The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 16, 1897, Image 1
Loup City No rthwestern. { VOL. XIV ~ LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1897. NUMBER 19 | The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 4 AT’ THE COUNTY HEAT. OK4t. K IIICflSK’IIOlKK, Editor And Publisher. TERMS- $1 50 par Tsar, if Rail fa Mvaaea Bat*r*J at th» lx>up City PoitolJI*# for lru» T1 "*<« through th« mill! a* Mound • 1 All niAtter. There is a marked improvement in business all over tbe United States. The dates fixed for tbe Nebraska state fuir are September 1h to 24. 1h97. The fair will be held at Omaha and great preparations are being made to surpass all former efforts. The Nebraska State Fair liulliten is again to the front and will be iss ued monthly. It is filled with State fair literature, Agricultural and Hor ticultural and live stock information. There w ill be AO,000 thousand copies of this publication issu'd monthly. Judge Fost is a prominent candi date for the nomination of Supreme Judge on the republican ticket. The Judge is much stronger now tliun lie was when nominated in 1801. The mention of his name means bis nomination ami bis nomination means bis election. Tbe populist organs tell you that 1*110 iC|;U ifiiVUIl jrui IO mill m-iimi * vw silver and yet under the present re publican administration there has been coined 1,475,101 silver dollars |P and each are worth exactly as much as a gold dollar. This fact how ever will not be noted in a populist sheet. ■B«j _ We learn that here is uo less than seven candidates for the nomination of county Superintendent on the populist ticket and that material for M the other county ollleers are looming up in like proportion. This is very unlike the doctoriue preached by many of those self same populists a few years ago who used to declare “that the otlice should hunt the man. , ■ __ How do the repuL'licans feel now who started off on the populist craze. The democratic element of that or ganizations are still clinging to de mocracy by encourging democrats to keep up tueir organization and promising them fusion while the heretofore republican element has became so thoroughly disgusted that they have gone otf on the so cialist move aud are trying to unite tiie forces in that direction. The good hook says “that a divided bouse must fall." and if this is any criteria!) the pop party is fast be coming a thing of the past. The Times Independent says “we are right in aayiug that the populist judges on the benches are making more orders for sheriffs sale thuu any republican judge we ever hud.' Further down in its comment with reference to the remark made by us last week, that these same fellows •luu.pped the district auil plodg ed tlieui*eiv«a to stand by the people iu Ibis matter of protecting their 11out*a, ll says "We »av there isnnt a man in lb* district wbn can troth fully say that a populist judge marie buu such a promise. Now the (ruth Is that tin district is full of just such uo it I be whole campaign song unde by populist judges, and espec ially Judge tireene was a continual wail of ihe "deplorable condition of the farmer*, bow their land was Is tug ishcii by Ibe mortgage Mends, and promising relief if ttmi would only vote lk»ui into <-dh e ih«ubtU*a the Time* man, who would wot see •ml o«# side if be could, failed to comprehend the true meaning of Judge tireene • remarks while Ibe stump at |*>wp Ihly, lUwhiitie, l.ttebiebl amt Hiktr piece* In lb* rustlf H^BI, We were asked Tuesday If the Mc K inley club of Sherman county had Iieen wiped bodily off the lace of the earth ami not one member left to care for the signs on their club room building? The sign “An honest, dollar, and a chance to earn it," posted on the Massa soil house Is becoming an eyesore and eonvays the Idea to strangers that Loop </'ity has been sleeping since November last.