The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 16, 1897, Image 2
THE NORTHWESTER! OHO. E. MNICHOTH. Editor * rob. LOOP CITY, ~ NEBRA8KA NEBRASKA NEWS. T71lea, Otoe county, has arranged t celebrate on the Fourth. The wheat harvest in Adams county now on, is a wonderful yield. Two livery stables in Fairbory wer destroyed by fire. Loss. 84.<881. Nebraska's apple crop this year wil Is- fair, but not as large ns in IHMi. There are 1,287 farms in Way®' county and 242,847 acres of farm land Wakefield's Fourth of .Inly eelebra tion was the fifteenth without a break A fire was discovered in the nick o time fo prevent the Kelly hotel at Kuk from burning up. The average daily milk receipts o the Dixon creamery for the year jus closed were 7,422. 'J otul cash receipts 8l7.fMi5.49. Mrs. Tom Foyle of Omaha wa? burned to death by the explosion of * gasoline stove. .Stic leaves a husband and four small children. At Malmo, Saunders county, a horse leetor entangled in a wire fence, and in its efforts to free itself, inflicted in juries which necessitated Its killing'. A traveller giving the name of Earnest Robinson had his foot crushed between the bumpers of two ears at • 'bappcH. It was hi badly injured that amputation became necessary. The Lyons Mirror thinks there is nr more use fur an army officer at W'lnne bago agency us agent than for one in Lyons. If the Indians are citizen* then treat them as such, und not u> hostile*. The banking board has issued a char ter to the (state bank of lb-Witt which will succeed the DcWitt bank. The capital stock of the new organization Is 815,(KtO, Theodore II. Miller and E. K. Futler are president and cashier. Lieut.-Oor. Xortheott of Illinois, the head consul of the M. W. A., will dc liver an address at the logrolling as srs'lalion picnic at Wayne, August 15. A grand time is anticipated by tin Mooumen oi uns pari ui inr siaic. The receiver of the defunct Mcr '■hauls' hank of Lincoln, after a six days' examination of the affairs of tht Institution, filed Ids first report with District Judge Holmes. It dries not show a very promising state of affairs A daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Eichofl of Tilden. Antelope county, had lict leg pierced hy a needle which pene trated part way through the bone. A physician succeeded in getting it out and no serious results arc anticipated The insurance commissioner ha» called attention to the fact that tin Equitable Aid Union insurance com pany of Columlnis, I’a., is in the band' •if a receiver, and that its charter te do business in this "late is hereby re voked. The sentence of Henry Hccrs lias fiecn commuted and he was released from the penitentiary on the 5th. lie was sentenced for life in 1887 for the murder of a young woman. The crime having been committed in Lancastei county. If. C. Mct'andisli of V'allcy precinct, Polk County, lias assigned for tin- ben efit of his creditors. Ills liabilities ure over $8,000 and all tin property in sight amounts to less than $5,000. Thl Is the first assignment in I’olk county in four years. James C. Dahlmnn. one of the secre taries of th«' board of transporta tion. is said to be consider ing a proposition to lie come the chief of police of Omaha at a salary of 8 or a year, or $500 a year more than his present position pays. While shelling corn for Wilber I’.ar rct, eight, miles north of Weeping Water, Oliver Carmichael threw a pitchfork out of tile crib. It stuck in the ground, and then lie climbed out of the crib backwards and dow n to with in a few feet of the ground, when he let go ami impaled himself on the handle of the fork, driving it into the body over a foot He cannot live. Attorney-lie!). Smyth ha* decided that mi line land* are exempt from the operations of the law which provides for withdraw lag all state lands from aule after July Saline lauds uiav he bough! as heretofore. Originally there were M.OOO acres of saline lauds granted to the slate. Twenty thousand acres have hacu sold and 6.IXN) ueres leased, leaving ftjMM acres still open for purchase. The citizens of Kearney w ill inis* this year the old "overland” stage couch, formerly owned by Mayor liul tu-rt. but now tlie property o.’ Hon j Sterling Morton. Ids son furl Morton having Isinghl it a few days ago The •dd land inarU has always played a more or less iiii|sirtant part in all Fourth of July celebrations and other appropriate oei-nsions ever since Kearney was Itrst settled. 'I his is w hat a hail and w iud storm did In Kagan and vicinity; At tin land of I i'.h II lintiiiiu the hail was severe, destroying his entire erofi of small grain, white the wind had* on the form of a twister and lifted the •saif from his Mil-hell IV I,. Morse re portsal eon aider aide damage hi smalt I. sin In bts vwtuiiy The w indmill on the farm of It m li-s-a was Mo n do*a. and other damage done by Hu wind At the farm id t halles Hiatts it ott flurried his ehi- tot hon-t amt the rain and had killed IVI ehieh. it, an,I N 1st* Utted his granari some four fret from the founds! hut The ei nsw of Hastings shows S.tuo cblltl,, n. an The total »swl«r of children of achool age in In immi ts fli# f tits includes <o»*y twoihildren at the or past Inane and l*u at the normal aehiwd Fselustc. of mtrimtl students It show* a gain of f.trli three- over last year J. Make* an.I I K'. ieu of Ikye, if a* *s I«cmnt« h» . I ah had two hoeac* hlli»»l by ii . • < .miy The adjutant g> i» * st ..I the state of Mlammtl has issued a t* .*1 order al lowing the Thurst hides to p»,, through that state nr. •*.!• . U .|M,pj*d. e« muh* to and frvs*. » « Inteistat* drill esurient at *** Ihl •> - f*» ! illl PARDONS BE GRUNTED? ' ALL MINNESOTA DISCUSS ING THE YOUNGERS. FEELING MUCH DIVIDED. The Krntlmrnt Ntronglf la Favor of Re leasing the Two Mea. bat the Opin ion Oenernl Thai One of the Itoaril Will Oppoee Tar don—Hank leller A. F.. Hunker Objects. .Sr. Pavl, Minn., July 12.—The one i topic at the capital of Minnesota to iilny is tlie application for the pardon of the Youngers, which will be con sidered by the state hoard of pardons Monday. Sentiment i* divided, of coii.-rs, hut the overwhelming weight of it is in favor of tlio pardon Men well known throughout tIn state, who hud heretofore bitterly opposed every move in the direction J of clemency toward the Northtleld bank robliera, have come forward to speak for their release within the last , week. The press of Minneapolis and | St, Paul favor the pardon, and upon this home sentiment the friends of the Youngers base whatever hope they may have that the board of pardons will re lease the convict brothers This hope, | however. Is slender, for it lias for many years been said in Minnesota that a man whotnight be instrumental in the pardon of the Youngers need never look for another otliee at the hands of the people. For tills reason ' | few people believe that the board will I grant a release. Tile board is composed of llovernor ; Clough, t hief Justice (start and At torney (icneral Childs. It requires a 1 unanimous rote for the board to grant a pardon. The hoard will meet to consider application- for pardon Mon day morning. Among the very first of these will be the pleas for the Youngers. it is the general belief that I lover no i- Clough will vote for the pardon, but those who arc closest to Attorney (icneral Cliilds and Chief Justice Start I •ay mai neimcr 01 mem lias ever given expression on Hie subject. The | ehange of sentiment in favor of the 1 pardon may influence them, but at least one of them Is expected to op pose. Tlie pardon would he ax much a surprise as is the change in public sentiment which lias taken place, THE YOUNGERS SCORED. Taller Hanker of the NorthtlelJ Hens j Object* to 7heir Tarilon. tsi. I'ai i, Minn.. July 1 —The only individual protest of importance so far j made against the pardon of the two I Younger brothers is from A. K. Itun- j ker, general manager of the Western Newspaper I'nion, who wan teller of ! tho North field bank