For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb Lioaal Dsws. Hammock* from 78 cent* up at \Y a kinson's Harvesting will commence in good earnest soon A good cow for sale. Enquire a Wat kinson’s Hon. J. N. Paul, of St Paul was dc ing business In the city Wednesday. Robert Mathew ha* a new wheel II is of the Ben Hub manufacture and inn cream colored handles. The county board of supervisors arc again In session anil there will be more proceedings for publication next week. YV. J. Willier, of Litchfield was a pleasant caller at this office last Tues day while doing business in t he city.. Miss Minee Craven started for her home at Elm Creak last Thursday morn ing after a two months visit with friends There will l>e an eipiity term of the district court for Hbermau county, August 24. f)o you need a washing machine, clothes wringer, wash boiler, tinware, or anything In that lineIf so cal) on T. M. Reed. The Itelsland real estate for which .TopoIi Altifrtk iu MilmillifitTutor is bCIIILT advertised to sell August 7tb, 1W7 Hcc notice in another column. The officers of school district No. *2 have posted notices for bids to move and plaster their school house. VVe refer them to Peter Rowe who Is a good hand at the Iwiz. The Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake City, Mlun., want a responsible man in this vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees and nursery stock. Good pay. Steady work. Write them today. Massageo: The remarkable skin food and tissue builder is constantly winning new friends. Massageo Manuel ac companying each package Found only at Gasteyer's. If you want a neat job of hand made shoes, or shoe repairs, or to purchase shoes from a well selected stock of the best makes in the market go to II Dol ling. New stock at low prices TheN. Y. Delinator says of the cele brated ‘‘Sylvan Toilet preperations” That they are the mort reliable, harm less, efficacious, preperations on the market. For sale at Gasteyer's. Mrs. Kate A. Masou and daughter Lyda are here frem Canr.elton. Indiana Visiting with A. P. Cuiley, her brother. Mrs. Mrson is the mother of Wm. Mason who spent the winter of 1W5 here with his uncle. Geo. E. iiotclikin, the new miller moyed his family and house hold effects down from Arcadia last Tuesday. They occupy the residence in the east part of town one door east of the McGrath resi dence. Miss Lulu Bower returned from St. Paul last Wednesday where she has heea for medical treatment for the past three months. W’e have not learned at this writing wheather her health has ira proved or not. C. II. Winteer and little son Solo man, of Rockville made this office a pleasant call to-day while in the city Mr. Winteer reports harvesting com' rnenced in his section of the country anil corn looking good but needing rain. ■lames Conger has already harvester 115 acres of his winter wheat and rye and is now engaged in running his ncs harvester for some of his neighbors .fames says he is going to cut enougl grain on the side to make first pay men on the machine. Ills spring wlieet w|| be ready for harvest next week MUs lleary Young gave a party a her parents residence to a large numb* of invited friends lust Saturday erasing The party was given in celebration o tier sixteenth birthday tine of ih chief amusement* wa* a bowary danc whichwaa accompanied by good music A most pleanent time Is reported by ul who participated Adaiu shaupp, manager of the I.uu * Ity, Arcadia. A-hton aud shaupp* Sh mg elevator* (ay* that during the umnl of August last year they took in at l.ou t "tty os er t u*bei* of wheat and a *'*re right la the bailed dUcrlet Tbl year he I'Xpeetr to do a very nmcb iwry er business «t this point s* be judge th» nbeaicrup and >o fact mint utiu crop, are five times as large a* the were I at year. 