—Tint es-Independcnt. Poor Edward, that sign has been an eyesore to him und his popocratio brothers ever since election. The above paragraphs remind us of the remark made by hi in just after the defeat of Bryan. It happened that during the outnpuign we put a pict ure of McKinley in the west window lit our residence whereupon Edward immediately followed suit and put up a picture of Bryan in the east w indow of his residence just across the street, lu this instance McKin ley was looking at Bryan and Bryan had his optics on McKinley. After election Edward said: “The most I hate about this thing is that I will have to take Bryan’s picture out of my window,” This remark wus made directly to us and was accompanied with a heavy sigh. W c took the hint and out of pure sympathy for Edward removed McKinley’s picture also. Now we suggest that the club have a meeting and pass the following resolution: Wiikkkas: Editor llrown of the Tlmes-lndependent has became so un easy and agitated because the McKin ley club has seen lit to leave their mot toes stand for pubic observance that he cannot longer Indore it. and Wiikkkas: It Is liable to work an injury to his mental faculties if not to the tvuuic i au'. jmi . me c/iv Kesoi.vku : That we the members of the McKinley club, of the vlctorlus cam paign of 18‘Jti, do, out of puie sympathy for the Times manager and his poor de luded brethren, remove the mottoes from'the MeKialey club rooms until such time as they may recover from tbeir calamities and demented condi tion. and further be it Resolveu: that In so doing we tender our heart felt sympathies to them in tbeir hour of humiliation and state of perplexity ISur<lell« an<l cliff Wlieffl. Id the Hawk-Eye of the 11 inst. a card was published from Mr, II. H. Davis, editor of the Pulaski In dependent, inquiring the foundation for the reported death ot Mr. Rob ert J. Burdette. As the Ilawk Eye bad received a similar inquiry from elsewhere, it published its own denial of the story, and forwarded a copy of the article with a letter to Mr. Burdette. The following reply in Mr. Burdette’s own happy vein, “Ex plains all,” and is ample refutantion of the rumor that he had sullied off his mortal coil. His auswer reminds us of the rcceut reply made by Mark Twain to a similar inquiry concern ing himself; he said: ‘My reported death has been greatly exaggerated!” Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 14, 1897, — My Dear Waite: Like the true fricud and loyal comrade you ever were, you do right to protest against tuy burial prior to the authpsy, I mu indeed very much alive. Not only so, I haven’t been dead even a little bit. Not once Could have been, had I wanted to bo. Could be yet. But 1 don’t want. \1 lit In* I Htiuhi lii !»»* iHiW Hut n» we make weekly coufeaaton ‘•we have left undone thoae thing* wtiieb we ought to have done." l‘o*»ihly the ruiuur that I have goue dead grown out of the faet that I have teamed to tide a bloyele, I »ay, “have learned." Nut • •IK learn ing. I.earned II) one let toll Ml hj myaelf. Went out in the moonlight la*l Kalday night to Ivarti. having Ural loehed my family ID the buna* and fotiutde them to loon out the window a. led my hieyvia onion lue turnpike the Htryw Mawr ytlkea are hrowder then the wav of deatrnil|on, laua «a am »»tb and tntoh eleanei It a a young hleyete a wit (oaldtl in Would gi*e the nano hut fur the faet that I had to |o»i for u.» wheel W ill only *av lhetel>>te( in a. >oidme* With *h* vthna of out |iio(«o|oh. that It ia not the wheel anybody aaya It U I held him by the wtthera tight li the middle <d the mad and mount ed without assistance. I dismount ed in the same independent manner. (Jot on again and proceeded to break him to the saddle. Did l ride the first time? Well say! People had tolci me—liars of all ages and both sexes that I could nt fall if, when 1 felt that 1 was falling, I would stick out my foot, I stuck out both hands and both feet, and fell on my head. 1 fell oil one side of that diabol ical wheel and then on the other; 1 fell on both sides at once; I fell on top of it and underneath it, and I made “dogfalla" with it. 1 fell be tween the wheels. I fell behind the hind wheel and before the front one at the same time, and don'tyetknow how I did it. I fell and thrust both legs through the spokes of one wheel. I met a terrified man in a buggy and dravc him (dear off the pike through Wheeler's hedge, and I don’t thluk he has come hack jet. Every time I fell I slapped the palms of my row, swollen bands, throbbing bands on the hard “inelastic’’ pike, except the time I fell on mv head. I fell harder and with greater variety of landing than any inun could fall un less he dropped out of a balloon and lit on a load of furniture. I lost my confidence, my patience, my tem per, my clamps, lamp, bell and re putut on. I broke one pedal, the saddle, and the ordinance against loud, boisterous and abusive langu age at night. 