The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 23, 1897, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb
Uoaal Daws.
Hammocks from 75 cents ^ «. Wa
Harvesting will commence ill gooi
earnest soon.
A good cow for sale. Knquire al
Frank Smith is now setting type ii
the Times olllee.
The mill rsce has been repaired and
the water Is again turned on.
There will be an equity tcim of the
district court for Sherman county,
August 24.
Mrs. K A Draper returned| horn*
from Lincoln Saturday July 17th where
she has been receiving medleal treat
(i. W. Zimmerman Informs us that lie
has In over one hundred acres of spring
wheat and that It will yield twenty
bushels per acre
I,. 1). Gardner returned from Wood
Klver Wedensday last where he had
been paying his daughter a visit L, D,
reports crops looking fine all along the
Massageo: The remarkable skin food
uiiJ tissue builder is constantly winning
new friends. Massageo Manuel ac
companying each package Found only
at Gasleyer’s.
The Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake City,
Minn., want a responsible man In this
vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees
and nursery stock. Good pay. Hteady
work. Write them today.
Dr. Sumner Davis ucuiist
and Auriest, Grand Island.
If you want a neat Job of hand made
shoe*, or shoe repairs, or to purchase
• shoes from a well selected stock of the
best makes in the market go to II Dol
ling. New stock allow prices.
TheN. V. Delinator says of the cele
brated “Sylvan Toilet preperation*”
That they are the inert reliable, hurun
less, officacious, preparations on the
market. For sale at Gasteycr's.
All members of the 1’uity Club are
requested to tie present at the next
meeting, July 28, 185(7 at U o'clock V M
in the High School building As there
will be an important business meeting,
election of officers.
N. S. Converse. Sec
Dr. Sumner Davis Grand
Island Speciailst in diseases, of
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Examination for glasses.
Quite a force of men for several days
past have been at work on the large cut
east of Loup City, and, we understand,
was done by Loup City township and
was let to the lowest bidder. It is a
sudstantlal movement in the direction
of good roads.
Owing to the number of threshing
machines sold in this community one
is led to believe that there is a larger
amount of small grain to thresh this
fall than there ever has been before in
the history of Sherman County which
undoubtly is the case.
Hev. Geo. Su tberland, D. D. i’retl
dent of Grand Island College, will lec
tore on Constantinople, or "The Eastern
Question,” July 26th, at 8 I*. M , at tbs
baptist church. This lecture will be
given under the auspices of the B Y. 1*
I It will be instructive and entertain
ing and you cannot afford to miss it.
Admission lOcts
The Times-Independent came back a
us last week bv statine that a coucross
iiuii draw s bis salary from the time von
gre« opens to theeloie of the term, ah
sent or present. Well, what of It? Isthal
any reason why congressman tireeni
should remain at home arid fail to lool
after the interest of Nebraska? Per
haps it is Hie new kind of reform'’ tie j
dealing out.
Conservative estimates of Clop stalls
t.cau* piava the yield of wheal for thl
year la Kansas alone at sixty mllllo
bushels Already tlioosamU of nnpt'
freight ears have been distributed ovei
the stale for the purpose of shipping tli
crop to market it is said the gtai
tudi is soon expected and it will ink
theln**t ol management by the rail roa
uitlciel* to avoid a grain blorasli
With its**grain crop lu r**k.« #
the balauee of the w heat halt tha l*t»
wheat crap is enorwos and few
ought to go hungry for bread th
next year to coma
U It ui!>*..« now ai I.i«d N |i an
who has i*e«n writing weekly letters I
the Time# independent, h»* cause I sow
ewuiurent among bit friend* here Th
tacit are that t.auga has always toe
a repe'ileait. hut hi* tetter* ha* lea
awmn In bniteve that since won, ng |
the atlvor mining district he h** eaperi
Mwtd a change at hoart and i* ao<
playing second ltd lie to * pop . it i*
Itr Hi* last mu** is i#t*s hd |ur an**
plaoaiion hot It would be accessary l
rood between the Ito** in order io g*
on Ides of Whether timsfg* «** «r «a
not er whenlhnr he sum* I ei would r...