'there • a* unite a Urge crowd fr«t here went rip to Arcadia verier da •Morning to attend the tt oodman prenn It I* est.mated that ai»«ut m* limit ami wtwni, hopper- were present a««i way np tune I* reported tine w| th principal leal urea of ihe ptogiam *r Ihe bail game* of five innings each In tween lamp • ily and Arcadia, and l.ou t ity and M»*on i'll v ir-.ih game* wer w«« l*> Ihe I •ewp i >ty team the forme hy a lews of if to ,'ao t ihe unet by *s«ro stf • to I. W H Melur p.tcbe, Ml games N th* I os p i lly lean and tannest twenty men la lb* tins inn ieg«. Hie I,smp t it* ns general!] plat bail when they p*< Mali** in ibi he* 1‘hey *wessghl her- - a s. ftn UM aa a result of liter* effort Croquet sets at Watkiuson's , Nice corn beef at Reynolds’ mea market. The celebrated Sylvan Toilet Re qusites; Sold only by tlie agent—Mrs Cbaa. Oasteyer. Uasteyer is closing out his line o. Sel/ School) shoes at very low prices Call and see them. Win. Neville lias purchased (lie Ray mond residence property and moved Ills family therein last Tuesday. J- L. Ilawk threshed his rye from the shock last Monday. It is said fob* the first Job of threshing done in thr country. John Fisher is erecting a new frunic barn on his farm. Si/e 24 feet square. He lias also built a grunery in connect ion with the barn. Harvest has commenced in good earn est. Several Holds of rye and winter wheat is now in the shock and the spring wheat w ill be ready next week. O. Hensehoter U working up quite a livery business. He has had teams out every day this week. And still Improve ments are going on at the Round Front barn over #l!JO 00 will be expended- for repairs. There Is not a town in the west that can afford better livery service than I.oup City. The l'ourist Sleeper is an* ‘up to-date’ car. Maximum comfort at minimum cost, is tiie principal upon which these cars are built and operated, 'They run daily from Council IHoffs and Ornahato Ogden San Francisco and Portland. Pullman porters with every car’ For further particulars call on or address W.vt.D. Clifton, Agent. 'Through an oversight we neglected HIM vii uh III nit ii11<>11 iiic uinuii xervicc* which were belli ut Loup City July i, in the morning at the Methodist church and in the evening at the liaptist church Kev Webster preached in the morning and Kev. Mhattuck preached iu the evening. Both meetings were at tended by a large gathering, it may he noted here that the church going people of the different denomination* of Loup City and vacinity are working hand In hand and that the church prlvalRges offered the public here are second to none in the State. A gathering of populists usually re mind* one of some of the storms we have haJ in the west. A dark cloud appears on the horizen and gradually grow* larger and larger. Flashes of lightening and peals of thunder fright en the nervous and there is a general closing of window* and doors; stock I* driven to shelter and the chickens get under cover. After this prelimi nary demonstration which is usually unnecessarily prolonged, it rain* a little and then the sun shines. Windows and doors are again opened and cattle and chickeus return to to their feed and the timid ones exclaim: “Oh pshaw', 1 thought “omething would follow after all that commotion.—Ex. There is on water iu the Burwell ditch. Efforts have been made for some week* to get the water down, but no water shows itself farther than a few miles at best. Would’nt it ha nice to have the Ord bonds floated, a big ditch bu iltand heavy expence* going on and then depend on the little ditch to supply ub? It was a lucky thing , for us that those bonds would not sell when the officers were trying sc hard to get rid of them. Ord Quiz i t If a man finds a dollar iu the road 1 that's free silver. If lie erucks a safe and gets ten or fifteen dolllan l in halves <|uarters and dimes that's r free silvar. Silver got in any otliei way is not free. It always eosti just what it is worth the same tia . any thing else. It is no earner