The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 23, 1897, Image 7
Wnlftfl' YMr-OIrt Grandunn. | The baby which may some day be Btome King of England seems to have glome positive merits. There could be f." no nicer baby nor one more bright and k ‘forward, considering that be has just completed his first year. Of course be has already seen a good deal, and Is always taken down to the drawlng | room twice a day. In the evening ho “ wears ailk slips of different colors covered with lace, and shoes to match. It is quite a Bourse of amusement to the dwellers In k House, where its parents live, that the baby is far more > affable to its father than mother. In deed. the little fellow already shows likes and dislikes. When Mrs. Glad stone recently called he assaulted her with Infantile violence, and notwith standing nil t'.'o coaxing entreaties of his nurse, dealt out blows with his liny flats. Mrs. Gladstone laughed heartily, and tells the story as a capital one io P k#r friends. Haby, by the way, is still accompanied on his walks by a police I man. HLr' -— -—-——. Vlultorn to l.lnrolii runt In Clilrago Will It* delight cl with the MMivpriir book f ol thin beautiful rpot now being <liNtribut«-<i by the CbicAgo. Milwaukee A, Hi. I’aul Kailwit v (’omp/iny. It In n magnifl* ent publication of Wl pngeH full to overflowing with deliciouH half tone phture* of one of I’reati oi H mo*t charming pbue* of lenort for citizen* of the (Irent Republic No stranger visiting ('lllingo should be j^^titboiit h copy of thit “Htmvenir of Lincoln ^Kk.” It can onlv be procured by enclos “ twenty tlvo C2f>) cents, in coin or post age stamps, to Geo li lb -afford general .dpaeumger ngent, 410 Old Colony lluililing. iScngo. Ill lie IViinisil to Know. s “Arc, you tho proprietor of lids 1 restaurant':’" said the mwho hau | waited for Ills order until li«.t became 1Smps> sir. W hat can I do for you?" W-“You can give inn some infornia lion I want te know whether you have told tho waiter to stay away so thflf you can bring in a bill for ludg InJ^ugaiiist me. ” •V To Colorado hprlDKi and I'nebln. Ilurllngton Hoot* via lianvar. A’ through Weeping i ur to Colorado Rpring* aud Pueblo vin Denver in attached to Hurlington Route dsilv train leaving Ch'iago 10::0 p in. Office. .Ml Clark Wt. Ilrrezy lllta of Thought. China is the biggest crop Japan has •ver harvested. Turkey must be up and Ucdouln to •top the looting of her Arabs. All the same, duck trousers arc not the thing* to go Into water with. * The diplomat who knows something u should not open his mouth, for fear Piprhat he knows may escape. If Indianapolis people want (he horso ■ hitching posts removed from their Htftreets. They have a country vlllago Appearance. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price, 75c. r Tiik Ykudw Kin Maoazink is a new publication in New York, by llo vard. ojfciinslee <fc Co., iMf* William street. It is ■published fortnightly ut 81 u year, or m sold ut five cents a copy, the only mug H nziiie in tiiis country of its scope and P originality at such a low price. The P Yellow Kid is profusely illustrated and is original ami entertaining through BtW- , It promises to become u highly popular publication and to rapidly ac ' tjuirean immense circulation. A sam ,, pie copy will start the laugh all along S. the line and bid defiance to the blues. | _ Car's Coach Balaam 1* tl.f oldect and beat It will break up a sold quicker k| than an) thing el»e. It If alwara reliable. Tr) it. tuiuuH»"un nun iiiiriniir. f “Ah, ha!” said the old college man, as B he picked up a sheet of paper and ex Bamlned It closely, “it's been a year since * t saw a table of logarithms.” "That Isn’t a table of logarithms,” said his friend, snatching the paper away. “That’s the score of this morn* | lng's cricket match.” i kAsiiiti.L's hid mtak kxtract in ‘thf be«l; all icrncrr* will refund youi money If you nre nut satisfied