1 ran into everything except the middle of the road. 1 sat flown OU everything in the town ship except the saddle. I scorched in a circuit not fifteen feet in cir cumference until you could smell brimstone. 1 made more revolutions than a South American republic, and did’nt get ten feel away from where 1 started. I hav’nt been so much mauled and abraded, so thumped and beaten, so trampled upon and pounded, so bruised and scratched, since I left the army. But I can ride. 1 don't say that l “do.” But 1 “cau." Do I consider “biking” good for the health? For the health of some people 1 do. I don’t see bow a physician can briDg up bis family unless his child ren have something to eat. But in my own caso. I reserve tny decision. I will wait until 1 know wheatlier L am going to die or get well. And do you tell Brother Davis to keep his obitnary on the standing galley until he hears from “Slug Nine?” I don't believe I’ve got “30’’ yet, although friends who called to see me break down when ihev say “good-by” and walk out of the room on tip-toe. But 1 would ni mind that if 1 kuew what became of my sliolder blades the time 1 ran un der the bay wagon. Obeerfuly yours. ItoiiEKT J. Bueditte. — Burlington (Iowa) llawk-Kve. NOTICE To Oorc&ff E ThomiMOfi. ..... and Albert O. Vetter notified that I, the umlereiif nud.did, on tlie btday of liHi-embei A. I>. 1*45 purchase at private las mile, of ilia Treaenrer of •bar man County, Nubraeku, thu following do m-ribed land lot. eltuate lu Slierumu Coun ty, N«brio.Ua, to wit The aoutlt east quart er of went Ion fourteen Townahm fifteen ItaiiKX thirteen, And that utul land lot era, taxed (or Hie year laM, lu Hie name of Kor da* L. Thompson and wax «n bye.pienUy taxed for the veare let* and lean In the uam« of I lor ear t„ Thump-mu and wax mild foi I be laxee of leaf. And you are f iirtbet u»tl tied that tb« lime for redemption front eaul Tex Sam till expire on the 10 day of Kef ember, V I*., if.;. Haled till* IS day of July, J.S fuielm-er NOTH* To !.torX* I tVnxon: ton are lierebi not III. >t that I, I be uudersltfned del. on Hi* in day of In eeiu'ter A, l> I-*6 puiehaxe al put ate Tax earn, of Hie Tretreurnr of alter maitiounty. belwwxXa. the following dex Uiiml land lot .11 ante III ahermau County Nebraaha. to Wit. The nttrlli moat quarln id ryn-tmu xeveoleea, ieex M It.ToWnrhli rtf teen Han** thirteen And that »atd laud tot, aax taxed fur lb* feare IMUH lax* >• the aame of tieoree * • Ilea and Wax tub Muurutlt taxed for lire year* tout out KM In In* •anteof uaurtfe A Wllew and •» •old fur th* laxea irett and !*i tad »«t are further mtUied that the Htnn fur re demotion Ituu, the tax tux aott expire or the in day of IlMteenrhe•, A It iw: Hated Hit* iu la, of lulv. J,| fitait, IfuitbMri but K b to The An*hr I «**» I *§'•#**4* * I ***** | I IMlMf ***>#• W*« I lllirl U«i I, ,*-%»#* *t||**4. fit •< «t* tie* | * 4*> >«f KuttHflMi % l» S*i» *< V«i IIm Mwikiivi u< %ktt U4# t tffinii. »»■• 4# I WliW4 4*1*4 Mix •41*4*1* i4ft ttft*4t | lx V- >' *■•%«• Ul *11 *Mrt*4l* .a! Mu« I 4*»*f It* fH ,»**«*** **l IM *m**a -eifMif »•* *c*4 »*•« y<*|ay *m4 I m « M* W‘ 4'-* MliMI dw WitKltlij •if !•>**« a.- •«*» % *mI ilm mi4 i»»4 *»** , • «• l<*t lift# |«*M 4*H4 41*4 »•**! M *fd« 4d.-»r# a*# i t tint - • %* **M#*..M»**I»| i * i*4 (mi Im |«|i MikylH Mm *fMM krnm km*****'* 1**4 k*'*«••*« *>* * *** m * *<«*** E**l« *4mI • «i imM !