to gei a dollars worth of silver Ilian a dot 1 tar's worth of gold and no harder | It is just tlih same and always wd i> iw York Titties * I v Local, pup* assure the iiu*.iie«i men ol Kearney that for two huu died dollars the pop state iimvw . lion can tie had ttsi* year which ii i, | two hundred dollars wore than tithe * Lincoln «»r Omaha has ever paid fo f the satae circus It has always bed a mislt-iy worth studying why th< 14 pop party , so loud in da professioi I of hive for (he great cotnnioi l people sitouid dist itiuuaU again* „ the small Nebraska titles Hut 01 s a par with that other cardinal teal * } urn of populism that the »*ltUe shout* |seek the man. as vsempiitkwd in the j county at the prvannt time by thi t ■ eaiamdv screw* tier* If the j *o ■ i want UihoM sownmii..»* at Keainei * I* t the party oittcDts cu«av to Kearnci II and him a hail tike m«n, ami pay foi j It 11 tth ait the stale oitt* m It U»*k< ,! like the party ought to get over tht .piill piecing and hat passing age Kearney ‘tun. Thomas K. Watson in a signet i e litorial in the last issue of hii People s Party Paper charges tha the fusionists have entered into j compact to deliver the populist vott to the democrats in 1000, and Ilia the $1,500, recently computed to tbs populist fund by Mr. Bryan out (1 the proceeds of his hook sales is thr first installment of the purchase money. And Tom generally knows what he is talking about.--Shelton Clipper. SMOKKK’S 1IKAKT.HUIIN. Heart burn from excessive smoking, or from any other cause, is relieved by the first dose of So. 10, Dr. Humphrey’s Specific for Dyspepsia; Snots, all drug Commencing Sunday June Ifitb, the UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate, Through Turist Car Service to Portland, Oregon and Washington points via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific K'jrs thereby giving passengers the benefit of two tourist routes via Odgcn to Portland , This routs will take them up through the beautiful Sacramento Valley, disclosing ill features along the Shasta Route, from Sacramento. For rates, time tables and full information, call on City Ticket Office, No, 1303 Far mini St W. D. Ct.IKTON. FREE BICYCLES. The State Journal Is offering a first class bicycle free to any parson who will get up a clul> of 100 yearly sub scrlbers for the Semi-Weekly Journal at $1.00 each. The bicycles are covered bv as strong a guarantee as any 8100.00 wheel and are first class In every re ■peer. Any young man or wo man can aow earn a bicycle. If you find you cannot gel the required number, a liberal cash commission will be allow ed you for each subscription you do get,. You can get all your friends and neighbors to take the Semi-Weekly State Journal at #1.00 a year. Address State Journal. Lincoln, Neb. To California Comfortably. Every Thursday afternoon, a Tour ist sleeping car from Salt Lake City, Sau Fransisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln by the Burlington Route. It is carpeted upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and hacks an d is provided with curtains, bedding, towels soop, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither so expensively finished nor so fine to look at as a palace sleep er. it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are accepted for passage and the price of a birth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only #5. For folder giving full particulars, call at nearest Burlington ticket office or write to J. Francis, G, P. A., Bur lington Route, Omaha., Neb. Croup and Whooping cough are child hood terrors: but like pneumonia, bron chilis, and other throat and lung troubles can be quickly cured by using One Min ute Cough Cure.— Odendabl Bros. Unconditional surrender, Is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will make with constipation. sick headache and stomach troubles,—Odendahl ltros. When the spring time comes.