with It. Talked Religion to It Mrepy Husband* A South Dakota doctor got n dlVGrce a few days ago at Yanktoit, becr.use •when his wife became a member of the church she proceeded to mage life a burden to the doctor by trytng to con vert htm. It wkh related by him that ^ehe would wrtake him op in the middle Bif the nigttl tq deliver sermons to him. 1* ’Oar* Conatlpatloa Foravar. TsMCtacarau 1,'andr Cathartic 10c or Be. II U v U. tall w oura. druaaiau ratuud idwmv y A HulTalo Morrwr. r |’b the upsetting of a steam yacht it 'he’harbor at Uuffalo, N. Y., nine peu t-te were drowned, all but two of when ware bualneae men of the city. Tin vraft keeled over while turning urouud I A Fair InTMMnfnt. "Here,” complained the aggrieved [ father, "I have spent nearly $15,000 on that girl's education, and now she goes ! and marries a $2,500-a-year clerk." "Well," said the friend of the family, "isn't that all of 15 per cent on your Investment? What more do you want?” Hanger Ahead. At this time of year the stoiinvli and en tire digestive system is deranged reusing indigestion, weakness, drowiuess and gen eral indisposition Ihm't yn In tlrep while there is danger a As id. Your system needs renovating to prevent fever* and other dangerous diseases. Tak» Dr. Kav's Hen ovator in lime and we wn.i. or»it*sier von will not hnve fever. It strikes to the root of Die matter and remove, the cause It regulate* I lie stomach. bowels and liver so gently and plea aotlv and yet cures a j larger per cent of cases than any remedy | ever discovered. It cures th < worst cases of indigestion, constipation and rhronl • J diseases. It is pleasant and easy to tnke j I’rire. by mail, postage prepaid, flirts, and td If your druggist dees not have it don't take No ne info;- or article which he env* Is "just us goo..', ill sun I to us for tin) medicine or "Dr. Kay'a Home Treatment." a valuable ISS-page free book with lift recipes. Address Dr. It. J. Kay Medical < 'o. . Omaha. N*d>. Marrying on iiWi a Month. Yesterday a young man asked me If It would be safe for him to marry on $500 and a salary of $50 per month. I told him J could tell better when I saw the girl. There are girls who have grown up In rune and who have klrked great black and blue welta In the lap of luxury, yet who are more ready and willing to oieept a little rough weather (httn the poor girl who has stood for eighteen years looking out through the soiled window of life waiting for the rain to rinse It off and let the sunlight t through that she might see her ap , proachlng lord.- BUI Nye. About Frfmh •lournwIUm. The following, say* the New York Run, I* the explanation given by the I’arla correspondent of the Independ ; cnee Beige for not sending to that pa per an account of a garden party at the | residence of President Faure: "I must say a word, pven If a day late, about the ! charming fete given yesterday at the Klysee by Mme. Felix Faure, I was there and I stayed there; that Is the rea son why I could not send any account of the function. That Is my only ex cune, and It Is the strongest proof of the charm of the evening which we all passed there." 1 Enterprise* of fire at Pltli anil Moment Have, ere, now. bad iliclr current* “iiirncd awry," a* llamlcl *ay*. by nn ulliwk nf dys prpslst. Napoleon failed U) Improve Id* ad tannin* at Ainderlltz in I* said, of Indigestion brought on by some In dl«erellon In eating. In order to avoid <ly» (M-psla abstain from over-lndulgenee. and preeede tin' He al u.lll a WllK'glllSsful of llov teller's Momaeli Hitters, more elfeetlve t ban any dietedle In Improitng the tone of the stoniaeli. I.lver eomplabil. ebllls and fever, and rheumatism are annihilated ny the lilt/ | le r». Try <#ralil-0» Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GKAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without , injury as well as the adult. All who try It like It. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mooha or Java, but it 1b made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without I distress. V* the price of coffee. 16 cents and 25 cents per package. , Hold by all grocers. Tastes like col i lee. Looks like coffee. ThU Town Protect* Cyril*!*. 1 At last a place has been found where 1 the poor bicyclist is protected. It is In 1 the town of Chicopee, Mass., and any ' person found throwing Into the street ! ashes, glass, crockery, scrap-iron, tacks, nails or anything that might Injure the J tires of bicycles will be prosecuted. Klin left Into Your Shoe*. Allen's Kuol-lSase, a powder for th* feet. U cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It Is t’*« greatest comfort discovery of the age. 1 Allen's Foot-Ease makes tlght-tlttlng ; or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, itching feet. Try It to-day. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c in stamps. Trial package FRISK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LA j Roy. N. T. I Aftftt 'h'loomrra In (Jf«rrl». The advenffrf bloomers has caused an i old law to be'♦fug *p in Georgia, which prohibits men from wearlnc women s ‘ dre -.set aud rn'omen from wearing men s clothe*. _ kt-lo-su for rifty Cftftlft. fSuarani«c<1 tobacco bablt cur*. jaaka* waak 1 B«u ftlruus. bluoU pure We. II. All drufstal* Without life, death wouldn't hi worth dying. Mr, Wlnilvw'l BMIblaf Strap Par OiltilrMilaalhla* ullfta, Ikagawa raftaca* mSara a!lft>> paui, .ana *M OcaaUabotlift Some men have corns on their *uuh aud their bodhm hurt them. tiuirttton r>r>—ry iu HmIIA whI yrttwlh. ^ I Th#r» O t* b«tur )ii»|Mrttiun for lh» k*tf AA IW K} I AYliRS HAIR M(1()R. O I AN ORPHAN GIRL. -- (By Amy Randolph.) R. FOLLIOTT had just finished his dinner. .Mr. Folliott was a very rich man. and his cook had once been a pupil of the great Soyer, so that the meal, although unosten tatious in every re spect, was of the best and choicest. The asparagus soup, a delicate young hake'd shud, roast ham with champagne, sauce, a salad, coffee, sweets all these things Mr. Fol liott enjoyed because, In their way, they were perfre*. And he was Just culling out a few monster strawber ries from among their green leaves when a footstep sounded oil the ver anda. He looked quickly up. A tall child of 13 stood there, her fare Hushed, her hair disheveled and her thick boots powdered over with the fine dust of the roads. "I am so hungry," burst Involuntar ily from her lips. "Can’t I have one of those cakes?" Mr, Folliott frowned and shook his head. "If you tire a beggar,” Iip said, "you had bette r go around to the back door. Mrs. Hanford will give you something, I dare say.” The child blushed deeply and drew , herself up with something of iineoa , ?o!oiis dignity. ‘'I'm not tl ’r. ggar." she said. "Can't a gl.l lie hungry without being a beg gar? I have come here to look for Paul Foil lot t ” "That's my name,” said the old gen 1 tlenian. a little suspiciously. "Then,” she said, composedly, "1 hove come here to lie your little girl. I am Grade Bellalre. My papa was Colonel Bruce Bellalre, and when he died he said that yon would take care of me. Here are hi* letters. And, now, please, let them give me something to eat.” Arid this was the way in which Grace Bellalre cime to the house of her father’s distant kinsman, Paul Folllott. Hhe was a pretty child, when the dust was washed out of her dimples and lhe shining brown curls were blushed Into something like shape. Hhe had Bruce Bellalre’* large, dreamy eyes and exquisite Greek profile, and Mr. Folllott, even while he experienced a thrill of consternation at this new charge, felt his heart warm toward her. "My dear,” said he. "you are a nice little girl, but what can 1 do with you?” "I could stay here and play, couldn’t I?” said Grade, Innocently, "But there Is something else In the world for little girls to do besides play