a.
should deter any thinking utau from
giving the subject of a trip tu that
vountrv a second thought.
11*4 Mltat MiaaB Jtil
Must ( in. Meat, July ■ • Yellow
Hair and asm lVow, two t heyenns In
dian* who were arrested aa accessorius
with huge tic htalkmg Kk for the
murder of John (looser over whom
! death occurred the late trouble ->n the
II pper Rosebud, br-thr jail taat night
by digging through an eighteen inch
! wait
NavMttl •vboei Holt
Jstrsa* * tin, Mo, July '. I
| veritable b*uub was yg*lev da t throw* I
j into (He cento of the standing arms »l
, b>mk agent* who have matt* thug
j lively about Jvlf-t' m t t» * n «* tbu
1 M, cc-tit I n. b--, | cl p ( t.o, »,-** **
j has W* a >a woivv, I, lue r* ,< • i,-n >d :
, ail hid* for tot*oum school tv-si*-, Uj
j the c»-wt*>*s- «a lhiv 4 a«l «tt
j wav arrived at by the comm - o -t *|s>t
? many data o* herd Ul> r live I -W
. are rejeeled because the *t to octet- «
believe* that the price* are lew high
} and that the puy v of Mt-wsti shootd
| have * keeper k*iki then they resit
get wade* the N4i re*, .led.
Arrangement* Perfected to Po*h Cam
paign* In Iona. Ohio and Kentucky.
Nkw York, July 22. —Gold Demo
crats from all over the country gath
ered to attend a special meeting of the
executive committee of the national
committee of the National Democratic
At the executive seseion plans were
matured for continuing the campaign
of education. The principal pointe of
attack in sight are Ohio, Kentucky
and Iowa.
“The meeting,” said Chairman By
num, “will, I think, demonstrate the
fact that the fight for a restoration of
Democratic principles is to go on
harder than ever. VVe expect to show
in elections like those in Ohio, Ken
tucky and Iowa that wo hold the bal
ance of power and thut it is Impossible
for a so-called Democratic ticket to
win on u freo silver platform, if it
can win after such a fight us wc will
make, then there Is no reason for the
existence of this movement ami wo
will go out of business.”
Apportionment of the SIKID.OOO Allowed
by the Itlver unit Harbor Hill.
Wasiiikotox, July 22.—The allot
ments of the Missouri river commis
sion for the fiscal year have Just been
made public. The 8300,00b allowed by
the river and harbor bill will be ap
portioned us follows: Near Nebraska
City, 8.’5,000; opposite Leavenworth,
»-,uuv; above Atcnison, as.uou, near mo
mouth of the Kittle Blue river,$20,<XX);
at Miami, 82'.’.00'); above Glasgow,
$20,000; near Rochefort, 812,000; at
Howard's Bend. $10,(XX); improvement
of tlie first reach, 8100,000; operating
snugboata, $14,000; surveys, granges,
etc , 886,000; office salaries and travel
ing expenses, 826,00*); repairs and con
tingencies. 87.'MX). The balance of
81,205.50 for surveys and examinations,
as made in the appropriation of .tune
,'t, 1800, is transferred to allotment for
surveys and granges.
Oregon Fla her men Wrerlc Property
Worth Tliouaaml* of I>oll«re.
Astoria. Ore., July 22.—A few days
ago when the salmon canners decided
to reduce the price of tish to three
cents a pound the fishermen accepted
the cut und gave the impression that
there would be no trouble. Kate last
night, however, between .I0'» and MX)
armed men sailed over Baker's bay,
which is a veritable network of fish
traps, destroying offensive gear.
Every trap they came to was rendered
useless. The work of destruction was
carried on in plain view from the
shore, but no attempt was made to
stop them From reports, property
valued at from 875,000 to 8125,000 was
destroyed. It is said the object of the
men is to remove all the traps in the
river and force the canners to pay the
price asked, which is five cents.
Americans Attacked by Chinese—Rifles
feed to tiood Purpose.
Vancouver, B. C., July 22.—Accord
ing to advices by the Canadian Pacific
steamship Empress of India from the
Orient, while returning from the an
nual meeting of the American mission
at Ching Chou, the Kev. A. H. Smith
and H. I). I’orter, Mrs. Porter and
two children were attacked by a mob.
They were traveling by boat and had
tied up for the night just outside the
city. Hocks and other missiles were
thrown at the party, but they kept
the mob at bay by firing rifle shots
into the air until soldiers arrived.