(the to ho. Tho only asMtnt aloe that m
van arrive at now M that *■•> -<« h*
lots *hef ling a m1 sed dec* at t tt*at Im
I* try *ng In tornf Joeh trsMn the '
Croquet sets at Watkinson's
Nice coni beef at Reynolds' meat
). M. Polski is building an addition to
his residence.
The Times Editor Is repairing his
printing ofllee this week.
Don't worry about the hot weathsr it
will be cooler In December.
Wm. Crlss has purchased a new steam
threshing machine at a cost of #2,100 00
Miss Lszzte Cnsick from Ottowa Kan
sas is visiting her friend Mrs. W. L.
The celebrated .Sylvan Toilet Re
qusltes; Sold only by the agent—Mrs.
Cbas. Gasteyer.
The rules of the church will he read
Sunday morning, at tlio 51. E. Church.
All the members are requested to he
The Dingley Tariff bill lias now be
came a law. and the popocrats will now
have an opportunity to know wheather
the tariff is an Issue.
The Populist and "free silver republl
cana'Yonvened at Lincoln on Septem
der 1st at the same time and place. No
doubt withjthe same set of delegates.
lieo E. iienschoter, editor of this
valuable sheet made a business trip to
Lincoln Monday last He will also visit
Ids parents at Kali City before return
Our street commissioner got a ten cent
trove ^on himself one day the fore
part of the week and mowed down
some of the weeds growing along the
Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat.
Dr. Sumner Davis Grand Is
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
will give a dance, Tuesday night, July
27. at the Opera House Admission;
Gentlemen 30 ct» Ladies free. All are
We drove a few mile* up the valley
last Sunday evening aud took a good
view of the growing crops on the valley.
They are simply Immense. Several
Held* were already in shock and more of
them were ready to cut.
The 'Tourist Sleeper is an‘ ‘up to-date'
car. Maximum comfort at minimum
cost, is the principal upon which these
cars are built and operated, They run
dally from Council Bluffs and Omaha to
Ogden San Francisco and Portland.
Pullman porters with every car- For
further particulars call on or address
Wm.U. Clifton, Agent.
The popoerstie press is muklng -a
great hdabaloo because their is so maDy
strikes going on la the land. For the last
four years they raised the same kind of
a rumpus because so many people were
out of employment that a strike could
not bu Inaugerated now that there is em
ployment for all our pops who are
net satisfied because these laborers can
not get everything they ask for.
8. F. Reynolds while paying a small
bill the other day accidently dropped a
ten dollar green back in the door of Ife
pew’s blacksmith shop .When he discov
ered his loss he went back to the shop
and found tho bill at the feet of a“free
silver republican.” The poor fellow
had stood looking at it but had shouted
free silver so long and loud tbathe did
not consider the green back worth pick
ing up.
We are also of the opinion that if
there was to be no more court held in
this district until about the 1st of Dec
ember of this year it would greatly help
the farmers who have morgages upon
their farms. With the present prospect
of a large crop most of them will be
able to pay up the back interest and a
portion of the principal and in many in
stances %:here the loan is small they will
be able to clear up the whole of it. But
should the company* holding these loans
start foreelosure with a term of court in
session before the crop could be placed
mum the uiar ,et w-ould <m)v tilitce a Mil
of unueeeaaary coat upon them and
. the loan harder to pay oil No more
eoitr* in this district until neatly the
last of the year would save thousands of
■ dollars lo its farmers
K*m\ KOI I' k
, ; l it# following stock w»» taken up at
! my farm >c. t|on Township lit H II
31 In UrUtol 1'ownahip Sherman County
i , 1 mule coll dark brown about :i years
,, old I mate colt, bay With white left
| I hind toot annul dyears old The owner
I can have same by paying damages and
| . notice
t ins tivlirke
' III U|| Villi K i • i m j m, III of Ilia
. <•' ,\ K It ttnlfalo \ \ In Ang th«
l MON I1 As I TIC wilt make the great
j , ly reduced rate fortu tor the round tup
[( He iur* your ticket road* *is the
f <itHclal ti'and \rmy route t nton
, I'aslt, t his ago aio' North westvin S
, » t A -stj | N t. «ie |*i*l# tin w .v •
I far llati litiisi sa.l lull Informal . ii
call >m
VI ft Cut Inti \g#«t
> ! fa* ««* Slay IS#*#s la %.i falalittw
Via the Hurt ag ten Mottle du » ll IT
I* »9 fo and * i b f a 1st a» l M
• da* Ihere.i'Wf until AugOal I t
I | ha sail Ml any »f the stmts hi* 1sta
i ! «l*y* a»d »»« **s* e* » ,ga to c- *#t aft
I ft# mi idewisl as pal wi of ll#y*l a<tH
i |# ib-apivg c*i weal*. tlswalei* ale
thy# Msml I t N MM #g#**t mi
I j wi.te It* J t iso* :is t« |* \ t Oust, i
Harvest has commenced in goodsb«r«
this week.
