The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 09, 1897, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb
Uoaal Daws.
Hammock* from 75 cents up at Wat
Harvesting will commence in good
earnest soon
A good cow for *ale Enquire at
Mr* J 8. I’edler and daughter Sadie
arrived last Monday evening from their
visit to Denver, Colorado.
O. E. Hrigg* and family of Lincoln
are viliting relative* In the city They
arrived In due time to attend the cele
Clyde Jeffords of St Haul accompa
nied several of his friend* to Loup City
last Monday where they took lu the
Do you need a washing machine,
clothe* wringer, w*»li boiler, tinware,
or anything in that line? If »o call on
T. M. Heed.
('harries and current*H ct* per quirt
both ate extra fine and we are pleklng
now man and woman wanted to work.
Arcadia Fruit Farm.
The ball game it Arcadiaontbe third
between Arcadia and Loup City resulted
in a victory for the home teem Mcore
Hi to 10.
The Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake < 'Itv,
Minn., want a responsible nun in this
vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees
and nursery stock. Cood pay. Steady
work. Write them today.
James Lander* got bis band seriously
burned with a cannon Are cracker last
Monday. He thought It had goa* out
and ao carelessly held it in bi* baud.
Ill* hand wa» swollen to such an extent
that it became necessary for him to
have two fluger ring* cutoff.
J. 8 Pedlor took his race horse* to
ltevenna on the third instant where he
entered them in the races. Little Girl
rode by Walter Gray won ilrst money
in the free fer all repeat race,
and Punch, rode hy Eddie Hawk, won
the pony race, alao third money in the
six hundred yard raoe.
Massageo The remarkable skin food
and tissue builder is eoustantly winning
new friends. Massageo Manuel ac
companying each package Found only
at Gasteyer's.
If you want a neat jei) of hand made
shoes, or shoa repairs, or to purcbnte
shoes from a well selected ttoek of the
heat makes in the market go to II Dol
ling. New stock at low plica*.
TheN. Y. Dalinator says of the eele
hrated “Sylvan Toilat preparations"
That they are the mort reliable, harm
less, efficacious, preparations on the
market. For sale at Gasteyer's.
Geo W. Zimmerman went out of
tov/n with a new threshing machine
Tuesday, which he purchased of T. M,
Heed. We understand that lie will do
his Ilrst job of threshing in a few day*
at the farm of J. I,. Hawk.
Report hat it that A. II, Potter, of the
firm of Potter and Tate, of Litchfield
has been appointed postmaster of that
place. It Is said that C. \V. Oibson will
be deputy P. M, Both are very efficient
gentlemen and the selection will doubt
less meet with general satisfaction.
Art ltosseter and Editor Brown was In
town Monday. Didn't you see them':
Art left his mark at ltevaolds meal
market and Reynolds left his marl
with Art. Mr Brown attended th<
celebration it must have been In an
ticfpatiou of thesa evcut* that causer
the Timet to note laat week that "Will
M iillck and Ueorge Itanschotar were ir
The Kp worth League met laat eyeu
mg and claeted the following officer'
for the eiiftuiugyear.President Mia C
K Jhonion: First V. I*. Mr*. <J. J. Traay
Second V. 1*. M>*» Mamie lliskman
Third V. I*. Mr J W. Long Fourth ▼
I*. Mi*» Nellie L. Hawk, Secretary
Mi»* llattia II. Hayburet Treasurer Mi
Willi* It. Waite.