in September, i 1S"6, when they raided it. Mr. Hunker j says; “1 was teller of the lmnk at the time and witnessed the attack upon Mr. ileywood and now carry a scar caused by a bullet wounil through my slioul- \ der, inflicted by < harley i'itts. one of the gang. It seems to me that state ments of reputable citi/.ens of North field. made directly after the raid, should be entitled to as much credence 1 as statements made by Cole Younger, j twenty-one years after. Younger's ] present story contains many mis statements and omissions, lie at tempts to shield Frank and Jesse James, while seeking liberty himself. He would have u-> believe that lie was at Northfield on that eventful day for the purpose of preventing the boys from killing law-abiding citizens. The citizen who followed the four robbers to the bank was J S. Allen, and he was first to give the uluiin on the out side. Ho was not ordered to stop l>v (’1**1 Mills*!* lint tsilil t<* *( 1 i # 1L...U you holler, or I'll hill you.' Allen •got,’ hut 'hollered ' If Cole Younger told Miller or Styles not to khoot either Allen or Wheeler, no one else heard him. “Cole Younger did not go to the hank door and tell ‘the boys' to hasten out until after Miller and Stylus were lioth killed uud he himself was wounded; and he catue to the hunk door only once, Just after 1 had been j allot hy I’itts. What Younger said "'»»• 'Hitter get out, men The game is up. They're killing all our men.' Those in the hank needed no second invitation, as they were haf- I tied 111 their attempt to get the funds. 1 "The idea of t ide Younger sparing Or Wheeler's life hy considerately , aiming alsive his head and shooting nut a pane of glass' is ridiculous He was not mi solicitous for the p.* itectioii of the defenseless Swede, Anders hi. W loan he shot doe . in cold Id,to 1 and of whose murder he idettded guilty when arral/ned at baribswlt. The statCmi lit of i ole that he tire I into the corner of the toil ding on tlrtdge square to frighten p >;i‘e away.' etv , U ituheei k Mi tain f sum that e ir uer, anl was there for basinesi Very j Main after Malinin , s app- sr.iitce the engagement became general and every is sly was shooting to hill VI.r. than thirty shots were lire I at Man •ting and others on the turner, nun it j ta tuirnettbrtts how they escaped injury. The faet simply show. that the rob her* were eaeiled an t w. re no better markyiuvn than Manning and W in kr W hen e* thavei tot# it sbery was aulieited to grant n pnr»bn» to the Vonagers several y try igu, he ye* piled M When I th nh of th ■ mod. ring of poor lliywi.d i. i I Mud «n l of the traps os os iid a* n other taw yhtd ng td #* i V fcd I to , nothing of in he e e mmitted ht these HnS. I do a **h they will live long etc «, ' • u penalty f am yet Ini. rii i SERVICES FOR MR HARRIS The Prosldonf and Cabinet and All Con jfre«« Attend the .Senate Ob«eqiite«. Washinotox, July 12.-Funeral ser vices for the late Isliam O. Harris ol Tennessee were held in the Senate chamber at noon to-d *y in the pres ence of President McKinley and th* members of his ealiinet. Senators and members of the House of Representa tives, members of the diplomatic corps, including the Chinese, Corean, Hawaiian, Mexican and Venezuelan ministers and officials from ail brunches of public life. MISSOURI NEGRO LYNCHED Kruatu* llrown of Villa Ri<|Ce Taken From the *9all at I n Ion. Ujfiojf, Mo., July 12. — Erastus Itrown. the negro who made a crim inal assault ujv n and nearly killed Miss Annie Eoerving, near Villa Ridge. July 2. and was subsequently ‘ captured and conveyed to Union to j prevent his being lynched, was forc | ibly taken from juil at 2: JO o'clock this ! morning and hanged to a tree by u mob of men from the neighborhood ol Villa Ridge. K. Silk of Mobrrlf Convicted of Murder Mobkki.V, Mo., Jiily 1.5 -Ex-Street Commissioner E. Silk of tins town was convicted in Huntsville of the murder of 17-ycar-old John Hellcnsmitli here last year, and hU punishment was fixed by the jury at twenty years in the penitentiary. Silk Is an English sexagenarian. The quarrel was over cattle. Lynching was narrowly averted. Harder and Sheep Mtrnck Head. Jktmoiik, Kan.. July 15 llans An derson, a sheep herder for Ed Lafferty, living seven miles southeast of this place, was killed by lightning last night. Within a few feet of the body were sixty-three dead sheep that had just been driven into the pen by young Anderson and evidently stricken by the same stroke. f.rwla Slav He a l»awn« I'oinmlulnnrv Washington-, July 12.