J. II, Travis has decorated b..
With a new wind will.
A. H. Outhouse made a business trip
to tlie country last Wednetday.
Loup City and vnoinlty were visited
last Monday night with a nice rain.
Several more new threshing inae hine
were received at this point last week.
Gastcyer is closing out his tine of
Sclz Sell nob shoes at very low prices,
Call and see them.
Sherman County's teachers institute
opened up Mouduy last with an enroll
ment of forty-five teachers.
Mrs. O. Henschoter and Miss Carrie
Holcombe had ipiite a time with a run
away team while at Aacadia last Friday.
Do you need a washing machine,
elotbes wringer, wash boiler, tinware,
or anything In that line? If so call on
T. M. Heed.
The Loup City Camp of Modern
Woodman of American will hold their
annual picnic on August 25th. A good
time Is expected.
Heart-burn from excessive smoking,
or from any other cause, is relieved hy
the first dose of .Vo. 10, I*r. Humphrey's
Specific for Dyspepsia: 25 cts. all drug
glsts. ,
Commencing Sunday June l:uh, the
UNION PACIFIC; will inaugurate.
'I'llrough Turist Car .Service to Portland.
Oregon and Washington points via
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
ICys thereby giving passengers the
benefit of two tourist routes via Odgen
to Portland. This routo will take them
itp through the beautiful Sacramento
Valley, disclosing all features along the
snasta Koine, iron) Sacramento. for
rates, time tallies urn! full Information,
call on City Ticket Office, No. 1303 Far
nam St. VV. D. Cf.IFTON.
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a Tour
ist sleeping car from Salt Lake City,
San Fransisco and Los Angeles loaves
Omaha and Lincoln by the Burlington
It is carpeted upholstered in rattan;
lias spring seats and hacks and is
provided with curtains, bedding,towels
coop, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to the
Pacific coast.
While neither so expensively finished
tior so fine to look at as a palace sleep
er. it is just us good to ride in. Second
class tickets are accepted for passage
and the price of a birth, wide enough
and big enough for two, is only §.1.
For folder giving full particulars, cull
at nearest Burlington ticket olllce or
write to J. Francis, G. P. A.. Bur
lington Route, Omaha., N'eh.
Croup and whooping cough are child
hood terrors: but like pneumonia, bron
chitis.and other throat and lung troubles
can tic ipiickly cured by using One Min
ute Cough Cure. Odendahl Bros.
Unconditional surrender, Is the only
terms those famous little pills known
as DeWitt’s Little F-arly Risers will
make with constipation, sick headache
and stomach troubles,—Odendahl Bros.
When the spring time comes,••gentle
Annie,” like all other sensible persons,
will cleanse the liver and renovate the
system with DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers, famous little pills for the liver
and stomach all the year round,—Oden
dahl Bros.
Not only acute lung trouble*, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic cough and throat troubles may
receive immediate relief ami be per
manently cured by One Minute Cough
*.'ure, Odendabl Bros.
j When a cold I* contracted, cure it at
once. One Minute Cough cure will act
J you on the road to recovery iu a minute.
It w III cure.jour pneumonia, bronchitis,
croup and all form* of lung and throat
troubles. Odendabl Bin,.
I'Mi sox at. The gentleman who an
■ noyed the congregation last Sunday by
continual!) coughing will tlnd instant
relief by using Unu Minute Cough Cure,
n RfMMMJ and haiinle-. retu« I) for
throat and lung trouble*. Odeitdahl
| Bros.