The Summer School which ha* iieei
la progress for ten days pa»t prove ver;
interesting. Mr*. L. M Uuth'iry. th
principal tvachvi ia the school i
highly spoken of ns an Instructor an
teachers in attendance are taking hoi
ot llie work in earnest The tustllut
will follow tlie •uiuisirr school sml a
wboran should attond
W e under»uud that the deal tor lit
mill property ha* twwn conenmated an
that II. F Itutchkia. the new m ile
ha* taken po******l«w of the properI)
lie conic* to u* b gbly tevoouimeiote
a* a 9»»t eta** milter and will »«i *ti..i
at once to make ail nee«ted repair*
linte for the tail crop I tie mitt mil
probably Ue tun it. eg full kl*n in mn
alt week*
T N Heed, who believe* in a hi
•ml tree of printers tnk III adtef tie
hht l>u silica* haa sold alt A nit me
and Tailor threshing ui»< butea an
one thieaher vtigine I he Imrckaaer
of the machine* nr* U \\ /.lmm«i
man. TinMana l*dUn liana Jotme-x
\V \V Wtlaurr. Trank*>«k an
Trank Le«vmiu*»i Thomas H>*
pci tv baaed the engine The** pat
liee am all of Thermae *mui*
Mr lle*d baa aleu e*dd thirty a*
htadeia tbia tesmu. !•« car load
•f abhrb bate air**d* armed
lie baa aim* wivmd a •*•' hmd >•
tdndiag twin*
The celebration at Loup City last
Monday, .Tune 5, was attended by a
good crowd, considering that most
of the towns around us had already
observed IndcpoDdance Pay on the
third This together with the fact
that farmers were rushed with work
in their corn fields prevented many
from coming as it was ijuite impossi
ble for them to spare two days for
the one occasion. Yet the attend
ance was farely good and the pro
gram was carried out with satisfact
tion to all present.
The bicycle races proved unite in
teresting. There were three contest
ants, Bates Coplin. of Loup City,
Krnest W ilson, of Ashton and a .Mr.
Applegate of St. I’aal. The mile
race was won by Copelin, and the
handicap two mile race was won by
Wilson who was given a lap the start.
Applegate came in second best.
Pony races, footraces, potato race,
etc were all interesting and furnished
considerable amusement.
The base ball gains between the
Litchfield and Austin clubs was also
an interesting feature of the program
and resulted in a victory for the
Litcbfieldites. Hcoro Pt, to 2L
The game between the married and
single men of Loup City was also a
good gume and after the first inning,
which proved fatal for the single boys
was closely contested. The game re
suited in a score of 5 to 15 in favor
of the married men.
'I*I• a ft «/imofi'u <1«h/ia iii l Iia Aiioninn
was attended by a crowded house,
and the receipts netted oved 130. Oy. ,
Oulte a family gathering took place
at the of llarve Brewer on the
afternoon of the Gth lust A bowery
was erected In the yard and a picnic
was Indulged In. Among those present
were ilarye Brewer and family . Mr. and
Mrs. C. J Tracy, E, B.Tracy and family
Mr and Mrs O- F Briggs, Mr and Mrs
Dr.<Jones, If. E. Brewer, Ker. Webster
snd” fsmlly aad W, K. Mtllor and wife.
A pleasant time Is reported. The only
thing lacking was the absence of rand
pa Brewer, who would aot have oaly
played a prominent part in this family
gathering hut would have been a most
welcome guest with all his hosts of
fi lends In the city.
Owing to a little misunderstanding be
tween Thurston and Wall Dennis failed
to get the post office.
I.awerence Hissen Is out west looking
for a locution.
The bridge is out at Jerry Shetler's.
Litchfield celebrated on the third.
The program carried out was good and
the attendance large.
A disgraceful scene took place at
Litchfield on July 3rd. One woman
attacked unether scratching and hair
pulling followed. Thu ultarcatiou arose
from a dispute as to whe should have
possession of the Hisner children.
0. E. Achenhauh has engaged in busi
ness at Mason City for the sale of Mc
Cormick machines.
l.ittie (illbert Tail s fell into the town
nateiingtank Monday ar.d but for Mrs
Wilbur who happened to be ueur and
ran lo the rescue, the little fellow would
nave Uet'ii drowned •
LOST. Between Litchfield ami tbi
Howard Lang Bridge, a packet liaok
containing » gold ring, a note for gw
and 9'-.'* in ca»U. Sib will lie paid It
tb'- Itiidar. JaMK* UomiKHN
* Inn. \ itiiBMv.tlrk of Arcadia, travel
lug westward wa* takau tick at Nor it
I'latte and ba* vinca bean attacked wit!
vtidanl III of short Inti rva>* lie It in i
pitiable condition, bating naaily lo.