—The presi dent is said to have asked Committee iiiau ncrcin ttiiu i.c|irrMruiuiivo i icm: many question* about Robert K. Lewis, w ho was defeated for the governor ship of Missouri last fall, and having i received satisfactory unswi r», to con template the appointment of Mr. Lewis on the Dawes commission. Inn lilg Cripple Creek Sale*. Ckipfi.k Cukes, Colo., July 13.—Th> Orphan Hell mines on Hull Hill nave teen sold for 8150,00 *. The purchas ers urc said to he large stockholders in the Calumet and lict-la copper mine, the Vindicator mine, also on Hull Hill, has just 1>ccu sold to D. II. Mof fat for 8300,000. Hr.tub Cyrix Shares Panicky. Hikminoiiam. England, July 13 —The cut in cycle prices announced by the ltudge-Whitworth company, limited, of London, has caused a general fall of cycle shares on the stock exchange and almost a panic throughout the trade. A Urll inti Captain a Sulclilo. Ixj.Miox. July 1. -Captain Francis Yorke Mahon of the First Iloyal dragoons, brother and heir presump tive of Sir Horace Westropp Mahon, Hurt., has committed suicide by shoot ! I : y t I ... a ‘ -ii barrassed. Arknilrjt Minot on 1> ull T-fiio. Hi nii.noto.v, Ark., July 13.—The Kansas and Texas Mining company and the Prairie Creek Mining com pany of Huntington have started up on full time. It is not probable that miners here will lake any part in the coal strike. iVntlmi AgPiifipit Will Stujr. Wabmsoton, July 12.—The order of President Cleveland, issue l last Feb ruary, reducing tlie number of pen sion agencies in the t'mted Ktutcs from eighteen to nine, will la* revoked by President McKinley within a few days, probably early next week. Ttvu Kaiisati* struck ti|r Ittnlny. Wariiinotox, Kan., July 12. — During u rain storm lust night Asher Knot, who lives northwest of here, was struck hy lightning while under a tree, lie Is cxpneted to die. A boy who was with h in was stunued A mail named Kobcrts, living fourteen miles north of here, was killed by lightning. Qu«y Not in Met Ire. II MIHtolll Hn Pa, July 1'!, —- Mr. tfuay to-dav authoris'd the announce ment that he would la* a candidate for the I u,ted Mates Senate to succeed houxell l Ills sets at re*t all rumors that he sihi il ret re fiotn polities at the expirntio t of hi* currwot term, • m»m tla* Heiatale. I'itt, July 13 the • ham be r of iWpulles b a vote of 111 to ||u baa adopted the * a*leua* bill euipamaring the government to ra’se the duties us wheat, wise c alkie and meat at twenty four hours notice, Sit ti ;4 e t ton subset; newt approval of Parliaontot, 4 at tea u-** ,* *i #*•« a lay t hh July | ; l awyer II ft t.Uivoa has drawn a alii for J *hn S|«sn«er an e* enlrte *ail><« hr who h • i f** left Vo Hou r, a h.g V w fonadl *ol d*»f ap>«>n, r said he .ltd itifl **4hI 11- »t. i ttf W liif'tMNl |Um| ^ tNfM *« hU tv *4 W#4 % I"* * | !%••«•• I 4»m» * ».*•«* V ha . I iif ia |r«d tiuiwoM, * !