Five missionary riots are reported
to have occurred in KiuDgsi province
in as many weeks. The last riot, in
which three churches were destroyed
by a mob, occurred June 11.
Railroads to Have Patents for Only
Koch I.ends u Sold Before DrfstilL
Washington. July 22.—Secretary
Bliss has issued instructions to the
general laud office which will in sub
stance limit the right of bond aided
railroads to patents for such lands us
were sold by the company to bona
fide purchasers prior U> the data of
default by such companies on the pay
ment of their boods or Intereet
thereon. These instructions, the first
formal expression of the administra
tion on the subject, outline the policy
to be pursued towards the roads and
in« iiiiiotcni purcnaaera irom tncra,
autl tin* algnificant change i* In the
'prior to dale of default'' reatrlctiou.
Bam»4 bf * Uuty Ki|»I(mIo»
AtcIIMo*. Kan, July 2!. — Horace
Moulton wa» burned to death at Kir
win, bia huuie, Muuday night, by the
exploaioa of a lamp in hta hando. lie
ha* U i ii titeu titled with Northneatorii
Kattaa* aiucw the country wa* aettled.
lie wa» a eapilalUt originally and hta
effort* contributed largely to the
growth of that tectum.
rear Uewlfca la a« lieu Vaciurr.
New Have*. Conn . July Vi Threw
woman and one man were hilled tie
day by nu eapUmioa in the loading de
gortnout of the armory of the Win
. healer lir|watlttg Art..a eoteynny
Tie* other* were tnaen In Hi# fcwpuei
bwdly in j >4 red.
the WUt a* llie power* la Hr*«r4 I*
t a Mealy flealtr M
t'onwi y * Mger tfe, July if The awl*
tan he* muni an trade «*•>< turning
the aettiament of tin* frier Ik <
, I u*> «!*-.* in aw* ordan*« With the W latte a
of the go**#*.
I H r aw the re«w't of the deter
mined attitude of the power* <n regard
to the demand of | urhey and me*a*
that Theaanty wtti teailaat to Ire a
part of httm
It Will Be Khih to Vote Straight—Voteri
Required to I'ee indelible Pencils In
• lend of Ink—New power tllven lo th»
Secretary of State.
The blanket ballot law pnssd by the
the recent legislature is now receiving
attention, anti voters will this fall have
tin opportunity to practice some of its
provisions. The law is a modification
of the Australian ballot law passed by
the ISO] legislature.
Some of the changes mntle by the
law are. the form of the ballot, flic
substitution of an indeliible pencil for
a pen and ink in marking, a mark for
voting a straight ticket, a provision
authorizing the formation of new par
ties, regulations governing decisions of
the secretary of slate relating to cer
tificates of nominations, use of party
names and emblems, together with a
few precautionary instructions which
pr>sitc the names of the candidates yoi
wish to vote for on other tickets. O
when two or more candidates nr
grouped on the ticket for the sam
office, ns two or more representatives
and the voter wishes to vote for one o
more on another ticket or tickets ii
any group, the voter must make tin
cross after each candidate in the grou]
on his own ticket that he wishes ti
vote for, and also after tiie names o
of eneli candidate on any other ticke
or tickets grouped for the same offlci
he wishes to vote for. He careful thn
you do not murk the naiueN of cundi
dates for whom you do not wish t<
(Voice from above stairs, to supposed
butler)—Thomas, what are you doing
In the dining room at this time ol
night? Thomas Hwlpsey, the burglar—
At your service, mum. —Harper's
••You do not regret the money you
expended on your hoy's college rdira
■ lion, do you?” ‘ I rather guess I don't.”
I said the old farmer man, with glee and
' unction. "He learned me a lot of upper
culs. short-arm Jabs -d things that
have made ine the Lot man III the
I county.”- Indianapolis Journal.
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lire intended to govern both the secre
tary of state and the courts whenever
disputes arise between factious over
party names and party emblems.
It is the duty of each party at its
first state convention to select, a party
emblem to he filed with t he certificates
of nomination, and the party first
adopting an emblem shall have the
exclusive use of it forever afterward.
Its use by another party constitutes a
fraud. The coat-of-arms of the United
States, the national flag, nor the like
ness of any person living or dead i.hall
not be used.