I'r. >umuer l»a\u of lira ml 1*
; land, the specialist in disease of the
eye aud ear dist ases, wbo has le u
a I went during the past three months
ha* returned lit hts olll. e and I*
prrpaired to attend to pa'ictil* as
! usual
Intit) lay. I, « long time It* tight to
I sinful a *. pile* but Jacob
Slit hell of I u,.in title is *1 rug gird
lltsl hog Iwlitie h< tried lay) lit.
Wtl. h II .ret shit It .yun hi; ami
pnimittsMlf cured ho« It |* etptaily
rnetllt* tt «* ins, and all .ain *it,,i
jh'h* II hi.d thi Hr or
? 1 \** • *
I F «
- *i *. P»« I kn % )*»,,, I
*4*4 • %* . 44 -
4->WM* •• *4 « * | * * r« s-4* « . R«| ««4lf
• Ut*«4 w4 • ItMH 1444
• id % %r-i <■*•* i * 4 1 A s sic* • TV*
fvc »■> .1 44 MU t*| Mill MMU
HOif rsrnsw HI Co.ana. Nett,
ms »t nt«* 4»|«i«rS
1 epAS. gasteyep
Is still ottering you the rarest bargaing ever seen in the city of Loup,
and consequently his trade is increasing daily. He invites you to
enter his place of business on the south side of railroad street and
partake of the following bargains at the affixed prices:
YVe have just receive anew lot of dried fruits which we offer as follows:
Choice prunes, per pound - • - . .05
New apricots “ “ - - - - .10
Evaporated apples “ “ .... .06
No 1. Nectarines “ “ - • • * -09
Evaporated peaches “ “ • • • .08
Evaporated raspberries “ “ • .20
We are now making room for our fall stock und we think it would
pav you to look over our line before purchasing elsewhere. We still
have a few choice patterns in white dress goods which we sell at 10.
12, 14 and 17 cents; also black India linnen at In cents per yard.
If in need of a suit of clothes call and examine our “Happy Home”
brand. Men’s suits for
Now is the time of year when you need dishes. We are closing out
our “Lustre Brand” ware at ten per cent discount. Plain white plates
40 cents and cups and saucers 30 cts. per set. Every item guarranteed
as represented.
call ox t. M. REED fora
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows
or anything in this line. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of
Harness and Harness fixtures, Mini anil Sevini Machines, Oils, etc
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
Financial Statement of 1. AT. Tolski, Treasurer, of
Sherman county, Nebraska, from January 1st.
1807, to July 1st, 1807.
Hal. on lOol I a c - Tr n n h -|Tr a u h - I
Naina* of Fund*: bund Itlou*, all farrad 1 ferred L>1* bur*. Ooiunda
__ Jan l,VT aource* To From | alon*
State Fund IMSttL MM «i ... 3 66 7341 77 j 14*4 I <
County General KWH 181 5458 10 2003 (15j 1000 00 3387 00 174 4(1 8468 77
•• Interest Bond 4 13 5430 10 loon oo 4048 0* 187 30 2853 25
“ Road 3048 07 385 3.6 | '2000 181 00 30 13 131 1558 12
“ Bridge 1366 13 1342 05 431 46 10 30 2*21 02
•• Poor.. . 223 88 : 358 181 !..... | 1* 00 504 *3
“ Judgement. .. 8i 82' 10 62 - I 37 71 07
'• High Helped. 2 12 32 OK I 8o *« *3 31
“ Soldiers Belief 29* 37 lo 7*1 81 30 37 240 83
District School 2480 73 11339 12 56 181 . 3581 21 78 24 1818 40
Hchool Judgement . 1138 86| 34 12: 53 uo 67 33 31 1063 04
School Bond 4838 36 2130 25 .... 1844 3 4 20 54 435* 72
Township Funds 2806 30 . 3601 19 1 3*05 12 123 36| 2434 38
District Hoad . »4 33 .1 *4 3*
Township Bond. , 318 44; 04 91 .| 3*0! 38106
" Judgement I 91! 3* 5* ... I 12 39 32
I.oup 4’lty Village. i... 371 36 510 00 18 HO I* 15
“ •• Bond I 318 60 630 I# i . 14 70; 89102
•• •• Judgment 12 17 ds* 3H . ... ! 71*1181 » »' 1317*
Mtrh&jld Village I uo ... .| 1 ««
Ashton *• 6 37 19 16 ... .! 53 131 I 82; -
Hockvllle •* 87 71 09 08 120 (Hi 2 5.1 14 26
Institute . . 51 14 II 1*1 .. . . .i 40 6 1 74
Printers _ j Wi 67 47 ho 58 161 1 *0 74 61
Flues an4 Ucensee ... I **i 2 tsi 3 Oo
Miscellaneous. .... | 22:2k ., ....... . .