•••••*# living al Media, • *ht <n to ,4. ,th of hero, dbof lit * m*ro a al sunstroke having lama uvets e, ■ otay afternoon | AS TO BEET SUGAR EFFORTS TO MAKE PROMINtN' THE INTEREST. Prof. Taylor Trying to Secrra Fnralgi KxIOSItnra to Hie Exposition—I'orrea pomlenre With Foreign (Irnwrri A Model Plant to lie Pat la Operation. Meet Sugar to tin Represented. Prof. F. VV. Taylor, an per in tender of the bureau of horticulture, agricul ture and forestry of the Trans-Missis sippi exposition, is in correspondents with the growers of sugar beet seed with a view to having them make ex hihits at the exposition, showing tlit methotl usetl in propagating the sect i for these beets. He states that en ' eouruging replies have been receive! i from several of these growers anil ht feels confident that a number of then will make exhibits. The professoi says thut the cultivation of beets foi seed purposes is as carefully conductet as the breeding of fine stock, in brief the plan is about this: The best look ing beets are selected from the cror and a small portion is taken from eftel beet and subjected to a test for sac charine properties. If the test reachn tlie standard the licet is laid away un til the next planting time. Those not passing the test are thrown into tin pile with the common lot. The sect! beets are planted the following yeut and carefully matured and permitted to "go to seed." In this manner the sugar-producing qualities of the beets have been raised to a higher percent age. Prof. Taylor hopes to have tliest foreign growers who make a specialty of raising seed come to the exposition, nritl he expects to make these exhibits the source of prolific information to the growers of beets in this section, lie says there Is no reason why the lui.t Liif.n, ......I i ii tin. ,1.1 not be raised in this immediate section of the country, and he proposes to utilize the exposition us a means of in structing the seed growers in this re gion in the most approved methods adopted in Europe ns the result of years of experimenting. I’rof. Taylor is .Iso in correspond ence with the makers of beet sugar machinery, with a view of haring a model plant in full operation on tin exposition grounds in connection with the exhibit of seed growers, lie says that he has no doubt that a complete plant will Is- established on the grounds and be in full operation dur ing tite season when Ix-ets are obtain able. Tlie A nil-l aw. Secretary Goodrich of the Omaha street railway company says that an order will be at once is,tied, based on tlie law passed by the late legislature, requiring all city officials holding street ear passes to turn in their passes Sunday. .July 11. and thenceforth they will have to pay fare like common peo ple. The order will be more far reaching than this, however, as it will also apply to members of the ixiliec ami fire departments, who have hither to been allowed to ride free upon showing their badges. .Mr. Goodrich says lie believes that the promulgators of the bill did not expee.. it to reach so far. but tlie bill pro vices that no pass shall be issued to an official or employe, elected or appointed, and particularly mentions that “no metal" or other de vice shall be given or used for the purpose of free rides. He says that the expenee to the eity on the police department alone will be enormous. The law applies not alone to the street railway company, but ulso tile waterworks, gas and electric light companies, and to any other corpora tion having, or which might apply for a franchise from the city. So that these companies will also In- compelled to call in their free accounts, if they have any. Kipfrlui^ntal Farming. While the condition of Nebraska crops, as shown by local railroad re ports, is so uniformly good this year that there is but little need to resort to artificial plans of soil culture, re ports from the Campbell experiment farms along the Elkorn and the liur lington lines throughout the state are most encouraging. They show that the prospects for this season’s cropol b(v*ley. oats, potatoes and other agri ci*turul products raised under the Campbell system of soil culture ure much better than where the old meth od of farming has been strictly ad hered to. Assistant General Passenger Agent Munn of the Klkhorn will spend next week in a tour of inspection of the ex nil'll ini fnriiisi nf tits* euilix.u.l pany in company w ith .1, t\ Campbell, the 11 ret man who atippeaUwl the ay* t»'in of m>i! culture now employed at thou* Motion*. The Klkhorn odicials have uxkcd for nn exact utalenient of the actual