-geutle Annie,” like all other sensible persons, will cleanse the liver and renovate the system with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, famous little pills for the liver and stomach ail the vear round.—Oder. dull] Bros. Not only acute lung troubles, which may prove tatul in a few days, but old chronic cough and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and he per manently cured by One Minute rough Cure, Odendahl Bros. When a cold Is contracted, cure it at once. One Minute Cough Cure will set you oil I lie road to recovery in a minute. It will purely our pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat j troubles. Odenduhl Bros, I'MIKINSL The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by I continually coughing w ill llud instant relief by using One Minute (tough Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troll'tie- i j Bros. |tr. Sumner l*avi* of tituiid 1* | laud, the »|>ti lalmt m disease of the i eye and ear diseases, who lias hern r absent during the past thiec mouths II ha* returned to hi* »lti>e and is I1 prt paired to attend t I airly day* I* s lung time lit light sc i p-sinful a trouble a* pile* but Jacob Mlnb. lt of thuonlllc. (•» struggled that long before h« tiled |wtt|t|i 1 (V in b || t(s| waive, abbh pu.aly ml permaaeaity cured tout It is equally i rite, rise .u at rent* an t *11 shin aNWl , Um* IMesdibl 111 IT’S DANGEROUS ’.To • . ;• .. *»' % • A he* I* it* t»- «t as Mto ••• to***. H to **m- **4 *, ***551 ^ **•'( I ton*- 4-1- ♦ toe* I • A»«tM*** Ihlvto ttoF*«ii*4 | % • to to % Ikl • WU* X*»i »—* « , * , . * V*., < la* I he * »*4 * , • «* « a v HI H into HI I HI f % » FAIRBANKS, MOBtC (k CO.. ItOgl » M , UHtAllA. Null, H»4 H*|«l«f4 1 CHAS. GASTEYEP Is still offering you the rarest bargaing ever seen in the city of Loup, and consequently his trade is increasing daily. He invites you to enter his place of business on the south side of railroad street and partake of the following bargains at the affixed prices: DPJED FPUJTS: We have just receive a new lot of dried fruits which we offer as follows: Choice prunes, per pound ... - Ofi New apricots “ “ . . . - .10 Evaporated apples “ “ ... - .06 No 1. Nectarines “ “ . - - * .09 Evaporated peaches “ “ - - - .08 Evaporated raspberries “ “ . . * - .-0 DFY GOODS: We are now making room for our fall stock and we think it would pay you to look over our line before purchasing elsewhere. We still have a few choice patterns in white dress goods which we sell at 10, 12, 14 and 17 cents; also black India linnen at If) cents per yard. GEFEFALJTJES: 4k If in need of a suit of clothes call and examine our “Happy Home’ brand, Men’s suits for QUEEfiSWAFE: Now is the time of year when you need dishes. We are closing out our “Lustre Brand” ware at ten per cent discount. Plain white plate* 40 cents and cups and saucers 30 cts. per set. Every item guarranteed as represented. CHAS. GASTEYER. call on T. M. REED fora Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows or anything in this line. Prices all right, I also carry a complete stock of Harness ami Harness fixtures, Washing aid Savins Machines, Oils, etc. and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. HAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, * • - LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Financial Statement of I. M. Folski, Treasurer, of Sherman county, Nebraska, from January 1st. 1897, to July Jst, 1897. _____« Hal on Gol l e c . Tr a n * . Tf a n * - Name* of Fund*: hand tlona. ull ferreil ferreil DU bun, CoomiU __ .lau l,*97 Mourcee To From _ elonit Stale Fund... * 24*) 91 * 6325 65 ... 8 65 7841 77 1464 14 County General. 1028 4M 5458 lit 2I«18 66i 1000 no 8867 18) 174 4« 6468 77 •• Interent Bond . . 3 19 5490 III 11881 18)1 4046 08 187 96 2959 2* *• Hoad . .. 8046 07 :185 95 . 2000 18) (9) 80 13 60 1868 12 •• Bridge 1356 12 1342 66 I 131 45 16 80 7221 02 i “ Four. .. *23 83 353 (81. 