In* mind, and tv taring carad for at lb<
r county liovpiul uutll waul can Ur re
calved from bit relative* lie was lata
| taken before ibe board af iivantty fu
1 anamination
v I
I Mi* l)i| hrapet who wen* In l.lucub
i last Thursday tor medical treatment
a niter *'01 a ertnsi surgical oparhliei
it *almdty, L i ie> elsed a leleg'am lira
i b * wile waa laying dangerously lo*
ii and he atarted to l.lusdu by the Art
| i Italic VSe wafers lead at praaeut lbs
I the pal eat is getting along all right am
I wl'l r«,osar
a t ia|M*i r*b at tt *taiasoa s
Mica r«m i<aat at Heynold* me*
■*: outlet
* | ha chtahratag Ayltea tor let It*
I nestle* hold oaiy by iha agent Mm
( t t.« I. Site . * »
i tiaateya* it eios.csg out his is* a
Xtlj Hflt .s#* iIhhi •) i**| !«■* ^i** ‘ *
t‘»U ml Hi It*#**
I (
$mm 4*g»i t
'sisvl| tateu * f, . grip hnd voids
)fu |m fo| styspapata tut sate by a)
drsigg-sts | we oil h<e resits
generai.:—Greeting:—I have pur
chased I he Loup City mill property
and ttrn at work remodeling the same
which will take me from three to four
weeks When I have completed it
Loup city will have one of the best
mills second to none- -In Nebraska,
and every pound of flour will be
fully warranted andr<|ual to any you
can get from any mill, I have hail
11 3 ears experience in milling bus
loess; am a ruillright and know how
to put a mill in shape and knew how
to run it to make good Hour. 1
bought of former owners several
thousand pounds of Hour which 1
will sell and take wheat form this
years crop for pay. This Hour may
not be unite as white but will make
just as light bread as any Hour.
When ready to start all 1 ask is
that you give Loup City mill a trial
and you will And she will redeem
herself in good sliupe; and Loup
City instead of being an importer of
floor, as here to fore, will bo an ex
porter. Givo us a call.
Vour bumble servont and tellow
townsman. Geo. K. IIotchkin.
Commencing Sunday June liHb, the
UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate.
Through TurlstCar Service to Portlaiul,
Oregon and Washington points via
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
ify* thereby giving passengers the
benefit of two tourist routes via Odgen
to Portland. This route will take them
up through the beautiful Sacramento
Valley, disclosing sll features along the
Shasta Route, from Sacramento. For
rates, time tallies and full information,
call on City Ticket Ofiloe, No 1303 Fur
nuni St VF. I), Ci.IKTon.
The State Journal 1* offering a first
class bicycle free to any person who
will get up a club of 100 yearly sub
icrlbers for the Semi-Weekly Journal
at $1.00 each. The bicycle* are covered
bv as strong a guarantee at any $100.00
wheel and are first class In every re
spect. Any young man or wo
man cae now earn a bicycle, if you
find vou cannot.get the required number,
a liberal cash commission will be allow
ed you for each subscription you do
get. You can get all your friends and
neighbors to take the Semi-Weekly
State Journal at $1.00 a year. Address
State Journal. Lincoln, Net).
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a Tour
ist sleeping car from Salt lake City,
San Fransisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln by the Burlington
it is carpeted upholstered in rattan;
has spring seats and backs and is
provided with curtains, beddiag, towels
soop, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to the
Pacific ceait.
While neither so expensively finished
nor ao fine to look at as a palace sleep
er. it if just as good to ride in. Second
class tickets are accepted for passage
and the price of a birth, wide enough
and big enough for two, it only $5.
For folder giving full particulars, call
at nearest Burlington ticket office or
write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Bur
liugtou Route, Omaha., Nth.
You have triad "77" for Grip am)
Golds bow try "JO" for Dyspepsia.
For sale l>y all druggasts 25 cents.
Group and whooping cough arc child
hood terror*: but like pneumonia, brim
ctiitis, and other tliroalaud lung t roubles
can be quickly cured by using One Min
uta Gough < ure. (Jdetnlalil Bros.