condition* of Nehra*ka's farm product* at tUia time, and an ear next endeavor wll' be made to r« ader a report which *hall lie free from biar and exaggeration, Tl>* i atlla *MaliH( *i«tuix An apiH-al eaue eome* from Sheridan Comity wtlieh 1* to text the law paxecd lu MM making ealtle etealinp the aame rrade of crime a* hor»c abating lu k'Ccmhcrof ta*t year llvrman K Until per wax tncil in the diatrlct court uf HbendaH ikninty for ateallng out* ro . The Jury bronpht in a verdict of puib If. and *1mi found that the value of the cow «m twenty dollar*. The judge m litem cd tiraiiw r to three year* in the penitentiary, fu the brief NIrd by It t S uem .u, attorney 1* * 'a " d that Inv a* t of lau-f la ancon xlttwliouai. thta claim hating aiw> lu . it mote in dteirlet court and it U there lore *| that the often** u only petty la I've **» tc*e<* **» t*a>kle| I k*>vtk The d- • too «t of traUeportatioU of *h t »aw* Ml e«i*4ipi.| . kpoolh.o Hee artun,*.i u‘, h the* *f -c.*fi P , t||e r»■'•»*> «o«H|MUk for a *»(»ch ip marge of lour dollar* per vnr for art' tie in a car on the rtpaiitua f"' O"! I be average price of twitch i<< i4" *oi point* in the hu«lnem d If t» leaeni two dollar* it ie aw d#l ext tie * ■ the an itehlHp change to II k' .'.'fteot #fee«41tdeL 11 k* * * it*' ktUtf r . to oilier point*, will be *b » . by lail,node over ek. h vxhiW t oe n i ■ i at are thlpped aw I will met t» an x I t nal charge on l ie exhitu tor or tot * . .or WEATHER AND CROPS. i , Cundltlonfl Wonderfully Favorable fo All Agricultural Pursuits. Weekly crop bulletin No. 13 of tin Nebraska section of the climate am crop service of the weather bureau foi the week ending H p. tn. July 5, nays :w □ El 13 SSE 0\t/y 'fe\ IUI Zt.3 awj Rainfall for the week.—The last week has been a very warm one; the daily mean temperature lias averaged about live degrees above the normal, the excess varying from two degrees in tilt; western sections to nine degrees in the Missouri Valley. The maximum temperatures for tile week quite gen erally exceeded ninety-five degrees, and in a few instances reached or ex ceeded 100 degrees. 'The rainfull has been above the nor mal except in ulamt ten counties in the southeastern section, where the rain I fall has been less than half an inch, or alwnit one-half the normal amount. The rainfall lias been heaviest in the central counties, where it exceeded three inches for a considerable area, and in Greeley county exceeded five inches. The rain came in heavy showers in the central counties and many small areas received an exces sive amount of rain. The hot weather has caused rye and winter wheat to ripen very rapidly and the harvest of these crops lias been pushed forward. Spring wheat and oats are generally growing well and tilling nicely. Corn has everywhere grown well, but in the central sections tlie high temperature with abundant moisture has caused corn to make an unusually rnpiii ^rowui. « uiiiv.iihhi of corn is being pushed except where 'a; ground is too wet. The early inted com is being luiti by. In the region of deficient rainfall early {iota Ux-s have been considerably injured and outs somewhat shortened in yield. Reports by counties: SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. liutler—Corn has made rapid growth: smull grain improving; some pieces of rye and winter wheat will be cut the coming week. Polk—Corn making rapid growth; some being laid by: rye. winter wheat and clover being cut; early potatoes injured by June drouth. Seward—Most of the rye cut nnd some winU.-r wheat; early wheat the best; laU! ripened to quickly; rain is needed for oats and corn; apples fall ing badly; potatoes poor crop. NOilTlIKASTKKN SECTION. Antelope—Wheat rusted some, but oats not; corn making good growth. Pierce—Fine week for growing crops; corn growing fast, but still small; small grain is very short; rye is being cut. Washington—Wheat and oats prom ise a good average, crop; barley and rye good; corn growing rupidly; pota toes poor; more rain needed. CKNTKAI. SECTION. lloone—Small grain doing well; some rye ready to harvest; corn growing very fast. Valley—Kye lx-ingeut: spring w heat filling in good shape; this week's rain is making all crops look line. Dawson—Harvest of rye and fall wheat delayed some by rain; corn mak ing rapid growth; heavy rain in north part of county. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Adams—Wheat being harvested; ground well soaked; corn growing well and some laid by; week has been very hot. Red Willow — Rye harvest com mences next week; corn is making a line growth. Webster—-Wet weather retarded cut ting rye and fall wheat, also cultiva tion of corn; great growth of corn tins week; spring wheat filling well. WESTERN AM) NOUTIIWESTERN SECTIONS. Cherrv Small grain is doing finely; the copious rains have done a world of good; corn is doing nicely. Cheyenne - Hay is not as good as it promised; everything suffering much lor want of rain. Rogun-- Rain and hot weather have made corn grow rapidly; small grain in cusl part of county will be a fair crop, in western portion it will be nearly a failure. « haut»w|i>« H«) i 1 ib Hills. The Reatriee cliuutuuqunn board met and issued orders for the settlement of all indebtedness incurred for the uss.-mbly just clo.ed. A series of res olutions was adopted, among which was one censuring the IturllngUm rail way luauageux nt for refusing to ope rate special trains during the usseiuhly and thanking other roads for so doing. I moil* t"f Wester** litvntlurs. Washington dispatch: Patent* have been issued li.ll.m*. t ruiik J. Ihnkniirr \! Hence, auto ilia tic CMi|iy holder, Iniilin.l^f u, ( ,»u», • filar Ka|>l«l». i iilllvator; t ummIiim K. Ililliaril. 11...alia, i’Hoj Ulrf «t ,ih'., j|, Norim. Millilv*. tuuvtlii^i Untie; Millie K. littsloi, *> >t«h.i iiti.iii mi re te Ini: Ml» A IU-ikImimmi iiinuha, u|>|Hti etna) (Italic* Vuaofar, lied urd. •talk muter *»• •»<! *t f» '.roe . iu hr titmv, t'harlv* Sk|tMW a I atfeal tty mm* acre tlr.* n. .1 a« i|„ Ume rUcr near liiue Hju , ,K. Iln-V left home u, a huiriry for a tuib »u. uilum i«. * iut« *. r»|« . i,,l ,i Mtiie. i* u .<« nad the Unite and Wav’d, W*«u.| hi tin Huahwttw «.iia In mm,,,, >tf the “•at*1* heai-ch r, u.l la thnltad •Weir teollM’M Me ’« «H. Hti .•ag Inver .« the It ft Vi (*••» «»*a «»a I"*MI f " l*ther, iteniteat ill the bureau «.f huetkahn • , ,.Hj iti* *k4 Mull)' >.l .He t raw tiM , *‘MN **fM*tle«a, U la rut hate* alia the forviya frut. . r. « H<i*ar tan t teed a ith a *k m in,... >u,t t n".., eehibiU at the »vi«ulitM .K.i , ia < Dm aa> uamt ia i-ridUnatU j |i*n a-d h*r I hear lv V V„ I. Mia i - ’ % 1 .% t , u,,.. «tf*a# reniie-. ba«. la. a |M*i««.i |n. « an >«l m tl-. v 0r.ia. ra, en.| ;w |M , • .at A.Wat that a nutahet uf laeat a hi taahe • »b t bit* >arath ttaeahaa ,.»»** t* t|. rate* a f •»»>* latum w I Iran Hullruxl* tor Si* Month*. Cnic*oo, July 10 —The Railway Age says: The number of railroa is for r which receivers were appointed in the first six months of lt>07 has l>een greater than for the corresponding 1 period of ISHft, although the mileage of the roads which have passed this year under the control of the courts, is not as great as last year by con siderable. During the last six months nineteen roads with a total mileage of 1,314, and capital stock of 622,000 have been placed in the hands of re ceivers. FOR YOUNGERS’ PARDON. Uronansh and Jobs* Flla (hr Missouri Petition With MlanMOta’K tiovarnor. St. PalTr„ Minn., July 10.