The secretary of state may gass on
objections to use of party name or de
vice in tiie same manner as objections
to certificates, and his decision is final
unless order shall he made by the
The names of candidates for each
office, to be arranged according to par
ties under the party name, and emblem
in seperale columns on the ballot;
otherwise in presidential elections the
l>arty nominee for president, vice presi
dent, together with the electors shall
l>e arranged under their respective
party name und emblem. The party
polling the highest number of vote-, at
the last general election for the head
of tiie state ticket ahull have tfie right
to its ticket on the left side of the ha!
lot; the party having the neat highest
vote shall have second place on the
ballot; the party having the third
highest vole shall have the third place
tor its ticket, aud so ou, leaving those
candidates w hose names ap|M*ar upon
the said iiallut by petition, to appear
to the right of said tiallot and after all
th* oilier candidate* ou said ticket
placed there by nomination The form
of the ballot shall, as near as possible,
■ onform to schedule "A hereof which
is given reduced in sire,
The appearance of the names of
presidential candidate* las new feature
of the law tiie dimension* of the
1st Hot and stiuares are given in t he hut
we thnt MUtfitr nitty Mill Ih» Mturyt)
I l»# t'U' If At lit# t»»|» »t>«tll It# tt||g liftlf
f »tofli in Uiimiylir N«m«** tif t*tti«lul tic*
j #1*411 l*# •**»! Ivm Hi am tii«t t i|fhi unf
| lUftM ffiiritt itf .%*» tin 1% 1*1
I liv ijf UI I hr «il II*# • |i«| «>f * 4,*|*
i HAMM- aUnl| Ih»I I# (via t|»fe|* tlltf f»H*| ll|
I ft# 14# b A^ruM »‘i* u fetal*
If you wlah to vote a straight ticket
! Kink* ft Hwifil ill Um U* ill I It !»•*« uf
| lb# It’*»#!, 4M*t %**4r ItftiM'l HiU i^t k
U ..mated tor ..vr* nanjMat. the
I twilt I IIHtWr lb# »-i*A iv || VtH HMlt 1*1
I vt4f t*4b#f mW Im »m lb«* lbrb#t
I ft #V%**4 4ft|b nil >Atifu|ii||
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tf tift at lb*» kJM *»|»t***it» lb# umm* mI
{ #4#b 1*41 ***4i fttf nb. iM | ami m mb lit
**#t*•. if %*Mft M tfeb I*A |s>i*» ft #1141# fat
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j lit# bi'4*l **f lb# ll#b#l V>*4 Mini* tat |a(#
* til IM Hank# 44*1 tb#4 4 *#*-<44 m#*
The agricultural department of a
Texas newspaper Is conducted by Green
Meadows Brown.
The porch of a temple in the interior
of Japan has this inscription: "Neith
er horses, cattle nor women admitted
Transportation of soft-shell crabs
alive from the east to Portland, Ore.,
has Just been successfully accomplished
for the first time.
The distance from St. Petersburg to
the Pacific terminus of the Siberian
railway is about twice as great as
that from New York to San Francisco.
Alexandria, Va., has raised the ban
which from the early days of the set
tlement made it unlawful to bring In
oysters between April and September.
The West Sullivan (Me.) base ball
nine sawed a pile of wood for a resi
dent of the place und put the mouey
received for the work in the treasury.
A Kansas City woman who tried in
vain to muke an honest living gave It
up recently and turned fortune teller.
Now she has money to burn. Ex
Already grasshoppers are hatching
In such numbers in the region of
Oakesdale. Wash . that the Inhabitants
are alarmed over the threatened Injury
to crops.
i.ightniug struck two lines that a
negro was carrying over his shoulder
near Millington. Md. and passed
through hltn from his shoulder to big
test, killing him,
Mrs. Hehlgren Ah. Mr Phipps, |
■aw you in church last Sunday Mr.
Phipps Yes. It rained, you know.
Was that the reason you acre there,
toot Cleveland larader.
There Is a family of iwvnly-alk per
sons In Straaburg. every one of whom
Hdea n bicycle The oldest Is sixty
two, the youngest six months old. -
Foreign larlter New York Poet
liycamure trees which lot several
years have flourished where they were
planted In varnum sections of Port
land Ore, are dying of some disease
which the villas ns do nut understand.