ttlouden Thistle 3 76 16 rail 3 oo 1 67 15 03
Hchool i Inters i J3» 00 2 26 37 I *1 on 400 37
124782 us! .130.31 II 3069 66 ' 3U6U 65 31899 16 Till kill 307181 II
It*i4iir« liiikUMi> l«t, 1*41,. • IH)M U*
* ..»iwv»*Mt from rp rr*«*•*, IJklH «#
» Ittfti Ut«» il, KM> Tft
•* \*m •• vj»i ♦*
" t**4 .. H4Vf utt
M \mt ** l.tlt tM
*• m •* .. «i
*• i*i M &i -a
M t«*u ** « 1*
»** •• 1% IJ
fru«M H. U h.1 l«»*. -\*4* *1
*• IM»I« 1,111 VI
I lv*K. Ivpflt 41* VS
“ - 0*1 *4
I*' Mvit'M*! uf(i«|« ‘01 01
Hint* <»f Sw!>r»»fcM, /
Mbwruuui OottBtf11 I. I U PoUfct, Tr— nrt»r
of Mill county, ilu MtUwa) ••*u« lb«l lift* for**"
In* •UUiu«nt u i'«irr*rl»* I v*rily b*ll*v»*
I M I*U1AII. OiMMlf Tf«M«r*r.
Huli*t!iilt*t| aiul »*i*b to I-%*f»»r*» tu» ilu* 'Mb
• U> nf July, l«tH
\m*ii iimuhun,
CiMiBiy iWk.
ml V iiKi I.>hjc <!ir»
it #:• i h *: v ivi ri: .i w v# v
i i»i i* nn • Kinw'i*
1.4*. NViM, I'nltiv tin I m4 lrri|«t*l Uu»*H f«ir S»l#
In district court of Sherman oouuty anil
State of Nebraska.
Jacob Albers as administrator
of the estate of Charles C Keas
land, deceased 1’laliitltr
Ernst Kelsland, father and sole
heir at law of Charles C Itcas
land, deceased, anil unknown
liters and all persons Interested
ill said esiute, Defendants.
Notice is lierefy given tbal in pursuance
or an order of lion. I M. Sullivan. Judge of
the district oourt of .Sherman County and
State ol Nebraska on l lie cv day of June, laid
for tho saleot the real estate hereafter de
scribed there will be sold at the south disir
of the Court House In the village of Loup
city In said county of Nliorman and State of
Nebraska on the 7 day of August lsM7. at two
o’clock ii. m of said day at public vendee to
the highest hiddei on the lollowlng terms,
tu wit .-one half In cash at date of sale and
remainder on one > ears time, secured by a
first morgagoon said premises; the follow
lug I'escrlbed real estate situate In Ilia
County of Sherman and state of Nebraska
to- wit; The south west quarter of the south
west (|Uarler of siiUoni*. right In township
(Ml thirteen, north of range (13) thirteen,
west of t he M i>. ui.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Deled Ibis 11 day of July, Is'.ir.
Jacob Hunts, Administrator
of the estate of Charles C, lieaeland lie
cease; I.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch caae manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. ltoss Filled
and other casts made by it, a Im>w
(ring) whit h cannot Iw twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It U a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many ac cident*
that octatl Matches fitted with the
old style bow. which la simply held
in by friction ami cm I*- twisted oil
with the huger*. It i» called the
1 mm m ea-t i uiimii a vis pvt viwatt
• U ii* out Ost sal w**
i*m* wtA* mJ •sain **i. lei |w w«
-tmi'llA t toll | Aim