—W. C. lironaugh and W. A. Jones of Mis souri filed at Governor Clough's office yesterday their petition for the par don of the Younger brothers for their part in the Nerthfield raid, and Mr. lironaugh secured a short interview with the governor. The Missouri pe tition is supported by many le.ters from leading men of that state. The Youngers' friends feel confident, de spite the opposition thut has recently developed. Aiming tho letters udvocating tlio Youngers' release Is one from United . States (senator S. 1! IClkin- of West Virginia, who know their father and whose life was saved by Cole Younger at the risk of his own during the wa ■, This letter Is supported by National Committeeman B. C. Keraus of Mis souri, who was a business associate of Mr. Klkins almost a generation. The board of pardons Is composed of Governor Clough, who is for clemency; Supreme Judge Start, who is against it, and Attorney General Childs, whose position cannot lie ascertained in ad vance. It is thougtit thut Messrs, lironuugh and Jones will go to North- \ field before Monday to try to abase the hostile sentiment there. ClilnVi Minister to lie Promoted Washington, July 10. —Wu Ting Fang, the new Chinese minister, is to be recalled some time in August. This iijiuruiduuii m yuv uutuie ui u surprise, us lie readied this country only about two months ago to assume diplomatic relations between this country and China. He is to be sent to Tokio—a promotion. Hrailljr Hall la Hcrmany. New Yoke, July 10.—A dispatch to the World from ltcrlin says: “A Stuttgart dispatch received here brings the news of a destructive hail .rtorm, which raged for hours in South ern Wurtemburg, causing the death of thirteen persons and damage to crops amounting to more than $4,000, 000. ” _ Flame* In llacklngliam Palace. London, July 10.—At 10 o'clock last night, while the guests were assem bling for u state hall at Ituckinghum palace, a lire broke out on the second floor. The tire engines al'rlved prompt ly and extinguished the flames, which were due to the accidental igniting of a window curtain. The reception of guests was re sum ;d. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. Des Moines. July 1.—One of a num ber of applications for t’nited Slates Letters Patent that arc now being prosecuted in the patent office bus re' centlv been formally allowed •Tln-sc inventions relate to methods and ap paratus for manufacturing calcium carbide and also generators for con verting |this calcium carbide into acetylene illuminating gas. and the inventors are prominent business men of Holstein, Iowa, Messrs. C. L. \\ ilson, C. Minna. J. YY. Unger, II. Schrieck 10th. A. I’, lirosius and YV. Kuchel. The allowance of these patents will undoubtedly mean much to the man ufacturing interests of northern Iowa for the reason that the company above named intend to establish a plant for the manufacture of the calcium car bide and also the generating machines. Acetylene gas, the new iltumiuaut, is produced by combining calcium car bide and water, and the -light that is produced by burning this gas is ol si purer white than electricity itself and is very brilliant. The generating ma chines invented by the company are of a size and capacity designed to be plaeed in ordinary dwelling houses where by charging the generator every day or week the gas may be used just as freely as with the ordi nary citv gas and u better light is provided at a much less cost. Val uable information about securing, valuing and selling patents sent free to any address. 'inos. G. and J. Ralph Orwhi, Solicitors of Patents j I.IYK STUCK AND I'KlIlltl lt -H ft It 14 KT IJivilalloin from New York. < lo.Mi. lamia, binalia ami Mae* lo re. DM YllA. ILlUer IV»i»*t| w|stritlor 14 44 o lliiilt-r 4-tniiev faney country 10 u 1'* tdlgs Presll. #'».» T sprlMR' telekitis IVrll. » ,» >. Miss IVrll. , , " . * 11 y-1-te |a>r 111 II a 1 I 111 U at a, le'f tel | 3ft 44 I L, Ik'.itl* [Uixiiii, kel Nio| I t.i u t ISilAlors Ni p, la-r bll P ,4 44, Matin I‘ore 1 tin|. i- list 11 1 ftt. 2 Oranc. *. vt la>« 1 -0 , 1 «i * Hay I'plaml, per ton I Yi R 1 44 -Mil III M«\H\ »T«N K MlKkl r . 15 Vi Y|4«M»|rN ' \nt ,||1M *2 ? •? ^ 1 * i St *** f* «%.»* " 1 * 2 MviN t* 1 7 ** * m IS * 4 £ «l.*4 9k tei yM.y p, 1 J* Vft. ,«.* IkiMtik kLtfts. ' + * ^ 4 in wm * ** »«n ttlMMft V* f ****** ' ^ I IMn l+ * t.vft tao- i.. . . * * J I «#tl i‘ * 4 • ' ^ ** It 1,4 ’ *** 'W s , ^ t 4, ¥ m ^ I * I tiYA # *«f*t \< | k» \ f #•* is * ** 11 ft *>* * W| * n ■* H ' ** * * t I