ing,” said Mr. Folllott—and so he took counsel with good Mrs. Hanford, hl3 housekeeper. "Dear ht-art, sir,” said that kindly personage, “it seems to me plain enough. Why don't you kCnd her to Mrs. John Folllott? Don’t you remem ber last summer, when she was here and you helped her out with the debts that troubled her so badly, she declared she would do anything In the world to show her gratitude? And she’s got daughters of her own, hasn't she? Who Is there in all the world that could bring Miss Oracle up better than she?” "Mrs. Hanford, you are a genius" said Mr. Folllott. "Why on earth didn’t I think of that myself?” Mrs. John Folllott Caine to the Grange at once—a portly, smiling ma tron, "The darling,” she cried, enthusias tically embracing Grade, who looked rather awed at the sight of so much splendor, “I shall love her as dearly as If she were my own! Poor, dear Cousin Bruce! How well I remember him! You sweet one, you are the very pic ture of your papa!” So Mrs. John Folllott, greatly re joicing returned to the bfown-stone house In New York-, \vhoee rent was unpaid, and to the dAAghters, whose expensive dresses were yet written up on the wrong tide of Mile. Surlltor's books. ’’It's positively providential,” said Mrs. Folllott. "A thousand dollars a vear elparlv added to our Income!” "But there 1* that great awkward child to bring up," said Madalenu Kol liott, a handsome brunette, who had Just made her debut In society. "Oh, that docs not signify," said the serene matron. "Her cost will be ab solutely nothing." And so. in the course of a few weeks, Gracia Hdlslre found herself settling down to the position of lady's maid to the three Miseee boll I nit tfhe sewed the huitous on Madalena's boots, ah* ran out on rainy days, when the vary thambermaid objected on account of the weather, to match shades of worst ed ahd lllosrlle for AlUette. the second daughter, she washed Kloreace's poo d's for her. and wept many n tenr of bitter mortlllcatUin the while. And b degrees her shoes grew worn and lusty her healthy young growth out iltlyiml the limit* of her coarse serge gt.wa*. her boaaet and maatle became i t shabby that she c >uld not go out esvept under rover of the frtendly gush Once, driven •« deeperatton. she sore ruoeat* • white chapeau and »«.f- seat >«•h*i llut she never re pealed the espsrimeai for tits fob let met her on the stairs and dashed the light of her great blach eyes upun he* is a suvmi that was truly appa* I ling If ever you presuate to do such a thing sg* » said she la a h*w soon »t .oa< csovif l urath. too shall ha I list up M bread and uetsr lor n |m. tub" • t»oi I hav* aothiag to seat*' pi«»d gt tit« s “Your clothes are good enough." said Mrs. Foiliott. sharply. There is nothing so sinful as vanity." "But when I go to school—" began Grace. "You are not going to school." said Mrs. Foiliott. "It Is your business to stay here and help Jane with the china and silver and make yourself useful. You are not a young lady, like Miss Alicette and Miss Florence—you are only a working girl.” Child though she was, Oracle Bel lalre comprehended the Injustice of all this. Kind old Mr. Foiliott hadn't meant this when he gave her over Into Mrs. John Folllott's change. He must have forgotten to send the money, Grace thought, or she never would have been treated thus, "It's a shame.” said honest Bridget, the cook. "The child ought to have ex ercise at least.” "Sure, If she was the cat they couldn't take less notice of her,” said Norah, the waitress. "And just look at the clothes of her,” said Fannie, the smart chambermaid. "She’s kept me awake with her cough for two nights,” said Bridget, "and ail the paregoric I give her don’t loose It up a bit.” For Mrs. Foiliott, under an extra r-rc 1 ure of company, had ordered Grace to sleep with Bridget for a night or two, and when the company was gone nothing had been said about her resuming her little room