**♦ ih* Ul** (4 Mm* *** • ft |*4 *ft*N •§*><* I ***#» **»#%» H*4 Ik*I * lrk*Hkr Vbre i** |« |*»-J** Waft* i» *»44 f«l **Mm • ii| «%! «•• »»* Mm» 4*1 *4 H**t•#*«»•» % I* - W* IfctHM* ilkM Hk 4*i **f Jwi* / * t » •**•* IH •* *» i • NOTIUK To Mary K. Valentine: you are herehv not Mud that I, the undersigned, did, on the j 01 day of November A. u. istn purchase at private Tax Hale, of the treasurer of 8her man County. Nebraska, the following do scribed land—lot, situate In Sherman Coun ty. Nebraska, to wit. The north oast quart er of section eighteen, township thirteen, range fourteen: And that said land lot was taxed for the year HtM, In the name of Mary L Valentine and was subsequently taxed for the years is#r> and Is'.ie in the name of Mary h, Valentine and was sold tor the Taxes ,,f isni 18/1. Ami you are further notttleil that the time for redemption from aald Tux sale will expire on the ;i duv of November, A. I). 1807. Dated tills r day of July, J. 8. PgDLBK, PtlBCIUSBU NOTICE To Itussel J. Htralght Ton are hereby noti fied Ilia) 1, the undersigned, dlil, on the IX I day of November A. D. llN6 purcliased at I private Tax Hale, of the treasurer of gher. | man county, Nebraska the followingdescrl lied land-lot situate In Sherman County, Nebraska, to-wlt: The north west quarleror gectlon seven township tltteon range four teen: Ami that said land-lot, was taxed for the year 1804, In the name of Kussel J. straight and was subsequently taxed for the years 1806 and lsun In tile name of Itussel J. Htralght and was sold for the taxes of l«0.Iund li'.M And you are further notified t hat the time of redemption from said Tax ("do will expire on the Kith day of Severn I .-r A D. IS'/,. Dated this “tlx day of July. J. g. I’Kiit-K.u, Priti M**Kit NOTH K. To Charles K. llcnaon You are hereby holllled that I. the undersigned, did on t he 10 day of November. A D. lev., pit relies ■ at private tax sale, of the treaeuri-rof 8hcr l an county. Nebraska, The following de i:i lbed land lot situate In Hherimin count . Nubia ska, to-wlt: Dust half of the north rest quarter and north half of the south < ist quarter anil tlin south east quarter ot t c south east quarter of section i, town ship is, range 14, and that said laud-lot v ,i* taxed for the years 1801 and 1-0, Ill the i imr of Charles K Benson and whs sub n queul ly taxed lor the year is,si In tin i me of John W. Long and was sold for the taxes of 1401 And you aro furl her no tiled that the lime for redemption from sc Id tax sale will expire on the 10th dav ol November, A D. 1807 . 0july0w Dated tins '.Lit, day of July, 1807, j, 8. I’BbbKB, Purchaser. NOTIUK. To the Dundee Morgage and Trust Com i jiv ion are hereby notified that i the under signed, did. on the It day of Noyom 1 l r i li isB:, niirclm-uatnilva'e Tax sale, of tho l tenderer of Hhcrmau county, nod i Ail. Hit; following delcrlhed land—lot nil 1 iicd In nhotoian County, Nebraska, to wit; nil uf section twonty-one town ship fifteen range fourteen ; Anil that said 1 n«l—lot was taxed for the year IH'.il, in the I line of The Dundee Morgiige and Trust i iinpaiiy and was subsequently taxed for the yearslHdS and IMtW In the name of Tin; Dundee Morgage and Trust Company and a ite sold for the Taxes of ISD4. And you are further notified that tho time for redempt ion from said Tax bale will expire on the I day ol November. A. O , l»'J7, listed this 7 day o" rp INKS, A* prop, or EXPRESS and GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. %■ All Express or Freight order* promptly attended to Does s General Law and Collection Business A Notary Public, Stenographer and Typewriter In Office. ONE DOOR NORTH OF FIRST BANK. LOUP cm, • • I KB KAMA. Tjy J. FISHER, ■ftitni-n e fl-art-L a w, AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINES S office In NobtiiwKSTRR* b '... ding LOUP CITY, - • I', BRA SKA ^Mothers! fpna discern I fort* and r* *■ danger* of child-birth can be almost en-j tirely avoided.^ WineofCardui' relieve***- i pectant moth er*. It give* tonetothegeu ital organs, and pnta them in condition to do their work perfectly. That make* preg nancy let* painful' shorten* labor smlbastr u* recovery after child-birth. It help* » woman bear strong healthy children. Win»* | ha* a)h> brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for scars. Ab-ed hr tags S toy to loving heart* that long for * dsrhug baby. No woman j should neglect to try it toy this I trouble. It ititesmuo case* out of ten- All druggist* sell Win* of Cardui. fi.ow pvt bottle. ' i ; 1'Im* MkMM** CvN< ChH04’* *4 i * • «•*. urn** KaU, .1 ;«#.»