12 <81 564 88 “ Judgement 66 *2] III 62 37 71 07 ! “ High School. 2 12] 92 68 1 60 86 88 84 “ Soldier* Belief_ 292 37 10 78 .1 61 90 37 240 88 DUtrlct Sehool. 2480 791 11939 13 56 |8) 9581 21 76 24 4818 46 School Judgement 1138 56| 31 12 53 00 67 33 31 1069 04 School Houd . 1583 951 2190 '25 . 1844 94 *0 * 4 4858 72 Townahlp Fund* 2866 un 3601 19 3806 12 128 V6i 2434 88 DUtrlct Komi . . 34 99 . . ! 34 99 Tow o*hi|i Bond.. . 918 41 64 91 .... 2 So 98106 " Judgement . 1 91 38 53 . . 1 12 89 32 L*»i|i City Village .. . . 371 95 310 uo 18 so 18 15 " “ Bond 318 56 5911 16 .14 7ll 891 02 “ •* Judgment . 12 17 :lee 38 TUI i* 8 80 191 75 Mtchfljld Village 196 ... .. 196 A*htou •• . 8 27 19 15 53 6o' 1 82 .... Kockvltta " 1 67 71 69 (ml . j 120 (kll 2 53 14 -t> liiMtltute ... . ... I 51 II II UI] .. to 61 71 Friuter* . I eii 47 17 «n 58 IF. I no 74 51 Fine* »u' Ucenee*. 1 on 3 on 9 111 M.x'ellaneoli* _ 22 28 . .... 22 88 KiimUii Till.tie . . .. .... .1 3 76 15 011 j 9IH 1 57 15 09 Schied order* . 288 011 3*26 97 j 61 00 tllO 97 121282 ml 19038 III 8o59 651 .1059 65 3IU99 Ml 7|ll 90 5U7lm It ttl .HCH K4 K' halaiu* January lat, I8M7,.. 99V-?** «** i fr<>m I‘|» TrM*. Ml* IX* t«.| imm ut«w 8I.8MU 14 •• IMM ** &4 •' iwi •* jjm m *4 IMW •• I.TIT Ml ** !«•? ** .. IfcS Ml “ I Mr | ** « 78 •' IMIM - 4 T4 M I MM •* . 14 |4 ** fvniu tau4* V.4I* “ aialK aH**rll«.«tu»»4a 1,311 aT ’* lul. (Ml III *•' ** 111 «M M Hawaii »*•!•«• 188 Ml HMM If *b«riu«u iVuuty, ) 1,1 M |‘.*Ukl, 'I rMiiimr , 4*1 Mill tMMUlljr, *lu Miifiuh) («Mr lfc«t UlM (illI**.* ti«4 -tnii'Mii-ni i« xirrw tiu | verily l»#ii*%«». • M h>IJkl,(!nuttiy irvMufvr NttlM'ilM «inI •««*tu l*» Iwlutti wo Ikli Aik Uy «l July. IWt Mull Mllll MMM, I'«H)M|| iirik . ■ ■■ —.. -. ' ' 1111 w. j. riHtiKu »»*u, r. mk>04« iiui kH, i ItluriH't *»•! Sultry t*-it»li»l»,r 1,'H S i«M»«irm» KISH till A mtNHClIOTRK. H §:.i i. H \ T. I Tf . i u V I v i.urr c'rrt • nimrm IT\»«i» L»t*, SViM, ('uIU /aU4 *irI lrn*iO*vl l«*w»U f»r H*U NOTICK OK ADMINHTKATOKM' SAI k or ItKAL EHTATK, In district coart of Sherman county and Itute of Nebraska, lanob Albers ax administrator if the estate of Charles 0. Kean and, deceased Plaintiff vs. Ernst Kelsland, father and sole lelratlawof Charles C Kea* and, deceased, and unknown iters and all persons Interested n said estate. Defendants. Notice is horefy given that in pursuance if an order of Hou. .I.M. Sullivan, Judge of lie district court of Hhennun fount; and ilute ot Nebraska on the uw day of June, Issr or the sale ot the real estate hereafter de icrlbed there will be sold at the south door if the Court House lu the villago of l.oup Ity In said county of Hhoriiiuii and Stale of Nebraska on the 7 day of August IHM7, ut two •'clock ii. in of said usy at public vendue to ibe highest bidder on tlieloltowlug terms, !o. wit,.one half in cash ut dale ot sale and remainder on one> ears time, secured by a list inurgage ou said premises, the lolluw ug ('escribed real estate situate In Hie Don my of Sherman and state of Nebraska Ui- wlli-Tb« soutli west quartern! the south west quarter ot section!*,eight In township l b thirteen, norlIs of range (l.'t) thirteen, west of t he u p. ni. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dwlud this II day of July, isbt. Jakhi Vi ii mis, Administrator ut the estate of Charles r. Iteaslamt D» eased v The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case niamitactnr ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jav Bum Filled ami other cases made hy it. n |Hiw (ring) which cannot he twisted ot pullrtl off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the tuauy accidents that nefall watches fitted with tin old style how. which is simply held in hy ftn turn ami can lw tw isttsl oil witiulw i It ,, C4 ******•*•••* u#m t,Mte ami \<« ytasia# <*>•* *«4 *' Siu a«ttta4 ta wait, Ai«a4ta t rait latm