again. "The girls need It to keep their sum mer dresses In," said Mrs. Folliott. "And Grace Is Just as well off with Bridget." "They wouldn’t car# If she coughed hersell v'tt of I he world entirely," said Not ah. "Worse luck to 'em.” said Fannie "But nobody ever yet ground down the orphan and the fatherless without there was a judgment on ’em for It.” Mr. Folliott all this time was begin ning to be a little uneasy. His elegant city relative wrote at slated Intervals, but her communications were eminent ly unsatisfactory. "1 should like to see the child,” he said within himself. “And last night I dreamed that Bruce Bellalre eame to Tv, Just as be used to look, and asked me what I had done with his one ewe lamb. I don't believe In supernatural warnings. I never had any faith In signs and omens. But I believe I will gi down to New York and see If Grade is well.” And so, late one snowy December night, there came a tremendous peal at the doorbell of Mrs. John Folllott’s mansion. That lady was absent at a fashionable reception with her three daughters. Norah and Fannie hail gone t} visit a friend In a neighboring kitchen, and Bridget, half asleep, stumbled to the front door and opened It. "Miss Grace, Is It?” she stammered. "Sure. If yez'll step In the parlay I'll send her up to you.” "Up!” repeated the keen old gentle man; "where Is she?” '•OH! TAKE ME AWAY!” "In the kitchen, sir,” Confessed bridge t. “I will go where khe Is," said Mr. Folllott. “Take mb to her at once.” Poor little Grade sat before the k'ichen fire, the meekest and palest of Cindcrellks, In an unconsciously drooping attitude. Her dreHs was worn and faded, her hair brushed back In a plain plait, her cheek transparently pale, and there was an expression In her eyes, as they looked into the red embers, that made Mr. Follloti's heart ache. "I've not come any too soon,” he thought, and 'hen he said aloud: “Grade! Little Oracle!" With a sudden cry she sprang to her feet and ran sobbing Into his arms. “Oh, take me away!" she exclaimed. "Oh. I am so miserable here!" The old man looked at her, with tears In his eyes. “I have made a mistake, tirade," salt' he. “No man can do his duty by prosy. I should have kept you my self. Never mind, little one. hence forward you shall be alt my own.” He turned to Hridget “park her elothee," said he, "and hut < no time." Hrtdget alared "Are you going to take her away, air?" said she. Mr. Kolllotl nodded. "And It's glad of it | am" said the hoavst girt, "for though it # weariful lea*some I shall he without her. It's a 1 l>!ate for a gentleman's daughter la tku owld black beetle haunted hltghea No more It ala t ” And abea Ufa Folllott and her AHUMMkI l§f#4 rf*|i, *1 | u I'm H l* I A# NHiMlAi Miff* *4« *«* ;*ih i#im la 4* tA* 4uii*a *»l * , » D%|4 (m |A#Hi 4 ***t# fi« A itlilivt it* (At tali I*Ala •%* |iU>Mh l*W» fk*% mmi |i*M Km IVHiall |f«* ion# A* *Aa t#4 I : I A* Ih a Am A I'taMMi I***#! l v * §*###*#4 Ala MoaHiiMt - A • «A*ll A*«# A «#H4 (mh A a, 44**11 44 Ao»h ha a* Ha**’’ *al4 *A* Hal Ufa#la amah ii At* (aftAii) 1 tat* AM «a4 • A*h «A* A«*A#4 At* A (MH lAaaa Ai*« VmI Um lA*i i seemed like nothing but a troubled dream. From which she had awakened, thank heaven! -N’t v York ledger. DURING VICTORIAS REIGN. When Victoria ascended the throne she governed 26,000,000 people. Now adays she governs 402,314,000. Ilcr empire extends over 11.399.316 square miles, or 2 per cent of the land of the globe. When she was crowned the United Stales had only 17,000.000 people, and now its census reports 70,000,000. When she was a girl the city of Mel bourne In Australia consisted of a church, an Inn. three shopM, twenty huts and a kangaroo meal market. It Is now Australia's largest city, with 300,000 Inhabitants. She has seen one-third of Africa res cued from the natives and brought un der the Influence of civilization, and great cities built where once savagt forests