I iiromlitional surrender, is the only
term* those famous little pills known
a* DeWitt'a Little Karly lifters will
make with constipation, sick headache
and stomach troubles.--Odcndubl Bros
Nut only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal lu a few days, but old
1 chronic cough und throat troubles may
1 receive immediate relief and be per
' manfully cured try tine Minute Gough
Cure, odfudahl Bros.
p When a cold D contracted, cure It at
: I once, true M note Gough Guru will *et
i you on the road to recovery In a minute
! It Mill cure]v our pneumonia bronchitis,
j croup and alt forms vd bug und thr-ust
-troubles tMntdahl Bros
i j
l I'nusonau t he gen- eiua'i who an
r j u«r»’d the *'■■gtegatl-m Iasi SuinUi *.*
i coot uuallt cmtghlag Will llud instaut
1 j reii*t »y using M«a M i as 1 uagti un ,
I I a speedy and haitolv«* rented* |->t
I throat and Ians Inn l*< ttlendahl
Dr siiauiti Davis of Gratil is
i land, the *p**t«it»l in dtaeas* of the
1 eye add ear di*» ss* s. who h i* W»a
: aWral during the past three n>>.nth*
| baa re'utiu d to Uis ult>« ami t»
! P«»|b» ( I i tv
j Ittttti
| I Mtl) *U» » U * l| At* Us »**
. | f ill I llfthhl |t || f tU?« Idfl Jl%,
| 1*4 ti!r,|4i.,|
MmI tiffttfv in tii#4 |ipn h| •
H lu ll !! «#<*| U Ui »ki> h 4H I
|*#M **» ntfftl! I If'f.ipvi i, 11 |* I
j *ft*% t|«V in IfUW4 %M(| Mi 4(| 4|k| |
Urn* »»WihihUi Hum,
Go to Gasteyer’s.
Your money is just as good as your neighbors. When you
buy of us you know you bought just as cheap as any one. We II
meet department store prices. Don’t think because Loup City
was for some time a high priced town that she always will he;
VVo’vi* flinnrrfwl nil that.
Good unbleached muslin .06 per yd.
Good grade prints - .06
Alosuuito liar • - .06
Fine lawn - - -.71””
Good scrim • • • .06
We are agts. for Schuyler flour, which is 2nd to none.
Especially in the dry goods department we have many unex
celled bargains which ou&ht to he taken advantage of at once. 4
For instance: We have a good summer corset for 30 cents, gents
summer underwear 50 cents a suit, ladies vests from 5 to 10 cents,
ladies union suits 25 cents, ladies hose 5 emits, and a full line of
ladies shirt waists and wrappers at especially low prices.
(live UK a call and satisfy your demands as well as your curiosity.
South Side Railroad Street, Loup City, Nebraska
call on T. M. REED fora
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing majclimeff, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows
or anything in this lino. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock <>t
Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc.
and everything in the line of hardware and tinware.
_general merchandise store and get
jo lb* auga r * * * ’
JO ” of pru no* • • * * * 1.^*
OJ bar* *»mp • • * *
• I*
J III* itiffti*
... * If, to .00
lea from • • • • *,u *
jw, wrv H-.rn.4j «..!*•« ....r »«, «f Mu* «. *u .1 o.*» “«* “«»♦ »*• •••» r*,*''*“*
«m *t . o-*u »mr ) 04 « full lift** ,.t pttu* •» .V * I **•»*. a*M‘*a'*** •» *• "*» >'• “** »* “*•*•
I.MI.M will. Kftt.tutU *1.4 Ihmm it .til j«*na, b »» ...***»•, «m4 ft f*»» »»*• .4 <**«••»•
IftvIuiHug til* t’ l'. 0 *1 O*. H. to. I *»», fti“l t.i* IWt«JUOH«itU'.
Wo will Iiuxoii hill lino of tin* n*lohniUHl Solo ami Soliwab Slmo*
• fai> I. «» wilt »* 11 ftt ttftl .HI* »'>ft»t»ftliOuti
I UbNNKMKV ts|i 01 HI.ft nt«t! AM* OUT mo u MVf* At I t*!
Yours for new goodo at low prices.
I J. H TPAVis &eo.