Thu It stress Papa buy that W si
Itau tor me Thu Hundred Milln-nairu
Hut my dear, this ts the taoism It
belongs In the gwsernment The Heir
ess Then hut the government, pop.
me It re Hut. my
child, the government represents ike
whole of France The Hstresa I any,
pop I wsgt that picture, bay Ffansgf
New Yorh Truth
Strainer t'matllla Bring* Nearly 9800,
OOO—More to torn*
‘ San Francisco. July 33.—The slram
| ship Umatilla, which arrived ycster
- day from Pugot Sound ports, brought
1 down almost8700,000 worth of Alaskan
’ gold, of which $133,700 was in gold
dust from Seattle, oonsigned to Wells,
Fargo A Co. There were several
other shipments of gold in saoks. sown*
of which was shipped direct from
Juneau, and advices from that piaco
are to the effect that, at least $750,000
wortii of (lust was awaiting shipment
at various Alaskan stations.
Among the sensational advices re
ceived was one from St. Michael's to
the effect that over $4,000,000 in gold
which had not been included with the
fortunes brought, here by miners, will
lie shipped through Wells, Fargo A
Co., other lucky miners having reached
the island since the departure of t he
Kxceisior and Pori land who have mi
cured greater fortunes individually
than those whoso stories have uireai iy
been told.
Although the capacity of tho steamer
Portland, which sails to-day for St
Michael's, and the Ilxcclnior, which
sails ou the 78th, is limited to about
Ilo passengers, over 1,000 application#
have been made for berths. Most of
the disappointed ones are making ar
rangements to travel hence to Tacoma
by rail, and secure passage on the
Mexico and Topeka, which sail thence
next week, hilt many must inevitably
wait until next spring, and ilieir dis
appointment is sore.
Wasiiinoton, .Inly ?3.~Thc cam
paign for tlic removal of United (State*
Marshal Neely has opened with a mild
cannonade, which will very probably
be followed by more heavy artillery in
tlie course of a short time. A series of
charges will be preferred, the niitu;A
of which is only partially disclosed by
the filing of a statement by eastern
parties, reciting, among other offenses,
that Neely, while acting in his official
capacity and selecting jurors for tho
United States court, accepted a re
tainer to appear as an export -.viliies*
before the same jurors in the <•< le
brated Ilillinon insurance swindling
case. It is said that this charge is 0110
of the least serious preferred against
Neely, evidence in support of other*
Iieing now accumulated by those in
terested in the early retirement of
the marshal.
Sinker* Seize ,» Train.
1’f.okia, 111.,.Inly 33. Fifty strilong
miners at Furiniugton seized a llur
lington freight train nt J) o’clock yes
terday morning, demanding that it
carry them to Dunfermline, where
they intended to call out the I'.’iO mill
ers at work, their wages having lieen
increased 3 per cent. They refused ti>
pay or get off and held the train till 3
o’clock, when the conductor «tii off the
engine anil ran to Canton, returning
with the sheriff and the state's attor
ney. They urgued with the men and *
the latter finally abandoned the train,
nftcr holding it five hours. The Peo
ria county miners are threatening to
march across the country to Dunferm
line to-day to force the men out The
managers of the mines say the men
want to keep at work aud are prepar- 1
ing for trouble.
Deb Moines, July JO.—Talmnoge E.
I(mwn, of I)es Moines, lias beeu grunted
a copyright tor a melodrama in four
acts, entitled “The Thieves’ lien.’’
A. 1<\ Thompson, of Adel, hns been
allowed u design patent adupted to bo
worn as a political badge. I'ati-nta
have been allowed, but not yet issued,
as follows: To 1*. I). Hart, of Nora
Springs, for a corn cutter and shocker,
adapted to be advanced in the field to
cut off stalks and gather them into a,
shock to be bound together. To J. W.
Russell, of Newton, for an improved
grain thresher and separator in which
part of the novelty is a tortuiifis pas
sage way for straw and chaff and a
device for forcing air into said pas
sageway at each of its turns, and
guide rods fixed to the walls of the
passageway and curved around the
corners. To L. D. and A. J. Hart, of
Nora Springs, for a clothes nnnndnr
adapted to be attached to a tub to bo
operated therein and also adapted to
he adjusted relative to an u.ljar.At
tub for washing clothes therein by the
pounding process without detaching it
from the other tub, '
Valuable information about securing,
valuing and selling patents sent fr«»
to any address
Tmob. Q. am> J. Kai.pi! Onwia,
Solicitors of I’atent*.
i.iavstock AM) ruoui'ti: maiiui^
ljuol4llout I'rmu Nrw York. ( Hh^o. mi.
I OiunIm mihI Mtfnliuis
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Huil4-r * l.4»i.-«* f.nn y rowuIry ji ** |S
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