stood. When she was crowned Chicago was a village of 4,000, like many a small town now dotting our western prair ies. There were no telephones In her young days; Immigrants came to Am erica in sailing vessels and had to provide their own food; there was not a foot of submarine cable In existence; the spectroscope has been Invented dur ing her reign, and it has enabled scien (ir.ts to discover twenty-four of the nty-e!ght known elements. Thirteen crimes were punishable by death when Victoria ascended the throne. Today there are but two— treason and murder. When she was young there was no I umuiiid VI III uininv.a, no street lighting; music was practi cally ignored, and nine out of every ten workingmen were professed In (Idols. There was no gas, no photography. Victoria has been contemporary to seventeen United States presidents, twenty-eight kings, six emperors, four czars, three queens, thirteen presidents, ten princes, five sultans, and many rul ers of petty states in Europe and Asia. She has over seventy descendants and sixty of these are alive. A<1 vice. The Dlakes have a summer home In Willoughby, to which they have Just returned, after a residence of six months in the city. One of the first callers after the family had got settled was the minister. While the good man was Inquiring after the health of each member of the family, expressing his pleasure at their return and explaining how the affairs of the church were go ing, little Tcddie, who celebrated his third birthday, and who, during their stay in the city, must have met some body who was addicted to the use of slang, stood open-mouthed and appar ently drinking In every word that was Raid. Having finished a general review of affairs concerning his church the minister started to tell about a kook that he had Just finished, when Teddle suddenly interrupted hint by gravely saying: “Oh, go hire a hall!’’ It is understood that even now the worthy minister is sometimes possessed of troublesome doubts concerning the Blakes.—Cleveland Leader. feu< ctfiftful I'oaer. Photographer (to sitter)—I saw you at church last Sunday. Miss Skeate. Sitter-Oh, did you? Photographer - Yes, and also your friend, Miss Hrown. (If you could raise your thin a trifle. Thanks.) And what an atrocious look ing nai sne nan on. t/citer n pause.; There, Miss Skeate, it Is over, and I think we have caught a very pleasant expression.—London Punch. •lowett ami tlie Student. The late Prof. Jowett of Oxford had n curious way of commenting on the work that was brought to him by stu dents. On one occasion he was shown a set of Greek verses. After looking them over carefully, he glanced up rather blankly and said to the author. "Have you any taate for mathema tics?-' HOW DISHES COT THEIR NAMES The sandwich la called for the earl of Sandwich. Mulligatawuey la from an India word meaning pepper water. Waffle ta front wafel. a w ird rf Teu tot Ic origin. meaning honeycomb. (iooaelierry fool |a a corruption of gooseberry lnule. milled or pressed gooseberries lliiminy In from auhumln at. 'he North Amerkait Indian word lot patched corn •iutrolash la a dish Wo rowed from the NarrwganasU Indians and raltad by them ui sk k «|Uo>«*h l'»ro>M«tl Is a i«.» rapt but of farce atrst from th« Pleach fares, ilulay 1 e . meat tor *ttiding IMsk maun* means IHstally while find hence «huvuMlg blaitr ktesge b Koweihlttg of a misnomer l * st lot te M W corrupt Ion of the u' f LksUch wutd rharlyi. which means s dtsh of costard, and chosudai# mass Is Itnestaa ehatkdlw i Isas ho it iiayl) ohrw soap, ptwls j ksina the wants by whbrh whew la wfiea, km wn la lbs snath rh»hea gam fed ta c up of »hra and thnheg it* swat Mi taken (tom n Crash dsf- | Wat (Mb shkh means ”ths a Is seed dead la el Inslon la I he ewetsnl «wa . ls« ml sauna M ai brsets for tbs dsadk | r*»4(ln on a Trolley Cur. An unusual sight was wltnrsed o« a Brooklyn trolley car heading toward a cemetery. An employe of a well known undertaker was seen carrying the body of a baby In a coflln. which was wrapped In a blanket, on thn car. There was considerable excitement among the pasengers for a while, but no attempt on the part of the conductor was made to collect an additional fare. This Is the cheapest funeral on record. I>r. Kay's renovator Is certain to clnnnse and invigorate the whole system Trial sire, 2.V Hee advt. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds amt the holiday of fool*. For I.ting and chest diseases. I'leu'» Cure is the test medicine Me have used Mrs. J. I,. Northoott, Windsor. Out., Canada Nome of tlic feasts of Lucullu* cost ua nuch as 8*1.<100. , Flucel* Tour Ilowela With Cascarete. < until Ostler lie, cure constipation forever. !0o. If C. C. C fall, druggists refund Brunei Thomas Cosgate introduced tha fork, into Kiigland ulioitt Kilo. I The Bicycle j v Sensation \ 1897 COLUKBIAS AT $75. 7 Standard of the World. f 1896 Columblas ... at $60. f 1897 Hartfords. . . . at 50. £ Hartford Pattern 2 . . . at 45. 1 Hartford Pattern I. . . at 40. a Hartford Patterns 5 and 6 . at 30. 4 These are the new prices. > They have set the whole S bicycle world talking — S and buying. I POPE MFC. CO., Hjftfori, Conn. C Catalog fra* from any Columbia tlaalar» J by mail for a * < ant atamp. V SIOO To Any Man. V/ILL PAY »100 FOR ANY CASE Ilf Weakness In Men They Treat an* Fall to Coro. An Omaha Company places for Um first lime before the public n M auk ai, Treat ment for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervine, mil Sexual Weakness, unit Hestoratioa of Mfe Korea In obi nu<l young men No worn out Krench remedy: contains no Phosphorous or other linrmful drugs It l« i WoNDKBri i, Treatment magical in its affects positive in its cure All renders, who are suffering from a weakness that Plights their life, causing that mental awl physical suffering peculiar to l.ost Man flood, should write to the HTATK MKIMCAI, COMPANY, Omaha, Neb, awl they will umd you absolutely KKICK, a valuable paper on these diseases, and positive bcooTs if their truly Maoicai. Treatment, 'newer xnds of men, who have lost all hope of a :;ire, are being restored by them to a per fect condition. Thia Maoicai. Treatment may be taken it home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bill* to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they rail to cure. They ore perfectly reliable; have no Krea Prescriptions, Free Cure, Krea Sample, or C. (> I> fake They bare RfiO.OOO capital, and guarantee to cure every case they treat or ref mid every dollar; or their charges may lie depuetteif in » bank to be paid to them wheu a am* m . effected. Write them today. Thro* Yellowstone' Park on a Bicycle. Among t bogey sent. water falls. lakes and terrace* «>l Yellowstone Park I* where every! rue wheelmanshould t spend Ills ‘97 holiday. Meat delightful outing Iseagta ahle. I.ess expensive than a week at a- fashionable summer resorb tioud road* - built hy t.ho government. Klegant hotel*. Plus Hsh ■ Ing. Splendid air. Write for booklet contain ing a map of the Park a* well a* full Information about the cost of the trip. What to take, what the rood* are like etc. J. I'rakci*, (inn I Pass’r Agent. ButllogUtn Koute. outsha Kelt UNIVERSITY op NOTRE DAME. Notre Damn. Indiana. (losalrs. I.ellrrs. aeteure. Us.tMt ■ rhaoleol see Kleetrtea) T.iiginrrrlug._ Thorough Prep*r«lory snl * unnsrrnl t tiqrei. , . •tu.ienl* si <ieW ’■!■■ K.h.i«s Tree. Jus* •< » low tes.. t’s«jRI*n , . M. Pdword's Mall. ! *■■»• under ta is. It»7lh Term September 11N. I »»7 t’*l»t«gue Tree •-« .eetbswsn to gei. A. Morris..*, c. a. t. I’rtMldena. PENSIONS'*^?™ WtmetPf a ftlNII . Psa.te* Ageod. IIUhnlwtAMRM. «*MIMUl«M.U.t, ROOFIWG^r^E-ggS DROPSY ?•? TJ *■»«»«' »-» aye# It*.I<%m** !««•• •*- **»»«*• ft****, im «<, W. GANGER W N U OMAHA Nth W.-IMI, a see «ilti«g to t4>uto*o *<•*» «*• .