*.,*,as sar* sat gs'S**?*^»5|,tat*«**,*kias • Mae l »*4 s ia* gist fc*h| ■1 I HHMHHHi T1MK TAIH.K LOUP CITY, NKBK. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Ileleua, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, anti all point* and all points Kast and South. West. TKAINS I.KAVK AS VOtLOWSi So M. Acrni , dally ezorpl Sanday for all point# I :t."i a m So. M. Acrni. dally, ezoept Sunday for Arcadia. * IOpm bleeping. dinner and reclining chair cars seats froei on through trains. Tickets mid and baggage cheeked to any point In .lie United States or Uaaada. Kor Information, maps, time table* and .Icket* call on or write to A. P. Warts Agent. Or J. rUANUIS, Uon'I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. KAII.WAT. Beginning Sunday, November 17th, 'rains will arrive and depart at this nation as follow*: Leaves Leave* Monday, ),M Tuesday, f« no Wednesday, l*"*’ Thursday. ^ Friday, )*’ “ Saturday ) »•m Arrives at Loup City daily fl. i5p. m. laily. Close connection at Grand Island for til points Kant and West. W. 1> (>UPTON, Agent Ladies! Ladies! Hero are some rare bargains for you. Every flower and 5very yard of ribbon will go AT COST for the next 30 days. mewell knownC. C. corset . t . at a reduced price. Summer corsets, ladies mitts kerchiefs and hose at 5 per rent reduction. Terms, cash or produce. Mrs. Travis. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Headache. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. 10 " Rheumatism. No. 10 “ Malaria. No. 10 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 26 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Dn. llrMPHRcra’ Homsopitsio Mampai. OF DtHKAHM Fills. Small bottle* (if plnaiA'it p*ll«t*. fit th« ▼*•*■ pocket. Hold by dru*i(1»U. or rent prepaid upon receipt of prloe, ‘JR cent*, eirept No* M. ana W Hn made $1 on .ire only. Humphrey*' Marti cine < oiupttiiy. 111 William ht„ .New York. HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL ‘ THE PILE OINTMENT." S’Pile*—External or Internal, Blind or BUwdlAfi tula In Ano: Jfrhlng or liliMvilnK of tfcft Ionian. » relief la ImtimlUkU— tiie cmto curtail). FHIOE, 60 OTS. TBIAL SIZE, 26 0H fold by Druggists, or tent fxstl-pald on raatipt ef pftts. uuiruukta’ m.u. to., m a lit whhmb at*, vtw IMS NoONKDIlCS Noonedla* at Pul monary disease, iha rasult of cald, who takes ‘*77”ln time. For sale br all drug gists. 25 cents. The Sixteenth Annual Sessloa of the Crete Chautauqua Assembly will he held June 30th to July 9th 1807. A vari ed program of Instruction and enter tainment has been prepared, and the beautiful grounds on thu Big Blue river afford unrivaled facilities for pleasure, rest and recreation. Programs may be bad by addressing. uko. W. Baldwin, 8eo. Crate, Neb. -• We want oaa good man (having horse), as permanent superintendent for Sherman cuuuty, to nttend to our bus iness, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty, Integrity, and ability. 8tate occupation. Address P. O. Box 1«32, Phils.. Pa. Wanted-An Idea sSKS ©sggaysKiSs aM list of two liundnd lnrsaUor.s waotod. 1). C. DOE, A> *• CULLEY, Vice-President. Oealuer, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business TransasM. Capital Stock, $N >060. Loses on Improved Isrni at nlHl p• aaata tab taspesj tab PaHH lata halbttanb. OonuaroBDum:—Cbsalesi RaMnal laak, Ha* York QlPi I* Y4 NmN Xplussl Bam. iheshs Rstassbe. Hoctor Henderson 1021104 V. 9th St.. KANSAS CITY, HI. TYiAiAbi/r A A*yt»Asr ** Jta*—. «• OVER 37 YEARS OP SPECIAL PRACTICE. •1. ■«. •. » .. t 0*4 A'l tMMHI r I ■ I I ■ 1 • »>,» l.i a.*,!..4»m« »**4 ..I I. .1 - ,»’■ W.-.U4 k, 1 .. • t. * <>.1 ■ 11. . ... ,4 Sc'tiHi II .11' 4 b.. 1 , - ,. «r MM Tt »J|*> Ml*U.u l ..... ul .k . U< ..1 . 1 >tki.k«ikii,«*4ym k»Vm Seminal Weakness^ Sexual Debility. I I StrlUurc I Tree Muh uiii of Anatomy * ’ ■*'" V*! - * t f** ♦>WW Ujf I ##•**** 4 m* • ♦